Real english textbook groep 8

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Textbook 8

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Text 8

Textbook 7

Textbook 8 groep 8

Auteur Hans Mol

9026243516_bw.indb 1

09-02-2010 11:45:30

Welcome to Harvey Street Do you remember?

Hi! I’m Asha. I love sports day at school. I always win!

I’m Robert. Do you remember my friends? This is Dylan.

Yo! I’m Dylan. I like working on the school paper. I am the best reporter.

This is Sarah.

Hi! I’m Sarah. My favourite activity in school? Lunch!

G’day. I’m Liam. I’m from Australia. I have just moved to England. I really like it here! And this is our new friend Liam.

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09-02-2010 11:45:34

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09-02-2010 11:45:37


Na deze unit kun je • uitnodiging en voor een fe estje lezen e • korte telefo n maken ongesprekjes voeren • inkopen do en voor een fe estje • vragen en ui tleggen wie e r op een feest • zeggen wat je waren je leuk of lek k er vindt • getallen ze ggen


Party-time! 1 2

Listen and look


Watch the movie.


Read the invitations. Which party would you like to go to?

Kijk naar het filmpje.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Talk about the pictures

Lees de uitnodigingen. Naar welk feestje zou jij graag willen gaan?


o ’re invited t u o y d n a 12 ning eat? I’m tur r g is r PJs and a th u o ’t y n g Is in r b o r, s ’s a sleepove day my party! It se on Satur u o h y m t a It’s morning! toothbrush! t x e n e th .. l. from five til 17 February ! reakfast too b d n a r e n din n! snacks, and be lots of fu l ’l There’ll be It ! s e m a dg of DVDs an I’ve got lots


Sarah RSVP 987156


We’re ready to party! We’re turning 11! Let’s celebrate! Join our party on Saturday 22 June from 14.00 – 17.00 at 10PIN, the bowling alley. Cake and ice-cream! Drinks and disco bowling! Games and competitions! Lots of fun! Greetz, Hakim and Farah RSVP 557682


9026243516_bw.indb 4

09-02-2010 11:45:54

3 Hi there! I’m turning 12! Can you come? Do you like animals? Do you like go-carting? Do you like cake? Three times yes = you’ll like my party ! Meet me at The Animal and Fun Park on Wednesday afternoon at half past two for the greatest party ever! CU! Robert (Please reply to

Listen and look


Listen to the phone call. Are the sentences true or false? Talk about it with your classmate. Luister naar het telefoongesprekje. Zijn de zinnen waar of niet waar? Bespreek het met je klasgenoot.


1 Hakim belt Sarah. 2 Sarah heeft de uitnodiging ontvangen. 3 Sarah kan helaas niet komen. 4 Het neefje van Hakim komt ook. 5 Sarah vindt Ray niet leuk. 6 Hakim moet gaan eten.

Talk with your friend


2 3 4 5 6

Have a telephone conversation with your classmate. Use sentences from the purple box.


Voer een telefoongesprekje met je klasgenoot. Gebruik zinnetjes uit het paarse vak.

8 9 10



887654 2

How are you?


What’s up? 4

Can you come?

Begroet en zeg wie je bent.

That’s cool! 6

Zeg dat het goed gaat.

Zeg dat je de uitnodiging hebt gehad en bedank daarvoor.

Yes, he/she is!

Vraag of een meisje/jongen die jij leuk vindt ook komt.

No, it isn’t.

Vraag of het een logeerfeestje is.


Zeg dat je moet gaan eten en dat je hem/haar weer ziet op school. Neem afscheid.


8 Zeg dat je natuurlijk kunt komen!

Is … coming? Good, thanks.

Vraag wie er allemaal komen.

OK, see you later. I got your invitation.

Who else is coming? Yes! Of course I can!


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09-02-2010 11:45:56

Say the words after me

1 2 3

balloons cakes

Look at the pictures. What do you call these things in English? Listen and repeat the words.


Kijk naar de plaatjes. Hoe noem je deze dingen in het Engels? Luister en spreek de woorden na.

candles cookies

crisps cups

lemonade party bags

party hats plates

straws streamers


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Talk with your friend



Robert and Sarah are party shopping. Read what they say. Robert en Sarah doen inkopen voor een feestje. Lees wat ze zeggen.

Conversation A Sarah Excuse me. Have you got party streamers? Shop assistant Yes, we have. They’re in number 6. Sarah Thank you. Shop assistant Have a nice party.

