Summer 2021 1/2 Revive Live

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Situationist documenting of the Newer Wave’s Fertile Environment



political musical ®evolution.

“The Zeen You Kay” (UK as in united KIN)

A DIY documentary in the newer wave of musical industrious ®evolution at grass roots, with occasional blog/socials updates. Instagram/TikTok =


Facebook/Twitter = /thezineuk

Working class n working with every class: Editor : Dizzy Spell, Events/Diary of amateur snaps : Caffy St Luce and a Cast & Crew of Creators and performers. Fertile Environment? Nothing like the hostile environment? Zeenagers? Be Kind vibration Generation Tremorists (i.e. children of all ages) - as lifestyle! First uploaded March 2014, situationism and kismet somewhere under the radar and over the rainbow.

This Revive Live blessed chapter of TheZineUK doc features solstice seasonal soundtracks and sound ideas from an inspiration of artists (that’s the collective name, right?). Something positive about 2021 is that those with less are proportionately doing more. Music activism for The People keeps the Fertile Environment blooming.

The Tuts (by @gingerdope photography) are a case in point!

Mid April to the end of May 2021 It feels like too much happens to document now, so that this becomes an even tinier fraction of whatever reality means these days. Nature is gifting the arts with extra surreal of the “couldn’t make it up kind” though and we are obviously just seperated by three degrees. DIY and necessity are knitting new futures together - even over the six weeks within. The ®evolution will not be patronised. Very best wishes for all the growing cast and crew of this mystical journey, as always… and, thank you.

Mid June 2021: Now then, where were we at the end of last issue? Ah yes, one of the guitar bands that have been a thread through the tapestry as tale of #TheZineUK documentary, The Velvet Hands. Every artist is brand new all over again in this new world, it is next becoming what WE help to make it.

#TheZineUK doc’s cast and crew prove that there is a real MOVEment happening on (what’s left of!) the star-maker grass roots circuit on and off line.The 21st year of the 21st century is the time to tell true tide turning tales. ie. 21st May we, the Europe Rejecting “UK” get 0 points in Eurovision - but around 200,000 people united in London in support of Palestine. Team Apartheid has the upper hand (influence / finance/ profile wise) but hope for HUMANITY is not yet lost. We’ve felt this for years at art punky, DIY music socials. The good souls vibration has never let up, even with what 2020 vision showed us.

This year started with Dizzy Spell working on something 100% DIY - Weather Underground revealed themselves at the end of April as another thread in this music movement activism. Cut n paste diary: (Caffy)

Revive Live x Powerful Releases issue . Summer 2021 Part 1. Photography: @gingerdope Keira Cullinane,Tim Bowditch April: Full lockdown ended, Ghost Road Fest bill announced, Music Women, Zeenagers - and GET ON! (weekly music show) launches on Roobi TV May: #SolidarityNotSilence #Kill TheBill #FreePalestine #ReclaimTheseStreets #ReviveLive

April 2021 - Post Lockdown?

Pestmonster, Normal Island

April 2021 Post Lockdown, Spring 2021, Creative Humanity ain’t going anywhere and is thriving everywhere After all, why Brexshit when you can SEX it!? The words BE KIND are often seen in public spaces.

#MINDFULNESS is key and is one of the driving forces of TheZineUK doc Art by @truef_one #lyrical #wizard New Cross

“Once Upon A Time In South London” A return to 420 Smile More Often Road, SE14 (Planet Water) a.k.a. One For The Road SE14 (Planet Earth)# The good good good good vibrations of this location have expanded since Jean Genie, Jonny and Caffy called by in August 2020 (as reported in a previous issue). A pleasure to see their story unfold. (It’s a Music Tourist Board recommended, welcoming bar, love, peace, music, art, gallery and hangout.

One For The Road is about a minute’s walk from New Cross Gate Station or a few more from New Cross. As #SELondon usually becomes a virtual seaside town of students, it’s worth dropping by while you can as it’s already a word of mouth delight. There’s definitely something in the ether of this area. It’s not just about coming from a locality, it’s also about coming TO it. On land or on line. A little further along the road, heading towards Deptford, is famed music venue, the New Cross Inn it’s getting booked up with hard rocking entertainment and has a very happy happy hour!

