New Family Guide
Everything You Need to Know About Wildcat Nation
Everything You Need to Know About Wildcat Nation
It’s new. It’s exciting. It’s downright exhilarating! Your Westminster experience starts now.
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Atlanta, Georgia 30327 | 404-355-8673

started ... step by step.

Welcome, Wildcats!
Dear New Wildcat Families,
Thank you for placing your trust in Westminster. In these pages, you’ll find everything you need to get to know us. This “starter guide” shares some Wildcat wisdom to help you get acquainted with Westminster. On behalf of Wildcats everywhere, welcome.
Keith Evans President
Give us a ring
Main School Line
Lower School Office
Middle School Office
Upper School Office
After School Kids (ASK!)
Business Office
Campus Store
Summer Camps
Summer School
What to do & when
Over the coming weeks, you’ll receive periodic emails from the admissions team outlining next steps and summer checklists.
For now, check out the major dates scheduled for the 2023–24 school year (in case you are a planner, like most of us) !
Key dates
August 2023
August 14 (Monday)
New Student Orientation
August 15 (Tuesday)
First Day of School
September 2023
September 4 (Monday)
Labor Day
October 2023
October 9 (Monday)
Fall Holiday
October 10 (Tuesday)
No School for Students, Faculty In-Service Day
November 2023
November 18–26 (Saturday–Sunday)
Thanksgiving Break
December 2023
December 14 (Thursday)
Last Day of School for Lower School and Middle School
December 15 (Friday)
Last Day of School for Upper School
December 16–January 1
Winter Break
*The current schedule is subject to change.
January 2024
January 2 (Tuesday)
Classes Resume
January 15 (Monday)
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No School)
February 2024
February 19 (Monday)
Presidents Day Holiday
February 20 (Tuesday)
No School for Students, Faculty In-Service Day
March 2024
March 2–10 (Saturday–Sunday)
Spring Break
March 29 (Friday)
Good Friday (No School)
April 2024
April 1 (Monday)
Easter Holiday (No School)
May 2024
May 19 (Sunday)
Commencement (tentative pending AP exam schedule)
May 23 (Thursday)
Last Day of School for All Students
June 2024
June 3 (Monday)
Summer School and Summer Camps Begin
Westminster recognizes other religious holidays in our programming and scheduling. Visit to view the School’s calendar. Events for the upcoming school year will be updated during the summer.

What else should I know?
Where do I find information online?
Wildcat Web is our password-protected portal on the Westminster website ( where we store and communicate information intended only for current Westminster parents, students, faculty, and staff. You received your login information upon your child’s acceptance. If you forget your password, please click “Can’t access your account?” on the Wildcat Web login page and follow the prompts.
When are student health forms due?
All student health data must be completed and submitted through Magnus Health System by July 1. Parents can access Magnus Health in Wildcat Web by clicking the “Medical Profile” button under the “My Tools” sidebar.
Are there summer reading requirements for students?
Summer reading is required of all students in grades 1 through 12, and grade-specific lists will be shared in May. Summer reading books are available from online retailers,
in many local bookstores, and from the Smythe Gambrell Library (Lower School), the George Woodruff Library (Middle School), and the Carlyle Fraser Library (Upper School). The Westminster Campus Store also carries most summer reading books for the Middle and Upper Schools.
What is the student dress code?
Students are expected to be well-groomed and appropriately dressed for school, at all on-campus school activities, and when representing the School off campus. Dress code policies for each academic division are outlined in the respective handbooks located in Wildcat Web.
When is the first day of school?
The first day of school for all students is Tuesday, August 15 Orientation for students in grades 6 through 12 and Wildcat Welcome for Lower School students are Monday, August 14. Parents of pre-first students will be invited to a parent orientation. In July, check out for the first day of school schedule and special events planned that day.
When will class and homeroom assignments be available?
Lower School classroom assignments will be posted in Wildcat Web just before the start of school.

