AWEtumn 2019

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Image: previous documentary; June / July 2019 Although Hate Crime had multiplied since the referendum, and the Extreme Right Global Domination Abomination was sneering at our Living Globe and all it’s offspring (including thedimension of music obsession), we had yet another summer of love. The Resistance showed no sign of abating. If anything, we collaborated more, created further moments that made new friends - our shared joy for the songs, bound us to grow stronger together… →

TheZineUK August and September AWEtumn 2019 or we all “fall”

Front Page art The Novus by Tyla Challenger Our situationist drama is, indeed and increasingly,

A Post Modern Fairytale (this issue completed April 2020, now we all wear face masks). Diary snapshots by Caffy St Luce.

August 2019

� #MusicTourism image; New Cross Inn (for the Traveller’s Tunes anniversary show, 2nd August.

Another of the interdependent media/promoters who support the newer wave of artists and their allies; Travellers Tunes celebrated an 8th Birthday Party with a cool gig. Of course.

Come At The King - 2nd August 2019 for Travellers Tunes

Lacuna Bloome - 2nd August 2019 for Travellers Tunes

Average Sex - 2nd August 2019 for Travellers Tunes

Average Sex - 2nd August 2019 for Travellers Tunes

14th August 2019 Back at Nambucca on London’s Holloway Road for another episide of Red Stripe presents This Feeling TV Yet again, sold out and buzzing like the hive of industry that it is.

They’ve got This Feeling… “The Zone” is about The Music, The Love and the love of the music! (Pic; Zone Rangers, Georgie & Tommy)

Familiar friendly faces and funshine frolics. An army of moshy dancers caught Miles Kane and more, very live on stage! Thank you Team This Feeling and Red Stripe for the hospitality. Keep an eye and ear on for the Happenings in new rock and roll music‌

Two of the ( many!) lead singers who were in the August 2019 This Feeling zone at Nambucca on Wednesday 14th August;

Liam Gallagher and Tommy Cobley.

Pic courtesy of Tommy/Arcades Instagram @wearearcades/

15th August 2019 - the inimitable ARGH KiD are superb at The Camden Mix-Up (Couples headlined, the whole night felt huge.)

This page Saturday 17th August 2019 Extinction Rebellion setting up a weekend camp on Blackheath Common, Rocklands Costa del Thames “Non Violent�, as ever Then at August Bank Holiday It was wonderful to get back to Notting Hill Carnival Love, Peace and Music people were the defining, positive foundation of both events, for me

Thank You for the soul-boost, Notting Hill Carnival. Europe’s biggest carnival is a reminder of our Wonderful World, Beautiful People… Also, I could never call myself a photographer with these amateur snapshots, but I was SO chuffed that in August 2019, the carnival used an old pic (next page) that I took years ago It was used by London Evening Standard site, for the event’s preview also.

My August 2019 ended with a return to Grandad’s Shed at Little Nan’s Bar where Dizzy Spell had interviewed Smiley (of The Underclass) almost a year earlier. This evening, Sofar Sounds were hosting a warm and wonderful event there, as befits Deptford Fun City.

September 2019 Harvest (And on Planet Water, it’s Peacemas from Autumn Equinox to Winter Solstice)

Wednesday 11th September 2019 #MusicTourism: Walking under the railway bridge on the way to Brixton Jamm for another episode of This Feeling TV presented by Red Stripe →

Sugarthief, This Feeling TV - 11th September 2019

This Feeling TV - 11th September 2019, Brixton Jamm

I love pop star Zuzu and her shiny electric blue boots!

ZuZu, This Feeling TV - 11th September 2019

Reverend & The Makers, This Feeling TV 11th September

Red Stripe presentsThis Feeling TV and it’s another corking night of live and lively music and music fans at Brixton Jamm.

Keeping it South London, the following night, 12th September, Robbie Zereka wows Deptford Fun City - popTASTIC!

Across the road from Great Portland Street tube station in Central London, is The 229 music venue. A regular haunt of Modern Age Music events. Tonight - the last luckyFriday 13th of 2019 - the event is bustling and buzzy, yet again‌

The Novatones (vibe shot) are killing it!. Psst! Photo ace, Rhona Murphy has the images that you really need to see.

16 September = Alive!

16th September 2019 at The Boogaloo, Highgate

Down in one! 16th September, The Boogaloo; scene of This Feeling Alive tour launch with Sugarthief, Hourglvss, The Estevans, The Kicklips and various members of the press. Thank you, as ever, for the hospitality,

‌and back at Boogaloo Radio again, too. Various friends of TheZineUK present (and guest) on this very happening station.

