Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC 1502

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Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC 4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122 Fax # 888- 698-7004

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.......................5 Joker’s Wild.......................................................9 SM CITY Builders............................................ 11 Sippin Shine....................................................12 ABATE of Maryland.........................................15

Facebook – Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DEL-DC Twitter – TR_BigCity

Miles With Smiles............................................18 KISS in the Kitchen.........................................21


Cigar Review...................................................23 What Does it Mean to Be a Good Neighbor?..24 Jay Irwin Block................................................27 Center Calendar..............................................30 Featured Bike..................................................32

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (443) 875-7887 (443) 875-7482 Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen Laurie “LuLu” Wright 301-283-8008 410-533-3551 and and Mike “Tractor” Herbert Tammy Wolfe 240-298-0472 443-223-2973

Big City Rhino Challenge................................33 Diary of a Biker Chic........................................39 O.C. Bike Week...............................................43 Events.............................................................50 Biker Friendly Directory...................................52 News Bytes.....................................................56 Timonium Bike Show Exhibitor Guide.............59

Suzy “Carebear” Leighton David “Barney” Barnhouse 302-383-9041 717-465-2292 Cathy “CAT” Curran 443-859-6917

ON THE COVER: Model: Raven Christine

ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (443) 875-7597

Photographer: Anthony Panzino of Eireann Photography

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Mike “Smiles” Johnson NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

Visit us on the web

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Hi Everybody, I love the Timonium Bike Show! I always look forward to this event because it never disappoints. I’m so glad it’s time for the show again. I know its cold outside and most of us haven’t gotten a chance to do a lot of riding lately. That’s why it’s so good that we have Timonium. It is a chance to get together and have some fun. I have a brand new program for everyone. The Big City Challenge Rider Card. Are you kidding me? All I have to do is ride my bike around the area and stop in at places and check-in and I have the opportunity for FREE stuff. Where do I sign up? Pick-up your copy of the magazine and it will explain everything that you need to know. Check out the Thunder Roads Magazine booth at the Main Stage at Timonium. In addition to the ride card program there is an article from our Biker Chic asks you dating or riding? Which do you prefer? Smiles tells us why Valentine’s Day may not be his favorite holiday. The Bright side of it being February is that we are another month closer to Spring Bikes to the Beach. Until then keep reading TR MD DE DC and we will do our best to keep you warm this winter. Keep the rubber side down and keep following the leader Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC. Big City







The New Year often brings the challenge to consider or reconsider many things. Some of us make New Year’s resolutions and others are glad with anticipation of new and better opportunities. The thought of making a New Year’s resolution is not new. I remember talking to soldiers during my time in the military about making resolutions and the things they want to change. People want to change the way they live and save money. Some decide to change their life style, while others want to get into better shape and lose that weight they gained. This year I want to purchase a new bike. My kid’s say that is always a big resolution. But it requires money that I do not possess, so I guess that will always be a New Year’s resolution for me. Paul tells us that “physical training is of some value for all things” (1 Tim. 4:8, NKJV). So spending time on the treadmill walking to the oldies or lifting weights to build bigger muscles helps us to live better lives. Exercise also helps to handle stress better. Oxygen flow to the brain through exercise allows us to think faster and make better decisions. Eating the proper foods such as whole grains helps us to stay regular. Getting the proper rest will give our muscles the time to recover from weight lifting. So, keeping resolutions are important for our physical and mental health. Our financial health is important also. Lowering our debt is something we can all agree with. Working extra hours for that overtime pay helps in that desire to pay down our bills just a little faster. Once paid off, we can let up on the longer THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

hours, because we do want time to ride from spring to fall. You can speak to many financial experts on the best way to pay down the debt. The problem is the staying power over the long haul. This means that we need to make changes in our life styles to live within our financial means. That just means I do not purchase the new bike. The second half of the verse talks about what lasts longer than good health, “but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Tim. 4:8, NKJV). That means we have the opportunity for a great life, physical health and spiritual health. This great life leads to helping others and spreading happiness. This may sound dull, unattainable, or maybe even scary, but helping others allows us to show the love that God has for us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NKJV). Since God has that much love for us, giving his only Son for us, he asks us to show compassion to others. Perhaps not to the extreme of his demonstration of love for us, but he desires us to show love. Think of the New Year’s resolution change that can be made with our community if we show compassion to others. So, keep the wheels on the road, the wind in your face, the pipes singing aloud and I will see you on the road. Deacon Rugged Cross MC President Maryland Chapter












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5 UNDENIABLE FACTS 1. WE ALL LOVE TO SPEND MONEY BUYING NEW CLOTHES BUT WE NEVER REALIZE THAT THE BEST MOMENTS IN LIFE ARE ENJOYED WITHOUT CLOTHES. 2. HAVING A COLD DRINK ON HOT DAY WITH A FEW FRIENDS IS NICE, BUT HAVING A HOT FRIEND ON A COLD NIGHT AFTER A FEW DRINKS – PRICELESS! 3. BREAKING NEWS: CONDOMS DON’T GUARANTEE SAFE SEX ANYMORE. A FRIEND OF MINE WAS WEARING ONE WHEN HE WAS SHOT DEAD BY THE WOMAN’S HUSBAND. 4. ARGUING OVER A GIRL’S BUST SIZE IS LIKE CHOOSING BETWEEN MOLSON, HEINEKEN, CARLSBERG, & BUDWEISER. MEN MAY STATE THEIR PREFERENCES, BUT WILL GRAB WHATEVER IS AVAILABLE. 5. I HAVEN’T VERIFIED THIS ON “SNOPES”, BUT IT SOUNDS LEGIT. A RECENT STUDY FOUND THAT WOMEN WHO CARRY A LITTLE EXTRA WEIGHT LIVE LONGER THAN THE MEN WHO MENTION IT. ____________________________________________________ A young New York woman was so depressed that one night she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. Just before she could leap from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her. “You have so much to live for,” said the man. “I’m a sailor, and we leave for Italy tomorrow. I can stow you away on my ship. I’ll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy. With nothing to lose, and having always wanted to go to Italy, the young woman accepted. From then on, every night he would bring her sandwiches and a bottle of red wine and he would make love to her for hours. A week later, the captain discovered her during a routine inspection. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “I have an arrangement with one of the sailors,” she replied. “He brings me food and I get a free trip to Italy .” “I see,” said the captain. Her conscience got the better of her and she added, “Plus, he’s screwing me.” “He certainly is,” replied the captain.” This is the Staten Island Ferry.” ____________________________________________________ Biker after a bad crash! It was late in the night when he regained consciousness. He found himself in agonizing pain in the hospital’s ICU, with tubes up his nose, wires monitoring every function and a gorgeous nurse hovering over him. In only a few moments, he realized he’d obviously been in a serious traffic accident. The lovely nurse gave him a deep look straight into his eyes and he heard her slowly say, “Temporarily, you may not feel anything from the waist down.” Somehow he managed to mumble in reply; “Well…just let me feel your boobs, then?” THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed... As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, ‘What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? ‘Dinner is cold and I’m not reheating it.’ And on and on and on. Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up the stairs. While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband’s client, James Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all. Wright would not be hanged tonight. Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had and feeling bad for nagging on him the second he came through the door, she decided to go upstairs and give him the good news. As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet. ‘They’re not hanging Wright tonight,’ she said. He whirled around and screamed at his wife; ‘For the love of God woman, don’t you ever stop complaining!?” ____________________________________________________ During her physical examination, a doctor asked a middle-aged woman about her physical activity level. The woman said she spent 3 days a week, every week in the outdoors. Doc asked her to elaborate. “Well, yesterday afternoon was typical; I took a five hour walk about 7 miles through some pretty rough terrain. I waded along the edge of a lake. I pushed my way through 2 miles of brambles. I got sand in my shoes and my eyes. I barely avoided stepping on a snake. I climbed several rocky hills. I went to the bathroom behind some big trees. I ran away from an irate mother bear and then ran away from one angry Bull Elk. The mental stress of it all left me shattered. At the end of it all I drank a scotch and three glasses of wine. Amazed by the story, the doctor said, “You must be one hell of an outdoor woman!” “No,” the woman replied,” I’m just a really, really lame-ass golfer”. ____________________________________________________


Remember, if you want to RECEIVE, you must be sure to GIVE. Treat each other with lots of LOVE.






