TheZineUK February to December 2020

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Word on the street: ArtBeat - SWEET People Power HEAT 2020 Visionaries, Love & Music - NEAT

Spring to Winter 2020 - From Despair To Where? Cover image with permission - Art by @jellyjartist TheZineUK 2021 logo designs by @sambuka.jpg

On the seventh day (of November 2020), we breathed. Not because fascism has gone away, it remains a global power - courtesy of the last decade, especially. The planning, placements, positioning and propaganda have taken much more time than that to ingrain into even some born-decent people.

Our most recent chapter, December 2019 to January 2020 was uploaded in Autumn 2020) This new chapter continues TheZineUK’s six years of picture diary documenting.

Humans remain evolved so, still, many people campaign for a fairer, kinder society and a more hopeful future. I’m for a mix of capitalism AND socialism in the modern age. Artists need to earn. We all need to live. At the moment, we are a polarised planet in more ways than one. Self expression remains a sixth sense.

We breathe a little easier, if we are lucky enough not to be on a ventilator. Even when blessed like this, some are still throwing their toys out of the pram about respecting each other and working together for brighter days. The entertainment industry, that huge economy and reputation for Britain, are on their knees and that’s even before we go over the cliff on January 1st. A nation has been betrayed because tax dodging billionaires don’t want to pay their fair share. Still we breathe. Deep breaths. This mind-set is not the insanity of denial, it’s base humanity resetting. Adapting to the next world. Retraining our minds. Autumn 2020: SelfServatives, after awarding themselves a pay rise, voted to let children starve. They compel us to elect our own, decent leaders, by actions. Marcus Rashford and Andy Burnham being just two recent examples and one of them is not even a politician. The latter, who is, sees the value of music and even promotes Manchester’s sounds. Positivity, like kindness, is a power. In all the negativity of enforced hostile environments the seeds we keep sewing keep pushing through from a firm grass roots renaissance. Something Must Grow. Welcome to the Fertile Environment. Your Time Is Now.

Why document? Because of a love for the extended community of rock ‘n’roll (as lifestyle above any kind of genre, it’s the 21st century FFS). Tapestries woven into 2020. Pictured: early days Jean Genie’s Massive Hugs with Gabi Garbutt (mirrored) playing a Panda Power Party at, Powers Bar, Kilburn

February 2020 Following 31st January 2020, “Brexit Day”, the word “THICK” was trending on Twitter after the Trafalgar Square “celebration” where people had no idea what Brexit meant… The Disunited Queendom was divided, ready to re-conquer. Communities rallied around their neighbours as emboldened racist Brexiteers bullied British citizens from the EU and beyond. The climate and a global pandemic were also looming fast into wider public experience.

2020 Bingo Cards at the ready?

February 2020 This Page: What a trio. BBC Radio 6 Music’s legend, Steve Lamacq, with Dan Able and Toby Mitchell of Cornwall’s punky rising rock icons, The Velvet Hands. All are no strangers to TheZineUK story. Next Page → New art by Banksy, for Valentine’s Day, Bristol

I was thrilled to also catch a thrilling new band called Helve, a couple of times during February. TheZineUK are calling it that they are definite #FuturePicks!

Mind blowing Midlands rock band, HĂœDS at The Camden Mix-Up, Thursday 20th February 2020 presented by Kick Out The Jams x Rotor Videos - #MusicTourism: The Dublin Castle.

The friendliness of Newer Wave’s interdependent music industrious allies is a genuine community spirit. On arriving at The Camden Mix-Up, you could help yourself to a Kick Out The Jams badge. In the background, next to KOTJ head, Roger Kent of Kent and tonight’s welcome, Sonja Amoretti, tis a framed portrait with some of the jammers fam including members of top bands Tiger Mimic and Bugeye. Goooood times.

Flares, were so good that envy (I reckon) meant they had to become Cage Park. Midlands is winning The Camden Mix-Up, 20th February 2020

I call this #SELondon installation (?) “wasted expensive hip space with big windows for the local peasants to look through and imagine.�

#ArtBeat Saturday 22nd February 2020 - I wanted to find Artmongers and donate towards the Lewisham School Of Muralism becoming a reality later in the year. It did! I wasn’t expecting this very kind mug depicting their iconic art in Giffin Square (which is where I went to seek them). Happy new favourite cup. I also became one of the clips of supporters, in the LSOM campaign promo video.

22nd February 2020 - over the river to North London and more creativity?

Saturday 22nd February 2020; Rock band, MOSES in photo session with Mike Rădulescu, Kings Cross, North London.

The year started with a belief in what a Newer Wave of the fresh music industrious are connecting and creating to the next level. � That list there is just a few. Each will connect you to many more. By Saturday 29th February 2020, Leap Year Day really did feel like things had leapt over the last few years. I had a sunny funny day out. The artists, allies, audiences and their achievements are just as much a part of this tale as the things that (too often) go wrong. (I’ve been told that alliteration is not good writing. I say testily, Totally Tough Tits)

Saturday 29th February 2020, IT’S ALL DIY - pop up Records and Zine Stall. I am so glad that I dropped in (with my usual shifty awkwardness but it didn’t matter, it was un-cliqued, welcoming music people, I’d get by). Sahera Walker, an absolute queen of Brick Lane is killing it on the venue vixen front. With a host of friends they’ve started something special. In daylight! #MusicTourism Next to Werkhaus, at Cafe 1001, a buffet of tasty tunes and super cool stalls - with a bar and smiles. Boom.

