Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC-WV 1511

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Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC-WV

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.......................5 Big City Road Hounds........................................7 Diary of a Biker Chic......................................... 11 Cherissa Jackson.............................................12

Facebook – Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DEL-DC Twitter- TR_BigCity Instagram- ThunderRoadsMD_DE_DC_WV EDITOR / OWNER / PUBLISHER

ABATE..............................................................15 Road Captain’s Report.....................................16 22 Needs A Face..............................................22 Road Hogz 6th Annual Cookout.....................25 Center Calendar...............................................26 Feautured Bike.................................................28

ADVERTISING Mike “Rhino” Ryan Laurie “LuLu” Wright 443-875-7482 410-533-3551 (Owner / Sales Director) (Central Maryland Crew) David “Mongo” Robinson 240-855-4705 (Big City Ride Card Manager)

Cathy “Cat” Curran 443-859-6917 (Eastern Shore Crew)

Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen 301-283-8008 & Michael “Tractor” Herbert 240-298-0472 (Southern Maryland Crew)

David “Barney” Barnhouse 717-465-2292 (Western Maryland Crew)

Scott “Scooter” Broyles 304-549-5615 (Charleston, WV Crew)

Tony Matsch......................................................30 Big City Rhino Challenge.................................32 Tech Tip.............................................................36 History of Motorcycles Part 2...........................40 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen.......................................43 News Bytes.......................................................46 Joker’s Wild......................................................47 Events...............................................................48 Biker Friendly Directory....................................50


OWNER/ACCOUNTANT Mike “Bighead” Abbott (443) 875-7597

Model: Tonya Mantsch

LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics CONTRIBUTORS Mike “Smiles” Johnson / Joyce “Biker Chic” Marc Rithcie a.k.a Road Captain

Photographer: Bobby T Rocks

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

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Once again we are here to deliver the ONLY Motorcycle Magazine that Matters to you. We have a special treat to announce. We have decided to merge the MD-DE-DC Edition with our West Virginia Edition to give you our readers even more to read and explore each month. This will make the riding season in 2016 much more exciting for us all. Be sure to follow us this fall and winter as we drop hints to our master plan for one of our best seasons to date in 2016. In the meantime, enjoy all great stories this month. The Road Captain takes us on a tour of Cape May, and Love Lust Cycles helps us out once again with a detailed tech tip. Just like last month our very own Biker Chic has got a story to tell. Also read about our friend Cherissa Jackson and her story about being a PTS Survivor and Warrior. This season has been good to us here at Thunder Roads速 MD-DE-DC-WV and as always we want to thank all our advertising partners for their support and want to request all our readers continue to support those business as well. Without their support we would not be able to deliver the markets highest quality and most informative motorcycle magazine. L&R Big City

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Violence on The Earth The Lord saw that the people on the earth were very evil. He saw that they thought only about evil things all the time. The Lord was sorry that he had made people on the earth. It made him very sad in his heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy all the people I created on the earth. I will destroy every person and every animal and everything that crawls on the earth. And I will destroy all the birds in the air, because I am sorry that I have made them. ” But Noah pleased the Lord. This is the history of Noah’s family. He was a good man all his life, and he always followed God. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. When God looked at the earth, he saw that people had ruined it. Violence was everywhere, and it had ruined their life on earth. If you would tear open the skies and come down to earth, then everything would change. Mountains would melt before you. Please, look down from the heavens. See what is happening now. Look down at us from your great and holy home in heaven. Where is your strong love for us? Where is your compassion? Why are you hiding your kind love from me? Look, you are our father! Abraham does not know us. Israel does not recognize us. Lord, you are our father! You are the one who has always saved us! Lord, why are you pushing us away from you? Why are you making it hard for us to follow you? Come back to us! We are your servants. Come to us and help us! Our tribes belong to you. Your holy people had their land only a short time. Then our enemies trampled down your holy Temple. Some people don’t follow you. They don’t wear your name. And we have been like them for a very long time. Jesus left the Temple area and was walking away. But his followers came to him to show him the Temple’s buildings. He asked them, “Are you looking at these buildings? The fact is,

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they will be destroyed. Every stone will be thrown down to the ground. Not one stone will be left on another.” Later, Jesus was sitting at a place on the Mount of Olives. The followers came to be alone with him. They said, “Tell us when these things will happen. And what will happen to prepare us for your coming and the end of time?” Jesus answered, “Be careful! Don’t let anyone fool you. Many people will come and use my name. They will say, ‘I am the Messiah.’ And they will fool many people. You will hear about wars that are being fought. And you will hear stories about other wars beginning. But don’t be afraid. These things must happen before the end comes. Nations will fight against other nations. Kingdoms will fight against other kingdoms. There will be times when there is no food for people to eat. And there will be earthquakes in different places. These things are only the beginning of troubles, like the first pains of a woman giving birth. “Then you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and killed. People all over the world will hate you because you believe in me. During that time many believers will lose their faith. They will turn against each other and hate each other. Many false prophets will come and cause many people to believe things that are wrong. There will be so much more evil in the world that the love of most believers will grow cold. But the one who remains faithful to the end will be saved. And the Good News I have shared about God’s kingdom will be told throughout the world. It will be spread to every nation. Then the end will come.


Preacher Bacon Rushing Wind Ministry 240-577-0606 Facebook; Rushing Wind Motorcycle Ministry




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BIG BERTHA: I’m Big Bertha, and if you haven’t been sold on adopting me just by my photo, you will when you meet me and see my winning personality. I am the sweetest dog ever and even though I may be on the bigger side, I still have some energy when I get my zoomies”… believe me it is a sight to see. I am a staff favorite because I am such a cuddle bug and love to give kisses. Some of my favorite things are toys, food, attention, car rides, people, and dogs… I also like to “hang out” with other dogs! I promise, I will bring lots of love and fun into your life. Hope to see you soon!! BASIL: Well, hello there!! I’m Basil, a purebred Cane Corso stud muffin looking for my forever home. I’m 114 pounds of sheer love and slobber... I can’t help the slobber part, but once you meet me, I don’t think you’ll mind. I love getting attention from anyone who will give it to me and I also LOVE food! Treats are definitely the way to my heart. I must admit, I prefer an older crowd. After all, I’m a mature gentleman myself and am a bit uncomfortable around youngins’. I’m a pretty smart guy and know commands like sit, down, and paw. I’m also a playful guy who really likes toys and playing with other dogs. I’ve had a play date here at the shelter and had a blast. It’s

not hard to see why I’m a staff favorite; I’m a huge lovebug plus I look so darn cute when I carry around toys in my mouth. Please stop in soon so I can become your favorite too!! HUGO: Hi there, I’m Hugo. I’m a smart, cutie-pie looking for my forever home. I may be a bit shy at first (I like to play a little hard to get), but give me a treat and we’ll be fast friends. The way to my heart is definitely with treats. Just make sure they don’t have any peanuts in them; I have a peanut allergy so nothing with peanuts or peanut butter for me. But don’t worry, there are still plenty of other yummy treats I can have! I know lots of commands like sit, paw, down, stay, come, and even speak! I told you I was smart! I love to go for long walks, to run around in the sun, and to play with tennis balls. Tennis balls are definitely my favorite. I’ll carry them around or sometimes flatten them... just something silly I do. Come out and visit me soon! My fee has been sponsored by a generous donor! SETH: Hi! My name is Seth, I’m sometimes called Seth the Great! I enjoy spending time with friends, going on long walks, and getting lots of attention. I’m pretty smart and know lots of tricks like sit, down, come, and stay. I’ve even taken some fun classes, like agility. I loved them!! I also love puzzle games I said, I’m a smart guy. Come out and meet me soon!

Baltimore Humane Society 1601 Nicodemus Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136 T: 410-833-8848 | F: 410-833-4481 | Baltimore Humane Society: A no-kill shelter protecting, saving, and caring for animals since 1927!

The Ridge Tavern and Grill Great Food Kitchen Always Open Cold Beer Bikers Welcome Good times US19 at Marion County Line


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Live Road Audience

stopped at one of my favorite lakes for a bit and as I was walking back to my bike, a dude was walking not too far behind me. As I was getting myself ready to ride, he was taking his time, reading the sign, etc. Right after I started my bike, he walked by to get to his car. He gave me the most saddest smile I’ve ever seen and then gave me the thumbs up. I just chuckled, got on my bike and took off! Thanks for watching!

