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20/20 English is dé lesmethode Engels voor mbo niveau 1-2 en 3-4 in de sectoren Economie, Zorg en Welzijn, Techniek en ICT.

Uniek aan 20/20 English is dat de lesstof geschreven is vanuit de context van het beroep.

Dit werkboek A2 voor de sector Techniek sluit aan bij wat leerlingen in hun toekomstige beroep kunnen

20/20 English

20/20 English Werkboek A2 sector Techniek N3-4

Werkboek A2 sector Techniek N3-4

tegenkomen, zoals een gesprek voeren met collega’s en een veiligheidsinstructie schrijven.

Dit is niet alleen nuttig, maar bovenal erg motiverend, omdat de lesstof hierdoor past bij de interesse van de leerling.

Daarnaast is er uiteraard rekening gehouden met de exameneisen en beheerst de leerling na het doorwerken van dit werkboek het Engels op niveau A2 van het ERK.

Kortom: 20/20 English biedt uw leerlingen de optimale voorbereiding om te kunnen slagen voor hun opleiding én in hun toekomstige beroep.

B1 Techniek en de bijbehorende website.

Op www.2020english.nl kunnen zowel docenten als leerlingen inloggen. De site biedt ondersteuning aan de werkboeken door middel van veel audiofragmenten, extra oefenmateriaal en woordenlijsten. Voor de docent zijn er daarnaast handleidingen en uitwerkingen beschikbaar.

Bij dit boek wordt éénmalig een licentiecode verstrekt die toegang geeft tot de website.

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Werkboek A2 sector Techniek N3-4

Het complete lesmateriaal bestaat uit het handboek Techniek, het werkboek A2 Techniek, het werkboek


Linda Chaudron-Hoogenboom Aysun Yılmaz

28-03-13 15:20

Werkboek A2 sector Techniek N3-4


Linda Chaudron-Hoogenboom Aysun Yilmaz

Auteur Linda Chaudron-Hoogenboom Aysun Yilmaz Eindredacteur Maarten Wijrdeman Vormgeving EnOf Ontwerp + communicatie, Utrecht Opmaak en beeldredactie Imago Mediabuilders, Amersfoort Omslagfotografie Karin Ligthart Website bij deze uitgave www.2020english.nl Over ThiemeMeulenhoff ThiemeMeulenhoff is dé educatieve mediaspecialist en levert educatieve oplossingen voor het Primair Onderwijs, Voortgezet Onderwijs, Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs en Hoger Onderwijs. Deze oplossingen worden ontwikkeld in nauwe samenwerking met de onderwijsmarkt en dragen bij aan verbeterde leeropbrengsten en individuele talentontwikkeling. ThiemeMeulenhoff haalt het beste uit élke leerling. Meer informatie over ThiemeMeulenhoff en een overzicht van onze educatieve oplossingen: www.thiememeulenhoff.nl of via de Klantenservice 088 800 20 16 ISBN 978 90 06 81537 5 Eerste druk, eerste oplage, 2013 © ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort, 2013

