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20/20 English Werkboek B1 sector Techniek N3-4
o o h f e o r
20/20 English is dĂŠ lesmethode Engels voor mbo niveau 1-2 en 3-4 in de sectoren Economie, Zorg en Welzijn, Techniek en ICT.
Uniek aan 20/20 English is dat de lesstof geschreven is vanuit de context van het beroep. Dit werkboek
B1 voor de sector Techniek sluit aan bij wat leerlingen in hun toekomstige beroep kunnen tegenkomen,
zoals het solliciteren op een baan of stageplaats bij een buitenlands bedrijf en het lezen en begrijpen van
Werkboek B1 sector Techniek N3-4
arbowetten en andere regels.
Dit is niet alleen nuttig, maar bovenal erg motiverend, omdat de lesstof hierdoor past bij de interesse van de leerling. Daarnaast is er uiteraard rekening gehouden met de exameneisen en beheerst de leerling na het doorwerken van dit werkboek het Engels op niveau B1 van het ERK.
Kortom: 20/20 English biedt uw leerlingen de optimale voorbereiding om te kunnen slagen voor hun opleiding ĂŠn in hun toekomstige beroep.
Het complete lesmateriaal bestaat uit het handboek Techniek, het werkboek A2 Techniek, het werkboek B1 Techniek en de bijbehorende website.
Op www.2020english.nl kunnen zowel docenten als leerlingen inloggen. De site biedt ondersteuning aan de
werkboeken door middel van veel audiofragmenten, extra oefenmateriaal en woordenlijsten. Voor de docent zijn er daarnaast handleidingen en uitwerkingen beschikbaar.
Herma Klaassen Silvy Schreurs
ISBN 9781111265922
5501 20-20 ProefH 20-20 Techniek B1 N3-4.indd 1
21-11-12 16:59
Werkboek B1 Techniek Proefhoofdstuk
Herma Klaassen Silvy Schreurs
20/20 English bestaat uit de volgende producten Voor alle sectoren en niveaus: Crash Course A1 (reeds verschenen) Niveau 3 en 4 Sector Economie Werkboek A2 Economie* Werkboek B1 Administratie* Werkboek B1 Handel* Werkboek B1 ICT Top Course Werkboek B2 Economie* Handboek Economie* Sector Techniek Werkboek A2 Techniek Werkboek B1 Techniek Handboek Techniek Sector Zorg en Welzijn Werkboek A2 Zorg en Welzijn Werkboek B1 Zorg Werkboek B1 Welzijn Handboek Zorg en Welzijn Niveau 1 en 2 Leer-werkboek A2 Economie* Leer-werkboek A2 Zorg en welzijn Leer-werkboek A2 Techniek * reeds verschenen Bij alle werkboeken en leer-werkboeken hoort een ondersteunende website met materiaal voor leerlingen ĂŠn docenten.
Voorwoord Voor u ligt een hoofdstuk van 20/20 English voor niveau 3 en 4 van het mbo. Het betreft een hoofdstuk uit het werkboek B1 voor de sector techniek. Dit hoofdstuk geeft u een goede indruk van het materiaal dat in het voorjaar van 2013 zal verschijnen. Dit werkboek bevat straks 10 hoofdstukken (units) en in elke unit staat een thema centraal. Dit thema heeft altijd betrekking op een situatie die de leerling in zijn toekomstig beroep kan tegenkomen. De opdrachten in deze unit passen binnen het thema. Elke unit wordt afgesloten met een case, waarin de leerling kan laten zien dat hij de geleerde stof beheerst en communicatief vaardiger is geworden. Na het doorwerken van dit boek beheerst de leerling het Engels op niveau B1 van het ERK. De leerling gebruikt dit werkboek in combinatie met het handboek voor de sector Techniek. Het handboek is een uitgebreid naslagwerk waarvan de leerling zowel tijdens als na zijn studie gebruik van zal maken. In dit werkboek wordt regelmatig verwezen naar paragrafen in het handboek. Er staat dan bijvoorbeeld: Study your handbook, E27, about prepositions (voorzetsels). De methode 20/20 English is bedoeld om zelfstandig leren en werken te vergemakkelijken. Als leerlingen de aanwijzingen in dit werkboek volgen en de opdrachten naar behoren uitvoeren, zullen zij merken dat zij veel vragen over Engels zelf kunnen beantwoorden en problemen zelf kunnen oplossen. De uitwerkingen komen op de website en zijn alleen toegankelijk voor u als docent. U kan zelf beslissen of u deze uitwerkingen uitdeelt aan de leerlingen. De website bevat verder onder meer luisterfragmenten en extra oefeningen. De auteurs
Gebruiksaanwijzing In elke unit worden de vaardigheden Spreken, Gesprekken voeren, Lezen, Schrijven en Luisteren geoefend. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor Grammatica en belangrijke woorden. Aan het eind van elke unit vind je een Case. Speaking interaction / Gesprekken voeren In dit boek vind je veel oefeningen die je helpen een gesprek in het Engels te voeren. In veel gevallen kun je voorbeelden ontlenen aan de luisteroefeningen bij dit boek. Speaking / Spreken Bij dit onderdeel zul je een presentatie of een monoloog moeten voorbereiden en houden. Listening / Luisteren De vele luisteroefeningen zijn er niet alleen op gericht je luistervaardigheid te vergroten, maar ook om je een groot aantal voorbeeldgesprekken te laten horen die je in allerlei situaties kunt gebruiken. De luisterfragmenten (en videofragmenten) vind je op de website