November is here (unfortunately) which means I’m not doing as much riding as I’d like to be and it’s only going to get worse. I’ve been so busy lately that I don’t know if I’m coming or going most of the time. I haven’t got my heated gear hooked up yet, but it’s going to be happening soon so I can keep riding and sharing my stories throughout the winter. In the meantime, I started a little section on my website called “Live Road Audience.” It seems almost every time I was riding back from the Mountainfest in Morgantown, I’m out on the bike, I have an audience. I’m usually getting gawked at, waved at, cheered on, or maybe even yelled at. WV. I was cruising down Interstate 68 in the middle lane. A Too bad I can’t charge the viewers for the show they seem to “We Pave The Way” truck in the left lane went by me and as be getting. I wonder - do the guys have any stories like this? they did, the dude in the passenger seat was pulling a major rubbernecking to look at me...the entire time as they drove by me. He finally nodded his head at me so I nodded my head back to him. Thanks for watching! Today I rode to Ocean City and had two moments of a live On the same trip, I had just gotten onto Interstate 70 and road audience while on Route 50: decided to stop and get some gas. I filled up and then went 1. A car drove by me that had a child in the back seat. The inside the store to get some cold water. I came back out child was not seat belted in. In fact, he was standing up and and was standing by my bike, stretching my legs when a hanging over the back of the front seats. As they drove by, group of motorcycles pulled in. They parked and got off their he smiled at me and waved as if I were someone he knew. I bikes. One of them walked by me and said, “Hey, you must waved back and this made him smile even bigger and I saw have been shittin’ and hittin’ it. We saw you pull out of the him saying something to his parents. Thanks for watching! same hotel as us five to ten minutes before we pulled out.” I 2. As I was cruising, a pickup truck drove by me and blew laughed and told him they must have been shittin’ and hittin’ their horn as they did so. I looked over to see what they were it if they caught up to me. I don’t know about shittin’ but I was honking at and I saw three dudes stuffed in the truck and definitely hittin’ it! Thanks for watching! all three of them (this includes the driver) were smiling and looking right at me. Thanks for watching!

July 26, 2015:

June 10, 2015:

August 16, 2015:

June 17, 2015:

Today I rode to work and I stopped at the gas station by my work to fill up. As I turned off the bike, the dude at the pump next to me clapped his hands and said to me, “Good job.” I didn’t really know what to say to this so I just laughed and said, “I try.” Thanks for watching!

June 21, 2015:

Today I took the bike out for a quick little scoot. I was stopped at a red light and felt eyes upon me. I looked over to my right and the dude in the truck next to me was staring at me. He smiled at me and gave me a head nod. I returned the most littlest smile that I could conjure up. Thanks for watching!

June 24, 2015:

This evening after work was great for getting out on the bike! No rain for once and it wasn’t hot. So I did just that. I

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My friend Buddi and I rode up to the Woodstock Inn for bikefest and after we parked and were walking around, some dude started talking to his. He said he watched us ride in and just had to tell us how awesome it was to see chics riding their own. Thanks for watching!

August 23, 2015:

I was on IS695 heading towards Towson when a car in an SUV drove by on my right hand side. I looked over as they went by and the dude driving was rubber necking me. It’s a good thing that traffic in front of him didn’t come to a sudden stop because he was looking back at me for what seemed like forever. Eventually I waved hi to him and he when he did, he went back to paying attention to what was going on in front of him instead of behind him. Thanks for watching! Like always, thanks for taking the time and reading these articles. Stay safe!



Cherissa Jackson, A PTS Survivor and Warrior


ave you ever meet someone that was just a breath of fresh air, a ray of positive light, and well just an all around inspiration? I did, and that someone was Cherissa Jackson. I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Jackson at the this years Legion Giving Back event and instantly gravitated towards her cheerful, positive demeanor, and her passion for helping veterans with PTS. Cherissa Jackson has become a game changer as an advocate for veterans with PTS and she is doing something about it in a big way. Let me start off by giving some insight as to who Cherissa is: retired Air Force nurse of 23 years of active duty service, BSN in Nursing, SHERO United Ambassador and Hall of Famer for efforts in helping women veterans, founder of the nonprofit PTSFaces TV, owner of Jackson & Associates Legal Nurse Consultants, and she has been featured in “Prevention Magazine”, “Forbes Magazine”, and “Simple Grace” magazine. Most recently Cherissa has been selected as a peer review for the Department of Defense, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) on Post Traumatic Stress and will also debut a PTS Recovery Center in the area next year. Charissa’s passion as an advocate for veterans with PTS is an inspiration to witness and one that I knew needed to be shared. TRM: “I read from your bio you are what is called a “Shero.” What is that exactly?” Cherissa: “Shero is an organization honoring military woman doing great things in the community, being an advocate for positive change. Shero founder had heard about my PTS advocacy work and nominated me as a “Shero United Ambassador” and “Hall of Famer.” Shero is a nonprofit helping females through different pillars like helping fellow veterans encompassing empowerment through positive change.” TRM: “You were deployed a total of 4 times in your military career. What was that like?” Cherissa: “As a single parent it took a toll on my daughters, having to depend on their father and make provisions and on top of that being away from their mom. It was tough on them. The things I saw as a nurse was catastrophic. Amputations, 80% burns, constant trauma of soldiers reminded me of the TV show Mash, but actually living through it. My first deployment was in 2005. When you first touchdown with enemy eyes are on you just can’t prepare for that and for what you are about to witness. I taught myself to leave it there and remain still with my feelings. In 2012 all that changed. I had to deal with my emotions because I was no longer in

constant chaos. I had to sit still with myself and reopen the closets doors to those emotions.” TRM: “So in dealing with the closeted emotions brought to light the fact that you were suffering from PTS. How did PTS affect you and your family?” Cherissa: “For me the components of the symptoms included insomnia, hyper vigilance, depression, and isolation. I shut my family out and wanted to be by myself. I saw my world caving in on me and hurting inside and no one was there to see it because I isolated myself. I also didn’t understand why I did the things I did like spending money on stupid stuff. I could have been in financial ruin if it wasn’t for my therapist recognizing this problem and helping me with it.

psychological state will influence how PTS will affect you. For instance there is a lot of anger among us. I mean we had to take care of insurgents, keeping these guys alive while they’re shooting at us and while we are thinking we could be taking care of one of our own. These types of instances causes a lot of anger like my friend was feeling and unfortunately got himself arrested because of it. Again, everyone deals either PTS differently.” TRM: “What type of treatments have you found to be instrumental in treating your PTS?”

My family wasn’t around me enough and I was able to consistently camouflage it.

Cherissa: “For me, my symptoms weren’t as severe in comparison to those who have attempted suicide for instance. I’ve been prescribed the usual meds but because I relied a great deal on my inner strength and spirituality along with regular exercise I was able to overcome a great deal. Holistic therapy should be an option in conjunction with other treatments prescribed. I want to bring awareness not everyone has to be tied to just one type of treatment in treating their PTS. Successful treatment should cater to an individual and include a combination of holistic therapy, medical treatments, and ways to fine tube ones inner strength and spirituality in successfully treating PTS.”

TRM: “Have you found PTS to affect women differently from men?”

TRM: “Explain what does it mean to be a PTS Survivor?”

Cherissa: “Me personally yes. I have a close friend of mine and he shared his story of his PTS with me. He dealt with a lot more anger than I did placing himself in different predicaments than what I found myself in. It also depends on the role you played when you were deployed. Everyone had different roles and depending on your original

Cherissa: “It means I’m a warrior of all things I have encounter that has served as a road block during my journey with PTS. I would tell anyone who has or is surviving PTS that they are a “real” survivor and warrior because we have not allowed PTS to determine our success but have learned to overcome it as a warrior would.”

TRM: “Ok, well how did it affect your family?” Cherissa: “My family never knew about it. I was always the jubilant, happy-go-lucky Cherissa and hide it from them. It wasn’t until this year when Prevention Magazine did an article on me did they have any clue, yet I have been dealing with my PTS symptoms since 2005.

12 NOVEMBER 2015

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TRM: “So tell us a little bit about PTSFaces TV?” Cherissa: “PTSFaces is a TV channel site that will serve as a hub for information and support for veterans having spokesperson spotlights on fellow veterans willing to share their stories. PTSFaces will broadcast online and in the PTS Recovery Center I plan to open next fall broadcasting recovery information to include diet, treatment, webinars, and advertise organizations serving to help veterans with PTS.” TRM: “You are working tirelessly on the opening of the first PTS Recovery Center. Tell us more about that.”