Middle School homeroom assignments and class schedules will be provided at student orientation and posted in Wildcat Web on the first day of school.
Upper School advisement assignments and student schedules will be available at student orientation and then posted in Wildcat Web.
How does my child become eligible to participate in athletics?
The Athletics Department will send an email in June with information about participation in athletics. All required forms for athletics must be uploaded to Magnus Health before Middle or Upper School students are allowed to participate in tryouts or practice for any sport.
All required athletics forms must be completed and submitted through Magnus Health by July 15. Parents can find these details in Wildcat Web under “Athletics.”
About the schedule
While the below offers some information about typical arrival and dismissal schedules, these times are subject to change slightly. You’ll find out more details about drop-off and pickup routines before school begins in August.
Lower School
Morning carpool runs every day from 7:30 to 8:10 a.m.
Our youngest learners are dismissed earlier than children in second through fifth grades. Monday through Thursday, pre-first dismissal is at 2 p.m., first grade dismissal is at 2:30 p.m., and second through fifth grades are dismissed at 3:10 p.m.
Lower Schoolers get a head start on the weekend on Friday afternoons when those dismissal times change to 1, 1:30, and 2 p.m., respectively.
Middle School
Core class hours are 7:55 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.
Office hours are offered Monday through Thursday during the day. Many students take advantage of this time to check in with teachers, ask further questions, or make up missed work. An optional supervised study hall runs Monday through Friday until 6 p.m.
On Wednesdays, students have late arrival while teachers spend time on planning and professional development. Homeroom begins at 8:50 a.m. On Fridays, dismissal is at 2:45 p.m.
Upper School
Core class hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Office hours are offered at various times during and after school. Many students take advantage of this optional time to check in with teachers, ask further questions, or make up missed work.
On Wednesdays, students enjoy late arrival at 9 a.m. while teachers spend time on planning and professional development.
How do drop-off and pickup work at Westminster?
Parents should refer to back-to-school communications in August in the event there are updates to drop-off and pickup locations. Lower School families will also receive information on how to set up an account with Pikmykid, a carpool dismissal app.

Lower School
Every child in the Lower School has their own assigned carpool dismissal in conjunction with our carpool dismissal app, Pikmykid. The school provides carpool numbers for new students, and these numbers should be clearly displayed in the lower right-hand corner (passenger side) of the front windshield.
Middle School
The two main Middle School drop-off/ pickup locations are the upper location behind Robinson Hall (West Paces Ferry Road entrance) and the lower location, Ellis Circle, which is located behind Broyles Arts Center (West Wesley Road entrance). Families with students in both Lower School and Middle School may elect to use Lower School Carpool B. Be sure to tell your student when and where they will be picked up each afternoon.
Upper School
Drop-off and pickup locations for Upper School students include Hawkins Hall, Turner Gym, and Barge Commons.
Does Westminster offer carpool groups?
Parent-organized afternoon carpool groups called Shuttles are typically available to parents of Middle School and Upper School students who live within certain geographic areas and neighborhoods. These Shuttles are neither sponsored nor administered by Westminster or PAWS, the Parents Association of the Westminster Schools. Details are shared in back-to-school communications such as the Weekly Parent Update
If your neighborhood is not served by an existing Shuttle, a new Shuttle can be established for your area if there is sufficient demand.
Connect online
Wildcat Web
A special place just for you to stay in the know! Wildcat Web is our passwordprotected portal on the Westminster website ( where we store and communicate information intended only for Westminster parents, students, faculty, and staff.
Parents, you received your login information upon your child’s acceptance. If you forget your password, please click “Can’t access your account?” on the Wildcat Web login page.

New Parent Portal in Wildcat Web
Access helpful information like forms and documents you’ll need as new members of the Westminster community in the New Family Resource Center. Information for the 2023–24 school year will be posted periodically between April and June.
To access the New Family Resource Center, visit and click on “Wildcat Web” in the top navigation bar. Once you log in to Wildcat Web, click on “New Family Resources” in the top navigation bar and follow the New Family Resource Center link.
Forms and checklists
Here’s what you’ll find in the New Family Resource Center now and in the coming weeks:
• Forms to read and sign
• Student health policies and forms
• Course registration information
• Course offerings
• Summer checklists
Please call Admissions at 404-609-6202 if you need more information about getting started in Wildcat Web.
Online directory
The online Westminster directory lives within Wildcat Web and includes contact information for all students and their families, faculty, staff, and administration. Access to the online directory will be provided in mid-July. Connect with IT Services at with any questions you may have.
Please note: The online Westminster directory is for school use only and is not to be used for mail, email, or telephone solicitations or any other subject matter unrelated to School activities.
Parents, in mid-July you’ll receive extended access to the portal experience in Wildcat Web. This is what you’ll see starting the first week of school:

