New Interface 3 vmbo-GT
Yellow label Leerwerkboek A
Annie Cornford Frederieke Lelieveld Diane van Steekelenburg Eindredactie Marion Simon
RED 1 2 3 4
vmbo-BK vmbo-BK vmbo-B vmbo-B
vmbo-K vmbo-K
vmbo-GT/havo vmbo-GT vmbo-GT vmbo-GT
havo/vwo havo havo havo/vwo
vwo vwo vwo
level B1 4/5/6
level B1+/B2 level B2+/C1
New Interface LRN-line is gebaseerd op het werk van de auteurs van New Interface 3rd edition: Nynke Bottinga, Marleen Cannegieter, Annie Cornford, Marjan den Hertog, Jos van Heusden, Michiel Jansen, Simon Joseph, Paulien Lammers, Frederieke Lelieveld, Annette Lether, Dianne Manders, Nienke Marinus, Nathalie Meeuwsen, Hans Mol, Hanna Molenaar, Mayke Munten, Marieke Nijhof, Sally Ripley, Marion Simon, Marieke Smeenk, Diane van Steekelenburg, Madelijn Storm van Leeuwen, Vera Stupenea, Hedwig Suurmeijer, Sandra van de Ven. Bureauredactie Hanna Molenaar
Omslagfotografie Flirt Creativity
Vormgeving Studio Michelangela
Opmaak Crius Group
Over ThiemeMeulenhoff ThiemeMeulenhoff ontwikkelt zich van educatieve uitgeverij tot een learning design company. We brengen content, leerontwerp en technologie samen. Met onze groeiende expertise, ervaring en leeroplossingen zijn we een partner voor scholen bij het vernieuwen en verbeteren van onderwijs. Zo kunnen we samen beter recht doen aan de verschillen tussen lerenden en scholen en ervoor zorgen dat leren steeds persoonlijker, effectiever en efficiënter wordt. Samen leren vernieuwen. ISBN 978 90 06 91897 7 Eerste druk, eerste oplage, 2022 © ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort, 2022 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën,
opnamen, of enig andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voor zover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 j° het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stbl. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan Stichting Publicatie- en Reproductierechten Organisatie (PRO), Postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp ( Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden. Voor meer informatie over het gebruik van muziek, film en het maken van kopieën in het onderwijs zie De uitgever heeft ernaar gestreefd de auteursrechten te regelen volgens de wettelijke bepalingen. Degenen die desondanks menen zekere rechten te kunnen doen gelden, kunnen zich alsnog tot de uitgever wenden. Deze uitgave is volledig CO2-neutraal geproduceerd. Het voor deze uitgave gebruikte papier is voorzien van het FSC®-keurmerk. Dit betekent dat de bosbouw op een verantwoorde wijze heeft plaatsgevonden.
Inhoud 6
Unit 1 History Unit 2 Creativity
Unit 3 Relationships
Exam prep Reading
Alfabetische woordenlijsten
Speech cards
Skilled for life! In de huidige wereld is alles mogelijk, wordt er gezegd. Maar wat betekent dat eigenlijk voor wat je moet kunnen en weten? Met New Interface leer je hoe je goed spreekt, luistert, leest, schrijft – kortom: leeft – in deze taal die je overal tegenkomt, nu of in de toekomst. Naast het verbeteren van je Engels helpt de methode je om jezelf te ontwikkelen en je voor te bereiden op het leven. Niet het leven, maar JOUW leven. Want om je in de wereld staande te houden, heb je niet alleen language skills maar ook life skills nodig. Dat zijn belangrijke vaardigheden als problemen oplossen, kritisch denken of doelen stellen. Zo maakt Engels je wereld groter.
Symbolen In de leerwerkboeken kun je de volgende symbolen tegenkomen: Werk aan je persoonlijke ontwikkeling én aan Engels. Werk samen met een of meer klasgenoten. Ga naar de New Interface-website of zoek iets op internet. Beluister het audiofragment. Scan de QR-code bij de opdracht of vind het fragment op de New Interface-website. Bekijk het videofragment. Scan de QR-code bij de opdracht of vind het fragment op de New Interface-website. Oefen dit onderwerp nog eens.
Hoe zit een unit in elkaar? Elk hoofdstuk is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd: } } } } } } } } }
Introduction: openingsles waarin je kennismaakt met de leerdoelen en ziet wat je eraan hebt Lesson 1 Reading: leesvaardigheid Lesson 2 Writing: schrijfvaardigheid Lesson 3 Listening and watching: luister- en kijkvaardigheid Lesson 4 Speaking: gespreks- en spreekvaardigheid Lesson 5 Mission: projectles waarin je alles wat je in het hoofdstuk geleerd hebt toepast Self-test: diagnostische toets om te zien of je klaar bent voor je toetsen (online) Catch up: herhalingsopdrachten om extra te oefenen voor je toetsen (online) Get ahead: extra plusopdrachten (online)
Achter in het boek vind je het Checkbook: hier kun je alle grammatica-uitleg, woordenlijsten en nuttige zinnen (phrases) vinden. Handig om iets snel op te zoeken of om te leren. Ook de alfabetische woordenlijsten en speech cards staan achter in het boek. Elke les heeft een zelfde structuur: } } } } } } }
Leerdoelen: de life en language skills van de les op een rij Try out: een korte entry test online over wat je al weet Get started: opwarmopdrachten Find out: tekstbegrip Vocabulary / grammar / phrases / pronunciation: kennisonderdelen Express yourself: toepassen wat je geleerd hebt in de les Looking back: jezelf beoordelen en bepalen wat je beter wilt doen.
Online kun je nog extra oefenen met woordjes, grammatica, zinnen en uitspraak in Practise more of extra verrijkingsopdrachten doen in Get ahead. Wil je (ook) digitaal werken met het lesmateriaal? Ga dan naar de digitale leeromgeving via
UNIT 1 History Introduction
Introduction Do you think history is boring and only about old stuff? Well … that's not completely true. History can actually teach you a lot about the world we live in now. Do you know who invented the jeans you're wearing, for instance? In this unit you're going to read articles and listen to and watch stories about the past. And you're going to talk about your own past. On top of that, you're going to practise the skills: saying what you feel and think, selecting the right information and finding fake news. Your mission, at the end of the unit, is to research a news article and explain why this event happened. 6
UNIT 1 History Introduction
Looking ahead LEERDOELEN
• • •
Je denkt na over waarom je de stof uit deze unit leert. Je kijkt vooruit naar de dingen die je in deze unit gaat leren. Je denkt na over hoe je jezelf kunt ontwikkelen terwijl je Engels leert.
Old ...
Answer the questions in Dutch or English. 1 Write down the names of the oldest people you know (personally).
2 When were they born? You don't have to write the exact date or year.
3 What do you know about this period of time?
4 Would you have liked to have lived then? Why (not)?
The news
Nowadays, you can read or watch the news in a newspaper, on TV, but more than ever, online. a
Do you follow the news? You may choose more than one option. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯
No, I don't. Yes, I read a newspaper, like de Volkskrant of het AD. Yes, I watch the news on TV. Yes, I read or watch it on Facebook. Yes, I read or watch it on Instagram. Yes, I read or watch it on a news website. Yes, I read or watch it somewhere else, namely:
Discuss these questions with a classmate. Write down your answers. 1 Is most of the news you find on the internet in Dutch or English?