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Cherissa: “The PTS Recovery Center will serve as a one stop shop providing warriors with inspiration, motivation, and emotional support. In conjunction with the emotional support we will also provide relative support groups and group sessions from medical professionals and holistic therapeutic groups. The PTS Recovery Center will provide outpatient treatment helping to give warriors options they may not be aware of in treating their PTS.” PTSFaces TV will officially launch November 10th, and the PTS Recovery Center’s projected grand opening will be fall 2016. For more information on PTSFaces TV go to

NOVEMBER 2015 For more information on Heroes United go to SHEROES-Mission.html For more information on how you or your organization can connect with Cherissa Jackson contact: Bookings and Media Contact: V. Agency, Inc. 1717 K St. NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 202.304.0307





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14 NOVEMBER 2015

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Chesapeake Bay Bridge

Cape May Lighthouse


thought we had packed our mesh jackets away for good this year. The weather forecast reminded me of hair bands: high in the mid-eighties. The mountains would be full of leaf peepers. Instead, easterly destinations near water, were calling, especially Cape May and the ferry crossing

the Delaware Bay. The logistics of this trip with the crossing, added an extra dynamic, since the departure times needed to coincide with our arrival, or face a lengthy delay. We needed to be there no later than 2PM or catch the next ferry at 6PM. Nauti’s kickstand was up at zero eight hundred and cleared for heading zero six zero degrees. That meant taking the highway in the interests of saving time. The chartreuse vest was donned. We made our accordion-like way down the HOV lane of 66 without any issues. I used to commute on this highway, so I was no stranger to the stopped cars on

Cape May Lewes Ferr y

the right. I maintained a one second space behind the vehicle in front and made sure the high beams were on. We merged on the beltway and hopped in the left lane. At the interchange with I-95, a minivan couldn’t make up its mind in front of us. And instead of keeping pace, or switching lanes, they decided to pull off onto the shoulder, while first, slowing down in the lane ahead with traffic behind doing 75. Fortunately, I saw what was happening and I was immediately able to change lanes. I avoided slamming into the car behind the f@#&ing dumbass and getting plowed into from the car behind me. We will take the long way and risk the later ferry next time. The rest of the traffic was behaving nicely all the way to the new Wilson Bridge. It’s been completed for a few years now, but I hardly get a chance to go over it. They really did a nice job of keeping everyone moving by separating the exiting motorists from those continuing on. The Washington Monument could be seen as a plane flew overhead on its approach to Reagan National. The Navy Yard was to the right of the Potomac River, eerily reminding me of the shooting that took place there. We were making good time. We reached the Chesapeake Bay Bridge around 1030. Crossing the five miles with up to 185 feet of clearance on a bike is, well, breathtaking. I remember driving a box truck over this bridge every day for a year and a half delivering kitchen cabinets in the hair band era, but ner Din at hts Yac never was it this much fun or exciting. ing Watch The ride to Cape Lewes was pretty uneventful, if not boring. Aside from a few nice sweepers, the roads

16 NOVEMBER 2015

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Civil Defense Bunker were mainly flat and straight, which is great, if you drive a tractor, but not so much on a motorcycle. In this toilet paper roll-like existence, where the closer to the end, the faster it goes by, boredom can be a wonderful thing. We reached the ferry by 12:15, a full hour and forty five minutes ahead of schedule. I had pre-booked the 2:30 crossing online earlier, but the lady working the gate kindly switched our boarding time to the 12:45 crossing. We walked into the terminal and bought a couple of hot dogs and some ice tea for the boat ride. I was struck at how clean the place was. There was a gift shop, outdoor seating, and even a bar. They really had it going on. I bet folks spend a night crossing over and back just for entertainment. They even have live bands. Once on board the ship, we secured Nauti and our gear and headed top side. They made quick work of everyone boarding and before long we heard the ship’s horn. We were headed out to the open water of the Delaware Bay for our 17 mile, 85 minute crossing. We leaned on the rail catching the wind in our hair, watching the seagulls on this very warm, but comfortable October day. I’ve often wondered if one of the reasons man took to the sea, was to experience the wind. I know it’s one of the reasons I ride a motorcycle. It can be magical. While Rose was resting her head on my shoulder, I landmarked the Cape May Lighthouse on my smartphone. We had some time to explore before having dinner and checking into our hotel, since we were on the earlier crossing. Departing the boat and realizing we were in a new state we’ve never been before, I felt extremely refreshed. The trip across the bay turned out to be the perfect break from a long ride. I was really excited and Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV

Inside the Lighthouse energized being somewhere new, and really looking forward to seeing this area. We looked for a spot to set up the tripod and take a pic of the lighthouse that wasn’t cluttered with cars and people. We found a remote parking area that provided an intimate setting of just us and the beautiful landmark. After taking the picture, we climbed the 199 steps of the 157 foot high structure that was built in 1859. The view was fantastic. There was a WWII bunker that was built in 1942 as part of the coastal defense project that reminded me of something out of a video game. Chris, the employee working the top area this day, welcomed us and took some time to explain some of the interesting details of this historical navigational aid that is still in use today. Before our descent, I asked Chris where a good place to eat was. He recommended The Lobster House. After checking into a very stereotypical looking beach hotel, we made our way to have some dinner. The bay crossings would total over $80, so there wasn’t much room in the e budget for the Ritz on this trip. The g d i n Br W ilso restaurant was very old school.


Potomac River 17

Jersey Shore at Night

Top Deck on Ferry

There were no TVs. The staff wore uniforms and the tables and silverware were covered and wrapped with cloth. We sat next to the window that ran the full length of the dining room which overlooked the marina. We watched large, expensive yachts float by as we ate our tasty seafood. One of the boats even docked sideways between two others. We finished our dinner and walked around outside. We found ourselves in an area out back with patio tables and umbrellas behind a takeout restaurant/bar. It was hopping with activity on this mild October evening. We kind of kicked ourselves for not eating out there instead. Even though the food was great where we ate, the atmosphere outdoors has always appealed to us, especially near water. We’ll check it out the next time we’re there. Later that evening, we packed a small bag with “provisions”, and had a moonlight stroll on the beach. We were amazed at how much distance we walked to get from the parking lot, to the ocean. It must have been over 100 yards. Once there, we noticed there weren’t any other people that we could see, which

was a good thing, because we were singing “Lights” from Journey at the top of our lungs, as it was playing on Rose’s phone. I pictured crabs leaping into the surf, leaving the beach in droves as we walked by. We both reflected on another wonderful day we shared together on a motorcycle, and embraced under the stars, on the edge of a continent. These machines can be magical. They can be catalysts for some of the greatest experiences of our lives. I’m very fortunate I grew up when I did. I didn’t have video games or computers. I had a bicycle. And I rode the tires off of several of them. Perhaps I knew then, what I really wanted to do when I grew up. Some people go their whole lives doing what they hate, just to chase a dollar. I don’t know why or how, but the universe seems to unfold in favor of those who chase their dreams and throw aside their fears. And to me, there’s no better dream chaser and catcher, than a motorcycle. Cheers and thanks for reading! Marc Ritchie a.k.a The Road Captain Photo Credit to Rose Grant

18 NOVEMBER 2015

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A H A AM KER Y 1 201R STRY STA 300 CC 1

Owned By: Sam & Patricia Winchester, PA

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all is officially here and while the leaves may be changing, our mission at Platoon 22 never will. This time of year brings cooler weather that causes riding season to start winding down for some, but our efforts here at Platoon 22 are just starting to heat up. Since the last issue of Thunder roads, our campaign has seen us do everything from bringing vets together to literally taking our mission on the open road across the entire nation! We begin this issue on the waters of the Potomac where Jason Gugliemone and his crew hosted the “Veterans on the Potomac” fishing trip. The weather was not on our side. Throughout the night before, we monitored everything because it was getting to the point where it wasn’t going to be safe on the water for anyone. Luckily, we had a lot of experienced captains. The boats started showing up the night before to catch bait for the event. We had captains from West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. After hours of bait fishing, both the captains and vets were treated to a breakfast of homemade muffins and coffee from Railroaders Coffee and Tea. Due to the wind and the tide, we were able to fish until tide 22 NOVEMBER 2015

