2021 New Year Revolutions

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2021: “Hola, La Música Nos Salvará”

Musician, Nadia Sheikh photographed by Laura Avinent

Our cover star, Nadia Sheikh is one of the extensive network of newer wave rock n rollers that make this one of the most vibrant eras in fresh talents.

Sunday 14th March 2021 Seven years since #TheZineUK doc’s first upload. We’ve ALL been through so much over this time, but WHAT a soundtrack from Britain/Ireland’s artfused DIY, interdependent, music movement. Greetings from Brexitannia: “Hola, La Música Nos Salvará” / “Hallo Music Will Save Us”

On a circuit of venues like The Cavern and more of the 60s, there is a fertile environment of almost Almost Famous happening to soundtrack the 21st century’s Roaring 20s. Or there would be. The pandemic has created a new world for us try rebuilding as a better place. The new abnormal can be a kinder and more equal place. What’s (usually) happening in the smallest venues, is the biggest story - available to experience on line.

It is an absolute privilege to witness the new artists going from strength to strength, supported by passionate audiences, promoters, reporters, technicians and organisations i.e. the industrious pipeline feeding future heritage.

We’ve seen Nadia play spaces like Camden Monarch (RIP) for This Feeling in 2018, at The Black Lion for The Brighton Mix Up (Kick Out The Jams) in 2019. Then early 2020, she played UK and European dates on huge stages with Stereophonics.

From the lazy “guitar bands are over” journo bollocks when we started out to the amazing stories of what the cast and crew of our pages have achieved already, sounds quite mythical. You had to be there. When live music returns, you can. The “Save Our Venues” spaces are key.

It’s an awesome reality. Nadia Sheikh is also one of the lovely audience members at other people’s gigs, too. There’s a definite kinship woven into this tapestry. We lcan’t thank everybody enough for helping TheZineUK be part of a Happening that thrills us.

The songs are of 20th century chart and prime time tv calibre. The potential isn’t out of place on a festival main stage.

Cheers for reading, sharing, being part of our uniqulture. Here’s wishing we can all stay safe and be out rocking again soon.

The last chapter (front cover art: Jelly J) lived Feb 2020 to December 1st alongside the adventures of our friends and misadventures of Planet Earth. Lockdown is less gigs, more time distancing, digitising and documenting. → MISS you, LOVE you, dear Zeenagers! Xx←

Your Time Is NEXT. Also. What a terrifying, tragic, traumatic time we live through. Globally inflicted by the ingreeding root of all evil with people illuminated for who they really are during the pandemic. Spiritually invested in the lives that TheZineUK documents, wishing that as many people as possible in the world can stay safe and sane. The artists and what they bring to the world make life better, so it is important that we continue to save our venues, stars and communities. We’re in TheZineUK seven year Spring 2021. Since we threw a punk’n’poetry launch on Tin Pan Alley (Jan 2014) too much/not enough has changed. In this grave new world, the planet and it’s people can still influence positivity: Not everybody curtseys to establishment’s cruel lawlessness. Our cast and crew keep adapting despite our uphill struggles becoming a mountain climbing expedition! LOVE has made music, romance, art, poems, laughter, tears, moments and new Earthlings. From yellow brick road to the bright pink catwalk! The Music People Party (a next level point in our tale at end of 2017) became annual. It didn’t happen in December 2020 but still feels like the allumni who were on and off stage or there in supportive spirit, have started something so strong that their presence is shaping the next chapters from our isolation cells, anyway. Their Time Is NEXT. Your Time Is Next. Our Time Is Next.

December 2020 (continued)

One of the annual December to January #Listmas positives of 2020, was seeing appreciation pour in for “Our Government at The Ministry” *, Music Venue Trust. Various Media / Awards lists and ceremonies honoured the team, including the (ever essential) Birmingham Music Awards. Words will never be able to express the musical nation’s gratitude in addition. The story without Music Venue Trust would be bleak, to say the least. *Literally. Like Featured Artists Coalition, MVT are based at The Ministry Of Sound in #SELondon

So, #TheZineUK doc last chapter reached 1st December 2020. What happened next in the #FertileEnvironment of our parallel dimension? Well, one of our musical threads, Emily Capell, played her first 2020 gig in front of Charles and Camilla at The 100 Club. “I’ve never been so nervous!” Said Emily on social media, continuing “I was chosen to represent London Musicians today to push the support of Music Venues during this tricky time!” Added to her awesomely insightful songs and writing (about things that really matter), Emily also now has her own highly rated show on Acid Jazz’s Totally Wired Radio (with essential #StageStyle iconic Fred Perry SubCulture), plus her own App!.

