Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC February 2013

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Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC

Letter from Editor........................................................... 3

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament................................... 5 Club of the Month: Tribunal MC..................................... 6 Tabasco Report: True Colors......................................... 8 Big City Road Hounds..................................................11

Facebook – Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DEL-DC Twitter – TR_BigCity

Operation We Care...................................................... 12

Editor / Owner / Publisher BIG CITY

Band of the Month: Analog.......................................... 18

Bob “Hillbilly” Banks Memorial..................................... 14 Daisy Dukes & Cowboy Boots Music Festival............. 20 Center Calendar.......................................................... 22 Bike of the Month: Blue Medusa................................. 24 Understanding Bikers.................................................. 26 Skin Art........................................................................ 28


Events......................................................................... 30 Seats & Saddles.......................................................... 33

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (443) 875-7887 (443) 875-7482 Suzy “Carebear” Leighton Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen 302-383-9041 301-283-8008 Sandy “Cowgirl” Jones Joann “Legz” Moore 443-623-3711 302-339-2765

NCOM Biker News Bytes............................................ 34 Biker Friendly Directory............................................... 36 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen................................................. 37 Thunder Cam.............................................................. 38 Joker’s Wild................................................................. 40 TNT.............................................................................. 43

Chuck “Mongo” Nimmerichter 302-339-2765

ON THE COVER: Check out Model Kristie Clark and Bike of the Month, Blue Medusa, on page 24.

Accounting Mike “Bighead” Abbott (443) 875-7597 Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics Photography Mike “Bighead” Abbott, Mike “Rhino” Ryan Michael J. Alves, Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen Contributors Mike “Rhino” Ryan, Steve “Hillbilly” Craig, Mike “Bighead” Abbott Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen, Suzy “Carebear” Leighton National Founders





Hey there everyone, Big City here a little under the weather with the Flu. According to the news report I’m sure that I’m not the only one. I am sure however that I am the only one who has to deal with a big horn on my face and trying to sneeze can be dangerous. Well that’s enough of all the pleasantries, let’s get down to business. It was great to see everyone at the Howard County Fairgrounds for the Swap meet and Motorcycle show held by Apple Mountain Productions. If you weren’t there then you missed out on a good time and some great deals. No worries though, Timonium is right around the corner and you get a second chance to see some awesome bikes and check out all the great vendors. Make sure you come on out for the show being held February 8th – 10th at Timonium Fairgrounds. Thunder Roads will be set up there with Kristie Clark the model on the cover of this month’s issue. Be sure to stop by and get a picture and/or autograph from her. Also we are flying in a special guest for everyone all the way from Cali. Charlie Bretchtel from the Charlie Brechtel Band. He will be there as well, signing autographs and taking photos. To top all that off, you will get the chance to meet us! The staff of Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC. We would love for you to stop by and tell us what you want in and where you want to see the magazine. As I do every month, I want to thank all the new advertisers and sponsors of Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC. With their support it makes it possible for us to remain the Largest FREE Motorcycle Publication in the Country. So, look to them and support them as they support the Motorcycle community that we all are a part of. While you’re there let them know that you saw their ad in Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC. Ok well that’s all for this month, time for some more BOOZE to knock this Flu out of me. See you all at the Big Show in Timonium. Remember to keep changing lanes. Big City







Life’s Seasons

new buds and leaves. The sap may be low, but it’s still there. The tree still has life in it.

Genesis 8:22 “While

the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”

This month I want to turn our focus to the winter season of our lives. There are different seasons that we go through. Just like the earth goes through seasons- spring, summer, fall, and winter- so do we. It’s usually during the “winter” season that most people get discouraged. It’s because during this time we don’t “see” anything (if much) happening in our lives. Everything looks dead. I want to encourage you this month if you are going through a winter season… it’s not dead, it’s just dormant. The trees don’t die in winter time just because they have no leaves on them… they are just dormant. They are taking a rest, drinking in nutrients, getting prepared for the next season when they will have to put on

You may feel “dead” but you aren’t… the “sap” is just low. God has allowed you to have a “resting” period in order to prepare you for the next season in your life… which will be the season to blossom. Have you ever noticed over the years how some seasons seem to last longer at times? Don’t get weary during those times read this here from (Galaians 6:810) what the Word of the Lord Says, “8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith”. So, enjoy the “winter”; you’re still alive. Take advantage of this time to “regroup”. Each season doesn’t last forever, so make the most of each one as it comes. (We need all of them.) Gordon “Preacher” Bacon PO Box 1107 Leonardtown, MD. 20650 Facebook; Rushing Wind Motorcycle Ministry 240 577 0605 Gordon and his family, his wife Debbie, Son Gordon “Gordy” Jr, Christina and Janine first started out in ministry in New Mexico on the Navajo Reservation in January of 1983. Gordon and his family moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1986 and continued their work with the Navajo from there. During their stay in Arizona The Bacon Family Ministry attended Sweetwater Church of The Valley under Pastor Glenn Foster. Gordon Bacon also was both a student and an instructor at Sweetwater Bible College. While living in Phoenix, AZ the ministry with the Navajo continued along with adding Prison ministry in Florence, AZ at Florence Maximum Security Prison to those on death row and lifers with no chance of parole. The Bacon Family moved to Fairmont, WV in 1991 to where Gordon was an interim pastor for The Church of Living Waters Jesus Outreach. In 1993 the Lord called Gordon and Debbie Bacon to Southern Maryland. Debbie became the Administrator for The Rock Christian Academy while Gordon continued to minister around the country and into Mexico. Today Gordon “Preacher” Bacon is the Founder of Rushing Wind Ministry and Rushing Wind M/M in Southern Maryland.







“Quality Over Quantity”

The TRIBUNAL MC was founded in “Nov. 2004” by Law Enforcement Officers in Boston MA. These Brothers wanted to maintain a “Law Enforcement Only” motorcycle club separate of other public safety personnel. The TRIBUNAL MC is a professional motorcycle brotherhood of Active/Retired, 100% full-time Law Enforcement & Correctional Officers who own and ride American V-Twin motorcycles. No close friends, associates or “wanna-be’s”

are law-abiding citizens who just love the freedom of riding, & Cops are no different. We love being able to ride our bikes and to know that the guy to our left or right is just as close a family member as our own brothers, wives & children. Some Law Enforcement Motorcycle Clubs (LEMC) have non-police members and for them it works, but other including ours have strict by-laws against any non-law enforcement members to control the growth of the club and ensure their core values and high standards are kept. We hold each other to a higher standard.

Our Brotherhood consists of fearless individuals who put their lives on the line on a daily basis to protect the citizens in communities throughout the USA and around the world. We work hard and play hard yet never forget that we are Law Enforcement Officers and are held to a higher standard.

