New Interface 2 havo A

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In de huidige wereld is alles mogelijk, wordt er gezegd. Maar wat betekent dat eigenlijk voor wat je moet kunnen en weten? Met New Interface ga je aan de slag met je persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en leer je Engels dat je daarbij kan helpen.

Je bent natuurlijk niet alleen werelds als je met een backpack de meest exotische landen hebt bezocht. Werelds zijn is een instelling, een houding. Ongeacht hoe ver je van huis bent, of juist dichtbij. Wel zo makkelijk als je dan goed kunt communiceren. New Interface, let words open new worlds.



Hoe doen we dat dan? Door relevantie te bieden in plaats van je belevingswereld na te bootsen. Door opdrachten die je voorbereiden op jouw toekomst. Door je niet alleen de grammatica te geven, maar te laten zien hoe je deze kunt gebruiken. Zo maakt Engels je wereld groter.








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12-10-2020 11:08

New Interface 2 havo

Blue label Leerwerkboek A

Mayke Munten Marieke Nijhof Sally Ripley Diane van Steekelenburg Eindredactie Nynke Bottinga

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RED 1 2 3 4

vmbo-BK vmbo-BK vmbo-B vmbo-B



vmbo-K vmbo-K

vmbo-GT/havo vmbo-GT vmbo-GT vmbo-GT



havo/vwo havo havo havo/vwo

vwo vwo vwo

level B1 4/5/6

level B1+/B2 level B2+/C1

New Interface LRN-line is gebaseerd op het werk van de auteurs van New Interface 3rd edition: Nynke Bottinga, Marleen Cannegieter, Annie Cornford, Marjan den Hertog, Jos van Heusden, Michiel Jansen, Simon Joseph, Paulien Lammers, Frederieke Lelieveld, Annette Lether, Dianne Manders, Nienke Marinus, Nathalie Meeuwsen, Hans Mol, Hanna Molenaar, Mayke Munten, Marieke Nijhof, Sally Ripley, Marion Simon, Marieke Smeenk, Diane van Steekelenburg, Madelijn Storm van Leeuwen, Vera Stupenea, Hedwig Suurmeijer, Sandra van de Ven. Bureauredactie Hanna Molenaar

Omslagfotografie Flirt Creativity

Vormgeving Studio Michelangela

Opmaak Crius Group

Over ThiemeMeulenhoff ThiemeMeulenhoff ontwikkelt zich van educatieve uitgeverij tot een learning design company. We brengen content, leerontwerp en technologie samen. Met onze groeiende expertise, ervaring en leeroplossingen zijn we een partner voor scholen bij het vernieuwen en verbeteren van onderwijs. Zo kunnen we samen beter recht doen aan de verschillen tussen lerenden en scholen en ervoor zorgen dat leren steeds persoonlijker, effectiever en efficiënter wordt.

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© ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort, 2021

Voor zover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 j° het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stbl. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan Stichting Publicatie- en Reproductierechten Organisatie (PRO), Postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp ( Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden. Voor meer informatie over het gebruik van muziek, film en het maken van kopieën in het onderwijs zie

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30/11/2020 12:12

Inhoud Unit 1 Cities


Unit 2 Extremes


Unit 3 Money


Unit 4 Inventions


Checkbook 163 Alfabetische woordenlijsten


Speech cards



NI_OB_hv_VW_A.indd 3

30/11/2020 14:33

Skilled for life! In de huidige wereld is alles mogelijk, wordt er gezegd. Maar wat betekent dat eigenlijk voor wat je moet kunnen en weten? Met New Interface leer je hoe je goed spreekt, luistert, leest, schrijft – kortom: leeft – in deze taal die je overal tegenkomt, nu of in de toekomst. Naast het verbeteren van je Engels helpt de methode je om jezelf te ontwikkelen en je voor te bereiden op het leven. Niet het leven, maar JOUW leven. Want om je in de wereld staande te houden, heb je niet alleen language skills maar ook life skills nodig. Dat zijn belangrijke vaardigheden als problemen oplossen, kritisch denken of doelen stellen. Zo maakt Engels je wereld groter.


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30/11/2020 12:12

Symbolen In de leerwerkboeken kun je de volgende symbolen tegenkomen: Werk aan je persoonlijke ontwikkeling én aan Engels. Werk samen met een of meer klasgenoten. Ga naar de New Interface-website of zoek iets op internet. Beluister het audiofragment. Scan de QR-code bij de opdracht of vind het fragment op de New Interface-website. Bekijk het videofragment. Scan de QR-code bij de opdracht of vind het fragment op de New Interface-website. Oefen dit onderwerp nog eens.

Hoe zit een Unit in elkaar? Elk hoofdstuk is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd: } } } } } } } } }

Introduction: openingsles waarin je kennismaakt met de leerdoelen en wat je eraan hebt Lesson 1 Reading: leesvaardigheid Lesson 2 Writing: schrijfvaardigheid Lesson 3 Listening and watching: luister- en kijkvaardigheid Lesson 4 Speaking: gespreks- en spreekvaardigheid Lesson 5 Project: projectles waarin je alles van het hoofdstuk toepast Self-test: diagnostische toets om te zien of je klaar bent voor je toetsen (online) Catch up: herhalingsopdrachten om extra te oefenen voor je toetsen (online) Get ahead: extra plusopdrachten (online)

Achter in het boek vind je het Checkbook: hier kun je alle grammatica-uitleg, woordenlijsten en nuttige zinnen (phrases) vinden. Handig om iets snel op te zoeken of om te leren. Ook alfabetische woordenlijsten en speech cards staan achter in het boek. Ook elke les heeft een zelfde structuur: } } } } } } }

Leerdoelen: de life en language skills van de les op een rij Try out: een korte entry test online over wat je al weet Get started: opwarmopdrachten Find out: tekstbegrip Vocabulary / grammar / phrases / pronunciation: kennisonderdelen Express yourself: toepassen wat je geleerd hebt in de les Looking back: jezelf beoordelen en bepalen wat je beter wilt doen.

Online kun je nog extra oefenen met woordjes, grammatica, zinnen en uitspraak in Practise more of extra verrijkingsopdrachten doen in Get ahead. Wil je (ook) digitaal werken met het lesmateriaal? Ga dan naar de digitale leeromgeving via


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30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Introduction


Introduction Grote steden zijn interessant en indrukwekkend! Misschien zou je wel eens een grote stad in het buitenland willen bezoeken. In een ander land, met een andere cultuur, zul je merken dat mensen op een andere manier met elkaar omgaan dan je gewend bent. En misschien merk je ook dat mensen andere opvattingen hebben dan jij. Als je de verschillen herkent kun je misverstanden voorkomen en makkelijker communiceren. Aan het eind van deze unit ga je met je klas gesprekken oefenen die je in verschillende situaties kunt tegenkomen. De oefeningen in deze unit helpen om je daarop voor te bereiden.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Introduction

Looking ahead LEERDOELEN

• • • 1

Je denkt na over waarom je de stof uit deze unit leert. Je kijkt vooruit naar de dingen die je in deze unit gaat leren. Je denkt na over hoe je jezelf kunt ontwikkelen terwijl je Engels leert.

Having different opinions Het is niet vreemd dat mensen over bepaalde onderwerpen van mening verschillen. Soms is dat juist goed. Door naar elkaars mening te luisteren en door te vragen naar de motivatie die erachter zit kom je misschien tot nieuwe inzichten. Iemand zegt dat New York een fantastische stad is. Maar jij hebt online filmpjes gezien en bent het er niet mee eens. Welke vragen zou je kunnen stellen om begrip te krijgen voor het standpunt van de ander? Kies de geschikte vragen. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯


Are there many bad areas in the city? Can you give some examples of things that you like? Do you understand my point of view? Is your view realistic? What do you think makes New York a great place? What places are the best to visit as a tourist? Why are you so enthusiastic about New York?

Writing a personal note Je schrijft waarschijnlijk regelmatig berichtjes aan je vrienden of familie. Er zullen ook situaties zijn waarin je dit in het Engels moet doen. Kun je zo'n situatie bedenken? Beantwoord de vragen. 1 Aan wie zou je een eenvoudig persoonlijk bericht in het Engels schrijven?