Conversation B Robert Excuse me. Have you got party hats? Shop assistant Yes, we have. How many do you need? Robert I need twelve, thanks. Shop assistant Here you are. Have a great party. Robert Thank you.


9026243516_bw.indb 6

09-02-2010 11:46:08



Now you do the same. Have conversation A and B with your classmate. Use these words. Doe nu hetzelfde. Voer gesprekje A en B met je klasgenoot. Gebruik deze woorden.

Conversation A party hats number 7

streamers number 9

Conversation B

candles number 13

balloons number 17

straws number 8

cakes number 3

12 plates

10 party bags

5 bags of crisps

24 cups 2 bags of cookies

lots of sweets 1

Sing along



Sing along with the Party Song.


Zing mee met het Feestlied.


The Party Song


My parties are amazing. My parties are the best. You have to come and celebrate. There is no time to rest. There is no time for waiting. There is no time to sit around. On your feet, clap your hands. Shake your head and move about.

Put on your favourite party clothes. Put on your party hats. Eat the yummy cake I baked. Play with the dogs and cats. Let’s play a hundred party games. Let’s blow up the balloons. Wave the party streamers round. This party won’t end soon.

You’re invited to my party, invited to my place. For an all-night celebration. Come on, let’s paint your face. Why don’t you sleep over? We’ll dance and talk all night. Mum and dad are downstairs. Things will be all right.

My parties are amazing. My parties are the best. You have to come and celebrate. There is no time to rest. There is no time for waiting. There is no time to sit around. On your feet, clap your hands. Shake your head and get about.

6 7 8 9 10

My parties are amazing. My parties are the best. You have to come and celebrate. There is no time to rest. There is no time for waiting. There is no time to sit around. On your feet, clap your hands. Shake your head and move about.


9026243516_bw.indb 7

09-02-2010 11:46:13

Story time



Read Sarah’s blog about her birthday party. Lees Sarahs blog over haar verjaardagsfeestje.

about me Sarah’s Blog This is me! The birthday girl! Twelve years old… And these are all the people who came to my party! This is my brother, Leo. He’s crazy. Look at those clothes! This is my best friend, Emily. Friends 4ever Emily! This is my cousin, Joe. He lives in America. He’s come to us for his holidays. He’s eleven years old. Sorry, Joe – we like to play silly games.

1 2 3

These people are my uncle and aunt. They came to the party, too. They’re nice. Their daughter, Liz, was also at the party.

4 5

This is Tess. She’s a cousin, too. Isn’t she cute…? Robert thinks she is! Do you like her?

6 7 8

Who’s this?! ROTFL!! Thanks for coming Robert!


Here we’re playing Twister… Who’s who?


Aw... aren’t they cute? This is my cat – Pooky... Pookypookypooky ...and my dog Chica. And who are they? I don’t know these people! Haha LOL. It’s mum and dad – in the kitchen. Thanks mum, thanks dad. It was a great party!

Play a game



Play the Balloon Game. Keep the balloon in the air and say English words. Speel het Ballonspel. Houd de ballon in de lucht en zeg Engelse woorden.

Stand in a circle. Keep the balloon in the air. The teacher says a word, like animals. Every time you get the balloon, you say an English word that has something to do with that word. Like cat, chicken or dog. How long can you keep it flying?


9026243516_bw.indb 8

09-02-2010 11:46:17

Team task


What do you like to do on your birthday party? Talk to four of your classmates. Wat vind jij leuk om te doen op jouw verjaardag? Praat met vier van je klasgenoten.

What do you like to do on your birthday?

I like to eat sweets.

What do you not like to do on your birthday?

I don’t like to play games.


Danny Levi

he/she likes

to eat sweets to play …

he/she doesn’t like

to play games …

1 2

Puzzle it out


3 Find out when your classmate’s birthday is. Use the sentences in the picture. Zoek uit wanneer je klasgenoot jarig is. Gebruik de zinnetjes uit het plaatje.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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09-02-2010 11:46:19

Story time


It’s Linda’s birthday. She’s at the Mirror Palace. Het is Linda’s verjaardag. Ze is in het Spiegelpaleis.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Roger © D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Dundee, Scotland


9026243516_bw.indb 10

09-02-2010 11:46:24

Important stuff


Zo zeg je of je iets wel of niet lekker vindt.

I like crisps.


