The Guest Service Officers (GSOs) at four major airports meet-and-gree t, assist with lost luggage, and unde rtake care visits when required. Our Customer Care Centre is available 24/7 to deal with any of your gues ts’ concerns and our GSOs are at hand , around the clock, to deal with any hitches or emergencies. As part of Cullinan Holdings Ltd, we have a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan comprising of protocols, checklists and action plan s ensuring, to the best of our abilities, the health and well-being of our workforce and guests. When dealing with Thompsons Afric a, you are dealing with a company with substantial liability cover, well above the minimum requirements , as well as a strong partnership with SATIB24, the continent’s leading incident management unit.
As you might expect from a family-built company with a big heart, Thompsons Africa is about sustainability and giving back. To help shape the face of the future Africa, our goal is to ensure that the environment and communities we explore remain vibrant for future generations. We do this in two ways: through our TreadRight Foundation, and our sustainability strategy, How We Tread Right.
Tread R ight Foundation
We are proud to be part of a joint initiative by The Travel Corporation family of brands, called The TreadRight Foundation — a not-for-profit supporting sustainable tourism projects around the world. To date, TreadRight has helped fund more than 60 projects worldwide. Learn about our project partners at How We Tread Right (HWTR) is The Travel Corporation’s (TTC) five-year sustainability strategy, which sets the mandate on sustainability at Thompsons Africa and our sister travel companies. Our strategy is based on 11 measurable goals, anchored to the United Nations Global Goals, which were developed to address Thompsons Africa’s impact on Planet, People, and Wildlife. Learn about our goals at Through our foundation and our strategy, our three pillars of support are:
sustainability and conservation: ensuring that we’re protecting our invaluable landscapes and natural resources.
cultural preservation: ensuring that the true economic benefit of travel is felt by local communities.
protection of our world’s wildlife: while advocating for the highest standard of ethical wildlife experiences.
Protecting Our Wildlife
Our promise
At Thompsons Africa we are mind ful of the plight of wildlife across the globe and in Africa in parti cular. We are especially conscious of the importanc e of conserving our wildlife heritage. After all, we are blessed to be the caretakers of an abundance of wildl ife that brings so many travellers to our shores. Thompson s Africa does not support any wildlife interaction that we deem to be unethical in either its purpose or in any way results in cruelty as a side effect. As a priority we ensure that we are 100% involved with our partnered wildlife organisations, and as a member of The TreadRight Foundation, we practise the promise to make the welfare of our wildlife our num ber one concern. Our endorsement of the SATSA Anim al Interaction Charter further reinforces our commitment to an ethical approach to the long-term conservation of wildlife welfare.