2 Wat zou het onderwerp van het bericht zijn?

3 Welk medium zou je gebruiken voor een persoonlijk geschreven bericht?


Asking for directions Soms is het handig als je de weg kunt vragen of anderen kunt helpen de weg te vinden. In welke situaties heb je dan Engels nodig? Kies de juiste situaties. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

Je bent op zoek naar een openbaar toilet in Tokyo. Je wilt weten hoe je het snelst bij de bioscoop kunt komen in Breda. Een dame die geen Nederlands spreekt vraagt waar zij kan tanken. Je wilt weten waar het voetbalstadion is in Liverpool. Een jongen vraagt jou in het Engels waar de lift is in de Bijenkorf.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Introduction


Using English in real life Het is handig om je mening te kunnen geven of een voorkeur te kunnen uitspreken in het Engels. Natuurlijk houd je rekening met wat in een bepaalde situatie gepast is om te zeggen.

• • •

Beantwoord de vragen. Vergelijk je antwoorden met die van een klasgenoot. Leg uit waarom je deze antwoorden hebt gekozen.

1 In welke situatie zou je je mening of voorkeur in het Engels moeten geven bij een bezoek aan een winkel in het buitenland?

2 Welke vragen zou je verwachten als iemand jou in je woonplaats aanspreekt in het Engels? Geef twee voorbeelden en noem wat je voor het geven van een antwoord moet kunnen in het Engels.

3 In veel restaurants, lunchtentjes en cafés in de grote steden in Nederland werkt personeel dat uitsluitend Engels spreekt. Wat wil je als klant dan in elk geval kunnen zeggen en vragen in het Engels?

4 Wat zou er gebeuren als jij in een restaurant bent waar Engels wordt gesproken en jij geen Engels spreekt?


NI_OB_2hv_A.indb 8

30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 1: Reading

Lesson 1: Reading LEERDOELEN

• • •

Communiceren – Je kunt een passend communicatiemiddel kiezen en gebruiken. A2.2 – Je kunt veelvoorkomende borden en aankondigingen begrijpen. A2.3 – Je kunt korte beschrijvende teksten over bekende onderwerpen begrijpen.

TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.

Get started 1

Big cities Answer the questions. 1 Do you think big cities are fun to live in? Write down the fun things that you can find in big cities.

2 Which city do you know best? And what large international city would you really like to visit? Why?


Where do you live? Have a conversation with a classmate. Discuss:

• • • •

Do you live in the country or in a city? What do you like about the place where you live? What things don't you like? Do you both have the same opinions? Who prefers what?


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30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities

Lesson 1: Reading

Find out

Explore Hong Kong! Welcome to one of the most dazzling cities in the world! What do you think of when you hear the name 'Hong Kong'? Do you think of enormous skyscrapers, a busy harbour and neon-lit, urban streets packed with thousands of shoppers? Are you surprised to hear that Hong Kong also has parks, beaches and nature reserves? There's something for everyone in Hong Kong!

English is an important part of children's education in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, people don't drive on the right, like in the rest of China. As in the UK, everyone drives on the left!

WHERE IS HONG KONG? Hong Kong is on the southern tip of China. It used to be a British colony and was part of the British Empire for over 150 years. In 1997, Hong Kong was given back to China, on the condition that it could govern itself to some degree. English is still one of the official languages. The citizens of Hong Kong are used to seeing English on signs and learning

WHAT ARE THE FAMOUS SIGHTS OF HONG KONG? Hong Kong has many tourist attractions. At the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, you can discover how Hong Kong developed from a small fishing village into the most important city in Asia. Like many of the museums in the city, it's free on a Wednesday afternoon. Many tourists are tempted by Hong Kong's wellknown street markets. Some of them trade all night and offer great bargains. The city's biggest attraction, though, is Ocean Park, an enormous theme park with rides, giant pandas and a world-class aquarium!

WHERE DO YOU GET THE BEST VIEWS OF THE CITY? Hong Kong consists of the mainland (Kowloon) and lots of islands. The most important island is Hong Kong Island. A trip to Victoria Peak, the highest point on Hong Kong Island, is on most tourists' wish lists. The Peak Tram, the world's steepest cable railway, takes about eight minutes to reach the top of the Peak. The view from there is impressive! For a different view of the city, many people head for the Avenue of Stars. This is a seaside promenade on Kowloon, with celebrity handprints and statues of film stars. You also get a panoramic view of Hong Kong's spectacular skyline. Crowds gather here at 8 pm every evening to experience the excitement of the free multimedia show, 'A Symphony of Lights'. This involves more than forty buildings on both sides of the harbour, which are lit up with searchlights and laser beams while music is played. It's a different way to see the city!

Glossary British Empire govern

Britse Rijk besturen

mainland lit up

vasteland verlicht


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30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 1: Reading

Reading about Hong Kong


Read Explore Hong Kong! a

Tick the correct statements. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯


Hong Kong has tall buildings and busy shopping streets as well as green areas. If you are into shopping, Hong Kong is the place to be. Hong Kong is in the northern part of China. In Hong Kong people drive on the same side of the road as in Britain. Hong Kong used to be a small community of fishermen. Hong Kong's biggest attraction is its street markets. People who are afraid of heights can still get a great view of the city.

Answer the questions. 1 Hong Kong is an exciting city. Which word in the first paragraph tells you this?

2 Some people think Hong Kong is a very busy city where it's difficult to relax. Is that true? Explain.

3 How can you tell that Hong Kong used to be British? Write down three things.

4 If you're really into history, where should you go in Hong Kong?

5 Why is Victoria Peak on most people's wish list?

6 Where do people go in the evening if they want some entertainment?

7 Which Hong Kong attraction would you most like to visit? Why?


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30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 1: Reading


True or false? Read Welcome to the Peak tram!

WELCOME TO PEAK TRAM! Trams depart every 15 minutes from 7 am until 10 pm. The ride from Lower Terminus station to the top of the Peak takes 8 minutes. It is possible to walk, cycle or take a bus back down to the bottom of Victoria Peak. Return tickets are available for those who prefer to take the tram back down.






Child (3–11) and Senior (65+)



Children under the age of 11 need to be accompanied by an adult at all times on the tram.


Warning! Passengers must not lean out of the tram while moving.

Make your trip to Victoria Peak really special! Why not visit one of the four restaurants in the Peak Tower? Show your tram ticket to receive a 10% discount on all meals!

Are these statements true or false? Choose the correct answer. true


1 The last tram leaves at eleven o'clock in the evening.

2 There are four ways to get back from the top.

3 Elderly people pay the same as younger adults.

4 If you're eleven, you need an adult to go with you.

5 You need to pay for your ticket in cash.

6 There are rules about pets, food and smoking.

7 You can get a discount on a meal with your tram ticket.


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30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 1: Reading

Vocabulary 5

Puzzle Translate the words into English. Then find the English words in the puzzle. 1 inwoner, burger Q R

2 toerist 3 haven

































4 ontwikkelen


5 vertrekken 6 korting







































7 eiland











8 indrukwekkend






























10 stedelijk




11 wolkenkrabber




9 retourtje











12 handelen


Complete the sentences Use Vocabulary 1.1. Complete the sentences. Make sure you use the correct form of each word. Choose from: attraction – be used to – consist of – excitement – explore – railway – statue – steep – trade – well-known. If the word is a verb, an adjective or a noun, make sure you use the correct form. Note: There are two extra words. 1 We saw some weird paintings and

at the museum.

2 Many tourists use this historical 3 If you want to

. the city, you can hop on a bus.

4 Because I live in New York, I

seeing very tall buildings.

5 Hong Kong has many

street markets.

6 The centre of this old city

lots of small, narrow streets.

7 Once a year all the museums and other

allow free entry.

8 Victoria Peak is very high, so this is the

tram line in the world.


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30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 1: Reading

Grammar 7

Grammar: Present simple Use Grammar: Present simple. First, read the Tip: Repetition of grammar. Fill in the present simple of the verbs in brackets. TIP

Repetition of grammar

There's a added to some of the Grammar items. This means that the topic was already included in year 1 or in a previous unit. Note: Often something new has been added. So, always carefully read through the theory again!


Present simple bevestigend ontkennend I like him. I don't like him He / She / It likes him. He / She / It doesn't like him. We / You / They like him. We / You / They don't like him.

vragend Do I like him? Does he / she / it like him? Do we / you / they like him?

You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.

1 How


(feel) about travelling to the USA?

2 My mum

(not visit) big cities at all. She is a real country person.

3 I know he always

(go) to street markets on Wednesdays.