Elly Bailey (Why Generation?), Roadkill Records, So Young Magazine. Below Sahera Walker with DJ, Peggy From Earth.

Caught up with Elliot from 1234 Records, Chatted with Craig from Flying Vinyl Records, supped beer and chilled. Post lockdown I will be looking out for the next event. You should too.

Saturday 29th February 2020: Looking forward, with lovely Peggy (who hosted The Music People Party 2018 and our 5th anniversary 2019) before setting off to blag into a Camden Rocks all dayer to give Bugeye some of these flyers then head round the corner to The Good Mixer for a (vereee) special acoustic matinee edition of The Camden Mix Up. What a daylit day.

We Earthlings really had no idea how manic this millennium was going to get. While tidying, I found this promo lighter from New Year’s Eve, 1999 in The Land Of Song. Some of the #Zeenagers weren’t born then, or were still in school. Like Manic Street Preachers, guitar bands (and even me!) it still lights up.

March 2020 Earth was invaded by Bog Roll Zombies who left empty shelves for their fellow citizens. How quickly we revert to Neanderthal. (I feel that getting “natural “is best experienced and expressed to the supernatural power of live music).

Art by Steve Breen

5th March 2020 - My last night of whatever passed as normality: False Heads debut album launch in the East End.

A huge thanks to False Heads, PR, Will Waldron and the band’s punk party posse for making it one to remember. I arrived with a scarf as a make-do mask and with gloves on to travel - then later worried that I’d hugged my friends on arrival and harmed them. It was early pandemic awareness days for Britain.

False Heads by Neil McCarty who photographed the album cover art.

We even got a short sharp set! My last gig for six months exactly. Photography by Robyn Skinner

© Robyn Skinner

© Robyn Skinner

March 6th 2020, following what PM, Jacinda Ardern, was advising for New Zealand, I started to lock myself down. Also my flat mate’s cough was getting worse, so we quarantined. I did some painting, thanks to Paul from Joyzine involving me in Art Brut’s Record Store Day Artwork for Alcopop Records. It felt full circle from Eddie Argos coming to Rocklands’ first Pop Of The Tops night, then he and the Paradise Bar computer expert, Chris Chinchilla, going on to Form A Band. Truly, “Modern Art makes me want to rock out!”

Venturing out for walks around the Fun City market (Vega Fair, Planet Water) breathing fresh air. Using eye masks under a scarf and rubber gloves. I would have always wanted to be like this, to be honest. Add shades, I’m invisible.

There are still some events happening around the country as Britain is yet to do anything much about Covid 19 and the (I’m informed) “Prime Minister” keeps going missing. My best friend is, by now, seriously ill. The Fertile Environment continues: A name from the pages of TheZineUK doc, The Pagans S.O.H., play a show on the Idles Talk Tour in Birmingham, on 12th March.

March 2020 Heather Minx - at the inauguration of Amy Winehouse to The Music Walk Of Fame in Camden - pictured with TV star, Jesse Wallace, (best known as Kat Slater from BBC TV’s Eastenders) and her friend, artist, Pegasus, who has immortalised Amy (among many more stars). Virtual #MusicTourism

23rd March 2020, Britain finally goes on “lockdown”

Stay Safe - Stay Home

Social media adaptation of awesome Pete Fowler artwork. Visual artists have been a key documentary and commentary of 2020.

Saturday 24th March, broadcasting one day after official lockdown begins, interdependent music mates united to create Balcony OnLine Festivals an alumni of exclusive live sets develops into DIY TV with each episode and raises thousands of pounds for various charities over the Summer. Wonderful talent, true entertainers, live messaging friends. It’s different and personal. A useful 21st Century music/arts platform of uniqulture in action and development

#2020Vision means that many angels and demons reveal themselves between Spring and Winter 2020, some inadvertently. Good guys like Music Venue Trust, Bandcamp and a multitude of organisations and individuals do all they can as our music world collapses. For instance, Signature Brew, who also allied with Balcony On Line Festivals, employed musicians for deliveries.

As I write this (7th November) it is now “later in the year”. Not a snowball’s chance in hell of this happening in 2020. No idea when, if ever, to update people. Gutted that we got such a great sponsor (thank you, 13 Artists) for TheZineUK Events Department, but hopefully our potential will get a chance to shine again one day. The main thing is that our family friend circles are safe. My flat mate was so ill with just a mild Covid that I was terrified and sad to see her like that. Taking care of me, she covered her face if I went to take in food or water. So many people are scared and grieving around the world right now. I am so sorry.

To all the music people existing through 2020’s madness , TheZineUK cast and crew wish you all the very best for your dreams and the future.

