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20/20 English Werkboek B1 sector ICT N3-4
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Werkboek B1 sector ICT N3-4
Mark de Jong
20/20 English is dĂŠ lesmethode Engels voor mbo niveau 1-2 en 3-4 in de sectoren Economie, Zorg en Welzijn, Techniek en ICT. Uniek aan 20/20 English is dat de lesstof geschreven is vanuit de context van het beroep. Dit werkboek B1 voor de sector ICT sluit aan bij wat leerlingen in hun toekomstige beroep kunnen tegenkomen, zoals een helpdeskgesprek voeren en een gebruikershandleiding lezen.
Dit is niet alleen nuttig, maar bovenal erg motiverend, omdat de lesstof hierdoor past bij de interesse van de leerling. Daarnaast is er uiteraard rekening gehouden met de exameneisen en beheerst de leerling na het doorwerken van dit werkboek het Engels op niveau B1 van het ERK. Kortom: 20/20 English biedt uw leerlingen de optimale voorbereiding om te kunnen slagen voor hun opleiding ĂŠn in hun toekomstige beroep. Het complete lesmateriaal bestaat uit het handboek Economie, het werkboek A2 Economie, het werkboek B1 ICT en de bijbehorende website. Op www.2020english.nl kunnen zowel docenten als leerlingen inloggen. De site biedt ondersteuning aan de werkboeken door middel van veel audiofragmenten, extra oefenmateriaal en woordenlijsten. Voor de docent zijn er daarnaast handleidingen en uitwerkingen beschikbaar.
ISBN 9781111265939
5911 Thieme 20-20 PH Eco ICT B1 N3-4.indd 1
20-12-12 16:53
Werkboek B1 ICT Proefhoofdstuk
Mark de Jong
20/20 English bestaat uit de volgende producten Voor alle sectoren en niveaus: Crash Course A1 (reeds verschenen) Niveau 3 en 4 Sector Economie Werkboek A2 Economie* Werkboek B1 Administratie* Werkboek B1 Handel* Werkboek B1 ICT Top Course Werkboek B2 Economie* Handboek Economie* Sector Techniek Werkboek A2 Techniek Werkboek B1 Techniek Handboek Techniek Sector Zorg en Welzijn Werkboek A2 Zorg en Welzijn Werkboek B1 Zorg Werkboek B1 Welzijn Handboek Zorg en Welzijn Niveau 1 en 2 Leer-werkboek A2 Economie* Leer-werkboek A2 Zorg en welzijn Leer-werkboek A2 Techniek * reeds verschenen Bij alle werkboeken en leer-werkboeken hoort een ondersteunende website met materiaal voor leerlingen ĂŠn docenten.
Voorwoord Voor u ligt een hoofdstuk van 20/20 English voor niveau 3 en 4 van het mbo. Het betreft een hoofdstuk uit het werkboek B1 voor de sector ICT. Het hoofdstuk geeft u een goede indruk van het materiaal dat in het voorjaar van 2013 zal verschijnen. Dit werkboek bevat straks 10 hoofdstukken (units) en in elke unit staat een thema centraal. Dit thema heeft altijd betrekking op een situatie die de leerling in zijn toekomstig beroep kan tegenkomen. De opdrachten in deze unit passen binnen het thema. Elke unit wordt afgesloten met een case, waarin de leerling kan laten zien dat hij de geleerde stof beheerst en communicatief vaardiger is geworden. Na het doorwerken van dit boek beheerst de leerling het Engels op niveau B1 van het ERK. De leerling gebruikt dit werkboek in combinatie met het handboek voor de sector Economie. Het handboek is een uitgebreid naslagwerk waarvan de leerling zowel tijdens als na zijn studie gebruik van zal maken. In dit werkboek wordt regelmatig verwezen naar paragrafen in het handboek. Er staat dan bijvoorbeeld: Study your handbook, E27, about prepositions (voorzetsels). De methode 20/20 English is bedoeld om zelfstandig leren en werken te vergemakkelijken. Als leerlingen de aanwijzingen in dit werkboek volgen en de opdrachten naar behoren uitvoeren, zullen zij merken dat zij veel vragen over Engels zelf kunnen beantwoorden en problemen zelf kunnen oplossen. De uitwerkingen komen op de website en zijn alleen toegankelijk voor u als docent. U kan zelf beslissen of u deze uitwerkingen uitdeelt aan de leerlingen. De website bevat verder onder meer luisterfragmenten en extra oefeningen. De auteurs