2 Do you believe everything you read or watch on the internet? Why (not)?
3 Can you explain the term 'fake news'?
UNIT 1 History Introduction
Thinking about learning goals For your mission you're going to read and find information about a topic in the news. After that you're going to give a presentation about it. Here are some of the learning goals from this unit. Choose the goals you think you will need to complete your mission. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯
I can understand and find important information in short articles or videos. I can describe past events and personal experiences. I can understand a video or audio by reading along. I can express preference and opinion about familiar topics. I can participate in a conversation about familiar topics. I can ask for and give information about amounts and numbers. I can ask and answer questions about work and leisure time. I can give a short, rehearsed presentation.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
Lesson 1: Reading LEERDOELEN
• • •
Kritisch denken – Je kunt (gevonden) informatie beoordelen op bruikbaarheid en betrouwbaarheid. A2.2 – Je kunt specifieke informatie vinden en begrijpen in eenvoudig, alledaags materiaal. A1.3 – Je kunt belangrijke feitelijke informatie in korte verslagen en artikelen begrijpen.
TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started 1
Timeless fashion Answer the questions in Dutch. 1 Do you like wearing jeans? Why (not)?
2 Describe your favourite jeans.
3 What do you think your grandparents wore when they were teenagers?
4 What do you think your grandchildren will wear?
Fashion decades Match the correct decade with the fashion pictures. 1920s
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
Find out
All about jeans 1
No piece of clothing is more American or more popular than blue jeans. It doesn't matter how old or young, hip or uncool you are, everyone wears them. Jeans have been around since the 18th century and they've been trendy for years. But who were the first people to wear blue jeans? And what did jeans look like a hundred years ago? You'll find out in this brief history of blue jeans.
BLUE IS THE COLOUR OF JEANS Jeans are made of a material called denim. The first denim was not invented in America, as you might think, but in France in the 18th century. In the city of Nîmes manufacturers were trying to make a new kind of strong fabric. They called it 'serge de Nîmes' or, shortened, denim. The word jeans comes from Gênes – or Genua, the Italian city where this strong fabric was also made. The colour of this fabric was indigo blue. STRONG In 1848 the famous Gold Rush began in North America, where gold miners came from everywhere to dig for gold. The gold miners spent months camping out in cold weather and so they needed clothes that were strong and did not tear easily. In 1853, a man called Levi Strauss left his home in New York and moved to San Francisco. There he started making and selling work pants (as jeans were called back then) for the gold miners. And it might be hard to believe, but in those days, a pair of Levi's trousers cost $1.25. Brand new! RIVETS A big problem with the miners' clothes was the pockets, which tore easily. Levi tackled this problem by putting metal rivets on the pockets so that they wouldn't tear. The new trousers were so strong that two horses couldn't tear
them apart, Levi said. The Levi's label still shows these two horses. COWBOYS In the 1930s, Hollywood made lots of western movies featuring cowboys. These cowboys often wore denim trousers. Because of this, jeans became very popular and suddenly everyone wanted a pair. WAR During World War 2 American soldiers came to Europe and introduced Levi's trousers to this part of the world. After the war, Levi began to sell his denim clothes outside America. NORMAL EVERYDAY CLOTHES James Dean popularised blue jeans in the movie 55 Rebel Without a Cause in 1955, in which Dean wore a T-shirt, a leather jacket and jeans. Rebel Without a Cause was a movie where the 60 clothing stood out. It was originally supposed to be in black and white, but the studio decided to make it in colour. This made Dean's blue jeans even more eye-catching. Young people that saw the movie immediately started copying Dean's way of dressing. Not everyone approved, however. Some schools in the USA even forbade students to wear jeans. DESIGNER JEANS In the 1980s jeans became high fashion. Famous designers, like Calvin Klein and Armani, came with their own style of jeans, with their own labels on them. Sales of jeans went sky-high. Nowadays jeans are still the bestselling trousers in the world.
MY FAVOURITE PAIR OF JEANS Brian – I've had my favourite pair of jeans for three years and they're still as good as new. It's amazing how strong they are. I've bought cheaper jeans before, but they 80 mostly lasted no more than a year. 75
Maria – My boyfriend bought me a pair of jeans some years ago and I've worn them ever since. There are holes in them, and the colour isn't 85 what it was – but I just can't throw them away.
Petrus – I haven't got one favourite pair of jeans, they're all great! I wear jeans every day. I 90 haven't had any other sort of trousers since I was eighteen.
Glossary manufacturer work pants featuring
producent werkbroek met in de hoofdrol
eye-catching sky-high 10
opvallend heel hoog
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
Skimming a text about jeans
Skim All about jeans. Have a look at the text, the headings and the pictures. Don't read the text yet. Answer the questions. 1 All these texts are about jeans. What kind of information do you get about this topic?
2 What are Brian, Maria and Petrus talking about?
3 Why are there two horses on the Levi's label?
Scanning a text about jeans
Scan All about jeans. Read the subheadings and look for dates and names in the text. Match the words. de Nîmes
Gold Rush
cost of first Levi's
western movies
$ 1.25
Rebel Without a Cause
designer jeans
Reading a text about jeans Read All about jeans. Are the sentences true or false? true
1 The material for jeans was invented in America.
2 Levi Strauss first made jeans for gold miners.
3 Cowboys often wore jeans.
4 In the 1930s jeans became popular in Europe.
5 Rebel Without a Cause is a black-and-white film.
6 In 1955 jeans were forbidden in some American schools.
7 Brian's favourite jeans are the cheapest ones he's ever bought.
8 Petrus always wears jeans.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
Guessing the meaning of words Read All about jeans and the Tip: Betekenis van onbekende woorden raden. TIP
Betekenis van onbekende woorden raden
Als je een Engels woord niet kent, hoef je het niet altijd op te zoeken in een woordenboek. Je kunt een idee krijgen van wat het woord betekent door de zin waarin het woord staat goed te lezen. Ook kun je naar het woord zelf kijken. Misschien herken je een deel van het woord. Of misschien lijkt het woord op een Nederlands woord of een woord dat je kent uit een andere taal. Het Nederlandse woord huis lijkt bijvoorbeeld op het Engelse house en het Duitse Haus.
Answer the questions and find the Dutch meaning of the words. 1 Shortened (regel 15) eindigt op -ed. Dus is dit woord waarschijnlijk een (kies uit: zelfstandig naamwoord / werkwoord / bijvoeglijk naamwoord). Het eerste deel van shortened is een Engels woord dat je al kent. Welk woord? Dit woord betekent:
Lees nu de zin waar shortened in staat. Het betekent:
2 Lees de zin waar gold miners in staat (regel 22). Aan het einde van deze zin staat wat deze mensen deden. Gold miners betekent dus:
3 Lees de zin waar back then in staat (regel 28-29). In welke tijd heetten jeans nog work pants? Back then betekent dus iets als:
4 Met welk ander woord wordt tackle (regel 34) gebruikt in de tekst? Tackle this Wat deed Levi met het probleem? Tackle betekent dus:
5 Lees de alinea over rivets (regel 35). Waar zitten deze rivets? Wat denk je dat rivets zijn? Denk ook aan de Nederlandse naam voor jeans.
