Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC
4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122
From The Editor.................................................... 3 A Biker’s Creed.................................................... 4 The Hogs and Heroes Foundation.......................... 6
Facebook – Thunder Roads Magazine ND-DEL-DC Twitter – TR_BigCity
Tangerine Scream............................................... 10 OC Bikefest Schedule of Events............................. 15
Editor / Owner / Publisher BIG CITY
OC Bike Fest Map............................................... 16 Center Calendar................................................. 18 Kyle Turley.......................................................... 20
Upcoming Events................................................. 22 Biker Friendly Directory....................................... 26
SALES & MARKETING Suzy “Carebear” Leighton Sandy “Cowgirl” Jones 302-383-9041 443-623-3711 Steve “Hillbilly” Craig (443) 875-7887
NCOM News Bytes............................................. 28 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen.......................................... 30 TNT.................................................................... 31
Mike “Rhino” Ryan (443) 875-7482
Joker’s Wild........................................................ 32 Skin Art.............................................................. 33
Accounting Mike “Bighead” Abbott (443) 875-7597
Seats & Saddles.................................................. 35
ON THE COVER: See more of the Tangerine Scream on page 10.
Hey Everyone BIG CITY here! I run things here at Thunder Roads Magazine MD., DE. and D.C. (Trmdel for short). From time to time you may run into one of the big fellas that claim to do things here, but make no mistake, I’m the HRIC! (Head Rhino In Charge). I want to WELCOME all of you to the First edition of Thunder Roads Magazine MD, DE, and D.C. The Mid Atlantic region now has the newest and most exciting magazine dedicated to all of us that live to ride and ride to live. I have worked hard to make sure that this would be your magazine. With about 300,000 registered riders in this area I will strive to make sure that this magazine stays about us and for us. The best part is, it’s America›s longest running FREE magazine for bikers. That›s right I said Free. Good thing I›m a Rhino and don›t need money. We, here, at TRMDEL hope to provide you with everything you need to enhance your riding experience. We are going to provide you with so much information that we doubt you will be able to be involved in all of them. Of course if you’re like me it should be a lot of fun trying to do it all. The good news is that TRMDEL does all the leg work for you and all you have to do is ride and enjoy. In this month’s edition, check out the Awesome Orange Bike built by Roy at C & C Cycle. If you really like it don›t forget to take a chance on it. Our feature club this month is the Hogs and Heroes Foundation of America, they are raffling it off, (see one of their members doing security at OC BIKEFEST for more info). We have an article on Kyle Turley who performed at Cancun Cantina over the summer. We have Babes, events, Thunder Cam and more. During OC BikeFest 2012 look us up at Jolly Roger in the parking lot. You won’t› be able to miss the big truck and trailer. We have free goodies, and you can meet the G.O.T. Girls (Girls of Thunder). We are having a Thunder Roads premier party Friday night, September 14th, at the Blue Ox Bar on 127th St. fun starts at 8:00 p.m... Be there or have your friends tell you the rest of the year that you missed the BEST party of OC BIKEFEST! In the future there will be monthly features like Bike of the month, group of the month, Hero of the month, female rider of the month, and much, much more. A lot of what you will see in the future will be based on feedback from you our readers. Don›t be afraid to tell us what you want to see. Tell us what you like and what you don›t, and you can send those letters or pictures for Thunder Cam to me Big City. Remember we want this to be your magazine too! As you know our magazine is Free, so please shop with our advertisers. They are the BEST! They appreciate your business and will always have open doors for bikers. Big City only shops and stops by our advertisers. Hope to see you there and let them know you saw them in THUNDER ROADS! That’s about all I got for this month. I have already started on October. You won’t believe the things coming your way. WELCOME to THUNDER ROADS (TRMDEL), Tell your friends and hopefully we will see you during OC BIKEFEST!! I’m getting on my Big Orange Bike and heading for the pub! Catch me if you can... Keep Changing Lanes, BIG CITY THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC
A BIKER’S CREED I ride because it is pure fun.
being exposed I ride because I enjoy the freedom I feel from intrinsic to riding. I do not ride because it is fashionable to do I ride my machine, not wear it. My machine
to the elements, and the vulnerability to the
so. I ride because it is natural and is what
danger that is
I have done all my life.
is not a symbol of status. It exists simply for
me, and me alone.
of my being, and I will treat it accordingly, My machine is not a toy. It is an extension lf. with the same respect as I have for myse complex. my machine, from the most basic to the most I strive to understand the inner-workings of lf for its health and well being. ine, so that I am reliant upon no one but myse I will learn everything I can about my mach ol over my machine. I will learn its limits, I strive to constantly better my skill of contr ine so that we may keep each other alive. and use my skill to become one with my mach team. her in harmony, we will become an invincible toget ing Work I am the master, it is the servant. ble to avoid death prematurely. I do not fear death. I will, however, do all possi be my master. ay leads to death, therefore I will not let fear Fear is the enemy, not death. Fear on the highw I will master it. are my legacy. My machines will outlive me. Therefore, they be. as I have cherished them, whoever they may sh cheri I will care for them for future bikers to to intimidate or annoy them. from those that do NOT ride, nor do I wish I do not ride to gain attention, respect, or fear know me, I will share with to e desir that those For them is to ignore me. For those that do not know me, all I wish from understand me and not fear others like me. them the truth of myself, so that they might However, should others mess with me, I will never be the aggressor on the highway. a manner as I can cast upon them. e their aggression will be dealt with in as sever rienced or knowledgeable than I am. I will show respect to other bikers more expe it will end. respect is not acknowledged or appreciated, my if ver, I will learn from them all I can. Howe experienced or knowledgeable than I am. I will not show disrespect to other bikers less show me disrespect, they will be slapped. I will teach them what I can. However, if they the breed shall continue. I shall so desire, into the lifestyle of the biker, so that It will be my task to mentor new riders, that r traditions of bikers before me, and those before me. I shall preserve and hono instruct them, as I have been instructed by I will pass them on unaltered. ssion. of machine, their appearance, or their profe I will not judge other bikers on their choice a biker, as ts hmen mplis s. I am proud of my acco I will judge them only on their conduct as biker . them share ask, I will though I will not flaunt them to others. If they I will stand ready to help any other biker that I will never ask another biker to do for me
truly needs my help.
what I can do for myself.