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change around 1:30pm. Around that time, some of the boats started to return. While not many big fish were caught (by the captain’s standards anyway), a great time was had by all. The top fish were 2 35-pounders caught by Dave Guglielmone and Mike Hausler. The winning big fish was 37.75lbs, which was by Mark Faulhaber. Dinner was then provided by Glory Days and the BBQ brought in by Wray and Rena Stitcher. We had over $1,000 in prizes given out to all the veterans that helped and participated. In addition, one of our boat captains was Bryan Kubic--a wounded veteran who has 2 sons, both who are veterans from the second Iraq War and one of whom, Bryan Kubic Jr, sadly became one of the fallen 22--so it was decided to donate $1,000 dollars to Platoon 22 (22 Needs a Face). Next up, we saw 4 members of the Desert Knights take Platoon 22 on the road to spread awareness. In just 15 short days, “Maverick”, “Squirrel”, “Rigid”, and Prospect Wayne drove through 48 states to raise over $5,000 and awareness. The trip saw them brave the elements and traffic. In fact, one night spent in Death Valley was over 100 degrees, and the next morning saw them freeze in the winding mountains. The last 150 miles of the journey were, as Mav reported, the hardest he has ever done on two wheels. Even though Hurricane Joaquin was pressing down on them, they pressed on to make sure that they completed their ride on time and ended at our last event of the month, The Einherjar Rally. While we were waiting for our brothers, we all met up at Winchester where Jim Bowie of Roxtar Inc. was hosting his very first event for Platoon 22. And man, what an event it was! He had everything there from moon bounces to the Redskins cheerleaders. While the pom-poms might have distracted many folks, we were just thrilled to see two of our favorite bikers, “Doc” and Dan from Project 22. They had been flown out by Jim to attend a special viewing of their ground breaking film Project 22. After the arrival of the guys from the 48 for 22 ride, we made sure that we took the time to acknowledge and thank

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everyone who had worked so hard and sacrificed so much to help us fight for those who are fighting for us. With plaques in hand, everyone again jumped on their bikes and headed over to the screening. By the time the day was done, they had raised over $3,000 for us! As I am sure you can tell by reading the articles that Thunder roads has so graciously featured over the past year, we have gained quite a bit of momentum. Due to the generosity and compassion of great Americans like those of you reading this now, we have been able to continue to raise funds and awareness, and to provide resources and opportunities for our warfighters. While we are proud of what we have been able to accomplish in such a short period of time, we know that the road ahead of us will be long and winding. We also know that there are no better folks to have with us on a journey like this than fellow bikers. Until next time, keep the shiny side up and thank you for all for simply being you.



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28 NOVEMBER 2015

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By Aaron P. Arthurs


ince its inception in the early 1970’s, the sport of Women’s Motocross has continued to attract young girls to challenge their male counterparts on the dirt track. For 22 year old Irwin, Pennsylvania native Tonya Mantsch, the thrill of racing started at a very young age. “When I was seven, my dad went out and bought my little brother a bike,” Tonya lovingly recalled . “I was being a brat and cried that I wanted one too. So my dad went back and bought me a Yamaha PW80 and that’s how I started.” Tonya started riding her PW80 around in circles in a hayfield on her families property in Irwin and within a few weeks quickly progressed to attempting small jumps. Tonya continued to develop her riding skills on a small arena cross type track with double jumps, tabletops, whoops and tight corners that her father and uncles built for her. However it wasn’t until the annual Westmoreland County Fair that Tonya got her first real exposure to arena cross racing. “My dad took me to watch and I told him I wanted to race. The following week he took me back to race in the local arena cross series and that was it. From that time on all I wanted to do was ride and go racing” Tonya explained. Tonya was determined to develop the skills needed to be a competitor in the sport. Riding a KTM 65 and also a YZ 85, Tonya raced against boys to help her learn and get faster. “Growing

up my life consisted of going to school, coming home, and going riding at either my track or to a larger motocross track. Then on the weekends, I would be on the road racing somewhere.” In 2005, Tonya put her skills to the test at Loretta Lynn’s ranch in Tennessee in one of the most prestigious races for amateurs. She qualified for her first National and then went on to compete in Florida at the Winter Mini Olympics. Since then, she has qualified for Nationals at Loretta’s five times and qualified three times for the Mini Olympics. As Tonya’s racing skills continued to grow, it began to open new doors for her. In 2011, she registered to race in Motorama, a big indoor event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Along with racing, she entered herself into the Ms. Motorama Pageant. “This was a whole new experience for me. I was used to be being the dirty, sweaty girl sporting helmet hair” laughed Tonya “Now here I was rushing around getting cleaned up right after two of my races and getting on stage with about 20 other girls. I won the title that year as Ms. Motorama. I was the first girl in 34 years to win both the pageant title and my races.” In 2012 at the age of 19, Tonya met the qualifications for her pro license. “It was one of the greatest feelings I’ve ever had, knowing I finally made it,” Tonya said. “After all the injuries I had sustained from broken bones, concussions, cuts, bruises to having surgery, being knocked out and just being so sore I didn’t want to move, I finally did it.” Unfortunately, Tonya’s first season was cut short just a week

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before her first professional race. While competing in race at Doublin Gap in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania she hit a kicker jump that threw her over her handlebars. The accident left her with a partially dislocated knee cap, deep tissue contusions and bruised ribs. She eventually got released to race again two weeks before the last pro race of the season in Massachusetts at Southwick. “I wasn’t going to let my first season be a wash out so I made the trip and competed” Tonya recalled. “I had a hard time with the pressure being put on my knee and lack of practice time in the hot summer days but I didn’t give up and I dealt with the pain. I was proud of myself because I finished my season with at least one pro race under my belt.” Over the next few seasons, Tonya continued to race as often she could. In 2013, WMX (Women’s Pro Motocross) changed their rules to a three race series called the Triple Crown. Once again circumstances prevented Tonya from participating in the two West Coast races and she

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was only able to race on the track in the East Coast. In 2014, due to the changes in WMX, she focused on doing ProAm events in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina Earlier this year, Tonya did race and win an area qualifier at Loretta’s again, but in the end chose to not go so she could focus on other areas of her life such as finishing her degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography at Westmoreland Community College and becoming a riding instructor at Rocket Raceway in Three Springs, Pennsylvania. “Motocross will always be a part of my life and the lifelong lessons and experiences I had growing up being involved with it I will never forget” she explained. “My advice to younger girls is do not let other people’s words or opinions stop you from what you really want to do. Nothing is impossible! You can do whatever your heart desires as long as you put the time in, stay focused, and have dedication to work through the ups and downs of whatever dreams you are chasing.”


(More Locations will be added every month)

Sign Up for your card or Check-in at one of these locations:



REGISTRATION & CHECK-IN LOCATIONS Harley Davidson of Baltimore

8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-238-2003

Old Glory Harley Davidson

11800 Laurel Bowie Road, Laurel, MD 20708

Glen Burnie Motorsprots

20 Holsum Way, Glen Burnie, MD 21060 855-253-5253


First (10) get a Free T-shirt Pete’s Cycle (Baltimore)

7511 Belair Rd. Baltimore, MD. 21236 443-957-4189

Pete’s Cycle (Bel Air)

344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-3586

Pete’s Cycle (Severna Park)

800 Ritchie Hwy. Severna Park, MD. 21146 443-977-6484

Rider Insunance

Look for the Rider Booth at all the Rolling Bike Show Events

A to Z Cycles

1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 302-632-2272 1st (10) Ten get free kooze and chance to win free service (See Traveling Kooze Contest Rules for Details)

Pit & Pub

2706 Philadelphia Ave. Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-289-2020

Lenny’s Leather

127 North Centre St. Cumberland, MD. 21502 240-362-8211

Free Patch Sew with Purchase / Check-in New Castle Rommel H-D

2160 New Castle Ave. New Castle, DE 19720 302-658-8800

In-Step Leather

7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center Elkridge, MD. Random check-in from May will win a $25.00 Gift Card

Wicked Killa Ink

154 C Lafayette Ave. Laurel, MD. 20707 240-482-6162 1st (10) Ten get check-ins get $25 Gift Card

No Croak Embroidary

1777 Old Westminster Pike, Westminister, MD 21048 1st (10) Ten Get free stock patch and sew.



9100 Crain Hwy. Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650

C & C Cycle

8182 Telegraph Rd, Severn, MD 21144 410-305-0924

Cancun Cantina

7501 Old Telegraph Rd. Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188

Chesapeake Cycles (Victory & Indian)

104 Defense Hwy. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-0015 1st (10) Ten Get 25% off in stock Jackets

Love Lust Cycles

6747 Mid Cities Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705 (240) 603-5630



First (5) Check-ins get a Free T-shirt Mary’s Bargan Cycles

New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720

Outback leather

309 Main Street, Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211 Random Check-in from May will win Free Custom Made Belt


Pickle’s Pub

Midway Shopping Center, 706 Philadelphia Ave, Ocean City, MD 21842 (410) 289-4891

Reckless Ric’s

1702 Furnace Drive, Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280

Regulators Motorcycle Apparel

10 Chesnut Drive, Elkton, MD 23923

Renegade Classics

3180 Solomons Island Rd #101, Edgewater, Md 21037 410-956-RIDE (7433)


First (5) Check-ins get a Free T-shirt


3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD

Wine & Spirit Shoppe



27130 S. Sandgates Rd, Mechanicsville, MD. 20659 301-373-5217

Sylvester Saloon

7326 Golden Ring Rd, Essex, MD 21221 (443) 559-8012

The Tavern

4975 St Leonard Rd, Saint Leonard, Maryland (410) 586-2225

Triple Nines Bar and Billiards

7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, Maryland 21075

Whirled of Color

116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953 First (5) Check-ins get $100 off Custom Paint work done by Whirled of Color.