At the post office, mailing an album test pressing that I’m a bit anxious about, to the production company.

I set out early to queue up spaced out at two metres around the block. It took about an hour to get served. It was worth it though. Thank you for your patience, Key Production!

April/May 2020

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

April 2020 Little by little, the public clapping for Our NHS and Carers/Key Workers was replaced by cynical hijacking from the people who either don’t want to pay them, protect them, write off their debts or even allow them to live here securely. Adding stress and sadness to already sorrow filled times. Also, one by one, live music thrills we looked forward to, started disappearing from view as lockdown took hold. We LIVE for music and are down. April 1st, All Cool Day, I should have been at the Birthmarks album launch. April 10th - 11th Soma Festival (Modern Age Music), Rocklands Party (TheZineUK) both postoponed. We may have have overlapped dates, but the beauty of it all is that the last five years have built a sufficient alternative rock rosta of talents and their audience for these events to all be successful. REWIRED (pic next page) would have been an amazing weekend in Leeds and London. On This Feeling’s own terms. Here’s to it’s re-incarnation one day (in 2021, hopefully!) Pic from a happy memory by Lorna Cort.

April 2020 ‘Earth’ the debut album by Ed O Brien is an international sound. Pic: More time travel in TheZineUK doc, this time to the car park of a Paris Arena that Radiohead were playing, late 1990s - pre soundcheck. It was a chilled musical moment of a beautiful day. Later, Thom taught me that my pre gig wanderings on tour were “situationism”. Fast forward to this year. So glad that Ed is also a COVID 19 survivor as well as part of founding the Featured Artists Coalition. Musical activists literally rock.

May 2020 Thank you Punk Press for recommending TheZineUK in your DIY Quarantine Zine Reads.


The first applause claps for our NHS was euphoric, eventually though, it was appropriated (like the words “Woke” and “Cancel Culture”) by oppressors. Misgovernment failed the people and their protection, depending on charity from pensioners to raise the funds they were siphoning off.

Crapping on our NHS: allegedly Spaffy Johnson had Covid when he was required to do some work. He rose after a few days just in time for Easter (and a euphoric, cock-sucking fuhrerpraise in the torygraph). Nature please forgive me if he was really ill, but then his organ grinder tried this miniCovid mass distraction in the Autumn run up to the USA elections, also.

trade in songs we can relate to.

They are “The Band Next Door” in our ears and bona fide star shaped shakers on stage.” TheZineUK review of the ‘BABY, IT’S YOU’ EP, May 2020. Band Photography by marthas_picsx

(Music Venue Trust)

TheZineUK keeps creating, engaging and reporting - even through Pandemica. We are a small but feisty, holistic, multi media documentary of dramas. Thank you to all who are in support of what we try to do, since the first adventures of 2014.

So good to see Nova Twins (photo by Joseph Bagur) join the ambassadors at Featured Artists Coalition. David Martin and team FAC have been one of the organisations who have mobilised to look after our music world in this pandemic. Thank you. Just a few of May 2020’s new all aces ambassadors over the next few pages. Everybody in the music industrious, there’s something for you at

June 2020 Resist/Reset

Black Lives Matter : The Tory Slave-Owner, Colston, had his statue pulled down by the people after an age of requests to please remove it. The black resin sculpture of protester, Jen Reid, proved just how fast Bristol Council could take a statue down if they wanted to. Jen later jumped onto the empty plinth and gave the Black Power salute. A positivity from Summer’s ŽEvolution is that our Education knowledge got a History lesson boost. Some even listened and learned.

#BlackLivesMatter “Yes. But…” - No “But”s. I’m writing this. The horrorism that started to reveal bigotry’s depths still came as a revelation to many. After 2016’s “referendum”, Hate Crime multiplied five times over. Those privileged or prejudiced enough not to notice or care were finding their peripheral vision raided by reality. #BLM was never Blacks versus Whites. It is People versus Racists. The human sixth sense of instinctive empathy and self expression was heightened in many but fear and hate were also incited by the few under the new fash coup special relationship. The ignorance, violence and oppression brought tears to my eyes, again. It’s the 21st Century for fuck sake you wicker man burning savages. The Peckham Stormtrooper, John Boyega, articulated for us and brought (uplifted, this time) tears to my heart. Many of our cast and crew were at Hyde Park in person or spirit. It speaks volumes about Zeenagers. Patience needed, but I believe that this awful turning point can also be a force for good. Thank you, John Robb for letting me try to express that at Louder Than War.

Louder Than War

By Summer 2020 we had retrained again as internet users to expand our communications game. In the future, why would we commute across town to a meeting unless it was for the human pleasure of being there, face to face? A few years ago, TheZineUK were consulted about a live music festival in Central London. It turned out to just be a brain picking exercise, so I withheld over 100 marketing ideas (that I still have written out in a folder, in case we got the event management) I’m on a a skint luxury budget. It cost travel fares, time and sustenance, even though it wasn’t far. Then we were dropped after use. When their events started, we went along on the first day.

#TheZineUK repping on live stream. Thank you Rosey at R*E*P*E*A*T for letting me natter Manics and more, as a guest.!