Gebruiksaanwijzing In elke unit worden de vaardigheden Spreken, Gesprekken voeren, Lezen, Schrijven en Luisteren geoefend. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor Grammatica en belangrijke woorden. Aan het eind van elke unit vind je een Case. Speaking interaction / Gesprekken voeren In dit boek vind je veel oefeningen die je helpen een gesprek in het Engels te voeren. In veel gevallen kun je voorbeelden ontlenen aan de luisteroefeningen bij dit boek. Speaking / Spreken Bij dit onderdeel zul je een presentatie of een monoloog moeten voorbereiden en houden. Listening / Luisteren De vele luisteroefeningen zijn er niet alleen op gericht je luistervaardigheid te vergroten, maar ook om je een groot aantal voorbeeldgesprekken te laten horen die je in allerlei situaties kunt gebruiken. De luisterfragmenten (en videofragmenten) vind je op de website www.2020english.nl. Reading / Lezen Je vindt in deze rubriek een groot aantal leesteksten over uiteenlopende onderwerpen waarmee je te maken kunt krijgen. De teksten worden gevolgd door verschillende opdrachten. Writing / Schrijven In dit deel leer je e-mails en brieven schrijven en formulieren invullen. Grammar / Grammatica Je vindt in dit deel een aantal grammaticaoefeningen bij de theorie uit het Handboek. Important words and phrases / Belangrijke woorden en uitdrukkingen Dit is een lijst van woorden en uitdrukkingen afkomstig uit de unit die je zojuist hebt doorgewerkt. Je moet er zelf voor zorgen dat je deze woorden en uitdrukkingen actief in het Engels kunt gebruiken. Case In de case laat je je communicatieve vaardigheden zien. Het is dus belangrijk dat je de vaardigheden en de woorden en uitdrukkingen uit de voorafgaande unit goed beheerst. Betekenis iconen Speaking interaction / Gesprekken voeren Speaking / Spreken Listening / Luisteren Reading / Lezen Writing / Schrijven Grammar / Grammatica Ga naar www.2020English.nl of de aangegeven website.
Inhoudsopgave Unit 1
Welcome to our company
Case 1
Showing the trainee around
Unit 2
Giving instructions and advice
Case 2
Instructions to and from colleagues
Unit 3
Working at a helpdesk
Case 3
A problem with the ďŹ rewall
Unit 4
Participating in a meeting
Case 4
Preparing for a meeting
Unit 5
To the IT trade fair
Case 5
So what did you think of the trade fair?
Unit 6
Applying for a job
Case 6
I have come to apply for ...
Unit 7
IT around the globe
Case 7
Ireland's Silicon Valley
Unit 8
The importance of teamwork
Case 8
Improving the customer service together
Unit 9
Doing business
Case 9
Peripherals and such
Unit 10
Green technology
Case 10
Helping the environment
Working at Unit 3 a helpdesk
This unit will be all about working at a helpdesk. You will learn some conversation techniques and how to deal with difficult situations such as complaints. Also, you will read and write emails or reports about error notifications and how to deal with customer complaints.
Unit openers.indd 3
06-12-12 10:43
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Listening Exercise 1 Listen to track 10 and answer the following questions. Conversation 1 1 What seems to be Judith’s problem?
2 What workstation is Judith using? Write down the number mentioned in the conversation.
3 What does Rod change the password to?
Conversation 2 4 What workstation is Mike using?