4 My friend

(choose) the best seat in the cinema every time.

5 In China people

(not drive) on the right side of the road.

6 Hanging out at the park usually

(relax) me.

7 My dad often 8


(fry) eggs for us on Sunday morning. your sister

(want) to take the train to Heathrow airport?

Grammar: 's / s' or ... of ... Use Grammar: 's / s' or ... of ... . Complete the sentences. GRAMMAR

's / s' or ... of ... the cat's tail Charles's illustrations Lucie's online journal

those girls' pets the pupils' parents old people's names

Als je het hebt over dingen, plaatsen of landen, gebruik je ... of ... : the back of the car. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.

1 peak + top

The tram goes all the way to the

2 people + travel plans Many 3 James + apartment

. are made at the last minute.

Do you think

is in a nice area?


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 1: Reading

4 Sophie + ticket

I think we should buy

5 friends + dog

I'm sure this is their

for her. .

6 London + citizens The

drive on the left.

7 girls + plans These 8 New York + sights

are brilliant.

My cousin always posts great photos of the


PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary or Grammar? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.

Express yourself Booking a table


In Welcome to the Peak Tram! you've read that there are four restaurants in the Peak Tower. You would like to book a table at one of them: Fujiyama Mama. Why would you go there? And what means of communication could you use to book a nice table?

FUJIYAMA MAMA Solid menu, fantastic view and a bit of kitsch People either go to The Peak for fresh air and sunshine or to show their friends from out of town the impressive views Hong Kong has to offer – but rarely just to eat. Here to change this idea is Fujiyama Mama. The name comes from Wanda Jackson's 1957 rockabilly hit of the same name and the interior has been decorated with vinyl records and images of Japanese pop albums from the 60s. Even if Jackson's lyrics are dated, the song fits in perfectly with the amazing views offered by the restaurant. From the second floor of The Peak Tower, the restaurant provides one of the best views of Victoria Harbour in town.


Read Fujiyama Mama. Answer the questions. 1 Why would you book a table here?

2 What do you think is the 'bit of kitsch' in the restaurant?

3 Would you like to see that bit of kitsch? Explain your answer.


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UNIT 1 Cities


Lesson 1: Reading

Read the Tip: Choosing a medium. Make a list. TIP

Choosing a medium

There are different ways to make arrangements or reservations. When you choose a means of communication, always keep in mind that it has to be safe and efficient. That means: • only the people who should get your message receive it; • it's clear, easy to use, cheap and fast.

• •

Write down all the means of communication that you think you can use to book a table at Fujiyama Mama. Then choose the one you would use.

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ c

Compare your answers to a classmate's. Discuss your ideas about booking a table. In your discussion:

• • 10

Explain your choice. Explain why the other possible choices aren't as good.

Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Did you reach your goals? Tick the boxes.

• • • • •

Choosing a suitable means of communication.

Understanding the text about Fujiyama Mama.

Understanding the assignment.

Making a list.

Discussing means of communication.

or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises Did you tick again and check if you have done better this time. GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing

Lesson 2: Writing LEERDOELEN

• • •

Sociale en culturele vaardigheden – Je (her)kent gedragscodes in verschillende sociale situaties. A2.1 – Je kunt een eenvoudig persoonlijk bericht schrijven via post, e-mail of sociale media. A2.2 – Je kunt eenvoudige aantekeningen maken voor jezelf.

TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.

Get started 11

Finding the code Read the Tip: Cultural differences. Answer the questions. TIP

Cultural differences

Different countries have different codes of conduct (gedragscodes). The code of conduct is a set of written and unwritten rules that tell you how to behave. So, what is acceptable in your country can be absolutely unacceptable in a different place. Some examples: Unwritten rules • The Dutch think it is polite to look a person in the eye when speaking to them, but in some Asian cultures the rules are different. There, it is a sign of respect not to make eye contact. • When you go into a shop or a restaurant in America you are often welcomed with: 'How are you doing today?'. They expect you to give a short, polite answer to that question. It would be rude not to answer it. • In Japan you give and accept a present with both hands. Presents are important and always have to look pretty. Written rules • In Singapore it is illegal (strafbaar) to chew gum or not flush the toilet. • In Thailand it is illegal to step on money because it is disrespectful to the king (whose picture is on the money). Knowing the rules makes it easier and more fun to communicate with each other.

Look online for information. For example, use the search term: 'unwritten rule' and the name of a city. 1 What is a typical example of an unwritten rule for the people in Britain?

2 Think of a city that you find interesting. What code of conduct is typical for that city?

3 What do you think of that code?


NI_OB_2hv_A.indb 17

30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities

Lesson 2: Writing

Find out A FLYING VISIT TO SAN FRANCISCO From: Cathy To: Lucy Hey Lucy! Just three weeks now until your visit to San Francisco and I have lots of plans! First, we need to arrange where to meet at the airport. Please can you confirm your arrival time? I'm not sure which airline you are flying with but I guess that you are going to land early in the morning. Mum and I are going to collect you from the Arrivals Hall. If we miss each other, don't panic! Just wait for us at the information desk. Then we can drive you back to our house in the suburbs. We don't have a guest bedroom, so are you happy to share mine? You are going to love San Francisco! Alcatraz is one of my favourite places to visit. Have you heard of it? It's an island in San Francisco Bay where there used to be a famous prison! Another idea of ours is to organise a helicopter ride around the bay. Apparently, the view is unbelievable. What do you think? Bye for now, Cathy

From: Lucy To: Cathy Dear Cathy, Just to confirm my flight details: it's BA264 and it's going to land at San Francisco Airport at 6 am on Monday, 14th September. I can't wait! I love the idea of sharing your bedroom. Sounds like the weather is going to be warm. I'm thinking about clothes and wondering which ones to bring. Obviously, I'm not going to bring my winter coat with me! My parents gave me a guidebook of theirs about San Francisco. I'm dying to see the Golden Gate Bridge! As for the idea about the helicopter ride: that's an adventurous one! Let me think about it. It sounds a bit scary! See you in Arrivals at about 6.30 am. Hopefully no delays! I look forward to seeing you then! Lucy

My trip to San Francisco!

Flight details: Flight number: BA264 Departs: Heathrow Airport, Monday 14/9 at 3.30 am Check in at Heathrow by 1.30 am! Arrives: San Francisco Airport Monday 14/9 at 6 am (local time) Cathy and her mum will wait for me in Arrivals. Arrivals. If I miss them, I should go to the information desk.

Don't forget: • Find my passport • Bring SF guidebook! • Pack summer clothes Plans: az to visit Alcatr I definitely want . te Bridge and the Golden Ga ind m y m up e ak I must m ride! r te op lic he e th t abou


NI_OB_2hv_A.indb 18

30/11/2020 12:12

UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing


San Francisco Read A flying visit to San Francisco. Answer the questions in full English sentences. 1 Why is Cathy emailing Lucy?

2 Cathy thinks Lucy might panic when she arrives at the airport. Why? What does she offer as a solution?

3 Where does Cathy really want to take Lucy? What is this place?

4 Has Cathy already organised a helicopter ride? Explain.

5 What's the weather like in San Francisco in September? Write down the first and last two words of the sentence in which you found the answer.

6 Lucy is enthusiastic about one of the sights, but not so sure about another. Mention both.

7 The flight from London to San Francisco only seems to take a short time. How can this be?

8 Lucy has to look for an important item. What is it?


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing

Vocabulary 13

Email Use Vocabulary 1.2. Read the email and complete the sentences. Note: There are two extra words. Choose from: am dying to – arrange – arrival – confirm – fly – guess – guest bedroom – hopefully – information desk – make up my mind – panic – scary – suburbs.

From: Fatima To: Jacinta

Hi Jacinta, I am writing to (1)

my trip to LA. Yay! Los Angeles, here I come!

If all goes well, I will (2) (3)

out at 2.30 pm and my scheduled time is 4 pm. Can you go to the (4)

if we miss each other at the gate? I can't (5)

yet about the trip

to the sea aquarium. To me, it's a bit (6) possible to (7)

. I don't like big fish ... :-) Is it

a visit to Hollywood? I (8)

see where all the movie stars live. And I want to see the Walk of Fame. Looking forward to it already! Well, (9)

the trip from the airport to your house in the


will be a short one. Oh, and yes, I'll be happy to share

the (11)

with your niece.