I don’t like chips.

She likes chocolate.

He doesn’t like lemonade. Zo zeg je of je iets wel of niet hebt.

I’ve got a party hat.

I haven’t got streamers. She’s got a cousin.

He hasn’t got many friends. Who’s this?

Zo vraag je wie iemand is.

Who’s that? Who are they? Is this Sarah?


This is my sister.

Zo zeg je wie iemand is.


They are my uncle and aunt. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Zo vraag je wat iemand wil doen.

Zo praat je over wat iemand wel en niet kan.

Check it out


balloons cakes candles cookies crisps cups

invitation lemonade party bag party hats PJs plates

sleepover straws streamers sweets toothbrush turning


4 5

What would you like to do on your birthday?


Can you come to my party?


Yes, I can.


No, I can’t.



I’m turning 12 . Have a nice p arty. Who’s comin g? What’s up? Is it a sleepove r party?

Now you read are y do th to e tes t

9026243516_bw.indb 11


09-02-2010 11:46:37

Extra A


Read the invitation. Which party is the invitation for? Write down the answer in your exercise book. Lees de uitnodiging. Voor welk feestje is de uitnodiging? Schrijf het antwoord in je schrift.

The biggest party of the year!

1 2 3 4 5

I’m turning 12... and you’re invited to my party! It’s a sleepover, so bring your PJs and a toothbrush! It’s at my house on Saturday 17 February from five till... the next morning! On Sunday morning we’ll go for a long walk on the beach. After lunch, your parents can pick you up from our house. There’ll be snacks, and dinner and breakfast too! No DVDs, but lots of party games! Lots of fun! RSVP 765122 Cindy c Op zaterdag rdt

ken wo a Het feestvar feestje is twaalf jaar. Het middags van vijf uur ‘s laat. tot ‘s avonds p het strand Je gaat eerst o rna eten, wandelen, daa ’s kijken. en daarna dvd

6 7

b De jarige wordt elf jaar. Het is een logeerpartijtje. Zaterdagavond worden er spelletjes gespeeld. De volgende dag ga je ‘s ochtends een strandwandeling maken. Je moet wel je pyjama meenemen.

wordt de jarige twaalf ja ar. Ze nodigt haar vrienden uit om te blijven slapen . Je gaat veel spelletjes spel en. De volgende o chtend moet je vroeg uit d e veren voor een strandwan deling.

8 9 10


Listen and tick the correct answers in your workbook. Who is coming to the party?


Write the words in the correct place in your workbook.

Luister en kruis de juiste antwoorden aan in je werkboek. Wie komen er naar het feestje?

Schrijf de woorden op de juiste plaats in je werkboek.


9026243516_bw.indb 12

09-02-2010 11:46:43

Extra B


Read the Party Page. Work with a classmate. Give information about you and your classmate. Use your exercise book. Lees de Feestpagina. Werk samen met een klasgenoot. Geef informatie over jezelf en je klasgenoot. Gebruik je schrift.

Tell us about the kind of party you like best! Turn it up! When I’m at a party, I love to dance to the sounds of My classmate rocks to the music of to come and sing. Guest list If I can have a singer at my party, I’ll ask My classmate wants to help to get the party get started. My classmate would love to get The best birthday gift My dream gift would be ! My classmate loves because they Yum! My favourite party food is taste great! at my birthday parties. My classmate likes to play Play the game I love playing My all-time favourite kind of party is a big day out at

1 2 3 4 5 6


Read the questions. Choose an answer from your workbook.


Lees de vragen. Kies een antwoord in je werkboek.


1 2 3 4 5


Do you go to parties where you don’t know anybody? How do you feel when you find out there’s a party? It’s your party. Who’s having most fun? It’s your birthday in three weeks. Who’s organising the party? Do you like dancing at parties?

9 10

Bring a birthday photo with lots of people in it. Stick it in your workbook, on the inside cover. Write about the photo. Neem een verjaardagsfoto mee waar veel mensen op staan. Plak die in je werkboek. Beschrijf de foto.

This is …


9026243516_bw.indb 13

09-02-2010 11:46:48


Na deze unit kun je • de letters van het alfab et uitspreken je naam spell en en • zeggen hoe andere kinde ren eruitzien • zeggen hoe je school eru itziet • zeggen welk e dingen en p laatsen er in omgeving van de een school zij n


My school rulezzz! 1 2

Listen and look


Watch the movie.