Some clubs have large rosters across the country with people from all walks of life and will accept new members with an application and a check. But joining a motorcycle club takes a lot thought and dedication not only by the individual but his whole family, simply because your not With STRENGTH, TRIBUNAL COLORS just buying a T-shirt HONOR and with a public logo Our “COLORS” (a military RESPECT, we take term describing a unit’s flag) stamped on it. care of our own. consist of: When you make This includes our Skeleton with a Blue the decision to Brothers, fellow Cloak- The Skeleton join a motorcycle – symbolizes the Law Law Enforcement Enforcement Officer and his club it becomes an Officers and their commitment, that even if it extension of your takes another lifetime, we families. The family! Each family will get our man! only people who has its own values, The Blue Cloak- represents the Law Enforcement can relate to the beliefs, rules & Profession thankless job we basic personality. Upon his neck he wears his Badge with a do are each other. Now you never mourning band – to remember Law Enforcement Officers Therefore, we are who have given their lives while protecting others. get to pick your particular in whom family but in the In his left hand he carries the Scales of Justice –to we call “BROTHER”. represent the impartiality with which justice is served. In motorcycle club his right hand he carries his Service Weapon. world, you do get As of now to pick the extended our Club has 7 one! For a Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club (LEMC) it’s the Chapters throughout the East Coast “Massachusetts (1 same except we are already a pretty close-knit group. Cops do Boston/Mother Chapter & 2 New Bedford), Maine, New tend to gravitate to each other simply because of our life styles York, Rhode Island, Virginia Beach Virginia, & Maryland. & our inherit suspicions of people we don’t know. When a cop Our Chapter here in Maryland was started in January of from a California club meets a cop from a Maryland club there 2010 with 2 members (1 Maryland State Police Sergeant & is certain level of trust and respect that comes from knowing 1 Baltimore City Officer). There were several other clubs that that they each do the same job everyday and would protect were already established in the area but the general make each other and their families having just met the other. up of the clubs were outside the core meaning of what we All LEMC’s support a lot of the same causes/charities see a “Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club” is supposed to from the “9-11 Ride to Remember, COPS Ride (Concerns of be and therefore just didn’t fit our mold. Now that’s not to Police Survivors), Toys for Tots” & countless others each and say that they aren’t a good clubs with quality members, but every year. Bikers in general are among the most outgoing only that the Tribunal MC is a strictly “Law Enforcement Only people when it comes to helping someone in need. If riding Club”. So whenever someone sees our colors they know the our bikes for a few hours helps raise money for a child with person wearing it is a Law Enforcement professional. medical bills, a wounded soldier and his or her family, a There has always been a huge debate on the issue of local food/clothing shelter, then you can depend on them Law Enforcement Motorcycles Clubs (LEMC), their members “Assin-Up” to ride. and just their general existence due to the stereotype of — Written by the Tribunal MC motorcycle clubs/gangs. But 99% of all motorcycle riders THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC




As motorcycling is gaining in popularity, I’ve seen clubs popping up all over the place. I’ve even seen ads on popular websites inviting people to join one club organization or another. Obviously if you’re reading this article in this magazine, you are involved in the motorcycle community and at one time or another you’ve been in the presence of motorcycle clubs. Maybe you’ve thought of joining a club or starting your own. I’m surprised at the number of people that don’t understand the politics involved in the MC community.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t start a club and celebrate the freedom of riding with your brothers or sisters. I have friends in many different clubs with many different agendas. But you should know the MC World in general is run by the dominant clubs that have been together for decades. Not all of them fly the 1%er patch, but many do. As most of you probably already know that the 1%er moniker is claimed and worn by those that those that have chosen to make the MC life their whole life. They are not weekend warriors, and most don’t support any charity as a club function. That’s not to say they donate to charity, because I’ve seen many that participate in charity rides for fallen bikers, and toy runs. I know that there is well deserved intimidation at hanging out with the big 1%er clubs, but I can tell you by experience that they know how to have a great time, with great food, music and brotherhood. Some people don’t understand the patch. In most cases a one piece patch is used by charity organizations or Riding Clubs (RC’s). I know many of these folks and they’re good people. They love to ride, and they love the bond that comes with being in a club. Two piece patches are usually in line with a club not specifically together as a charity or 501c club, but they don’t want to take the step to become a Three Piece MC. In fact many are American Motorcycle Association Members (AMA), and as far I as I know, the AMA won’t accept a membership anymore if a clubs logo is a Three Piece Patch. I’ve seen some Law Enforcement (LE) Clubs wearing a two piece as well. Then there is the Three Piece Patch with an “MC” patch. This represents that these clubs tend to be more serious about the lifestyle and typically live the lifestyle full time. With the Three Piece Patch comes the responsibility that goes with its use and representation. Back in the early days of clubs I

A vintage motorcycle vest and Colors, that brought big dollars at auction.

know that many just sewed their Logo’s onto denim. Many Three Piece clubs wears State Rockers to show where they represent. Some in law enforcement automatically assume that if you’re wearing a Three Piece Patch you’re a “Gang” of criminals. This is simply narrow minded behavior on their part. Obviously people make individual choices, but of course there are those in law enforcement that have been convicted of crimes as well. So does that mean all in law enforcement are criminals? Wearing a patch makes you no more a criminal than does wearing a church robe automatically makes you a pedophile. But we don’t see cops leaving churches pulling over preachers. If you want to put a club together to support your cause, just be sure take the steps to put the right kind to meet your needs. If you want to focus on your cause and not get caught up in the politics of it all. Especially with TV shows and such I see people wearing “Support Gear” or “Colors” of fictional motorcycle clubs. This really pisses off some in the MC community, and it may cause you grief. Personally, I just think they look ridiculous. If you want to save yourself the embarrassment and potential black eye, it would be advisable to reach out to any local clubs that exist before just sewing on a patch and calling yourself a motorcycle club. As published in THUNDER ROADS® OHIO

Just so everyone knows – this is not a real club. So if you wear these colors, you’re pretty much announcing that you’re a phony. Is that really the message you want to send? 8


Vests like this are available at shows and ebay. If you’re really proud to NOT be a club member – why would you want to wear a “club style” vest?








big city

road hounds

All of the Following animals have Special Needs! Max is a 5 month old male, Cattle dog mix who came to us when he ran out of time at another shelter. He is one of our special needs animals at the shelter because we believe he is deaf. Max is a very sweet dog but because of his deafness he will need someone who is willing to continue the work we have started with him at the shelter. He knows hand signals and is working on walking on a leash which can be taxing because he often thinks is a game of tug of war. Daphne is a 1 year old female, lab mix we rescued from another shelter. This dog is a young vivacious dog with plenty of energy to make a great running partner or playmate for your current dog at home. She does look a little funny because when she first came into the shelter she had fleas and was allergic to them. We treated her for her fleas but unfortunately she had lost most of the hair around her face and shoulder. She is looking better everyday but growing all of her hair back will take time.

Squeak is a 1 year old male brown tabby who was given up to the shelter in July when his previous owner could no longer afford his cats. Squeak came in with a group of cats who were all exposed to FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). This disease is often contracted as a kitten but usually does not show any symptoms for years. It is not a curable disease and if Squeak contracted FIP it will eventually lead to death. However in the mean time this is a happy go lucky cat who just needs a home to love him while he is still with us. Shamrock Green is an 8 month old male medium haired cat who came into the shelter in the same group as Squeak. He has also been exposed to FIP. It will take a strong and brave person to adopt these cats knowing that they may leave this earth younger then we would like. It’s difficult to see them in the shelter because they don’t know they are sick and thus are amazing cats who have the best personalities and the most loving dispositions. Please help these cats find a home for the holidays.

Stop by our shelter to visit the animals shown or the many others up for adoption! SPCA of Anne Arundel County, 1815 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland 21403 410-268-4388 – The SPCA of Anne Arundel County is not affiliated with, or supported by any other SPCA or humane organization. There is no national structure for SPCAs and we are not a chapter of any larger organization. We are a private, non-profit organization that serves Anne Arundel County. We receive no funds from local, state or federal government. The SPCA relies on the generosity of individuals and businesses in our community to ensure that homeless companion animals receive the best possible care.






rs gathered 12 over 200 voluntee On November 10, 20 arptown, Sh in Care packing party at the Operation We ghanistan. Af in s op tro ages for the MD to pack care pack ampoo, soap, included items like sh These care packages copy of a en out cookies and ev granola bars, Girl Sc volunteers e Th s. ad Ro of Thunder the November issue ers of veterans, family memb that helped included ed care eiv rec and a few that had of the our deployed troops me So st. pa the ployment in th packages on their de wi s xe d the inside of the bo d we local schools decorate de en y da support. When the out the messages of love and ed ipp sh re we t packages tha had packed 460 care eived by Christmas. following week and rec project to rted 5 years ago as a Operation We Care sta sent twice th care packages being support the troops wi are We er. d again in Novemb a year, once in May an For more . 13 20 y Ma in r next event looking forward to ou ch or eck us information go to ww out on Facebook.