The organiser bloke who had wanted TheZineUK’s marketing ideas, saw us and literally ran away. He must have thought that we wanted a free drink or something. It was actually a case of us going along in support, just to say congratulations. No worries. The rest of his week was rained off (I noted no safety covering of the stage as I would suggest) and actually didn’t hear what happened to the rest of it (what, no social media manager?). It’s made me wonder “Meeting or Email?” ever since.

There Is More Hope Than Fear

This year, add Zoom for gatherings and/or audio recording. The Tik Tok Teens trolling Trump though, ha ha - oh and unreal hooray for witnessing the assemblage of human avengers who came on side for the people. 2020 is a history book per week.

Tiger Mimic

June 2020

Musical medical marvels The Palpitations ‌ save lives, sue the villains, call out bigots, bring the live music #StageStyle - and still have time to create an awesomely brooding post punk rock EP:

Image by Aidan Dale

Spring/Summer 2020 - TheZineUK was keeping a Lockdown Lookout on home grown musicians who are all doing something completely different that is totally worth checking out

Insta Glam: follow tips This page /papersmusic /iambillynomates /jean_genies_massive_hugs That → page /msmohammedmusic/ /idealisticsband /beckiemargaret /miriofficialuk /iambeijaflo /rtnmakesmusic/

Many people were proactive if it was possible for them to be a carer and/or creator during “lockdown”. One of 2020’s biggest affects alongside the tragedy of the pandemic was the mental health of the nation suffering. It’s true to say that we have all changed this year, unlearned and relearned through this rollercoaster. Brilliant music keeps on coming, though.

Sharika Sherard wowing the Benumu Stage at Balcony Online Festival, Summer Solstice edition. Thank you, again, to all the #BalconyOnlineFest alumni who are part of something special in a year that it would seem almost impossible to make a mark on.

Madame So interview with Kelly Munro at 22 June 2020

Search for the 29th June article at - It’s about the adaptive #Interdependent music people - and how they drive this documentary. The page also links to the Events Department’s video play list: #FertileEnvironment of #NewerWave (TheZineUK’s obscure hashtags are breadcrumb trails to the #BombPop explosions) The image is from a pic, taken earlier in this issue, of Peggy From Earth at ‘IT’S ALL DIY’ on Leap Year Day, 29th Feb.

July 2020

A pleasure watching the #FuturePicks develop in the Fertile Environment. Many were able to create, release and/or perform during lockdown. The Novus (Post Modern Fairytale cover of this doc, Autumn 2019) are a key rock band as driving force. Photographed around the Summer release of ‘Man On The Bridge’ single, by Auberon Film for the cover of Asbo Magazine.

For most people: We do what we can to heal and hope. Physical distancing and Wearing A Mask. Staying home when possible (for various reasons) is awful for some. the venturing outdoors for exercise and fresh air, an appreciated adventure. These actions also respect those who are ill, scared or bereaved.

“A spartacus tinted summery anthem from for .” (TheZineUK)

#ARTbeat by purple knif At time of writing, has been hailed as one of this year’s catchiest tunes by various journalists. They’re not wrong!

July 10th 2020 Ready Steady Bang “We wanted to write about life as it happens. The drunken silliness of weekends, the boredom of work, the worry about what’s happening to the world, our fuck-ups, our day dreams, addiction and our celebration of music styles from the past”

(Bugeye on their spectacular and deservedly acclaimed debut album. It was produced by Paul Tipler with artwork and photography by Julia Woolams at 31% Wool and released on Reckless Yes.

Lionel Stanhope’s art tribute to Black Lives Matter hero, Patrick Hutchinson, was later removed - but not before “Greetings” were added! Since October 2020, Lewisham has become home to the UK’s first school of muralism.

17th July 2020

the third album from Asylums Band photography: Alistair Underwood “Composition, performance, production and stratospheric layers of sound take the “AsylumsRock” genre next level with an opulence of psychophonic ideas. No wide ranging vocals were harmed during the making of this multi storey song park. The kids don’t seem alright, but Asylums do. Enjoy. Then enjoy again… A cathartic dozen tune ride.” (TheZineUK)

Banksy channelling Chumbawumba:

July 2020 - Oh no, lovely Denise! Rest in power, Angel. (Rowetta, Happy Mondays)

From Spring 2019

BLAB - debut single (Cool Thing Records) . “Lyrically a knowing wit-spit of frustration, ‘R.I.P.’ is a helluva way to debut. As isolation creation videos go, this is DIY beyond lockdown’s inhibitors” (TheZineUK)

Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money

Inadvertent honesty. Covid adaption, the idea of #Safety1stGigs takes shape.

August 2020

Passport Back To Our Roots launches to help Music Venue Trust’s #SaveOurVenues campaign.

Big name artists giving something back to the grassroots music venue circuit which has fed the world’s stages for decades. The first four announced 2021 shows (which will happen when it’s safe to gig properly again) are Elbow at Manchester’s Night & Day Cafe, Everything Everything at Bedford Esquires, Public Service Broadcasting at Amersham Arms in London and The Slow Readers Club at The Trades Club in Hebden Bridge Yorkshire. Not long after, Ash will be added at Sneaky Pete’s in Edinburgh.