SE London is also where I got my mind back. In June 2016. I was in Europe, “tra lala, such a lovely day” I sang at the beach. A few hours later I couldn’t believe the result of an illegally gained Brexshit because we have law, security and standards of decency, right? Far right, more like. I returned to Brexitannia a few days later but although I was born here, I didn’t feel En-ger-lish any more. It was only a few weeks later at the first DecoloniseFest set up meeting that everybody there recharged my love pirate batteries. Additionally, I was so taken with the energy emitted by Nadia of The Tuts that I returned to DIY Space soon after, for this show. The empowering gig made me grin so much that my cheeks hurt! More Tuts action in May 2021! → →

Lewisham: (South East London) European Capital of Vibes, ArtBeat Central and London Borough of Culture 2022

S.E.London: Deptford, though!

This picture is by Tim Bowditch, courtesy of Deptford X Art Festival

If you’re coming to Deptford X Festival get the local community flavour (food, drink, music, vibes) at The Birds Nest pub on Church Street + Little Nan’s Bar / AAJA live radio shack in Deptford Market Yard. Saturday is the best day for Market and Vega Fair (Douglas Way second hand market) and there are so many food flavours! High Street and beyond. Music Tourist Board


April 2021 November’s Ghost Road Fest steps up with the full line of nine buzzing bands per day announced for Saturday 6th London) / Sunday 7th Leeds. & DJs from Amazing Radio, BBC Intro etc joining a representative music social of an independent rock festival with young industry opportunities, workshops and above all, LOVE & ENTERTAINMENT!

Search #GhostRoadFest for any remaining tickets. 18+ event

It’s about time that TheZineUK caught up with The Pearl Harts who rocked our minds a few years ago on Tin Pan Alley. Roll on November 6th!

Y? EENAGERS Autumn 2018 and the newer wave of music world was starting to bloom. This pic of Peggy From Earth (event DJ front) with Monefa Walker and after set Kat Five of Feral Five, is a snapshot of fresh music movement.

That #MusicWomen pic was used to rep TheZineUK’s involvement with the landmark music festival, Cro Cro Land (the first event was on Saturday April 6th 2019).Later that month, Monefa is with Fontaines D.C. after their (formidable) Rough Trade East album launch set.

December 2019, Monefa hosted the #MusicPeopleParty our got-no-office office party. Then, well, 2020! Q: why keep documenting in a pandemic? A: The Fertile Environment keeps blooming! Our fave new stars twinkled harder. Including Peggy fronting UK Paint Horse live on stage in January 2020. The most recent Music People Party headliners, Couples, released ‘Faites L’Amour’ which became one of God Is In The TV’s singles of 2020, played a socially distanced show at Amersham Arms last October and will support The Howlers in December 2021. Monefa Walker is now a released recording artist and Kat Five is part of the charted ‘Reclaim These Streets’ release. There is so much more for all of them and for our many shared friends. It’s not a “scene”, it’s our lives. As I type this (5th June) I have no idea what happens next ‘cos misgovernment and the hisstablishment are unruly thugs and farce holes, but simultaneously, a huge and positive story is in the smallest venues - and independent media are telling it. Let’s face it, where are ya gonna find the most diverse and genre/gender generation fluid cross breeding grounds? At the bottom of the supposed heap. This became a kind hearted, creative super power in lockdown. The Newer Wave of Music Industrious ®Evolution is the leader of the pack. A Soon Army.

12th April 2021: Misgovernment said that we can go outside or something. #RuleOf6 still applies and no snogging. Or something. I dunno, I just follow what our NHS advise. I try to stay cautious and caring. Listening to trained health professionals - not dozy cruel bumbling crooks. Anyway, around then, I was back at the Roobi TV filming sessions of GET ON! in Chelsea’s 606 Club and loving every minute of seeing live music performed. Made in the #safety1stgigs conditions of lockdown with great musicians needing every kind of release, the passion and connection of artists and crew gives this new music show an edge...

Newcomers, Helve, land at GET ON! TV from their own dimension of sounds

April 2021 Sarpa Salpa and GET ON! host, Louise Schofield, setting up with the Roobi TV crew to film their afterperformance interview.


Pre Pandemica was another world but the atmosphere of our music socials has kept us warm. Seriously, though, we just can’t wait to laugh together again one noisy evening. Pic: Tobias, Rohan (who had just given the crowd a wonderful poetry performance). At the front, artist Sandy K. Moz, top talent photographer, illustrator and friend with a golden heart, mind and eye. She was dropped in at the deep end with her first session for TheZineUK and got fantastic images of CABBAGE before and at their first London show. Sandy’s instagram is a virtual exhibition of docmenting the newer wave’s rise. Do please, hire/accredit her.