Bye for now! Fatima


Mystery sentence Use Vocabulary 1.2. Fill in the words that match the descriptions. Write the first letter of each word in the correct place. What is the mystery sentence? 1 travel document 2 to suppose or think something 3 short journey 4 when something happens later than planned 5 natural harbour 6 a place for criminals 7 KLM is an ... 8 exciting or unusual 6















The mystery sentence is: 20

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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing

Grammar 15

Grammar: One / ones Use Grammar: One / ones. Complete the sentences. Translate the words in brackets. GRAMMAR

One / ones Which skirt are you going to buy? The white one. This new bag is black, my old one was green. I'm going to buy new trainers because my old ones have holes in them. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.

1 My phone is great. I really like

(deze nieuwe).

2 Jake likes all dogs, but Woofer is

(degene die) he likes most.

3 I'm going to buy some chocolates.

(welke) do you like?

4 That helicopter is

(een grote).

5 Can you give me a muffin? I would like

(die) at the back, please.

6 These sunglasses are too big. I prefer


7 I like your joke. It's

(een goede).

8 These towels aren't clean. Can't we get a few



Grammar: Possesive pronouns Use Grammar: Possessive pronouns. Fill in the correct pronouns (voornaamwoorden), with or without of. GRAMMAR

Possessive pronouns He's your friend. He's her friend. He's its friend. He's their friend.

He's yours. He's hers. – He's theirs.

He's a friend of yours. He's a friend of hers. – He's a friend of theirs.

You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.

1 I often go to Alcatraz. It's a favourite attraction


2 Mr Thomas told me the car he drives is not

, but his boss's.

3 They both say these bicycles are


4 We really love Peter, he's always been a good friend 5 Lots of celebrities left


handprints on the Walk of Fame in LA.

6 Jonah, please put down that phone

and listen!

7 Hey Max, this bag isn't mine! Is it 8 My sister is waiting for

? friend, whose train was delayed.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing

Phrases 17

How do you say this in English? Use Phrases Writing. Jim is going to stay with his cousin Juan in Miami. Complete the messages. Write down the sentences. Jim

Just a few more days until my visit to Miami! Can't wait!


(Kun je jouw aankomsttijd bevestigen, alsjeblieft?)


And (ik weet niet zeker met welke maatschappij je vliegt.)


I will land at Miami Int. Airport at 4 pm. I’m on the BA269. That’s British Airways.


Good to know. (We moeten afspreken waar we elkaar ontmoeten.)


(Ga gewoon naar de aankomsthal rond half vijf.)


(Je gaat Miami fantastisch vinden!)


(Mijn vader en ik halen je op.)


(Klinkt alsof het warm wordt. Ik neem mijn winterkleren niet mee.)


No, you better not. Summers here are killing. (Ik kijk ernaar uit je dan te zien!)


Me, too! Bye for now.

PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary, Grammar or Phrases? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing

Express yourself 18

Donna's blog Alex is going on a round-the-world trip with her cousin, Donna. Donna is writing a blog to keep family and friends up to date. Read Donna's blog. Write notes.

Donna's BLOG By Donna – 2 May

Hi all,

This is my first blog post about our round-the-world trip. As you know, Alex and I will start our trip in Sydney, Australia. And yes!!! We’ve just booked our tickets! Great fun, finding e-tickets in your mailbox. We’ll take the QF2 flight from London Heathrow on Wednesday 6 May, at 9:30 pm. And we will arrive in beautiful Sydney at 05:10 am on Friday morning. Can you believe that? Two days later! We have a short stopover in Dubai. We’ll need decent clothing for our stopover: no bare shoulders, ) no short skirts or shorts. (Alex, pay attention! Are you Aussies looking forward to it as much as we are? I really hope so! Alex still needs to get a new passport. Don’t forget, Al! You have to take care of that sometime next week. And we should buy our park passes for Kakadu National Park online, too. For those of you who don’t know: we will visit Kakadu with Peter and Ann; my cousin and his girlfriend. They’re also the ones who will pick us up from the airport. Alex: you’re going to send them an email with our flight info, right? After Sydney and Kakadu we’ll go on an organised coach tour to Uluru, and then it’s on to Indonesia! That’s it for now. Follow our blog and stay on top of the news! Love, Donna

Look at the notes about the trip to San Francisco for an example. Use 60–80 words. Include the following information:

• • • •

flight details; things to bring or buy; things to arrange (urgent!); travel plans.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 2: Writing

Alex's email


Answer the questions and write an email. Alex would like to make clear arrangements about the trip to Australia with Peter and Ann. She has never met them. She is going to write them an email. a

Answer the questions. 1 What is the best way to start her email?

2 Why is it important to start the email in this way?

3 What would be a good way to end the email?

4 Why is that a good way to end the email in this situation?


Write Alex's email to Peter and Ann in Australia. Use the notes you wrote in exercise a. Include the following information: • begin de e-mail op een passende manier; • noem vertrektijd, vluchtnummer en aankomsttijd; zeg iets over de stopover; stel een plek voor om elkaar te ontmoeten; • zeg dat je veel zin hebt om samen naar Kakadu National Park te gaan; • beschrijf jullie verdere reisplannen, en laat je enthousiasme blijken; • zeg dat Donna een blog schrijft over de reis; • sluit netjes af.


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UNIT 1 Cities


Lesson 2: Writing

Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Did you reach your goals? Tick the boxes.

• • • • • •

Choosing the correct tone and words for the email.

Answering questions about what to write in the email.

Using notes to write an email.

Giving information about arrangements.

Showing enthusiasm.

Using correct phrases in an email.

or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercise Did you tick again and check if you have done better this time. GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 3: Listening and watching

Lesson 3: Listening and watching LEERDOELEN

• • • •

Kritisch denken – Je kunt opvattingen en motieven van anderen vergelijken met die van jezelf. A2.2 – Je kunt het onderwerp van een discussie herkennen (luisteren). A2.5 – Je kunt informatie verstaan en onderscheiden in korte luisterteksten over alledaagse zaken (luisteren). A2.5 – Je kunt je een indruk vormen van de inhoud van een feitelijk nieuwsbericht (kijken).

TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.

Get started 21

Fast and slow Think of life in the country.

Answer the questions. 1 Do you think that life in the countryside is slower than life in the city? Explain your answer.

2 Do you live on a farm or know anyone who does? What do you think are the less fun things about farm life?

3 What elements of farm life do you like?


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 3: Listening and watching

Country or city?


Team up with a classmate. • Have a discussion. One of you thinks living in the country is the best, the other thinks nothing can top city life. • Give reasons for your opinion. • Compare your arguments. Then come to a conclusion about who has the best arguments.

Find out The city versus the country


Listen to The city versus the country. Read the Tip: Before listening. TIP

Before listening

Before you listen to a recording, decide what kind of information you are listening for. You can do this by reading the questions or statements first.


Complete the sentences with the correct words. There are pauses. 1 Mark says there's a great view 2 Kerry doesn't normally walk much. She usually 3 Kerry and her mum live in London, on 4 Mark says that here in the country there's and no pollution. 5 The girl on the phone arranges to meet someone tonight at seven. 6 The girl sits down to rest and 7 There's a flyer for the gig. It's got 8 Sheffield is not very far. Only about


Read the statements. Then listen to The city versus the country again. Tick the statements that are correct. There are pauses. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

Kerry and Mark are talking about the problems of life in the country. Kerry says one advantage of city life is the great views from the buildings. The girl will meet her friend outside the Arena in the parking area. Urban Gang is Kerry's and her brother's favourite band. According to the girl, Kerry and Mark could still go to the concert. Mark is not really into gigs, but he'll go anyway.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 3: Listening and watching


It's your lucky day Take some time to carefully read the sentences. Then listen to It's your lucky day. Put the sentences in the correct order. There are no pauses.

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢

A voice says to press one to buy tickets. Kerry has to stay on the phone. Kerry is surprised people can live without the internet. Kerry learns where she can pick up the tickets. Mark mentions a bus stop near his house. Mark suggests calling the ticket office.

Vocabulary Word web


Use Vocabulary 1.3. a

In a word web you can connect words that belong together. That makes it easier to learn them. Complete the word webs. Use: building – bus stop – exercise – fresh air – hill – peaceful – pollution – queue – traffic. Are there any words that fit in with both webs? Then you can use them in both.




Team up with a classmate. Compare your word webs. Are there any differences? Discuss them.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 3: Listening and watching


Make a match Use Vocabulary 1.3. Match the words with the correct descriptions. Note: There are two extra words.