5 Rod asks Mike to use another computer but what does Mike need to do first?
6 When will Rod have the computer fixed?
Speaking interaction Exercise 2 Work in pairs. Practise the following conversations. Conversation 1 (A) middag – Gerrards & sons – eigen naam (B) middag – naam – klacht (A) vervelend – wat? (B) computer zou volledig geprepareerd worden voor gebruik (A) klopt – onderdeel service (B) niet gebeurd – computer staat hier nog in de doos (A) wie heeft het afgeleverd? (B) ene Steven Bucket (A) ken je wel – stuurt hem vandaag langs om alsnog te prepareren (B) zou fijn zijn – dank (A) excuses ongemak (B) kan gebeuren – dank – groet (A) groet 8
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Conversation 2 (A) avond – Gerrards & sons – eigen naam (B) groet – collega – probleem (A) reageer – wat? (B) draadloze printer – geen verbinding (A) nummer printer? (B) 192.342.490.032 (A) nummer bestaat niet… (B) Oh – foutje – verkeerde nummer (A) probleem opgelost (B) reageer – dank (A) sluit het gesprek af
Grammar Exercise 3 Study your handbook, E113-E117, to learn about numerals (telwoorden). How do you write the following numbers in letters in English? 1 56
6 15.678
2 3e
7 € 1.23
3 15
8 31e
4 80e
9 22 ÷ 2 = 11
5 5/30
10 5 + 17 = 22
Reading Exercise 4 Read the text and answer the following questions.
Complaints are a goldmine of information Complaints offer businesses an opportunity to fix problems. In addition, they frequently provide good ideas for improving products, adapting marketing practices, upgrading services, or modifying promotional material and product information. While occasional problems with service are sometimes inevitable, dissatisfied customers are not. Companies 5 can learn to do something about their mistakes. By doing that, companies can turn angry, frustrated customers into loyal ones. Many businesses have come up with effective and original systems for resolving customer complaints. Within any industry, those companies with a positive attitude and a reputation for fair complaintmanagement have a big advantage. 10 If you want customer satisfaction as a primary goal of business take this advice: instead of defending the company in the face of complaints, change the rules of the game for companies. Stop focusing on the time and money it costs because eventually dealing with customer complaints is definitely worth investing in.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Start seeing that complaints can be a start for improving service, and trust front-line employees to use their judgment.
Study your handbook, B1-B6. 1 What is the main purpose of this text?
2 Why is it necessary to resolve customer complaints?
3 What does the writer mean by ‘change the rules of the game’?
Writing Exercise 5 Look at the following email that you received from a dissatisďŹ ed customer.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Answer this email. Make sure you mention: ■
our mistake
yellow cartridge delivered tomorrow
keep second black cartridge
no charge
You can use the email form on the 20/20-website under ‘Documents’.
Exercise 6 Study your handbook, A129-A135, to learn about dealing with complaints. Translate the following sentences into English. 1 Het is al goed. Zoiets kan iedereen overkomen.
2 Ik zal het onmiddellijk laten corrigeren.
3 Blijkbaar is er iets misgegaan. Ik denk dat u misschien bent vergeten de randapparatuur erbij te doen.
4 U kunt de beschadigde artikelen op onze kosten retourneren.
5 Ik zal het meteen nagaan.
6 Mijn excuses. Ik zal ervoor zorgen dat u de nieuwe artikelen zo gauw mogelijk ontvangt.
7 Het spijt mij heel erg. Ik vind het heel vervelend voor u.
8 Eens kijken, we kunnen iemand langs sturen om de apparatuur de repareren.
9 We hebben ontdekt dat twee monitoren transportschade hebben.
10 Wilt u me alstublieft het probleem uitleggen?
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Speaking interaction Exercise 7 Work in pairs. Samantha gets a phone call from a complaining customer. Her computer won't function properly and she needs Samantha’s help. Practise the conversation together and take turns playing Samantha. Samantha
neem op
Ms Monteigh
Good morning, this is Anna Monteigh. I called because I have a complaint.
reageer – wat is er aan de hand?