• What’s for lunch?
• What does your family’s week look like?
• Who is teaching your child’s class?
• Our online directory, class lists, and more!
Fifth through twelfth graders will receive their own Wildcat Web login credentials at the start of school.
Stay up to date
Back-to-school communications
A couple of weeks before school begins, you’ll receive The Year Ahead, an e-newsletter that includes everything you need to know or do to prepare for the first week of school, including important event dates. You will also receive a special mailing from PAWS, which will include details on how to get involved in school life through our parent association as well as the coveted Westminster car decals!
Weekly Parent Update (WPU)
All parents receive the Weekly Parent Update email every Thursday during the school year except during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring breaks. Read the update every week for important announcements, a calendar of upcoming events, service opportunities, links to lunch menus, and other timely information.
Classroom communications
Lower School
Each week, teachers give you a peek at school life with photos, curriculum information, and classroom-specific announcements through the Seesaw app. Details will be provided at orientation meetings.
Middle School
Grade chairs play a primary role in communication between home and school. They are in regular contact with homeroom advisors and teachers
and guide parents through the multiple layers of support available at Westminster. Contact information for grade chairs is available in the Middle School Parent Dashboard on Wildcat Web beginning in August. Each grade chair utilizes the class website in the Parent Portal to post information and parent communication. Students receive daily announcements with information about clubs, tryouts, service projects, and more!
Upper School
Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to classroom teachers with questions about specific classes. Advisors and grade chairs are also available to support parents and students with additional questions or concerns.
Students access assignments and other important academic information through Schoology, the Upper School learning management system. Students also get announcements about activities happening on campus on a weekly basis.
Westminster Magazine
Westminster Magazine includes feature stories, campus activities, sports roundups, and alumni news. You’ll receive one via mail in the fall and spring.
See recent issues online at
In the event of a weather-related closing, delayed opening, or other emergency, Westminster utilizes an automated rapid alert system to send voice, text, and email notifications to our community.
All new parents will be automatically enrolled in the system before the start of the school year. Parents of Upper School students will have the option to add their child’s cell phone number by updating their Wildcat Web profile. Go to the Parent Portal and select “Update My Profile.”

Meet the Heads of School
Head of Lower School
Lauren DuPriest brings almost two decades of experience as a Westminster teacher and administrator to her role as head of the Lower School. Whether teaching science, leading our youngest learners through the design thinking process, coaching robotics, or exposing fifth graders to diverse points of view through her Lunch Bunch book club, Lauren’s focus has always been on sparking Lower School students’ curiosity and understanding. Prior to being named head of Lower School in 2022, Lauren served as director of operations and communications for nine years, and her hand is evident in every detail of school life, from calendars and classroom schedules to exciting enrichment programming for conference days. She graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a double major in elementary education and child development and holds a master’s in reading, language, and literacy from Georgia State. Lauren and her husband, Walter ’99, are parents to Edwin ’29 and Griffin ’32.

Lauren and her family are die-hard Braves fans. They even named one of their guinea pigs after Ozzie Albies!
Head of Middle School
Leslie Ann Little begins her 41st year in education as the new Head of Middle School at Westminster, where she’s been on the faculty since 1995. Over the years, Leslie Ann has served as an English and language arts teacher, a grade chair, dean of students and assistant head of the Middle School with a focus on academic programs. In these roles, she helped launch a student-friendly modified schedule with midday office hours as well as a host of innovations that have come to define Westminster’s Middle School experience, including Monday Morning Meeting, the eighth grade retreat, and MayATL. She graduated magna cum laude from Mercer University and earned an MA in independent school leadership from the Klingenstein Center at Columbia University. Leslie Ann and her spouse, Betty, are devoted dog lovers, particularly partial to dachshunds and scruffy rescue dogs.