www.2020english.nl. Reading / Lezen Je vindt in deze rubriek een groot aantal leesteksten over uiteenlopende onderwerpen waarmee je te maken kunt krijgen. De teksten worden gevolgd door verschillende opdrachten. Writing / Schrijven In dit deel leer je e-mails en brieven schrijven en formulieren invullen. Grammar / Grammatica Je vindt in dit deel een aantal grammaticaoefeningen bij de theorie uit het Handboek. Important words and phrases / Belangrijke woorden en uitdrukkingen Dit is een lijst van woorden en uitdrukkingen afkomstig uit de unit die je zojuist hebt doorgewerkt. Je moet er zelf voor zorgen dat je deze woorden en uitdrukkingen actief in het Engels kunt gebruiken. Case In de case laat je je communicatieve vaardigheden zien. Het is dus belangrijk dat je de vaardigheden en de woorden en uitdrukkingen uit de voorafgaande unit goed beheerst. Betekenis iconen Speaking interaction / Gesprekken voeren Speaking / Spreken Listening / Luisteren Reading / Lezen Writing / Schrijven Grammar / Grammatica Ga naar www.2020English.nl of de aangegeven website.
Inhoudsopgave Unit 1
An honest trade
Case 1
Nog niet bekend
Unit 2
How to handle‌
Case 2
How to handle an internship abroad
Unit 3
Your best friends
Case 3
Nog niet bekend
Unit 4
The 20th century
Case 4
Nog niet bekend
Unit 5
Starting from scratch
Case 5
Nog niet bekend
Unit 6
Working together
Case 6
Nog niet bekend
Unit 7
The Environment
Case 7
Nog niet bekend
Unit 8
Case 8
Nog niet bekend
Unit 9
All over the world
Case 9
Nog niet bekend
Unit 10
Expanding your horizon
Case 10
Nog niet bekend
How to Unit 2 handle‌
We all have to follow rules. We are told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Often rules make life easier, but
sometimes they are a matter of life or death. That is why
rules must be short and clear. In this unit you will learn how to make short, clear instructions that are easy for everybody to understand . In this way your health and safety
conditions will be improved both while you are working and in your daily life.
Unit openers.indd 2
20-12-12 12:09
Unit 2 How to handle‌
Speaking interaction Exercise 1 Work in pairs. Instructions are to be found in all kinds of situations. Discuss all the examples you can think of where instructions are needed and put them in the box below. Think about your own situation at home, at work and at school. One example is given.
At home
At school
At work
User manuals
Protective clothing rules
Reading Exercise 2 Every time you buy a new appliance, you need to read an instruction manual. The video function of your TV does not work. Since your parents cannot read English, they ask you to translate that section of the manual. Write a short instruction for them in Dutch. Use your own words.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Video trouble shooter No picture and no
Check whether the TV is switched on.
Try another channel. There might be a problem with the station. Is the power cable correctly plugged into the mains? Check your aerial direction and/or location Test the mains socket by plugging another TV into the same socket.
Picture appears slowly
This is normal, the image is muted during the TV start up process. Please
after switching on
contact your service centre, if the picture has not appeared after five minutes.
No or poor colour or
Adjust ´colour´ in menu option.
poor picture
Allow a sufficient distance between the TV and VCR. Try another channel. There might be a problem with the station. Are the video cables installed properly?
Check for local interference such as an electrical appliance or power tool.
lines or picture shaking Poor reception
Station or cable channel experiencing problems, tune to another station.
on some channels
Station signal is weak, reposition the aerial to receive weaker stations. Check for sources of possible interference.
Lines or streaks
Check aerial (Change the position of the aerial)
in picture No picture
Check that the HMDI cables support version 1.3
when connecting
If the HMDI cables do not support HDMI version 1.3, this can cause flickering or
loss of screen display. In this case use the latest cables that support HDMI version 1.3.
Speaking Exercise 3 Study your handbook, A125-A128, and use the phrases that are shown there. A few English students are going to visit your school. You have been asked to explain some of your school's rules. Prepare a short speech for this group in which you will explain the do’s and don’ts of your school. Be sure to mention all the rules listed below. Do not copy these lines. Turn them into correct sentences, as appropriate in a speech. You are, however, permitted to use the lines as a crib sheet (spiekbriefje),while delivering your speech. ■
Smoking is prohibited in the building.
No eating or drinking in the classrooms, only in the school canteen.
After having lunch, clear the tables.
