Portfolio 2017

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Name : Thomas Guilhen Type : Architect Contact : +86 185 0054 5920 @ : thomas.guilhen@gmail.com WeChat : Thomas_Guilhen

Content :

- CV - â–ˆ (U+2588) ______________________ Thesis project - China _______________________ Student Exchange - LDA __________________________________ Internship - Atelier Tardy ______________________ Professional - Competitions____________________________ Studies 2014/2017


LDA Strasbourg, August 2nd2017

2017 Strasbourg, le 02 Août


Madame, Monsieur, Mr/Madam, Mr Thomas Guilhen completed a sixun months internship ournotre architectural agency from Monsieur Thomas Guilhen a effectué stage de six mois in dans agence d’architecture November 2016 to àMay a part of thisdeexperience, he came involved in several de novembre 2016 mai2017. 2017.As Dans le cadre cette expérience, il a to étébe amené à participer à tasks within the office. plusieurs tâches au sein de notre bureau. On this occasion, occasion,ilhe demonstrated lots of skills and rigor. A cette a fait preuve de beaucoup de compétences et de sérieux. Mr Thomas GuilhenGuilhen has always been ŽtŽ someone reliable and responsible, as much his work Monsieur Thomas a toujours une personne Þable et responsable, tant indans son as in his with his colleagues. would like to thank him for his curiosity as well as travail querelations dans ses rapports avec sesWe collègues. Nous souhaitons donc le remercier de sa his implication intoson theimplication subjects into which he participated. curiosité ainsi que dans les sujets auxquels il a pu participer.

At the same time,nous we vous strongly recommendfortement the services of Thomas GuilhenGuilhen as partdans of a A cette occasion, recommandons les services de Thomas professional le cadre d’unecollaboration. collaboration professionnelle. We wish him the best his upcoming professional career professionnel à venir. Nous lui souhaitons parinailleurs le meilleur dans son parcours

Remaining at your disposalpour for further information, we wish to assure of our Restant à votre disposition de plus amples renseignements, nousyou, vousMr/Madam, prions d’agréer, highest regards. Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de nos salutations distinguées. Yours, Bien à vous Lionel Debs Architecte

LIONEL DEBS ARCHITECTURES . LDA 17 RUE DE ROSHEIM 67000 STRASBOURG T: +33 9 51 81 57 29 . F: +33 9 56 81 57 29 . CONTACT@LDA.ARCHI . WWW.LDA.ARCHI SARL D’ARCHITECTURE AU CAPITAL DE 10 000 EUROS . RCS 538 836 685 TVA NO FR23 538 836 685 . APE 7111Z . NO ORDRE S15070


Name : Thomas Guilhen Type : Architect Contact : +86 185 0054 5920 @ : thomas.guilhen@gmail.com WeChat : Thomas_Guilhen

06.2017 : Project Architect @Atelier d’Architecture Tardy for the competition for the Evian Ressort Headquarters in Evian (Fr) 05.2017 : █ (U+2588) is exposed for L’Ososphère’s festival art exhibition 02.2017 : ArchHive competition, Beebreeders, Shortlisted 05.2017 : Internship @LDA, 6 months 12.2016 10.2016 : █ (U+2588)is exposed @Le Shadok, for the White Line Mapping festival 09.2016 : Graduation project presentation of █ (U+2588) Architecture Master Degree @Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg with Honours 05.2016 : Written Thesis presentation “Vers une Architecture [du] Numérique” _ with Highest Honours 03.2016 : Workshop @Tongji University, Shanghai 01.2016 : Fischerstub idea competition for Heineken_ 1st place 07.2015 : Student Exchange @CAUP (College of Architecture 09.2014 and Urban Planning) at Tongji University in Shanghai 06.2014 : Architecture Degree @ENSAS 02.2014 : Workshop with UN1ON 08.2013 : First Internship at Agence Equinoxe 08.2012 : Construction internship in masonry During my studies is also often worked during summer in a variety of firms (industry, fast food, 3d rendering..). I have graduated from an Architecture Master degree at the National Superior School of Architecture in Strasbourg, France in September 2016 and have taken part in several exhibitions since then. Those extracurricular activities allowed me to developed my own sensibilities toward architecture, city building, and the expression and communication of those two practices, toward the architectural community as well as the public. Langage spoken : English_fluent French_mother tongue German_basic

Softwares : AutoCad Adobe Suite (Ps, Ai, Id) Sketchup Artlantis/Podium/Twinmotion Heavy M (mapping_projection)

Structure : Various Location : Everywhere Type : Researches

Content :

- Graphic Elements - Models - Expositions 2016/2017


█ (U+2588)