Woodstock Inn

1514 Woodstock RD. Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673

Random Check-in from August will win a $25.00 Gift Card

32 NOVEMBER 2015

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Congratulations to



Package includes: 3 Night Stay @ Francis Scott Key $50.00 Gas Card (3) $25.00 Gift Cards to Local Restaurants Full Moon Saloon Pickles Pub 28th Street Pit & Pub 1 Year Subscription to The ONLY Motorcycle Magazine that Matters! Thunder Roads® MD-DE-DC-WV (2) Thunder Roads® MD-DE-DC-WV T-Shirts



Check- in Location


Baltimore, Md

Old Glory HD


FT. Meade, Md

Old Glory HD


Upper Marlboro, MD Rip’s


Jessup, MD

Triple 9’s


Elkton, MD

Love Lust Cycles


Altoona, PA

OC Bikefest


Severn, Md

C&C Cycle


Columbia, Md

In Step Leathers


Narvon, PA

OC Bike Show


Hollywood, MD

Outback Leathers

All winners have 45 days to claim their prizes. Winners may do so via email thru Challenge@ or thru the contact us page on our website

BIG CITY RHINO CHALLENGE PRIZE LIST Each Winner gets to choose (2) Two prizes from the list below. Prizes may vary each month as we pick up more sponsors for the Challenge. Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC 1 year Subscription Harley Davidson T-shirt from Old Glory Harley Davidson Laurel, MD Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC Prize Pack Woodstock Inn T-Shirt Millstream Inn T-Shirt $25 Gift Card to Millstream Inn $25 Gift Card to Woodstock Inn $25 Gift Card to Renegade Classics Edgewater Harley Davidson T-shirt from Harley Davidson of Baltimore $25 gift Card to Pete’s Cycle Pete’s Cycles T-Shirt $25 Gift Card to Old Glory H-D $25 Gift Card to Harley Davidson of Baltimore $25 Gift Card to Glen Burnie Motorsports Glen Burnie Motorsports T-Shirt $25 Gas Card $25 Instep Leather Custom Made Belt from Outback Leathers of Laurel, MD $75 gift card to Wicked Killa Ink of Laurel, MD

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Custom Thunder Roads Magazine® Work Shirt $25 Gift Card to Jackman Cycles Chesapeake Cycles T-shirt $25 Gift card to Chesapeake Cycles $25 Gift Card to Sylvester’s Saloon $25 Gift Card to Rips Wine and Spirit $25 Gift Card to Triple Nines Billiards $25 Gift Card to Hooper’s Crab House $25 Gift Card to Pickles Pub OC $25 Gift Card to The Tavern $25 Gift Card to SeaBreeze $25 Gift Card to No Croak Embroidery $25 Gift Card to Apehangers $25 Gift Card to C&C Cycle $25 Gift Card to Lenny’s Leather $25 Gift Card to A to Z Cycles $25 Gift Card to Love Lust Cycles Love Lust Cycles T-Shirt $150 Gift Card towards Custom Paint @ Whirled of Color



” a t i on B “ R’S E D A E R RIDE


Owned By: Mike (Chico) Locks, North Carolina 74’ Shovelhead Bobber 93” Strocker, Kick-start Only Built by, Love Lust Cycles


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“White Girl”

S ’ R E D REA RIDE Owned By: Joe (RodLighting) Cannedy 85’ Electra Glide, Bare Frame Rebuild Custom Ice Pearl White Paint 21/16” DNA Mammoth Spoke wheels, Custom Radio Alen Ness Forks Engine By, Love Lust Cycles Model: Brandi Meyers

Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV



TECH TIP:Assembly & Truing the Fly Wheels By James Gilman, Love Lust Cycles


e are going to pick up where we left off last month with the assembling and truing of the fly wheels. It is important to have the proper tools and specs to assembly and true a fly wheel assembly properly. We left you last month with a sprocket shaft that had sheared its key way. We will be replacing the sprocket shaft and doing a final assembly of the fly wheels then proceed to truing process. We hope you enjoy the pictures provided. Here we have the old scored shaft versus the nice new shiny shaft that we will be using. It is of the utmost importance to use new quality hardware when replacing the fly wheel shafts. Here at Love Lust Cycles we prefer JIMS for its quality and sound components. First install the key way in the shaft then install shaft into the fly wheel. Inspect the shaft to make sure the key way is properly installed in its home. Clean the threads of the shaft and the threads of shaft nut with acetone to remove any debris and containments. We will be using green Loctite to secure the nut to the shaft. Most manuals call of the use of red Loctite such as 262, but we prefer green Loctite 290 on the shaft nuts to ensure they will

never some loose again. *WARNING! When using green Loctite 290 make Damn sure you will never have to take that Bitch off because is permanent Playas.* With the JIMS shaft holding tool clamped in the bench vice, install the fly wheel and shaft into the tool and torque the shaft nut. We will be torqueing this nut to 280 ftlbs.

Next we will be reinstalling the rod assembly and bearings. Before installing the bearings make sure to clean the bearings cage and the crank pin with acetone to once again remove debris and containments. Before the installing the bearing and cage retainers we always lube the crank pin with assembly lube. Always remember to lube the pole and not the hole. That applies to every aspect of life Playas. We will also be using new uncontaminated grease to hold the nearing in place. Without this grease little bastards will run everywhere. Once the bearing have been installed in the cage container on the crank pin you can slide the connecting rods over the crank pin and bearings. V-Twin based engines use a male and female type connecting rods which is what gives them their unique “shack/vibration.” Appropriately enough the male rod rides in between the legs of the female rod.

Now it’s time to install the pinion fly wheel side onto the crank pin. We utilize the JIMS shaft tool to hold the

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fly wheel assembly and install the pinion side crank pin nut. At this point what do we do? We clean the crank pin threads and crank pin nut threads with what else but acetone. The crank pin nut requires the use of red Loctite 262 and you better be quick while truing this assembly or it will harden up on you and you will have to start all over. We will snug the crank pin nut to secure it and use a straight edge or machinist rule to roughly check the fly wheel on before installing the fly wheel assembly and our truing jig. This will allow us to know if we need to move or align the fly wheels since the crank pin nut is only snug and not fully torqued.

tuned for next month’s issue as we will install the fly wheels in the cases. This week we have a question from one of our readers. Dan from Hagerstown, MD writes in asking, “What is the proper deflection of the final drive belt?” Thanks Playa for your question. The proper belt deflection is 3/8 of an inch with 10 psi. There is a tool that applies and measures the pressure you are putting on the belt. The stock belt guard has notches that are 1/8” apart that’s used as your gauge. Feel free to send us your motorcycle questions to and we will get your answer published in an upcoming issue of Thunder Roads Magazine. About the Author James is the co-owner of Love Lust Cycles located in Beltsville MD and is a factory-trained, Master Technician with over 20 years experience. James decided long ago after being at the mercy of vendors and companies to “Master” all aspects of the motorcycle and maintain top quality work in house doing it himself. James wants to remind all of you to, “Keep the rubber on the ground and the wind in your face Playa”