August 2020

Also, this month, great to see Children Of The State in the Metro newspaper. Caught them live at Kick Out the Jams in Amersham Arms last October. Band, promoter and venue are coming along nicely, even in these dire times. #FertileEnvironment

August 2020 Newer Wave for a newer world. Also this month, catching up with guitar band goodness from Britain (Asylums) and Ireland (Fontaines D.C.) repping on Free40’s Album Chart (Netherlands) with the also superb Protomartyr of USA. If anything, it felt like the bands and allies we’ve been watching develop over the last few years really came through, since 2017 especially. Anybody who could make any kind of mark on 2020 is worth every support possible.

TheZineUK have kept busy behind what’s left of the scenes. When I’m not posing as some kind of poundland tiger king, I had fun co-creating other stay at home activities. I would love to thank the following aces for spicing up my lockdown with invitations. Lori of Weekend Recovery for a cameo in their #StayHome video ‘There’s A Sense’, God Is In The TV’s ‘Show Me Magic’ podcast was a lot of fun, too. I got a bit emotional on Bugeye’s fab ‘Rock Pop Rambles’ podcast. Then I tidied up (!) to be interviewed to camera - by multi media key mover shakers, John Clay (Rantbox TV about #BLM) and Rosey (R*E*P*E*A*T talking about Manic Street Preachers and more). While I’m being all “Me Me Me”, our editor, Dizzy Spell, went and built the brill, brand new website!

@CadburyUK Aug 21 :

“Thanks everyone for getting involved in the #TwirlOrangePresale, which has now ended. Congrats to you lucky ones. On a side note, and their all proceeds will go towards the appeal to help protect and support at risk grassroots music venues.�

(Victor Jara)

Search ‘Even In Exile’ at TheZineUK for a word meander. It’s a beautiful album from James Dean Bradfield and Patrick Jones - It stirred the recurring wishes of ®evolution

Tiger Mimic by Robert Alleyne

August 2020 Robert Alleyne photographed alternative rock poppers, Tiger Mimic on the set of ‘Where The Fire Used To Be’ Their Autumn single is an aural spectacle of a song with a winning film noir video that kept the escapism coming. Power To The (Tiger) People!

It’s fair to say that TheZineUK were thrilled by Y!KES and the astronomic single/video for ‘Pirouette’ “With the video we had spent a long time in lockdown and had the feeling of just wanting to get out, away from everything. So we built a spaceship in my garage (out of tin foil and bits!) and thought, let’s make a music video.” The ‘MASS!VE’ EP, that the song is taken from, really IS. Photography by Kris Askey.

Personally a game changing day. I believe in karma and super nature. Saturday 22nd August, so excited to come out of shielding and hang with inspiring friends for the afternoon. As I was getting ready, the day was nearly ruined by a deliberately gas lighting phone call (out of the blue) but having checked if I really had done something awful, then verifying I hadn’t, I was so upset that anxiety cancelled the meet up. A Love Quota meditation later and a reassuring reality check meant that the fresh air would make me feel even better. Defiantly, I was going to the park!. Even if I couldn’t smile so much, these were very kind people. If I had stayed in, I would have brooded bitterly, mostly about my own stupidity Instead, I am moonstruck at what a difference venturing outdoors made to 2020, this very simple, but almost supernaturally magical day. LOADS of smiles!

Walking in hazy sun light to the park where Rupert Hitchcox took the first images for TheZineUK Chapter 1 (rock n roll teens at Party In The Park festival, Sept. 2013) I kept meeting fun and friendly folk, like it was a woodland faerie tale. It became a day of friendship, laughter, music, art and hope.

Saturday 22nd August 2020

Big love for the day out to very dear friends Jean Genie and Jonny. Musicians, promoters, interdependent industry instigators and good souls - it was just heart warming to meet up, chat and laugh in the park. We exchanged gifts and news, ideas and views - aah, I had missed this. Zooming is cool but when you actually break into song and dance together is a whole other level. Jonny had spotted a pop up bar by the park doing take away beer, so we shimmied over for a peek.

It’s One For The Road SE14 and has such ArtBeat vibes of uniqulture that we made new friends who let us hang out. Instagram: @onefortheroadse14 to find Art: Spectrum @wearespectrum many GRRRR8 talents - we’ll be back!

Once Upon A Time In South London

22 August 2020: Art joy as artists created new works, live, at One For The Road SE14. I can’t wait to get back there after lockdown as this wonderful, community spirited venture has of course expanded and is a virtual gallery of street art goodness as well as being a highly recommendable bar with top music taste.