Another word for useful is … People who work together are ... Something that irritates you is ... If your phone works you have a ... If you can still buy a ticket, it is ... If something will happen soon, it is ...

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • •

a couple annoying available colleagues convenient hurt signal upcoming

Find out Watching a news programme


Watch Big Brother. a

What is the correct summary of this video? ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯


CCTV cameras are compared to a TV programme called Big Brother in Out There. Different opinions on the use of CCTV cameras are presented in a news programme. Lucy and Ron give their opinions on the usefulness of CCTV cameras. There is a discussion in Out There about the use of CCTV cameras in China.

Answer the questions. 1 In the beginning of the programme Lucy asks the viewers several questions. What does she ask about the locations of the cameras?

2 What is typical for the camera system in China?

3 What extras can people in China get for good behaviour?

4 What does the first person that Ron interviews think of CCTV? Why?


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 3: Listening and watching

5 What does the second person think? Why?

6 What will happen after the break?


Discussing CCTV cameras Watch Big Brother again. Work in groups of three. Discuss the following questions. 1 2 3 4

What are the positive points of CCTV cameras? What are the negative side effects? Would you like to have cameras near your house? Do you know where the term 'Big Brother' comes from? What does it mean? PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.

Express yourself 29

Comparing opinions Your opinion counts! Compare your opinion to the ones in the statements. Then discuss your answers with a classmate. We've seen differences of opinion in both the listening fragment and the video in this lesson. This shows that we all have our preferences. Talking about opinions and motives is a good way to get to know each other better.


Watch Check Off your Bucket List in New York. Read the statements and decide if you agree (yes) or don't agree (no). yes


1 Sky diving is something I would love to do.

2 Exploring New York is best done by helicopter.

3 A New York taxi can take you anywhere fast.

4 Central Park is a top tourist attraction.

5 Trying something new is exciting.

6 Making a bucket list is great.


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UNIT 1 Cities


Lesson 3: Listening and watching

Team up with a classmate. Read the Tip: Being open to other people's opinions. TIP

Being open to other people's opinions

Listening to other people's opinions can give you a better understanding of a problem or situation. If they have good arguments, you can share their view. If you think their arguments aren't so good, you can come up with better ones. Perhaps you can make them change their opinion. But always remember to respect other people's views even if they are not the same as yours.

Have a conversation. • Compare your answers to the statements in exercise a with your classmate's. Do you agree or disagree on most points? • Explain your opinions to each other.


Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Did you reach your goals? Tick the boxes.

• • • • •

Understanding information in a video.

Understanding a classmate's opinion.

Comparing my opinion with that of a classmate.

Explaining my opinion with arguments.

Discussing all the statements.

or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercise Did you tick again and check if you have done better this time. GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking

Lesson 4: Speaking LEERDOELEN

• • • • • •

Sociale en culturele vaardigheden – Je (her)kent gedragscodes in verschillende sociale situaties. A2.1 – Je kunt je voorkeur en mening uitdrukken over vertrouwde alledaagse onderwerpen (gesprekken). A2.4 – Je kunt afspraken maken (gesprekken). A2.4 – Je kunt eenvoudige informatie vragen met betrekking tot reizen en gebruikmaken van het openbaar vervoer (gesprekken). A2.5 – Je kunt de weg vragen of iemand de weg wijzen met behulp van een kaart of plattegrond (gesprekken). A2.2 – Je kunt een kort, eenvoudig, vooraf ingeoefend praatje houden voor een groep (spreken).

TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.

Get started 31

Transport Work with a classmate. Each of you chooses three types of transport from the list. Don't tell your classmate which types you chose. underground London taxi double-decker bus

cable railway bicycle skateboard

tram ferry walking

Take turns describing the types of transport. Your classmate has to guess which type of transport you're talking about.

Find out 32

Getting around Listen to Getting from A to B. Choose the correct answers. 1 Hoe zegt Callum dat een bewoner hen misschien kan helpen? a. Perhaps a local citizen will be able to help us? b. Perhaps a local resident could advise us? 2 Wat bedoelt de medewerker als ze zegt: 'It attracts lots of young people.'? a. Dat het veel jonge mensen trekt. b. Dat veel jonge mensen het aantrekkelijk vinden. 3 Hoe zegt de medewerker dat de Grosvenor een belangrijk oriëntatiepunt is? a. It's a famous landmark in Glasgow. b. It's a great place to visit in Glasgow. 4 Hoe vraagt Heidi hoe ze in Ashton Lane kunnen komen? a. How do we get to Ashton Lane? b. What's the best way for us to get there? 32

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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking

5 Wat bedoelt de medewerker met: 'You need platform two.'? a. Je moet naar de tweede verdieping. b. Je moet op perron twee zijn. 6 Heidi stelt voor dat ieder zijn eigen weg gaat. Hoe zegt ze dat? a. Let's meet back here later. b. Let's split up now.

GETTING FROM A TO B In the street  Callum  Wow, the centre of Glasgow is very busy, isn't it?  Heidi  Yes, and it's full of chain stores! I prefer smaller, independent shops and second-hand shops.  Alice  I'd rather go to see a film than go shopping.  Callum  Okay, so we need to find an area with smaller shops and a cinema! Perhaps a local resident could advise us?  Heidi  Let's ask at the nearest underground station. Will the staff there be able to help us?  Callum  Good idea! At the underground station  Assistant  Hello!  Heidi  Excuse me, can you help us, please? We're new to Glasgow. Is there an area with smaller, trendy shops?  Assistant  You should try Byers Road for trendy shops. It attracts lots of young people. I'll find you a map, one moment ...  Alice  Heidi, you won't forget to ask about cinemas, will you?  Heidi  Oh yes! Hello there! Another question: are there any cinemas there?  Assistant  Yes, there's a cinema on Ashton Lane, near Byers Road. It's a lovely oldfashioned cinema called the Grosvenor. It's a famous landmark in Glasgow! I'm sure your friend will like it.  Heidi  That sounds perfect, thanks! What's the best way for us to get there?  Assistant  The quickest way is to take the underground.  Heidi  Which station do we need to get off at?  Assistant  You need Hillhead station. That's four stops from here. The Glasgow underground is much smaller than the Tube in London! At Hillhead, turn left for Byers Road. To get to the cinema, turn left again at the traffic lights, into Ashton Lane. Follow Ashton Lane round to the right. You'll find the cinema further down on the right. Just follow the signposts!  Heidi  Can I buy the underground tickets here?  Assistant  Yes, of course, singles or returns?


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking

Heidi  Three returns to Hillhead, please. OK guys, listen! We're going to take the underground to a place called Byers Road. It's got cool shops and there's a cinema nearby!  Alice  Great!  Heidi  Which platform do we need?  Assistant  You need platform two. Take the escalator or the lift. The next train will arrive shortly.  Heidi  Thanks! At Hillhead station  Alice  That was easy, wasn't it? I can see a signpost to the cinema. Look, Heidi, there are some second-hand shops further up the road. You just need to cross over the street and keep going ...  Heidi  Well spotted! Let's split up now and meet back here later.  Alice  What time shall we meet up?  Heidi  Let's meet here at 5 o'clock. Are you going to come around the charity shops with me, Callum?  Callum  No, I'm going to the cinema with Alice. Public transport is exhausting! I need to sit down ...


Finding the way Work together with a classmate. Decide who is student A and who is student B. Use Getting from A to B and the street plan.

Find your way together. • Student A: read the dialogue. Find the part of the text where the assistant describes the route to the Grosvenor. • Student B: do not look at the dialogue. • Student A reads out the route from Hillhead station to the Grosvernor, and student B draws the route in the street plan. Finished? Then switch roles. When student A has drawn the route as well, check both your routes. 34

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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking

Vocabulary 34

Sentences Use Vocabulary 1.4. Complete the sentences. Fill in the English translations of the words in brackets. Make sure you use the correct form. 1 Do you like trendy

(onafhankelijk) shops or chain stores?

2 Perhaps our teacher can

(adviseren) us about this project?

3 The pop concert in Hyde Park

(aantrekken) people of all ages.

4 It's a nice

(ouderwets) coffee bar called the Bean Garden.

5 Which bus stop do we need to

(uitstappen) at?

6 I want to go to Madame Tussauds. Is it


7 You need the second floor. Take the 8 You


(roltrap) or the lift.