Ms Monteigh
I bought a computer at your store last week but now it won't function as it is supposed to.
probleem uitleggen?
Ms Monteigh
Oh I don’t know what the problem is. I don’t know a lot about computers.
zullen er samen uit komen – kom langs om het te bekijken
Ms Monteigh
That would be very nice. Could you come over immediately?
eerst afspraak by andere klant. Rond 2 ’s middags mogelijk?
Ms Monteigh
Yes, that would be fine.
sluit af – excuses ongemak
Ms Monteigh
It’s quite all right. I’m glad you can come over so quickly.
Writing Exercise 8 Mrs Wells has a complaint about the products she ordered. She ordered a few products from your company but they still have not arrived. She has written you the following email.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Respond to Ms Dickens by writing her a letter in which you mention the following: ■
apologies for delay
very busy at the moment
added a mousepad as compensation
order will be delivered before weekend
Write your letter on a computer. Enny Dickens' address is: 12 Wheelerstreet, 2SF KH4, London, UK. Use the lay-out you have learned in Unit 1. If you don't remember, study your handbook, C1-C11.
Grammar Exercise 9 Study your handbook, D6, to learn about the usage of capital letters. Encircle the words that should have a capital letter. 1 John is the chief executive of this company. 2 I don't know what i should do to collect this error. 3 Lewis went to the university of texas. 4 She asked doctor Walker what medications she should buy at the pharmacy.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
5 What is your name? i am kurt. 6 Have you ever read the bible or the koran? 7 I am not quite sure whether she is british or american. 8 I walk to work every thursday because that is the day wilfred needs the car. 9 Microsoft windows was first introduced in november 1985. 10 silicon valley is an attractive area for technology corporations.
Writing Exercise 10
You received an email from a customer because he needs your help. His computer keeps telling him an error has occurred (Error 403). Give him the correct advice given below but use full sentences. Start > settings > control panel > internet options > connection tab > LAN settings button > untick the box of the proxy server.
Speaking interaction Exercise 11 Work in pairs. Jacques gets a phone call from his colleague Tim. The network does not operate as it is supposed to and he needs Jacques’ help. Practise the conversation together and take a turn playing Jacques. Jacques
(telefoon gaat over) Neem op
Good morning this is Tim speaking. There’s a problem with the network. We cannot access the internet. Where are you?
vervelend – nu thuis – werk nooit op vrijdag
Well we cannot continue our work like this. Could you please help us? We don’t understand what is causing it.
al geprobeerd opnieuw starten?
Yes I have, but that doesn’t make any difference.
snap het ook niet – kom zo snel mogelijk
That would be very helpful. I can’t do it on my own.
meteen goed bekijken – mag niet weer gebeuren
Yes indeed. This is the second time this month.
jammer – nu – vrije dag
Sorry for having to call you on your day off.
kun jij ook niks aan doen – moet opgelost worden.
See you in a bit.
sluit af
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Exercise 12 Work in pairs or in a group. Thomas Defoe is a customer who has a problem with the power circuit of his computer. The computer is getting very warm and Thomas Defoe does not trust the situation. He decides to call an IT assistant he happens to know. Use the information below and practise the conversation.
Role card A: Thomas Defoe ■
Explain the situation to Peter Grady
Computer very warm and making a lot of noise
Bought new power supply, old one worn out
Since new power supply connected, problem started
Ask Peter advice and cause of the problem
Role card B: Peter Grady ■
Step back from computer, could get severe electrical shock
Do not touch the power supply either
Switch off the main switch of the electrical circuit
Wait for a few minutes, take out power supply, switch off computer
Cause of the problem: either the circuit not properly grounded, or new power supply not correct one
Reading Exercise 13 Fill in the gaps in the text. Choose from the following words. approach – help – working – contact – assist – needed – blocks
Our helpdesk Our helpdesk provides
(1) to customers with any kind of IT related problem (2)
with products or services. You can contact us via email or telephone on all days from nine a.m. to six p.m. We try to provide the necessary support via email or phone but if (3) we also have our technicians ready to help you at your home. 5 We think a good helpdesk is one of the building service to our customers. Our personal
(4) of providing high quality (5) and yet effective workstyle is what
makes our helpdesk excellent. We work extra hard to make your technology work efficiently and will be (6) you as soon as possible.
ready to
(7) details: 10 Telephone: 0182 - 239 - 1005 Email: helpdesk@itatwork.net
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Listening Exercise 14 Listen to track 11. The following three people have an IT-related problem. In short, describe what their problem is.