No running through the hallways.
Wearing baseball caps is not permitted.
Using phones in the building is not allowed.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Grammar Exercise 4 Study your handbook, E73-E75, to learn more about the gerund (de -ing vorm als zelfstandig naamwood). Circle the correct options. 1 Smoke / to smoke / smoking is strictly prohibited. 2 To wear /wearing / wear safety shoes is obligatory 3 Before going / to go / go to work, John always checks his tool box. 4 Without a driving / driver’s licence you can’t become a lorry driver. 5 I love walk / to walk / walking , but today I prefer cycling / to cycle / cycle. 6 Elsa stopped for a short while looking / look / to look at the traffic accident. 7 Many people do not like to read / read / reading instruction manuals. 8 I don’t mind work / working / to work overtime. 9 John wouldn’t mind going / to go / go to the pub for a pint right now. 10 My father turned 65 and he stopped work / to work / working.
Reading Exercise 5 Before you go to work in a workshop as a trainee, you need to know the safety rules. Read the text carefully and answer the questions below in Dutch.
Workshop Safety Rules Understanding the basic safety rules is essential before starting your job in a workshop.. Do not handle machinery or other equipment, unless you are fully aware of the rules. 5 These rules will help keep you and others safe in the workshop, so read them carefully. 1 Always listen carefully to your supervisor and follow instructions. 2 Never run in the workshop, you may cause an accident. 10 3 Find out where the emergency stop buttons are in the workshop. 4 Always wear an overall as it will protect your clothes. 5 Do not enter the workshop without protective shoes. 6 If necessary, wear protective gloves. 7 Bags are not allowed in the workshop. 15 8 Ask questions, especially if you do not fully understand. It can be dangerous for you and your classmates if you do not know how to use a machine. 9 Never use a machine if you have not been shown how to operate it safely. 10 Be sure there are no loose items in your way while operating a machine. 11 Always be patient, never hurry in the workshop. 20 12 When working with a machine, make sure that a supervisor is around. 13 Keep your hands away from moving and/or rotating machinery. 14 Use hand tools carefully, keeping both hands behind the cutting edge. 15 Report any damage to machines because this could cause accidents. 10
Unit 2 How to handle‌
1 Why do you have to read the instructions thoroughly?
2 Why aren’t you allowed to run in a workshop?
3 Why, according to you, is it important to know where the emergency stop buttons are?
4 What is meant by: Keep your hands away from moving and/or rotating machinery ?
5 When are you allowed to operate a machine?
Listening Exercise 6 Listen to and watch track 1. You will see a video about safety rules. Watch it carefully and answer the following questions in English. Use your own words. 1 Explain what Hardhat Hank means with 'NO HORSEPLAY'?
2 Use your own words to explain why everything has to be kept clean and organised.
3 What do you have to do when you are not using your tools?
4 What is important to carry with you in connection with light?
5 To whom do you have to report accidents?
Unit 2 How to handle…
Writing Exercise 7 Work in pairs. What is an operation sheet? This is what the Business Dictionary says. A detailed listing of all components related to a particular process. Often including elements like design, manufacturing and distribution, a standard operating sheet will provide an estimate of the time required to complete each stage. It is also frequently divided into two sections, manual and robot, to further define the time spent between the two types of manufacturing labour. A standard operating sheet is a tool used in lean manufacturing that aims to improve the process as a whole through standardization. Make your own operation sheet. Most of you will know the IKEA operation sheets. They are clear examples. Together with a class mate you will make an operation sheet for a device you work with at your company. Make sure the instructions are clear and will not be misunderstood. Before making your sheet, you need to be aware of the English names of shapes. Give the right translation of the shapes 1 square
5 diamond
2 circle
6 cube
3 triangle
7 hemisphere
4 rectangle
8 tube
Grammar Exercise 8 Study your handbook, E1-E8, to learn more about the definite and indefinite articles (lidwoorden) Decide whether you have to use an article or not. (a(n)/the/--) most craftsmen use second hand tools
1 In Africa 2 Nelly has played
piano since she was eleven.
3 I would like to be
4 You always have to be at 5 My mother is
chairperson of the local branch of the union. accident she was rushed to
6 After Joan had 7 On
occasion of
8 If you want to be 9 Paul is 10 Let’s go to
work on time.
hospital nearby.
wedding anniversary, you don’t have to go to soldier, you have to wear
best walker of our group. He always walks cinema tonight.
uniform. fastest.
Universal Soldier is playing.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Reading Exercise 9 This is a part of the law we know as the Arbowet (arbo = arbeidsomstandigheden). The text consists of 100 words. Summarise this text for your English colleague. Make sure you don’t use more than 25 words. Study your handbook B17-B19, to learn more about summarising (samenvatten).