Head of Upper School
Dr. Chanley Small ’87 is an alum of Westminster and was a long-serving teacher in the Upper School before becoming head of the Upper School in 2022. She holds degrees from Brown, Stanford, and Emory. Prior to joining the Westminster faculty in 2008, she worked as a professor and researcher in epidemiology at Emory. She chaired our science department for five years, helped launch and lead the Upper School JanTerm program in its first three years, and was named Upper School academic dean in 2017. She describes the Upper School as “a place full of inspiring students and faculty who work together as a community of learners and innovators.” Chanley and her husband, Michael, are the parents of three children.

Her favorite authors are Margaret Atwood and Isabel Allende!
Leslie Ann loves to greet students at morning carpool and see if she can make them smile!
Summer programs
Summer camps
Kick off your child’s Westminster experience at our summer camps! Children ages 3 to 18 enjoy sports, computers, sewing, theater, and almost anything else under the sun at our traditional day camp, specialty camps, and sports camps. Check for availability and to register.

Summer School
Summer School gives students the opportunity to design their learning path by offering academic courses that complement their school year experience. Students enjoy a personalized learning environment with outstanding faculty. Learn more at
Gear up!
Get your Westminster spirit wear, school supplies, and gift items at the Campus Store in the lower level of Scott Hall. It’s a hot spot for Middle and Upper School students to buy snacks, too!