Equity For Equality would work for the creative and performing industries also. In an ideal world.

April 30th 2021 Monefa Walker released her 2nd download: Classical piano preludes / , again via the independent label, Lil Minx Records (which is run by Anita Maj). Monefa, like Sandy K. Moz, is a contributor to TheZineUK, a presenter and event promoter. As an astrologer, her zodiac themed recordings are dramatic (and pretty cosmic, as is the amount of Music Women multi tasking and collaborating in this newer wave of industry). Art is, again, by Emma Whitworth (The C33s)


Speaking of The C33s and the diverse rising tide of artists, industry and media a candid memory (with The Cosmics) that was a pure ‘Drum n Bass’ moment at The Music People Party. Camden Monarch is no longer a music venue but much of what happens in the small spaces has a rippling effect.

← 29th April 2021 Fast forward from the previous page (December 2018) and Erin Grace, vocalist and bassist of what was The Cosmics, is convincing on TV in the long running BBC drama, Doctors. There’s more news to come from the Midlands based band in June 2021, also. Notice how there are so many TALE-nts in uniqulture’s tale. In this issue alone, so far, a wealth of inter-dependent allies have used friendship as a virtual addition to scarce finance. Our bitcoin is dealt in majors, minors, sharps and flats.

At the end of April 2021 Weekly New Music Media returns. Roobi TV launch GET


In the last diary doc, there were snaps shots from behind the scenes of the sessions and interview show which is hosted by the ever present, effervescent Louise Schofield. GET ON! Is, additionally, illustrating a facet of what we’re thrilled about and have lived through, from an artistically poignant and personal point of view - all in stunning broadcast quality.

Friday 30th April 2021 - GET ON! The weekly new music show launches.

Oh, and guitar bands are back on the menu! It’s all happening at Roobi.TV

"We loved being a part of this" - KIN

“Filming the show at Club 606 was so much fun, not only was the venue perfect for the production but the entire Roobi crew were extremely gracious and welcoming. To play an online show of this kind after months of not being on stage was truly a beautiful and energetic experience. Thank you to Roobi Productions and Club 606 for hosting myself and so many other great artists”. Anna Wolf

The newer wave of rock weaves in

Some artists are already in this story via the interdependent circuit. Salvation Jayne & Tiger Mimic, for instance, played Kick Out The Jams events.

GET ON! Premieres every Friday at There’s a free trial month and a week’s notice to stay involved (annual/monthly) that works out at between only 77p to £1 a week. Around a pint a month! A select wealth of talent to watch any time and anywhere, it’s also an excellent resource for anybody in the industry or media. The GET ON! TV show subscription community grows.

“Weaponise history, drown it in the Red Sea”

30th April Weather Underground arrive with vital austerity altpop from the heart and soul a hooky single with stage style video, often sings it’s way into my mind (Caffy)

30th April - Benefits release the explosive and 4REAL

“…Because I’m bored of yer racist shit as equality and diversity are great words to bleat but you turn it off when you leave work, call it bollocks racist craic in the pub, typical sexist shit, tweeting abuse to black footballers, blending in get fucked, I’m sick of it, And you know what, WE SEE YOU. WE SEE YOU…”

May 2021

May 2021 - more local images of going for a walk around £Rocklands, Costa del Thames” (a.k.a. South East London). These pages, art by Artmongers

A wave of new independent political parties for the environment or democratic socialism, (i.e. people powered) are springing up. Some sneer at them, most are apathetic, but somebody has to stand up to the corrupt and callous crime ring that has stolen the people’s money and futures for the sake of greed, with impunity. Powered by all generations, the independent parties are a breath of fresh air. They are seeds which prove other worlds are possible. We believe in a Fertile Environment.

May The 4th Be With You - We remain Having said that, Brexshiannia was, by now, deep into flag-shagging season, so when we met up at London Bridge we spent some time looking over the river at Traitors Gate under the Tower Of London because who knows what’s coming next when the lunatics have taken over the asylum?

4th May 2021 Solidarity Not Silence The Tuts …and many friends.