Who of us infallible, not I. So we appropriately mark the non keyed fly wheel as we will need to smack it with a BFH preferably made of brass or lead as they are softer than steel they will not screw up the fly wheel its beating the hell out of it. We at Love Lust Cycles utilize out trusty lathe as a truing stand. After mocking up the fly wheel assembly we use a known good dial indicator on the bearing surfaced of the shafts. At this point you rotate the fly wheel assembly. By reading the dial indicator it will tell you which direction you need to smack the fly wheels. The industry standard max run out spec of fly wheels is .001”. After truing the fly wheels reinstall the assembly once again in the JIMS tool we will give a final torque on the crank pin nut of 180 ftlbs. Once the nut is torqued always reinstall the fly wheel assembly in your truing apparatus to verify the fly wheels are still tru. Stayed Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV





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n the earliest days of motorcycle production the biggest players in the industry remained the bicycle manufacturers. They began adapting their designs to accommodate the up and coming internal combustion engine. As engines became more powerful and designs began to outgrow their bicycle origins, the number of motorcycle producers increased. With so many people trying to succeed in the motorcycle industry, many of the 19th century inventors inevitably moved from motorcycle development to automobiles. Survival of the fittest at its finest, and at the turn of the century the first major mass production firms were established. 1894 marked the year of the first production motorcycle in Germany. Hildebrand and Wolfmüller developed the “Motorrad”. They even patented the Motorrad engine, a revolutionary 1488 cc model, but only a few hundred bikes were ever completed. At the same time the term “motorcycle” was first used in the English language when it appeared in materials promoting machines developed by E J Pennington. Sadly, Pennington’s designs never progressed past

Part 3

the prototype stage. In 1896 The Excelsior Motor Company began selling motorcycles to the public in Coventry, England. (Excelsior would also operate a company in the U.S. from 1905 – 1931) 1898 presented us with a U.S. development in the industry, when the Orient-Aster was built by Charles Metz at his factory in Waltham, Massachusetts. At this point in the game, many names that have become household standards began to emerge. The first familiar name in motorcycles appeared out of the bicycle era in 1898…Triumph. Triumph extended its production focus to include the motorcycle, and by 1902 had successfully produced its first model for sale. The first Triumph was essentially a bicycle

40 NOVEMBER 2015

fitted with a Belgian built engine that boasted a whopping 2.2 HP, and a short year later Triumph had emerged as the largest producer of motorcycles boasting an annual production of over 500 units. Clearly not considered “mass production” by today’s standards, but in 1902?? Triumph was kicking some serious ass in the motorcycle revolution. By 1907 Triumph had perfected a new 450 cc 3.5 HP engine and was producing 1,000 units annually. 1901 was the birth year for the famed Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company. The love child of two former bicycle racers, Indian quickly became (and has remained) a beloved name in motorcycles. Their first design was the “diamond framed” Indian Single.

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Its engine was built by the Aurora Firm in Illinois per Indian’s specifications. The Single was made available in one color…Deep Blue. Indian also increased its production to over 500 bikes by the close of 1902, making Indian a strong competitor for Triumph. Along the way, Indian pushed the evolution of the motorcycle in several ways…in 1902 Indian produced the first chain driven bike sold to the public, as well as released the first American V-Twin in 1906 (which remains the most popular motorcycle engine today). 1907 brought the first police unit to NYC (Indian bikes were chosen by all), and by 1914 Indian had created the “loop frame” positioned gas tank, swing arm and leaf spring suspension, and the world’s first electric lights and starter. No more need for a flashlight, or parking your bike at dusk… diehards could now ride all damn night! Indian would continue to rise in the production game as well, up to 32,000 units per year (its best ever) in 1913. 1901 also brought an eager young man by the name of William S. Harley

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into the biking world. At the age of 21 he completed his first blueprint of a bicycle engine. In 1903, William and his partner Arthur Davidson produced their first motorcycle in their meager 10 by 15 foot factory. Henry Meyer of Milwaukee bought the original 1903 model directly from the founders… Meyer obviously had no idea what a lucky bastard he was! In 1904 the first Harley dealership was opened in Chicago, Illinois by C. H. Lang, where one of the first production models was sold. In 1907, Harley becomes a corporation and builds a new, larger factory. In 1908, the first HD motorcycle is delivered to the Detroit Michigan PD for Detroit’s first motorcycle patrol unit. The following year, for the first time ever, spare parts for the HD V-twin were made available for sale…makes me wonder what the hell you did before that if your bike broke down?? By 1914 Harley had introduced the world to the renowned bar and shield logo, begun production of the “F-Head”, and brought us


sidecars…the beginning of the tagalong rider (insert apology here). By this time, mass production was in full swing, and competition was in full force. Experimentation and innovation were taking over and being further driven by the growing sport of motorcycle racing. A powerful incentive to produce tougher, faster, more reliable machines was on the rise. While initiated for the racing world, these enhancements were to quickly infiltrate the public’s machines as well. Remember that mention of the U.S. Excelsior Motor Company? Well those cats can be thanked for being a huge driving force behind why that bad ass bike parked in your driveway does more for you than just take you from point A to point B. We will delve into our need for speed next time… Melanie Schwarte, Thunder Roads Magazine® Iowa


42 NOVEMBER 2015

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ORANGE BASIL TURKEY BREAST 1 Large, Boneless, Skin-On Turkey Breast 1 Stick of Butter; softened to room temp. 1 Tbl. of Dry Basil 1 Tbl. of Dry Orange Peel Seasoning (in seasoning aisle Salt & Pepper to taste 1 Medium, Aluminum, Throw-Away Turkey Pan (in Home Goods section of any Wally World or Target’) 1 Jar of Smucker’s Orange Marmalade Preheat oven to whatever temp. advised on package of Turkey Breast. Use spray butter to coat bottom of aluminum turkey pan w/ handles. Place bare turkey breast on a long sheet of Cling Wrap or anything? to lay down on counter and protect from poultry juices running all over your countertop. (E coli is a tricky entity). In a medium bowl, mix together the soft butter, basil and orange peel seasoning. Now, wet your hands w/ warm water and extremely gently lift the skin up and very slowly work your hand back towards the end and then ease it back towards the front until you’ve made a pouch of the entire skin on front of turkey. Now, get a generous helping of the butter/basil mixture and rub it all up under the skin of turkey. Slather some all over the outer skin also and generously salt & pepper your turkey. Create an aluminum tent and cook 3/4 of the time it says on pkg. w/ tent on, the last half hour, remove tent and pour Orange Marmalade into a small bowl and with a basting brush cover the bird up entirely with the marmalade. It should get a perfect deep golden brown. Keep basting it periodically for the final half hour. Remove from oven, place foil back over it and let it set for 15 minutes before slicing. This is such an amazing taste and succulent; you’ll be coming up with your own variations like I did. Cook (2) if feeding a big crowd only use a large size aluminum pan. and double up the recipe. Truly scrumptious and so easy you don’t have to wait until holidays to enjoy.

1 Pkg. of Baby Pearl Onions 1 Pkg. of Creamed Spinach Microwave both according to directions. Combine both in a beautiful serving bowl, add a pinch of nutmeg and (2) Tbls. of butter and this is a super simple side dish. Very creamy and delicious.

APPLE PIE BITES 1 Store-Bought Pie Crust 1 Can of Apple Pie Filling 2 Tbls. of Butter - Divided 1/4 Cup of Sugar or Cooking Splenda 1 Tbls. of Cinnamon 1/4 tsp. of Nutmeg Put all of this into a small glass bowl and blend thoroughly. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with cooking parchment paper or a Silt Pad. On a lightly floured surface, unwrap the pie crust and lay flat; work quickly as easier when colder. Using a pizza cutter or really good, sharp knife, cut the crust into 3-inch squares. Using a basting brush, brush the crust with half of melted butter. The other Tbls. went into mixture. Work w/ one square at a time and place a tsp. of the mixture into the center of each square. Bring the corners of each square together to form a pyramid shape. Press together with the edges of a fork all around to seal. Place in the oven to bake until golden brown; apprx. 8-10 mins. Remove, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Serve piping hot with homemade whipped cream or quality Vanilla ice-cream.

SLOW GIN FIZZLE 1 Ounce of Gin 1/2 Ounce of Quality Grapefruit Juice 2 Dashes of Grapefruit Bitters 1 Ounce of Sparkling Orange Crush Soda Seltzer water to top & orange cut up wheels for garnish. To make for a party size, repeat recipe 10 times in an icecold glass pitcher and gently stir.

Happy Day of Thanks, Bikers! Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV





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Custom Fender & Tail Light Owned By: Kyle, Federicksburg, Va.