Artikel 2 Deze wet en de daarop berustende bepalingen zijn mede van toepassing op: a. arbeid verricht binnen de exclusieve economische zone; b. verrichtingen van leerlingen en studenten in onderwijsinrichtingen of gedeelten daarvan, open ruimten daaronder begrepen, die vergelijkbaar zijn met arbeid in de beroepspraktijk; 5 c. arbeid die geheel of ten dele buiten Nederland wordt verricht door personen, werkzaam aan boord van zeeschepen die op grond van Nederlandse rechtsregels gerechtigd zijn de Nederlandse vlag te voeren; d. arbeid die voor een in Nederland gevestigde werkgever geheel of ten dele buiten Nederland wordt verricht door personen, werkzaam aan boord van luchtvaartuigen.
Exercise 10 Now you are going to do the same again, but this time the other way around. In the text you can read a part of the regulations in the United Kingdom. This is an excerpt of the British legislation concerning work in the United Kingdom. Read the text thoroughly and summarise it in Dutch. There are 300 words in the text. Read it carefully and underline any words you don’t know and look them up. When you have done that write a summary of no more than 80 words, in Dutch. If you need help, you can study your handbook, B17-B19. Be sure to mention all the important items.
Important to know if you want to work in the United Kingdom General rules on employment Young people over school leaving age and under 18 are known as young workers. Young people can leave school on the last Friday of June of the school year in which they are 16. There are special laws to protect the employment rights of young workers. These concern your health and 5 safety, what jobs you can do, when you can work, and how many hours you can work. These laws are very strict and an employer can be prosecuted for breaking them.
Unit 2 How to handle…
If you are over school-leaving age and an employee, you will have other rights in addition to the rights of young workers which are mentioned below. For example, it is against the law to discriminate against you at work because of your age. 10 For more information about age discrimination at work, see Age discrimination at work. For more information about other rights you have at work as an employee, see Basic rights at work. Health and safety at work If you are under 18, your employer must do an assessment of possible risks to your health and safety, before they employ you. They must pay particular attention to your age, lack of experience, and other things that 15 could be a risk to your health and safety. If you are under school leaving age (see under heading General rules on employment), your employer must also tell one of your parents the results of the assessment. This must include any risks identified, and any measures put in place to protect your health and safety at work. You do not have to be given a health and safety assessment if you are doing short term or occasional work 20 in a family business or in a private household, and this is not considered to be harmful to you.
If you want to learn more, go to: www.adviceguide.org.uk and select ‘work’.
Speaking interaction Exercise 11 Work in groups of three (or five). Study your handbook, A114-24. One of the items for discussion in a work meeting is working irregular hours. Your company wants you to work night-shifts. One is against it. One agrees. One is the chairperson.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Before you start the discussion, look up the rules about working hours in England. Go to www.direct.gov.uk and search for 'Employment rights for young people'. Write down at least three arguments for and three arguments against in the box below, then start the discussion. The chairperson will lead the discussion and will ensure that correct and appropriate language is used. Think of the useful phrases you have studied in your handbook.
Don’t agree
Now you can start the discussion. It will take about five minutes per group. The rest of the class will listen carefully and make notes, so you can give each other useful feedback.
Writing Exercise 12 Study your handbook, C1-C10 and C18, where you will find instructions about writing a formal letter. A British company has invited you to work for them as a trainee. They even want to pay you a handsome salary. This was exactly what you wanted, but you are not sure if it is allowed. So you write a letter to The British Embassy in order to find out what your rights and obligations are. Use a computer. You are going to stay in England for six months. The letter is to be sent to: British Embassy The Hague Lange Voorhout 10 2514 ED Den Haag The things you want to know: ■
Can you have a paid job in the United Kingdom?
Can you bring your dog?
Can you drive an English car, if you have a Dutch driving licence?
Unit 2 How to handle…
What about insurance, can you go to the doctor without having to pay for it?
Do you need a passport or will your ID card be sufficient?
Write a letter of enquiry and use the information from your handbook. You don’t have to send the letter. Just give it to your teacher.
Listening Exercise 13
Listen to track 2. It is a conversation between a trainee and his coach. Paul wants to know if he can use his brother’s protective footwear at work. Listen carefully and answer the questions in correct English. 1 Why does Paul’s coach take him into his office?
2 What does Paul’s brother do for a living? And what is Paul’s intended future occupation?
3 Why does Paul think his brother’s shoes will be fine?
Unit 2 How to handle…
4 What is said about the ISO?
5 Code S3 refers to more distinguishing features. Name two.
6 What are ‘cleated soles’?
7 Why are soles of this kind important to both car mechanics and electro technicians?
8 What does code P mean?
9 And code O?
10 Does Paul need shoes or boots? Explain your answer your answer.
Reading Exercise 14 Of course the ISO does a lot more than just looking after proper protective footwear. You will read a few texts about the International organisation of Standardization. You can find these texts and more on www.iso.org. The text ‘What is the ISO’ tells you something about the history of the ISO. Before you start reading, find the meaning of these words. First write down what you think each word means, then look up the word and give the meaning from the dictionary. Do not simply take the first meaning of a word. Sometimes one word can have various meanings. Be aware of the context within the text. Work in pairs if you like. What is the ISO?