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Voorwoord Dit is het werkboek A2 voor de sector Techniek. Dit werkboek bevat 6 hoofdstukken (units) en in elke unit staat een thema centraal. Dit thema heeft altijd betrekking op een situatie die je in je toekomstig beroep kan tegenkomen. De opdrachten in deze unit passen binnen het thema. Elke unit wordt afgesloten met een case, waarin je kan laten zien dat je de geleerde stof beheerst en communicatief vaardiger bent geworden. Na het doorwerken van dit boek beheers je het Engels op niveau A2 van het ERK. Dit werkboek gebruik je in combinatie met het handboek voor de sector Techniek. Het handboek is een uitgebreid naslagwerk waar je zowel tijdens als na je studie gebruik van zult maken. In dit werkboek wordt regelmatig verwezen naar paragrafen in het handboek. Er staat dan bijvoorbeeld: Study your handbook, E27, about prepositions (voorzetsels). Op de website www.2020english.nl vind je de luisterteksten, extra opdrachten en transcripten van het luistermateriaal. Bij dit werkboek ontvang je een voucher waarmee je je licentie voor de website kunt activeren. Let op: de code in de voucher kun je maar een keer inwisselen! De methode 20/20 English is bedoeld om zelfstandig leren en werken te vergemakkelijken. Als je de aanwijzingen in dit werkboek volgt en de opdrachten uitvoert, zul je merken dat je veel vragen over Engels zelf kunt beantwoorden en problemen zelf kunt oplossen. Je docent heeft alle uitwerkingen. Bespreek met haar/hem of je over deze uitwerkingen mag beschikken. Als je alle units en cases aandachtig hebt doorgewerkt, zul je merken dat je je in veel situaties al heel goed kunt redden. Je woordenschat is groter geworden, je kunt eenvoudige gesprekken voeren, teksten lezen en samenvatten en eenvoudige e-mailberichten en brieven schrijven. You won’t be at a loss for words.

De auteurs

Gebruiksaanwijzing In elke unit worden de vaardigheden Spreken, Gesprekken voeren, Lezen, Schrijven en Luisteren geoefend. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor Grammatica en belangrijke woorden. Aan het eind van elke unit vind je een Case. Speaking interaction / Gesprekken voeren In dit boek vind je veel oefeningen die je helpen een eenvoudig gesprek in het Engels te voeren. In veel gevallen kun je voorbeelden ontlenen aan de luisteroefeningen bij dit boek. Speaking / Spreken Bij dit onderdeel zul je een presentatie of een monoloog moeten voorbereiden en houden. Listening / Luisteren De vele luisteroefeningen zijn er niet alleen op gericht je luistervaardigheid te vergroten, maar ook om je een groot aantal voorbeeldgesprekken te laten horen die je in allerlei situaties kunt gebruiken. De luisterfragmenten (en videofragmenten) vind je op de website www.2020english.nl. Reading / Lezen Je vindt in deze rubriek een groot aantal leesteksten over uiteenlopende onderwerpen waarmee je te maken kunt krijgen. De teksten worden gevolgd door verschillende opdrachten. Writing / Schrijven In dit deel leer je e-mails en brieven schrijven en formulieren invullen. Grammar / Grammatica Je vindt in dit deel een aantal grammaticaoefeningen bij de theorie uit het Handboek. Important words and phrases / Belangrijke woorden en uitdrukkingen Dit is een lijst van woorden en uitdrukkingen afkomstig uit de unit die je zojuist hebt doorgewerkt. Je moet er zelf voor zorgen dat je deze woorden en uitdrukkingen actief in het Engels kunt gebruiken. Case In de case laat je je communicatieve vaardigheden zien. Het is dus belangrijk dat je de vaardigheden en de woorden en uitdrukkingen uit de voorafgaande unit goed beheerst. iconen en hun betekenis Speaking interaction / Gesprekken voeren Speaking / Spreken Listening / Luisteren Reading / Lezen Writing / Schrijven Grammar / Grammatica Ga naar www.2020English.nl of de aangegeven website.

Inhoudsopgave Unit 1

Building and Breaking


Case 1

The House on Patterson Street


Unit 2

Safety First


Case 2

Safety on the Job


Unit 3

Maintenance and Productivity


Case 3

Well-trained in Maintenance


Unit 4

There is no 'I' in our Team


Case 4

A New Colleague


Unit 5

Futuristic and Fantastic!


Case 5

The Cool Tool Invention


Unit 6

An International Worker


Case 6

Looking for a Global Career


Building and Unit 1 Breaking

In this unit you will familiarise yourself with some of the most

common technical jobs. You will come across the English terms for everyday tools used by mechanics. You will focus on how to

communicate with customers in English as well. For example: you will learn the language that is used when you are making a plan. Let’s start building your English!