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MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY1PURSUES INTELLIGENT BIKES AIM-2622-F-Ad for Tennessee.indd The motorcycle industry recently took a major step toward the “connected bike” when three major OEMs announced the launch of a Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC), with Yamaha, BMW and Honda entering into a joint agreement to accelerate the development of intelligent bikes, whose technology development and inclusion in the greater mobility picture have lagged behind the connected-car movement. Industry officials made the joint announcement at the 2015 ITS World Congress in Bordeaux, France, and the newly formed organization follows the 2014 signing of a far reaching Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by all members of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) stating that connected motorcycles will be available for sale within the next five years incorporating smart safety devices that speak with each other across brands and products. The CMC will focus on sharing information and technology to get Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) applications onto powered two-wheelers by 2020, and the three manufacturers are encouraging other motorcycle OEMs to join the consortium in an effort to standardize C-ITS protocols across the motorcycle industry. “In order to speed up more motorcycle-specific safety developments, we intend to cooperate to promote a successful implementation of C-ITS in motorcycles and scooters,” said Honda’s Tetsuo Suzuki. “The next logical step is to enter into a cooperation dedicated solely to the challenges relating to powered two-wheelers,” added Takaaki Kimura, of Yamaha. “Our aim is to promote a timely and comprehensive use of cooperative ITS systems in powered-two wheelers offering the potential to improve safety. We therefore encourage other companies to join us,” said Prof. Dr. Karl Viktor Schaller, of BMW Motorrad. ITS technologies offer the potential to further increase safety, security and efficiency in all transport systems, in particular for motorcycles. Future systems development will further integrate V2V features, in particular interoperable networked wireless communication between vehicles to enable road users to make coordinated and informed decisions about their route as well as allowing safer maneuvering in busy urban environments. ETHANOL-FREE FUEL Looking for ethanol-free gas? The website Pure Gas ( is a definitive listing of gas stations that sell pure, ethanol-free gasoline, and currently lists 10,159 locations in the U.S. and Canada. “Many cars, motorcycles, boats, aircraft and tools have engines that run worse, or have parts that deteriorate, when run on gasoline that contains ethanol. In addition, ethanol leaves residue on valves and other parts that can hinder performance,” claims the site. The website doesn’t get into the political side of ethanol in gasoline, and this site does not sell advertising or seek sponsors.

You just click on your state or province to find out in your city those 5:06 where 11/1/11 PM you can fill up with pure gas without ethanol, and your search provides a list of 100 ethanol-free gas stations sorted nearest to furthest. The site also allows visitors to add new stations or remove existing ones. You can save the Pure Gas website URL address on your phone or tablet to use the listing while traveling, or Pure Gas apps are also available. NEW YORK R-O-W LAW There’s been a nationwide push for stiffer penalties for drivers who commit moving violations that result in severe injuries or fatalities, and now a new law proposed in New York would call for felony charge for fatal moving violations. Currently in New York, if a driver commits a moving violation that kills a motorcyclist, the driver would only be given a traffic ticket. However, ABATE of N.Y. is pushing for harsher penalties. When fellow motorcyclist and retired New York State Trooper Kenny Watson heard the story of an ABATE member nicknamed Creto who was hit and killed by a negligent driver who was issued a ticket for the misdeed, he sat down with lawyers to draft legislation that would create harsher penalties for drivers who take a life after committing a moving violation. “Running a stop sign, running a red light, moving from lanes unsafely,” he told News10 in Albany, NY. “They know what they’re doing, so they should be held accountable for it.” The proposed Right-of-Way Violation legislation is called Creto/Kade’s Law and it would charge drivers with a Class D felony if they commit a moving violation that kills a motorcyclist, bicyclist or pedestrian. The charge carries the weight of up to seven years in prison, and would give families a bit of justice for the loss of a loved one. “With a Class D felony, it’s going to haunt the person the rest of their life,” said Albany ABATE chapter president Andy “Animal” Liuzzi. “Let that haunt them for the 40 years they deprived someone of living.” Motorcyclists are hoping drivers will think twice about committing a moving violation and running the risk of taking an innocent life if the law passes. CALIFORNIA FREEWAY SIGNS TO ISSUE HIT-AND-RUN ALERTS California’s freeway message signs will soon warn drivers about more than just snarled traffic and severe droughts. Thanks to a bill signed Monday, September 28 by Governor Jerry Brown, they will next warn motorists to watch for suspected hit-and-run vehicles through a “Yellow Alert” system. The measure, AB 8, was authored by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Glendale), and such alerts will only be issued if a person has been killed or sustained a serious injury in a hit-and-run collision. A description of the suspected vehicle involved along with its license plate will be shown on the signs for view by the motoring public.

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Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV

People often complain about the police, but you rarely hear about the positive things they do, such as this incident involving a biker and a frozen carburetor. Last January on a bitterly cold winter’s day, a North Dakota state trooper on patrol came upon a motorcyclist who was stalled by the roadside. The biker was swathed in heavy protective clothing and wearing a full-face helmet to protect the face from the cold weather. “What’s the matter? asked the Trooper “Carburetor’s frozen,” was the terse reply. “Pee on it. That’ll thaw it out.” “I can’t,” said the biker. It’s an issue.” “OK, watch me closely, and I’ll show you.” The trooper unzipped and promptly warmed the carburetor as promised. Moments later the bike started, and the rider drove off, waving. A few days later, the local State Troopers’ office received a note of thanks from the father of the motorcyclist. It began: “On behalf of my daughter Jill...”

Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV

One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it’s his daughter’s birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, ‘How much for one of those Barbie’s in the display window?’ The salesperson answers, ‘Which one do you mean, sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and the most popular; Divorced Barbie for $299.95’. The amazed father yells: ‘It’s how much?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $299.95 and the others only $19.95?’ The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ‘Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken’s Audi A-8, Ken’s Malibu Beach house, Ken’s Danzi Z33 Race Boat, Ken’s Designer Furniture, Ken’s Screamin’-Meanie Platinum Computer, all of Ken’s new Platinum credit cards, and a custom key chain made with Platinum dipped dangling Ken’s Balls.



upcoming events

Thunder Roads® MD-DE-DC-WV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:

DELAWARE Bobby Hall Sr Memorial Toy Run 35th Annual Saturday, November 7, 2015 10:00 AM $15.00 per Person or Toy of Equal Value Sign In 10:00am - Parade Leaves Noon Sharp Coffee & Donuts, 50/50, Pins for First 200 Riders Registered Santa will be there Yamaha | Star Fall Hall for Delaware Hospice Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM Join our annual fall road ride to benefit Delaware Hospice sponsored by Yamaha Star. It’s a cool ride for a great cause. This year, we have moved the date a month earlier and changed the name slightly - we hope for great weather and a great turnout. (In previous years this has been called Snowball Haul.) 10:30 am - Donation/Registration 11:00 am - Ride 1:00 pm - Prize Drawings Make a donation to be entered in the drawing for great prizes! All proceeds benefit Delaware Hospice. Fueling Your Passion for Delaware Hospice! Blue Knights Delaware Chapter 1 32nd Annual Toy Run Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM 32nd Annual Toy Run to benefit the Salvation Army Registration 9 AM - 11 Am at the Old Mill Creek Fire Hall ( Chambers Memorial Hall ) 3900 Kirkwood Highway, Marshalton, De 19808 Phone 302 998 8911 $15.00 + $10.00 for passenger and 1 New Toy Per Person.. Toys should be for ages 1-13 years. Canned Goods are Welcome Coffee, Tea and breakfast munchies will be supplied Police Escorted Ride.. Lite Lunch will be provided after the ride. Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally 2016 Thursday, May 19, 2016 - Saturday, May 21, 2016 The 2016 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally is being held in Harrington, DE There will be Music, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below.