Strasbourg_France // Shanghai_China December to May 2017 █ is a theoretical work extending the reasoning started in the written thesis «Toward a Digital Architecture / an Architecture of the Digital ». (original title : « Vers une Architecture [du] Numérique » available here : goo.gl/n23XPM) The thesis concludes by stating that it is still difficult to grasp our digital world due to its numerous incarnations, most of them being immaterial. This is where architecture could have a key role to play, helping to manifest the physical reality of the connected world. █ is a sensible manifestation of the Internet. It aims to give a physical incarnation to what is «not there». To help society get a better understanding of the issues regarding the digital, one must be able to experience some sort of incarnation of it first hand, without the filters of our connected devices. █ is composed of a series of monoliths, algorithmically spread around the city, at the same time necessary infrastructure for the Internet, made up of servers, exchange bays and data centers, but also public spaces, gathering places and spiritual retreats. █ is set in Shanghai. It has, as the city it takes place in, some kind of inner contradictions, dualities. It contains necessary paradoxes, utopias and dystopias and conjure futuristic ideas while being confronted to real contemporary dilemmas. It also has a healthy dose of absurdity, necessary when dealing with such volatile issues.

Materialization The monoliths composing â–ˆ are all built over existing buildings. By doing so, the concrete blocs preserve the memory of the place once occupied by the preexisting structures. By molding exceptional as well as banal constructions, this materialization of the digital world is offering a new attitude toward architectural preservation. Instead of keeping the existing element itself, it is more of a memory that is kept, by concealing the shape of the building as a void inside the monolith. This act is part of a dialogue pursued throughout the project that seeks to express in the physical world the characteristics of the digital world trough architectural concepts. Those expression are always binary, opposite and complementary : solid and void, smooth and porous, interior and exterior.

Shikumen 上澡 One of three monoliths detailed in â–ˆ is built over a Shikumen, a traditional housing form characteristic of Shanghai. Its presence in a residential area express the ambition of U+2588 to translate into a public and civic space while at the same time containing important infrastructure. This protected void become a motor for new activities, gatherings or isolation. An hemisphere is created on the second floor to welcome conferences and projection mapping performances. While the empty space welcome human activities, the thick concrete walls are reserved for all the required digital equipment of servers and calculation bays pursuing the dialogue between solid and void.

Pagod The second monolith is built over a pagoda certain mysticism into the architectural in the physical world something that is usually structures are borrowing elements Their orientation, plans and proportions are digital world, as well as the spiritual one such coincidentally relies heavily on the number octet (1 octet =

da �奔 and translate the intention to introduce a language of the project. To effectively manifest believed to be immaterial, the different from religious architecture. carefully designed following rules from the as feng shui or taoist cosmology which eight, pillar of the digital world with the 8 bit, 0 or 1 ).

Tower Block The last â–ˆ sits atop a several stories high tower block. Unlike the others, this structure disappears into its surrounding concrete jungle. This posture gives out another attitude, which is the retreat, the secrete and the security. Inspired by the block chain, the fragmentation of this infrastructure makes it theoretically more robust and impervious to attacks or surveillance. This cathedral of concrete also makes for a perfect retreat where ironically one can go to ÂŤdisconnectÂť, the thick walls preventing any signal from entering the sanctum. The strong rupture between the exterior, totally opaque and smooth, and the interior, with simulated lighting, porous walls and reversed facade is another implicit expression of the of the digital world binary.

Plans Plans

Tower Block

Shikumen ᇽ㎐


â–ˆ (U+2588) Models Three 1:100 concrete models where cast to represent the three monoliths developed for â–ˆ. There were made using a hand carved foam mold into which concrete was poured. After the concrete cured, the foam was removed either by acetate dissolution or by hand. Ironically, a very old-school process was used to produce forms echoing the digital paradigm. Representing what is not there, by manifesting its absence was made possible thanks to the ability of the concrete to take on the shape of the previous building.

< Pagoda v Tower Block

█ (U+2588) Expositions

Event : L’Ososphère Date : 05.2017

Location : Strasbourg @Shadok

When presented the models are video-mapped with projection to simulate the artificial nature of the monoliths and the manipulated atmosphere created inside them. This scenography highlights the richness created by a context sensitive digital world, its interaction with the physcial world becoming essential.

â–ˆ (U+2588) was exposed a couple of time : First, at a videomapping festival (next page) and then for the Ososphere. The Ososphere is a music and artistic festival centered around digital cultures and urban practices. As part of the exposition a fourth model was produced inspired by the industrial location in which the festival took place.