, and hide my chosen lifestyle , and wherever I go. I am proud to be a biker when biker a am I . biker time parta not I am d beneath me. But most of all, I independence, and the movement of the groun from no one. I ride because I love freedom, know other bikers like myself. and out ine, the lands in which I ride, and to seek ride to better understand myself, my mach –Anonymous-
Freedom Ride-Escorting Veterans to the WWII Memorial
By Hillbilly
ost of us have heard the phrase Semper Fi or Semper Fidelis (Latin for “Always Faithful” or “Always Loyal”) uttered with enthusiasm between U.S. Marines as they greet one another, often with a sturdy hand shake and a nod of gratitude. Or you may have noticed it as part of the U.S. Marine Corps official seal. So, what’s the deal with this group of bikers who are popping up in more and more places with Semper Proficio as their logo, and what does that mean?
Fighters or the Military. They didn’t want to join a group that would exclude any of their friends as each of them came from a different public service background. This group felt they couldn’t be the only riders who felt this way, and thought that it would be a good idea to have a group of riders who brought Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and the Military together under one banner. This way they could support all branches of public service together, instead of separately.
It all started around 2007, with a few friends and family members who like to ride together to grab a meal, attend an event, or to just tool around some of the back roads in Maryland. As they would ride their bikes to different events, they noticed there were a lot of groups dedicated to Law Enforcement, Fire
And so it began, this small group of six riders organized, designed a logo, and adopted the Latin Phrase Semper Proficio, which means “Always Giving Aid” or “Always Helping,” as their motto. The goal was to help our Military, Law enforcement, Fire Fighters, EMT’s and their Families. The Hogs & Heroes Foundation was created and they’ve held yearly Poker Runs in support of these men and women who do so much for all of us and who put their lives on the line to protect us every day.
Providing an Escort for Local Fallen Hero
Andrew “Devildoc” Mutchler, one of the founding six, and current National President says “The Hogs & Heroes Foundation considers themselves motorcycle enthusiasts who like to raise money for worthy causes in the community while focusing on public safety and the U.S. Military.”
all of our public safety officers under one patch and trying to incorporate the Semper Proficio motto into their daily lives was appealing to a large audience.
Flag Line for Fallen Fire Fighter
In 2009, The Hogs & Heroes Foundation started wearing their patch whenever they rode to events or out to eat, and people started to take notice. They didn’t intend to recruit anyone, but as more and more people began to ask what they were all about and what they “stood for”, the answer was easy, Semper Proficio, “Always Helping.” The concept of supporting
In 2010, they incorporated, and the Hogs and Heroes Foundation was established in Bowie, Maryland with Maryland Chapter 1. It quickly grew to a second and a third chapter in Maryland. The Hogs & Heroes Foundation currently has over 660 members and chapters in Maryland, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Last year, in 2011, The Hogs and Heroes Foundation applied for their 501(c)3 status, so they can help in a larger capacity. continued...
Andrew “Devildoc” Mutchler, National President
Presentation of Check to C.O.P.S
Next month, The they have lost 2 Hogs & Heroes members, Michael Foundation is going “Gator” Freeman to raffle off the and J.T. “Motorhead” Tangerine Scream Jensen, to motorcycle bike, featured in accidents this year. this month’s Thunder The Hogs & Heroes Roads Magazine. Foundation also gets The money raised together to ride as from this raffle is a group just for fun going to the Semper and support for one Fi Fund for injured another. They may and critically ill schedule a trip to visit members of the another chapter in U.S. Armed Forces another state, or ride and their families somewhere to have Trace Adkins joins the and to the National dinner and spend Hogs and Heroes Fallen Firefighters some time together. Foundation to honor They stress that they America’s fallen are a family group where women, men and their children are fire heroes and provide resources to assist their survivors in welcome and they are always looking for new rides and things rebuilding their lives. At the 2011 OC BikeFest in Ocean City, to do as a group. Maryland, the Hogs & Heroes Foundation provided all security for the event and raised $13,500.00 for their efforts. They When you talk to their members, most of them will say they gave that money to the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), spend more time working with the Hogs & Heroes Foundation a charity that provides resources to assist the surviving families than they do at their jobs. I guess this is what makes the and affected co-workers of law enforcement officers killed in group special. They have a lot of family involvement. Men the line of duty. The local chapters also do fundraising events and Women are equal full members of The Hogs & Heroes throughout the year to raise money for both the national and Foundation as long as they are a U.S. citizen and own a local public safety needs. motorcycle. If you don’t meet those two requirements you can still join and be an associate member. Children are also The men and women of The Hogs & Heroes Foundation are welcome as junior members. all volunteers. They give their time to those who are always there for each one of us. This year, they are back in Ocean City Chapter meetings are held monthly and everyone is welcome. to provide security for OC BikeFest. The Hogs & Heroes There are also new chapters being formed all the time. If you Foundation had not decided which charities they will donate the have some friends who like to ride, and are not near one of the money to at the time this issue of Thunder Roads went to press. local chapters, you can form a chapter of your own, they are always looking to expand. It’s not all about raising money. Some of the toughest rides they go on are for the ones lost in the line of duty. They have Devildoc says “He is surprised at how fast the foundation ridden to a Fire Fighters funeral where the temperature that has grown in such a short period of time. Because of a really morning was 6 degrees. And they have ridden to Dover, when engaged National Executive Board, we have been able to just the temperature was above 100 degrees, to escort home a amaze people”. The foundation has caught the eye of some local HERO who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. pretty influential people, such as Grammy Award winning Trace The foundation is not immune to loss either. Since January, 8
Adkins of country music fame who became a member during MountainFest this past summer in Morgantown, where the West Virginia chapters provided security. When asked where Devildoc saw where the foundation would be in 5 years he said “I see the foundation as a major, far reaching, organization across the U.S., possible extending not only within the U.S., but maybe on U.S. bases around the world and maybe even some international chapters. We‘ve had some interest in Ireland, Canada, and Great Britain to start chapters in those locations.” To sum it up Devildoc says “it’s not what the foundation can offer; it’s what the individual members bring to the foundation.” If you’re interested in doing some good things in your community and riding your bike with some really good people, you might want to check out your local chapter of The Hogs and Heroes Foundation of America. Their website is www. or stop one of their members during OC BikeFest and ask about a chapter near you. Remember as you walk away tell them Semper Pro! THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC
Tangerine Built By: Roy Chamberlin of C&C Cycles
Photographer: Mark Petinga Photography Models: Laura Michelle Ivey Smith Kristen Foster Hair & Make-up: Kristen Foster Special Thanks: The Bodkin Yacht Club for allowing us the use of their business for the photo shoot. 10
e Scream By Rhino
hen it comes to custom bikes this one falls at the top of the list. This bike made the long journey from a solid custom project to Orange perfection. A journey that would take years of trial and error to become perfect. Originally, this bike was the dream of a customer that like most had fallen on hard times. Once the customer decided that he was unable to complete the build, Roy and crew decided it would become a shop project which meant no short cuts, and no shortage of frustrations in the task of creating the masterpiece displayed for your viewing pleasure below. Roy has always pushed the envelope in the custom bike building industry and this project would be no different. From the custom frenched-in tach /speedo installed in the in house fabricated handle bars, to the ground shaking 124� S&S Evo-style Engine; backed up by the Baker six-speed transmission. This short list doesn’t even begin to explain or express the amount of customization that went into this one of a kind custom built machine. C&C Cycles has traveled extensively to major bike shows. First stop was Daytona Bike week where continued...