Students can also shop in the Spirit Store in the lobby of Barge Commons.
All Westminster students may charge items in both stores. Monthly bills are sent to the parent responsible. Please be sure to communicate any financial limits or budgets to your child.
Campus Store hours
Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Spirit Store hours
Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Both stores close at 3:30 p.m. on Fridays.
Old school & new school
Some of us are book people, plain and simple. We love the feel and smell of words on paper. If that’s you, we’ve got you covered! Within every division, there are also dedicated innovation spaces. Our innovation spaces are where you can build a robot or walk through molecules in virtual reality. Then, maybe you can write a book about it.
Our libraries
Smythe Gambrell Library
It’s easy for a Lower Schooler to get lost in a good book in the Smythe Gambrell Library—we have more than 38,000 to choose from! Our enclosed “story well” is the perfect setting for class story time. Families are welcome to check out books during the school year and during summer hours.
The George Woodruff Library
The George Woodruff Library serves Westminster’s Middle Schoolers. The 6,000-square-foot library provides lots of space for reading, research, group and individual study, instruction in library skills, and library volunteer work.
The general collection includes access to 10,000 print volumes and nearly 400 e-books in our online library. Wildcats also use this space for supervised study hall Monday through Friday. In a safe, quiet environment, Middle Schoolers can get ahead on homework, review the day’s material, or simply relax and read a book. Students may drop in after an activity and stay until 6 p.m.
Carlyle Fraser Library
The Upper School’s Carlyle Fraser Library houses 28,710 volumes, including 3,240 volumes in The Donn M. Gaebelein Christian Scholarship Collection. More than 100 electronic databases are available 24/7 and the library offers access to hundreds of thousands of e-books. Across three stories, the library includes silent study space, breakout rooms for group work, and casual reading spots. It’s also a hub for research and academic support! Full-time librarians lead research instructional classes and provide one-on-one help.
The Roberto C. Goizueta Center for Innovation
The Roberto C. Goizueta Center for Innovation is the catalyst that drives immersive learning experiences at Westminster, empowering students of all ages to imagine, design, and discover every day. The Goizueta Center for Innovation helps Wildcats approach problem-seeking and problem-solving with curiosity, optimism, and agility. The Goizueta Center for Innovation is naturally integrated within the School through dynamic programs and strategic spaces, including:
Design thinking labs
Stacked high with supplies from popsicle sticks to circuit boards, our Lower School design thinking labs are a place where young learners create, collaborate, and innovate. Our design thinking curriculum emphasizes empathy and curiosity–and it’s a lot of fun!
The Roberto C. Goizueta Innovation Lab
The 3,400-square-foot innovation space serves as a catalyst for the Middle School’s comprehensive STEAM initiative. It’s a malleable workshop in Clarkson Hall with rows and rows of hand tools, a laser cutter, a 3D printer, sewing machines, a variety of saws and drills, and towering stacks of scrap wood, cardboard, and other building materials. This is a place where students learn more deeply about any subject they might be studying.
The Roberto C. Goizueta Innovation Hub
Inside Hawkins Hall, Upper Schoolers become creators in The Roberto C. Goizueta Innovation Hub. Anchoring that space, The Roberto C. Goizueta Catalyst Lab is a place where students have the tools and faculty support to dream big and innovate. Students learn across the spectrum of design thinking, computing, coding, and more!
Wildcat treasures
Our mission statement
Westminster is a Christian, independent day school for boys and girls which seeks to develop the whole person for college and for life through excellent education.
Our motto
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
[Luke 2:52]
School colors
Forest green and white are the School’s official colors. You’ll see some spring green, too!
Campus traditions
Our youngest Wildcats parade around the quad in their Halloween costumes. Seniors don their class T-shirts to slide in the mud on their last day. These annual traditions and more are some of the most joyous Westminster moments.
Our commitment to the Christian faith
We are guided by Jesus’ teaching to love and serve and are inspired to reflect these values in our school community, programs, and priorities. These values also lead us to be open to all traditions and people. As an inclusive Christian school, Westminster
honors the substance and practice of other religions and seeks to support and encourage students of all faiths, beliefs, cultures, and backgrounds. We welcome and learn from community members of many different religious traditions. We believe that such inclusion and respect for the dignity of all people is at the heart of Christianity. These manifestations of a thriving and vibrant community produce lifelong learners who lead with compassion and integrity.
School seal
The Westminster seal is our most cherished symbol.
Meaning and significance
The sun is a Messianic symbol of Christ. This symbol is based on a phrase in Malachi 4:2, “But unto you that fear
my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings…” The monogram represents the first three letters of the name “Jesus” in Greek, with Gothic style letters. The circle surrounding the monogram represents eternity. The rays indicate glory. The seal, then, represents the fact that Jesus, as the eternal sun of righteousness, is the heart and center of the School.
In wisdom, stature, love for man, And grace from God above, We give our arms, our hearts, our minds, Our alma mater’s goal to find.
And as we leave these halls behind, These friendships of our youth, We breathe our prayer of gratitude; We forward go with faith renewed.
The words to our alma mater were written by David T. Lauderdale Jr., a beloved English teacher, college counselor, and coach for 25 years beginning in 1953.

Brain Power
Westminster Swag 28
I support ALL teams and groups by being YOUR biggest fan! School spirit is not only for sports— it’s for everyone at Westminster!

Explore campus
Find out what happens where with our interactive campus map at, featuring a wayfinding tool to show walkable, ADAcompliant pathways between any two locations on campus as well as turn-by-turn driving directions.
Summer Camp
President’s Home
Prickett Chapel
Kent Field
Love Hall
Back Gate
Lloyd Stadium and Cody Field
Turner Gym
KCB Stadium
Thompson Stadium and Community Plaza
Hawkins Hall
Campbell Hall
This is the Wildcat Nation! Our 180 acres are home to plentiful trees, a rich history, and a student experience like no other!
Hover your mobile device over this QR code to use our campus map!

Places to go and things to do

In the spotlight!
From pre-first through twelfth grade, the visual and performing arts at Westminster are woven into the fabric of daily life, with robust opportunities in every grade. We see the arts as a language of expression, and our approach is designed to help students observe and interpret their world and develop new tools to reflect and voice their experiences. We value artistry and train toward technical skills, discipline by discipline, even as we remain focused that our central goal throughout is building a creative mindset. Through our process, students gain cultural literacy, confidence,
flexibility of mind, and fundamental skills of self-expression.

The School offers a full range of experiences to encourage actors, artists, dancers, and musicians to discover their talent in performing arts, communication and oratorical arts, and visual arts.