MARYLAND Biker Breakfast Salvation Army Toy Box Set-up Saturday, November 14, 2015 9:00 AM Please come and join us for bagels and donuts. This is a great outreach event and a great witnessing opportunity. Remember, the purpose of CMA is sharing the love of Jesus Christ with motorcyclist one heart at a time and the vision for CMA is changing the world, one heart at a time. Neither of these can be accomplished unless we get out and make CMA and ourselves visible. We’ll also be setting up a box to collect toys in for the Salvation Army. The Toy Run will be held on 12 Dec. BAYSIDEBELIEVERS/events.aspx East Coast Indoor Nationals Car and Custom Motorcycle Show Saturday, December 5, 2015 - Sunday, December 6, 2015 The Largest Indoor All American Car and Custom Motorcycle Show On The East Coast. 300 Of The Finest Rods, Customs, Muscle cars, Antiques, Pro-Street, Nostalgia Drag Cars And Custom Motorcycles. Cars and Trucks Pre-1974 and Custom Motorcycles Any Year. Large Vendor Area, Free Parking, Dj, 50/50. $12k in Cash Plus Awards. Call David 410-6286262, Email Jitrbug57@Hotmail.Com Or Old Glory HD Biker Breakfast and Salvation Army Toy Run Saturday, December 12, 2015 9:00 AM Bayside Believers will have a table set-up from 9:00AM – 12:30PM at Old Glory next to the Salvation Army Toy Box. Sign-up begins at 12:00 pm. At 1:00 PM, we will depart Old Glory to deliver the toys to the Salvation Army. The sole purpose of the ride is to ensure every child has a Merry Christmas. “For the kids-Big kids helping little kids”. The Salvation Army distributes the donated toys to children and their families that otherwise would not be having a very Merry Christmas. It’s a heart filled event we wish to invite you and your friends to join us in. Cost: Unwrapped toy or two - ages 0-13 or a donation of $15 for single rider or $25 for rider and passenger Timonium Motorcycle Show Friday, February 12, 2016 Sunday, February 14, 2016 Every foreign and domestic motorcycle manufacturer available in USA on display 100’s of exhibits covering everything in motorcycling... Huge Custom and Antique Bike Show... Entertainment and Celebrities... New Swap Meet Building dedicated to Garage Built Cafe Racers, Choppers, Drag Bikes & Motorcycle Art After Party and a Whole Lot More... Howard County Swap Meet Sunday, April 17, 2016 10:00 AM THIS SWAPMEET IS HUGE! A Motorcycle Swap Meet that caters to bikers looking for Parts and Accessories, Bikes and all things Motorcycle Related! Not just Harleys, find parts for vintage or late

48 NOVEMBER 2015

model motorcycles, American or foreign, a


Timonium Feb. 12th – 14th

Capitol City Biker Bash June 9th – 11th

Mountainfest July 27th – 31st

Apple Mountain

Motorcycle Rally Aug 10th – 14th

leather jacket or other accessories. People come here to buy, sell, trade, AND SAVE. The Howard County Swapmeet, “Where Friends Meet” Apple Mountain Productions: By Bikers, For Bikers! Doin’ it Ol’ Skool! applemountainproductionspresents/

WEST VIRGINIA VIB PARTY Saturday, November 21, 2015 Very Important Biker Party. Food, giveaways and prizes. CCC HOG Annual Toy Run Saturday, December 5, 2015 9:00 AM CCC HOG Annual Toys for Tots Run Pictures with Santa on a Harley Sunday, December 6, 2015 11:00 AM Get your picture taken with Santa on a HarleyDavidson. Pets, couples, families welcome!

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Thunder Roads速MD-DE-DC-WV



biker friendly directory

DEALERS & SHOPS A to Z Cycles 1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 302-632-2272 Baltimore Harley Davidson 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-238-2003 Battley Harley Davidson / Battley Cycles 7830 Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-4581 Brandywine Auto Parts/ Brandywine Automotive Centers 14000 Crain Hwy Brandywine, MD 20613 301-372-1000 Broken Wing Cycles 155 Prospect Dr #103 Huntington, MD 20639 866-518-9101 C&C Cycle 8182 Telegraph Rd Severn, MD 21144 410-305-0924 Chesapeake Cycles 104 Defense Hwy. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-0015 Chesapeake Motor and Powersports 436 C Chinquiapin Round Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401 443-714-8004 Defender Cycle Works Fowler Industrial Park Unit 4 Mechanicsville, MD 20659 301-247-9901 301-247-5733 Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 East Coast Sound 101 Skip Jack Rd, Suite 5 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 443-968-9635

Glen Burnie Motorsports 20 Holsum Way Glen Burnie, MD 21060 1-855-253-5253

Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244

Final Touch Detailing 14921 Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 (240) 456-4502

The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644

Insane Cycles & Muscle Cars 285 Don Knotts Blvd. Morgantown, WV 26501 304-291-2453 Jim’s Battery Warehouse Laurel Commerce Center 14721-K Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 301-604-7333 JT Cycles 202 City Ave Beckley, WV 25801 681-207-7098 Love Lust Cycles 6747 Mid Cities Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705 240-603-5630 Old Glory Harley Davidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575 Pete’s Cycles 344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-3586 For other locations go to RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 S.M. City Motorsports 20260 Poplar Ridge Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-863-6499 Sunset Cycles 9748 Stephen Decatur Hwy Decatur Business Center Units 208-209 Ocean City, MD 21044 443-520-6005 TG Automotive 8176 Telegraph Road Suite E Severn, MD 21144 443-795-4733

Victory of Southern MD 4630 Crain Hwy. White Plains, MD 20695 301-932-2383 Whirled of Colors Custom Paint & Air Brush Studios 116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953 Zipper’s Performance Products Elkridge, Maryland 410-579-2828

Bars & Restaurants

Apehanger’s Bar & Grill 9100 Crain Hwy. Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650 Bryans & Brent’s Place 229 N. River Street Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8722 Country Roads Diner Rock Cave, WV Located at the “Y” Across from the IGA 304-924-6300 Gilligan’s Pier 11535 Popes Creek Rd. Newburg, MD 20644 301-259-4514 Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563 Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373 Millstream Inn 5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 410-265-8224

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Phil’s Place 5826 Gallent Green Road Hughesville,Md 301-274-3515 Pickles Pub 8th Street & Coastal Hwy Ocean City, MD 410-289-4891 Pit & Pub 2706 Philadelphia Avenue Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-289-2020 Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Restaurant: 301-805-5901 Deli: 301-805-5903 Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902 Rallow’s Place 4030 W. Washington St. Dunbar, WV 304-205-7974 Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901 Seabreeze / Swampy’s 27130 S. Sandgates Rd Mechanicsville, MD 301-373-5217 Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094 The Full Moon Saloon 12702 Old Bridge Road Unit 38 W. Ocean City, MD 21842 443-664-5317 The Ridge Tavern & Grill Route 19 / Marion Co. Line Rivesville, WV 26588 304-278-8041 Triple Nine’s 7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, Maryland 21075 410-799-1818 The Scuttlebutt 12320 Neale Sound Dr Cobb Island, MD 20625 (240) 233-3113

Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV

Maryland Small Arms Range 9801 Fallard Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301-599-0800

The Woodstock Inn 1514 Woodstock RD Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673

Mary’s Bargain Cycle New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323

Timeless Tavern 1745 Snow Hill Road Stockton, MD 21864 410-632-1555

Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211

Trader Lee’s 9935 Stephen Decatur Hwy. #145 Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-213-2000 Vino’s Bar and Grill / Copper Pint 812 Kanawha Blvd E Charleston, WV 681-205-2435

Legal Services Walton’s Bail Bonding 49 W. Main Street Buchannon, WV 26201 304-473-8955 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888 Law offices of Jay Irwin Block 90 Painters Mill Rd. Suite 131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-356-6555 800-875-6554

Apparel / Retail In-Step Leather 7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center Elkridge, MD 410-799-1568 Joi Ride Leathers Motorcycle Apparel 8403 MacCorkle Ave Marmet, WV 304-400-7613 Thunder Roads®MD-DE-DC-WV

Thinkin Ink (Morgantown) 425 Beechurst Ave. Morgantown, WV 26505 304-292-7401 Thinkin Ink (Clarksburg) 196 Buckhannon Pike #A Clarksburg, WV 26301 301-622-7272 Wicked Killa Ink 154 C Lafayette Ave Laurel, MD 20707 240-482-6162

Southern Maryland Pawn 2224 Crain Hwy Waldorf, MD 20601 240-222-3547 The Busy Ness Unique Lingerie & More 3065 Leonardtown Rd. Waldorf, MD 20601 301-645-2228


Alamo Motel 12614 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 410-213-1884 Francis Scott Key Family Resort 12806 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 800-213-0088 Mineral Springs Motel 1 Springs Street Webster Springs, WV 26288 304-847-5305

Vape Frog 346 Ritchie Hwy Severna Park, MD 21146 410-544-6500

Insurance Agents Rider Insurance Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. ________________________________ Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC-WV. If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If you’re Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@ BIGCITYRHINO.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.

Photography Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955 Michael J. Alves US Patriot Photography



Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink (Fairmont) 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279



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biker friendly directory

The Tavern 4975 St. Leonard Rd. St Leonard, MD 20685 410-586-2225



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