Summer / Autumn 2019 positive news as new venue, Werkhaus, opens over the way from Rough Trade East on Brick Lane. Wth Sahera Walker involved it was always going to be special. Pic For September 2019 Werkhaus

Live with Strange Cages, GURU, The Howlers, Scary Lemons and DJ Disco Marky � (image taken by myself at Amersham Arms) ah that East London Line‌!

We not only have Shepherds Of Humanity in our tale (The Pagans S.O.H.) but thanks to multi talent tasking foundations of TheZineUK story - Patrick Jones and John Robb - we have Renegade Psalms.

Renegade Psalms Album (Louder Than War records), articulated : “The personal is the political. The political has become personal. Raging words and brooding beats. A sonic document of our times. Jones takes aim at borders the bedroom tax, the moarchy, Tory dismantling of The Welfare State, greed and austerity whilst celebrating the resilience of the human spirit, love, the power of literature and the growing tide of protest as Robb’s atmospheric soundscapes fill the grooves with a sense of emotional urgency.”

The NEW world is coming

In Autumn 2019,

gave us a glimpse into the near future. (as I compile images for this edition of TheZineUK doc., it’s Lockdown Easter 2020! Facemasks are now a public safety standard.

20th September 2019 The ultimate DIY Art Punk gateway into the Post Modern Fairytale (PMF) The Novus and friends pack, rock and quake a Birmingham warehouse. Following their Sold Out first event, further art punked positivity. * DIY included building the stage, set and rig from scratch. Organising, illustrating, styling, curating and promoting. Angels are in the details

The Novus taking a Quantum leap 20th September 2019 Š 2324 Photography

(Continues on the following pages)

© 2324 Photography - The Novus 20th September 2019

© 2324 Photography

© 2324 Photography

#ArtBeat : Thank you to Tyla Challenger of The Novus → for TheZineUK cover design, this issue.

© 2324 Photography

© 2324 Photography

The Novus - Tom Rhodes, Connor Hill, Euan Woodman, Tyla Challenger - Birmingham DIY Warehouse show - 20th September 2019

© 2324 Photography

© 2324 Photography

© 2324 Photography pre #Lockdown

22nd September 2019 The Novus are sponsored by Blackstar Amps

23rd September 2019 - friendly faces at a favourite haunt. The (live music) launch of Elly Bailey’s ace Why Generation? at Camden Monarch.

27th September

Back at the venue where TheZineUK started, Amersham Arms, for the Old Blue Last beer launch gig

And a DJ set by Theo Ellis of Wolf Alice. Wall art by Rhiannon Hunter.

The “Backstage Bar” of TARDIS boozer, Amersham Arms in New Cross. Another of the venues where the magic happens… 27th September 2019 Old Blue Last / Vice launch their beer with sparrrrrkling live sets.

Whiteplains at Amersham Arms for Old Blue Last beer launch on 27th September 2019

Truman Dinosaur at Amersham Arms for Old Blue Last beer launch on 27th September 2019

Truman Dinosaur at Amersham Arms 27th September

Souer at Amersham Arms for Old Blue Last beer launch 27th September 2019

A great night. We’ll be back!

Twitter pic: @NathanRoach01 via @NovaTwinsMusic

← September 2019 “LONDON & LIVERPOOL your energy was through the roof!!! Fire You made us proud! We see the diversity growing each time we put on a show and it’s beautiful to see! Keep spreading the message of diversity at rock shows! Everyone is welcome in our house!”

Nova Twins

30th September 2019 - MDE:ONE Music Declares Emergency launch

A magnificent campaign and perfect setting MDE:ONE

Shingai at MDE:ONE

Bumped into various friends at MDE:ONE, some from this story, including Karen Emanuel (Key Production) and Smiley of The Underclass, who played Autumn gigs for Music Declares Emergency and (again) for Extinction Rebellion.

August and September 2019 was also about Bogjob Prime Sinister bloke getting ‘AbolishTheMonarchy trending with his ineptitude, #SpiderNan (a.k.a. Judge Hale), Captain Ska’s ‘Fuck Boris’ video, #ClimateStrike, Fontaines D.C. ‘Dogrel’ album at the Mercury Prize, anti-Brexit rallies -v- pro Brexit 50ps, the tory PR fail with “JFC” chicken(!) and #MusicTourism with The Libertines opening The Albion Rooms in Margate. TheZineUK : Movements in Under Radar Rock n Roll music in an austerity afflicted age. The inspiring, charismatic people who are the stars of our DIY diary documentaries creative positivity despite an eruption of corruption with no interruption as their backdrop: Crapitalism: Shitty Ingreeding by any MEAN-ness unnecessary

Then suddenly it was September 2019 no more. A month later would herald the most Home Grown Halloween era as we descended, via arse and farce, from a post modern fairy tale to the scary tale of, well, now and DARKNESS Contact design artist, Tyla Challenger via rock band, The Novus

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