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26-03-13 10:13

Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Listening Exercise 1 A lot of American reality television shows deal with home improvement. Think, for example, of famous shows such as Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Extreme Home Makeover. A lot of professionals are involved in rebuilding the homes in these shows, such as carpenters, electricians and plumbers. Watch and listen to track 1.1. This video is part of the Extreme Home Makeover series. Answer the following questions. 1 Which family is going to be helped in this episode?

2 What happened to the family’s dad, David?

3 ‘My house is a safety hazard’ Mrs Scott says. What does that mean?

4 What insect has infected the Scott’s house?

5 What is going to happen if the insects are not taken care of?

6 Where is the family going while the construction workers are rebuilding the house?

7 What is the first thing that the construction workers do?

8 Why is the woodwork painted blue? Name both reasons.

9 How does the family respond to their new house? What do they say?

10 What do you think of the Scott’s house? Do you think it looks nice? Why (not)?


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Exercise 2 Watch and listen to track 1.2. Answer the following questions. 1 What happened to the Tipton-Smith family’s home?

2 What happened after the fire? Were any family members injured?

3 ‘There’s a part of him living’. Why does Ranson’s mother say that?

4 Many people in the community are organ donors. What does this have to do with Ranson?

5 What is the surprise Ty has for the family?

6 How does the family respond to their new home? Are they happy?

Speaking interaction Exercise 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. 1 Have you ever watched shows such as Extreme Home Makeover or Extreme Home Makeover? 2 What do you think about these shows? Do you think they are fun to watch? Why (not)? 3 Would you ever appear on a TV show as a professional builder? Why (not)?

Reading Exercise 4 Study your handbook, B1-B10, about different types of texts and reading strategies. The following exercise deals with the text below. Before actually reading the text, try to answer the following questions. 1 What kind of text is this?

2 Look at the illustration. What does it tell you about the text?


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

3 What is the title of the text? What do you think it means?

4 Explain what this text is about without reading it.

5 Now read the text. Are your answers correct?

Sale! Up to 25% discount on electric tools! Tolly Tools has a wide range of all sorts of quality tools. Screwdrivers, paint brushes or electric drills: we have the right tool for all your DIY projects! From August 25th until September 3rd our top tools are on sale. Try our tools and get an incredible discount of up to 25%. Don’t 5 wait any longer. Come and visit us at 22 Johnston street. Discount only applies to customers with a customer’s card.

Exercise 5 Study your handbook, B1-B10, about reading strategies, and re-read the text of Exercise 4. Answer the questions. 1 What is the name of the store?

2 When are the tools on sale?

3 How much discount can a customer get?

4 Where can you find the store?

5 What does a customer need to have to get a discount?


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Exercise 6 Study your handbook, B7-B10. Answer the question. What is the difference between orientating and reading in detail? Explain in your own words.

Grammar Exercise 7 Study your handbook, E30-32. Do you remember the present simple (onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd – o.t.t.)? Below you will find sentences that each have one mistake in the present simple. Correct the mistake and write down the correct sentence. 1 I goes to work every day.

2 She never use dangerous tools.

3 We always works with screwdrivers and electric drills.

4 I uses a wrench every day.

5 My brother work as a bricklayer.

6 Does Peter works as a car mechanic?

7 No, Peter work as an electrician.

8 Mohammed know a lot about tools.

9 Khalid doesn’t works as a plasterer.

10 I gets a special discount at Super Tools.


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Exercise 8 Study your handbook, E30-E32. Fill in the correct form of the present simple. 1 I always 2 A painter 3 My brother 4 I never 5 We never 6 Our boss 7 A car mechanic 8 I

(buy) my tools at my local DIY store. (use) a paint brush to paint buildings. (work) as an electrician. (look) for discounts when I buy tools. (use) a chain-saw during work. (organise) a work meeting every Monday. (check) your car for the MOT. (know) how to use a table saw.