S.M. City Motorsports You’re Neighborhood Bike Builders!


o, I’m sure you all are ready to see the completion of our 2015 Road Glide project and honestly, so are we. As our deadline quickly began to approach, we were still sitting here waiting on precious parts to arrive. Since this was a new model year bike with many first year features, we had to wait for some parts to actually be made for the first time. The handlebars we ended up getting were the first ones that Trask performance ever shipped out which made us very happy.

flake and/or stripes and graphics, so when we told him we wanted straight black he was somewhat relieved. Bill did not disappoint either, when he started showing up with finished parts we knew this bike was going to look We have done several Road glides in the past with tall ape great. hangers and other similar tall bars, but we really wanted this With our 2015 Road thing to look sleek and fast so we called upon Trask perfor- Glide all back together, we mance for a set of their brand new V-Line bars that would can’t wait to get it out to the really make our bike stand out from the rest. While I had Eric shows so all of you can finally check it out. Keep checking on the phone from Trask, I asked about their chin spoiler and our Facebook page for we will be announcing the shows this got one of those on the way as well to finish up the racy front bike will be attending so you can check it out for yourselves. end styling. We couldn’t be happier with quality and styling of Thanks for following us through our project build and stay Trask Performance products. tuned for future builds! When we originally built the motor and tuned the bike we had a D&D 2 into1 Boarzilla exhaust system on it which performed amazingly but just didn’t fit the style and look we were after. After going back and forth for a while on what we were going to do exhaust wise we finally pulled the trigger on the Python Rayzer 2into1 which fit the look perfect. The fitment was great and sound was awesome too once we pretty much gutted the muffler portion! Although we understood the performance would be hindered slightly by gutting it we knew it was the right choice when we fired it up and listened to the raspy and loud exhaust tones we were after. After looking at so many other bagger builds while we were building ours, we realized saddlebag and rear fender kits could either make or ruin the overall look of these beautiful machines. The long and low look is what we were after so I again called upon Brady at Bagger Nation to get me their super stretch saddlebags and side covers as well as the super stretch pleated rear fender to finish it up. We had used there fender and bags before on other builds of ours and have been extremely impressed with the fit and finish of their products so we knew the rear end of our Road Glide would be gorgeous. To take care of the rear lighting portion we also opted for a set of the Bagger Nation Bagger Dagger LED taillights to really light this thing up. After test fitting all of our new body pieces and making the few modifications needed, we called upon our long time painter Bill Clark of Callaway, MD. Bill has painted just about all of our bike builds and we knew he would make this bike as slick and beautiful as the rest. He has come accustomed to painting some wild jobs for us with crazy amounts of metal THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC












The 2015 legislative session will begin on January 13th. ABATE of Maryland will begin our Monday night lobbying on January 19th. We meet in our office at 71 Franklin St, Annapolis MD at 6-630 pm. We will form our strategy for the evening and walk over to the house and senate buildings together to lobby. If you have never been to Annapolis to lobby, this will be a good experience for you. This session we have decided to work on 4 different issues. We will be changing wording in our right of way bill to give it more teeth. We will also be working on modifying the helmet bill. Our two primary issues this session will be motorcycle only checkpoints and profiling. We have been working hard to get our ducks in a row to make sure we have the best possible outcomes. Our legislative reps have developed our position papers and we will be lobbying our legislators hard so that they understand the impact of motorcycle only checkpoints and profiling. We need all motorcyclists in Maryland to help. If you cannot come to lobby on Monday nights, we can use you at the hearings. We will be posting the hearing dates and times as soon as we know them on our facebook pages and website. You can always call me for more info at 443 822-2558. Our legislative seminar in November was well attended and was very successful. This is where we finalized our legislative agenda for 2015. We had many representatives


from different organizations and clubs attend. This way we were able to receive input from all motorcyclists. We also gave out awards to our members who truly earned a special thank you. Congratulations to all the recipients. Also, a huge thank you to Defender Cycles for allowing us to have our seminar at their place of business. We couldn’t be successful without help from the motorcycling community. Timonium bike show is coming up fast. ABATE will have a table there and we will be selling products and raffle bike tickets as we always do. Come out and stop by our table and support us by buying tickets for our new 2015 Street Glide. It is a beautiful bike and it supports us so that we can work hard for you. We are also planning for our 2015 state party in Cumberland. We will have fliers at our table for the party. This is always a great time. Mountains, music and motorcycles. What more could you want. As always, the flier will be posted on our website also. Thanks for all your support. Come out this summer and support one of our chapter events. There are events that will be going on all over the state. Stay warm and think about riding season just around the corner. Michelle Holcomb Executive Director ABATE of Maryland, Inc.





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he topic of this month’s article was going to be about how much I think Valentine’s Day sucks. How I think it’s a marketing scam forcing us to purchase chocolate or flowers or greeting cards for our loved ones. When, in fact, there are several holidays throughout the year to show our loved ones how much we care. Why do we need Valentine’s Day? What if you currently don’t have a partner? Then this day is just a reminder of how lonely you are. We can do without that. Fortunately, I’ve decided not to express my feelings about this piece of crap holiday and instead tell you about a couple of friends of mine. Fred Pulliam and Debby Waight are the type of couple that defines true love in the fast-moving world of motorcycling. Debby claims that ever since watching the movie “Easy Rider”, her destiny was to be with a biker. Fred


fulfilled that destiny. I see the two of them at almost every bike event I attend. When I asked them what their favorite, most memorable ride was, they informed me that it was like asking them their favorite Beatles or Rolling Stones song. There were just too many great rides to choose only one. Fred and Debby often ride down to Key West, Florida. They especially enjoy the series of bridges that connect the keys. On their last visit to Key West, they got matching tattoos symbolizing wedding bands. Debby claims that this is one ring he can’t take off when he goes to a bar alone. Fred just laughs stating that she doesn’t let him go to bars alone. Another great ride they enjoy doing is the Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap in North Carolina, also known as US 129. This is an eleven mile stretch of road containing 318 turns. This should definitely be added to your bucket list. The couple of times they have ridden to Niagara Falls. They have had a very memorable time. On the way, Fred and Debby always stop at Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon located in North Western Pennsylvania. Although not as famous as its bigger sister in Arizona, the canyon formed by the Pine Creek River in North Central Pennsylvania is well worth its nickname as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Almost 50 miles long and up to 1,000 feet deep, this canyon is FEBRUARY 2015


one of the most scenic places to visit. Fred jokes about how much luggage Debby brings with her. “I may be a biker, but I also like being a girly girl”, she replies. Of the sixteen bikes Fred owns, one of his favorites is his Confederate Sportster. Harley made only 299 of these, and many were repainted as soon as they reached the dealership. His is one of the few that still has its original paint job as when it was built. He will be showcasing this bike at the Timonium Bike Show this February 6th, 7th, and 8th. Be sure to stop by and ask him about it. One of the bikes I liked the most was his Billy Bike. It’s an exact replica of the bike Dennis Hopper rode in the movie “Easy Rider” and signed by Peter Fonda. Harley’s goal was to make 750 of these and the Captain America bike that were signed by Peter Fonda right off the assembly line. Less than 200 are known to exist far from their original goal.


Another of my favorite bikes from Fred’s collection is his Harley Drag bike. It proudly stands against the wall next to the jukebox in Fred’s man cave, or as Debby calls it, the wo-man’s cave since she enjoys it as much as he does. According to her, you don’t hear about a woman cave. This bike has never been ridden, nor had a drop of gas put in it. It’s exactly the way it was when it first was removed from the crate. I had a great time talking with Fred and Debby. These are two great people that enjoy riding and everything about bikes. Be sure to say hello if you run into them at a future event. Chances are they will be there. Ride Safely and Enjoy, Mike “Smiles” Johnson






K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka“MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office.

SUPER SIMPLE STEAK FETTUCINI ALFREDO for VALENTINE LOVERS 1 Bottle of Prepared Fettuccini Alfredo Sauce 1 Package of Fettuccini Noodles or Standard Egg Noodles; your choice 1 Extra Large Flank Steak or 1 Large Filet Mignon 1/2 Stick of Real Butter 1 Tbls. of Parsley 1/4 tsp. of Nutmeg Take your flank steak or (1) large Filet Mignon and grill it on an indoor grill pan if you have it. You can pan-fry it in a cast iron skillet also on medium. Keep and eye on it though as you don’t want to ruin an expensive cut of meat like Filet Mignon. If your local grocery doesn’t carry Flank Steak, which is a very inexpensive, but very flavorful (with very little fat), then ask them if they’ll cut it for you. If you ask the Butcher at any grocery they will almost always try to please their customer. I always marinate my steak w/ salt & pepper, each side, then mustard rubbed into it, then Worcestershire sauce on top. Do both sides and let sit for at least 1/2 hour to get the flavor in. Do not pierce your meat as that releases precious juices when cooking. After you’ve cooked your steak, place on a plate and just let it rest for a solid 10 minutes to allow the juices to draw back into it, then if it’s Flank Steak, slice it against the grain (if unsure, look online and see how this is done). But if you just look close as to how the lines are running on the steak, turn the steak and slice the opposite of how the lines are running. If slicing your Filet Mignon, slice extremely thin slices, slice thinly on Flank Steak also. Once sliced, just set aside. Pour your bottle of Alfredo sauce into a medium saucepan and just let it simmer on medium-low. Add your dash of Nutmeg. Get your water for pasta boiling. Be sure and salt pasta water generously. When pasta is cooked to your likeness, drain and put in a big pasta bowl along with 1/2 stick of butter and Tablespoon of Parsley. Mix well. Now add your Alfredo sauce and mix well. Add the steak slices last and just blend gently. Sprinkle your fave Italian cheese on top for extra taste. Pour the wine, toast each other and enjoy with hot, crusty bread and butter. Devine!