(ontdekte) the main entrance before I did!

Describing words Use Vocabulary 1.4. Work with a classmate. Choose a word and describe it to a classmate in English. Can your classmate guess which word you have in mind? Describe at least five words each and take turns.

Grammar 36

Grammar: To be going to Use Grammar: To be going to + infinitive. Write sentences. GRAMMAR

To be going to + infinitive bevestigend: I'm going to ask his name. ontkennend: You're not going to believe what happened. vragend: How is Sam going to get more money? You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.

1 Joe – call – the ticket office.

2 you – rent – a bike – in Glasgow?

3 they – move to – a house in the country?

4 She – not ask – the staff – for directions.

5 My granddad – not live – on a busy street.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking

6 I – find – the quickest way to the cinema.

7 The two friends – stay – in town tonight.

8 We – not take – a taxi to Ashton Road.


Grammar: Tags Use Grammar: Tags. Complete the sentences with the correct tags. GRAMMAR

Tags + Hi there, it's Sharon, You can hear me now They need some more time,

– – isn't it? She's not angry, can't you? You can't help me, don't they? It doesn't hurt

+ is she? can you? does it?

You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.

1 You and Faisal liked Barcelona,


2 Your sister really loves hiking,


3 The traffic lights are at the end of the street,


4 Your cat doesn't eat mice,


5 I haven't been late for class in ages,


6 You and I aren't going to eat at that horrible restaurant,


7 Geoffrey can't really travel on his own,


8 The Grosvenor is a lovely, old-fashioned cinema,


Phrases 38

How do you say this in English? Use Phrases Speaking. Match the things you can say or ask with the correct situations. You're hungry and you want to find out if there's a place in the city where you can eat for little money. Someone asks you for directions to the nearest supermarket. You want to ask a lady for directions, and try to get her attention. You're at the bus station, but you're not sure where you should get tickets. You're shopping with a friend, but you both want to visit different shops. You have a solution.

• • • • •

• • • • •

Can I buy the bus tickets here? Excuse me, can you help me, please? Is there an area with popular, cheap restaurants? Let's split up now and meet back here later. You'll find the supermarket further down on the left.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking


How do you say this in English? Use Phrases Speaking. Match the things you can say or ask with the correct situations. You've organised a class meeting. You would like to get started, but everyone's still talking. You're telling a friend about your plans for a trip by train. You're playing videogames with a friend tonight, but you still need to arrange a time. You answer a question about the arrival of your train. You ask a shop assistant for directions to the train station.

• • • • •

• • • • •

I'm going to take the train to a place called Camden Town. I need everyone's attention, please! My train will arrive in five minutes. What time shall we meet up? What's the best way to get to the train station?

Pronunciation 40

Pronunciation: Voiced / voiceless Use Vocabulary 1.4. Read Pronunciation: voiced / voiceless. P R O N U N C I AT I O N

Voiced / voiceless

Look at these groups of words: bay – pay, down – town, live – life, advise – advice. Put your hand on your throat, and read them out loud. Can you feel the vibration when you pronounce b / d / v / s in these words? This means you are using your vocal cords (stembanden). These sounds are voiced. There is no vibration for p / t / f / c . These sounds are voiceless.

Say the words out loud, and in each word, select at least one consonant (medeklinker) that you think is voiced. 1 2 3 4

further lovely resident underground

5 6 7 8

platform Tube chain store signpost

PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary, Grammar, Phrases or Pronunciation? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 4: Speaking

Express yourself Conversation


You are in the city centre with a friend and you're a bit thirsty. a

Talk to a classmate. Choose who is student A and who is student B. Take some time to prepare your role. Note: Student A has two roles. Student A

Student B

1  Stel voor om een smoothie bar te vinden in de buurt.

2  Zeg dat dat goed is. Stel voor om het aan iemand te vragen.

3  Stel een plek voor waar je het gaat vragen, bijvoorbeeld in een winkel.

4  Trek de aandacht van het personeel en stel je vraag.

5  (personeel) Reageer. (Bedenk zelf een plek of straat.)

6  Vraag hoe je daar komt.

7  Reageer; ze kunnen het beste de bus nemen.

8  Vraag waar de bushalte is.

9  Leg uit waar de bushalte is. (Bedenk zelf een routebeschrijving.)

10  Reageer en neem afscheid van de medewerker. 11  Je vriend(in) wil eerst nog even winkelen. Bedenk hoe jullie dit doen en maak afspraken.

12  (vriend(in)) Reageer. b

13  Sluit het gesprek af.

Switch roles. Now use a different destination and mode of transport.

TWO CONVERSATIONS Rick and Carlo Carlo (15) and Rick (11) are brothers. Carlo enters the living room with a few friends.  Carlo  What are you doing, Rick? What a mess! It's awful. I can't even chill with my friends in here.  Rick  Relax, man, I'm just creating a beautiful painting. Look, this is New York! It's a surprise for mum. It's her birthday next week, remember?  Carlo  What a bad idea! The blue paint on the carpet isn't going to be a nice surprise! And what's this?  Rick  Calm down! I only dropped a brush with a little yellow. Look at that beautiful yellow I've used for the sun.  Carlo  Clean it up now, Rick. Or you'll be in real trouble. Mum isn't going to like that present, I can promise you that. It isn't a nice painting and she doesn't like New York. Get your paint and go to your room before she gets home.  Rick  Mum is at work now. So what's your problem? You go to your room! 38

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UNIT 1 Cities

Lesson 4: Speaking

Mrs Morrow and Mrs Davenport Mrs Morrow and Mrs Davenport are neighbours. They meet in the street.


Mrs Morrow

Good morning!

Mrs Davenport

Good morning! Have you got a moment? I'd like to talk to you about your car.

Mrs Morrow

Sure. What 's wrong with it?

Mrs Davenport

There's nothing wrong with it. But I have a bit of a problem. I find it hard to park my car here, in front of the house, when your car is where it is now. It takes up all the space. Could you park your car a bit more to the left? There is enough room there.

Mrs Morrow

Of course, I will move it right away. I had no idea that this was a problem. I'm sorry!

Mrs Davenport

That would make all the difference to me! Thank you so much.

Discussing issues Work with a classmate. First, read Two conversations. Have a conversation. Discuss: • what's going on in the first situation; • what you think of the situation; • whose side you are on, Rick's or Carlo's. Why?; • what's going on in the second situation; • the difference between the two situations; • the cause of the difference.


Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Did you reach your goals? Tick the boxes.

• • • • • •

Understanding why social situations are different.

Asking for directions.

Giving directions.

Making an appointment.

Discussing the two conversations.

Using words and phrases.

Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercise again and check if you have done better this time. GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.


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UNIT 1 Cities    Lesson 5: Project

Lesson 5: Project LEERDOELEN

Je past je life én language skills toe in een project.

Situation guessing game Introduction Je gaat een situatie bedenken die zich afspeelt in een van de Engelstalige wereldsteden zoals Los Angeles, Melbourne, Delhi, Singapore, Cape Town of Liverpool. Daarna ga je een gesprek uitschrijven en gebruiken in een spel met de hele klas.

Getting ready Werk samen met een klasgenoot. • Kies een Engelstalige stad en bedenk een of twee kenmerkende zaken die je weet over die stad. • Bedenk een situatie die zich daar zou kunnen voordoen waarin mensen duidelijk een verschil van mening hebben. • Schrijf ideeën op voor een gesprek waaruit blijkt wat de situatie is. • Zorg dat er een hint verstopt zit die verwijst naar de stad. • Kies ten slotte voor een manier waarop je deze conversatie aan de klas zou kunnen laten zien en horen. Kun je lichaamstaal gebruiken om iets te benadrukken, of zou je het liefst ook een geschreven woord of zinnetje willen gebruiken? Denk ook aan de mogelijkheid om een filmpje op te nemen en dat te laten zien. Schrijf het gesprek uit en bereid de opvoering voor.

Situation guessing game Lees de Tip: Being open to other people's opinions.

Being open to other people's opinions


Listening to other people's opinions can give you a better understanding of a problem or situation. If they have good arguments, you can share their view. If you think their arguments aren't so good, you can come up with better ones. Perhaps you can make them change their opinion. But always remember to respect other people's views even if they are not the same as yours.