Bob, I don’t know what you have done for anyone else in this world, but I do remember what you have done for Bobby (my first husband), my sons and I. You, Bobby and I were the best of friends, do you remember ? Bobby and you called each other “Your brother from a different mother. “Do you remember hangin’ out, havin’ fun while we worked on cars, building not just one but two great businesses together? Do you remember the year Jacob was born ? You were there with a camouflage outfit from your mom, that’s what he got his newborn pictures in and remember we came straight to the shop with him from the hospital. I still think you had a little something more to do with that child, he was born with your overly big toe. Do you remember when we went out riding on our motorcycles ? Those were our “Church Days”, we always felt that every ride brought us closer to GOD. Do you remember when Bobby just gave up, how you and I kept on trying to make it work? Do you remember when we found out Bobby had Liver Cancer and how we cried and how you helped me with anything we needed, from food to a car, and all the little things in between ? Do you remember when Bobby passed February 25, 2003, you gave him his last ride and made him late for his own memorial ? Family and friends all waiting and out of the mist and fog you pulled up, took Bobby’s urn from the back seat of your bike and carried him inside tears running down your face the whole time. When you sat Bobby’s urn down you said, “He’s not heavy, he’s my brother. Do you remember when we asked the boys how they felt about us becoming a couple ? How they said they could never call you “DAD” and you told them that it was ok that you we’re not trying to take the place of their father you just wanted the chance to love and be there for us. Since then they have all called you “Dad” at one point in their lives. Do you remember when we lived on the farm and you would come out to the barn to see if the boys and I needed any help ? Do you remember when I told you that it wasn’t just the three boys and I that you were taking on ? I have been the “neighborhood mom” for years, you didn’t care, you let me continue to feed them and give them a place to lay their head when no one else would. Do you remember how, after everything you had done for the boys and I, awful I was to you ? You just smiled at me and said “Baby, I love you and we will get through this. Do you remember


when I lost everything and had no place for the three boys and I to go ? You opened your home and your heart to us. Do you remember when we found out that Ron (your baby brother) had Liver Cancer ? I’m glad we went to see him in Texas before he passed on September 11, 2011. Do you remember when we found out you had Liver Cancer ? October 31, 2011, we cried and you promised me you would do everything it took to stay with me and how you were sorry for putting me through this again. Do you remember all the pills and treatments you put yourself through ? Being sick all day, still getting up and going to work every day all the time trying to keep a smile or being silly so not to worry me. Do you remember when we got married? I was so surprised when you got down on one knee to propose to me in front of hundreds of people and then called our friend Brian up to marry us right then and there. Our five kids together right there in the front row, all smiling and crying at the same time. Do you remember when Nina (your daughter) graduated from nursing ? It was May 20, 2012, you were gleaming with pride that day. Do you remember when you had me call Ron and Carla (friends) ? You made us all cry that day when you showed Ron your body and asked him, Do you want your new wife to see you every day like this, do you want her to watch you die like I am ? Do you remember when you wanted to donate your organs and the doctors told you that you couldn’t because of the hepatitis and cancer ? You were so devastated that all you could do was cry. You told me that you felt like a shell of a man and worthless, no good to anyone. Well I do remember all of this and much, much more. I will not let your death, nor the deaths of your “Brothers”, be in vain. I will see you vision of helping someone survive this horrible disease one day. You will never be forgotten, in my heart and soul you will live forever BE AWARE.... BE INFORMED, don’t let it go. PLEASE...Have yourselves checked out for the love you have for yourself, your family and your friends. We have started a foundation in Bob “ HILLBILLY” Banks’ memory called Bob’s Boys for Liver Cancer Awareness. If everyone would donate just $5.00. Together we can provide more awareness, more testing, prescription help and proper care for those who have Liver Cancer. MAY GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU.



From Bryan my oldest son: Bryan is in Cecil County Detention Center and could not be here with us during Bob’s final days. Bob, Thank you for everything. You have shown me that there is a good side to men and that we’re not all assholes. You’ve taught me what it really means to be a man and to stand up and fight for what you believe in. I couldn’t have begged the LORD for a better, clearer cut example of a great man. I’m proud to call you “DAD” and damn thankful to have you in my life. I don’t want you to worry about anything, know that your babies and grandbabies will always have us all as the tight-knit family we’ve become. I wish I was there to hug you...I love you POPPA!!! — Bryan Words from my second son Travis Sheets: Bob, You were an amazing friend, husband, uncle, father and grandfather and everyone who’s lives you’ve touched were truly blessed... words will never explain how much your family and friends care about you and you will always be remembered and loved unconditionally... this is not goodbye because we will meet again someday and you will always be with us in our hearts... R.I.P. Robert G. Banks (DAD) we love you and you will truly and deeply be missed and you will always be loved.. fly high and watch over us as we try to continue our lives... please keep is all safe we love you!!!! From Jacob my youngest son, But somehow I still think “HILLBILLY” had something to do with this one. No matter what happened in our lives you never gave up on us. You taught me how to be a man and take responsibility for my actions, thank you. I love you “Dad” and I will never forget you. From his daughter Nina Banks: It’s not goodbye, it’s see ya later.....I LOVE YOU DADDY. From his niece Crystal Frankenstein: Rest easy Uncle Bob. Going to miss you like crazy... until we meet again. I love you! From Eric Riley one of our many “adopted” neighborhood boys: RIP Bob Banks I’m gonna miss u so much u were a great man and a wonderful friend I can’t really believe this but I’m glad that u don’t hurt anymore I’ll always be thinking of u watch over us all until we get to u on the other side I love you .... THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC






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thick, groove driven bass, with drums that float effortlessly between funk, hip-hop and “Bonzo rock”; guitar that joins early eighties sheen with punk and stadium rock; and of course melodic vocals with the sort of thick raspy tone that would make Tom Jones blush and Stevie Wonder proud. This is analog, four old friends with plenty of history where nothing is rushed and everything is left on the table when they decide to finally walk away, leaving you needing more. I caught up with analog at The Whiskey, one Sunday afternoon as they were about to play for a charity event (See below for more information on the Charity). I got to sit down with them for a few minutes before they took the stage. As I sit here typing the name analog, my computer keeps wanting to capitalize the letter A, but that’s the point and what’s different about this group. One of the members, Tony ,describes the idea behind the name analog as this – “ it’s pure, old school, whatever you put in it comes out, before high fidelity, before filtering, before any special effects, it’s analog.” He goes on to describe their music as ”very melodic and soulful, it’s not screaming, it’s not angry, it’s about the things that make Rock, break-ups, drinking, running the streets, and the pain that brings in the shit that we get inspired by. You can hear the words and you know there’s a story in it. The guitar sounds like it’s telling the story with it.” These four guys; Adrian Utley – Drums, Tony Hatzigeorgalis – self described “Talentless Hack” Lead Front Man, writer of Lyrics and Melodies, Ken Kimmel – Guitar, and Kevin Versak – Bass, this is analog. They started a little over 4 years ago as a three piece band, because Kevin was not yet available. He was playing with a different band at the time. And when begging and bribery didn’t work they invited him to jam one day knowing that when he came over he wouldn’t be able to resist. Kevin says they lured me with “their sweet sounds of rock and roll. We had so many musical conversations, it was easy to get into a room together and just gel. All the pieces fit together.” They have known each other for more than 15 years and a couple of them for as many as 30 years. They admit they had some hard times at first and their first fight as a group came during their first year. This was only their second fight in their friendship history. During that first year, the band even broke up once because they were “not appreciating what they were creating.”