SO EASY STUFFED MUSHROOMS 10 Larger Sized White Mushroom Caps; just pull out the stem for filling 1 Can of Premium, Pure White Crab Meat or Fresh from your Deli if they have it 1 Group of Scallions 1 Cup of Real Mayonnaise 2 Tbls. of Lime Juice Salt & Pepper to Taste 1/2 Cup of Shredded Swiss Cheese In a small glass bowl place in your clean, white crab meat. Mince about 3 stalks (whitish green part only) of your scallions. Mince them fine. Salt & Pepper to Taste. Add Lime Juice. Add your Mayonnaise and blend gently. Crab is such a delicate meat, you really don’t want to overpower the taste of it. Now many people stuff their raw “shrooms”, add the filling and bake. This, to me, produces a rubbery tasting mushroom. I always saute’ mine in quality margarine first to get them golden brown. Turn upside down on a paper towel to drain thoroughly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Now, take a cap and spoon a generous amount of filling into it. Finish them all and place on a flat oven pan lined with aluminum foil for easy clean-up. Cook for apprx. 15 minutes as you’re really only heating up crab mix. Remove from oven and sprinkle Swiss shredded cheese generously all over the top and place back in oven for just a minute to melt cheese completely. These are totally scrumptious! MOUTH WATERING RED VELVET CUPCAKES w CREAM CHEESE & BUTTER CREAM FROSTING Someday I’ll give you the homemade long version, but you’re going to be so busy getting in your sexy lingerie, let’s keep it REALLY SIMPLE! 1 Box of Red Velvet Cake; prepare per directions Prepare cupcake tins & bake as directed. Take 1 Tub of Cream Cheese Frosting and 1 Tub of Butter Cream Frosting. Mix together thoroughly. Pile that frosting up high on those cooled cupcakes. Pour some Asti-Spumonti’ or Champagne, put on slow, sexy music and make his/her night. Whew! Gettin’ Hot Up In Here. Oh, Yeah Baby!








or this months review I went with a new line from another big name Ashton. The Ashton symmetry is the first line to wear the Ashton name in a decade, with the San Cristobal and La Aroma De Cuba brand lines occupying a lion share of the company’s time. The symmetry with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and a mixture of both Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers bound together by a Dominican binder leaf marks itself as a full bodied smoke. As you take the cigar out of the packaging you notice the aroma of leather and chocolate from the foot inviting you to light this one right up. Upon lighting you are met with pepper on the draw and strong lines of leather and a fruity but not to sweet taste. Throughout the first third it remains this way with notes of chocolate dancing in and out but never really making it to the forefront. The second third maintains the complexity of the cigars flavor profile with the sweetness and leather remaining in the forefront joined by a saltiness on the aftertaste. The pepper has


fallen off in this third and the deep cocoa is more prevalent. Throughout this cigar the full body and flavors are complemented by great construction from the draw to the ash this cigar is a work of art. Into the final third of the cigar the strength and body ramp up to crescendo with all the complexity you have loved about it still along for the ride. The fruity note and earthy tone remain with what now seems to be dry cocoa. The finish is dominated by the earthy tones and the appearance of spice on the aftertaste. As you reach the nub and the time grows nigh to put this cigar to rest you will probably kick yourself for not Now to sum all this up Ashton has out done itself with this one. A lot of people will still flock to the Ashton VSG as always, but for a cigar smoker looking for a change from the classic the symmetry brings the goods in spades. At a price point not unfamiliar from the VSG at 10 to 14 dollars depending on size it is certainly worth the coin. I have a bunch of these in the old humidor and you should hope to find a few in yours.



What does it mean to be a good neighbor? I am sure that everyone reading this article has, at some point, had a neighbor who caused drama or made them roll their eyes, in exasperation, in response to something that neighbor did. Maybe the neighbor played their music too loudly or didn’t clean up after their dog pooped on your lawn. To me, being a good neighbor, just as being a good person, is all about respect and compassion. Putting myself in someone else’s shoes and considering their thoughts and feelings on any particular subject puts me that much closer to being a good neighbor. However, my sense of empathy does not guarantee that all my neighbors will do the same or that they will even care to do so. In turn, this lack of consideration may be the very thing that makes them a bad neighbor. Some neighbors may take one look at me and decide that I am not worthy of their respect but as we all know “you can’t judge a book by its cover”. Me? I like surprising people- catching them off guard and proving them wrong. I intentionally go out of my way to let them see that, even though I do not look like one, I do behave like a perfect gentleman. Let’s face it, we, as bikers, are likely have a negative stigma attached to our appearance from those in the general public who watch the Discovery Channel or were glued to “Sons of Fantasyland”. So, why are we even talking about this? When you are out in public, let’s say at a restaurant, you represent YOU at the very least. If you are wearing colors, you are representing much more than just you and thus, “being a good neighbor” comes into play. The patrons seated at the tables around you are, at that time, your neighbors. I realize that this concept may seem obvious to most people but we can always use a reminder. If you go into a family establishment cursing up a storm, telling dirty jokes so loudly that everyone can here, and being loud and obnoxious in general; the simple fact is that you look bad. The BIGGER fact is that you are making your club look bad because, at the end of the day, what your neighbors will remember most after witnessing your behavior, either good or bad, is what was on your back. They will probably


not know your name or your club’s and when they go to the manager or post a review online it may read something like this: “Great food, awesome staff but the bikers ruined it for us!” Then guess what happens next? A «No Colors» sign gets put out front of that establishment because the owners do not want to lose their family business. Right or wrong in principle, bikers see this happen a lot. So, what are we doing to prevent it from happening? What are you doing to prevent it from happening? Lord knows that if it were Raven›s fans that were creating an uncomfortable atmosphere and disturbing other patrons, a ‘No Raven’s Fans’ sign would not go up, even though statistically more “trouble” comes from sporting events than biker events but as I said, we as bikers have a stigma attached to us. People fear what they do not understand and to the general public, we are hard to understand. So what’s to be done about this stigma? How do we change the hearts and minds of those in our community? I know for a fact that my club goes out of its way to make others feel comfortable and welcome them to approach us to strike up a friendly conversation. When in bars or restaurants, people that have been watching from across the room, come over to talk to us or join in a conversation. A simple walk to the bathroom can generate good vibes by a club member simply making eye contact with other patrons and giving a nod that says “hello”. Let’s face it, their kids are looking at you like you’re the coolest thing since Cool Hand Luke. However, mom, dad and the grandparents are thinking back to that Discovery Channel special they saw and trying hard to remember “what club was that again?” That, my friends, is opportunity knocking at your front door to change some hearts and



minds. When that family (your neighbors) leaves that establishment, they will go home and tell their story on FB.... and they do! It could go something like this: “We had a great time down in OC this year! It was Bike Week and Johnny Jr. had such a great time! He actually got to meet some of the bikers and talk with them. Those guys were nice and a blast to hang out with at XYZ Bar on 54th St. and not only are we going to go next year but we also made a donation to the cause that they are raising money for. If anyone else wants to donate here is the link.” See how that can work? Or let›s try another helpful scenario that happens a lot in OC: cops. You are sitting at a bar having a good time and then, all of a sudden, the cops arrive to inform you that you cannot be there. Before the cops rolled in, what did you do to put your neighbors at ease? Did you acknowledge their existence? Did you go out of your way to change hearts and minds? Well, if you did, you may have just created an advocate without even realizing it. Someone that will stand up for you and say “They are not doing anything wrong! They have been pleasant to be around and as a citizen of the U.S. of A. I am going to report this to

the powers that be!” We, as a club, go out of our way to put parents with kids at ease by going over, kneeling down and giving them a smile (and sometimes even a teddy bear to the little ones) to say “hi” to them. By the time you leave any establishment your plan should be to have those people singing your praises. They should be left with a new perspective and thinking, “Those guys are awesome... but I would not want to cross them either”. It’s easier to make friends than it is to make enemies. What are you doing to be a good neighbor? “Upon the actions of one depend the fate of all” -Alexander the Great 7 President, Legion MC Founder, The MD Biker Black List on FB The MD Biker Black List was founded on the belief that 1. We should not be financially supporting establishments that do not allow colors in and 2. We need to keep ourselves in check and show compassion for our neighbors. Please find us on FB!

Turn onto Shady Lane off of Route 11 213 Aspen Lane Northumberland, PA

2015 Rally Dates April 10 - 12, 2015 May 29 - June 7, 2015 August 23 - 30, 2015 September 10 - 13, 2015

Come and party with us at Pennsylvania’s Best Bike Rally. Now in its 11th year, this event has it all with guided tours, bike rodeo, vendors, adult games and a 7000 sq ft covered entertainment complex where the bands play on main stage nightly. Featured is a clothing optional heated pool and a large hot tub for your enjoyment. We have cabins and full hook-up camping sites available for rent. Cabins and sites include admission for the first two people. This event is adults only, 21 and over. It is also BYOB THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC


For more information call: (800) 243-1056 or (570) 473-8021 25







A lawyer that rides, the good ole boy biker that’s been around since the day when people were afraid of bikers (and lawyers). The day when riders were not able to get into local establishments and events because they were on a bike or with a group of riders. This lawyer has been there since the beginning, fighting for riders’ rights, while also representing those hurt from the negligence of others. He also understands the pain and suffering from a dibilitating accident, having been struck by a car (that didn’t see him), spending almost a week in shock trauma and two surgical procedures during his recovery.

Jay Block knows how to get you back on your bike when knocked off and your life back after you’ve been hit. Jay Block and his staff know how to have fun but they also know when it’s time to get down to business. Pictures inserted.. Fun and office serious With several offices throughout maryland, he will stop in his tracks for any rider. He will also come to your home or the hospital. Whichever works for you. Jay It was unheard of back in ”the day” to meet a biker lawyer who rode a motorcycle but he became a lawyer riders could trust. Over time helping to help incorporate abate of maryland, operation santa claus, mid-atlantic women’s motorcycle rally, he helped dick gelfman start the ride across maryland, he became an instructor for the md motorcycle safety program, and assisted many other rider groups. As a member of abate, he has testified many times in annapolis regarding motorcycle-related issues. He is a lifetime hog and ama member, a member of the antique motorcycle club of america. Presently, jay is having his 1949 hydra glide restored and is also the proud owner of a 2011 shriner ultra glide, 2007 sportster 1200 and a 2004 v rod. The law offices of jay irwin block. Experienced in law, experienced in riding and your local trusted neighborhood lawyer.