Exercise 9 Study your handbook, E57-E60. Fill in the correct form of the present simple in the questions and negatives below. 1 He 2 3 I

(you - work) with special tools? (not - use) a wrench.


(he - like) his job?


(you - think) a screwdriver is a necessary tool?

6 A plumber 7 Paul 8


(not - work) a lot.

(not - use) an electric drill. (not - go) to work on Monday. (you - drive) a company car?

Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Reading Exercise 10 Study your handbook, B7-B10, to learn about reading strategies. Look at the text. What do you think this text is about? What kind of text is this?

Read the text in detail and answer the questions below.

Family Loses House after Television Programme February 26th, 2013 By Roberta Cassidy A family that participated in the famous Home Makeover and Improvement Show, broadcast on CNB 5, was evicted from 5 their home two days ago. Home owner Patrick Donald claims ‘the producers of the show have left him in more trouble than he was in before they came along’. Donald says the handymen who work for the programme are far from professional. ‘They really made a mess of things. During the makeover, they just left their dangerous tools lying around. I mean, I have a 4-year-old daughter. Imagine her playing around with a chainsaw or a claw 10 hammer!’ Moreover, the Donald family is not satisfied at all with the end result. According to Sarah Donald ‘both the paintwork and the carpentry were done sloppily’. Because of the bad state their house is in, the municipality decided to evict them from their home. ‘We had no other choice’ mayor Paulson claimed. ‘The house was really a danger to both the family and the neighbourhood’. The producers of ‘Home Makeover and Improvement’ have not yet responded to the situation.

1 When was the family evicted?

2 What does Patrick Donald say about dangerous tools?

3 What dissatisfied Sarah Donald? Why?

4 Why did the municipality evict the family?

5 What do the producers of the programme say?


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Exercise 11 Match the English words (1-10) with their Dutch translations (a-j). The words are taken from the texts in the unit. 1 DIY

a kwast

2 handymen

b klusjesmannen

3 dangerous tool

c verfwerk

4 chainsaw

d klauwhamer

5 paintwork

e schroevendraaier

6 carpentry

f gevaarlijk gereedschap

7 claw hammer

g timmerwerk

8 screwdriver

h kettingzaag

9 paint brush

i doe-het-zelf

10 electric drill

j electrische boor

Exercise 12 Work in pairs. Translate the following words in English. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 handzaag

6 waterpas

2 tang

7 koevoet

3 beitel

8 schraper

4 bankschroef

9 nietpistool

5 moersleutel

10 zaagbank

Exercise 13 Which tool is described? Fill in the correct English words. Use the tools mentioned in Exercise 12. 1 A

is used to drive staples into wood or plastic.

2 A tool which is commonly used by thieves is called a 3 When you want to fasten a bolt, you use a 4 A

. .

is used to cut wood.

5 To check whether or not a surface is horizontal, you use a 6 A 7 With the help of a 8 A


helps you remove paint from a window. you can bend materials. is used to hold an object in a ďŹ xed position.

9 When you want to carve wood or metal, you use a 10 A saw mounted under a table or bench is called a 14

. .

Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Exercise 14 Match the English words (1-10) with their Dutch translations (a-j). The words are taken from the texts in the unit. 1 painter

a stukadoor

2 engineer

b monteur

3 electrician

c timmerman

4 mechanic

d schilder

5 car mechanic

e metselaar

6 carpenter

f techneut

7 plumber

g elektricien

8 technician

h loodgieter

9 plasterer

i ingenieur

10 bricklayer

j automonteur

Grammar Exercise 15 Study your handbook, E5-E8, to learn about articles (lidwoorden). Look at the jobs discussed in Exercise 14. Which article (‘a’ or ‘an’) do you use for these jobs? Fill in the correct form. For example:

a handyman


















car mechanic



Exercise 16 Study your handbook, E2-E4. In English, the definite article (bepaald lidwoord) ‘the’ (de/het) is not always used. Look at the sentences below. All sentences contain the word ‘the’. If you think ‘the’ should be left out, blot out (haal door) the word. 1 Our tools are imported from THE Asia. 2 In THE winter we don’t have to work. 3 We often transport our products to THE Middle East. 4 Last week, we worked on a construction site in THE Hague. 5 The injured bricklayer was taken to THE hospital. 6 There are many construction sites in THE South of THE Netherlands.