6 Popularised eindigt op -ed (regel 53). Dus is dit woord waarschijnlijk een (kies uit: zelfstandig naamwoord / werkwoord / bijvoeglijk naamwoord). Het eerste deel van popularised lijkt op een Nederlands woord:
Lees de zin waar popularised in staat. Het betekent (iets als):
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
Vocabulary 7
Choose and translate Use Vocabulary 1.1 and the Tip: 'To' voor het hele werkwoord. TIP
'To' voor het hele werkwoord
Bij werkwoorden in het Engels staat 'to' voor het hele werkwoord (de infinitief). Als je het werkwoord vervoegt, dan verdwijnt 'to'. In de woordenlijst kun je werkwoorden dus herkennen omdat er 'to' bij staat (tussen haakjes voor het werkwoord).
Choose the correct word. Then write down the Dutch translation. 1 In the 1950s teenagers loved jeans but not everyone introduced / approved of them. 2 This pair of jeans is my favourite designer / piece of clothing. 3 During / Before the war, a lot of soldiers died. 4 In 1848 people came from originally / everywhere to find gold. 5 Denim doesn't matter / is supposed to be a very strong fabric. 6 Goldminers dig / copy holes to find gold. 7 I stand out / forbid you to wear those jeans with holes in them. 8 Calvin Klein last / introduced his new jeans in Paris this weekend. 9 Did you tear / stand out my favourite pair of jeans? 10 I have worn jeans since / brief I was a baby.
Use Vocabulary 1.1. Fill in the words. Across 3. oorlog 4. (broek)zak 6. opvallen 9. soldaat 10. spijkerbroek 11. hiervoor, eerder 13. kort 14. modeontwerper 15. verkoop Down 1. uithouden, goed blijven 2. kopiëren, nadoen 5. eeuw 7. maakt niet uit 8. gat 12. oorspronkelijk
2 3 5 4 7 6
8 9
10 12
11 13 14 15
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
Grammar 9
Grammar: Past simple Use Grammar: Past simple. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in Leslie's blog. GRAMMAR
Past simple
Gebruik de past simple als iets in het verleden is gebeurd en het belangrijk is wanneer het is gebeurd. regelmatig werkwoord werkwoord + -(e)d We talked on the phone last night. onregelmatig werkwoord eigen vorm I left my house half an hour ago. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Leslie's BLOG By Leslie – 18 April
Hi everybody, Yesterday I (1) I (2)
(to buy) a new pair of jeans. (to try) on twelve pairs before I (3)
(to find) these. And they (4) I (5)
(to not be) cheap. When (to come) home, I (6)
a couple of holes in them, because they (7)
(to tear) (to look) far
too new. My mum (8)
(to not approve) and
said angrily: 'Why (9)
She (10)
(to do) that?'
(to forbid) me to wear them to school. Can you
believe it? After I (11)
(to spend) so much money on them.
I really want to wear them to school tomorrow. What do you think? Please let me know.
Grammar: Present perfect Use Grammar: Present perfect. Fill in the correct form of the verbs. GRAMMAR
Present perfect
Je maakt de present perfect met have / has + voltooid deelwoord. voltooid deelwoord regelmatig werkwoord eindigt op -(e)d I have played a game. onregelmatig werkwoord eigen vorm He has written a book. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
1 My grandmother
(to wear) jeans.
2 I
(to live) in Winchester since I was two years old.
3 I
(to have) these jeans for three years now.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
4 My dad 5
(to love) western movies.
you ever
(to dig) for gold?
6 The teacher 7 I
(to forbid) the use of mobile phones in class. never
(to win) the lottery.
PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary or Grammar? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
Express yourself The Hiut Denim Company
Read Cult jeans made by the Hiut Denim Company.
Cult jeans made by the Hiut Denim Company [1] The Hiut Denim Company is situated in a sleepy town on the west coast of Wales, named Cardigan. Hiut ships its expensive jeans, costing up to £230 a pair, to a growing number of fashionistas all around the world, from New York to Paris and from London to Melbourne. They make denim fit for a duchess, they say on their website, as even Meghan Markle wears Hiut jeans!
[3] You might not believe it, but the town of Cardigan (population 4,000) actually has a long history of jeansmaking. For almost forty years the town was home to a factory that made 35,000 pairs of jeans each week for UK retailer Marks & Spencer. But in 2002 the factory closed with the loss of 400 jobs when production was moved to Morocco to cut costs. Ten years later Mr Hieatt – a proud Welshman – chose Cardigan to produce his new brand of jeans. "Where better to locate ourselves than in a town with a history of jeans-making?" he says.
[2] A workforce of just fifteen people is responsible for hand-cutting and sewing the trousers. The denim they use is imported from Turkey and Japan. Despite only making around 120 pairs of jeans a week, founder and owner David Hieatt has big ambitions to grow and produce as much as double that number next year.
Answer the questions. 1 Where is the factory of The Hiut Denim Company?
2 What makes their jeans so expensive, do you think?
UNIT 1 History Lesson 1: Reading
3 Why do they call Cardigan a town with a history of jeans-making?
Look up these words in the text.
• • • •
Guess the meaning of the words. After that, check your answers in a dictionary. Write down your guess ánd the translation you found in a dictionary. Have you found any differences?
guess words
1 situated
2 up to
3 despite
4 founder
5 population
6 to cut costs
Read out the text Use Cult jeans made by the Hiut Denim Company. Read the Tip: Fake news. TIP
Fake news
Fake news, of nepnieuws, zijn berichten (op internet) die niet waar zijn. Met de opkomst van sociale media kan iedereen berichten plaatsen op internet, en niet al die informatie is waar. Maar hoe herken je of iets nep is? • Kijk waar de informatie vandaan komt. Komt het van een bekende persoon, krant, televisiekanaal of website? • Is hetzelfde nieuws ook ergens anders te lezen? • Wat is je eerste indruk? Vaak herken je zelf wel of iets onzin is of niet. Blijf altijd kritisch en neem dingen niet zomaar aan.
Work with a classmate and divide up the paragraphs. • One of you takes paragraphs 1 and 2. The other classmate takes paragraph 3. • Read your paragraph(s) and make the text(s) fake by making four changes. Don't show your classmate. • Mark the changes or write down your changes on a piece of paper. Memorise them. • Now both read your own paragraphs aloud, with the changes in them. • Can your classmate spot the changes without looking at the text? Note: Read your own paragraph(s) a few times before you read them aloud, that makes it easier.
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 1: Reading
Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answer to the model? Have you reached your goals?
• •
Distinguishing real information from fake information.
Understanding the information in an article about a new jeans brand.
Guessing the meaning of words in the text and checking your answers by looking up the words in a dictionary.
Reading out your paragraphs with mistakes in it.
Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises again and check if you have done better this time.
GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
Lesson 2: Writing LEERDOELEN
• • •
Informatievaardigheden – Je kunt de voor het beantwoorden van een vraag of oplossen van een probleem benodigde informatie verwerven en daaruit een selectie maken. A2.4 – Je kunt in korte, eenvoudige zinnen vertrouwde zaken beschrijven. A2.4 – Je kunt zeer korte en belangrijke gebeurtenissen, activiteiten in het verleden en persoonlijke ervaringen beschrijven.
TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started All about you
Lots of special things must have happened to you in the last fourteen or fifteen years. a
Answer the questions. 1 Do you ever look back and think about what you've done in the past?
2 Do you know when you took your first steps? And if so, how old were you?
3 What was the first word you said?
Write about three special things or events that happened in your life. Example:
a special holiday, moving house, getting a pet
What happened? And did you like it? 1 2 3 In what year did it happen? 1 2 3
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 2: Writing
Find out WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Tech magazine needs your help A timeline is mostly a horizontal line with photos or drawings, dates and text that gives you a picture of events in history. The timeline on this page shows the history of the computer – but it's incomplete. It ends in 1993, the year of the first instant message. Since this time computers have changed the world even more than before. That's why we'd like the readers of Tech Magazine – you! – to finish this
timeline and fill us in on what happened next. Take a little time to research the topic, write down a list of the events that followed and then draw the actual timeline (starting somewhere around 1993). You can choose to add just a little information or you can include longer texts. Don't make the texts too long though and don't spend too much time finding information.
Very few people know that the first computer was an abacus made from strings and beads, and invented in 500 BC. Many people used it to count with.
Alan Turing invented the Turing machine. This machine was a system of rules rather than a real machine and is one of the most important models in computer science.
During World War 2 the British army used computers to crack the codes of German messages. These first computers did not look anything like the computers we have now, as they were so large that they filled a whole room. Alan Turing (see 1936) played a very important role in cracking the codes. Some people even say that his work shortened the war in Europe by a few years.
Before this you had to type in text to give the computer a command. With the Apple Lisa you could just point at a picture and click!
Konrad Zuse, from Germany, built the first electric computer. Little is known about him, but his role was a very important one.
Around 1981 IBM developed the first personal computer. Until this time, computers were so big and cost so much money that you couldn't use them at home. With this new reasonably priced computer 'normal people' could finally buy their own machine. Consequently, American users thought it was the best new product in years.
Charles Babbage came up with the idea for the first mechanical computer. This machine, which is in the London Science Museum, can make complex mathematical calculations.
On a sunny morning in 1971 Ray Tomlinson sent the first email (to himself!). There wasn't anything romantic or funny in this first test email, the text simply was: 'qwertyuiop', i.e. the top line of keys on most keyboards. THE INTERNET
Robert Kahn and some others created the internet, linking computers to a network of computers around the world.
The instant message that Ted Leonsis posted in 1993 was the start of online chat. Ted sent his message to his wife on 6 January 1993. It read, 'Don't be scared ... it is me. Love you and miss you.'
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
Glossary instant message (to) crack the code affordable
chatbericht de code ontcijferen betaalbaar
reasonably priced consequently
redelijk geprijsd zodoende, dus
Answering questions about a timeline Read What happened next? Finish the sentences. 1 The timeline on these pages gives information about . 2 The editors ask readers to
3 You can still see the first mechanical computer in
4 The person who made the first electronic computer was born in
5 In the first email, Ray Tomlinson wrote
6 Before 1981 computers were very
7 Robert Kahn invented the
8 Since 1993 people can
Vocabulary 16
Complete the sentences Use Vocabulary 1.2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. Note: There are two extra words. Choose from: calculator – computer science – event – (to) fill me in – following – (to) include – key – keyboard – mostly – (to) research – (to) shorten – string – timeline. 1 Our report is much too long, we really have to 2 I will
some pictures to show my design.
3 Press the Ctrl
and P to print your document.
4 Listen to the
three options.
5 To write a good article you have to
the topic first.
6 In this video game you have to use the arrow keys on your 7 The
to jump.
shows the most important events in the 20th century.
8 Can you
on the latest news of the plane crash?
9 Can you give me a
? I can't work these sums out.
10 My sister studies
at the University of Nottingham.
11 At the time jeans were
worn by cowboys and soldiers.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
Choose the correct words
Use Vocabulary 1.2. a
Choose all the words that go with the given word. 1 a British ...
band / designer / exit / TV-series / shift
2 an electric ...
command / event / shock / wire / wheelchair
3 a horizontal ...
line / bead / bar / string / stripe
4 a mathematical ...
calculation / driver / pocket / problem / uncle
5 a complex ...
beard / sentence / story / system / topic
6 an incomplete ...
answer / calculator / description / discount / glue
Write down English words that go with the given words. Use other words than the words in exercise a. 1 a British 2 an electric 3 a horizontal 4 a mathematical 5 a complex 6 an incomplete
Grammar Grammar: Some / any
Use Grammar: Some / any. GRAMMAR
Some / any bevestigend: vragend: ontkennend:
some some any any
I am looking for somebody. Can I have something to drink? (Je verwacht het antwoord ja.) Are you going anywhere today? I don't know anybody from Finland.
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Choose the correct word. Hi, my name is Bihan and I am going to tell you (1) something / anything about myself. I'm originally from Sri Lanka, that's (2) somewhere / anywhere in South Asia, but I live in England now. I was born in a place called Kandy, does (3) someone / anyone know it? You might have heard (4) some / any stories about a temple there, the Temple of the Tooth. It's very famous. (5) Some / Any people say that you can see a tooth of Buddha there! I don't believe (6) something / anything about that story, but I would love to see the temple. I haven't got (7) some / any money for a trip to Sri Lanka now, but I hope to go there when I'm older.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. I made a timeline with He didn't use Mike started his first job
I couldn't find my calculator Why don't you ask Do you know I want to tell you He didn't tell me
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
any pictures or drawings. anybody who likes mathematical problems? anything worth listening to. anywhere. some pictures and drawings. somebody who is interested in history? something very strange. somewhere around the year 2000.
Grammar: A little / a few <> little / few Use Grammar: Much / many <> a little / a few <> little / few. GRAMMAR
A little / a few <> little / few telbaar few people a few months
niet telbaar little time a little information
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Matt and Nate are in the same class. They are chatting about a history project. Finish their chat. Choose the correct words. Matt
Have you got a topic for the timeline yet? I have so (1) few / little inspiration.
Maybe I can help. I've got (2) a few / a little ideas. How about the Vikings, the history of jeans, climate change or the Second World War?
I'm sorry. I think they are (3) a few / a little boring. Mr Robert has probably seen many of those timelines before. I want to do something (4) a few / a little more original.
That's not very smart if you have so (5) few / little ideas. We have to hand in the timeline in (6) a few / a little days. There's (7) few / little time left.
Don't worry. I can always use my brother's assignment. It only takes (8) a few / a little minutes to change the name.
You're lucky. (9) Few / Little classmates have a brother like that. The only thing is: if you use his timeline, you're not original at all!
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
Grammar: Many / much <> a little / a few <> little / few Use Grammar: Much / many <> a little / a few <> little / few.
Much / many <> a little / a few <> little / few niet telbaar much work a little information little time
telbaar many jobs a few months few people
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Make sentences about yourself. For each sentence use the word in brackets and one of these words or phrases. Choose from: dreams – friends – fun at school – hobbies – homework – pieces of clothing – pocket money – questions – (to) sleep – time. Example:
I don't have much fun at school. (Bij much gebruik je een woord dat je niet kunt tellen.) 1 (little)
I've got
2 (many)
I haven't got
3 (much) 4 (a little) 5 (many) 6 (few) 7 (a few) 8 (much)
Phrases 21
How do you say this in English? Look at What happened next? again and use Phrases Writing. Write the sentences. 1 Hoe schrijft Tech Magazine dat de tijdlijn de geschiedenis van de computer laat zien?
