Thunder Roads Mid-Atlantic 1611

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Thunder Roads Magazine® Mid-Atlantic

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Facebook – Thunder Roads Mid-Atlantic Twitter- TR_BigCity Instagram- ThunderRoadsMid-Atlantic EDITOR / OWNER / PUBLISHER Mike “Rhino” Ryan Mike ”Bighead” Abbott 443-875-7482 443-875-7597

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.......................7 Diary of a Biker Chic......................................... 11 Motorcycle Rights Organizations.....................13 From Across The Pond....................................14 Throttle Life: OC Bike Week.............................18 Road Captain’s Report.....................................22 Center Calendar...............................................26 Featured Bike: BagTracker..............................28 Bullet Points......................................................34 OC Bike Week Thundercam ...........................37 Riders Tips: Riding in the Fall..........................38 ADVERTISING Scott “Scooter” Broyles Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen 301-283-8008 304-549-5615 (Charleston, WV Crew) (Southern Maryland)

Jeff Clayton 304-476-4514 Central WV Crew

Joker’s Wild......................................................43 Newsbytes........................................................44 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen.......................................47 Events...............................................................48 Biker Friendly Directory....................................50

David “Mongo” Robinson 240-855-4705 (Big City Ride Card Manager)

LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics


CONTRIBUTORS Mike “Smiles” Johnson Joyce “Biker Chic” Mark “Road Captain” Ritchie Suzy “Carebear” Leighton David “Barney” Barnhouse

Model: Holly Hoxter

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

Photography: Bobby T Rocks. Check him out on YouTube @ “Bobby T Rocks”


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ovember is here and with it comes the falling leaves and frosted roads from the cold morning temps. If you are like us and ride all year, please be mindful as you travel around in the morning. The Road Crew here at Thunder Roads Mid-Atlantic also like to take November to thank all the Veterans in our lives for their service to our Country. We ask each of you to do the same, if you see a Veteran active or retired please let them know that you are grateful for the sacrifices they and their family have made. We had a lot going on the past few months and the so called end of the riding season for most. This month we have as always some great information and content for all to cruise through. Our Road Captain takes a ride to The Cabot Trail; while Leon checks out the Bikes and Events at this year OC Fall Bikeweek. The Biker Chic, gives us another great read and we get a little more knowledge from our friend Andy with Of course we cannot go without mentioning Preacher Gordon Bacon and his Two Wheeled Testaments, and the Riders Tip from Manny from Sunset Cycles in Ocean City, MD. Just when you thought we couldn’t give you any more we add a new feature that we will run from time to time called Bullet Points. As a Veteran and American I love my guns. As I am sure most of you do as well. So please enjoy this new addition to our magazine and feel free to share your feelings with us. The Road Crew here at Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic, also work very hard at keeping you up to date with all the local events happening in your area. Not only do we cover them, but you will see us out and about more than any of our competitors. We don’t sell the lifestyle, we live it! All that said let us remember to thank all of our advertising partners that make it possible to keep the Only Motorcycle Magazine that Matters going. Please show your appreciation by supporting their businesses as well. L&R, Rhino & Bighead

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The Ridge Tavern and Grill Great Food Kitchen Always Open Cold Beer Bikers Welcome Good times US19 at Marion County Line



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Thanksgiving… What Are You Thankful For?

for bringing through!! I thank God for my wife of over 40 years and for her putting up with all my misdeeds. I thank The Lord for my four children who still love me after all I have put them through. I’m thankful for all seven of my grandchildren who still loved me through the confusion I created for them.

Ephesians 5:20 (ERV)

20 Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Most of all I thank The Lord for saving me.

The question is… “What Are You Thankful For”? This past year has presented many situations that could have my family and I out. Today I sit here thankful that my family and I are still here. My grandson of 17 years was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma back in June of 2015. Our world as we knew it drastically changed overnight. The next 9 months we spent in the hospital and practically lived there night and day. If you or a loved one have experienced this then you understand. Every day we found something to be thankful for. Today Joseph is 18 and there is No Evidence of Disease in his body. For that we give THANKS!!!! You may have had something happen to you that you thought you would never make through but look you’re here today to tell your story and to give thanks to God