Reader’s Ride











Owner: Donald Buckler From: Waldorf, MD Bike’s name: Road Kill Year: 2001 Brand name: Harley Davidson Road king Build time: 2 years Fabrication: Stretched rear fender and bags Assembly: Myself and Mark Curtis Chrome: Paint/Graphics: Venom Hydro graphics and custom paint Color/Graphics description: House of Kolor Pagan gold with microfiber flake Special features: Reaper hydro Graphic skulls and Black candy Tribal Air Cleaner: Affliction Exhaust: True duals Vance and Hines WHEEL DNA Mammoth spoke Handlebars: Carlini 18 inch original Apes


in Raven Christ

Riding history: I have been riding dirt bikes since I was about 6 yrs. old. Then started racing and move to motorcycles in 1976. My first street vehicle wasn’t a car it was a 650 BSA chopper. I’ve been riding street bikes for 36 yrs. I like riding in the mountains and country roads. I also like doing local poker run benefits for sick and needy children. When I built this bike I did it so I can ride the long haul rides. In 2012 I rode my bagger from my home in Waldorf, MD. to Daytona, FL for bike week. I love riding. As long as it’s not raining or snowing I’m out riding. I have rode in funerals when it was only 10 degrees outside. I have been in the biker lifestyle for 36 yrs. there is nothing like riding. Since I have built this bagger I like going to bike weeks in Daytona, FL and Ocean City, Md. It’s pretty neat the attention you get when you’re riding on the bike everyone’s heads are turning and people are pointing and talking about how nice my bike looks. I have been in 9 shows this year in MD, PA, and VA and have won 1st place in custom bagger at all 9 and also best of show at 8 of the events. Bike’s history: I bought this bike used in 2010 from an old man that didn’t ride anymore it only had 9500 miles on it. When I bought the bike it was completely stock and blue and white in color. Bought it home and started taking it apart. I put Arnott air ride on the rear, DNA Mammoth spoke wheels front is a 21 and the rear is 16 and lowered the front end and got a set or hard bags and stretched them. Then I took the rear fender and stretched it because I wanted to keep it as old school as I could and also to have something many people didn’t have. I then changed the set to a custom made seat. Put 18 inch Carlini original apes. I also put Vance and Hines true duals with Vance and Hines mufflers. I had all the tins and bags painted Pagan gold with flake. Rode it for that summer. Once summer was over tore it down again rebuilt the whole motor with the help from Mark Curtis. Did all high performance heads, pistons, clutch, cams put a screaming eagle 6 speed gear set and Lots of chrome and skulls all over the whole bike.. I also I had it repainted again Pagan gold with fine flake and hydro graphics reaper skulls and tribal. Added a lot of spike bolt toppers and custom made skull derby cover rocker covers and point covers. Then had the seat redone with skull and flames which is the exact replica from a tattoo I have on my arm. The skull and flames are made from python skin and the rest of the set is alligator. Put all new tribal floor boards and jaw bone passenger pegs which is sick, because I get so many compliments on them. It was a love of labor building this bike. I think I have accomplished exactly what I wanted. This bike is old school with a twist of new.





THE CHALLENGE Big City Rhino is challenging you to get out and Ride. Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC, THE MAGAZINE THAT RIDES, has put this challenge together with our sponsor, Law Offices of Jay Irwin Block, LLC. This is a riding challenge like no other! It features prizes every month that you can earn by simply getting out on your bike and riding to the numerous riding destinations and events across Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia!


Each month Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC will announce a list of “check-in” stops. These stops are selected based upon the recommendations of our readers and confirmed by our Road Crew. Riders then ride to these locations and present their Big City Card in order to “check-in”. Once a Rider has checked-in, their card number is then entered into a drawing for that stop. Each month, Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC will randomly select a rider’s check-in from across the regional states for special prizes and incentives. Prizes are developed by both Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC and our sponsors allowing for some exciting options. They may include riding gear or accessories, gift certificates, rally passes, concert tickets, and many other prizes for the motorcycle enthusiast! Every check-in counts as an entry in the drawing; if you hit 40 stops in a month, you have twice as many chances of winning as someone that only hits 20. Anyone can win with any check-in, but your chances of winning will increase by the amount you ride! The more you ride, the more opportunities you will have to win! The dedicated rider trekking across the state has a greater chance of accumulating prizes; however, even the couple that can only get out a few days a month to ride can also win! That’s the goal of this program – to encourage everyone to get out and ride!








Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC and Law Offices of Jay Irwin Block, LLC Look for the Thunder Roads Magazine速 MD-DE-DC Road Crew and our G.O.T Girls at the Main Stage during the

Timonium Bike Show, and sign up for your BIG CITY CARD.




CHECK-IN LOCATIONS Starting February 1st, you can sign up for your card or Check-in at one of the following locations: (More Locations will be added every month)




Harley Davidson of Baltimore

Registration Stop 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 and Ride Stop 410-238-2003

Old Glory Harley Davidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

11800 Laurel Bowie Road, Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575

Pete’s Cycle (Bel Air) Ride Stop

344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-3586

Pete’s Cycle (Baltimore) Ride Stop

7511 Belair Rd. Baltimore, MD. 21236 443-957-4189

Pete’s Cycle (Severna Park) Ride Stop

800 Ritchie Hwy. Severna Park, MD. 21146 443-977-6484

Glen Burnie Motorsprots

20 Holsum Way, Glen Burnie, MD 21060 855-253-5253

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

Rider Insunance Ride Stop

Look for the Rider Booth at all the Rolling Bike Show Events

A to Z Cycles Registration Stop 1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 and Ride Stop 302-632-2272 Pit & Pub Registration Stop 2706 Philadelphia Ave. Ocean City, MD. 21842 and Ride Stop 410-289-2020 Lenny’s Leather

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

127 North Centre St. Cumberland, MD. 21502 240-362-8211

In-Step Leather Registration Stop 7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center and Ride Stop Elkridge, MD. 410-799-1568 Mary’s Bargan Cycles Ride Stop

New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323

Regulators Motorcycle Apparel Ride Stop

10 Chesnut Drive, Elkton, MD 23923 888-628-3206

Apehangers Ride Stop

9100 Crain Hwy. Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650

C & C Cycle Ride Stop

8182 Telegraph Rd, Severn, MD 21144 410-305-0924





CHECK-IN LOCATIONS Starting February 1st, you can sign up for your card or Check-in at one of the following locations: (More Locations will be added every month)

Cancun Cantina Ride Stop

7501 Old Telegraph Rd. Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188

Chesapeake Cycles(Victory & Indian) Ride Stop

104 Defense Hwy. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-0015

Reckless Ric’s Ride Stop

1702 Furnace Drive, Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280

Renegade Classics (edgewater) Ride Stop

3180 Solomons Island Rd #101, Edgewater, Md 21037 410-956-RIDE (7433)

Rips Ride Stop 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902 Triple Nines Bar and Billiards Ride Stop

7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, Maryland 21075 410-799-1818

Whirled of Color Ride Stop 116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953 Jackman Custom Cycles Ride Stop

1531 Tilco Drive #103, Frederick, MD. 21704 301-620-0064

Outback leather Ride Stop

309 Main Street, Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211

Woodstock Inn Ride Stop

1514 Woodstock RD. Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673

Hoopers Ride Stop

12913 Ocean Gateway, West Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-213-1771

SeaBreeze Ride Stop 27130 S. Sandgates Rd, Mechanicsville, MD. 20659 301-373-5217






Riding is better than dating

’m sitting here, looking at my calendar and trying to count down the days until the first day of spring (we’re almost there) until I got caught up on a holiday this month…if you really want to call it a holiday – Valentine’s Day. It seems to me that cupid has a gun in his hands these days rather than a small, cute, and lovely bow and arrow. As I get ready to go through another Valentine’s Day single (and very much happy) I’ve decided to list the top ten reasons (according to me) that riding my motorcycle is better than dating! Here they are in no particular order: 1. I know exactly what I’m going to get with my motorcycle. I know that if I’m not taking care of my bike, there’s a good chance it will crap out on me. If I forget to fill up, I’m going to run out of gas and it’s going to leave me stranded on the side of the road somewhere. You don’t have that clear cut layout when you are dating. Who knows what the other person is going to do at a moment’s notice. 2. My bike allows me to make all the decisions. Let’s face it my bike isn’t going to move unless I’m twisting back on the throttle. My bike isn’t going to turn left or right unless I lean in that way. My bike will not stop until I tap the brakes. You can’t be in total control of the other person when you are dating. You can’t tell them which way to go and how fast and how slow…well, maybe you can but I’m only talking about dating here; not other things! 3. My bike and I are one. I know my bike inside and out. I know its brakes, I know its throttle. In other words, I know its sweet spots that allow me to feel like I am at one with my bike. You usually don’t feel at one with someone that you are dating. That takes months, sometimes even years (and this is only if you are lucky to find a person who isn’t afraid to open up to you). You can get on a bike for the first time and within a few hours, you have all the sweet spots remembered and you’ve already become one with the bike. 4. My bike gives me a sense of freedom. That’s right. All bikers know that freedom that I am referring to. You get on your bike and take off with no destination in mind. You don’t have freedom when you are dating someone. You have to let them know what you are doing at all times and don’t dare try to go do something on your own – you all of a sudden will be questioned why you have to go alone. 5. I’m the only one for my bike and it’s the only one for me. No one is allowed to ride my bike but me. It’s mine! All mine! You can’t really say the same about someone you are dating because you’re not all theirs usually and they are not all yours (even if you think they are, chances are, they aren’t). You have to share the person you are dating with their family and friends. I don’t have to share my bike with anyone! The person you are dating could be a big fat cheater and my bike can never cheat on me because I’m the only one who has the key to its heart (ignition). 6. My bike doesn’t confuse me. My bike can only be operated in one way. It makes total sense. Dating is confusing and doesn’t make sense and at the end of the day, chances are, your thoughts are going in overdrive, THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