Schrijf nu: De foto toont een Amerikaans toetsenbord.
Schrijf ook: De foto laat zien hoe een tv er in 1960 uitzag.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
2 Hoe schrijft Tech Magazine dat Charles Babbage de eerste mechanische computer bedacht?
Schrijf nu: Levi Straus bedacht de eerste spijkerbroek.
3 Hoe schrijft Tech Magazine dat de computers zo groot waren dat ze een hele kamer vulden?
Schrijf nu: Ze waren zo groot dat je ze niet in je zak kon doen.
Schrijf ook: Het is zo zwaar dat twee mannen het moeten dragen.
4 Hoe schrijven ze dat sommige mensen zelfs zeggen dat door zijn werk de oorlog korter duurde?
Schrijf nu: Sommige mensen vinden deze telefoon zelfs mooier dan een moderne.
5 Hoe schrijven ze dat de eerste e-mail helemaal niet romantisch of grappig was?
Schrijf nu: Er stond helemaal niets nuttig in de e-mail.
6 Hoe schrijft Tech Magazine dat Amerikaanse gebruikers daarom dachten dat het het beste nieuwe product in lange tijd was.
Schrijf nu: Daarom denk ik dat dit ding geweldig is.
7 Hoe schrijven ze dat je met de Apple Lisa alleen naar een plaatje hoefde te wijzen en te klikken?
Schrijf nu: Met een oude telefoon kon je niet rondlopen.
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 2: Writing
How do you say this in English? Use Phrases Writing. Complete the web text. Use the clues in brackets.
Specials days in history HOME
17 December 1903 1
(Op deze zonnige dag in 1903) the Wright brothers made the first successful flight in an airplane.
2 (Dit eerste vliegtuig leek helemaal niet op de vliegtuigen die we nu hebben.) It was made of wood and had two propellers. 3 The Wright brothers got help from a man named Charles Taylor. 4 (Hij speelde een heel belangrijke rol bij het ontwerpen van de motor (engine).) 5
(Er is weinig over Charles bekend.) During the years that followed, the Wright brothers worked some more on their airplanes. From 1911 the army got interested in the airplane.
6 (Het leger gebruikte vliegtuigen tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog.) After that it went fast. Nowadays there are usually more than 10,000 planes in the air every day.
3 December 1992 1 (Op 3 december 1992 stuurde Neil Papworth het eerste sms-bericht .) 2 (Hij stuurde zijn bericht naar Richard Jarvis.) 3 (Er stond 'Merry Christmas'.) 4 (Je kunt je voorstellen dat Richard er verbaasd over was.) 5 (Sindsdien hebben sms'jes de wereld veranderd.) Texting has become so important in everyday life that there are even etiquette tips for texting.
PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary, Grammar or Phrases? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website. 25
UNIT 1 History Lesson 2: Writing
Express yourself Devices from the past
Look at the pictures of devices from the past and describe them. Don't say what they are. Give your opinion on what they look like too. Write about 50 words for each description. 1
Read one of your descriptions to a classmate. Can he or she guess the device you are describing? Then listen to your classmate describing one of the other devices.
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 2: Writing
A timeline You'll probably never forget your first school day, school trip, football match or dance performance. Use the Tip: Een opdracht maken: waar begin je? TIP
Een opdracht maken: waar begin je?
Soms is het lastig om te beginnen als je een artikel of andere tekst moet schrijven. Deze stappen kunnen helpen: • Lees de opdracht nog een keer goed door. Wat wordt er precies gevraagd? • Maak aantekeningen: waar ga je over schrijven? Gebruik losse woorden, geen hele zinnen. • Lees je aantekeningen door en omcirkel de dingen die je zeker wilt gebruiken. • Lees de Grammar, Phrases en Vocabulary van de unit nog een keer door. • Begin!
Make a timeline of important events in your life. • Describe five events in your life. • Draw a horizontal line and mark the dates. Start with the day you were born and end with an event that happened this year. • Write down the date of each event and describe what happened on that date or in that year. Write at least two sentences for each event. • Use a separate piece of paper.
Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• • •
Selecting and ordening facts about myself.
Describing old objects.
Making a timeline of important moments in your life and writing a few lines about each of them.
or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises Did you tick again and check if you have done better this time.
GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Lesson 3: Listening and watching LEERDOELEN
• • • • •
Kritisch denken – Je kunt (gevonden) informatie beoordelen op bruikbaarheid en betrouwbaarheid. A2.4 – Je kunt in vertrouwde situaties eenvoudige feitelijke informatie begrijpen (luisteren). A2.5 – Je kunt de wezenlijke informatie in korte opgenomen passages over voorspelbare alledaagse zaken verstaan en onderscheiden (luisteren). A2.5 – Je kunt je een indruk vormen van de belangrijkste inhoud in een feitelijk nieuwsbericht op televisie (kijken). A2.3 – Je kunt een video- of audiofragment begrijpen door mee te lezen (kijken).
TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started 26
Dover Answer the questions in Dutch. 1 Where in Great Britain is Dover?
2 What happened in World War 2 on the coast of Northern France?
3 There is a famous castle in Dover. Have you ever heard of it?
4 This castle played an important role during World War 2. What do you think happened there?
UNIT 1 History Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Castles Match the words and descriptions with the pictures. Arrow slit: a vertical hole in a wall through which arrows could be fired from inside.
Battlement: the design at the top of old castle walls that is used to allow space for archers.
Drawbridge: a heavy timber platform built across a moat, that could be raised to block an entrance.
Gargoyle: waterspout set high on a building that directs rainwater away from the building's walls.
Moat: a deep trench usually filled with water that surrounds a castle.
Portcullis: a metal grill that protects the castle entrance and can be raised or lowered from within the castle.
• • • • • •
Find out listening 28
Predicting what the text is about Look at the words from the text you're going to hear. What do you think the text is about? • France • castle • attack • tunnels • Germany • war
UNIT 1 History Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Listening to a text about Dover Castle Listen to Operation Dynamo: rescue from Dunkirk, Part 1. Choose the correct answers. 1 2 3 4
The nickname of Dover Castle was: The key to England / The port of England. It was built by: Henry II / Henry VIII. The style is: Danish / French. The two functions of the castle are: crowning of the king / welcoming visitors from Europe / guarding against attack (choose two things). 5 Two functions of the tunnels are: headquarters (for soldiers) / hospital / escape route (choose two things).
Visiting Dover Castle Listen to Operation Dynamo: rescue from Dunkirk, Part 2.
What are the rules for the guided tour and what are the teacher's rules? Guided tour rules:
Teacher's rules:
Answer the questions. 1 Wanneer was Operation Dynamo? 2 Wat houdt evacuation in? 3 Voor wie was Operation Dynamo? 4 Om hoeveel personen ging het? 5 Wat voor schepen deden mee aan Operation Dynamo?