â–ˆ (U+2588) Expositions

Event : White Line Festival Date : 10.2016

Location : Strasbourg @LaCoop

whiteline-festival.com (1:10) vimeo.com/202054194

Structure : LDA Location : Strasbourg, France Type : 6 months internship

Content :

- Kindergarden competition - Private House for a farmer - Secondary Home 2016/2017


LDA Strasbourg_France December to May 2017 First started as a mandatory two month end-of-master internship, the formation ended up behind extended to a full six month period. With not much experience to start with, I became acquinted with the different phases of architecture. The small size of the agency required everyone to take part in all the steps of the process, from administrative work to site visit, document production an design research.

Private House for a farmer Alsace, France March 2017

During my time at LDA, I worked on several project, public and private, at different step of the architectural process : SD and DD mainly but also partially on CD. I carried the secondary home project from early SD phase up to an early CD phase in order to prepare for the bidding phase. A last minute change of mind from the clients forced us to rethink much of the project. This back and forth between the agency and the clients was one of my main occupation as I was in

Private House for a farmer Alsace, France March 2017

charge of producing some major elements of communication. It helped me get a better understanding on how to communicate an architectural project efficiently depending on your audience. From private clients to a city council, or the heritage conservation office, we had a lot of dealings that needed specific documents to be produced in order to share our intentions. Scale and details were of great importance, so were graphical references and abstraction, in order to iniate constructive debate.

Secondary Home Vosges, France March 2017

Kindergarden Competition Marmoutier, France January 2017 2nd position

Secondary Home Vosges, France March 2017

Bank M Alsace, France February 2017

Structure : Tongji University_CAUP Location : Shanghai, China Type : Academic Work

Content :

- Floating Modular Pavilion with Elodie RemlĂŠ - Phenomenological Typology with Elia Enrech 2014/2015


Floating Modular Pavilion In a Watertown near Suzhou Tongji University - CAUP_2014_Master 1 A set of modular pavilions is envisioned to re-dynamize a watertown threatened by developers that desire to capitalize on its touristic success. Because money is only invested in huge complexes, there is an important lack of basic services in those forgotten areas. By reinterpreting traditional uses of floating pavilions for opera, the social infrastructure of the city becomes mobile. Health services, education, social and art places as well as tea pavilions gain reach instead of becoming centralized complexes. These floating pavilions remain humble, reflecting their social nature by using simple materials. Combining traditional wood dovetailing with contemporary polycarbonate creates a symbolic operation, at the same time respectful of its context while being forward thinking. The simplicity of the structure helps with its management, and provide an easy way to rearrange its modules and replace individual pieces.

Phenomenological Typology with Ercument Gorgul Shanghai, CHINA Tongji University - CAUP_2015 The seminar taught by Ercument Gorgul aims to establish a new role for architecture, and apply the practice to interactions with one’s environment at large. Interactivity is the key. Therefore, thresholds, urban interiors, augmented and connected environments as well as networks were at the center of this semester’s work. The project itself is developed on the main Tongji University campus in Shanghai. More than a hundred years old, it regroups dozens of departments in an enclosed entity clearly defined by physical borders of buildings or fences in which passages are controlled by gates. This physical auto-segregation is maintained at every scale. Each department has its own building or complex that is clearly separated from the others. Thus, spatial organization itself makes inter, multi or non disciplinary interactions difficult or impossible.Inside those buildings, study spaces remain classic rooms with no interactions. This situation is in total contrast with how society and the youth work in China. Totally connected, the Chinese society organizes its social activities trough WeChat, an app that had 650 millions registered users in 2015. The application already allows interactions with the “real” world trough numerous modules, from shopping to administrative duties and health care. The idea here is to take advantage of the interaction between real and virtual and to apply it to the campus itself in order to free its uses. A series of connected systems, from a digital organizer to online book consulting, free bike sharing, events creation, lectures and classes live-streams via an online teaching platform to interactive social spaces around the campus are feeding a social profile for campus users. In return, the system creates suggestions based on what a given student or teacher would be interested to do in the campus, allowing a more efficient way to spread information. The system is completed by a mobile network of modular classrooms, serving as supports for wide range of activities, closing the gap between the digital and the physical worlds we live in.





13h15 Bikes


Next Class : D512 | 15:00

An intelligent shared bike system was one of a dozen interconnected interventions envisioned for the campus. Here, an existing bicycle fleet was lightly upgraded in order for it to produce and give away enough informations (location and availability) to make the system more efficient. Already free, but with a clumsy reservation system, the bikes could really become a fluid and floating system allowing anyone to pick a nearby ride at any time.

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All the interventions are driven by the will to produce and share informations accross the campus facilitating interactions between its users. Displays are therefore playing an important role (among other means of communication) and are scattered and integrated all over the public space. By reintepreting traditional supports such as the banner, mapped by video projection, the supports becomes second nature and are non-intrusive.