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Speaking Exercise 15 Listen to track 11 again and think of an answer you could give to them. Write down your answer and practise your speaking skills in pairs. 1 Here's what you can do Mr Islington...
2 Mr Singh, I might know a solution to your problem...
3 Unfortunately Miss Brochovich...
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Grammar Exercise 16 Study your handbook, E33-E37, to learn about the past simple tense (onvoltooid verleden tijd), regular and irregular verbs (regelmatige en onregelmatige werkwoorden). Fill in the correct form of the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets. 1 They
(find) the missing parts of the broken computer yesterday.
2 Oh man! My computer just
3 Previously I 4 I 5 When I 6 I
(prefer) an Acer notebook, but now I like Apple better. (buy) a new phone at the store when you told me I really needed to. (see) Rashid he was working at the supermarket. (decide) to postpone the meeting last week.
7 The system he 8 Prices 9 She 10 I
(use) was very outdated. (go) up since last year. (mail) me about this subject 3 months ago. (read) this book for the past few days and it’s terrific!
Exercise 17 Choose the correct translation for the following sentences. 1 Ik stond in de file onderweg naar mijn werk. a On my way to work, I come across a traffic jam. b On my way to work, I came across a traffic jam. 2 Ik had geen moeite met het vinden van de oorzaak van het problem. a I have not any trouble in finding the cause of the problem. b I did not have any trouble in finding the cause of the problem. 3 Gisteren heeft Meneer O'Shea gebeld dat het niet meer nodig was voor ons om langs te komen. a Yesterday Mr O'Shea called to tell us there was no more need to come by. b Yesterday Mr O'Shea calls to tell us there was no more need to come by. 4 Ons netwerk lag er vorige week uit. a Our network has not worked last week. b Our network did not work last week.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
5 Daardoor was het niet mogelijk om effectief te werken. a Therefore, we cannot work effectively. b Therefore, we could not work effectively. 6 Het was echter erg belangrijk dat wij een hoop werk af zouden krijgen. a However, it was quite important to get a lot of work done. b However, it were quite important to get a lot of work done. 7 Kathy kreeg toestemming om thuis op haar eigen pc te werken. a Kathy has been allowed to work on her own pc at home. b Kathy was allowed to work on her own pc at home. 8 Rudy heeft helaas niet heel veel kunnen doen vorige week. a Unfortunately Rudy did not get to do very much last week. b Unfortunately Rudy has not done very much last week. 9 Gelukkig was het probleem op maandag al gevonden en opgelost. a Luckily, the problem was already found and solved on Monday. b Luckily, the problem is already found and solved on Monday. 10 Een uur later vertelde onze manager dat we weer aan de slag konden. a One hour later our manager tells us that we could go back to work. b One hour later our manager told us that we could go back to work.
Exercise 18 Look at the verbs below. Is the correct form used, and if not, what should the form be?
Past simple breaked freezed knew buyed cost done is burned understanded sayd put seen 18
Should be
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Reading Exercise 19 Read the text and answer the following questions. Study your handbook, B1-B6.