UNIT 1 History Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Vocabulary Odd-one-out
Use Vocabulary 1.3. Choose the odd-one-out. Work with a classmate. Explain to each other why the word doesn't belong (in Dutch). 1 ship – Channel – castle – sink 2 fight – careless – attack – guard 3 life – gun – kill – distance 4 cliff – Dover Castle – Channel – secret 5 evacuation – rescue – shout – army
Use Vocabulary 1.3. Choose the correct word. Note: There are two extra words. Choose from: allowed to – allies – attack – careless – distance – guard – secret – (to) shoot – (to) shout – sinks. 1 When you speak very loudly, you
2 When you are not careful, you are
3 When your parents say you can go to the party, you are
4 When something is not very far away, it is a short
to get there.
5 When someone tells you something you cannot tell others, they tell you a 6 When a boat doesn't float on the water, it
. .
7 When soldiers use a gun, they
8 When other countries help a country at war, they are its
Find out watching 33
Answering questions about fake news You're going to watch a historical video about fake news.
Answer the questions. You may answer in Dutch if you want. 1 What's the history of fake news? When did it first occur (voorkomen), do you think?
2 Could you give an example of fake news in the past?
3 Can you give an example of fake news now?
UNIT 1 History Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Match these words from the video with the correct translations.
to downplay
geen reden voor
no cause for
to fall in line
medeplichtig meewerken
Pandemics Watch Fake news and the 1918 flu . Which pandemic does each statement refer to? Sometimes you can choose more than one option.
• •
An American president lied about this pandemic.
It took place during a war.
Journalists were allowed to criticise the government about it.
Journalists could go to jail if they criticised the government about it.
This is considered the worst pandemic in the history of the United States.
1918 flu
Answering questions about the video Watch Fake news and the 1918 flu . Choose the correct answer. 1 In de video wordt gesproken over 675.000 doden als gevolg van de griep. Waar vonden deze sterfgevallen plaats? a. in de hele wereld b. in de Verenigde Staten c. in Vietnam 2 Wat was de belangrijkste reden dat de regering niet de waarheid vertelde over de 1918 flu? a. Ze waren bang dat dit de economie zou schaden. b. Ze vonden het belangrijk dat alle aandacht naar de oorlog ging. c. Ze vreesden chaos en demonstraties. 3 Hoe reageerde het merendeel van de Amerikaanse kranten op deze aanpak van de regering? a. Dit wordt niet genoemd in de video. b. Ze bekritiseerden de regering. c. Ze werkten eraan mee. 4 Welk symptoom van de 1918 flu wordt NIET genoemd? a. bloedende ogen b. bloedend tandvlees c. neusbloedingen
UNIT 1 History Lesson 3: Listening and watching
5 Op wie was de Sedition Act of 1918 vooral gericht? a. Amerikaanse burgers b. de pers c. Amerikaanse soldaten 6 Welke oorlog leidde uiteindelijk tot meer doden dan de 1918 flu? a. de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog samen b. de oorlog in Vietnam c. geen enkele oorlog
Comparing pandemics Deze video gaat over het coronavirus en de griep van 1918. Werk samen met een klasgenoot en vergelijk de twee pandemieën. Bekijk Fake news and the 1918 flu eventueel nog een keer.
Noem minimaal drie overeenkomsten.
Noem minimaal drie verschillen.
PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Express yourself Fake news
Watch What is fake news and how to spot it? a
Answer the questions. 1 Choose the question you have to ask yourself before you share a news item or message. a. Is it interesting? b. Is it real? c. Is it new? 2 Why do people post fake news?
Make a checklist to spot fake news. Write down at least three questions you can ask yourself. You may do this in English or Dutch.
Fake headlines Go to The NewsWise fake or real headlines quiz!
Do the quiz on the news website of The Guardian. How did you score?
Now write six headlines yourself: four real headlines and two fake ones. • Use the internet and go to news websites like The Guardian, Mailonline and BBC News. Copy four headlines you find there. • Make up two headlines yourself. • Make sure they sound real.
Work with a classmate and show each other your headlines. Can you find the fake headlines? Also discuss the headlines you wrote down. How can you see if these headlines are fake or not?
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 3: Listening and watching
Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• • •
Deciding whether information is useful or not.
Deciding whether information is real or not.
Watching a video about fake news and reading along to the text in the video.
Writing down questions you can ask yourself to spot fake news.
Doing a quiz with fake headlines and distinguishing the fake headlines from real ones.
Writing headlines and discussing them with a classmate.
Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises again and check if you have done better this time.
GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Lesson 4: Speaking LEERDOELEN
• • • • • • •
Sociale en culturele vaardigheden – Je kunt eigen gevoelens en opvattingen benoemen en hierop reflecteren. A2.1 – Je kunt op eenvoudige wijze voorkeur en mening uitdrukken over vertrouwde alledaagse onderwerpen (gesprek). A2.4 – Je kunt inlichtingen geven en ontvangen over hoeveelheden en aantallen (gesprek). A2.5 – Je kunt vragen stellen en beantwoorden over wat iemand doet op het werk en in de vrije tijd (gesprek). A2.5 – Je kunt persoonlijke informatie vragen en geven (gesprek). A2.1 – Je kunt begrijpen wat rechtstreeks tegen je gezegd wordt in eenvoudige, alledaagse gesprekken (luisteren). A2.3 – Je kunt een korte, ingestudeerde, eenvoudige presentatie geven over een vertrouwd onderwerp, vragen over de presentatie beantwoorden en om herhaling vragen.
TRY OUT What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started 40 a
Talking about the good old days Answer the questions. 1 Do your parents or grandparents talk about the 'good old days'? yes / no 2 Do you like it when they do this or not? Why?
Discuss with a classmate. What topics from the 'good old days' are interesting to hear about and what topics aren't? Do you agree with each other?
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Find out TALKING TO GRAN Gran Well, Lenny, how's school these days? Lenny It's OK, I suppose. It'd be better if I had less homework and more free time. Gran Yes, it seems to me that you teenagers get a lot more homework nowadays, don't you? Lenny You're right there! Actually, Gran, that reminds me. Can I ask you some questions about what life in the last century used to be like? I have to give a presentation for our history class. You can remember when you were my age, can't you? Gran Of course I can! I may be nearly 90 but I haven't lost my marbles yet! I haven't forgotten anything. Lenny Sorry. So, do you think it was easier to be a teenager then than it is now? Everything was a lot cheaper, wasn't it? Gran Well I used to get a pound a week pocket money, and that wouldn't go very far these days, would it? People seem to have more money now. Not everyone drove a car then or even had a phone at home. Lenny Yeah, but things didn't use to cost so much. I mean, granddad told me he bought your house for £2,500 and now the same house costs £250,000. Gran That's true, but in my opinion life didn't use to be better. Lenny So would you prefer to be a teenager now or in the 1940s? Gran Oh, I'd much rather be young now. We didn't have as much freedom. When I was a girl, I had to go to church twice on Sundays. I remember I used to hate that. School teachers were very strict. We had to learn our lessons by heart, it didn't matter if you understood or not. They taught us girls to knit and make blankets – I'll never forget that. I never thought of going to university. Lenny Did you use to play any sport? What did you do in your free time? Gran We used to play hockey at school, we read a lot of books and we went to the cinema once a week. To tell you the truth, I was often bored. As I see it, the internet is a brilliant invention and I can't imagine life without my mobile. Lenny You're quite a cool gran really, aren't you Gran? Gran Don't sound so surprised ...