Read Liam’s story. What do the red words mean?

Kijk naar het filmpje.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Story time

Lees Liams verhaal. Wat betekenen de rode woorden?


about me

Liam’s blog G’Day, I’m Liam. I’m from Australia. I’ve just moved to England. It’s my first day at school in Harvey Street. I’m a bit nervous. My school in Australia was a small school. Harvey Street is a big school. There are more than 400 children here! In Australia there were only 26! My school in Australia was old. Harvey Street is a new school. There are many nice children in my class. There is only one unfriendly boy. My teacher, Mrs Wilson, is very tall! I’m a short boy when I stand next to her! Harvey Street is a busy neighbourhood with lots of cars. My old school was in a quiet neighbourhood.


9026243516_bw.indb 14

09-02-2010 11:47:07

Say the words after me

This is the English alphabet. Listen and repeat.


Dit is het Engelse alfabet. Luister en spreek na.






(ef )














1 (tie)

Listen and look







It is Liam’s first day at school. He tells his new classmates who he is. Listen. Het is Liams eerste schooldag. Hij vertelt zijn nieuwe klasgenoten wie hij is. Luister.

2 3 4 5 6

Good morning. Welcome to our school.

7 Hi. My name is Liam. Liam Brinsley. It’s Liam. L – I – A – M.

Can you spell your name, please? And your last name?

Talk with your friend



8 9 10

Brinsley. B – R – I – N – S – L – E – Y.

Now you are new in this class. Have the conversation from exercise 4 with a classmate. What else can you ask? Nu ben jij nieuw in deze klas. Voer het gesprekje van oefening 4 met een klasgenoot. Wat kun je nog meer vragen?


9026243516_bw.indb 15

09-02-2010 11:47:14

Talk about the pictures


She looks beautiful.

Look at the children in Liam’s class. What can you say about them? Work with a classmate. Kijk naar de kinderen in Liams klas. Wat kun je over hen zeggen? Werk samen met een klasgenoot.

She is thin.

1 2 3 4 5 6















8 9 10 Say the words after me

Play a game



Listen and repeat the words. Luister en spreek de woorden na.














Act out one of the words from exercise 7. Your classmate has to guess which word it is. Beeld een van de woorden van oefening 7 uit. Je klasgenoot moet raden welk woord het is.


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09-02-2010 11:47:19

Spot the difference


How do you get to school? Hoe ga jij naar school?

In England, Australia and America many children take the school bus to go to school every day. The bus picks them up from home and drops them off at school. At the end of the day the bus brings them home again.


Talk about the pictures



Look at the picture of the school. What do you call these rooms, places or things? Listen and repeat.


Kijk naar het plaatje van de school. Hoe noem je deze ruimtes, plekken of dingen? Luister en spreek na.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

bench bushes

classroom gym

kitchen library

office playground

school hall shed

staff room tree


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09-02-2010 11:47:30

Talk with your friend



Listen and repeat the words. Luister en spreek de woorden na.



in front of




1 2

next to






4 5


It is your job to show Liam the way in school today. Talk with your classmate. Het is jouw taak om Liam vandaag wegwijs te maken in school. Praat met je klasgenoot.

6 7

Excuse me? Where is Mrs Wilson’s classroom?

8 9 10

I’ll show you. It’s next to the gym.

Thank you. Liam vraagt waar … is: • de gymzaal • de bibliotheek • de lerarenkamer • de aula • het kantoortje • het schuurtje

Puzzle it out


Draw a school plan on a piece of paper. Your classmate has to ask you where everything is. Teken een schoolplattegrond op een vel papier. Je klasgenoot moet jou vragen waar alles is.

Where is the library?

Is the kitchen between the office and the staff room?

Is this the gym?


9026243516_bw.indb 18

09-02-2010 11:47:34

Story time


The teacher at the Bash Street Kids School is going green! De meester van de Bash Street Kids School wil iets goeds doen voor het milieu.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Bash Street Kids © D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Dundee – Scotland

Words to help exciting – opwindend waste – afval gobble, nosh – snel eten chortle – lachgeluid bin – afvalbak yard – terrein fumes – vieze rook


9026243516_bw.indb 19

09-02-2010 11:47:40

Sing along


Listen to Liam’s Song. Sing along! Luister naar Liams lied. Zing mee!