Why-reless? What should we consider when choosing between using a wireless HDMI or a cabled HDMI connection? More and more connections are being developed into wireless connections, but do we realise what the advantages and 5 disadvantages are? Generally, an HDMI (or the older DVI) cable is an easy and solid connection but only when using short cables. However, we are always looking for better options. A common problem with a cable connection is that you might lose quality. The longer the cable, the more bitstream is lost, which can cause errors to occur. 10 We have tested and created a wireless HDMI connection that delivers media streams without loss up to 30 meters. Another big advantage is that you will not have any cables to trip over, nor the trouble of having to install them. A minor problem with this wireless connection is that it might be a bit difďŹ cult to install for people who do not have a lot of knowledge of IT. However, our technicians will install it for you so you can use it instantly. 15 Our products now all contain this wireless HDMI connection. Would you like us to give a demonstration? Come to our store and ask our store personnel to show you the clear differences between cabled and wireless HDMI.
1 What word-play (woordspeling) is used in the title? What is the writer trying to say?
2 What kind of text is this? What is the writer trying to achieve?
3 Do you know the meaning of the bold words in the text? If not, look them up in a dictionary. bitstream occur media streams minor store personnel 4 Are you convinced by this article? Would you buy this product? Why (not)?
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Writing Exercise 20 What we are going to study next is something every decent website has: FAQs. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. FAQs can help people find answers to their questions. FAQs save time for the specialists (which would be you, if you were to work at a helpdesk). Below you will find some tips for writing FAQs.
Start with basic information. For example: 'What does your company do?' Try to make categories, for example: 'Basics', 'Account Information', 'Products' and 'Services'. Design short and clear questions. Compare the following two questions: ■
I am thinking of subscribing but I do not know for sure so can you tell me what I should consider?
What should I consider when subscribing?
Design Questions that are asked frequently.
You work at a student helpdesk of a school. Students often have questions about payments, registration (inschrijving), or about the portal they work with. Your boss has asked you to think of five questions that are frequently asked and to put them on the website. Write down five FAQs that you think would be asked frequently. 1 2 3 4 5
Listening Exercise 21 Listen to track 12. Answer the following questions. Conversation 1 1 Write down the full name that is spelled.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
2 Why is Najib in London?
3 What answer is given to Najib’s question?
Conversation 2 4 What relationship do you think Angela and Tim have?
5 What does Angela like about the FAQ page?
6 What points of improvement does she mention?
Speaking interaction Exercise 22 Work in pairs. Practise the following conversation. Michael
Good afternoon, IT Services Michael van der Velde, how can I help you?
Groet – Rose Garrison – vraag over online bankrekening
And what is your question?
Beetje stom – wachtwoord vergeten
That happens. Have you tried retrieving your password via e-mail?
Probleem – weet niet welk e-mailadres
Could you repeat your name for me so I can look it up on my computer?
Rose Garrison – achternaam dubbel r
Let me see. Could you please tell me your date of birth?
7 September 1962
I found the e-mail address you are using. That is roseg123@gmail.com. I will send the password of your online banking account to the email address I just mentioned.
Dank – lukt verder wel
You're welcome, have a nice day Ms Garrison.
Sluit af
Exercise 23 Work in pairs. Use the following information to write a telephone conversation and then practise it with a classmate. Person A is the caller. He is a student at the University of Manchester. Person B is the receiver. He works as an IT assistant at the University of Manchester. Do not look at each other’s role cards.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Role card A ■
Heb een probleem met computer op universiteit
Computer blijft hangen
Geprobeerd opnieuw op te starten
Computer is erg langzaam en blijft hangen zodra je iets als microsoft word of browser opstart.
Zal ik briefje op computer hangen met 'defect'?
Role card B ■
Wat is je studentnummer?
Welk werkstation?
Probleem bij die computer al vaker gehad
Ligt niet aan student
Andere computer gebruiken
Kom op een later tijdstip zelf de computer bekijken
Exercise 24 Work in pairs. Look at the following error notifications. Explain in your own words what has gone wrong. Practise by explaining to your partner. Write down your statements in short. 1
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Reading Exercise 25 Read the text and answer the following questions.