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 4: Speaking
Presentation My topic is: 'Did life use to be better in the 1940s and 50s?' and I'll begin by giving you a few statistics. A recent survey asked 3,000 old people this question: 93% said schools were better in the good old days. 91% thought the internet was dangerous and 81% said people used to be more creative and make their own fun. Next I'll tell you that, according to my grandma, our teachers work us too hard these days – so she disagreed with most people. Then I'll move on to what she said about modern communications and after that ... Lastly, I'd like to summarise the opinions I've discussed and in conclusion, I'd like you to agree that I've got a really awesome Gran!
Glossary (to) lose your marbles
niet goed bij je hoofd zijn
Listening to Gran Listen to and read along with Talking to Gran. Are the sentences true or false? true
1 Gran thinks she had much more homework than children have now.
2 Lenny has to give a presentation on life in the past.
3 Lenny's gran is almost 90 years old.
4 Gran thinks life for teenagers was better in the 1940s than it is now.
5 Gran had a lot of freedom when she was young.
6 Gran thinks the internet makes people boring.
7 About 81% of old people think schools were better in the past.
8 Lenny thinks his gran is great.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Vocabulary 42
Fill in Use Vocabulary 1.4. Fill in the correct words. Note: There are two extra words. Choose from: age – bored – brilliant – opinion – strict – surprised – topic – truth. 1 In my
, people should exercise more often.
2 If you're room or doing the dishes.
, just find something useful to do, like tidying up your
3 She wasn't She'd already expected it.
when she saw her dog jump up at the walker.
4 Mrs Townsend is really sends you to the headmaster. 5 I think it's
. If you're only two minutes late she that you're raising money for this charity!
6 I will tell you the
if you promise not to tell anyone.
Missing words Use Vocabulary 1.4. Say the words. • Work with a classmate. • One of you uses speech card 1. The other uses speech card 11. • Read a sentence from your card out loud. • Your classmate says the word which you should hear instead of the beep. • Take turns. Note: There are two extra words. Choose from: age – blanket – brilliant – church – freedom – in conclusion – lastly – (to) move on – nowadays – presentation – (to) suppose – surprised – survey – topic.
Make combinations Use Vocabulary 1.4.
Make the correct combinations. to lose to take part in a to go to show to tell to teach
• • • • • •
• • • • • • 39
French some statistics survey the truth to church your freedom
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Think of at least two words that go with each of the two verbs (werkwoorden) given. Write them down. 1 to disagree with
2 to summarise
Grammar 45
Grammar: Used to Use Grammar: Used to. GRAMMAR
Used to + hele werkwoord Je zegt wat er vroeger altijd gebeurde: used to + hele werkwoord. We used to play hockey at school. I used to get a pound a week pocket money. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 My mother
(to wear) skirts, but now she prefers trousers.
2 His grandparents
(to go) to church on Sundays.
3 People
(to be) much nicer in the old days.
4 When we lived in Germany, I
(to walk) to school.
5 We nowadays we usually go to France.
(to stay) at home during the holidays, but
6 He what he is doing now.
(to teach) in a private school, but I don't know
Tell your classmate what your life was like when you were a child. Use used to. Say four sentences. If you want, you can use these words: (to) be afraid of – (to) believe – (to) eat – (to) hate – (to) like – (to) live – (to) play with – (to) think. Example:
When I was a child I used to sleep under my bed. I also used to dream of monsters.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Grammar: Tags Use Grammar: Tags. Write the tags. GRAMMAR
Tags (+) It's so much money, (–) isn't it? (–) It wasn't true, (+) was it? (+) She likes him, (–) doesn't she? (–) He didn't write it, (+) did he? You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
1 You were rich when you were young,
2 They didn't have much freedom,
3 She looked surprised,
4 He wouldn't do that,
5 She went to church every week,
6 You can't remember it,
7 He has already given his presentation,
8 She disagreed with you,
Grammar: Irregular verbs Use Grammar: Irregular verbs. Write down the missing verbs. Then find them in the word search. GRAMMAR
Irregular verbs
Onregelmatige werkwoorden hebben een eigen vorm voor de past simple en de present perfect. tear tore torn You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
1 spend
2 forbid forbade 3 stand stood 4 understand
5 tear
6 wear
7 dig
8 fight
9 fly
10 can
11 shoot shot 12 teach
13 build built
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Phrases 48
How do you say this in English? You are talking to a friend. He has just visited his grandparents. Use Phrases Speaking. Choose from: Hi. I missed you after school. – I'll never forget that. – I used to visit them every Wednesday, but now I often have to work. – I was at my grandparents. – No, you're right! – To tell you the truth, I'm often bored. – Would you prefer to have no grandparents?
Complete the conversation. Put the sentences in the correct place. Friend
Where have you been?
Do you go there often?
I remember I came along once.
(4) You kissed my grandma and said she was the sweetest grandma you had ever met.
Why don't you visit your grandparents more often?
(6) They always tell the same stories.
My grandparents aren't alive anymore. As I see it you are lucky. (7)
(8) Next time I visit my grandparents. I'll tell them they are the sweetest people I've ever met!
Have the conversation with a classmate. Finished? Switch roles.
How do you say this in English? Use Phrases Speaking. Write the correct English sentences. 1 Je houdt een presentatie en zegt dat je presentatie over tieners in de twintigste eeuw gaat. Wat zeg je?
2 Je begint met je publiek een filmpje uit de jaren '60 te laten zien. Hoe zeg je dat tegen hen?
3 Je vertelt dat de tieners vroeger naar de Rolling Stones of de Beatles luisterden. Wat zeg je?
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
4 Je vertelt dat volgens jouw oma de Rolling Stones de beste waren. Wat zeg je?
5 Je zegt dat jij liever naar de Beatles zou luisteren. Wat zeg je?
6 Je zegt dat je nu verder gaat met school in de jaren '60. Wat zeg je?
7 Je vraagt aan je publiek of zij liever de leraren van tegenwoordig of uit de jaren '60 hebben. Wat vraag je?
8 Je wilt tot slot de mening van je docent weten. Wat vraag je hem / haar?
9 Je bent aan het eind van je presentatie. Samenvattend wil je graag zeggen dat het heel anders was om in de jaren '60 tiener te zijn. Wat zeg je?
Pronunciation 50
Pronunciation: Numbers For the pronunciation of numbers read Pronunciation: Thirteen, thirty or thirty-five? P R O N U N C I AT I O N
Thirteen, thirty or thirty-five?
Hoe kun je de nummers 13 en 30 uitspreken zonder dat ze hetzelfde klinken? Leg bij 13 de klemtoon op teen. Spreek ook de 'n' op het eind duidelijk uit. Bij 30 leg je de klemtoon op thir. Deze manier kun je ook gebruiken bij 14 – 40, 15 – 50, 16 – 60, 17 – 70, 18 – 80 en 19 – 90. Bij nummers als 44, 51 of 68 is het weer anders. Daar ligt de klemtoon op het laatste cijfer, dus: forty-four, fifty-one en sixty-eight.
Read the sentence aloud and then choose the correct category. klemtoon op klemtoon op laatste lettergreep eerste lettergreep (thirteen) (thirty)
klemtoon op laatste cijfer (thirty-five)
1 I'm fifteen years old now ...
2 but I will soon be sixteen.