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

7 You can find a lot of car mechanics in THE Amsterdam. 8 THE Big Ben was constructed within a few years. 9 We have to learn tools in THE English. 10 He became a carpenter at THE age of 19.

Exercise 17 Study your handbook, E9-E11, to learn about nouns (zelfstandige naamwoorden). Nouns are used when we are talking about people, animals, plants and other things. There are specific rules when you are forming the plural (meervoud) of nouns. What are the plural forms of the jobs and tools below? 1 painter

9 plasterer

2 engineer

10 bricklayer

3 electrician

11 handyman

4 mechanic

12 pliers

5 car mechanic

13 wrench

6 carpenter

14 gloves

7 plumber

15 safety glasses

8 technician

Speaking interaction Exercise 18 What kind of job do you have? Either pick a job from Exercise 14 or use your own profession as an example. Answer the following questions. After answering the questions, discuss them with your neighbour. What differences and similarities can you find? 1 What kind of job do you have?

2 What do you like about your job?

3 What do you dislike about your job?

4 What kind of special skills do you need for your job?

5 What kind of tools do you use?


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Listening Exercise 19 Watch and listen to track 1.3. You will hear a construction worker giving tips on how to cut tiles. Answer the following questions. 1 What kind of saw do you have to use?

2 What will happen to the water?

3 Why do you have to stop cutting when there is no water left?

4 How do you fasten the tile to the table?

5 Why do you have to buy more tiles than you actually need?

6 Why do you have to wait before you start sawing?

7 Why do you cut both sides of the tile?

Exercise 20 Watch and listen to track 1.4. You will hear a construction worker giving tips on how to replace a toilet. Answer the following questions. 1 What do you have to do before you buy a new toilet?

2 What is a common problem in older homes?

3 Which two things do you do before you remove your old toilet?

4 Why do you have to wear rubber gloves?


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

5 Which part do you remove first?

6 Which tool do you use to remove the bolts?

7 What do you do when the bolts are off?

8 Why do you place a rag in the drain opening?

Exercise 21 Listen to track 1.5. You will hear a conversation between a home owner and a builder. They are talking about the planning of a construction job. Listen carefully and fill in the gaps in the text. Home owner

Thanks for coming around on such short notice! I really would like to talk about the of the work you are doing in my new home.


site to

Of course, no problem! I have just been to the check everything, so we will be able to come up with a proper plan. ?

Home owner

So what are you going to do


I think we should start with the

Home owner

What exactly does that mean?


That means that we are going to install pipes and



your home for the distribution of water. will that take?

Home owner

Alright. And how


I think about a day or two. It shouldn’t

Home owner

What are you going to do

all that long. ?

I think we should focus on installing your central

Builder heating system. Home owner

You’re right, I almost forgot about that. Is that very



that I gave you gives you an exact estimate of

the costs. Home owner



Oh right, thank you. What will happen next?

Unit 1 Building and Breaking


I think it would be wise to start at the

oor and

work our way up. Home owner

Sounds good. When do you think your work will be


We will be done within three weeks.


Reading Exercise 22 You work as a planner for a company that builds cruise liners. It is your job to ďŹ nd out when the company is extremely busy, so you can hire extra workers/staff. Answer the following questions.