This Is Sisterhood is out now via Alcopop Records. Listen to the track and buy merch to support the cause

Solidarity Not Silence defendants collaborated with supporters on the 4th May released single 'This Is Sisterhood' to raise money for legal defence.

The Tuts and Ren from Petrol Girls united on this poignant post-#MeToo single, featuring Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill.

Add powerful gang vocals and instrumental contributions by musicians from across the DIY punk community (including Personal Best and Colour Me Wednesday) for an exceptional anthem. Cont.

Solidarity not Silence is a campaign raising money for the legal costs of a group of women who are fighting a defamation claim made against them, after each of them spoke up about their accuser’s alleged abuse of women. A number of his former partners, as well as feminist musicians who spoke out in support, including Nadia Javed of The Tuts and Ren Aldridge of Petrol Girls, are facing a libel claim. Their case is immensely relevant in the aftermath of #MeToo and could affect legal precedent on how similar cases are treated by the law. The group of women have been fighting this case for over four years, and is desperately trying to fund-raise enough money to maintain their legal representation. Since launching their crowdfunder - and again since identities were made public - they have received an extraordinary amount of support. It seems that their case resonates with many people who have had similar experiences of being silenced by someone with more power, fame or financial backing. However, they have now reached a crucial point in the case, where costs are escalating rapidly. Therefore, in an attempt to reach out beyond their usual networks they wrote and recorded this powerful single, which tells the compelling story of their legal battle, in 2019, and are now releasing it into the world.

Their strategy in releasing the track was two-fold: Firstly they hoped to raise money directly through digital downloads and merchandise sales Secondly, and ultimately, the goal was to tell their story and get as much attention (and therefore donations) to their crowdfunder as possible. So what happened? Did they sell any music and merchandise? Did anybody take any notice and show Sisterhood or Solidarity? Cont.

"The response to ‘THIS IS SISTERHOOD’ has been absolutely incredible & we’re blown away! THANK YOU!!! So far we’ve raised over £2,500" Solidarity Not Silence tweeted on day of release. Plus Kate Nash (via Boogaloo Radio) was one of many artists and allies who spoke publicly on their behalf alongside a plethora of the key music press was a Loud Women Single Of The Week and rightfully made the news at Rolling Stone.


More mainstream media: iNews:

And a bona fide Top 10 UK charts hit

So much sisterhood! #ReclaimTheseStreets @loudwomenclub and #ThisIsSisterhood @solnotsilence both X-Posure Hot Ones and sounding amazing on @RadioX Big thanks @JohnKennedy - There’s a few of us on both these fundraising tunes, and double dancing tonight! Kat Five Sending so much love & support to the women behind @solnotsilence Big Joanie a few friends you could consider supporting today: our friends in the UK @solnotsilence just released merch to raise funds to fight a legal battle for defamation and they are incredibly inspiring and strong & you should support them if you can! pinkshift Thank you to @ilovealcopop for releasing this! @gingerdope for the video! @Tunnelofreverb for the recording! To @aky_doodle for the amazing artwork! To everyone who came down to the studio. We love you all #thisissisterhood Solidarity Not Silence

8th May Moon Faeries celebrate #BlackFaeDay

Mid May 2021 I (Caffy) got to catch up with artbeat wordsmith, Patrick Jones by zoom interview about mental health for his Opening Up in Lockdown series on YouTube. Honoured. TheZineUK exists because we met when he played a live poetry and music set and the rest is situationist kismet.

14th May 2021

Community Loads

Hostile Environment Nil

May 2021

Congratulations to all on the Brits & Pieces II CD on their Top 60 hit.

Tiger Mimic (pic by Robert Alleyne) are among the up and coming bands on the compilation, supported by the interdependent music community.

17th May 2021 - thank you, Music Venue Trust and their allies.

Whatever happens next, the ups and downs of TheZineUK Season 3 are GO!

17th May 2021 - #ReviveLive - thank you, yet again, Music Venue Trust and all allies supporting the star-maker circuit of small venues hosting potential world class talent affordably and personally. Millionaire household names who said/did fuck-all are emerging from luxury hibernation to headline big events for pre-pandemic’s non-gigging journos to salivate superlatives over but there’s also REAL music movement rising under radar and onto sussed new fest stages.

18th May 2021

OMG From the last shows (same venue) in mid October 2021 to November, to December, to January, to February, to March, to April, to Mid May without live music.