When they got back together, they say there was no arguing, no tension, all of them left their pride at the door and they can now communicate openly – “which makes it so we don’t have to cheat on each other.” Tony feels part of the communication problem was because the other members speak a much deeper language than he does. “I joke around about being the talentless hack front man, because to me, what they do is magic.” He went on to say that what they manage to pull out of thin air becomes something special. They don’t write alone, ever. “Kevin will call me and say “I wrote this bass line, listen to this” and it will blow my mind and I will be inspired to put the melody to it. And, 99%of the time, Kenny brings a guitar riff and says “where do you want to go with it”. To make it ours, the writing process is always together. I have never left and written at home” says Tony. The rest of the group thinks it works because of their maturity and experiences. They can talk to each other without hurt feelings. None of the others write lyrics and Tony finds himself asking the others at times, “what were you thinking when you wrote this”. Even when they said, “I don’t know man, I just wrote the song” – he asked them to dig deeper knowing they were thinking of something, whether it be the events of the day, or a woman or family members. He said “just give me one word…. and when you do, I’ll make the song ours. That’s how we do what we do.” On the rare occasion when they don’t like the words Tony write, they will tell him. They’ll say,” I think it will be more passionate or important to us if you write this.” That’s what the others learned from their experiences with other bands – times when they had to bite their tongues and were unhappy in certain situations, now they are just honest. The four think of the band as an extension of their family, sort of like a marriage. All of them have full time jobs. They all have plan B’s up and running – but Plan A is and always will be the music – They joke and say they are trying to be the oldest band that hasn’t been discovered. Two of them are dads and married. They feel fortunate if they get to practice twice weekly, usually it’s only once a week. This band is also their escape from the job, stress, family issues. That one day per week when they get together for the music, the rest of the world ceases to exist. It’s just them and rock. To be efficient, they share music via their “fancy smart phones’ and they come to practice with a plan. They use the time away from practice to write and think about things. When asked what else they like to do for fun, they are quick to say “Boxing,



MMA, football”. Kenny is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, the rest are Ravens fans. Tony is into martial arts along with Kenny. Both have been into Kung Fu since the age of 9. Three of the four have ridden bikes off and on for the last 25 years, from dirt bikes to motorcycles. Tony has ridden through Greece and has only owned Honda’s; as he puts it “I love the suspension.” Ken has run the gauntlet on all types of bikes from dirt bikes to sport bikes to a Magna, and hoping to get a Ducati and a Harley at some point. Kevin is looking at the V-Rod. All four have always been into that spirit of the ride and the rhythm of the road. Currently, the group does not have an agent, choosing to book small gigs and intimate gatherings on their own. They really just wanted to focus on getting their act together, being able to get out there and play for ninety minutes with a few sets of songs in their back pocket. Kenny has been the voice of reason and in control of the reins, getting the group to be patient and wait for the right time. They didn’t want to get out there and do it half ass, wanting to wait “til they could live and breathe in the pocket, feel good about it and then present it to others.” The group is thankful to Kenny for keeping them focused and solid. Kenny believes they are now one cohesive unit and now their mission is “gig, gig, gig – get out and meet some folks.” Additionally they were in the midst of recording a CD which they just finished. The CD took the group 11 months to record – Tony says they did many versions of the 12 tracks which are all originals. Just when they thought they were finished, they would listen to it again, critique each other and then change it up. After being in the studio for the past year, they are excited about the upcoming February/March release of their CD. Right now they play gigs about once a month with a goal of getting to every weekend. Very seldom do they do a cover, if they do, it’s too amuse themselves or the crowd and they always have their own version to the cover – it means something to them.. Sometimes if they think it will really work well, they will pull it out on a particular night, depending on the crowd. All four members of the band give their thanks to Terry Edwards, the producer of their CD. They also thank their wives, girlfriends, families, friends and their dog Beaker – the team mascot for their undying support. “It’s been an amazing experience this past year, writing and recording together”. Right now they just want to get their music out there to be heard. In concert with the release of their CD, they have been promoting their business online. They can be contacted at , and through analognation All three of the websites have their schedule of events. — Mike “Bighead” Abbott Special thanks to Doug and Penni I was invited to attend a charity for a local Annapolis girl, who has roots in Eastport, named Penni Lynne in Annapolis at The Whiskey. She’s a singer / songwriter that was diagnosed 3 years ago with CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy), which, with treatments, she was able to get into remission. This past November, she got the grim news that she also has another disease, called “Stiff Person Syndrome”, a very rare progressive disease, that effects less than one person per million. As it progresses, it causes muscles to spasm to the point of rupture, or bone breakage, and life expectancies vary greatly. Penni and her husband, Doug Day, are fighters, and together with their two beautiful daughters, they have become full-time caretakers for Penni. The benefit was to help raise money for a wheelchair accessable vehicle, ambulatory equipment, and to keep a roof over their heads. For more information about Penni, CIDP, and Stiff Person Syndrome, you can go to www.




Daisy Dukes & Cowboy Boots Music Festival


he Whiskey was the site of the Daisy Dukes and Cowboy Boots Music Festival in Annapolis. The Festival had a lot to offer everyone, not just music, but a scooter show, a hot dog eating contest, corn-hole tournament, beer pong, and of course, the Daisy Duke contest. Special appearances were made by Baltimore’s Lingerie Football team, the Charm and the Swimsuit USA models. Several vendors were set-up in and around The Whiskey selling everything from jewelry to a raffle for a custom chopper. The whole event was organized by the N.B.T. Productions (Next Big Thing).

inside they were playing beer pong. Stan & Joe’s had a raw bar set-up, Sports Clips were giving away things, The Hogs & Heroes had a custom chopper set-up that they were raffling off, and they had vendors selling jewelry. Charm City Scooters brought a few scooters to show off! One of the scooters even had a TV built into the side, very cool!! Not sure why you need a TV on the scooter, but It showed what these guys are capable of doing to customize a scooter just for you. You can’t have a music festival without music, and that they did, ALL DAY! Some of the local talent around here is amazing. First, from noon till around 7pm, the second floor had bands provided by the Priddy Music academy, and the first floor had bands from Cradle Rock. These kids were great!! If this is a sign of things to come around here, Baltimore and Annapolis is looking to be the next big thing for music. As the day fell to night, the stages were taken over by some of the more established bands; Swamp Candy, Tommy McGee & the Baby Please, Peterbuilt, Crown Victoria, Dog Father Blue Band, The Grilled Lincolns, to name a few. Each had their own unique sound, all local, and very talented.

If you’ve never been to The Whiskey, you need to stop by for a beer or four. This place has two levels; a big bar on the first floor with dining tables around, and a smaller bar on the second floor with a stage and a dance floor. One of the best features at The Whiskey is the decks off both levels. And don’t forget they serve food here, the wings and the rings, two of my favorite items on the menu. In the back lot of The Whiskey, Shucking Cornhole had a cornhole tournament going where 32 teams participated. This was a lively event, and highly competitive. After several hours, the winners were finally announced; Nick Waring of Davidsonville and his partner Rob Cantrell of Riva, walked away with the grand prize. This company, Shucking Cornhole, has a great thing going on, they show up with all the cornhole equipment, run the tournament and clean up afterwards, perfect for any party, home or office!! Check them out on Facebook. While the cornhole tournament was going on outside, 20

The big contest everyone was waiting to see, the hot dog eating contest was a stiff one!! Four people sat there eating as many hot dogs as they could forcibly shove down their throats in 15 minutes. It may not sound like a lot, but the winner, Taylor Shire from Annapolis, was able to get 13 hot dogs with bun, down in the 15 minutes. This was ugly, one of the contestants was disqualified for, let’s just say, giving his hot dogs back!!



Last but certainly not least, the Daisy Duke contest. Well there was another contest for best abs and chest, but frankly nobody cared, the Daisy Duke Contest was what everyone wanted to see. This was a long process of parading beautiful women across the stage in cut-off shorts, several times I might add, until we got down to a two way tie. I have to tell you at this point, it was a grueling competition, I had to get up close to get a better look, and the competition was soooo close. The judges just couldn’t make up their minds, so it came down


to the crowd. Now who didn’t predict that would happen! After more parading, and a quick dance competition, where both contestants lost their shorts and stood there in just their skimpy bathing suits, aww poor things, Christina Deavers from Hagerstown, was announced the winner. First prize was a scooter from Charm City Scooters. Can’t wait for next year’s competition!! Mike “Bighead” Abbott



Owner: Zack Lindsey Year Built: 2007

Model: Harley Davidson Ultra Glide Classic (Police Model)

Engine: Bored Out to 110 by McCullough’s Custom Cycle

Exhaust: Vance & Hines Paint: Skip Albright

Lighting: Boogie Lights Zack spent 26 years in the Navy as a Gunners Mate Guns Chief. That’s where he got the idea for the bike, The Blue Medusa. To homage to the Line King Neptune and his Brimmey Deep. He gets all of his work done now at Eastern Performance. And spends his spare time riding with the Blue Knights Capital Chapter, raising money for the wounded warriors and fallen police officers.