trying to figure out if the guy likes you, if he’s dating someone else, what he really thinks about you, and you are going crazy trying to figure out why you haven’t heard from him today. My bike clears my mind; it doesn’t fog it all up! 7. My bike continuously excites me. No matter how many times I get on my bike and how many miles I’ve added up on it, I never get bored…ever! Every time I get on and go for a ride, I know there is a new adventure waiting for me. I have no idea what’s around the corner and what’s in store for me with the next turn. Dating can get very boring after a while. It becomes routine and expected – unless you are lucky enough to date someone who is full of adventure like your bike, but let’s face it, sooner or later, a person will get tired…my bike never gets tired. 8. My bike will never make me cry. I love my bike as much as I love my family and friends. Much like my family and friends, my bike will never do anything to make me cry. It can’t hurt my feelings. When you are dating, you can experience so many bad and sad emotions that you could quite possibly cry a river. My bike dries up my tears! 9. My bike will always be there for me. If I’m having a bad day, I know my bike is right there, waiting for me to hop on and ride my troubles away. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold, hot, raining, or even snowing; my bike is there for me whenever I need it. The person I’m dating may be too busy to be there for me when I need him most. 10. My bike doesn’t care what I look like. Maybe I had a bad week and packed on a few extra pounds from eating too much comfort food; my bike doesn’t care. My bike doesn’t care what I’m wearing either. All my bike cares about is how good I treat it. If I treat it good, then it treats me good. Dating some guys, all they care about is your looks and your body and they are stupid enough to pass up a good thing when they realize they can’t have their cake and eat it too. In other words, my bike isn’t a shallow, greedy, piece of crap. Dating isn’t the same as it used to be. It used to be so simple. Guy meets girl, guy likes girl, guy dates girl. Guy either falls in love or dumps girl. Pretty simple. It seems this day in age it’s more like, guy meets girl on Monday, guy meets a different girl on Wednesday. Guy meets a third girl on Thursday. Guy dates first girl on Friday. Guy dates second girl on Saturday. Guy dates third girl on Sunday. Guy doesn’t fall in love with any of the girls. Guy keeps dating all three girls because guy has no emotions and no feelings because guy might as well be having a relationship with an electronic device because all of his communication is through text messages and Facebooking. I’m not singling out guys here as girls seem to be the same way these days too. Whatever happened to focusing on one person at a time? Whatever happened to getting to know someone, and not being afraid to fall for a person? What’s the rush? Is life really that difficult now? Maybe I’m the minority when it comes to dating but so be it. This Valentine’s Day, I will ride off into the sunset with my motorcycle and I’d have it no other way! ~Joyce Elaine









k e e W e k i OC B the Thunder eat party for gr r he ot an other sucMD. was w. We held an re C Ocean City, d oa R V e Marshall E-DC & W g out with th un H s, Roads MD-D r’ pe oo Friday night, Show at H r hopping on ba t cessful Bike en w t, rit T party at De and Travis an incredible d ha Tucker Band d an , le aders and great peop We love our re . nd ke meet a lot of ee w e you keep up wrap up th d. Make sure di e w Lazy Lizard to as e tim as good a s for 2015!! hope you had some big plan ve ha e w , ar with us next ye




bike show

The Annual Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC & WV Bike Show during the Ocean City Fall Bike Week. This year it was sponsored by Glen Burnie Motorsports and In-Step Leather. As usual this was a great turn out and some great bikes. The mug trophy’s were a big hit, and will probably make another appearance in upcoming shows. (If you have the logos for In-Step and Glen Burnie Motorsports please drop them into this part.)




When “Thank You” doesn’t seem to be enough

The Patriot Bash

One of the coolest things about all of us that ride, is our charitable side. I’m always amazed at how many of us show up when the call for help goes out. It’s really cool when we can just get together at an event and throw back some cold ones, hear a good band, and raise money at the same time. Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC & WV has been lucky enough to host another party during OC Bike Week at de Lazy Lizard bar. This was the third time they’ve let our readers overflow their property and have a great time. An AC/DC cover band, Big Jack, provided the music and Thunder Walrus was the emcee. Both Big Jack and Thunder Walrus were great and had the crowd screaming for more. What more could there be? I’m glad you asked. It’s not a Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC & WV event without the best ladies around. Once again we had the Patriotic Bikini contest. I love red white and blue. The TRM GOT girls also made an appearance to help the party rock and roll. The most important part of the evening was a guitar that was donated and signed by The Marshall Tucker Band was auctioned off and the money was given to Rolling Thunder to keep the message out there of POW/MIA’s and to help out our veterans. The guitar went for $1050.00. A big Thank You to The Marshall Tucker Band for their continued support of our military. It really was a great night and I hope you were able to attend. Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC-WV are proud to keep supporting our veterans and to make them a priority in our magazine. From all of us at Thunder Roads Magazine MDDE-DC-WV a Big THANK YOU for your service to our country.











Gangster Choppers “Shakedown” 1996 Heritage Softail Fresh motor, new tires, belt very good condition, ready to ride

$5,500 240-298-0472


2007 Heritage Softail Excellent condition, owered, custom exhaust etc. ready to ride

$8500 240-298-0472



Traditional chopper style built with detail that only 25 years of professionally building bikes can achieve. Perfect 2 up seating for your favorite passenger. Show winner, magazine featured. Call for price, trades accepted. 804-790-1890 or visit our website












APRIL 30th - MAY 3rd L CIA I F F O Y L N O Spri ng TO BOOK YOUR HOTEL OC Event Bike GO TO...


East Coast’s ! y l l a R g in w o r G t s e t s a F

upcoming events

TRMDEL is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:

DELAWARE Frosty Ball Run Sunday, February 8, 2015 10:00 AM Four Seasons Motorcycle Club For this run, you might have to take the chains off your jacket and put them on your tires, but when you get a warm cup of joe in ya, it’ll all feel worthwhile. Registration 10AM till 12 noon - $5 Per Person All Bikes Welcome Run Closes at 5 PM Ride to the Tide Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:30 AM The Delaware Blue Knights - Chapter 1 organizes this Law Enforcement fundraising event -- sponsored by Delmarva Power and supported by Jake’s Seafood House, WBOC16 and Gettier -- involving hundreds of motorcycles taking part in a police-escorted ride from Newark or Dover, to Rehoboth Beach, in support of Special Olympics Delaware. $25 per biker, $20 for riders Local 313 IBEW Motorcycle/ Car Show and Swapmeet. Sunday, April 26, 2015 12:00 PM Come and have a great time with music, food, cars, bikes and fun. This is our 6th annual event, and we hope it to be better than the last. The music is provided by the kids from the School of Rock, an awesome way to get your groove on while perusing the various sites. Trophies in both car and motorcycles. 50/50’s. An array of vendors. Bike show inside, cars outside. A rain or shine event. Totally kid friendly. Refreshments offered, beer, wine,, soda, water, and yummy eats. For more info:


11th Annual Who’s Got the Guts Ride Thursday, January 1, 2015 from 10:30 AM to 2:00 January 1st, Bayside Believers will host its first scheduled calendar ride of the New Year, its “11th Annual Who’s Got the Guts Ride”. We’ll depart from Starbucks on Mountain Rd at 10:30 AM, please be gassed up and ready to roll. After a cool nippy ride, we’ll warm up to a nice hot lunch at Pirates Cove Restaurant in Galesville, MD. Cost of ride will be based on what you order for lunch. Dress warm as this ride will go as long as there is no snow, ice or freezing rain on the roads. If you’re not comfortable 50

riding in inclement weather, please feel free to ride along in your cage (car). You may want to go straight to Pirates Cove and meet us there; we should be at the restaurant NLT 11:30 AM. Please let us know if you intend to go, so we can give the restaurant an estimated head count. Feel free to invite a friend. Depart Location: Starbucks, 4 Mountain Road, Glen Burnie Departure Time: 10:30 AM Lead Road Captain: Ed Maynard Destination: 4817 Riverside Dr, Galesville, MD Chili Cooking & Eating Contest Saturday, February 21, 2015 It is cold in February, what better way to warm up then some good chili? We start off with a chili cooking contest - bring your best chili in and let our judges decide who the best chef is. Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Then get ready for our chili eating contest. This will involve eating a bowl of spicy chili faster than your fellow competitors. First person to finish their bowl wins a $50 Battley Gift Card! Battley Redux Saturday, March 7, 2015 Our Grand Opening of our completed renovations! This starts our 30th year as a HarleyDavidson dealership! Months of work has paid off in three brand new motorcycle showrooms, BMW, Ducati, and now Harley-Davidson. Come check out the new look! St. Patrick’s Day Spring Bash Saturday, March 14, 2015 8-12:00 PM Hosted by - Double D Bike Association Everybody Welcome Food, Beer, & Soda, Jell-O Shooters Entertainment - DJ, 50/50 Raffles, LayDowns, Money Wheel, Silent Auction, And Multiple Prizes. $35 Donation per Ticket Roland Terrace Democratic Club, Inc. 619 Matthews Ave. Brooklyn, MD. 21225 Contact DDBA Members for Tickets – Striker – 443-370-9580 DDBA@DDBA.ORG Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4, 2015 Our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Doors open at 9am. Come find one of 50 eggs we have hidden inside the dealership. Each egg has a surprise gift inside. Separate gifts for children and adults. A great event for kids! Blessing of the Bikes Saturday, April 11, 2015 Our friends the Black Jacket Cruizers are hosting a Blessing of the Bikes here at Battley Harley-Davidson / Battley Cycles. The event begins at 11am with free food. The blessing takes place at 1pm. Join the Black Jacket Cruizers on a ride afterwards at 2pm. FEBRUARY 2015