it placed on its first showing. Afterwards Roy and crew appeared at the Timonium Bike Show, Myrtle Beach Bike week, Washington DC international Bike Show and many others. Tangerine Scream has blown away the competition in several categories and not only taken the prize, but got the attention of several motorcycle enthusiasts over the years. After a long tour of cities and shows, Roy made the choice to park the bike in the showroom at C&C Cycles in Severn, MD. Over the 25 years Roy has been in the business , he has produced over 30 custom bikes featured in numerous national and international magazines. He has also attended many “Invitation Only” and National Bike shows, where he consistently placed in the top three with multiple custom built bikes Shortly after the Tangerine Scream’s return Roy decided to do his part in supporting his community and donated the bike to be raffled off by the Hogs and Heroes Foundation, a local motorcycle foundation that rides in support of all first responders and military members. This raffle will be held at C&C’s Biketoberfest Oct 6th 2012. Proceeds from this raffle will go a long way to support those who support us on a daily basis. This is just one way Roy chooses to say thanks for all that these men and women do. C & C Cycle is located at 8182 Telegraph Road Severn, MD 21144 and has been in business for over 25 years and is still going strong. Roy Chamberlin has been in multiple locations from his first shop in a 500 sq.ft. building in Crofton, MD, to his current 10,000 sq. ft. shop in Severn, MD. C&C has over 6,000 sq. ft. devoted solely to the repair area and machine shop that allows one of a kind machines to come to life. The additional bonus being the 4,000 sq.ft dedicated to all the retail parts and accessories you would ever need. In addition, Roy owns all the remaining parts in the U.S. for the Dollette Carburetors. Of notable mention is the top notch service that has earned Roy an impressive industry reputation. C&C Cycle is also a Certified Repair Center for many American made classics including Big Bear, Big Dog, Hellbound Steel, Indian, Iron Horse, Red Horse, Saxon, Titan and Vengeance as well as a Harley Extended Warranty Center. Add to that, a certification for ThunderMax and Power Commander EFI Tuning. In 2007, they expanded their already impressive list of factory certifications by becoming a S & S Protuning Center. 12
Like many others, the staff here at Thunder Roads Magazine® MD/DE/DC are extremely excited to see just what Roy and his crew will produce next. Make sure you check back soon as we follow the C&C crew to keep one of the top builders in the industry in full view for all motorcycle enthusiast.
Tangerine Scream
Spec Sheet
FRAME: 2003 Daytec Softail style PAINT COLOR: Tangelo over Tangelo w/blue pinstripe RAKE: 38 degrees with 2” stretch FORKS: Perse Performance HANDLEBAR: Custom made by C&C Cycle w/ wiring hidden inside SPEEDO/TACH/INDICATOR: Dakota Digital FUEL TANK: Daytec and C&C modified OIL TANK: Daytec and C&C modified SWINGARM: Daytec Stealth WHEELS: Weld/Matt Hotch limited edition 21” front; 18” rear with HHI 4 piston calipers TIRES: Metzler 90/90-21” front, Metzler 24018” rear FRONT/REAR FENDER: RWD and C&C modified SEAT: C&C Cycle and Longo Upholstery HEADLIGHT: Accessories Unlimited TAILIGHT: C&C Cycle and Cyril Huze CONTROLS & PEGS: HHI MIRRORS: Vtwin ENGINE: 124 cubic inch S&S Evo-style HORSEPOWER: 135 FLYWHEELS: S&S 4-5/8” PISTONS: S&S 10:8:1 CAM: S&S 640G .640 lift CARB: S&S Super G polished AIR CLEANER: D&M Custom Cycle EXHAUST: Stainless Creations IGNITION: Dyna 2000i and coils CHARGING SYSTEM: Spyke TRANSMISSION: 2003 Baker Drivetrain 6 speed CLUTCH: Rivera Pro Clutch PRIMARY DRIVE: Chain FINAL DRIVE: Weld/Matt Hotch Designs 70 tooth pulley STARTER: Spyke WIRE HARNESS: Wire Plus AIR SHOCKS: Tricky Air THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC
By Hillbilly What do you do after a successful 10 year career in the NFL? Do you kick back, relax, and drink a few beers? Maybe take some time and let your body recover from the effects of playing professional football? Not if you’re Kyle Turley. He headed to Nashville where he is chasing his other dream of playing music. Since he was 14 growing up in Southern California he had been thinking about and writing music. He took a trip to Mexico with some friends, bought a $10.00 guitar and was hooked on playing music. 20
Kyle wasn’t just any kid with a dream to play music, he played football too. And he wasn’t just any football player he was An All-American at San Diego State University (1997), drafted 7th overall by the New Orleans Saints (1998), and made All-Pro in the NFL (2000 & 2003). He’s probably most remembered for protecting his Saints quarterback, Aaron Brooks. In a 2001 mid-season game against the Jets, after Brooks was tackled during a scramble, Jets defender Damien Robinson viciously grabbed his facemask and was forcing Brooks backwards. When Kyle saw what Robinson was doing, he did what anyone would do, you protect your brother. Kyle
proceeded to rip off Robinson’s helmet and fling it across the field. Kyle was ejected and fined, but in this writer’s opinion, he should have got a bonus for protecting his brother like that. When his NFL career was over, it was time to pick up the guitar and return to that teenage love for music. And he has been at it ever since, perfecting his sound as part of the outlaw country movement. Kyle moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and started a record company with Tim Pickett called Gridiron Records. And in 2010, he released his first record, Anger Management, which includes songs; Final Drive, Anger Management, and Flyin’ Helmets, an obvious reference to his football career. For the last two and a half years he has been
traveling coast to coast trying to build his sound and his own fan base, and he’s off to a great start. Kyle has opened for everyone from Hank Williams III, George Jones, Eric Church, Lynyrd Skynyrd, to David Allen Coe, where we caught up with him at Cancun Cantina. Kyle has a new album coming out this fall called Skull Shaker, and he’s being featured at Sturgis this year. He will also be working with Mike Ditka on a few charity tours for former NFL players. He still rides when he gets some time off. Hopefully you can catch Kyle and his band at a club near you. Look for him and the Gridiron tailgate tour this fall or follow him at or
upcoming events
TRMDEL is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:
Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM 4th Annual Vietnam Legacy Vets MC Bike Show Bike Show(Antique, Custom, Dresser, Import, Sportster, Stock, Sport & Rat), 50/50 for Wounded Troops, plenty of vendors. Contact Maniac - (302) 422-4988 Thursday, September 13, 2012 Sunday, September 16, 2012 Delmarva Bike Week Live Music, Stunt Shows, Bike Builders, Motorcycle Vendors. Locations: Winter Place Park, Arthur W Perdue Stadium, Seacrets in Ocean City, Harley Davidson of Seaford. 9am-7pm Thurs-Sat. Sun. 9am-3:30pm. Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM 3rd Annual Fall Out Car and Bike Show Car and Bike Show to benefit the residents of the Delaware Veterans Home, Reg. @ 9am, 19963 Veterans Way, Milford, DE. Contact (302) 242-2232
Sunday, September 2, 2012 Starts @ 12:00 AM Bamboo Bernie’s Biker Bash Registration 12-2PM – Band – Awaken Sunday, September 2, 2012 8:00 AM Patriot Day Ride 2012 Chesapeake Harley-Davidson – Memorial Ride for September 11th, Moments of Silence. Saturday, September 8, 2012 9:00 AM 3rd Annual Tommy West Memorial Ride Registration @ 9:00am. Fee includes a poker hand, chance at door prizes and a meal at the end. Pre-Register by the dates shown and you will receive a T-Shirt Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM 2nd Annual Ride for Rescue Charity ride to benefit animal rescue. Registration: 9:30 am-11:00 am, $20 per person Thursday, September 13, 2012 Sunday, September 16, 2012 OC Bike Fest Live Music, Stunt Shows, Bike Builders, 22
Motorcycle Vendors Locations: Ocean City Inlet, Ocean City Convention Center and Jolly Roger Park. Gates open 11am-7:30pm Thurs., 10am-7:30pm Fri.-Sat. 10am-5pm Sun. Thursday, September 13, 2012 Sunday, September 16, 2012 Bikes to the Beach Fall Rally From bull riding, bike shows, custom builders, awesome vendors, great food and lots of drink specials! Saturday, September 22, 2012 Starts @ 12:00 AM Cancun Cantina West Biker Bash & Car Show Registration 12-2PM Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:00 AM 7th annual Ride for Life Motorcycle & Music Event All riders and bikes welcome!!! Registration begins at 9:00am with kickstands up at 11:30am sharp, Fees: $30.00 for driver and $20.00 for passengers Fees include: Ride, Ride Patch, “012 Rocker, Limited Edition Hard Rock Cafe RFL Pin, and Lunch (6oz hamburger, chips and soda) plus live music by Baltimore’s best bands Sunday, September 23, 2012 from 12:00 AM to 5:00 PM Motorcycle, Car & Truck Super Show From 1900’s to present, if it has two wheels or more, we have a class to compete in. Burn-out contest, sound competition, I-wheelie machine, Dyno contest, motorcycle stunt show, driver’s cup challenge, 50/50 drawings, vendors, prizes and give-a-ways. Fun for the entire family with rides and entertainment for everyone. $12 pre-registration, $15 registration at the door and free to admire Sunday, September 23, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM End of Season Car Bike Bash Car & Bike Show Entries: $10.00 per Car or Bike , Live Music - Food - Vendors - Full Cash Bar Raffles - $1.50 Can Beer Specials All Day. Contact: Phyllis Bowers at Towson Moose 410-828-1619 Sunday, September 23, 2012 Starts @ 12:00 AM Cancun Cantina Biker Bash Registration 12-2PM – Band – One Louder
Saturday, September 29, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Bob’s Oktoberfest Celebrate Oktoberfest at Bob’s BMW. This annual, family-fun event is a great way to spend the day. Saturday, October 6, 2012 2:00 PM Annual Red Helmet Ride The Police escorted ride to the National Fallen Fighters Memorial in Emmisburg, MD will leave at 3:30PM. This is a rain or shine ride – all will ride at your own risk. No registration is required, just ride and show your support to the families of the Fallen Firefighters. Sunday, October 7, 2012 Starts @ 12:00 AM Bamboo Bernie’s Biker Bash Registration 12-2PM – Band – Broadcast Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:00 AM 9th Annual Southern Maryland Bikers for Babies Registration begins at 11:00 am at Maryland International Raceway in Budds Creek, Maryland. The 45 mile police escorted ride will begin at 2:00; The ride will end at Ape Hangers Bar & Grill in Bel Alton, Maryland for a free after ride party Saturday, October 20, 2012 Starts @ 12:00 AM Cancun Cantina West Charity Bike Run & Bash Registration 12-2PM Sunday, October 21, 2012 Starts @ 12:00 AM Cancun Cantina Biker Bash Registration 12-2PM – Band – Surreal
PENNSYLVANIA Saturday, September 1, 2012 12:00 PM The MOGS MC 2nd Annual Ride for Kids This is our 2nd annual ride for Kids. This event helps us raise funds to do a Christmas dinner and provide gifts for kids in our local shelters. Kick stands up at noon $15 Per rider and $10 per passenger events/383400105044296
Saturday, September 29, 2012 Sunday, September 30, 2012 MIROCK Superbike Series - Fast by Gast Fall Nationals The Mickey Thompson Tires MIROCK Superbike Series heads to Maryland International Raceway for the last MIROCK event of the year in Maryland, at the Fast by Gast Fall Nationals
Thursday, September 6, 2012 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Pennsylvania Rally on the River Featured are several guided motorcycle rides, a bike rodeo, naughty adult games, and lots of vendors, food and music. Reservations are suggested as the party sells out fast. MUST BE 21 OR OVER. 800-2431056
Saturday, September 8, 2012 10:00 AM Poker Run/ Benefit Dance for Stafani Wigfield Poker run/ Benefit dance for Stafani Wigfield. She has stage 3 Anaplastic astrocytoma (brain cancer) Please come out and support this great cause! Poker run registration is at 10 am events/410684485632703 Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM Yuasa Motorcycle Fest - Motorcycle Show Proceeds will benefit United Way. Motorcycle Show: $15 per entry. 866-431-4784 Sunday, September 9, 2012 10:00 AM 2nd Ride for Caleb Poker Run A RIDE FOR CALEB to benefit the Caleb Joseph Regenski Memorial Playground at Bingham Park, Hawley. Cost will be $20/adult & $10/child. www. Sunday, September 9, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM AMA Pro Hillclimb at Freemansburg PA AMA sanctioned Pro Hill Climb series event (717) 467-5047 Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM 1st Annual Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt - Benefiting Cystic Fibrosis A motorcycle scavenger hunt to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis. 5 stops, 80+ mile ride. $20/rider, +$5/ pass (Cars/trucks $25/ea) 267-372-1256 BrandensBattalion Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:00 AM Valley Forge Vol Fire Co Poker Run $20 donation per person which includes a buffet and live music back at the fire house grove and one free T-shirt to mark the event. 215-240-0571 Sunday, September 16, 2012 8:00 AM Philadelphia Ride for Kids Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation - Ride for Kids Registration opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 9:45 a.m. The escorted ride starts at 10 a.m. sharp, rain or shine! 800-253-6530 events/2012/philadelphia.html Sunday, September 16, 2012 9:00 AM Rally Through the Valley Benefit Poker Run and Pig Roast $20 pre registration by September 11th includes admission to pig roast, poker ticket, THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC
Rally Through the Valley T-shirt and ride pin. Day of Rally Registration: $20 includes admission to pig roast and poker ticket only. Sunday, September 16, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM Paws on the Throttle Proceeds benefit Laura’s Hope Rescue and Fisher House. Registration begins 10:00 am. Kickstands up at noon. Preregister on line by August 16th and get a free patch. (570)945-5637 Saturday, September 22, 2012 Motorcycle Extravaganza@Split Rock Family Friendly” event at Split Rock Resort & Golf Club. Interested in being a Sponsor/Vendor? Contact us at 732-295-2953 Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Iron Horses for TRACC A motorcycle ride to benefit TRACC, Therapeutic Riding Association of Cumberland County. TRACC provides recreational horseback riding to those with special needs. Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:00 AM Ride for the Ribbon Annual Ride for Breast Cancer Awareness, Sponsored by the Washington PA HOG Chapter. Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:00 AM Alice’s Cancer Run Benefits Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization $20 per Rider - $10 per Passenger 610.379.4055 Sunday, September 23, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM RAV Rumble benefit cruise Join us on Sunday, September 23, 2012 for the inaugural “RAV Rumble” - a Ride for Alliance and Victory, a new motorcycle run in the Lehigh Valley to raise funds for the homeless shelter programs at Third Street Alliance for Women and Children located in Easton Pa. and Victory House for men and veterans located in Bethlehem Pa. Thursday, September 27, 2012 Sunday, September 30, 2012 White Rose Thunder Motorcycle Rally York Fairgrounds 717-465-5646 – Larry Sunday, September 30, 2012 from 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM AMA Pro Hill climb at Jefferson PA AMA sanctioned Pro Hill Climb series event on the big hill at White Rose MC Jefferson (717) 467-5047 SEPTEMBER 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012 9:00 AM Ride for HOPE In support of breast cancer awareness and H.O.P.E. (Help for Oncology Problems and Emotional Support) Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM Fall Fest featuring Bonfire Proceeds will benefit MDA. Fall Poker Run $15 per person/ Bonfire and Burnouts at dusk. Free marshmallows. Saturday, October 20, 2012 6:00 PM Halloween Bash at Steel City Motorcycle Company You can ride...but you can’t hide!!! Halloween Bash is 1 of our favorite events of the year! Come dressed in your best costume for the costume contests. Sunday, October 21, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Pink and Orange Event Proceeds will benefit Holly Heilman Cancer Fund Women-focused event celebrating women! Showcasing local businesses, women in business, women focused charities, support groups, and information booths. 610-916-7777 Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Benefit Ride Partial Proceeds to benefit the Reading/Berks County Homeless Veterans $20/Person, $30/ Couple - Includes Pig Roast at the VFW Post 9045 Mohnton after the ride 610-777-9106 Like us on Facebook @ VFW Post 9045 Mohnton PA
West Virginia
Saturday, September 8, 2012 10:00 AM The Bundy Run 2nd annual Bundy Run memorial dice run for Brad “Bundy” Davis’ daughters trust. Early sign up will be at the Redneck Riviera Friday Sept 7th from 8pm to 10pm, and Saturday from 10am - noon (last bike out). Redneck Riviera between Weston & Jane Lew Saturday, September 15, 2012 9:30 AM Motorcycle Ride for Sight Cabell Wayne Association of The Blind Come ride to support the blind and visually impaired of our community. (304) 522-6991 Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:00 AM 3rd Annual Motorcycle Rally for Teen Challenge All proceeds benefit Appalachian Teen Challenge You don’t need to be a motorcycle rider to join us - all are welcome! events/316961345066319/ 23
upcoming events
Saturday, September 8, 2012 Sunday, September 9, 2012 AHDRA Liberty Nitro Nationals All Harley Drag Racing. 16 classes of competition from 230 mph nitro harley, pro drag, pro fuel, pro mod, draggin bagger, v-rods and street bikes. 336-924-2095
upcoming events
Saturday, September 1, 2012 Sunday, September 2, 2012 Harley Davidson Demo Truck Days! COME CHECK OUT THE BRAND NEW 2013 110TH ANNIVERSARY HARLEYDAVIDSON MODELS! 757-397-5550 WWW.BAYSIDEHD.COM Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Annual Ride for Microcephaly Charity Poker Run Registration 9 am at American Legion Post 368 368 American Legion Drive, Newport News, VA 23608 757-570-7555 Saturday, September 8, 2012 Sunday, September 9, 2012 Delegate Webert District 18 Poker Run Poker Run winding through scenic VA House District 18 to benefit Delegate Webert. $20.00 per hand. Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Freedom Ride THIS IS A POLICE ESCORTED RIDE! PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE CHESAPEAKE PUBLIC SAFETY MEMORIAL FUND WWW.BAYSIDEHD.COM
Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM “No Toll Roll!” Poker Run COST: $15.00 PER RIDER / CAR NO PASSENGER FEES! PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE COURT COST TO FIGHT TO STOP THE TOLLS! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: COLEMAN YOUNG AT 757-292-1858 WWW.BAYSIDEHD.COM Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:30 AM Riding For A Cause Poker Run Benefits the Special Olympics of Virginia at the Academy for Staff Development (804) 784-6829 Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Bikes & Tykes All proceeds from this event will further MASC’s ability to provide free & discounted services to families of children with autism. 757-397-5550 WWW.BAYSIDEHD.COM Friday, September 28, 2012 Sunday, September 30, 2012 Thunder In The Hills Motorcycle Rally Live Bands, Rides, Riding Demonstrations, Food, and a Lot More Saturday, September 29, 2012 11:00 AM Riding 4 Hope Motorcycle Rally Sponsored By C.R.O.S.S. Ministries and T.R.A.S.H. Ministries 100 Mile Ride~50/50 Drawing~Door Prizes~Food etc. 276-233-1590