Liam’s Song


It’s a new day. It’s a new place. I’m going to a new school. It’s a new place. It’s a new day. I’m going to find my way.

My buddy shows me around. She shows me where to go. It makes me feel much better. To tell her ‘Yes, I know.’ Chorus


My mum brings me to school. The teacher says hello. I am a little nervous But I know I have to go…



She shows me all the teachers. She shows me round the hall. She shows me round the library. In the playground we play ball.

My teacher shows me Sarah. She’s my buddy for the day. She answers all my questions. And she shows me the way.

I feel much more at home, at the end of the day. I know I’m going to like it here. Now that I know my way.

3 4 5 6 7




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09-02-2010 11:47:43

Important stuff



Zo zeg je waar iets is. Je gebruikt voorzetsels .

It’s between … That’s behind … It’s opposite … It’s in front of … It’s next to … That’s on … It’s in … They’re under …

Check it out






Zo beschrijf je hoe mensen eruitzien .

He is happy. She looks sad.

Zo vraag je iemand om zijn of haar naam te spellen .

People beautiful clean dirty fat

noisy quiet sad short


Can you spell your name, please?


And your last name?


tall thin ugly unfriendly

Excuse me. W here’s Mrs Wil son’s classroo I’ll show you. m? He’s happy. She looks sad. Can you spell your name, ple ase?

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Places gym kitchen library office nd playgrou staff room

Now you read are y do th to e tes t 21

9026243516_bw.indb 21

09-02-2010 11:47:54

Extra A



Read Lisa’s diary. Talk with your classmates. Which story is correct? Lees Lisa’s dagboek. Praat met je klasgenoten. Welk verhaal klopt?

G’Day. I’m Lisa. I’m from Australia. I’ve just moved to America. It’s my first day at school. I’m nervous. I like going to school. My school in Australia was a big school. My new school is small. There are

1 2 3 4 5

only 40 children at this school. In Australia there were 400! My school in Australia was new. My American school is an old one. There are many nice children in my class. There are only two unfriendly boys.

a Het is Lisa’s eerste schoolb Lisa gaat voor het eerst naar c Australische Lisa woont nu in dag. Ze is net verhuisd naar school in Amerika. Het is wel Amerika. Er zijn veel minder Amerika. Ze woonde eerst in wennen, want ze zat altijd op kinderen op haar school dan Australië. Daar ging ze naar een grote school in een nieuw op haar vorige school. Het een grote school. Het schoolgebouw. De school in Amerika schoolgebouw is oud en dat gebouw in Amerika is nieuw. is klein en oud. Er zijn twee vindt Lisa niet zo leuk. Twee Er is een jongen met wie Lisa jongens in de klas met wie meisjes uit haar klas vinden niet kan opschieten. Lisa niet kan opschieten. Lisa helemaal niet leuk.

6 7 Look at the pictures. Tick true or false in your workbook.


8 9

Kijk naar de plaatjes. Kruis waar of niet waar aan in je werkboek.












Which words can you find in the word snake? Write them in the correct place in your workbook. Welke woorden zie in de woordslang? Schrijf ze op de juiste plaats in je werkboek.


9026243516_bw.indb 22

09-02-2010 11:47:57

Extra B Read Cindy’s story about her school. Answer the questions in your workbook.


Lees Cindy’s verhaal over haar school. Beantwoord de vragen in je werkboek.

Hi! My name is Cindy. I’m eleven years old. I’ve got a single mum, one brother and one sister. I’m a small girl. I’m the smallest of three kids. I’ve got three best friends at school. My teacher is a nice person. Her name is Mrs French. She is a fun teacher. She is one of the best! I’m enjoying doing a project about Egypt with my friends. Egypt is really interesting. It’s a lot of hard work, but I like doing it. Making a website about Egypt gives me something to do. I don’t like sitting at home playing with my Gameboy.

1 2 3

2 1


Which word is correct? Look at the picture and choose. Write the answer in your exercise book.


Welk woord is goed? Kijk naar het plaatje en kies. Schrijf het antwoord in je schrift. 2



6 7


8 9 10 This is a good / bad person.

This is a hot / cold drink.

3 1

This is a clever / stupid boy.

This is a dry / wet shirt.

This is a slow / fast animal.

Look at the photos. Read the questions in your workbook. Choose the correct answers. Kijk naar de foto’s. Lees de vragen in je werkboek. Kies de juiste antwoorden. 2



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09-02-2010 11:48:05

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