Annual Spring Scrabble Run Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:00 AM Hosted by – ABATE of Calvert County Registration is $10 per person Duffy’s in Lothian (Wayson’s Corner). Last bike out at 11 a.m. Last bike in at 5 p.m. Play Scrabble on this Run—each stop gets you tiles, highest scoring word wins $$$$$. For more information contact Michelle at 443-975-3564 email mdrury65@ or Jeanine at 410-286-3147 or email Rain or shine - cars welcome. Covered Bridge Ride Saturday, April 18, 2015 Take a ride through three covered bridges in our area. The group forms up at 9:30am for free coffee and doughnuts here at Battley. At 10:00am we depart on back roads as we visit 3 covered bridges. All bike models are welcome on this ride. Ride for Life Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:00 AM Hosted by – The Hope and Peace Foundation Charity Motorcycle Ride and Spring Music Festival To Benefit the Baltimore Child Abuse Center and Hope and Peace Foundation Registration at 10:00AM – KSU at 11:30AM After Ride Party From 12:30-5:00 PM Food & Beverages, 3 Live Bands, Raffles, and Silent Auction. Chuck Ritz – 410-908-3784 Spring Open House Saturday, April 25, 2015 The 2015 riding season is here and we know how to celebrate. We will have demo rides, free food, live music, and much more! Motus Motorcycles will be here showing off the MST and MST-R. Apple’s 12th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Saturday, August 8, 2015 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Come Early, Stay Late ! There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY : FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, rv’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self-contained. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC


Rally in the Valley - 4th Annual Friday, May 1, 2015 Sunday, May 3, 2015 Motorcycle Rally in the Winding Hills of Southern WV the 1st weekend in May each Year. You won’t want to miss this one - There is something for everyone! Live Bands All Weekend Bike Show & Bike Games Miss Rally in the Valley Contest Bikini Bike Wash, All Kinds of Vendors All kinds of Food, 1000’s of Miles of Curves on the Country Roads around Williamson and Much Much More! RallyinthevalleywilliamsonWV Capitol City Biker Bash Thursday, June 11, 2015 - Saturday, June 13, 2015 4th Annual Capitol City Biker Bash in 2015 is an event for ALL bike riders. Music, Food, Vendors, Poker Run, Bike Show, Rides, Motorcycle Giveaway and much more! The city of Charleston closes a four lane highway for Motorcycle Enthusiast to come to Charleston to enjoy our West Virginia roads, music, food and to see old / new friends.

West Virginia State HOG Rally 2015 Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Sunday, July 12, 2015 The 2015 West Virginia State HOG Rally will be held in Huntington, WV There will be Entertainment, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below. MountainFest Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Sunday, July 26, 2015 Mountainfest is a motorcycle rally that takes place in in the beautiful mountains of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. The event consists of vendors, bands, runs, shows, camping, etc. Locations include: Mylan Park, Triple S Harley-Davidson, Downtown Morgantown, and surrounding areas. All are welcome to this family friendly event. Wild and Wonderful MountainFest is presented by MountainFest, LLC, in cooperation with the Greater Morgantown Convention and Visitors Bureau, and our many generous sponsors. MountainFest, LLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit limited liability corporation. MountainFest, LLC is comprised of area residents from all walks of life who value their community and want to share the magic of West Virginia with bikers everywhere. Proceeds from MountainFest go to nonprofit Mylan Park, and the many worthwhile public and private projects underway there. Our long-term goal is to make Wild and Wonderful MountainFest one of the nation’s premier motorcycling events. MountainFest on Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/MountainFest Further Information can also be found by emailing; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)-983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S Harley-Davidson via Telephone at (304)-284-8244



upcoming events

Timonium Motorcycle Show Friday, February 6, 2015 - Sunday, February 8, 2015 Every foreign and domestic motorcycle manufacturer available in USA on display 100’s of exhibits covering everything in motorcycling... Huge Custom and Antique Bike Show... Entertainment and Celebrities... New Swap Meet Building dedicated to Garage Built Cafe Racers, Choppers, Drag Bikes & Motorcycle Art After Party and a Whole Lot More...

Timonium Motorcycle Show Feb. 6th-8th

Ocean City Bikes to the Beach Apr. 30th – May 3rd

Capitol City Biker Bash June 11th – 13th

Mountainfest July 22nd – 26th

Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally Aug. 5th – 9th

OC Jams / Delmarva Bike Week Sept. 17th – 20th THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC



biker friendly directory

DEALERS & SHOPS A to Z Cycles 1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 302-632-2272 All American Harley Davidson 8126 Old Leonardtown Road Hughesville, MD 20763 301-274-5000 Baltimore Harley Davidson 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-238-2003 Battley Harley Davidson /Battley Cycles 7830 Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-4581 Boes Custom Motorsports 23966 Mervell Dean Road Hollywood, MD 20636 240-309-4064 Brandywine Auto Parts/ Brandywine Automotive Centers 14000 Crain Hwy Brandywine, MD 20613 301-372-1000 C&C Cycle 8182 Telegraph Rd Severn, MD 21144 410-305-0924 Chesapeake Cycles 104 Defense Hwy. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-0015 Defender Cycle Works Fowler Industrial Park Unit 4 Mechanicsville, MD 20659 301-247-9901 301-247-5733 East Coast Sound 101 Skip Jack Rd, Suite 5 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 443-968-9635 52

Glen Burnie Motorsports 20 Holsum Way Glen Burnie, MD 21060 1-855-253-5253 IRONHORSE Repair 2939 York Road Gettysburg, PA. 17325 717-334-1007 M&J Motor Company 1000 S. Queen St. Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401 304-262-6200 Old Glory Harley Davidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575 Pete’s Cycles 344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-3586 For other locations go to Ron Treacy Automotive Certified Master Technician All Makes and Models Mobil at Rte 3 & 450 Bowie, MD 301-262-0003 S.M. City Motorsports 20260 Poplar Ridge Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-863-6499 Victory of Southern MD 4630 Crain Hwy. White Plains, MD 20695 301-932-2383 Whirled of Colors Custom Paint & Air Brush Studios 116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953 Zen Powersports 7881-C Beechcraft Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20879 301-740-6900

Zipper’s Performance Products Elkridge, Maryland 410-579-2828

Bars & Restaurants Apehanger’s Bar & Grill 9100 Crain Hwy. Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650

Barefoot Bernie’s 901 Dual Hwy Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-797-4424 Cancun Cantina 7501 Old Telegraph Road Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188 Cancun Cantina West 901 Dual Highway Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 301-797-4422 Hooters - Laurel 14707 Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 362-5668 Laurel Station Bar & Grille 14933 Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 604-3693

Reckless Ric’s 1702 Furnace Drive Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280 Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Restaurant: 301-805-5901 Deli: 301-805-5903 Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902 Seabreeze / Swampy’s 27130 S. Sandgates Rd Mechanicsville, MD 301-373-5217 Swamp Circle Saloon 5471 Muddy Creek Rd. Churchton, MD 20733 301-261-5442 Triple Nine’s 7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, Maryland 21075 410-799-1818 The Scuttlebutt 12320 Neale Sound Dr Cobb Island, MD 20625 (240) 233-3113 The Tavern 4975 St. Leonard Rd. St Leonard, MD 20685 410-586-2225

Mac’s Sunnybrook 9001 Livingston Rd, Fort Washington, MD 20744 (301) 248-9596

The Woodstock Inn 1514 Woodstock RD Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673

Millstream Inn 5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 410-265-8224

Timeless Tavern 1745 Snow Hill Road Stockton, MD 21864 410-632-1555

Phil’s Place 5826 Gallent Green Road Hughesville,Md 301-274-3515 Pit & Pub 2706 Philadelphia Avenue Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-289-2020


Toots Bar 23975 Mervell Dean Rd. Hollywood, MD 20636 301-373-2955

Bars & Restaurants Trader Lee’s 9935 Stephen Decatur Hwy. #145 Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-213-2000


Hate 2 Wait Tag & Title 11701 Central Ave Waldorf, MD 20601 240-412-0026 Law offices of Jay Irwin Block 90 Painters Mill Rd. Suite 131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-356-6555 800-875-6554

Realtor Services Dave Friia, Realtor REMAX Executive 8432 Veterans Hwy, Suite A Millersville, MD 21108 Office: 443-274-1928 Cell: 443-324-4061 O’Brien Realty Alexandra J. Herbert 29770 Three Notch Road Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-844-7400

Apparel / Retail In-Step Leather 7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center Elkridge, MD 410-799-1568 Maryland Small Arms Range 9801 Fallard Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301-599-0800 Mary’s Bargain Cycle New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323 Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211

Renegade Classics 3180 Solomons Island Rd #101, Edgewater, Md 21037 410-956-RIDE (7433) Renegade Classics of Southern Maryland 3176 Solomons Island Road Huntingtown, MD 301-855-1999 Renegade Classics Baltimore 9026-C Pulaski Hwy Middle River, MD 21220 410-574-Ride (7433) Southern Maryland Pawn 2224 Crain Hwy Waldorf, MD 20601 240-222-3547 The Busy Ness Unique Lingerie & More 3065 Leonardtown Rd. Waldorf, MD 20601 301-645-2228 Vape Frog 346 Ritchie Hwy Severna Park, MD 21146 410-544-6500


Michael J. Alves US Patriot Photography

Tattoo Ink Wizard Tattoo 2 Locations 7928 Old Branch Ave. Clinton, MD 20735 301-877-1544 & RT.235 and by the Mill Rd. California, MD 20619 301-866-0086


Wicked Killa Ink 8740 Cherry Lane Suite 16 Laurel, MD 20707 240-482-6162


Francis Scott Key Family Resort 12806 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 800-213-0088

Callahan Insurance Agency Beverly Callahan 135 Christiana Road, Suite 3 New Castle, DE 19720 302-395-1322 Community Insurance Services 308 2nd Street (RT 1N) Laurel, MD 20707 301-490-9600 Rider Insurance

Home Improvement Entertainment Chris Davis Plumbing Brooklyn, Maryland 443-255-9223 Roofing by George & Home Improvements Inc. 38582 Brett Way Mechanicsville,MD 20659 301-884-7360 Roofingby

Insurance Agents

Boyce Insurance & Financial Services Ins. - Allstate Larry Shifflett 5 Oxford Way Huntingtown, MD 20639 410-535-9862 Office 410-510-1960 Fax

Bulldog Audio Entertainment 240-412-9852 ___________________________ If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If you’re Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.