Saturday, October 6, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Fleet Ride - Rumble Through The Tunnel! REGISTRATION AT BAYSIDE H-D 9:00 A.M. - 11:30 AM WWW.BAYSIDEHD.COM Saturday, October 6, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ride A Mile 4 Able Forces The road to recovery..... Ride to benefit the mission of Able Forces.. Employment and job training for wounded warriors veterans and disabled veterans. Saturday, October 6, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 3rd Annual Lupus Poker Run Renegade Classics Starts at 10am, $10 per person, all are welcome! Saturday, October 20, 2012 10:00 AM Third Annual Special Operations Warrior Foundation Kids to College Poker Run The Special Operations Warrior foundation provides full scholarship grants and educational and family counseling to the surviving children of Special Operations Personnel who die in operational or training missions and immediate financial assistance to severely wounded special operations personnel and their families. For more information Contact Recoil at
biker friendly directory
biker friendly directory Dealer & Shops Bohemian Biker Electrical Gear Newark, DE. 19714 302-562-1706 C & C Cycle 8182 Telegraph Road Severn, MD. 21144 410-305-0924 IGS Auto Body, Inc. 1230 Cronson Blvd. Crofton, MD 21114 410-451-7405 Old Glory Harley Davidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575
Bars & Restaurants
Sullivan’s Steak & Beverages 9624 Fort Meade Road Laurel, MD. 20707 301-498-7427
J.K Johnson Marketing& Graphics Email: 410-956-6335
The Blue Ox Bar & Grill 12601 Coastal Hwy Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-250-6440
KD Space Lifts Structured Solution for an Organized Environment Email: 410-804-0207
The Greene Turtle 11601 Coastal Hwy Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-723-2120 Triple nines Bar & Billiards 7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD. 21075 410-799-1818
Business Services
M&T Bank 39 Shipping Place Baltimore, MD 21222 Email: 410-284-8801 Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211 Pouliot Accounting Service Certified Public Accountant Email: 800-313-3713
Bamboo Bernie’s 8359 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. Pasadena, MD. 21122 410-647-6100
AJK Events Event planning and Promotions Email: 410-533-3661
Cancun Cantina 7501 Old Telegraph Road Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188
Expressway Office Solutions Next Day Office Supplies Email: 410-247-6800
Pit & Pub 2706 Philadelphia Avenue Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-289-2020
Heartland Payment Systems Payroll / Card Processing 410-493-8467
Signs By Tomorrow Annapolis 2134-A Generals Hwy. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-3341
Reckless Ric’s 1702 Furnace Drive Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280
In Step Leather 7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD. 21075 410-799-1568
Tobacco Stop 3351 Corridor Marketplace Suite #300 Laurel, MD. 20724 301-317-5316
Roundz Gourmet Market & Catering Wedding & Event Catering Email: 443-292-4631
Fast Frame Expert Picture Framing 410-267-7007
Home Services
Creative Memories Plaques & Digital Photo Books Email: 443-254-3789
AEGIS Technologies Inc. Home Audio / Security Designs Network Cabling / Service Email: 703-303-9311 Master Plan Interiors There’s no Substitute for a Master Plan. Email: 410-867-1111 Grove Heating & Cooling Your Comfort is Our Only Concern Email: 410-721-5595 Covered Bridge Home Renovations & Restoration Steve Bromley Email: 410-507-5006
Realtor Services Deborah Wade Your Maryland Realtor Re/Max Executive 443-274-1918 Lakeside Title Company Chris Baker (Settlement Officer) Email: 410-207-5798
Personal Service
Cakes By Rachael Artisan Cakes, Chocolates & Pastries 443-995-1691 Ron Treacy Automotive Certified Master Technician All Makes and Models Mobil at Rte 3 & 450 Bowie, MD 301-262-0003 Total Lawn & Landscape Brad Robinson Email: 410-353-9566
Florist Little House of Flowers Your First Choice in Flowers Email: 410-923-3170
Insurance Company CNR Insurance The Right Coverage at the Right Price. 410-897-9890
Photography Mark Petinga Photography Email: 443-630-4124
Tattoo Orange Tattoo Company 2020-A West Street Annapolis, MD. 21401 410-224-6088 _____________________________ Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If your Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@ TRMDEL.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.
Apparel Itz Done Custom Apparel & Embroidery Email: 410-279-1676
STC Nutrition Nutrition Consultant Email: 410-437-3325 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC
biker friendly directory
Top Caliber Maryland Security Services Email: 301-526-9093
News Bytes THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit
FEDERAL E-15 MINIMUM FUEL PURCHASE MANDATE “However inconceivable it may seem, ethanol has managed to earn itself another enemy. To service-station owners, refiners, vintagecar collectors, economists and car manufacturers themselves, add motorcycle riders,” reported the New York Times in announcing a new EPA mandate that requires consumers to purchase a minimum of 4 gallons of E-15 gasoline. At issue is E15, a gasoline blend consisting of 15% ethanol, rather than the typical 10% formulation E10. The federal Environmental Protection Agency has approved E15 for all cars from the 2001 model year and newer, but the E.P.A. has not approved its use for any motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles and its use could void manufacturers’ warranties. To help keep E15 out of these and other unapproved nonroad engines, service stations offering E15 and E10 from the same pump station must agree to sell a minimum of 4 gallons of fuel per purchase in order to protect the engine of the next customer’s vehicle, as the fueling hose retains roughly a third of a gallon from the previous customer’s fill-up. But not all motorcycle fill-ups reach four gallons, as some motorcycles don’t have tanks with that volume, or their owners may want to merely top them off. Exactly how a service station with pay-at-the-pump equipment could enforce the rule remains unclear, and the new EPA requirement announced in a response to an AMA inquiry is already generating ire on Capitol Hill where Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) told the Times; “The E.P.A. has no business mandating how much gasoline Americans have to buy when filling up at the pump. What if a rider doesn’t have a motorcycle with a four gallon tank,” he challenged. “Or if someone wants to fill a canister for their lawnmower or outboard boat engine, but it only holds two or three gallons? Or what if an American, struggling in this economy, just can’t afford four gallons of gas?”
ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLES EXTENDED TAX CREDIT Good news for eco-minded aficionados of two-wheeled transport, as the Senate Finance Committee has approved a tax credit for purchasers of on-road electric motorcycles amounting to 10% of the purchase price up to $2,500. Electric-powered two wheelers have been without a federal purchase incentive since the beginning of 2012, when the original 28
Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
tax break expired that was part of the $800 billion stimulus package passed in 2009. The committee approved a bipartisan package of tax credits on August 2, including the amendment by Senator Ron Wyden (DOR) to extend the tax credit for buying EV bikes designed for street use. With “thousands of red white and blue jobs on the line” in America’s cutting edge E-bike industry, Wyden says the tax break is necessary and will cost $15 million over two years. Now the measure will be considered by the full Senate.
NADAguides RELEASES LATEST MOTORCYCLE TRENDS The latest data regarding motorcycle shopping and research trends has been released from NADAguides, an online new and used powersports pricing and information resource. And though the economy has yet to recover from the slump, consumer interest and motorcycle sales are gradually increasing. The Motorcycle Industry Council says overall worldwide year-on-year motorcycle sales are up 3.6%, and NADAguides research shows that consumer interest and research has grown 15% in the second quarter of 2012 over the second quarter of 2011. NADAguides says the largest segments receiving growth and interest are trikes and touring scooters with a step-through chassis. Industry sales of touring scooters are up 5.6% year-to-date and have recorded a year over year traffic increase on of 24% over the past year. Touring scooters provide a good starting point for consumers who are new to motorcycling because they have more stability and are easy to mount and dismount, and top brands searched on include models from Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha and Vespa, making up 96% of the traffic in the segment. NADAguides analysts note that trikes or three-wheel motorcycles are also gaining in popularity, registering a year over year increase of traffic on the site up 27%. Appealing primarily to the baby boomer generation, three-wheel motorcycles offer more stability, more comfort for long trips and can be customized and outfitted with a variety of comfort and convenience packages, such as independent suspension, disc brakes, upgraded audio, large lockable storage and more. Top trike or three-wheel motorcycle brands searched on include models from CanAm, Harley-Davidson, Boss Hoss and Lehman Trikes, making up 93% of the traffic in the segment.
SLEEPY DRIVERS AS DANGEROUS AS DRUNKS Being sleepy behind the wheel is almost as dangerous as drinking and driving, according to a study from France, with drivers who were either drunk or sleepy at least twice as likely to cause a vehicle accident as their sober or well-rested counterparts. For the study, researchers under the direction of Nicholas
Moore at the Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux analyzed information from 679 drivers admitted to a hospital in southwestern France for more than 24 hours because of a serious accident between 2007 and 2009. “Sleepiness carried almost as much risk as alcohol ingestion,” wrote Moore and his colleagues in a letter in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Researchers used information from driver questionnaires and police reports to determine what may have contributed to the accidents. Drivers reported what medications they were on, their alcohol use and how sleepy they had been before the crash, while patient files provided information on blood alcohol levels. The majority of the injured drivers were under 55 years old and men. Over half were on a motorcycle, about one-third in a car and 10% on a bicycle at the time of the accident. The police determined that 355 of the drivers were responsible for their crash. From that, Moore and his colleagues found that being between the ages of 18 and 29 years old, driving a car, drinking alcohol and being sleepy were all tied to an increased risk of causing an accident. “We know from experimental studies that just four hours of sleep loss will produce as much impairment as a six pack (of beer),” said Christopher Drake, an associate scientist at the Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders and Research Center in Detroit, who was not involved in the study. “If you have a whole night of sleep loss, that’s equivalent to having a blood alcohol content of 0.19,” Drake told Reuters news service. A blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent is considered legally drunk in most U.S. states.
RIGHTS ACTIVISTS LABELLED TERRORISTS Long-serving National Coalition of Motorcyclists board member Glen Fengstad of ABATE of Montana (Co-Director, NCOM Region III) submitted the following news item from along with the observation that “I think it targets all of us to a tee”: Are you suspicious of federal authority? How about really into individual liberty? Well according to a new study funded by the US Department of Homeland Security, you very well might be a terrorist. A report published earlier this year by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland has surfaced, and in their DHS-funded findings, Americans “reverent of individual liberty” and others adamant about protecting their personal freedoms are categorized as extreme rightwing terrorists.
and their most recent report is described by its authors as the latest part in a series of studies sponsored by the Human Factors/ Behavioral Sciences Division, Science and Technology Directorate and the US Department of Homeland Security in support of the Counter-IED Prevent/Deter program: “The goal of this program is to sponsor research that will aid the intelligence and law enforcement communities in identifying potential terrorist threats,” write the authors, which is done “using state-of-the-art theories, methods and data from the social and behavioral sciences to improve understanding of the origins, dynamics and social and psychological impacts of terrorism.” Apparently, loving America is precisely one of those factors found out through the latest space-age understanding of the human mind.