We may have a new President by the time you read this and regardless of who is in that office we still should be thankful that we still live in the US of America the greatest country on the planet. Always be THANKFUL for EVERYTHING because there is nothing or no one in power except God permits it. I am thankful that I know that no man or woman determines my destiny but The Lord does. I have put my trust in The Lord who is the supreme ruler of this universe and I’m thankful that I can trust Him not to lie to me. I’m thankful that I can lay down in bed at night and sleep because I can trust the One in control. I’m thankful that I know that no matter what comes upon me that I know The Lord has already made a way of escape for me!! No evil or corrupt leader has my future in their hands and for that I’m Thankful. WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR? I’m Thankful for The United States of America God Bless the USA

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THE SCUTTLEBUTT 12320 Neale sound dr. Cobb island, Maryland


Waterfront Bar and grill Biker Owned and Operated

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 240-233-3113



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To a veteran, it’s a lifeline…

Join the Give 5 Drive Ride Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 m 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Ride begins and ends at the WarFighters Motorcycle Club HQ, 154 Lafayette Ave., Laurel, MD Registration begins at 10 a.m. m Kick stands up at noon.

Food trucks, activities, music, & more! Rain or shine event. m Cages are welcome.

In Support of

Millions of American Vets and their families are living with untreated mental illness, substance abuse, or PTSD. Your support can help Veteran Health Services put those troubles in the rearview mirror.

For ride and registration details, visit Thunder Roads®Mid-Atlantic




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October 6, 2016 Can anyone tell me where September went? I don’t even think there was a September this year. It went by in a flash and I’m wondering if October will be the same. I’m hoping the winter will be the same. I got my bike back almost two weeks ago. It turns out that the leak was coming from the water pump. They had it for two weeks, having to pretty much take it all apart again. I have been so busy working my two jobs that I wasn’t able to really get out on the bike, until today. I found myself having the afternoon and evening off. It was barely 70 degrees out and it looked like it was going to rain but there was no rain in the forecast. So I geared up and took off with no destination in mind. I started out riding my normal back roads just to make sure that the bike was running okay. Everything felt and sounded good. It’s school time again and I was stopped behind a school bus at one point. Even though the windows were tinted, I could see the kids in the back and they were waving at me. I waved back. They laughed and screamed and waved at me again. I waved back again which brought more laughs and screams. I felt bad for the bus driver but it wasn’t as bad as the day I rode the bike home from the shop. I was stopped at a red light next to a school bus and all I saw were pimply faced boys. They were hanging out the windows, waving at me and yelling. I couldn’t understand what they were yelling at me because they were all yelling at the same time, but I’m pretty sure I was being cat-called by these boys. I just sat there and laughed and when the light turned green, I took off as fast as I could. I’m sure they loved that. As I took my usual route today, I made my usual pit stop at the lake off of Tridelphia Mill Road. I was surprised to see that I was the only one there. I was also surprised to see that the lake was dried up again. I found that to be odd since we recently had a bunch of rain. I sat down for a while and took in the moment. I had been stressed out the past couple of weeks from working so much and not having any time for myself, that I hadn’t realized how badly I needed this day until that moment. I sat there and listened to the birds and took in the eerie view. With the lake being dried up, even where the boat launch is, it just gave things a more “end of the world” type of feel. Especially with the soggy ground and the tree branches all over the place. I walked out onto an area where the water used to be and snapped some photos. I think I had found the true meaning of peace and quiet. Although the view looked

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eerie, I was the most relaxed I had been in the past couple of months. I sat there for a while before I got back on the bike. When I did leave there, as I was pulling out of the parking lot, the sun broke through the clouds and it warmed up a bit. Coincidence? I think not! I decided to stop and fill up the tank because I was in the mood to get lost. I pulled out of the gas station and started riding with no destination in mind. I ended up getting myself good and lost somewhere in Montgomery County. I found back roads after back roads and I just kept going. I only wish I had my camera with me so I could have gotten some video of my travels. I can’t tell you where I was but what I can tell you is that it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I had my bike back and I was finally releasing some stress. As the sun was starting to go down and the temperature was starting to drop, I decided to find my way home. I parked my bike and just sat there for a second as I got ready to bring myself back to reality. We are living in a time where everything is getting worse. People are getting worse, the government is getting worse, and Mother Nature is getting worse. This makes “reality” very unattractive so I think it’s important to take yourself out of the everyday hustle and bustle. I recently met a lady on her 95th birthday. I told her she looked really good for her age (she really did) and asked her what her secret was. She told me that she loves life. She said she always takes the time to sit down and enjoy nature – the birds and flowers to be exact – and she loves people. She told me that’s what kept her looking so young. I don’t know about the “loving people” part, I’ll have to keep working on that one, but I do agree about taking the time to stop and smell the roses. Us bikers appreciate the beauty that is all around us and I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my bike to help me escape the chaos of life.