Speel het spel. Om beurten laat een tweetal een situatie zien en horen aan de klas. Na afloop van elke dialoog schrijft iedereen in de klas op: • wat je denkt dat de situatie is en in welke stad deze plaatsvindt;


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UNIT 1 Cities

• • •

Lesson 5: Project

wat je vond van de keuze van middelen die zijn gebruikt; wat je goed vond aan het gesprek; een tip.

Als iedereen aan de beurt is geweest gaan jullie stemmen. Geef jouw stem aan degene: • met de duidelijkste dialoog; • die het gedrag had dat het beste paste bij de situatie; • die het meest creatief gebruik maakte van communicatiemiddelen. Vraag of je je mening mag toelichten als je van mening verschilt met de meeste stemmers.

Looking back Did you finish the project? Did you reach your goals? Tick the boxes.

• • • • • •

Choosing a means of communication.

Understanding different situations.

Comparing your opinion with other people's opinions.

Preparing a conversation.

Acting out a conversation.

Use of grammar, vocabulary and phrases.

Room for improvement Not happy with how you did on parts of your project? Decide what you want to work on in the future. Tick the boxes of the things you want to work on. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

Preparation Acting out a conversation Social and cultural skills, recognising situations Choosing means of communication Comparing opinions of others with mine Vocabulary Grammar Phrases Other:

SELF-TEST After the lessons you can do the Self-test on the New Interface website.

CAMBRIDGE Do you have some extra time and do you want to learn more about Cambridge Exam style exercises? Then do the Cambridge exercises on the New Interface website. 41

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Unit 1   Grammar


Grammar GR A MMA R: P r e s e n t s i m ple Je gebruikt de present simple als iets altijd, nooit of regelmatig gebeurt. In de zin staan dan vaak woorden als: always, never, often, usually, regularly, sometimes, hardly ever, every day. I always eat breakfast. She usually obeys the rules. We never go to school by bike. bevestigend I like him. He / She / It likes him. We / You / They like him.

ontkennend I don't like him He / She / It doesn't like him. We / You / They don't like him.

vragend Do I like him? Does he / she / it like him? Do we / you / they like him?

Let op! Bij he / she / it komt er -s achter het werkwoord. Soms verandert daardoor de spelling: werkwoord eindigt in sisklank (s, sh, ch, x)  -es werkwoord eindigt in medeklinker + y  -ie

to wash – he washes

to fix – she fixes

to try – he tries

to fly – she flies

to do – he does to have – he has to be – I am / you are / he is

to go – she goes

Er zijn ook onregelmatige vormen: do / go  -es have  has be  am / are / is

GR A MMA R: 's / s' or . . . o f . . . Je gebruikt 's of ' achter een woord om aan te geven van wie iets is. Bij enkelvoud: altijd -'s Bij meervoud: eindigt het woord op -s  alleen ', anders 's enkelvoud the cat's tail Charles's illustrations Lucie's online journal

meervoud those girls' pets the pupils' parents old people's names

Als je het hebt over dingen, plaatsen of landen, gebruik je ... of ... : the back of the car the doors of the houses the cities of Ireland


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Unit 1   Grammar

GRAMMA R: O n e / on e s Vaak kun je een zelfstandig naamwoord vervangen door one wanneer je het herhaalt of wanneer je antwoord geeft op een vraag: Which skirt are you going to buy? The white one. This new bag is black, my old one was green. I like your bike, did you buy a new one? Bij meervoud gebruik je ones: I'm going to buy new trainers because my old ones have holes in them. These brown belts are cheaper than the black ones over there. There are lots of jeans to choose from. Which ones do you like best?

GRAMMA R: Pos s e ss i ve pr o no uns Je gebruikt bezittelijke voornaamwoorden om aan te geven van wie iets is. He's my friend. He's your friend. He's his friend. He's her friend. He's its friend. He's our friend. He's your friend. He's their friend.

(mijn) (jouw) (zijn) (haar) (zijn / haar) (onze) (jullie) (hun)

He's mine. He's yours. He's his. He's hers. – He's ours. He's yours. He's theirs.

(die van mij) (die van jou / u) (die van hem) (die van haar) (die van ons) (die van jullie / u) (die van hen)

He's a friend of mine. He's a friend of yours. He's a friend of his. He's a friend of hers. – He's a friend of ours. He's a friend of yours. He's a friend of theirs.

(van mij) (van jou / u) (van hem) (van haar) (van ons) (van jullie / u) (van hen)

GRAM MA R: To b e goi ng t o + i nf i ni t i ve Je gebruikt de tegenwoordige tijd van to be (am / are / is) + going to + hele werkwoord om aan te geven wat iemand van plan is of wat zeker zal gebeuren. I am going to visit my friends this weekend. They are going to watch TV tomorrow.

Look at those clouds! It is going to rain. Watch out! Those books are going to fall!

bevestigend: ontkennend: vragend:

I'm going to ask his name. You're not going to believe what happened. How is Sam going to get more money?

GRAM MA R: Ta g s Een tag is een kort vraagje aan het einde van een zin: ..., is it? / ..., isn't it? / ..., can't you? De spreker vraagt hiermee eigenlijk: 'Klopt dat?' of 'Ben je het met me eens?' In het Nederlands zeg je vaak iets als: nietwaar? / hè? / toch? / vind je niet? Na een bevestigende zin (+) is de tag ontkennend (–) Na een ontkennende zin (–) is de tag bevestigend (+) + You're at school together,

– aren't you?

– You're not busy,

+ are you?

In de tag herhaal je de vormen van to be en van hulpwerkwoorden (bijvoorbeeld have, can, could) uit de zin. Als die vormen niet in de zin staan, moet je de goede vorm van to do gebruiken: + Hi there, it's Sharon, You can hear me now, They need some more time,

– isn't it? can't you? don't they?

– She's not angry, You can't help me, It doesn't hurt,

+ is she? can you? does it?

Het onderwerp van de tag is een persoonlijk voornaamwoord (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) of there: Students can't come here, There isn't any food left,

can they? is there? 167

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Unit 1   Vocabulary

Vocabulary VO C A B U L A RY 1.1 attraction be tempted (to) be used to (to) citizen consist of (to) depart (to) develop (to) discount excitement explore (to) harbour head for (to) impressive island railway return (ticket) single (ticket) skyscraper statue steep tourist trade (to) urban well-known

attractie, bezienswaardigheid aangetrokken worden door gewend zijn aan inwoner, burger bestaan uit vertrekken (zich) ontwikkelen korting opwinding verkennen haven gaan naar indrukwekkend eiland spoorweg retourtje enkeltje wolkenkrabber standbeeld steil toerist handelen stedelijk bekend

VO C A B U L A RY 1. 2 adventurous airline arrange (to) arrival bay be dying to (to) confirm (to) delay fly (to) – flew – flown guess (to) guest bedroom hopefully information desk make up one's mind (to) obviously panic (to) passport prison scary suburb trip unbelievable

avontuurlijk luchtvaartmaatschappij regelen aankomst baai heel graag willen bevestigen vertraging vliegen – vloog (vlogen) – gevlogen denken logeerkamer hopelijk infobalie beslissen vanzelfsprekend, uiteraard in paniek raken paspoort gevangenis eng voorstad, buitenwijk reis ongelooflijk 168

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Unit 1   Vocabulary

VO C A B U L A RY 1. 3 annoying available building bus stop colleague convenient countryside couple (a) event exercise fresh air hill hurt (to) – hurt – hurt look into something (to) lyrics main entrance option peaceful pollution press (to) queue signal traffic turn up (to) upcoming

vervelend verkrijgbaar gebouw bushalte collega handig platteland een paar evenement lichaamsbeweging frisse lucht heuvel pijn doen – deed (deden) pijn – pijn gedaan iets onderzoeken songtekst hoofdingang optie vredig vervuiling, (milieu)verontreiniging drukken, duwen wachtrij signaal verkeer komen opdagen aanstaande

VOC A B U L A RY 1. 4 advise (to) area attract (to) chain store escalator exhausting further get off (to) – got off – got off independent landmark lift lovely nearby nearest old-fashioned platform public transport resident second-hand shortly signpost spot (to) staff Tube underground wander (to)

adviseren, aanraden gebied aantrekken filiaal (van een grootwinkelbedijf) roltrap vermoeiend verder uitstappen – stapte(n) uit – uitgestapt onafhankelijk oriëntatiepunt lift mooi dichtbij dichtsbijzijnde ouderwets perron openbaar vervoer inwoner, bewoner tweedehands zometeen, binnen korte tijd wegwijzer ontdekken personeel metro, ondergrondse (in Londen) metro (rond)zwerven 169

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Unit 1   Phrases

Phrases PHRA SES W RI TI NG Je begint een e-mail en sluit hem af Hey, Lucy! Dear Cathy, Bye for now, I look forward to seeing you then!