What you think it means
What it really means
Developer Consensus
Unit 2 How to handle…
Our name
What you think it means
What it really means
What you think it means
What it really means
What you think it means
What it really means
Acronym Founders Derived Equal
What we do
Words Covering Agriculture
What is a standard?
Words Requirements Guidelines Consistently Ensure Purpose Purchased
Now read the texts and answer the questions in English.
What is the ISO? The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. International Standards give state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more efficient and effective. Developed through global consensus, they help to break down 5 barriers to international trade. Our name Because 'International Organization for Standardization' would have different acronyms in different languages (IOS in English, OIN in French for Organisation internationale de normalisation), our founders
Unit 2 How to handle…
decided to give it the short form ISO. ISO is derived from the Greek isos, meaning equal. Whatever the 10 country, whatever the language, the short form of our name is always ISO. What we do The ISO develops International Standards. We were founded in 1947, and since then have published more than 19 000 International Standards covering almost all aspects of technology and business. From food safety to computers, and agriculture to healthcare, ISO International Standards impact all our lives. 15 What is a standard? A standard is a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. The ISO has published over 19 000 International Standards that can be purchased from the ISO or its members.
1 Use your own words to explain what ISO means
2 Why is the acronym ISO used all over the world?
3 What do the ISO's standards cover? Do not copy from the text. Use your own words.
4 Explain what is meant by ‘fit for their purpose’.
5 Where, besides at the ISO itself, can publications be bought?
Listening Exercise 15 Listen to and watch track 14. It tells you all about ISO and its importance. Listen carefully and answer the questions in English. You can watch over and over again and stop the film when you answer a question. 1 What is wrong when things don’t work as they should?
2 With what does the ISO help the world, according to the film?
Unit 2 How to handle…
3 What are the global challenges the ISO can help with?
4 Of what is the ISO the world’s largest developer?
5 How long has the ISO been doing its work and in how many countries?
Grammar Exercise 16 Study your handbook, E33-E37, to learn about the simple past (onvoltooid verleden tijd) and the irregular verbs (onregelmatige werkwoorden). Underline the words which indicate that you have to use the simple past (o.v.t.). 1 It was very hot yesterday. 2 Henry Ford developed his T-Ford quite a while ago. 3 The Dutch won a lot of gold medals during earlier Olympic Games. 4 I read recently that Heavy Metal is very bad for your hearing. 5 The battle of Hastings took place in 1066.
Exercise 17 Put the correct irregular verbs in the empty boxes and give the Dutch translation.
past tense
past participle
to bite held found chosen to draw rang lain tore to sink been
Unit 2 How to handle…
Exercise 18 Translate the sentences into correct English. 1 Wanneer ben jij aan deze opleiding begonnen?
2 Vorige week hebben wij een nieuw paar veiligheidsschoenen gekocht.
3 Gisteren heb ik die schoenen voor het eerst gedragen.
4 In 1947 is de ISO opgericht..
5 Wanneer is de computer uitgevonden? Verleden week heb ik het nog ergens gelezen.
Speaking Exercise 19 One minute speech This means that you have to prepare a speech that lasts exactly one minute. No longer and no shorter. Choose one of the subjects below. ■
The general importance of instructions
There are too many rules and regulations
What is to be expected of a good instructor
Important instructions in your line of work
Your classmates will assess your speech.
Writing Exercise 20 Before starting Exercise 12, you read a lot of instructions on letter writing. For formal letters you cannot do without these instructions, but when you write a memo you can make do with less. Study your handbook, C45. A new machine is going to be installed at your company. (For this exercise pick a machine that is used in your company). Next Friday a mechanic will instruct you all on the usage of this new machine. Write a
Unit 2 How to handle…
memo to your colleagues to let them know they all have to be present in the workshop where the new machine will be demonstrated. Do not forget to pick a machine you are familiar with in your line of work.
Speaking interaction Exercise 21 Work in pairs. One of the most important instructions in a workshop is what to do in case of emergency. What, for example, if someone suffers an electric shock? First take a piece of paper and make a crib sheet. Mind to use correct English sentences. You and your partner will perform the next role play in English. (A) asks the questions and (B) comes up with the answers. Switch roles when you have finished the conversation. (A) Vraag wat een elektrische schok precies inhoudt? (B) Vertel dat dan stroom dwars door je lichaam heen naar de aarde gaat. Pijnlijk en soms nog erger. (A) Vraag hoe erg, nog erger betekent. (B) Vertel dat het afhangt van de sterkte van de stroom. Je kunt je flink verbranden en in het ergste geval is het dodelijk. (A) Vraag wat je moet doen als iemand een zware elektrische schok krijgt. (B) Vertel dat onmiddellijk alle stroom uitgeschakeld moet worden. Lukt dit niet, het slachtoffer lostrekken of zelfs losslaan. Let wel altijd op de eigen veiligheid. (A) Vraag naar adviezen voor mensen die een risico lopen op elektrische schokken. (B) Zeg dat je iedereen adviseert om alle instructies van het bedrijf goed te bestuderen en goed op te letten of alles wel veilig is. Zeg dat er bij kapotte apparaten of bij slecht onderhoud, de baas gewaarschuwd moet worden.