8th December 2020

(Luke Branch of art punk instigators, Asylums)

2021 Positivity - Interview: https://thezineuk.co.uk/articles/asylums

11th December 2020

Daniel Cross of enigmatic globerock stars, Birthmarks. 2021 Positivity - Interview: https://thezineuk.co.uk/articles/birthmarks

TheZineUK doc: true hearts in a false world. Postcard from Planet DeepFake, December 2020

13th Dec 2020 - OBTV launch The Velvet Hands and The Rezner are putting Cornwall’s hive of creativity on Britain’s rising rock map. Both bands are stars of BBC Introducing at Independent Venue Week in the Old Bakery Studios, plus Kick Out The Jams events (of which we are a co-promoter), TheZineUK’s own #MusicPeopleParty and so much else inclucing The REAL Great British Bake off: OBTV, an exciting project, presented by Em Marcovecchio, that highlights the locality’s arts and culture talent. “The Old Bakery received a grant from the Arts Council England Cultural Recovery Fund, issued in response to the dire straits many music and arts venues found themselves in as a consequence of the pandemic. The team have taken upon themselves an ambitious challenge; to produce a bi-monthly, TV-format showcase for the wealth of creative talent here in the county. At the same time the show provides employment opportunities for the freelancers who worked so hard to make The Old Bakery the success that it has become.”

14th December 2020 - interview wish influential new-music media editor, Mike Adams of Travellers Tunes https://travellerstunes.com/ “Now I have a burning desire to be in a field again, even for just that one day, roaring along, rain or shiine(!) with The People’s Choir of Woohoo, or whatever we are. Or just a few hours in a small bar, grinning and pulse racing.”

By mid December… “Lefty” isn’t always a political choice, sometimes its just having a personality that believes in a fairer society. I (Caffy) am not a member of any party (well, I make an exception for the Music People Party, but that’s about love and dancing) but the cull and cancel is always there. People are even led to believe that AntiFa and Woke are organisations, then choose to belive that being anti fascist and against racism is bad. After a life time of bullying/casual bigotry

16th December 2020 I enjoyed watching Dublin rockers, Sick Love #LivingTheStream. It made me eager to catch them live in the flesh again. A couple of times I’ve got merry and daft at their shows. I may do it again.What I mostly remember though is grinning with friends while they’re dancing (and I don’t know what the feck I think I’m doing, but its sing along FUN!) Sick Love are engaging entertainers, if they’re on your bucket list, maybe some of TheZineUK cast n crew will seeya at a show somewhere - one day.

If #LondonIsOpen

Then why not? - A debate worth having.

17th December 2020 Nadia Sheikh interview https://thezineuk.co.uk/articles/fireaway

“I hope live music will return in full force soon, for mine and everyone else’s sake. We really need it.” Nadia photographed by by Laura Avinent

December 2020

#TheZineUK’s Kelly #HotNewTunes Munro (who heads up credible artists and results loaded, multi media mavericks, End Of The Trail Creative - is on BBC Introducing

Just one of the #newerwave mover shakers in the vanguard of 2021’s #Interdependent Music Industrious

December 2020, because ex-Britain has never pursued a Zero-Covid policy during the tory-liars heist, what twitter now refers to as “Plague Island” has to (sort of) lockdown again (no, not you, airports etc.!). I can’t imagine how we would go on in dystopia, if we didn’t have a sense of humour and a culture of music love. A 20th Century song reference:

Winter Solstice


wishes of good will to our living world

Got festive at the cooool Cool Thing Records party! Many (many) aces, here’s just a few…

2020 was so “bingo card”

January 2021 The

(?) British break-off

@TheZineUK Twitter January 2021 included #ChippyTits #PlagueIsland #StopTheLeftPurge #StandUpForTravellers #GetOuttaMyPub #SaveStonehenge #fixstreaming #Drilly4Mayor #BeyondTheMusic #NHSheroes

January 2021

Britain Ireland look like a great #MusicTourism destination courtesy of the NYE display from #SELondon Costa Del Thames (The Peace Republic of Uniqulture, 2021)

A failed state uses charity to fund our treasure, the National Health Service, but thank you Captain Tom Moore for inspiring a nation.

“On the River Thames… on the River Thames…”

Despite 2020, TheZineUK is inspired to positivity by the sheer exuberance of sounds, talent, potential and actual rebellious love that the grassroots interdependence of Britain Ireland is gifting music fans and mainstream arts media/industry. Anybody s invited to this newer, inclusive rock n roll party. Pic from t’internet:

Big Joanie by Liz Rose Ridley

#MusicTourism - 2021 City Of Culture is Coventry

6th January 2021 - United Hates Of AmeriKKKa’s planned storming and murder rampage at Capitol Hill (by mid March, the nazi oompaloompa still remains unjailed). Meanwhile in the far-from-united “kingdom” of Hateland or whatever the fuq we’re called now (“Brexitannia?” It sure ain’t GREAT Britain), a European flag flies.

https://twitter.com/RoadsideMum highlighted how rich-tory cuntractors were stealing from the poor and starving. It’s not even shocking on Plague Island but it is yet another disgusting blight on Blighty. Media then debated, past and over, about her own picture and ability to speak about it. It really fucks me off how academia and press repeat streams of longer or press-bumpf hip words over our blunter brighter brains. I put the twitter address here for any interested twitteratti.