NOVEMBER 2016 11

• Make yourself visible. Choose riding gear that increases your visibility in traffic in addition to providing protection in the event of a crash. Use bright colors and retro-reflective strips or decals, especially at night. • Ride so you are seen. There is no one safe place to ride. Use lane positioning to be seen. Ride with your headlight on and consider using a modulating headlight. • Give yourself space and time to react. Allow space for emergency braking or for avoiding a crash. Make your lane moves gradually. • Signal your intentions. Signal before changing lanes. Avoid weaving between lanes. Flash your brake light when you are slowing down and before stopping. • Be courteous and respect other road users. Being courteous, non-aggressive and cooperative can go a long way in reducing crashes.



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MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS If you ride a motorcycle, you should be involved in one of these organizations. Stand up, Get involved, Be a Part of the Solution! Preserve your rights as a biker!

DELAWARE ABATE of Delaware, Inc. 316 West Third Street Wyoming, DE. 19934


Motorcycle Riders Foundation 1325 G Street NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20005 Email:

MARYLAND ABATE of Maryland, Inc. 71 Franklin Street Annapolis, MD. 21401 Email:

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NOVEMBER 2016 13


1959 A10 Rocket 650 twin. This was BSA in her prime.



the year in England. Rain, fog, dirt and grime take a lot of the fun out of riding. And cleaning up their bikes after their commute each day became a ritual chore that many riders hated. Bikes back then didn’t have the corrosion protection that we take for granted today, so without proper meticulous cleanup, these old bikes would start to rust very quickly. Several forward-thinking designers saw in this situation a new market niche.


England had been hit hard by World War II. Not just in direct battle damage, from bombs, strafing, and Hitler’s dreaded “Wonder Weapons”, the V1 and V2 rockets. The British economy was also in a shambles. Britain had spent a fortune winning the war, and had also gone deeply into debt. Now that hostilities had ended millions of British soldiers and sailors returned home, looking for work. Times were tough. Out of this hardship a pressing need emerged for cheap, utilitarian transportation to get to-and-from work. Most families couldn’t afford a car, and right after the war, there were very few cars available even for those who could afford them. During this era, commuter motorcycles sold in record numbers. Larger families might also get a sidecar. Those cute little 3-wheeled Morgan cars also came out of this era, along with countless other innovative, and sometimes odd modes of spartan transportation. Because of this, virtually every company building commuter motorcycles in England was doing well. Everyone seemed to need one and the market was growing. The “smart” minds in the leadership of many British motorcycle companies saw this as a never-ending trend. A few decided that there was room enough in this burgeoning market to start a new trend of their own.


Immediately after the War, the biggest market for the British motorcycle industry was still the British home market. Everyone needed transportation and they were filling that need. The US market hadn’t kicked into high gear yet, so the design decisions were based on the wants and needs of the British buyer. It’s obvious now that the Brits didn’t fully understand the American buyer, at this point. That would come later. So, what was on the top of British riders’ minds? The weather. It’s ugly a good part of

This ʼ61 Triumph 3TA shows why they called them “Bathtub Bikes”


The thinking at the time was to find a way to protect riders from the elements, and relieve the owner of the mind-numbing job of wiping down every nook and cranny on his bike every night after getting home from work. Enclosing the bodies was an obvious choice. Some went farther than others with it. Some decided to take it to the next step by adding a fairing, windshield, saddle bags and more, turning them into the first factory touring bikes. This design approach turned out to be a blessing and a curse. Yes, it helped eliminate some of the wipe-down time. But only on the surface. Moisture and road grime still found its way into the interiors of these enclosures and worked their evil destruction (rust) completely out of sight and mind. The enclosed bodies also made routine maintenance and repair much more difficult. Some were made of fiberglass, but most were pressed steel stampings, and very heavy. While some of these enclosed bikes sold reasonably well in their intended market (the UK) from around 1955 to 1964, they never really caught on in America. In fact, most Americans hated them! If a Yank were unfortunate enough to end up with one, many would strip the bulky bodywork off and replace it with conventional parts. As the result, today in the US, original enclosed bikes are quite rare and command rising auction prices. Here in America, we enjoyed better weather for most of the year, and didn’t have the big rust and grime problems that they did in England. We didn’t need it, didn’t want it, didn’t even get it. Enclosed bikes bombed