Be Kind There are so many wonderful works of art here. Going back to find them all. Literally stopping us in our tracks, was this wonderful intro to Jelly J. Jean Genie’s Massive Hugs adding love power to this image (and I was stunned into extra JOY on top of how euphoric I was now feeling already!). An instant art fan, I follow all her pages. Next page, the Lewisham image is also the front cover of this issue

Thank you Jelly for the use of your inspiring art. We will keep trying our best to live up to it. Xx

#FertileEnvironment is a THING, even in this hostile environment! 2020 is a year of incredible songs, so it's bang-ON to see love for this rawness-enhanced, enchanting 'Cranes In The Sky' performed by one-band arts factory, Big Joanie from The Guardian/Observer! Also on board for the ace activist #MusicWomen are Rolling Stone: “Big Joanie's Heavy Rock Cover of Solange's 'Cranes in the Sky' Is a Song You Need to Know…” they say, continuing “The trio’s fuzzy, contemplative rendition adds new depth to one of the best songs of the past decade”

August 2020 - #FertileEnvironment Henry Rollins on Bob Vylan

September 2020

I’m updating this picture diary on Sunday 22nd November 2020. It is now 254 days since Breonna Taylor was murdered by the Louisville Police of AmeriKKKa. Despite all the public outcry, stuff like this Vanity Fair cover, documentaries and much more, justice is still to be done in a seemingly lawless world. Disrespectable crooks hate the nations that they misrule. The burning drowning world is ugly and sad.

Satellite imaging of a world literally feeling the heat of climate emergency. Weapons of mass distraction are out in force as tax dodging fraudsters hoard all the wealth and media puppets push propaganda. We could feed and house the humans/rehouse the abused, support the arts (we are SO going to need them as part of our global recovery), work/learn from home with supplied computers while awaiting vaccines to reboot a better future so that little babies only hear of what went before. Billionaires could pay that and still stay too rich to spend it all. What are they saving for?

September 2020

September 2020: ’Black Lolita’ by Michelle O Faith. “…a breathtaking instant pop classic”(TheZineUK). Video still image: Parri Thomas.

September 2020 #FuturePicks included Charlie Steel, Magic Wands, Caiine, Babe Club, Michelle O Faith, Shade, Family Jools (also on BT TV!), The New Consistent and Front Raw TV - supercool interviews with Calva Louise/Strange Bonesby Beatriz De La Pava Hucke.

Saturday 5th September 2020 Thank you Nature! - Live Music! Jean Genie and Jonny (see 22 August afternoon out at One For The Road SE14) are wonder promoters who, with two week’s notice from Covid19 rules being changed, helped to stage a hugely successful and sold out SNCFest week of Arts! A posse of allies of this story attended the safe and seated, socially distanced gig at the beautiful Stanley Halls. A huge mixture of emotions welled up. We were actually AT A GIG! It was a spectacular evening. Blown away, appreciation to all concerned!

5th September 2020 - MOSES before their SNCFest show.

SNCFest 2020 - 5th September Mangoseed, Phoenix Raven and MOSES at the Stanley Halls

It’s the first time I’ve been out after dark in six months. Mars is visible near to the moon. 5th September is an evening of many changes. On national TV, Diversity’s Black Lives Matter routine is beautiful, but blasted by racists. Watch it. Decide for yourself. I see peace, love and arts power.

Thank you Ofcom and ITV. It’s said that I truly feel that the new BBC regime would not have stood by Diversity in the same way. Racists disgrace Britain.

September 8th 2020, The Pagans S.O.H. Sell out their Birmingham show with special guests, Y!KES. Band image: Paul Husband.

21st September 2020 - Fertile Environment - Skin from Skunk Anansie really digs Michelle O Faith!

September 2020 - Featured Artists Coalition announce more new ambassadors for Autumn. What a collective to be part of.

Society is visibly, physically, mentally and audibly breaking down within six months of fear, furlough and mixed messages as the public’s money is siphoned away by corruption.

October 2020

Artmongers x #Muralism

10th October 2020 R*E*P*E*A*T (anti establishment publication, label, promoter and connector) presented Temporary Hoardings, inspired by the original Rock Against Racism fanzine (also represented). Engaging debate and conversation between these #Zeenagers ensued about 1976 to 2020 fanzines.

“We want rebel music, street music. Music that breaks down people’s fear of one another. Crisis music. Now music. Music that knows who the real enemy is.” LOVE MUSIC. HATE RACISM

There are many generation tremorist zines and sites interwoven into TheZineUK’s story line. They are central to DIY power. The future is in cool hands. One of the panel, ten year old Arlo Parks started Pint-Sized Punk

14th October 2020 - Featured Artists Coalition, AGM. One of the positive things about this year have been the live streams. Being up close and personal at performances, events and meetings. FAC works at so many disciplines of organisation that it’s a whirlwind of activity. At all levels from DIY grass roots (TheZineUK cast and crew included) upwards. Inclusion and interaction was invited. #StageStyle : Musical activist, Kat Five of Feral Five wears tshirt by Jemma Freeman & The Cosmic Something.

October 2020 Disdain and disrespect, are what the people and their multi heritage of culture have come to expect from MisGovernment. The endangered Music and Arts world are advised to retrain and get (non existent) better jobs.



Turning on the sound of podcast radio and hearing friends from this story in conversation with creative passion. New podcasts keep coming and are still yet to come on a variety of platforms and subjects, telling their own tales. Many new formats of music media have emerged from the hive of activity that are the Newer Wave of interdependents.