OR 443.875.7482


biker friendly directory

Legal Services

Regulators Motorcycle Apparel 10 Chesnut Drive Elkton, MD 23923 888-628-3206




Congrats to


for claiming Top Sales in 2014 for Old Glory H-D.





NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) MINNESOTA ANTI-PROFILING MEASURE INTRODUCED A proposed anti-profiling bill before the Minnesota House would create rules to reduce perceived profiling of motorcycle riders and would require several law enforcement groups to draft anti-profiling practices when dealing with the riders. Once drafted, law enforcement agencies would then have to train every officer and verify that with the state. House File 59, “Motorcycle Profiling,” was filed on January 12, 2015 in the state House of Representatives and referred to the Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance Committee, and the bill stems from claims that police have been pulling over motorcyclists without reasonable cause: “Purpose. The legislature finds that the reality or public perception of motorcycle profiling alienates people from police, hinders community policing efforts, and causes law enforcement to lose credibility and trust among the people law enforcement is sworn to protect and serve. No stop initiated by a peace officer should be made without a legitimate reason; the fact that someone rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle paraphernalia is not a legitimate reason. Law enforcement policies and training programs must emphasize the need to respect the balance between the rights of all persons to be free from unreasonable governmental intrusions and law enforcement’s need to enforce the law.” The measure defines “motorcycle profiling” as “(T)he illegal use of the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related accouterments as a factor in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a person or vehicle with or without a legal basis under the United States Constitution or Minnesota Constitution.” HF 59 is co-sponsored by Rep. John Petersburg (R-Waseca) who said that he signed on to the bill in part because he heard claims of profiling on the campaign trail. In October, he attended a forum hosted by American Bikers for Awareness, Training and Education, or ABATE. “Because they’re riding motorcycles and wearing motorcycle gear, they’re getting stopped,” Petersburg said. A representative for ABATE of Minnesota told the Owatonna People’s Press that an anti-profiling bill was among the group’s top legislative priorities. Minnesota was the first and only state in the country to enact a biker anti-discrimination law; Minnesota Statute Section 604.12, enacted in 1998 states in part: “A place of public accommodation may not restrict access, admission, or usage to a person solely because the person operates a motorcycle or is wearing clothing that displays the name of an organization or association.” S.C. BILL AIMS TO REQUIRE CHILD SAFETY SEATS AND BELTS ON MOTORCYCLES A bill that would require babies and small children to be secured to a motorcycle with seat belts is under consideration by South Carolina lawmakers.


S.C. state Rep. Joseph Daning (R-Berkely Co.) filed legislation (H. 3040) that would require a standard, rear-facing child safety seat to be used for motorcycle passengers from birth up to 1 year of age, and for a belt-positioning booster seat with both lap and shoulder belts for children younger than 7 and weighing 40-80 pounds. “We take care of our children in cars, but they’re so unprotected on the back of motorcycles” said Daning, who added that the bill was prompted by constituents who feared an ex-spouse would ride their children on a motorcycle. Rep. Bill Taylor called Daning’s proposal “government overreach” and said motorcyclists are a safety-conscious community, but child-safety advocates support Daning’s efforts. Only a handful of states impose a minimum age for riders, and South Carolina is not one of them according to the Children’s Trust of South Carolina, pointing out that 25 children required emergency medical attention due to motorcycle injuries in the state from 2007 through 2009. ABATE of SC state coordinator, Ralph Bell, emphasized that there have been no fatalities of passengers under 7, and said changing the law would hinder charity events. Dennis Welborn, the state legislative coordinator for ABATE told the Morris News Service that “Its passage would cause much more harm than good,” and in particular, mounting a child safety seat on a motorcycle would change its center of gravity, making it unwieldy, affecting its handling and braking abilities. MSF CONTRACTED TO MANAGE INDIANA MOTORCYCLIST SAFETY PROGRAM The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has been awarded a four-year contract by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles to provide motorcycle training, beginning March 1, 2015. The contract award marks the end of the state’s training relationship with ABATE of Indiana, which had been training riders since the 1970s. According to Jay Jackson, ABATE executive director, more than 125,000 students completed its courses during that time. The ABATE board of directors voted not to renew its contract. The MSF will oversee Indiana’s statewide training locations, provide an Indiana-dedicated website and online class enrollment function and administer all aspects of training, including MSF’s extensive quality control program. Indiana law requires would-be motorcycle riders to first obtain a learner’s permit, and then pass a motorcycle skills test or present a certificate of completion from a BMV-approved motorcycle safety course. After March 1, Hoosiers who pass the MSF Basic RiderCourse will not need to take Indiana’s oncycle skills exam. “We’d like to recognize ABATE of Indiana for their achievements in providing motorcycle training over the past several years through the state’s network of training sites and trainers,” said MSF Vice President Robert Gladden. More than 7.5 million riders internationally have completed motorcycle training using MSF’s curricula in the foundation’s 40-plus year history.




VEHICLE DATA PRIVACY CONCERNS VOICED IN MONTANA A Montana House panel recently heard a bill to give vehicle owners more control over the large stores of information now accumulated by newer cars and trucks, and motorcycles. House Bill 78, sponsored by Rep. Ryan Lynch (D-Butte), would give vehicle owners more control of that data by codifying provisions stating that only owners, lessees and authorized representatives can gain access to recorded data in the event of a crash. Insurance companies already make use of telemetrics -- the many pieces of data that reflect driving habits -- but insurance lobbyists say they’re willing to sit down with supporters and hammer out a bill that’s agreeable to everyone. This is just one of several privacy bills the Montana Legislature will consider this session and, if enacted, the law would become the nation’s strongest driver-privacy act. GLOBAL MOTORCYCLE MARKET PROJECTED TO EXPAND The worldwide demand for motorcycles is forecasted to grow by 6% annually to over 132 million units by 2018, valued at $120 billion, according to a 502-page study released this past December by Freedonia Market Research. Four major trends will drive growth through 2018: 1- An increasing number of households in industrializing countries will be able to afford motorcycles as personal incomes rise. 2- Sales of electric bicycles (e-bikes) and other electric models are projected to rise sharply outside of China from what are currently very modest levels of demand. 3- Motorcycle sales in a number of countries will be spurred by government programs aimed at reducing environmental pollution caused by automobiles. 4- Market advances will accelerate in a number of important markets such as Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, the U.S., and Vietnam. However, further gains will be restrained by slowing growth in China, the world’s leading market for motorcycles, because of the large number of motorcycles already in use there. Market gains will also be dampened due to substitution by consumers of light vehicles for motorcycles in China and other industrializing countries. MOTORCYCLE INJURIES & FATALITIES ON DECLINE The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has announced that motorcycle fatalities have dropped for the second year in a row, representing the largest drop in fatalities for any road user. According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, motorcycle fatalities for 2013 dropped from 4,986 to 4,668; and the 6.4% decrease was the largest percentage drop of all vehicle categories. Fatal motorcycle crashes involving alcohol dropped by 117 deaths, or 8.3%, also the largest decrease in the category. NHTSA also reported a drop in the number of injured motorcyclists from 93,000 to 88,000, a 5.4% drop, again the largest decrease in the category. Motor vehicle fatalities overall decreased by 3.1% from 20122013 and injuries declined 2.1%.


FEDERAL LEGISLATION REINTRODUCED TO CURB MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS Motorcycle-only checkpoints would be discouraged under a bipartisan bill reintroduced January 8, 2015 by a group of senators in the new 114th Congress. The bill would prohibit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration from issuing grants to states to fund motorcycle-only checkpoints. Sponsoring senators say such roadblocks are discriminatory, where riders are specifically targeted by police to check that their vehicles meet state standards for noise, handlebar height, tire condition and other requirements, including helmet compliance. The states of California, Louisiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Illinois, New Hampshire and Virginia have all passed legislation to prohibit motorcycle-only checkpoints. CONGRESSIONAL BILL CALLS FOR ETHANOL STUDY Once again, on January 6, 2015, U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) reintroduced a bill in the new Congress calling for further study of ethanol and its effect on internal combustion engines. H.R. 21 would repeal the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s waiver decision related to E15 fuel and the authority of the agency to grant further decisions in the matter, until the EPA seeks an independent scientific analysis of the effects of gasoline containing up to 15% ethanol. Sensenbrenner said, “Our constituents use boats, motorcycles, snowmobiles, cars, lawnmowers and tractors. They deserve to definitively know what E15 will do to the engines they rely upon.” No motorcycles or ATVs are currently on the approved EPA list for E15 use, and the use of E15 can void manufacturers’ warranties. WEIRD NEWS: YOUTUBE VIDEO LEADS TO STUNT RIDER ARREST A cop couldn’t corral dozens of reckless riders who took over a California highway, performing dangerous stunts and taunting the officer, but the marauders left an obvious trail on social media. One stunter, armed with cameras mounted on the front of his motorcycle and helmet, filmed what turned out to be incriminating evidence that later led to his arrest. The video, posted to YouTube and garnering over 1.5 million views, shows several brazen bikers popping high speed wheelies and buzzing a California Highway Patrolman, who is also on a motorcycle and attempting to pull over one or more riders before giving up due to safety concerns. As the officer backs off, bikers are seen exuberantly pumping their fists in the air in a short-lived victory celebration. Three weeks later, following an internet trail including personal information posted in social forums, police busted the 32-year old stunt rider who recorded -- and shared -- video of the wild ride and arrested him at his house in Brentwood on felony accessory and obstruction charges, as well as a marijuana grow operation in his home. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but a love of one’s country deep enough to call her to a higher plain.” George McGovern (1922 - 2012) American politician, historian & author






FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Friday 10am-3pm 98 Rock Live Broadcast with Sarah Fleischer 3:15pm-3:45pm Best Pick-Up Line Contest by The Millstream Inn 4pm-4:30pm Demonstration and Display by Bell Helmets 4:45pm-5:15pm Tattoo Contest sponsored by Wicked Killa Ink 5:30pm-6pm All Things Cigars presented by Jaxins Cigars 6:15pm-6:45pm Big City Rhino Challenge and Giveaways 7:30pm-8:30pm Leather & Lace Valentine Show (International Bikini Team) Hosted by 98 Rock’s Justin and Michele Smith SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 10:30am-11am Demonstration and Display by Bell Helmets 11:15am-11:45am “Save The Patch” Presented by Abate & MD COC 11:45pm-Noon National Anthem / Posting of Colors Noon-1:15pm Parade of Beauties Fashion Show (International Bikini Team) 1:30pm-2:30pm 98 Rock’s, “Bikers and Babes Newlywed Game”, hosted by Justin 3pm-4pm 98 Rock’s, “Tattoo Contest”, hosted by Justin 4:30pm-5:30pm 98 Rock’s Crazy Adult Games Frozen T-Shirt Contest, “The One Handed Bra Bandit” and more, hosted by Justin 6pm-7pm Big City Rhino Challenge and Giveaways SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Noon-1pm 1:15pm-2pm 2:15pm-3:15pm 3:30pm-4pm 5:30 pm-6pm





10:30am - 11:15am Edelweiss Bike Travel - Angela DeHaan 11:30am - 12:15pm Ayres Adventures - John Jesson 12:30pm - 1:15pm Lisa & Simon Thomas 1:30pm - 2:45pm Benka Pulko 3:00pm - 3:30pm MotoDiscovery - Skip Mascorro 3:45pm - 4:15pm Lois Pryce 4:30pm - 5:15pm Allan Karl 5:30pm - 6:15pm Rene Cormier 6:30pm - 7:00pm Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures - Rob Beach SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7

10:30am - 11:15am Lisa & Simon Thomas 11:30am - 12:15pm Allan Karl 12:30pm - 1:45pm Benka Pulko 2:00pm - 2:45pm Ayres Adventures - John Jesson 3:00pm - 3:30pm Lois Pryce 3:45pm - 4:15pm MotoDiscovery - Skip Mascorro 4:30pm - 5:45pm Benka Pulko 6:00pm - 6:45pm Rene Cormier 7:00pm - 7:45pm Edelweiss Motorcycle Tours - Angela DeHaan 8:00pm - 8:30pm Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures - Rob Beach

Big City Rhino Challenge and Giveaways Model Search Preliminaries – Biker Fashionista Round (International Bikini Team) “Cutest Biker Baby” Contest sponsored by Harley Davidson of Baltimore Model Search Finals – Bikini Round (International Bikini Team) Custom & Antique Bike Show Awards Presentation hosted by Michele Smith



10:30am - 11:00am MotoDiscovery - Skip Mascorro 11:15am - 11:45am Lois Pryce 2Noon - 12:45pm Lisa & Simon Thomas 1:00pm - 2:15pm Benka Pulko 2:30pm - 3:15pm Rene Cormier 3:30pm - 4:15pm Edelweiss Motorcycle Tours - Angela DeHaan 4:30pm - 5:00pm Ayres Adventures - John Jesson



EXHIBITOR GUIDE BOOTH # COMPANY NAME 2206 6th Gear 5224 234 Motorsports 1018 A. I. M. 1019 Abate of Maryland 1604 Airchairs 4819 All State - Hulse Insurance Agency 4306 American Legion Riders 4512 American Oak Barrell Co. 1406 America’s 911 Foundation Inc. 1016 Amsoil 5722 The Apple Cart 38 ASAP Screen Printing 4209 B AM 1218 B and W Trailer Hitches 4516 Bad Ass Leather Cream 4620 Bad Bunny Apparel 4920 Bad E & G Customs 1609 Battley Ducati Feature Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures 4523 Big Skinny 6202 The Biker’s Outfitter, Inc. 1821 Biker’s RX 4213 Bikes to the Beach 5228 Bling Rider, Inc. Center Hall Law Offices of Jay Irwin Block Center Hall Bob’s BMW Motorcycles 4820 Bob’s Brass 60

3103 Boumi Motor Corps 4211 Broken Wing Cycles 4012 Bronco Billy’s Beef Jerky 4616 Budds Creek Motocross Park 4822 C & C Cycle 5222 C & C Golf Carts 4521 Carol’s Western Wear 1606 Chesapeake Cycles - Indian Center Hall Chesapeake Cycles - Victory 2205 Chesapeake Motor and Powersports 1204 Christian Motorcyclist Association 4205 Cima International 1014 Con Lei Transport 4510 Cobra Xtreme Video 1215 Cornucopia Jewelry 1421 Custom Engraving Ltd. 1804 Cycles of Silver Spring 1209 Dave’s Boat Trailer Sales 2202 Deer Park Cycle 1303 Dogs on Deployment 4015 Double O Cellular 5202 Eastern Performance Cycles 4216 EVERYTHING JACK.COM 4020 Exigent, Inc. South Stage Fast Lane Biker 5721 The Fudge Cart 4100 Flying Pig Eyewear 4219 Gatorskins FEBRUARY 2015

1315 Geico Motorcycle 4007 Gerbing’s Heated Clothing 4312 Gettysburg Bike Week 4622 Goldie’s Socks 1418 Halon Marketing Center Hall Harley Davidson of Baltimore 4003 Hide Away Leather Company 6215 Highway Leather 4506 Hi-Tech Riders LLC 1704 Hoppe Industries 1200 Hot Leathers 4202 Hurley Golf Carts 4306 Hy Tech Marketing 5217 HydroGraphic Solutions 6100 I Beams 4322 Icicles Eyewear 4513 Inca Sun Imports 1219 Innovative Storage Solutions 1721 Insta-Mold Products, Inc. 4018 J B Promotions 6000 JC’S Elegant Accents 4818 JECO 4624 J & L Self Defense Products 4505 JRD Solar 1121 J & S Wholesale / Flitz Metal Polish 1009 Killer Biker Gear 4311 Klinger Insurance Group 5215 Kundratic Kustom Motorcycles THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC


4217 The Leather Lair 5400 Leola Motortrike 3011 Leo’s RV Bike Haulers 1012 Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. 5528 Longo’s 5317 Love Lust Cycles 1005 Mackie Motorcycle Ramps 1621 Market Delight’s 4617 Maryland Hydrographics & Powder Coating 6211 Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration 4300 Maryland State Lottery 1316 Mid-Atlantic Women’s Motorcycle Rally 5722 Mick’s Gourmet Soups 4005 Mike’s Magnetics 1015 Miniature Picnic Tables 5515 Roland Morrison 41 Motorcycle Monthly 4200 Motorcycle Riders Co. 4305 Motorcycle Times 2209 Motorcycle Xcitement 5725 MOTORDOG69 1321 Moto-Xpress 5600 Mountainfest, LLC 5318 MTD Services Inc. 4013 Native Feather THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

1306 NF Mid Atlantic 4509 40 The Nut Cart 4502 OC Bike Fest 5900 Ocean Heat Outside Olde Country Kettle Korn 5800 One Stop 1419 Outback Survival Gear 1203 Paige Promotions 1307 Pasadena Bed Linings 5728 Patchstop South Hall Pete’s Cycle Co. 1609 Pete’s Cycle Co. (Ducati) 4517 Pitbull Motorcycle Lifts 1319 Premier Financial 4802 Pro Rider 4528 R and D Leather 4612 Rally Fine Art 1017 Ride Across Maryland Foundation Center Hall Ride For Kids 1206 Ride for Life 4800 Rider Insurance 4500 Rider Styles 1404 Rolling Thunder 4816 Sheen Genie 4917 SM Customs 5221 S S Vape FEBRUARY 2015

1603 S P Leather 4321 Silpada 4623 Steel Steeds Motorcycle Campground 5723 The Strudel Factory 1403 Sugar Mommas 4821 Sundance Vacations 1216 Sunflower Trading Co 1207 Super Shade Sunglasses 5321 Swagger Baggers 4011 Tandy Leather Factory 4218 Teri’s Treasures 6207 Tennessee Leather 2208 Throttle Life 4221 Thunder In the Valley Main Stage Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC 4316 Touch of Purple 4317 Troutman Machine Company 2200 Truckin’ 4 Troops 4812 David Uhl 4524 Unleashed Designs 1416 Unleased Jewelry 4202 Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club 4006 Wicked Skulls 4313 Wicked Steel 4619 White Rose Thunder 4916 Zipper’s Performance 4618 Zone-Tailed Denim M/C Chaps 61

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