Reading Exercise 22 Time to look into some first aid instruction. Of course you know the emergency number 112 in the Netherlands and 999 in the United Kingdom. Sometimes you have to act immediately. With this in mind you are going to read a text about what to do in the case of an arterial bleeding. First study your handbook, B8-B10. It says something about reading texts. After that skim the text and write down the words that draw your attention. You may be able to understand the meaning of these words by reading the text thoroughly. If not, look up what they mean.
Unit 2 How to handle…
ARTERIAL bleeding can be recognised by spurts with each beat of the heart. It is bright red in colour and is usually severe and hard to control. Arterial bleeding requires immediate attention! VENOUS bleeding is characterised by a steady flow and the blood is dark. Venous bleeding is easier to control than arterial bleeding CAPILLARY bleeding is usually slow, and has a higher risk of infection than other types of bleeding.
Now read the text which tells us what to do in cases of severe bleeding.
What to do if someone is bleeding severely ■
If possible, have the patient lie down and put his or her head slightly lower than the rest of the body . Also try to elevate his or her legs. These actions will help to increase the blood flow to the brain, which makes the chance of fainting smaller.
If possible, elevate the part of the body that is bleeding. Doing this will make the blood loss smaller, because the heart will have to work against gravity to pump blood to the injured part of the body.
Remove any large chunks of dirt or other debris from the wound.
Apply firm and direct pressure to the wound. If there is one within reach, use a sterile bandage. If you don’t have one of these, use a clean cloth. If you don’t have anything else, use something from your clothing.
Keep applying direct pressure to the wound until the bleeding stops. When it does stop, use adhesive tape or clothing to secure the dressing (whatever you used) in place on the wound.
If the bleeding starts again and blood comes through whatever you are using to keep pressure on the wound, do not remove the wound dressing, but put new absorbent material on top of it.
Once the bleeding has stopped, do your best to immobilise the part of the body that is injured and keep the patient as calm as possible until professional help arrives.
Answer the questions below in correct English. Do not copy lines from the text, use your own words. 1 Why should the blood flow to the head be increased?
2 What is meant by dirt and debris?
3 Can you apply pressure to the wound with your bare hands? Why or why not?
Unit 2 How to handle…
4 What are you to do if the wound starts bleeding again?
5 What does 'immobilise the part of the body that is injured' mean?
Speaking Exercise 23 A presentation is never easy. Study your handbook, A140-A144. Here you will find some useful tools that will help you to prepare a presentation. You are to prepare a power point presentation about your work. The presentation is about your day at work. Be sure that the slides of your presentation are attractive and give key information about your day’s work. Keep the rule of 3x7 in mind. A maximum of 7 slides on which a maximum of 7 sentences of a maximum of 7 words are to be found.
Listening Exercise 24 Listen to track 4. You will hear Dave and Rosa having a discussion about rules and regulations. Answer the questions below in English. 1 Why is Dave angry?
Unit 2 How to handle…
2 What does Rosa mean when she mentions the sweaty feet?
3 Why doesn’t Dave want new glasses?
4 What is meant by 'specs'?
5 What does the expression 'It is all Greek to me' mean?
6 What does Dave say about distances?
7 Explain the line 'Hence the new glasses'.
8 How expensive are those glasses?
9 Why does Dave’s boss have to pay for the glasses?
10 What is the difference between an employer and an employee?
Unit 2 How to handle…
Writing Exercise 25 Form groups of at least four people. Look at the exercises 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21. Make a list of ten rules and instructions each, that you have to follow at your work. Use correct English sentences. ■
The first list consists of general rules in a work situation
The second list consists of instructions about how to handle tools and machines you are working with.
The final list of instructions is about what to do in case of emergency.
Speaking interaction Exercise 26 Work in pairs. Look at the role cards. Take five minutes to prepare this conversation. Switch roles after finishing.
Role card A Je loopt stage bij een internationaal bedrijf met vestigingen in verschillende landen, waar de voertaal Engels is. Het bedrijf neemt stagiaires aan van de landen waar ook vestigingen zijn. Tijdens de pauze maak je een praatje met een stagiaire uit Ierland. ■
Vraag waar de ander vandaan komt.
Vertel waar je vandaan komt.
Vraag waar de ander nu werkt.
Vertel wat jij doet. Jij zit op kantoor en onderhoudt buitenlandse betrekkingen.
Vertel dat je moeite hebt met de kantoorregels. Je mag geen gympen aan. Een spijkerbroek mag eigenlijk niet, maar de meesten dragen er toch één.
Zeg dat jij liever een helm (hard hat) op hebt dan dat je en stropdas draagt.
Zeg dat je regeltjes best goed vindt, maar dat het er snel te veel worden.