Maybe we don’t say enough how much the people on these pages mean to us. Over the years, TheZineUK’s cast and crew have woven incredible adventures in our ups and downs. Many of them are dear hearts who power the kismet of kindness.

Thank you, Sonja and everybody. Today, just finishing off this latest episode. It’s Saturday 5th December and in less than a month, well, nobody really knows beyond a lorry and bog park built on a flood plain in the hostile environment. But, whatever happens, we will, WE WILL ROCK YOU! With heart ‘n’ soul. Share The Joy.

15th October 2021 respecting each other’s safety at distanced gigs.

Returning to Amersham Arms for Trust The Doc’s night of radio recommendations was especially poignant. With a dearth of live music, 2020 was barren of live reviews, but MOSES picked up yet more great feedback (Joyzine)

21st October 2020 - Amersham Arms in New Cross, is a key venue for physically distanced, Safety 1st Gigs (and for the London music world to revive a semblance of reality). We return to the back room bar for an evening out with allies of TheZineUK, End Of The Trail Creative. This evening teamed with Play It Loud for another superb live music show. Gigs are true life. →

21st October 2020 - Enjoyable Listens - Amersham Arms

21st October 2020 - Family Jools - Amersham Arms

21st October 2020 - Luvia - Amersham Arms

21st October 2020 - The sold out event was a high quality mix of performances from start to finish. Pictured; headliners, Couples, apres-gear clean, pre-set.

The joy of interdependent, grassroots music venue circuit. A lovely surprise celebrating End Of The Trail boss, Kelly Munro’s birthday during the show.

26th October 2020 Britain and Europe remain united by rock’n’roll.

'All For Me', The new single from The Kecks is a Pulptastic fusion of classic AltPop melting end of the century blues into new romantic visions of the next "now". The videos art punk cabaret enhances the escapism of a dark souled cinematic thrill, crooned to perfection.”

(TheZineUK article)

29th October 2020 TheZineUK repping on air courtesy of the Cool Thing Presents arts show on Soho Radio. Definitely #AnotherCoolThing

29th October A beautiful day out. Left to right Hayley Hill (Cool Thing Records) another guest, Sadie Hasler (multi award-winning columnist, playwright and actor) and Luke Branch (Cool Thing/Asylums) An ace Arts Advocacy radio show! It was an absolute pleasure with extended funshine after, socialising while sipping refreshments in the jungle. As you do!

October 31st 2020 Samhain, Hallowe’en, a full moon AND a Saturday night…

As #TheZineUK Events Department (Rocklands ArtBeat). There were no new events created to promote in 2020. But so much is happening to enjoy, anyway The aim: prove that #WeAreViable and #WeMakeEvents by curating a wish list of an Arts and Community Festival for posterity that happened on land an on line. Revived ArtfulFest (where this actually happened in the noughties) for 2020, updating daily with social media recommendations and links ‌Then watch the #ArtfulFest recommendations develop from 1st to 31st October 2020 and beyond.

AAJA Deptford, Amersham Arms, Anita Maj, Artmongers, Balcony Online Festivals, Bandcamp, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Beckie Margaret, Benefits, Big Joanie, Birthmarks, BLAB, Black Lives Matter, Bugeye, Ceri James, Chat The Great, Cool Thing Records, Denise Johnson, Dexy, Diversity, Ed O Brien, End Of The Trail, Eugene Ankomah, Featured Artists Coalition, Gary Powell, Get In Her Ears, Giddy Stratosphere, Greg Bunbury, Idles, Jean Genie's Massive Hugs, Jelly J, John Clay, John Kennedy, Julia Woolams, Kae Tempest, Kate & Tristan, Kate O Brien, Kathy Burke, The Kecks, Kick Out The Jams, Lewisham School Of Muralism, Loud Women, Louise Schofield, Love Music Hate Racism, Love Quota, Made In Lewisham, Marcus Rashford, Mark Morriss, Me Me Detroit, Michelle O Faith, Monefa Walker, Music Venue Trust, Music Tourist Board, Nathan Apodaca, Northern Exposure, The Novus, The Pagans S.O.H., Palestine, The Palpitations, Paul Joyzine, Pinkshift, Pete Fowloer, Play It Loud, PolstarArtyFart Potent Whisper, Radiohead, R*E*P*E*A*T, RtN Makes Music, #SaveOurVenues, Secret 7s, Sharlene Artsey, Skin, Spellbound Club, Stan Chow, StarShaped Club, Steel Pulse, Stormzy, This Feeling, Tim's Twitter Listening Party, Tommy Kennedy IV, Tree Sisters, Trust The Doc, Weekend Recovery

November 2020

Germany knew in 2017. Most UK media still turn a blind eye, and have propped up the new “special relationship”.