Model – Kristie Clark 24






Understanding bikers When you see us moving past you quickly:

When you see us in our clothes:

Don’t take offense or think we’re trying to “show off”. Ninety five percent of the time, we’re trying to get out of your blind spot or taking ourselves out of a potential dangerous situation that has evolved around us. Distancing ourselves from you does not mean we want to race, but that we’re giving ourselves the edge we need at the moment.

Don’t become fearful of us or think us weird. Our leather jackets, chaps, gloves and boots are the barriers between loosing massive amounts of flesh should something cause us to go down... nothing more, nothing less. Safety gear is paramount to our riding. We wear patches on our jackets, and pins on our vests. These are symbols of pride and honor within our group(s), individuals giving back to those who gave. These things bond us as a brotherhood and sisterhood among bikers. Not that we’re better than anyone else, but that we have the same kind of nobility and pride in our accomplishments as you may have in the various aspects of your life. I guess one could say; our patches and pins are the decals and the bumper stickers of our involvement with society and the general public, of which we are very pleased to be a part of in our own little way.

When you hear our horn: Don’t take offense or think we’re trying to aggravate you. All we’re doing is letting you know where we are in relation to you on the road, and we’re more than likely aware of your inattentiveness to us while you’re texting, talking on a cell phone, eating, reading or involved in some other distracting aspect to your driving. It’s important to us, and you, that you know we’re there.

When you see us in a restaurant: You don’t have to shield your child or feel intimidated. We have family, wives, husbands, children and loved ones too, just like you. We smile; we laugh and enjoy the moments we have. We are approachable, and would befriend you, if given the opportunity.

When you hear our loud pipes:

When you see us in a parking lot: Don’t convince yourself that we’re there to “get you”. More than likely, we just finished a long ride and are taking a break. Or, we may be meeting up with other riders for a charity run for young children, or another very worthy cause. We may just be admiring one another’s bikes, sharing our pride with other brothers and sisters, just like you do with your personal vehicle. It’s what we’s a part of our lives, and we’d be more than welcome to share with you what riding a bike is all about...if you’d only ask.

Don’t become angry and hostile toward us. Yes, some are quite loud, but for some, there’s a purpose behind being loud. It’s about letting you know we’re close by and we’re constantly hoping that our investment in this accessory will help save our lives. Our pipes are really not about our’s a pride and personalization to our form of transportation.

When you see a group of bikers on the roadways:

When you see aggressive riding bikers: Don’t put us all in the same stereotypical category as those whose behavior and actions would cause you to react in disgust and intolerance. Many of us do not agree with this style of riding either, and we know and understand that human nature tends to blend us all together as the “same group”. Most of us don’t want that title...and don’t deserve it.


Give us the courtesy of sharing the road with you. Please don’t “move in” between several bikers in formation. This gets us very excited and nervous, especially when it’s done with no due regard for our safety. Provide us with your awareness of the fact that we are much more vulnerable than you. We don’t want to challenge you, for all of us are wise enough to know...we’d lose that battle.



When you are turning left or entering a roadway/highway: Look, then look again...and then one more time. For we can be easily hidden, and appear to be invisible by such things as a telephone pole, another vehicle, bright lights or the glare of the sun...or possibly, the beads hanging from your rearview mirror, among numerous other items that are displayed there. If you see us flashing our lights at you or blowing our horn, we’re only trying to ensure that you will see us before tragedy changes both our lives. When you are behind us: Please give us the room we need and don’t tailgate us. If you hit us, we’re going down...HARD! We don’t want to play games with you, we just want to enjoy the ride and the fresh air, and experience that which many of you have never lived for. If we accelerate away from you, don’t interpret this action as though we want to drag race you. We’re only trying to take ourselves out of a bad situation if you insist on being too close.

When, and if, you experience road rage: Don’t take it out on us just because we’re smaller than you and more vulnerable. Think about what you’re doing and the end result that may become a reality. The consequences of your actions and choices could be very detrimental to our well being, our families, our children and our loved ones. Yes, there are those that can tend to piss you off, however, rage towards them will not solve the issues, but accentuate them. Nine out of ten bikers will do everything they can to take themselves out of that situation without causing you or them harm.

When you have an opportunity to talk to us: You’ll discover, outside any influenced or stereotypical mindset you may have, that we are just as human as you are, just with different interests and toys. Many of us would give you the shirt off our back if it would tend to brighten your day or console you in some way. We’re really no different... and we drive cars, trucks and vans too. So, meet us and greet us...I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that you’ll be met with open arms. Thank You for attempting to understand. — Author unknown




S K I N A R T 28






upcoming events

TRMDEL is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:

Maryland Timonium Motorcycle Show Friday, February 8, 2013 - Sunday, February 10, 2013 Every foreign and domestic motorcycle manufacturer available in USA on display. Huge custom and antique bike show 100’s of exhibits covering everything in motorcycling. and a Whole Lot More

Pennsylvania AMA Arenacross - Wilkes Barre Friday, February 8, 2013 - Sunday, February 10, 2013 AMA Arenacross Series Show Times Friday - 7:00 PM Saturday - 7:00 PM Sunday - 12:00 PM Doors Open Friday - 6:00PM Saturday - 6:00PM Sunday - 8:00AM Track Party Saturday 5:00PM - 6:00PM Front Row - $35 All Seats Gold Circle - $25 All Seats P3 - $17 Adults / $10 Kids (ages 2 -12) All tickets $2 more day of show. All prices include a $0.50 township tax and $2 facility fee. Additional fees may apply. Motorama Saturday, February 16, 2013 - Sunday, February 17, 2013 The Nation’s Largest ALL Indoor Motorsports Event Featuring 1 Million Sq Feet Of Exhibit Space It all goes down February 16th and 17th 2013 in Harrisburg Pennsylvania at the Farm Show Complex. The event that attracts over 50,000 motorsports enthusiasts annually. All of the racing and all shows are included in your single admission price, but there are no reserved seats in any of the five racing arenas. There are over 2,000 racers along with over 700 race and show vehicles on display. As you walk thru the shows and pit areas, feel free to stop and talk to them. Don’t forget to support the more then 100 various sponsors and vendors who continue to support Motorama year after year. Smaltz’s Winter “Old Skool” Indoor Motorcycle Show Saturday, February 23, 2013 We are hosting our 2nd Annual Indoor “Old Skool” Motorcycle Show. You know from last 30

year that it’s not something you’d expect from a Harley-Davidson dealership. Once again we’re clearing out the showroom and bringing in some of the coolest bikes you’ve ever seen! The focus of the show is simple: cool pre-evo old school choppers and bobbers. American, British, long as it’s a chopper, cafe’, or some kinda cool, it will be here. We’ve got 4 different categories we’re judging: Bobber, Chopper, Café, and People’s Choice. We are giving out Cash prizes and some cool custom trophies Music by the ULTRAKINGS

Virginia 3rd Annual Winter Biker Bar B Q Saturday, February 23, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 7:30 PM American Legion Riders Post 28 10$ General Admission - $8 for Active Duty Military “Stupid Good BBQ” plenty of food, prizes, 50/50 raffles, fund raisers, etc. Our Signature Event Fund Raiser for Charitable Organizations Post 28 (703-221-2507) 17934 Liming Lane, Triangle, VA (down the street from Quantico National Cemetery)

Northeast Motorcycle Expo – Philadelphia Saturday, March 23, 2013 - Sunday, March 24, 2013 The Northeast Motorcycle Expo is a premiere event, featuring bikes on two, three, and even four wheels. This show has all the parts, bikes, leather, and fashions that everyone wants. We are the “Best of the Northeast!”