Zeg dat de leukste regel de verplichte pauze is.
Neem afscheid.
Role card B Je loopt stage bij een internationaal bedrijf met vestigingen in verschillende landen, waar de voertaal Engels is. Het bedrijf neemt stagiaires aan van de landen waar ook vestigingen zijn. Jij bent een stagiaire, die vanuit de vestiging in Ierland naar Nederland is gestuurd.
Vertel dat je uit Cork komt.
Vraag waar de ander vandaan komt.
Vraag waar de ander nu werkt.
Vertel wat jij doet. Jij werkt in het magazijn en rijdt meestal op een heftruck.
Zeg dat je collega niks te klagen heeft. Jij moet veiligheidsschoenen aan en een helm (hard hat) op.
Zeg dat een stropdas onder een overall niet uitziet.
Zeg dat jij het best eens bent met de regels op het werk. Er zou anders maar ruzie ontstaan.
Zeg dat jouw pauze erop zit en dat je weer aan het werk moet en neem afscheid.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Grammar Exercise 27 In this unit we dealt with four grammar items. Below you will find some sentences to translate into correct English. The four grammar items are to be found in these sentences. 1 Mijn broer werkt als monteur. Hij is vorige maand bij deze garage begonnen.
2 Omdat roken hier verboden is, moet ik even naar buiten om een sigaret te roken.
3 Veel televisie kijken is slecht voor je ogen.
4 Als ik hoofdpijn heb, kan ik geen geschreeuw verdragen.
5 Vorig jaar heb ik een EHBO cursus gehad. Ik ben nu EHBO’er
Exercise 28 The sentences below contain mistakes. Every sentence has at least one mistake in it. Some have even more. Try to find all 10 mistakes. Write down the correct sentences. 1 Someone has stolen my bicycle when I were in Amsterdam last week.
2 My father was welder when he has been young.
3 I want an new car. How sooner how better
Unit 2 How to handle…
4 I already have selled my old one with profit
5 After having a accident, Trudy was rushed to the hospital
Writing Exercise 29 Rules and instructions make use of a lot of words. Below you will find some words you need to know. Not all these words have been used in this chapter, however they can come in handy in many situations. Find the Dutch translation of these words. 1 law
12 emergency brake
2 act
13 flowchart
3 requirements
14 regulations
4 prohibited
15 escape route
5 emergency exit
16 rotective
6 union
17 ISO rules
7 government
18 conditions
8 safety
19 keep clear
9 instruction
20 obligatory
10 manual
21 mandatory
11 operation sheet
22 legally bound
Listening Exercise 30 Listen to and watch track 5 and listen to what is said about high school rules in the USA. Write down the rules that are mentioned. Are there any rules that are the same at your school?
Unit 2 How to handle…
What rule would you abolish if you were the director of that school, and why?
Important words and phrases You should have learned a number of new words and phrases concerning instructions. Test yourself on whether you know what all these words and phrases mean in English. After finishing this exercise, you can find the answers in unit 2. handleiding
first aids kit
steriel verband
wet- en regelgeving
ongelukken melden
wettelijk verplicht
veiligheid en
gezondheid op het werk driehoek
uitgang vrijhouden
streng verboden te roken
Unit 2 How to handle…
Case 2 | How to handle an internship abroad Sky-High Construction Ltd. has chosen you from all the applicants. Since Sky-High is a British company, it is obvious that the official company language is English. Therefore you need to become familiar with all kinds of English sayings, proverbs and words that you will meet, while working for Sky-High Construction Ltd.
Reading Just like the Dutch language, the English language is full of typical sayings and proverbs that are used to underline something, or to make something clear without using too many words. Very often you can translate a Dutch saying or proverb without a change in meaning, like ‘A new broom sweeps clean’, which means : ‘Nieuwe bezems vegen schoon.’ However very often this is not the case. For example: 'De aap komt uit de mouw' is NOT ‘The monkey comes out of the sleeve.’ in English. The English would say: ‘What an admission that is’. Below you will find a story filled with all kinds of English proverbs and sayings. They are underlined.
Company policy of Sky-High Construction Ltd regarding new employees. Too many cooks spoil the broth (1), therefore it is important that all our employees know what their tasks are. If someone does not agree, or doesn’t understand; don’t beat around the bush, (2) but come forward straight away (3). Although it is said that a fish always rots from the head down (4), Sky-High Construction Ltd believes in 5 shared responsibilities. Every employee is responsible for his or her own work and deeds. We work as one team, as one body. All for one and one for all is our motto. Before you start as working autonomously, you will be guided by a coach. Keep a low profile (5) and pay attention. Do not think that audacity pays (6). That is dead wrong (7), but keep asking questions when something is as clear as mud (8) to you. 10 Work has to be done thoroughly. We do not believe in stop-gap measures (9). We promise quality and quality is what the customers will receive. We are proud to be a financially healthy company and we certainly do not believe in robbing Peter to pay Paul (10). We do not want you to hide your gifts in a napkin (11). At Sky-High Construction Ltd you will be given a chance to exploit your talents. If your attitude is right, Sky-High Construction Ltd will bend over backwards (12) to 15 help you expand your horizon. A job worth doing is a job worth doing well (13) and stay alert, because opportunity seldom knocks twice (14).