3 My dad is forty ...
4 and my mum is forty-three.
5 I've got two older brothers. One is seventeen ...
6 and the oldest is twenty.
7 The oldest person in my family is my grandfather. He is almost ninety.
8 My gran is eighty-five.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 4: Speaking
Pronunciation: Numbers Listen to the sentences and pay special attention to the numbers. Use Pronunciation: Thirteen, thirty or thirty-five? again. Say the sentences out loud. Work with a classmate and take turns. Correct each other if needed. • I'm fifteen years old now, but I will soon be sixteen. • My dad is forty and my mum forty-three. • I've got two older brothers. One is seventeen and the oldest is twenty. • The oldest person in my family is my grandfather. He is almost ninety. • My Gran is eighty-five. PRACTISE MORE Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary, Grammar, Phrases or Pronunciation? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
Express yourself 52
Writing about the past Earlier in this lesson you talked about things you did when you were young. Write about what your life was like when you were young. • Describe what weird or special things you did. (I used to ...) • And how you felt when you did them. Write about 100-120 words.
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 4: Speaking
Give a speech
53 a
Work in a group of four people. You are going to give a short speech about something weird or special you used to do when you were younger. Use the Tip: Key words. TIP
Key words
Als je een presentatie voorbereidt, schrijf dan alleen de belangrijkste woorden (key words) op. Dat kost minder tijd en helpt je om de presentatie wat losser te doen. Doe het zo: • Zeg eerst in je hoofd de zinnen die wilt zeggen of schrijf ze op. • Schrijf dan van die zinnen alleen de belangrijkste woorden op. • Schrijf de woorden op in de volgorde waarin je ze wilt vertellen. • Maak eventueel losse kaartjes per onderwerp waarover je vertelt.
Prepare your speech: • Take notes and prepare what you are going to say. Use key words. • Describe in detail what you used to do. • Tell your classmates about how you felt when you did this. • Say how other people reacted. You have to talk for about one minute. b
In turns, give your speech. After the speech the others each ask a question about what you told them. Answer these questions.
Looking back Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• • • •
Expressing your feelings.
Writing down things you did when you were young.
Preparing a speech by writing down key words.
Listening to your classmates and asking questions about what they are saying.
Giving a speech (with an introduction and a conclusion).
or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises Did you tick again and check if you have done better this time.
GET AHEAD Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercise on the New Interface website.
UNIT 1 History Lesson 5: Mission
Lesson 5: Mission LEERDOEL Je past je life én language skills toe in een mission. Life skill: Informatievaardigheden, Kritisch denken Hoofdvaardigheid: Spreken Subvaardigheid: Lezen, Schrijven
• • •
Understanding the news Introduction Elke dag staan kranten en websites vol met nieuws. Wat vind jij interessant, ken je de voorgeschiedenis bij de berichten, en wat is fake en wat is echt? Voor deze mission kies je samen met een klasgenoot een nieuwsbericht en doe je onderzoek naar de achtergronden bij dit bericht. Met de informatie die je gevonden hebt, maak je een tijdlijn en presenteer je een nieuwsitem aan je klasgenoten. Je uiteindelijke doel is nieuws begrijpelijk te maken én nepnieuws te ontmaskeren.
Select a news item Zoek op online nieuwsites van bijvoorbeeld The Guardian, de Daily Mail of USA Today naar actuele nieuwsberichten die jullie interessant vinden. Zorg dat het een onderwerp is waar al vaker over geschreven is, en waar je dus veel over kunt vinden, zoals racisme, het klimaat, de ruimte, nieuwe medische ontdekkingen, vluchtelingen, gaming, enzovoort. Kies samen één artikel dat je voor deze mission gaat onderzoeken. • Wat is de belangrijkste informatie uit het artikel? Beantwoord de Wh-vragen: − What happened? − Where did it happen? − When did it happen? − Who are the people in this article? − Why did it happen? • Welke vragen heb je zelf nog over dit bericht? Wat is nog niet duidelijk? • Zoek op internet naar alles wat je kunt vinden over dit onderwerp. Zoek ook naar oudere berichten over het onderwerp. Maak aantekeningen. • Let op: vraag je bij elke website die je vindt af of de informatie op deze site echt waar is. Wees kritisch. Kijk ook naar de Express yourself-opdrachten over fake news in lessons 1 en 3.
Select useful information Bespreek jullie aantekeningen en selecteer de belangrijkste informatie. • Wat weet je nu over het onderwerp dat je eerst nog niet wist? • Welke conclusies kun je trekken over wanneer, waarom en hoe dit allemaal zo gekomen is? • Orden de informatie op tijd zodat je straks een tijdlijn kunt maken. Bespreek ten slotte ook met elkaar wat jullie zelf vinden van het onderwerp. Wat is je mening erover en welke gevoelens roept het bij je op? 46
UNIT 1 History
Lesson 5: Mission
Make a timeline Maak een tijdlijn die laat zien hoe dit onderwerp de laatste tijd (maanden of jaren) in het nieuws is geweest en veranderd is. Zorg dat jullie tijdlijn uit minimaal vijf onderwerpen / momenten in tijd bestaat. Orden de informatie op datum.
Present the news Presenteer het nieuws. • Bedenk wat je wilt gaan zeggen en gebruik de tijdlijn. • Maak een taakverdeling en zorg dat je allebei ongeveer even lang aan het woord bent. • Oefen de presentatie een paar keer. • Werk samen met een ander tweetal en presenteer het nieuws aan elkaar.
Looking back Did you finish the mission? Have you reached your goals?
Looking for information on the internet about a certain topic and selecting the most useful information for your assignment.
• • • •
Distinguishing fake news from real news.
Saying what you think and feel about a certain news topic.
Making a timeline with the main points of your (news) topic.
Presenting your information to other classmates and using the correct words, grammar and phrases.
Room for improvement Not happy with how you did on parts of your mission? Decide what you want to work on in the future. Tick the boxes of the things you want to work on. ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯
Choosing a topic Looking for information on the internet Taking notes Selecting the most useful information Distinguishing fake news from real news Working together and dividing tasks Talking in front of other people Grammar Vocabulary Phrases SELF-TEST After the lessons you can do the Self-test on the New Interface website.
EXAM PREP Do you want to practise some more with Reading exam exercises? Then you can find the Exam preps for Reading in the back of this book. 47
In de huidige wereld is alles mogelijk, wordt er gezegd. Maar wat betekent dat eigenlijk voor wat je moet kunnen en weten? Met New Interface ga je aan de slag met je persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en leer je Engels dat je daarbij kan helpen. Hoe doen we dat dan? Door relevantie te bieden in plaats van je belevingswereld na te bootsen. Door opdrachten die je voorbereiden op jouw toekomst. Door je niet alleen de grammatica te geven, maar te laten zien hoe je deze kunt gebruiken. Zo maakt Engels je wereld groter. Je bent natuurlijk niet alleen werelds als je met een backpack de meest exotische landen hebt bezocht. Werelds zijn is een instelling, een houding. Ongeacht hoe ver je van huis bent, of juist dichtbij. Wel zo makkelijk als je dan goed kunt communiceren. New Interface, let words open new worlds.