Harley-Davidson’s Men’s Boot Camp Saturday, March 2, 2013 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Bayside Harley-Davidson EVER THOUGHT ABOUT RIDING YOUR OWN BIKE! Now is the time! Harley-Davidson® Motorcycle Boot Camp is the

Back in Philadelphia the Northeast Motorcycle Expo has got it all. Hundreds of vendors will be in attendance displaying bike accessories, fashions, parts, new models, etc. There is entertainment for kids big and small. Bikes that will make you scream, laugh, cry, and pray for a beautiful spring! asp?type=show_philadelphia

New Jersey

Harrisburg Super Swap ‘13 Sunday, March 24, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Buy New - Build a Re-cycle Cycle - Restore & Rebuild at Harrisburg’s Annual Indoor Motorcycle Showcase & Swap Meet Door Prize & over $8000 available in Cash Awards For Custom Bikes will be given away Sunday night 3-4 pm, must be present to win! Adults: $15.00 Under 16 yrs: Free Farm Show Complex

West Virginia Mountaineer Casino Motorcycle Swap Meet at “The Harv” Sunday, February 24, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM This swap meet is for new/used motorcycle parts, accessories and apparel. All brands are welcome and will be vendor represented. The event will have vendor set on Sat. Feb. 23rd by appointment and Sunday Feb. 24th from 6:30 - 9:30am. Spaces are 10’X10’ for $30. Vendors must supply their own tables. General admission is $5.00, with children 12 years old & under FREE. Parking is FREE. Food & beverage will be available. Colors permitted, attitudes are not. Call Jim @ 330-324-7230 for more info. FEBRUARY 2013

Seaboard Chapter AMCA Swap Meet Sunday, February 24, 2013 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Swap Meet and Antique Bike Display Ride a Pre 1978 bike get one free admission, Admission $5 children under 12 free Vendor Spaces 10x10 $20 10X15$30 Vendor Setup 6:30am-8:00am New Location our Fourth Year Vendors Contact (Lyle 609-859-1013) Nuclear Cowboyz Freestyle Motocross (FMX) Tour Saturday, March 16, 2013 - Sunday, March 17, 2013 Coming to New Jersey - Nuclear Cowboyz 2013 is the only FMX tour of its kind that’s told through an adrenaline-packed narrative based in a futuristic setting. The saga is defined through jaw-dropping freestyle motocross tricks meshed with stimulating pyrotechnic and laser displays all synchronized to heavy metal, rock alternative and electronic dubstep music. The two legendary Nuclear Cowboyz FMX tribes, the Soldiers of HavocSM and Metal Mulisha®, return for an action-packed event that takes place in the war-torn city of Los Angeles during the year 2150. The tale unfolds as the two tribes’ survival is threatened and besieged by an evil force, The Tempest and her electrifying acrobatic Cyborg Army. Cast into the heart-pounding ferocity and frenzied excitement are the alluring Nuclear Cowgirlz® dancers, whose allegiance to their tribes only intensifies the Tempest’s rage to destroy the Nuclear Cowboyz. The Soldiers of Havoc and Metal Mulisha’s battle is fought through fearless, gravity-defying freestyle tricks.





20 3rd Annual Spring rAlly


April 25th to 28th 2013

weSt, OC








News Bytes THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit

CONGRESS GIVES TAX BREAK TO ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE BUYERS Tax hikes and spending cuts dominated holiday headlines as the federal government teetered on the edge of the Fiscal Cliff, but the legislative package passed on New Year’s Day to resolve the issue, dubbed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, included several tax credit extensions that didn’t generate as much media interest – including one for electric motorcycles. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden (D) sponsored the amendment extending the EV tax credit, which covers 10% of the cost of a qualified electric vehicle, up to $2,500. Vehicles must be a two- or three-wheeled plug-in electric designed “primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways” and “capable of achieving a speed of 45 miles per hour or greater.” Electric-powered two wheelers have been without a federal purchase incentive since the end of 2011, when the original tax break expired that was part of the $800 billion stimulus package passed in 2009. A coalition of EV motorcycle companies, through Plug-In America, lobbied Congress to extend the tax credits, which are also retroactive and apply for electric motorcycles or EV chargers purchased in 2012 as well. Wyden argues that extending the tax credit will help generate jobs in the growing electric motorcycle industry. “The electric motorcycle industry is poised to create tens of thousands of U.S. jobs over the next five years, led by companies like Oregon’s Brammo,” said Wyden. “This amendment helps promote the development of a promising U.S. industry and support the transition to a low-carbon American economy.” E-CYCLES PROJECTED TO OUTSELL PLUG-IN CARS According to two new Pike Research reports, electric scooters and motorcycle sales are going to eclipse that of plug-in vehicles by the end of this decade. In one report from Pike Research which looks at electric motorcycles and scooters, the study predicts that “annual sales of e-motorcycles and e-scooters will reach 18.6 million by 2018.” Pike Research points primarily to industries such as delivery companies, police and security forces, and even taxi services in some locations as the prime mover for the increase in sales of electric motorcycles and scooters. Another recently released Pike Research report predicted that annual worldwide sales of electric vehicles will reach 3.8 million by 2020. This includes plug-in electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles selling in the Asia Pacific, North America, and Western Europe. “Sales of EVs have not lived up to automakers’ expectations and politicians’ proclamations, but the market is expanding steadily as fuel prices remain high and consumers increasingly seek alternatives to internal combustion engines,” says senior research analyst Dave Hurst. “Indeed, sales of plug-in EVs will grow at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 40% over the remainder of the decade, while the overall auto market will expand by only two percent a year.” 34

NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

Taken together, the two Pike Research reports indicate that two-wheel EV sales will outperform electric four-wheelers by a margin of 5-1 by the end of the decade. Currently, China is the biggest market for the sale of these electric vehicles, accounting for 81% of the global electric motorcycle and scooter market. EPA TO DROP FOUR GALLON MINIMUM GAS PURCHASES Ethanol-laden gasoline is known to cause engine damage, and many manufacturers warn that using the product will invalidate warranties, so when the EPA approved E15 (fuel blend containing 15% ethanol) it raised concerns amongst motorcyclists, off-roaders, snowmobilers, boaters and others who use vehicles and equipment driven by small gaspowered motors…none of which are approved for its use. The EPA’s response was to require a minimum four gallon purchase, the misguided rationale being that it would dilute any residual E15 remaining in a gas pump’s lines. Again, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency came under fire, with powersports and automotive groups pushing back against the federal agency’s push for the grain alcohol-blended biofuel. Apparently realizing that a viable solution to the problem needs to be conceived, the EPA is abandoning its four-gallon minimum on blender pumps that dispense both E10 and E15 from the same pump, and instead the government body says it will likely require gas stations to label shared pumps, as well as offer a dedicated E10 pump/hose for non-approved vehicles. In the meantime, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has denied a rehearing on the EPA decision to put E15 on the market. The federal appellate court decision is a setback for the oil-and-gas industry, which opposes the use of E15 and a federal biofuel blending mandate that requires refiners to blend 36 billion gallons of biofuels into traditional transportation fuels by 2022. NEW YEAR, NEW LAWS The new year puts new laws on the books across the country, with state and local governments ringing in 2013 with a mix of new laws ranging from the innovative to the odd; one in Kansas City says households can’t have more than four cats, while a town in Massachusetts is banning businesses from selling plastic bottles. In Florida, drivers can once again flash their headlights to warn others of upcoming speed traps, which was previously outlawed. Meanwhile, driverless cars in California got the green light to hit the public roads, but one of Illinois’ 150 new laws prohibits motorcycle riders from popping wheelies -- Public Act 97743 imposes a fine of $1,000 on anyone who pops a wheelie on a motorcycle while speeding. WOMAN FIRED OVER HUSBAND BEING IN A MOTORCYCLE CLUB Her husband’s membership in a motorcycle club has cost the job of a human resources technician with the city of Kingman in northwest Arizona, according to a Phoenix lawyer who is representing the woman in her bid for reinstatement. The city served 11-year employee Melissa Summerson a notice of intent the day after Christmas and terminated her employment Dec. 28, attorney David Kresin told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “She was terminated for the stated reason of her husband’s membership in a family motorcycle club - the Desert Roadriders,” he said, adding that the dismissal violates her constitutional right to freedom of association.