Cruise ships currently under construction: The Sea Cruiser Final construction: March 2016 Completion front deck: June 2015 Completion service facilities: December 2015 5 Tonnage: 126,000 Length: 1,026 feet Maximum capacity: 3,690 people The Blue Breeze Final construction: January 2016 10 Completion front deck: June 2015 Completion service facilities: February 2016 Tonnage: 210,000 Length: 1,895 feet Maximum capacity: 5,500 people 15 Mambo Waves Final construction: December 2015 Completion front deck: September 2015 Completion service facilities: November 2015 Tonnage: 137,965 20 Length: 789 feet Maximum capacity: 1,550 people Coconuts Cruise liner Final construction: January 2016 Completion front deck: October 2015 25 Completion service facilities: December 2015 Tonnage: 210,000 Length: 1,895 feet Maximum capacity: 5,500 people


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

1 When do the building activities take place? Fill in the grid below.





















Sea Cruiser Blue Breeze Mambo Waves Coconuts Cruiseliner

2 When is the company the busiest?

3 Are there any months when there are no activities planned?

4 You have to hire extra staff when there are two or more activities planned. When are you going to hire extra staff?

5 Do you think it is useful to plan your work? Why (not)?

Writing Exercise 23 Think about your regular (work)week. What kind of activities do you have to do? And at what time do you have to do them? Fill in the schedule. Indicate both time and activities. Include the following: sports, work, school.


Unit 1 Building and Breaking



7 a.m.

start work

1 p.m.

have lunch

5 p.m.

end of







workday 8 p.m.

go to the gym

10 p.m.

go to the pub

Exercise 24 There are specific words and phrases (chunks) that you use when you are talking about your (construction) planning. Fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the following English words: ahead – plan – calendar – deadline – time – on time – delayed . We cannot finish it on time.

1 I am afraid that our project has been 2 Meeting our

seems almost impossible because of all the problems

we’ve had. .

3 What date is it today? Let me just check the 4 I am not quite sure if we can finish the project 5 Do you think we can finish 6 Everything is going according to 7 The workers are pressed for

. of schedule? . I am very happy about that! , they won’t be able to finish on time.

Exercise 25 Which handyman should we hire? Look at the list of problems that can occur around the house. Match the different jobs to the right handyman. Choose from the following professionals: electrician – cleaner – painter – plumber – locksmith – exterminator – roofer – welder


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

1 The sink is leaking 2 The lock on the door needs fixing 3 The roof is leaking 4 There is a power failure 5 The walls need to be painted 6 The house is a mess 7 The house is infested by mice 8 The metal frame of the bed needs to be welded

Reading Exercise 26 Answer the questions before reading the text. 1 Look at the title of the text. What do you already know about the Empire State Building?

2 Look at the picture. What does this tell you about when the Empire State building was constructed?

Now read the text. After reading answer the following questions.

Design and Construction of the Empire State Building The Empire State Building was designed by William F. Lamb. He was able to make the drawings for the building in just two weeks because he used designs he had made before he started working on the Empire State Building. 5 The construction work began on January 22, 1930, and construction of the building itself started on March 17 of the same year. The project involved 3,400 workers, mostly immigrants from Europe. According to official accounts, five workers died during 10 the construction. The construction project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget. Instead of taking eighteen months, the construction of the building took just under fifteen months. The total costs of building the Empire State Building were only $24.7 million. It had been estimated that the building would actually cost $43 million. The building was officially opened on May 1, 1931 by 15 President Herbert Hoover of the US. He turned on the building’s lights with the push of a button from Washington, D.C. 22

Unit 1 Building and Breaking

1 How long did it take to make the drawings of the Empire State Building?

2 When did the building start?

3 Where did most workers come from?

4 How many people died during the construction?

5 Was the project ever delayed?

6 How long did it take to build the Empire State Building?

7 How much did the building eventually cost?

8 When was the building officially opened?

The World’s Tallest Building America is the country of the skyscrapers. The first skyscraper was built in Manhattan, New York and was 312 feet tall. In the 1930s the race to become the world’s tallest building began. To win the race to the top the constructor of the Chrysler Building (1930) used a secret weapon: a 125-foot stainless steel spire was covertly assembled in the crown of the building and hoisted into place. So the building got 1046 feet tall! Now the Chrysler Building was the world’s tallest one. But that lasted only one year, for one year later the Empire State Building was finished. The roof is at a height of 1,250 feet and with its antenna spire included it stands at a total of 1,454 feet high. Nowadays the Empire State Building is no longer the world’s tallest, although it is still a landmark in New York. Skyscrapers are getting taller and taller. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai (2012) is 2,717 feet, almost twice as tall as the Empire State Building.