Give the Dutch equivalent of the underlined words and phrases. 1 2 3 4 5
Unit 2 How to handle…
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Now read the text again and write a short summary in Dutch. Do not use more than 30 words.
Speaking interaction Work in pairs. You arrived in England yesterday. This is your first meeting with your coach. You will find the text below. Use a piece of paper and make a crib sheet of conversation in English. Mind to use correct English sentences. Hold the conversation with your classmate and swap roles after you finished the conversation. Coach
Goedemorgen, welkom bij Sky-High Construction Ltd. Hoe was je reis?
Rustig, het duurde wel erg lang?
Hoe heb je dan gereisd?
Ik heb de boot Amsterdam-Newcastle genomen. Zo’n mini cruise leek mij wel leuk. Het laatste stuk ben ik met de trein gekomen.
En jouw gastgezin? Wanneer ben je gearriveerd?
Ik ben gisteren aangekomen. Zo lang reizen, is best wel vermoeiend.
En vandaag al aan het werk. Weet je wat je komt doen.
Ja, ik kom als stagiaire. Het met u meelopen is nu belangrijk.
Ik ben hier projectleider en verantwoordelijk voor jou en het project waar jij aan meewerkt.
Het werken hier lijkt mij heel leuk en ik zal mijn best doen.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Listening Sky-High Construction Ltd wants to know whether you can understand plans. So the first thing your coach wants you to do is to watch track 6 and to answer the questions below in your own words and in correct English.. 1 What is meant by a ‘legend’?
2 What does the title sheet tell you?
3 What do the red circles in the floor plan tell you?
4 What is a ‘section marker’?
5 What does the electric plan tell you?
Speaking Mr Dowry always wants to meet all new apprentices personally. At the end of the working day, all the interns gather in the canteen to meet Mr Dowry. Your coach wants you to make a short speech about your first experiences in England. Prepare a short speech of about two minutes. You will talk about: ■
Your trip to England last weekend.
What you know about Sky-High Construction Ltd (you may use information from Case 1, Unit 1)?
What you expect to learn at Sky-High Construction Ltd?
Writing Your school teachers in the Netherlands want you to keep in touch with the school by means of a personal blog. Write your first entry in correct English. Use your own words.
Je overtocht was leuk. Het was gezellig in de bar.
Het Engelse treinverkeer vind je maar niks, slechte coupés en lange wachttijden.
Unit 2 How to handle…
Het gastgezin waar je woont, bestaat uit hele aardige ouders en een zoon en dochter van jouw leeftijd. Jullie zijn al samen naar de pub geweest, afgelopen zondag.
Je hebt een hele aardige coach, al vond je het maar niks dat jij een speech moest houden voor de hoogste baas.
Schrijf dat je twee dagen geleden de school ben gaan bezoeken waar je één dag in de week lessen zult gaan volgen als technicus in opleiding.
Vertel dat je in de volgende blog alles zult vertellen over het werk dat je gaat doen.
k u t fds
20/20 English Werkboek B1 sector Techniek N3-4
o o h f e o r
20/20 English is dĂŠ lesmethode Engels voor mbo niveau 1-2 en 3-4 in de sectoren Economie, Zorg en Welzijn, Techniek en ICT.
Uniek aan 20/20 English is dat de lesstof geschreven is vanuit de context van het beroep. Dit werkboek
B1 voor de sector Techniek sluit aan bij wat leerlingen in hun toekomstige beroep kunnen tegenkomen,
zoals het solliciteren op een baan of stageplaats bij een buitenlands bedrijf en het lezen en begrijpen van
Werkboek B1 sector Techniek N3-4
arbowetten en andere regels.
Dit is niet alleen nuttig, maar bovenal erg motiverend, omdat de lesstof hierdoor past bij de interesse van de leerling. Daarnaast is er uiteraard rekening gehouden met de exameneisen en beheerst de leerling na het doorwerken van dit werkboek het Engels op niveau B1 van het ERK.
Kortom: 20/20 English biedt uw leerlingen de optimale voorbereiding om te kunnen slagen voor hun opleiding ĂŠn in hun toekomstige beroep.
Het complete lesmateriaal bestaat uit het handboek Techniek, het werkboek A2 Techniek, het werkboek B1 Techniek en de bijbehorende website.
Op www.2020english.nl kunnen zowel docenten als leerlingen inloggen. De site biedt ondersteuning aan de
werkboeken door middel van veel audiofragmenten, extra oefenmateriaal en woordenlijsten. Voor de docent zijn er daarnaast handleidingen en uitwerkingen beschikbaar.
Herma Klaassen Silvy Schreurs
ISBN 9781111265922
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