Hoi Lucy! Beste Cathy, Doei, tot ziens, Ik kijk ernaar uit je dan te zien!

Je maakt een afspraak We need to arrange where to meet at the airport. Please can you confirm your arrival time? If we miss each other, don't panic! Just wait for us at the information desk. See you in Arrivals at about 6.30 am! Je zegt dat je iets niet zeker weet I'm not sure which airline you are flying with. I guess that you are going to land early in the morning. I must make up my mind! I doubt that very much. Je beschrijft wat er gaat gebeuren Mum and I are going to collect you from the Arrivals Hall. Then we can drive you back to our house in the suburbs. You are going to love San Francisco! It will land at San Francisco Airport at 6 am. Sounds like the weather is going to be warm. I won't bring my winter coat with me! Je stelt iets voor en reageert op een voorstel Are you happy to share my bedroom? I love the idea of sharing your bedroom. What do you think? Let me think about it.

We moeten afspreken waar we elkaar ontmoeten op het vliegveld. Kun je jouw aankomsttijd bevestigen, alsjeblieft? Raak niet in paniek als we elkaar mislopen! Wacht gewoon op ons bij de infobalie. Ik zie je in de aankomsthal rond half zeven! Ik weet niet zeker met welke luchtvaartmaatschappij je vliegt. Ik denk dat je vroeg in de ochtend zult landen. Ik moet een beslissing nemen! Daar twijfel ik erg over. Mam en ik halen je op in de aankomsthal. Dan rijden we met je terug naar ons huis in de buitenwijken. Je gaat San Francisco fantastisch vinden! Het landt om zes uur 's ochtends op San Francisco Airport. Het klinkt alsof het warm weer wordt. Ik neem mijn winterjas niet mee! Vind je het goed om mijn slaapkamer te delen? Ik vind het een geweldig idee om je slaapkamer te delen. Wat vind je daarvan? Ik moet er even over nadenken.

PHRA SES S P EA K I NG Je maakt een afspraak Let's split up now and meet back here later.

Laten we nu uit elkaar gaan en later hier weer afspreken. Hoe laat zullen we afspreken? Goed, laten we hier afspreken om vijf uur. Hoe laat zou jou uitkomen? Ga je met mij mee?

What time shall we meet up? OK, let's meet here at 5 o'clock What time would suit you? Are you going to come with me?


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Unit 1   Phrases

Je vraagt of wijst de weg What's the best way for us to get there? At Hillhead, turn left for Byres Road. To get to the cinema, turn left again at the traffic lights, into Ashton Lane. You'll find the cinema further down on the right. Just follow the signposts! You just need to cross over the street and keep going.

Hoe kunnen we er het beste komen? Sla bij Hillhead linksaf naar Byres Road. Om bij de bioscoop te komen sla je nog eens linksaf bij de stoplichten, Ashton Lane in. Je vindt de bioscoop verderop aan de rechterkant. Volg gewoon de wegwijzers! Je hoeft alleen maar de straat over te steken en door te lopen.

Je vraagt of geeft informatie Is there an area with smaller, trendy shops? The quickest way is to take the underground. Which station do we need to get off at? You need to go to Hillhead station. Can I buy the underground tickets here? There are some second-hand shops further up the road.

Is er een buurt met kleinere, hippe winkels? De snelste manier is met de metro. Bij welk station moeten we uitstappen? Jullie moeten naar station Hillhead. Kan ik hier de metrokaartjes kopen? Wat verderop in de straat zijn een paar tweedehandswinkels.

Je trekt de aandacht Excuse me, can you help us, please? Hello there! Another question ... OK, guys, listen! Could I ask for your help? I need everyone's attention, please!

Pardon, kunt u ons helpen alstublieft? Hallo! Nog een vraag ... Oké jongens, luister! Zou ik uw hulp mogen vragen? Ik heb van iedereen de aandacht nodig, alsjeblieft!

Je beschrijft wat er gaat gebeuren You'll find the cinema on your right. We're going to take the underground to a place called Byres Road. The next train will arrive shortly I'm going to go to the cinema.

Je vindt de bioscoop aan de rechterkant. We nemen de metro naar een plek die Byres Road heet. De volgende trein komt er zo aan. Ik ga naar de bioscoop.


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Grammar: Irregular verbs


PAST SIMPLE (verleden tijd)

PAST PARTICIPLE (voltooid deelwoord)


be (to) beat (to) become (to) bite (to) bring (to) buy (to) catch (to) choose (to) come (to) come round (to) come up with (to) cost (to) deal with (to) dig (to) do (to) drink (to) eat (to) fall (to) feel (to) fly (to) get (to) get off (to) give (to) go (to) grow (to) have (to) hide (to) hit (to) hold (to) hurt (to) keep (to) know (to) learn (to) leave (to) lend (to) lie (to) lose (to) make (to) mean (to) meet (to) prove (to) put (to) rebuild (to) ring (to)

was / were beat became bit brought bought caught chose came came round came up with cost dealt with dug did drank ate fell felt flew got got off gave went grew had hid hit held hurt kept knew learnt left lent lay lost made meant met proved put rebuilt rang

been beaten become bitten brought bought caught chosen come come round come up with cost dealt with dug done drunk eaten fallen felt flown got got off given gone grown had hidden hit held hurt kept known learnt left lent lain lost made meant met proved / proven put rebuilt rung

zijn (ver)slaan worden bijten brengen kopen vangen kiezen komen langskomen bedenken kosten iets doen aan graven doen drinken eten vallen voelen vliegen krijgen uitstappen geven gaan groeien hebben verstoppen slaan vasthouden pijn doen houden weten leren weggaan (uit)lenen liggen verliezen maken betekenen ontmoeten bewijzen zetten verbouwen / herbouwen opbellen


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Grammar: Irregular verbs

INFINITIVE (hele werkwoord)

PAST SIMPLE (verleden tijd)

PAST PARTICIPLE (voltooid deelwoord)


run (to) say (to) see (to) seek (to) sell (to) send (to) sew (to) shake (to) show (to) shrink (to) shut (to) speak (to) spend (to) spread (to) steal (to) sting (to) swim (to) take (to) take place (to) teach (to) tear (to) tell (to) throw (to) throw away (to) understand (to) wake up (to) win (to) withdraw (to)

ran said saw sought sold sent sewed shook showed shrank shut spoke spent spread stole stung swam took took place taught tore told threw threw away understood woke up won withdrew

run said seen sought sold sent sewn / sewed shaken shown shrunk shut spoken spent spread stolen stung swum taken taken place taught torn told thrown thrown away understood woken up won withdrawn

rennen zeggen zien zoeken verkopen sturen naaien schudden laten zien krimpen sluiten spreken uitgeven verspreiden stelen steken zwemmen nemen plaatsvinden aanleren scheuren vertellen gooien weggooien begrijpen wakker worden winnen (geld) opnemen


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Alfabetische woordenlijst Nederlands – Engels

zoeken – zocht – gezocht / nastreven zometeen, binnen korte tijd zorgen voor zout zuinig (rond)zwerven zweven

seek (to) – sought – sought shortly take care of (to) salt careful wander (to) float (to)



2 1 3 2 3 1 4

2 4 1 4 4 4 1


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In de huidige wereld is alles mogelijk, wordt er gezegd. Maar wat betekent dat eigenlijk voor wat je moet kunnen en weten? Met New Interface ga je aan de slag met je persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en leer je Engels dat je daarbij kan helpen.

Je bent natuurlijk niet alleen werelds als je met een backpack de meest exotische landen hebt bezocht. Werelds zijn is een instelling, een houding. Ongeacht hoe ver je van huis bent, of juist dichtbij. Wel zo makkelijk als je dan goed kunt communiceren. New Interface, let words open new worlds.



Hoe doen we dat dan? Door relevantie te bieden in plaats van je belevingswereld na te bootsen. Door opdrachten die je voorbereiden op jouw toekomst. Door je niet alleen de grammatica te geven, maar te laten zien hoe je deze kunt gebruiken. Zo maakt Engels je wereld groter.








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