January 2021 Bugeye x John Kennedy of Radio X picking five best podcasts for Clash Magazine. John knows.

January 2021

Wolverhampton, West Midlands


Increasingly legendary producer, Gavin Monaghan (foreground) at his Magic Garden Studios

He was recording new songs with the rock MOSES (bass player, James Creighton, is in the background).

One of the influential Rock Albums of the Roaring 20s, is the eponymous LP from Mourning Birds. L-R James Gilder, Sam Mitchell, Bill Williams The artwork pic (by me, Caffy) is from a great day filming TheZineUK sessions on Tin Pan Alley, Soho. Our story of music movement would be completely different without them. Find this masterpiece and turn it up LOUD.

15th January 2021 -fab BLAB releases ‘Casual Sex’ (Cool Thing Records)

17th January 2021

17th January 2021 - Go for a Sunday walk around Deptford Fun City, Costa del Thames in the morning - then come home for the afternoon’s on-line love breakout of kind courage and hope that is the launch of Peace And Justice

#PeaceAndJustice project by Jeremy Corbyn and allies. “You don’t have to take what you’re given.You don’t have to live without power and without hope. Things can, and they will change.” https://thecorbynproject.com

← THAT pic

Memories of The Women’s March 2016, London → This pic

January 2021 Presidential inauguration Alongside Amanda Gorman, Bernie Sanders won that week’s internet Propaganda ensures that many people ain’t into the socialist idea of fairer society, feeding and housing people, equitable equality, being anti fascist and aware/woke etc. Word is getting around youth faster, they can’t be arsed with the client journalism churnalism of mainstream “media” tedia. For The Many, Bernie Sanders made t-shirts of this viral mittens pic and used the money to fund charity, anyway.

USA - war-v-poverty-business as usual after the elections, but some beautiful hope into the mix.

including Lady Gaga : A dove carrying an olive branch.

“May we all make peace with each other.” TheZineUK will always look forward to such a day that we agree to disagree and can move on, together.

January 2020

Amanda Gorman

(youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history)

19th January 2021 False Heads join the FMLY booking agency rosta It’s heart-warming to see the organic rise of the grassroots circuit’s rock stars - despite the last year’s hurdles. The biggest news is in the smallest venues. Regular readers of #TheZineUK doc will know how many moments this punked up sensation have smashed already. Congratulations, again. #FertileEnvironment http://neilmccartyphotography.co.uk

21st January 2021 is released as a single by A Cause In Distress It is fucking spectacular and expansive #AnotherCoolThing (released on independent label, Cool Thing Records). I’m already a fan of this band and this TUNE doesn’t disappoint. But I don’t review/mention it or any of the many fantastic soundtracks that I have lined up for TheZineUK’s February Soundtracks. I list them on twitter then have to admit to myself.

I Can’t Fucking Cope! I have Human Zoo syndrome or whatever you get from a year of lockdown, stress, worrying if your family develop a cough, agoraphobia of going into the airborne/racism diseased outooors, financial concerns, social media meltdown fatigue all while the biggest heist in history is carried out with the mainstream media, “royal” family, police who take selfies with dead women and, let’s be honest, as far as the security of the nation is concerned, James Bond is the closest Britain comes to having a security service at the moment.

I hope one day somebody is sufficiently genius to put A Cause In Distress and Birthmarks on the same bill. For now, this is wonderful music to soundtrack those moments when you allow yourself to admit “I Can’t Fucking Cope” to heal

#FuturePicks Lock-In are featured on Travellers Tunes new band spotlight Of the band’s empathetic off kilter tangent-pop, ‘Teenager’: “This is the carefree anthem that, postvaccine is going to soundtrack that first mental night out we’re longing for!” ‘Get Over It’ seals the “infectious naughties indie” deal, their first This Feeling Gig sells out in 6 hours #BigIn2021 4Real - Soccer Am/Steve Lamacq BBC 6Music play and loads more. Lock-In repping New music positivity.

Imagine if one day the grassroots music venue circuit can get enough of a break for our actual government, Music Venue Trust to be able to TAKE a break. Since 2014 the MVT have worked so hard to make history and future for so many of us. They deserve the accolades to keep coming. In the mean time though, just THANK YOU so much, again.

January 2021 The Mysterines

January 2021 Coach Party

29th January 2021

“Simon Price” is trending on Twitter


Love it/him.

31st January 2021 - The Rezner play OBTV photography by Emily Talbot

There would have been more pages in this issue, ending with TheZineUK is 7 today, Sunday 14th March 2021, but this image of a peaceful vigil that police rioted at, by Almara Abgarian, is from Clapham Common on Saturday 13th March . We started this week with International Women’s Day, we leave this issue with a message of #ReclaimTheStreets TheZineUK will be back in a better mood, soon, until then, sending virtual hugs from these pages to our friends - and beyond to our world.

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