“No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA” (Green Day during their American Music Awards performance of ‘Bang Bang’

5th November 2020 : “I know many in the music industry are struggling to survive: from musicians, DJs, sound engineers and festival organisers, to music venue promoters, lighting technicians and stage crews.” - DJ /Radio Presenter Ola’s Kool Kitchen TheZineUK Covid 19 article ‘Last Night A DJ Saved My Life’

6th November 2020 New podcast Chat The Great Hosts Louise Schofield and Victor M. Moses give a nod of respect to 20th century chat shows (Parkinson etc.) beloved of parents and grandparents. Vitual on-the-couch, in depth journey conversations with “people from all fields who we admire. People who achieve great things due to their professionalism and determination.�

Tom Lumley & The Brave Liaison, 5th November 2020

9th November 2020 - interview

“Praise the idea not the idea maker.”

ArtBeat: UK Director, Editor, Author, Broadcaster (and an inspiring face of the live music scenes), John Clay, is a pro-active force for good. Such is his reputation and legend that “The Rock’n’Roll Superman” has been immortalised by more than one visual artist. Photography by Keira Cullinane. John recalls she “…shot some pics of me for a book I wrote. Lots of shadows. Mystical results. She stops my heart.”

Our Arts Culture is in dire straits. It is so critical by now that we could lose thirty grassroots music venues. Code Red.

10th November 2020 - Primitive Ignorant Filmed interview (on TheZineUK social media) The song/video, 'Beautiful Scum' features Daisy Coburn and Symren Gharial under the banner of Primitive Ignorant. Sym & Daisy discuss conservatism in garage rock versus the instinctive approach in this interview with John Clay. Photographs by Steve Gullick New LP,

is available at

November 2020 , new single from The Velvet Hands is what we need right now. Exuberantly roaring, it’s both kinds - Rock, and Roll! Amazon Music are among the growing support who agree. Artwork by Purple Knif. Band photography by Harvey Williams Fairly

14th November 2020

“When we work together we can make change happen.� Bugeye in depth interview for TheZineUK Band photography: Julia Woolams

Tom Lumley & The Brave Liaison 15th November 2020, interview with TheZineUK. Photography: Sam J. Lance

2020 visualised in single release artwork by Stefan Skjoedt

November 2020: This is so well deserved. Thank you Beverley, Mark and all the Music Venue Trust posse on behalf of all the genres, generations, genders and generalisations who are united as just “people” in our grassroots music venueswe are made of MUSIC! Can anybody imagine a world where MVT didn’t start campaigning and achieving since 2014?

27th November 2020 Early bird tickets go on sale for a brand new, double city event, Ghost Road Fest with proper star turns playing intimate shows and DJ sets. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities as it will also be a music social, networking and more. TheZineUK = well chuffed to be one of the festival partners. The Fertile Environment rides on.

25th November 2020 Louise Schofield’s new show started on Islington Radio is audible #MusicTourism which began with her home town of Nottingham Lovely “Lullaby Lou” joins the newly launched radio station’s team alongside James Walsh (Starsailor), Liberty Phelps, Paul Gallagher, Ed Harcourt, Rowena Alice and more.


November 2020

“Imagine something like Siouxsie and the Banshees cruising through holographic billboards in a Blade Runner spinner kitted out with a king size boombox and yer halfway there.� JAKe Detonator visualises Feral Five for their Winter 2020 single,

27th November 2020 Feral Five’s positivity puts the world to many rights - in depth interview with TheZineUK

30th November 2020 Open letter from NOVA TWINS to MOBO AWARDS

December 2020

December 2020 graphics: (left) Lucy McCourt & (right) Geoff Barrow

December 1st 2020 A great performance and looking like the size of stage that The Novus belong on. Underlined how key Magic Garden Studios are, too.

#TheZineUK doc - Spring to Winter 2020

Aidan Dale, Alistair Underwood, Artmongers, Auberon Film, Banksy, JAKe Detonator, Jelly J, Joseph Bagur, Julia Woolams, Keira Cullinane, Kris Askey, Lionel Stanhope, Lorna Cort, marthas_picsx, Neil McCarty, Parri Thomas, Paul Husband, Purple Knif, Robert Alleyne, Robyn Skinner, Sam J. Lance, Spectrum, Stefan Skjoedt, Steve Gullick Imagery;

Diary/Snapshots and personal opinion: Caffy St Luce (Events Dept: Rocklands ArtBeat). This Fertile Environment of Zeenagers is published by #Uniqulture Thank you everybody in and/or reading/sharing these unfolding stories.

It’s 6th December 2020, rounding off six years of documenting by actually catching up! TheZineUK’s ever evolving cast and crew have made so much difference, pulsing under the radar to flavour the arts heritage. “Play Fair” says streaming co-op, Resonate. For life in general. Conscience, courtesy, respect and “Be Kind” are more truths of civilisation and hope. If you have been affected by 2020, I hope that you can embrace this other you as 2021 dawns…

I recommend: Love Quota. Bespoke Self Care Products with and without CBD. Based on all natural ingredients void of non essentials. Hand made, home made.instagram @lovequotabeauty

New Year’s Eve: Maybe forget ‘Auld Lang Syne’ this year Instead, play at loud decibels. You’re welcome.

by Benefits

2021, Those Brexshit plans in full:

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