“There’s no allegation that Ms. Summerson personally did anything wrong in her job or engaged in any conduct personally that violated any of the city’s rules, and we believe there’s no cause for termination as she’s been an outstanding employee with a great record for her entire employment.” CRIMINALS MORE PRONE TO CRASH THEIR MOTORCYCLES Motorcyclists who have criminal records are twice as likely to get into accidents on the road than their law-abiding peers, a new Swedish study has found. The findings come from an examination of more than 5,000 motorcycle accidents carried out by Karolinska Institute epidemiologist Michael Fored. He went through statistics and looked at motorcycle riders who have a license and then cross-referenced the names with the criminal register. “If you’ve been convicted of a crime before, we see at least double the risk that you’ll get into a serious accident,” Fored told the TT news agency. Among non-offenders, there are 4.1 accidents per 1,000 license-holders annually. However, that figure jumped up to 27.7 when looking at drivers who had at least two criminal convictions. Fored shared his findings at the Transportforum conference in Linköping, Sweden. “Maybe we should educate people who break the traffic laws,” suggests Fored. EUROPE SET TO MANDATE ABS FOR MOTORCYCLES A Europe-wide proposal to mandate anti-lock braking systems (ABS) for motorcycles bigger than 125cc manufactured from 2016 onwards was overwhelmingly approved by the European Parliament by a vote of 643-16. Although the measure is still working its way through the EU legislative process and must still be adopted by individual member nations of the European Union, it is expected to be adopted soon. A European Union Commission presented the ABS requirement for new framework regulation for motorcycles, and calculates that the proposal would reduce the number of fatal motorcycle accidents by more than 5,000 over a 10-year period. Although the first anti-lock braking system was installed on a motorcycle in 1988, only 16% of all newly manufactured motorcycles in Europe were equipped with ABS, and by comparison car manufacturers have made ABS standard equipment since 2004 which has contributed to an estimated 49% overall decline in fatal car accidents in the EU. Experts regard anti-lock braking as a huge boost to safety, pointing to a Swedish highway study that showed that 38% of all motorcycle accidents involve personal injury and 48% of all serious and fatal accidents could have been prevented with ABS. In the U.S., the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has considered requiring ABS on new motorcycles sold in America, and will likely take up the issue in the near future. INDONESIAN WOMEN BANNED FROM STRADDLING MOTORCYCLES In an effort to establish Sharia law, Indonesia’s northwestern province Aceh has enacted a controversial new law banning women from sitting on motorcycles with their legs apart. Aiming “to save people’s morals & THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

behaviors,” under the new regulation “women are allowed to sit ‘sidesaddle’ because passengers who sit side-saddle rarely fell off while when you see a woman straddle a motorcycle she looks like a man…” Despite opposition from human rights activists who are calling for a reversal of the Sharia-type law; “We’re going ahead with the ban. There’s no resistance here,” said Dasni Yuzar, secretary of the city administration. “The government is only preserving morals. Women must not straddle motorbikes because it provokes the male drivers,” declared Aceh Mayor Suaidi Yahya, who proposed the law. However, he also added that women were allowed to straddle motorbikes if they were driving, as long as they were dressed in a “Muslim way.” Al Yasa’ Abubakar, a professor at the State Islamic Institute Ar-Raniry in Banda Aceh, explained that no such prohibition exists in Islam. While Yuzar agreed it was “not explicitly” written in the Koran that women should not straddle bikes, he said “by sitting astride, women dishonor themselves. They show their body curves almost transparently. They’re riding with men who are not related by blood or marriage. Their front body part is in contact with the men’s back. This is forbidden in Islam.” According to Tunggal Prawestri, a women’s activist based in Jakarta, “Almost every bylaw that was based on Sharia law targets the female body as a political battle ground in Aceh. Women become the easiest target, because as soon as women rights activists protest we are deemed anti-Muslim or anti-Sharia.” Spread across a chain of thousands of islands between Asia and Australia, Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population and Southeast Asia’s biggest economy, a huge market that all motorcycle manufacturers, including Harley-Davidson, dream to dominate one day. AUSTRALIAN TOP COP VOWS TO BAN BIKIES FROM PUBS Declaring that outlaw bikies “…are not the type of people who should be running licensed premises,” Chief Commissioner Ken Lay has vowed to ban bikers from pubs and clubs across Victoria. “The legislation is designed to ensure that doesn’t occur,” he told the Herald Sun newspaper of his plan to move “bikies” out of venue ownership, operation and security. Earlier this year, police swooped on bikies in a series of raids and seized 120 guns after ruling them not fit people to have the weapons under the Firearms Act. Meanwhile, police are telling licensees not to allow patched-up bikies entry, so some Melbourne strip clubs, bars and nightclubs are refusing entry based on a “dress code standard,” and some have even banned motorcycles from parking outside. Inspector Paul Ross, of licensing enforcement, said police “advised” licensees “it’s probably better if they don’t allow outlaw motorcycle gang members inside ... wearing colors.” One operator, who is enforcing the ban, said police asked him and others to sign an agreement that the dress code standard relating to bikies was upheld. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong.” ~ Richard Dawkins (b. 1941), English biologist and author



biker friendly directory

APPAREL Mary’s Bargain Cycle New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323

Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Restaurant: 301-805-5901 Deli: 301-805-5903 Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902

Renegade Classics 3180 Solomons Island Rd #101, Edgewater, Md 21037 410-956-RIDE (7433)

The Blue Ox Bar & Grill 12601 Coastal Hwy Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-250-6440

Renegade Classics 131 Central Square Dr. Prince Fredrick, MD 20678 (301) 855-1999

The Greene Turtle For a location near you

Charles Seek Services Custom Tree Removal Call for FREE estimate 410-519-7001

LAWYERS Law offices of Irwin Jay Block 90 Painters Mill Rd. Suite 131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-356-6555 800-875-6554


Bars & Restaurants

The Woodstock Inn 1514 Woodstock RD Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673

Barefoot Bernie’s 901 Dual Hwy Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-797-4424

Triple Nines Bar & Billiards 7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD. 21075 410-799-1818

Mark Petinga Photography Email: 443-630-4124

Bamboo Bernie’s 8359 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. Pasadena, MD. 21122 410-647-6100

Business Services

Realtor Services

Cancun Cantina 7501 Old Telegraph Road Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188 Cancun Cantina West 901 Dual Highway Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 301-797-4422 Hardwired 4123 N. Dupont Hwy. Dover, DE. 19901 302-526-2735 Laurel Station Bar & Grille 14933 Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 604-3693 Millstream Inn 5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 410-265-8224


Home Services

Heartland Payment Systems Payroll / Card Processing 410-493-8467

Dealer & Shops Charm City Scooters 2808 Hammonds Ferry Halethorpe, Md 21227 410-501-3528

Michael J. Alves US Patriot Photography

M-Lend Patrick M. Bell “Home Loans Made Fast & Easy” Office# 301-858-9300 x222 Direct# 202-438-0038

retail services Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211

Eastern Performance 1318 Defense Hwy. Gambrills, MD 21054 410-451-5181

Tobacco Stop 3351 Corridor Marketplace Suite #300 Laurel, MD. 20724 301-317-5316

Premier Collision & Customs 621 Central Ave. Edgewater, MD. 21037 410-798-9727


IGS Auto Body, Inc. 1230 Cronson Blvd. Crofton, MD 21114 410-451-7405

Pit & Pub 2706 Philadelphia Avenue Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-289-2020

Old Glory Harley Davidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575

Reckless Ric’s 1702 Furnace Drive Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280

Ron Treacy Automotive Certified Master Technician All Makes and Models Mobil at Rte 3 & 450 Bowie, MD 301-262-0003 FEBRUARY 2013

Orange Tattoo Company 2020-A West Street Annapolis, MD. 21401 410-224-6088 Walls Of Wonder Tattoo 1022 Lafferty Lane Dover, DE. 19901 302-730-9196

_____________________________ If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If your Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@TRMDEL. COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.