Coping with stress The IT branch is a stressful sector. A lot of industry complaints are IT related. People tend to expect that technology works at all time. Whenever it does not, you will be put under pressure. This means you can feel stressed. To help you cope with that you can use the tips in this article. First of all you have to recognise the signs whenever you are starting to feel that it's all getting too much to 5 cope with. You mustn't feel ashamed of that, you're a human being and you can only do so much. Secondly, take care of yourself, mentally and physically. It is very important to get enough sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you will only become less effective and more stressed. Also, remember to eat and drink regularly and healthily. Don't skip breaks because you want to ďŹ nish something. Your body and your mind need breaks every now and then. Equally as important is that you should reduce bad habits. Avoid the
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
10 use of alcohol or drugs and you might also consider stopping smoking. Research has shown that nicotine gives a short boost but that it actually makes a person more anxious. If you have trouble managing your emotions, calm down. Don't overwhelm yourself, take a minute to breathe and empty your mind. Next, try to change the way you react to something stressful. Furthermore, it is crucial to organise and prioritise your work. Do not focus on details. Think of what is 15 important and set realistic goals. This will give you a better overall picture of what you need to do and what needs to be done first. And finally, do not hesitate to ask for help. If you do not know how to solve something, your colleagues might know. Your manager should want you to function as well as possible so he should help you if necessary. Just talking about the problem causing you stress helps you process it. Remember that you can 20 always find professional help. To summarise, if you get stressed think of what you read in this article, it might help. It all sound a bit basic but these tips are a good starting point.
1 Why is working in IT so stressful?
2 Write down the words from the text that you do not know. Look them up in a dictionary.
3 Make a short note (in keywords) for yourself with the tips given in the text above.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Exercise 26 Look at the following statements about the text from Exercise 25. True or false? 1 The first step in handling stressful situations is to acknowledge it. 2 Sleeplessness is nothing to be worried about. 3 It is not sensible to drink a lot of alcohol when you are stressed. 4 Smoking a cigarette makes you less worried. 5 Setting priorities is very important. 6 You have to just start working when you are stressed. 7 If neccessary, skip a break to get things done. 8 If you organise your work, you will get a better overview of your work. 9 Talking about the problem causing the stress will not help. 10 It is okay to feel stressed once a while.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Writing Exercise 27 Look at the following email that was sent to Mr van der Burgh by another staff member. Translate this email into Dutch. You can use the email form on the 20/20-website under ‘Documents’.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Exercise 28 Look at the following email from Mr Grenidge. After that, answer the email that Mr van der Burgh received from another staff member. Propose the following: ■
kunt u de kabels controleren?
vandaag niet op kantoor.
morgen rond 14u langskomen?
als de monitor kapot is, neem je een nieuwe mee.
neemt de oude mee om te repareren.
You can use the email form on the 20/20-website under ‘Documents’.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Important words and phrases Make sure that you know how to use the following words and phrases in English. They can all be found in unit 3. tegemoetkoming
veelgestelde vragen
goedmaken corrigeren
inschrijving/ abonnement
elektrisch circuit
ongeldige referenties
elektriciteitsaansluiting geaard (stopcontact)
managen/iets aankunnen
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Case 3 | A problem with the firewall You work for an IT company that offers service to various companies. You help out customers with the problems and questions that they might have. In this case you will have to explain how the firewall works to some people.
Reading Read this short description of a firewall and the following statements. True or false?
What is a firewall? A firewall is software or hardware that checks information coming from the internet or a network, and then either blocks it or allows it to pass through to your computer, depending on your firewall settings. 5 A firewall can help prevent hackers or malicious software (such as worms) from gaining access to your computer through a network or the internet. A firewall can also help stop your computer from sending malicious software to other computers. 10 The following illustration shows how a firewall works. Just as a brick wall can create a physical barrier, a firewall creates a barrier between the internet and your computer A firewall isn't the same thing as an antivirus program. To help protect your computer, you need both a 15 firewall and an antivirus and anti-malware program.
1 The settings in your firewall determine whether certain information can pass
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through or not. 2 Hackers can never access your computer when you have a firewall. 3 A firewall creates a barrier that hackers would need to breach in order to access a computer. 4 A firewall and an antivirus program are practically the same thing.