Structure : Atelier d’Architecture Tardy Location : Besançon, France Type : Competition, Project Architect

Content :

- Competition Documents 2017

Atelier Tardy

Evian Resort Headquarters Evian_France June 2017 - Finalists, Results Pending I was called into reinforcement to work on a competition in which the agency was selected an was caught off-guard understaffed. It was a challengind and formative experience where I had to integrate a team quickly and work in a time sensitive context whith people that didn’t know each other. Supervised by the office’s director, I was in full charge of understanding the competition brief, designing our answer to it and producing all the graphical pieces to present it. The competition subject asked to redesign the headquarters of the Evian Resort group in charge of the hotel properties of the Evian water group in their home spa town of Evian-les-bains on the south shores of lake Geneva.

Interior and Exterior Persectives Evian Resort, France Finalists - Results Pending

Structure : Personnal Location : Strasbourg, France Type : Student Competitions

Content :

- Competition Documents 2016/2017


ArchHive for BeeBreeders Shortlisted

The bried asks for a virtual gallery in which the competition organiser could showcase Because of the ever growing quantity of project that will be displayed into the archive, project. The space shall also be able to house temporary artist installations.

The archhive is a modular shelving system. Its architecture allows a simple and efficien projects, the structure can be augmented with additional row, column or even an extra oversized projects by merging adjacent cells vertically and/or horizontally. Because the shelf is virtual, it does not have a fixed scale. It is first a 1:1 piece of furnitu be switched to a 10:1 scale allowing visitor to walk trough its alleys, witnessing impres monumental size of 100:1 scale. Visitors can then explore 1:1 model of precedent competition winner while taking on

future winning projects. The space is set to be accessible via virtual reality. , participant are also asked to think about the possible extention and growth of the

nt storage and organization of architectural models. With an initial capacity of 25 shelf altogether. A staple of architectural storage, the shelf can easily welcome

ure displaying 1:100 models. Then, growing from object to architecture, the shelf can ssive 1:10 models similar to a museum or gallery experience. It can finally go to its the sights of the now colossal shelf.

NO SCALE With the development of new technologies, we progressively lost our sense of scale. Architecture has started producing out of scale objects when our digital tools gave us unlimited god-like zoom. The use of an object as ordinary as a storage shelf helps the visitor in getting that lost sense of scale often associated with digital environment. Instantly recognizable, the different details of the furniture act as signage to indicate where the visitor is no matter its situation within the shelf (1:1 / 10:1 / 100:1 ).

NO CONTEXT As D. Weinberger said in its description of the internet as a lot of “small pieces loosely joined”, the digital world is a place without space. Here, space is only a “pastiche”. Because of this, there is no preexisting context, everything is artificial and by design. This situation creates a unique paradox where the virtual project immediately becomes its own world. The shelf here embodies this situation : once object it ends up being the whole environment by totally surrounding the visitor.

FischerStub Heineken France/ Fischer Beer Winners (1st place) with Clementine Dufaut The project asks for a major refurbishment of a landmark restaurant in Strasbourg. Its iconic location along the massive historic Fischer brewery is visible from one of the main city entrance while also acting as a gate into the nearby city of Schiltigheim. One of the main challenge of the project is to preserve the soul of the century-old establishment (1905) while allowing its necessary growth to ensure a city-wide reach. The brief include doubling the restaurant’s surface with the addition of an important covered space on the main facade of the building. The circulations and accesses have to be rethought to allow a more efficient flow of public and services. The extension re-imagine the silhouette of the old brewery using rows of wooden frames encasing a glass enclosure that lets sunlight fills the new space that contrast with the more closed space of the original structure. Hop plantations along the structure provide shading during summer

Castle Resort Young Architects Competions (YAC) with Clementine Dufaut and Maxime Duquet The brief is asking participant to imagine a resort in and/or around the ruines of the Roccamandolfi Caste in southern Italy. Castles are micro-worlds. Their design relates essentially to themselves in a very introverted way. They are at the same time very autonomous yet they share an intricate relation to the space around them. As a whole, the aim of the intervention is to incarnate the essence of hospitality and manifest it in its purest form by going back to the simplest of amenities. Made of raw but elegant concrete, these simple figures each provide an answer to some of the most basic human needs. The project strikes a balance between a wild and domesticated nature. Your are welcomed here - but no one is meant to stay very long - the experience must be exceptional. As the time passes, all the interventions fade away and surrender to nature, to become ruins too.

1. Cabin (living+sleeping) 2. Information Board 3. Resting Stop 4. Orientation Table 5. Bench & Milestone 6. Power Station (solar) 7. Table & Benches 8. Gate 9. Water Tower & Bucket 10. Shower (with pump) 11. Basin

4. 2.


6. 9.

7. 10.



ArchHive for BeeBreeders Shortlisted

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