K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee

Place sliced mushrooms in a 1/4 inch of olive oil for

JUST FOR THE TWO OF YOU STOVE TOP ROAST CHICKEN W/ HOT BUTTERED NOODLES 1 Pound of Fresh Mushrooms 2 of Each Chicken Part; Breast, Thigh & Leg 2 Tbls. Cornstarch 1/4 Cup Water 1/4 Cup Olive Oil 3/4 Cup Rose’ Wine 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce 1 Clove Garlic, Pressed 1/4 tsp. Dried Oregano Cooked & Buttered Egg Noodles Covered & Set Aside

total browning over medium-low heat. Combine cornstarch and water in a small bowl, stirring until smooth. Add next 5 ingredients, pour over chicken. slow roast on top of stove for 1 hour or until chicken is done. Serve with buttered noodles. * My mom used to make this same recipe in a cast iron skillet, but she’d jazz it up by adding strips of green, red and yellow peppers and letting it all cook down on top of stove with a cover over 3/4 of the skillet to allow air to flow. Green chilies is a nice addition also. Any way you do it, this dish is fabulous and the key to it is slow and steady. Don’t rush the good stuff.

FRUIT & KISSES RED SMOOTHIES 1 Carton (8 ozs.) Strawberry Yogurt 1/2 to 3/4 Cup Cranberry Juice 1-1./2 Cups Frozen Unsweetened Strawberries, quartered 1 Cup Frozen Unsweetened Raspberries 3 tsps. Sugar or Splenda

In a blender or food processor, combine yogurt and cranberry juice. Add strawberries, raspberries and sugar; cover and process until blended. Pour into chilled, fancy dessert glasses. Serve immediately. These are so rich, you can serve as dessert.

DIPPED W/ LOVE STRAWBERRIES INTO HAZELNUT WHIPPED CREAM 1 Quart of Strawberries; pop the tops and rinse thoroughly 1 Cup of Whipping Cream 1/4 Cup Sifted Powdered Sugar 1 Tbl. Frangelico, or Other Hazelnut-Flavored Liqueur 1/2 to 1 tsp. Grated Lemon Rind

Beat whipping cream at medium speed with an electric mixer until foamy; gradually add powdered sugar; beating at high speed until soft peaks form. Gently stir in liqueur and lemon rind. Serve with chilled, fresh strawberries and dip away.

MY VALENTINE FOR LIFE, STRAWBERRY CUSTARD TORTE 1 Packaged Quality Yellow Cake Mix 1/3 Cup of Sugar or Baking Splenda 1 Tbl. Cornstarch 1/8 tsp. Salt 1 Cup Whole Milk 2 Egg Yolks, Lightly Beaten 1 Tbl. Butter or Margarine 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract 1 Carton (8 ozs.) of Frozen, Whipped Topping, Thawed 1 Pkg. (12 ozs.) Frozen Sweetened, Sliced Strawberries, Drained and Thawed Halved Strawberries and Mint Leaves for Top Garnish POUR SOME ICE COLD ASTI SPUMANTE INTO CHAMPAGNE FLUTES, LIGHT A CANDLE AND SHARE A BIG SLICE OF THIS TORTE TOGETHER, IN BED, AND THIS RECIPE WILL HELP CREATE A MEMORY OF PASSION


Prepare and bake cake according to package directions, using two greased and floured 9-inch round baking pans. Cool for 10 minutes, remove from pans to wire racks to cool completely. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt; gradually stir in milk until smooth. Bring to a boil over medium heat; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Remove from the heat. Stir a small amount of hot filling into egg yolks; return all to pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and refrigerate until chilled. Place half of the whipped topping in a bowl; add strawberries. Split each cake into two horizontal layers; place one layer on a serving plate. Spread with half of the strawberry mixture. Top with a second cake layer; spread with custard. Add third layer; spread with remaining strawberry mixture. Top with remaining cake and whipped topping. Refrigerate overnight. Garnish and serve.









A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed. She puts on her robe and goes down stairs to look for him. She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front him. He appears deep in thought, just staring at the wall. She watches as hewipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of coffee. “What’s the matter, dear?” she whispers as she steps into the room. “Why are you down here at this time of night?” The husband looks up, “Do you remember 20 years ago when we were dating, and you were only 17?” he asks solemnly. The wife is touched thinking her husband is so caring and sensitive. “Yes,I do,” she replies. The husband pauses. The words are not coming easily. “Do you remember when you father caught us in the back seat of my car?” “Yes, I remember,” says the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.

don’t you ever see the headline ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’? is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word? do we always stand up and look at our bowel movement before flushing? do cats always look at their bowel movement before covering it up thoroughly? is it that doctors call what they do ‘practice’? Gives pause for thought. is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

The husband continues...”Do you remember when he shoved a shotgun in my face and said, “Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail

is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

for 20 years”.

didn’t Noah swat those two damn mosquitoes hitching a free ride?

“I remember that too”, she replies softly. He wipes another tear from his cheek and says...

do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

“I would have gotten out today!”

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

Insert a WHY? at the front of every sentence. Wdo drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions filled, while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front of the store? do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a Diet Coke? do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters? do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage? do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten but buns only come in packages of eight? does the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food?

don’t sheep shrink when it rains? are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? if con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress? if flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


Remember..... If you don’t give you damn sure will not receive. This is the day to go all out and you will definitely be rewarded. The gift that keeps on giving. Enjoy!

can’t women put on mascara with their mouth closed? 40












The Thunder Roads Magazine APP A MUST for all bikers


By Hillbilly

n this new world of technology, an old school biker could get lost. Thank goodness Thunder Roads Magazine has an App for that! It will help even the technologically challenged, like me Hillbilly, enter the next century of technology. The best part is it’s FREE. I know that›s hard to believe, but yes, it’s FREE! Once you download this App, I doubt you will go on any rides or trips without it. Our vendors and sponsors will love it as well because you will be able to find them with the push of a button. From the first day I learned about the App, and every day since, I still can›t believe how easy it is to use and how much information is in my phone under one little button. The first thing you need to do is download the app from your particular App store on your phone. Click on search and type in Thunder roads magazine. Download and install the app on your phone. When you first open the App give it a couple of seconds to find you and what state you are in. That›s right I said it will find you! Maryland edition will pop-up for everyone in MD, Delaware, and D.C. We are the same App for all three and the listings will come up for all three. When you hit the events/calendar part, a listing will come up letting you know all the rides and events that are coming up and where you can go for more info. If you are looking for a place to eat, hit advertisers and then hit bars/restaurants. You’ll see our advertisers and the specials they are running. You can also find apparel, and other business services that are biker friendly. If you hit the map button, it will show you where you are at that time and show you where you need to go to find the business or event you are looking for. You can also visit their website or call them from the App. If your memory is not as good as it used to be, like mine, you can set a reminder about the event or advertiser you want to visit. Sounds too good to be true doesn›t it? Now if you go to another state that has Thunder Roads Magazine, the app will automatically switch to that state and you can browse their events and advertisers. Please remember to shop with all the Thunder Roads advertisers; without them we don›t have a magazine. We now have Thunder Roads Magazines in 21 different states and we are working to get all of them. As with all new technology, there have been some glitches with the app and sometimes you have to manually switch to the state. We are working everyday to fix these minor issues. If you find yourself having any problems with the app please don›t hesitate to call Hillbilly at 443875-7887 and I will do my best to have your problem resolved. Soon the app is going to be your number one source when you’re on the road. It will help you find events, places to shop, and eat, that caters to bikers and who would LOVE to have you stop by. Don›t wait DOWNLOAD it TODAY!






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