We hope you and your family will enjoy our free arts events. There are more than 50 exhibits, plays, concerts, and interactive experiences every year to choose from!

Handel’s Messiah first appeared at Westminster in 1957 with the singing of the “Hallelujah” chorus. Since 1985, an annual performance of the Christmas portion of Messiah has been a school tradition. Without a doubt, it’s a team effort.
Parents, alumni, and faculty are invited to join our chorus and orchestra, making Messiah a cherished Christmas celebration for many Wildcat families.

Dive right in!
Our athletics program is an essential part of Westminster’s mission to prepare students for life beyond their school years. Student-athletes are challenged to become leaders, and it shows: With more than 300 state championships, the Wildcats are the most awarded athletics program in Georgia.
With three-quarters of our Upper School and Middle School students participating, athletics are also a big part of school life. We hope you’ll don your green and white often to cheer for the Cats from the stands! Spirit nights throughout the year are a great time to meet new friends while catching the sports action.
For the latest student-produced campus news, videos, and live athletics games, check out WCAT! Learn more at

CatFish. HoopCats. KickCats. WCAT! Huh?
You’ll hear all kinds of takes on the word “Wildcat” around campus. Our athletic teams—and many of our student clubs—use cat-themed nicknames. Why be a robotics team when you could be the WiredCats? Of course, there’s one nickname that unites us all: Wildcats!

Parent involvement
Support the School and get to know other families through our parent organizations!
PAWS (Parents Association of The Westminster Schools)
PAWS is a service organization that includes all Westminster parents. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in PAWS meetings, activities, and events throughout the school year.
Check out the PAWS resource page in Wildcat Web in the fall for information about getting involved in the life of the School through the many activities and events that PAWS organizes during the year, including service projects, parent enrichment programs, and gradelevel socials.
PAWSinLS (PAWS in the Lower School)
PAWS in the Lower School is a service organization whose mission is to provide meaningful opportunities for parent engagement through community service, education, and volunteer opportunities in Love Hall. All parents of Lower School students are members of PAWSinLS and are encouraged to volunteer in Lower School activities.
PAWSinLS hosts parent “Coffee & Conversation” meetings where parents are invited to learn about relevant topics and upcoming events. PAWSinLS room representatives serve each classroom to help parents navigate through information and coordinate classroom-specific activities. Check out the PAWSinLS resource page in Wildcat Web this fall for more information.
Westminster’s all-sports booster organization, Catbackers, communicates the latest sports news, helps build school spirit, and provides volunteer opportunities in support of the athletics program. Working side-by-side for a shift in a concession stand is a great way to get to know fellow parents, and many volunteers from all divisions are needed! Learn more at
Wildcat parents are always willing to lend a hand!

A community that cares
Service opportunities
Westminster’s Glenn Institute for Philanthropy and Service Learning facilitates opportunities for students to authentically engage with the Atlanta community to become informed, actively engaged citizens. Learn more about Westminster’s service philosophy and opportunities on the Glenn Institute webpage.
Philanthropy at Westminster
A rich history of philanthropic support from our community is one of the driving factors of Westminster’s unique student experience. Nearly a quarter of the School’s annual operations are funded through gifts to the annual Westminster Fund and The Westminster Endowment— and every single student benefits! Every family is encouraged to support Westminster in a way that is meaningful to them each year.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Westminster strives to be an inclusive community that provides each of its members with a deep sense of belonging. Led by Director of DEI and Community Engagement Frank Brown '04 and a team of coordinators in each division, students and families are invited to participate in affinity groups, educational opportunities, and more.
The Alternative Gift Fair is THE place to shop for holiday gifts with a purpose!