WEIRD NEWS: MIND-READING HELMET Speaking of the human mind, and conspiracy theories, perhaps the latest interrogation device -- a mind-reading helmet -- will help authorities identify us freedom-loving “terrorist” bikers. Veritas Scientific is working on an EEG helmet that carries a slideshow of images that could reliably identify an enemy. The device is shaped like a motorcycle-helmet with metal brush sensors that will read brain activity as images flash quickly across the inside of the visor. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the science of measuring brainwave patterns produced by the brain in response to internal or external stimuli. Familiar images prompt spikes of electrical brain activity that indicate recognition, say scientists. The company places its EEG helmet work in the realm of “interrogation technology,” and sees its device of use to the U.S. military to help them pick friend from enemy…sure, that’s just what they want you to believe! The technology is also suggested as useful for law enforcement. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “If a man seeks a righteous life, his first act of abstinence should be from telling others how to think and live.” ~ Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian novelist
In the paper, “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008”, researchers characterize what traits should be considered when describing right-wing terrorists, and identifies “groups that believe that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack,” and those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to personal liberty,” the report adds. START was founded with the aid of a $12 million DHS grant, THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC
K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon of Tennessee
These are just a few of the many, fabulous recipes on “The Chew” this week. O.C. Bikefest PRETZEL COVERED PORK CHOPS 1 10 pack of center-cut pork loin chops *Pound them with meat mallot until 1/2” thick. 2 Eggs; lightly beaten 1/4 Cup of All-Purpose Flour 1-1/2 Cups of Sourdough Pretzels; pulsed in food processor, or just put in gallon size zip lock bag, leave open just a fraction and roll over & over with rolling pin until fine ground. 1/2 Stick of Butter Salt & Pepper to Your Taste Set up 3 pie pan shape bowls; one filled with flour, one with beaten egg mixture and one with ground pretzels. Season your chops on both sides with S&P and any other spices you prefer; rosemary goes great w/ pork, as does mint or sage. Mix spices in a small bowl and rub all over chops. Meanwhile get a pan medium hot, but get it searing hot, drag all chops thru your three mixtures; First dredge in flour, then beaten egg bath, then onto pretzel dredge. Cover them thoroughly and pat them down into the pretzels to hold onto and cling to chops. Heat butter in a BIG skillet or an electric or flat electric skillet. Put them in when a drop of water in skillet jumps back; you want that nice sizzle when dropping your chops If you’re doing on grill, you can fit all of them in, other-wise, just do in (2) batches. When done place on plate covered with 3 sheets of paper towels to drain off excess grease. Keep in warm 200 oven until 2nd batch done. These are so crunchy outside and the pretzel flavor just soaks it all up, It’s easy to make, but baby, wayyyyyy easier to eat. These go quick! Go get ya’ some. CAULIFLOWER GRATIN (fancy name for cheese) 1 Head of Fresh Cauliflower (very inexpensive). Cut into cauliflower and cut up into clusters, like you’ve seen done to the frozen kind. 3 Tbls. of All-Purpose Flour 4 Tbls. of Real Butter or Quality Margarine (ICBINB)_ (I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter) 2 Cups of Whole Milk Sprinkle gently with Nutmeg 1 Cup of Shredded Gruyere cheese Salt & Pepper to Taste 30
Bring a large pot of salted water to a hard boil. Drop the clusters of cauliflower into boil. Don’t let go too long. About 5 mins. max. Make sure still stiff, don’t let it go limp on you (no woman appreciates that). Drain cauliflower and place into an ice bath to completely stop them from cooking any longer. In a saucepot, heat butter over medium heat. In a saucepan, heat up your butter or margarine, Mix it all around carefully until all flour incorporated; should be a gray-pale yellow color. Let this remain to cook down for about 2-3 minute to get that flour taste out. This process should be done fast and steady. Then, add your milk and nutmeg a little at a time while still whisking. Salt, Pepper & Nutmeg to taste. Next, add your cheese generously. Spread it all out. Place all in open lid casserole dish and bake for in a 300 degree oven for 30 minutes. Make sure the top gets brown & bubbly. Just be sure to layer the cheese & other ingredients but also have enough of the sauce to add as a dunkin dip. This cheese gravy is actually perfect for the pork. O.C. Bikefest GRILLED WATERMELON 1 big, long, juicy watermelon Get a really good knife and make sure it’s sharp Cut deep into the wa watermelon several lines along the length, then cut across the other way to create a chess effect. I love to grill watermelon and get grill marks on it which makes it much sweeter and succulent. Now, while watermelon chunks on medium grill, remember, they don’t have to grill for long. Just throw together some fresh mint, garlic, olive oil, basil and mix it all up to pour over baby spinach or any lettuce of your desire. This is so refreshing and perfect for September evenings. CUCUMBER & HONEYDEW MARGARITA’S 2 Cups of Honeydew Melon 1 Cup pf Seedless, Peeled Cucumber plus extra round discs for garnish 1/4 cup of Mint 2 Tbls. Honey 1/2 Cup of Lime Juice 2 Cups of Tequila Take a Marqarita glass, slide a slitted cucumber all around rim of glass and dip into a flat plate of salt. Throw in a cup of cubed ice for frozen style or blend longer and just pour over cubes of ice. Either way goes down smoothas honey....dew.
A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology which was explaining the phenomenon of “mixed emotions”. The husband turned to his wife and said, “That is an absolute bunch of crap. I bet you can’t tell me one thing that will make me happy and sad at the exact same time. She said: “Out of all your friends, you have the biggest penis.”
teacher’s desk. “$2,467.”, he said.”$2,467!” cried the teacher, “What in the world were you selling?” ”‘Toothbrushes”, said Little Johnny. “How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?” “Well, I found the busiest corner in town”, said Little Johnny, “I set up a Dip & Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample. “They all said the same thing, “Hey, this tastes like dog poop!” Then I would say, “It is dog poop. Wanna’ buy a toothbrush?
A married couple is driving down the interstate doing 55 mph. The husband is behind the wheel. His wife looks over at him and says, “Honey, I know we’ve been married for 15 years, but, I want a divorce.” The husband says nothing but slowly increases speed to 60 mph. She then says, “I don’t want you to try to talk me out of it, because I’ve been having an affair with your best friend, and he’s a much better lover than you.” Again the husband stays quiet and just speeds up as his anger increases. She says, “I want the house.” Again the husband speeds up, and now is doing 70 mph. She says, “I want the kids, too.” The husband just keeps driving faster, and faster, now he’s up to 80 mph. She says, “I want the car, the checking account, and all the credit cards, too.” The husband slowly starts to veer toward a bridge overpass piling, as she says, “Is there anything you want?” The husband says, “No, I’ve got everything I need.” She asks, “What’s that?” The husband replies just before they hit the wall at 90 mph, “I’ve got the airbag!”
While examining his lady patient, the doctor tells her: “Your heart, lungs, pulse & BP are fine. Now let me see that cute little thing which gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble.” The woman a tad turned on by the young doctor starts quickly taking off her slacks and panties and is standing nude from the waist down. The Doctor turned around , stopping her and said: “No! No! Please put on your clothes. I meant for you to just show me your tongue.”
The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on salesmanship. Little Sally led off. “I sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30” she said proudly, “My sales approach was to appeal to the customer’s civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.” “Very good”, said the teacher. Little Debbie was next. “I sold magazines” she said, “I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events.” “Very good, Debbie”, said the teacher. Eventually, it was Little Johnny’s turn. The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher’s desk. “$2,467.”, he said.”$2,467!” cried the teacher, “What 32
Steel Cowboy’s Tombstone: The Headstone of Russell J. Larsen in the Logan City Cemetery , Logan , Utah . I wonder if he died knowing he won the ‘Coolest Headstone’ contest? His five rules for a happy life are at the bottom in on his headstone FIVE RULES FOR MEN TO FOLLOW FOR A HAPPY LIFE: 1. It’s important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans up, and has a job. 2. It’s important to have a woman who can make you laugh. 3. It’s important to have a woman who you can trust, and doesn’t lie to you. 4. It’s important to have a woman who is good in bed and truly likes to be with you. 5. It’s very, very important that these four women do not know each other or you could end up dead like me. My wife was screaming at me: “Leave!! Get out of this house!” she ordered. As I was walking out the door she yelled, “I hope you die a slow and painful death!” So I turned around and replied “So now you want me to stay?”