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Listening Exercise 27 Listen to track 1.6. You are going to hear information about the construction of Big Ben. Listen carefully and answer the questions. 1 When was the original tower built?

2 What happened in 1834?

3 When did the construction of the Clock Tower begin?

4 What kind of materials were used?

5 How were the materials transported to the construction site?

6 When was construction of the tower ďŹ nished?

Writing Exercise 28 Do you remember which tools are used by which professional? Fill in the gaps. The ďŹ rst letter of the tool is given. 1 A painter uses a p 2 A carpenter uses a h

to hit nails.

3 An electrician uses s

to open power sockets.

4 A handyman uses a s

to cut wood.

5 A lock smith uses a c

to open a door.

6 An exterminator wears a m 7 A welder wears s 8 A carpenter uses a c


to paint a house.

to protect his face. to protect his eyes. to shape wood.

Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Important words and phrases Make sure that you know how to use the following words and phrases in English. They can all be found in unit 1. timmerman
























elektrische boor









Unit 1 Building and Breaking

Case 1 | The House on Patterson Street You are part of the production team of Extreme Home Makeover. The family has sent the show an application because they want their house to be rebuild.

Listening Watch and listen to track 1.7. It is an application video by the Shelly family. Answer the following questions. 1 What are the names of the home owners?

2 What has recently happened to Bob?

3 ‘We have mold in our home’. What does that mean in Dutch?

4 How is Susan trying to convince your production team to fix her house?

5 Susan sings ‘please help me, before I give up and flee’. What do you think that means?

6 What do you think of all the problems? Do you think Extreme Home Makeover should help the Shelly family? Why (not)?

Reading Read the text and answer the questions.

Extreme Home Makeover: House on Patterson Street This house is in a very bad condition. The plumbing in the bathroom is in real need of fixing, since neither the toilets nor the shower work. Furthermore, the woodwork in the kitchen is heavily damaged. In the bedroom, windows are broken and the outside of the house should really be painted. There are cracks in the ceiling and the tiles on the floor in the family room are damaged. Finally, there are also problems with the foundation.


Unit 1 Building and Breaking

1 Which parts of the house need to be rebuild? Place them in the grid below ‘Which part of the house’. 2 Which activities need to be done in the house? Place them in the grid below ‘Which activities’. 3 Which handymen do you think have to do this job? For example, when you need to repair woodwork, you would probably hire a carpenter. Write them down in the grid below ‘which handyman’ 4 Decide which tools your handyman needs. Write down the tools in the grid below ‘which tools’. 5 How long do you think it will take to finish the job? Guess how many days your handymen will need and write that information down in ‘when finished’. Which part of the

Which activities?



Which tools?

When finished?


Form pairs and compare your planning sheet to that of your partner’s. Together decide which plan is best and present that to the group.


20/20 English is dé lesmethode Engels voor mbo niveau 1-2 en 3-4 in de sectoren Economie, Zorg en Welzijn, Techniek en ICT.

Uniek aan 20/20 English is dat de lesstof geschreven is vanuit de context van het beroep.

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20/20 English

20/20 English Werkboek A2 sector Techniek N3-4

Werkboek A2 sector Techniek N3-4

tegenkomen, zoals een gesprek voeren met collega’s en een veiligheidsinstructie schrijven.

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Linda Chaudron-Hoogenboom Aysun Yılmaz

28-03-13 15:20

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