Westminster words
ASK! (After School Kids!) Westminster’s Lower School after-school program that extends the school day for an additional fee. Parents have the option of registering their child for one to five days per week in any or all of the three sessions during the school year.
Cats Short for “Wildcats.” Many clubs, groups, and teams incorporate “Cats” in their nicknames. The WiredCats are the School’s robotics team, the StageCats are the Westminster Players, and the KickCats are our soccer teams, just to name a few.
Catbackers Westminster’s all-sports booster organization that helps build school spirit and provides volunteer opportunities in support of the athletics program. Participation is open to anyone with an interest in Westminster athletics.
CATapult A yearlong leadership program for students in fifth grade that seeks to develop students as empathetic, engaged citizens.
Center for Teaching A center dedicated to all aspects of professional growth for our faculty and educators from other schools who participate in the center’s activities.
Christian Emphasis Week An opportunity for students and faculty to pause in the middle of the busy school year to reflect on, celebrate, and be inspired by Christian teachings and values.
Class Rotation Night An evening when Middle and Upper School parents follow student schedules for brief class periods to meet their students’ teachers, who discuss course goals.
Dress-Up Days Days when students are expected to dress in more formal attire, typically for a religious service or awards ceremony.
Family Service Days Weekend events organized by PAWS and the Glenn Institute that offer families the opportunity to serve the community together.
The Glenn Institute Established in 2003 through the generosity of Tom ’65 and Lou Glenn, the Glenn Institute for Philanthropy and Service Learning sponsors programs and experiences to enable students, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni to make meaningful contributions to society.
Grade Chairs Grade-level advisors in the Middle and Upper Schools who serve as advocates and resources for students regarding academic, social, and extracurricular activities.
Grandparents and Special
Friends Day A half-day event when grandparents or special friends join students at school. Alternates yearly between the Lower and Middle Schools. The Middle School will host for the 2023–24 school year.
JanTerm An intensive, three-week period of study allowing Upper School students to focus on a single topic in great depth and at an accelerated pace. This immersive learning experience offers unique, hands-on experiences in the classroom as well as off-campus field trips and opportunities for overnight travel.
Love. Challenge. Lead. Change
These four words communicate what is at the heart of Westminster: Westminster extends Christian love to all. Our students are nurtured by challenge. Wildcats lead with their hearts and minds. They have the power to change the world.
Lynx An all-school yearbook created by Upper School students under the guidance of faculty advisors.
MayATL An opportunity in the final days of the school year for Middle School students to take a mini-elective designed to engage their curiosity and interests beyond the standard curriculum. This experiential learning opportunity transcends classroom walls and connects to the broader Atlanta community.
PAWS The Parents Association of The Westminster Schools, a service organization for all parents. When you join the school community, you automatically become a member of this organization and are welcome to participate in PAWS meetings, activities, and events.
PAWSinLS The Parents Association of The Westminster Schools in the Lower School, a service organization that supports Lower School administration and faculty by sponsoring ageappropriate activities, events, and service opportunities that enrich the experience in Love Hall. All parents of Lower School students are members of PAWSinLS.
Pigskin Picnic A community picnic dinner for students, parents, faculty, and friends before a home varsity football game.
The Westminster Fund Our annual fund campaign that runs from July 1 to June 30. Gifts enhance the day-to-day experiences of our students inside and outside the classroom. Your family is encouraged to participate at a level meaningful to you.
WCAT Our student broadcast program that captures and reports events happening around campus and exposes students to broadcast journalism.
WelcomeCats Families who serve as a helpful connection and resource during the new-Wildcat onboarding experience. WelcomeCats are perfect for answering questions about school life and getting acquainted with the Westminster community.
Wellness and Leadership A ninth grade transition program that develops skills and student understanding of health, wellness, and leadership.
Take a selfie with the Wildcat mascot and share using #westminstagram.
Attend the annual Pigskin Picnic and enjoy an action-packed varsity football game at Thompson Stadium.
Get your paws dirty and volunteer at a Family Service Day.
Soak in art and innovation with friends at the Innovation Fair.
Applaud the Westminster Players and Junior Players during a musical or play.
Walk (or run!) the Paul A. Koshewa Cross Country Trail (just not during a cross country meet).
Shop the Alternative Gift Fair to support meaningful causes in Atlanta.
Attend Handel’s Messiah and join in song and celebration of the holiday season.
Roar for the Wildcats as they win a state championship.
But ... don’t step on the seal in front of Pressly Hall —at least until you are a senior!