This text is very short. A firewall is much more than what is described above. What else do you know about firewalls?
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Writing Look at the next email you received from a colleague from another department. Answer his email using the advice below. You can use the email form on the 20/20-website under ‘Documents’. Follow the next steps: press start > control panel > security centre > Windows Firewall > exceptions tab > tick the box of the registration programme. If not successful, > call > will come over.
Speaking interaction Work in pairs. Practise the following conversation. One of you is person A and one of you is person B. Do not look at each other’s role cards.
Role card A Je wilt een verbinding leggen met een extern bureaublad. Om de een of andere reden kun je die verbinding niet leggen. Je belt daarom Mrs Brown-van den IJssel om advies te vragen. Vraag aan haar wat je kunt doen om de verbinding wel te kunnen leggen. Dit is de eerste keer dat je dit probeert dus daarom weet je het nog niet helemaal.
Unit 3 Working at a helpdesk
Role card B Je krijgt een hulpvraag van Mr Timmers. Hij weet niet hoe hij verbinding kan leggen met een extern bureaublad. Jij komt er achter dat dat ligt aan de instellingen van de firewall. Dat is vrij simpel om te doen, je moet het namelijk bij de uitzonderingen van de firewall aanvinken. Vink aan 'extern bureaublad'. Als dat is gedaan moet het wel lukken.
Listening Listen to track 13. You are going to listen to a customer. She has some questions concerning a firewall and an antivirus program. Listen to what she says and then answer the questions. 1 What specifically is Ms Livingston calling about?
2 What did Ms Livingston's daughter tell her?
3 What is Ms Livingston's telephone number?
Speaking Now that you have listened to this message, give her the correct advice. Tell Ms Livingston what to do by using these sentences below. ■
firewall houdt hackers en virussen buiten bereik van uw computer, antivirussoftware helpt bij het verwijderen van de virussen.
verstandig om ook een antivirusprogramma te gebruiken.
verschillende antvirusprogramma's mogelijk zoals AntiVir, Norton of Avast.
e-mails met URL's niet openen en verwijderen. Zijn meestal mensen die je gegevens proberen te verkrijgen van bijvoorbeeld online bankieren.
nog meer vragen? Bekijk veelgestelde vragen op website of kan altijd bellen.
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20/20 English Werkboek B1 sector ICT N3-4
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Werkboek B1 sector ICT N3-4
Mark de Jong
20/20 English is dĂŠ lesmethode Engels voor mbo niveau 1-2 en 3-4 in de sectoren Economie, Zorg en Welzijn, Techniek en ICT. Uniek aan 20/20 English is dat de lesstof geschreven is vanuit de context van het beroep. Dit werkboek B1 voor de sector ICT sluit aan bij wat leerlingen in hun toekomstige beroep kunnen tegenkomen, zoals een helpdeskgesprek voeren en een gebruikershandleiding lezen.
Dit is niet alleen nuttig, maar bovenal erg motiverend, omdat de lesstof hierdoor past bij de interesse van de leerling. Daarnaast is er uiteraard rekening gehouden met de exameneisen en beheerst de leerling na het doorwerken van dit werkboek het Engels op niveau B1 van het ERK. Kortom: 20/20 English biedt uw leerlingen de optimale voorbereiding om te kunnen slagen voor hun opleiding ĂŠn in hun toekomstige beroep. Het complete lesmateriaal bestaat uit het handboek Economie, het werkboek A2 Economie, het werkboek B1 ICT en de bijbehorende website. Op www.2020english.nl kunnen zowel docenten als leerlingen inloggen. De site biedt ondersteuning aan de werkboeken door middel van veel audiofragmenten, extra oefenmateriaal en woordenlijsten. Voor de docent zijn er daarnaast handleidingen en uitwerkingen beschikbaar.
ISBN 9781111265939
5911 Thieme 20-20 PH Eco ICT B1 N3-4.indd 1
20-12-12 16:53