#ReviveLive #Safety1stGigs Emotional, in the best way

Amersham Arms is one of the nationwide circuit of grassroots music venues where multiple arts and community events bring social collusion to their locality. TheZineUK was born in the backroom bar alongside much more.

Hallo lovely Sonja Amoretti, it’s always uplifting to see you. #StageStyle t-shirt (and tonight’s gig) by End Of The Trail, mask #SaveOurVenues by Music Venue Trust. The show is packed out and there are quite a few industry and media friends out to play, (again).

It’s so good to rock again. Also get to enjoy a whole set by The Palpitations this time round. Also, at the end of a start to finish enjoyable night, I discovered I’d been sat at Table No. 42. It means a lot.

Wednesday 19th May 2021 Back to a favourite thread of TheZineUK doc, Genesis Cinema in Eastendersland. It is uniqulture personified. In The Beginning…

What a difference a few weeks (and /issues of this doc) make. Images from ex-UK. Will we #KillTheBill? Patsy Stevenson (below, March) at a peaceful vigil for a woman murdered by a police man, (right, May) united in sisterhood for Loud Women’s ‘Reclaim These Streets’

May 2021

Reclaim These Streets We are half of the planet’s population, still protesting to exist equally and safely. Hurry Up, Evolution. Another powerful and anthem song grabs attention for the greater good, this month, uniting Debbie Smith, Siobhan Fahey, Brix Smith, Lilith Ai, Cassie Fox, Jade Ellins, MIRI, Kelly Chard, Penfriend Rocks, members of Big Joanie, Deux Furieuses, Berries, I Doris, Bugeye, The Tuts, Feral Five, Desperate Journalist, Petrol Girls, Lewisham Choir and so many more absolute sparklers with photography and videography by Keira Anee and artwork by Julia Woolams. When you’re documenting a genuine arts/hearts movement that has to trickle up, by necessity and the interdependent music industrious keep flexing their people power like this, the DIY newer wave is an initiative leading where mainstream will follow. We’re still staying close to street lights, though. Cont.

26th May 2021 Kick Out The Jams Presents The Deptford Mix Up at Amersham Arms, New Cross Sponsored by Rotor Videos In association with Musicians Against Homelessness


Greeted by the smiling eyes of Alex and Sonja. The emotion of a gig will probably always be more than it already was pre pandemic. As for impossible stress that artists, venues, crew, promoters & audiences suffer. They deseerve a government that gives a shit about one of it’s most successful economies.

It feels like beautiful people everywhere in Amersham Arms for the uplifting rock n roll show, but my photography attempts are especially shocking this evening so instead, I capture colourful blurs instead. Roobi TV are also filming. More interdependent puzzle pieces connect.

Band Holiday Monday - 31st May -There’s A Riot Goin On! A beautiful sunny day in Kings Cross Water Rats Theatre - #Safety1stGigs style


Band Holiday BREAK OUT at The Water Rats - DJs ← LIAM JAMES WARD and, below, DISCO MARKY

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31st May, Water Rats - GABI GARBUTT

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31st May, Water Rats - HANNYA WHITE

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31st May Water Rats - UK PAINT HORSE

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31st May, Water Rats - THE NOVUS

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31st May, Water Rats - Sold out Afternoon and Evening Gigs headlined by THE VELVET HANDS

31.5.21: Third gig this month. My lack of social graces is off the scale. I feel overwhelmed and clumsy. Do we hug or wave? I’ve not seen my awesome mates for ages and there are so many of them. I’ve got loads to say and nothing to say. I probably make smaller talk and I’m not going to pretend that lockdown hasn’t changed me. I just hope it’s for the better. I’m extra woke, more appreciative and feel a surge of warmth for these kind and creative people meeting in friendship. Sure it’s a bit awkward and surreal as we are seated, distanced, often masked and the show is behind a perspex screen but it’s all about caring. I leave before the very end as, truth be told, I’ve not been out after dark by myself much for over a year. I know it sounds silly but I’m not afraid to say so. Despite the lovely weather I didn’t even get many masked bandit shots outside. My “photography” just about gets a few “arty” snapshots of the day!

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31 May Water Rats THE VELVET HANDS

Band Holiday BREAK OUT 31 May Water Rats THE VELVET HANDS

#TheZineUK doc - to be continued

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