14 NOVEMBER 2016

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in America, which by this time was Britain’s biggest motorcycle market by far. This failure in the US marketplace occurred at the same time that the market for these types of bikes was drying up in England as well. Cheap transportation for the British masses had arrived in the form of the 1959 BMC Mini, a car that didn’t cost much more than a motorcycle. Commuter bikes almost vanished from the landscape.

1962 Norton Navigator Deluxe 350 twin


The “Bathtub” removed from a Triumph 3TA. One heavy piece of sheet metal. Notice how the rust has eaten through from the inside.

Triumph developed a full rear enclosure for it’s lightweight twins, the 350cc 3TA “Twenty One” (350cc = 21 cubic inches) and the 500cc 5TA “Speed Twin” starting in 1959. They were so bulbous that the bikes quickly earned the nickname “Bathtub Triumphs”. Thatʼs still what they call these bikes today. The package also included a massive full-valance front fender and a headlight nacelle. Triumph quickly realized that these bikes weren’t very popular and so began cutting back the bodywork with each model year until it disappeared altogether by the time these bikes left production in 1966. The 3TA and 5TA were both Triumph’s bottom-line, entry level bikes. The sportier, more upmarket versions had conventional tanks, fenders and side covers and always sold well. The stamped-sheetmetal bodies were heavy and prone to rust, and were difficult to remove. continued...

1959 Triumph 3TA “Twenty One” 350 twin, first year for Bathtub styling.


If there is a one-sentence answer to why the British motorcycle industry failed, it would have to be “changing times”. The Brits were driven by tradition, and they were proud to a fault. While the rest of the world embraced new ideas, designs, markets, and technologies (the Japanese motorcycle industry, for example), the Brits steadfastly held on to their Old World ways. These enclosed bikes were actually probably a pretty good idea, to serve a market that was obviously there and hungry for inventory. But, it should have been treated as a minor subset, a niche in their product line that was constantly moving forward. The Brits liked to freeze time. Once they had a good design, they wanted to keep it forever. In this case, they thought they saw the future, and that for once they were actually ahead of it. But the future never stops, and the market for cheap commuter bikes came and went. With it, so did these interesting, and in some cases even beautiful enclosed machines. Let’s take a look at how different classic British motorcycle manufacturers executed their enclosed bikes: Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic




Norton is known today mostly for the 750 and 850 Commandos, but they came out with a line of lightweight twins in the late 50s in response to a change in British law that limited all new motorcycle riders to bikes with 250cc or less. The 250 Jubilee came out in 1958 and by 1960 was punched out to make the 350 Navigator. They offered an enclosed version which was called the Navigator Deluxe, which ran through 1965. It could well be the best-looking of the enclosed bikes.

The 1955 Vincent Black Prince was essentially an enclosed Black Shadow.

This ‘64 Velocette Rogue had only an 8-horsepower engine. What were they thinking?


Velocette took the concept farther than anyone else at the time, perhaps farther than they should have. Known for big powerful singles, after the War they took a new direction with their radical LE commuter bike, an ugly little mutant with a pressed-steel frame and a tiny 2-cylinder opposed engine. For some odd reason, it was a runaway hit for Velocette. This speaks of the pressing need for commuter bikes in England at that time. They followed in 1962 with the elegant fully-enclosed Vogue. Despite its relatively lightweight fiberglass bodywork, it inherited the LE’s 192cc engine which made all of 8 horsepower. What were they thinking? These are actually stunning bikes to look at close up. Their concept included coddling the rider in comfort and protection from the elements along with a place to put his stuff. Very familiar today, but no one seemed to get it back in 1964.


By the time Vincent introduced the fully-enclosed Black Prince in 1954, the company was one year from closing its doors. It was one more desperate attempt on Phil Vincent’s part to revive the company. Alas it was too little too late. Despite being built on the bones of the 998cc V-twin Vincent Black Shadow, the world’s fastest motorcycle at the time, they were expensive and too exclusive to sell in the kinds of numbers that Vincent needed for salvation. The Black Prince offered riders a full fairing and windshield, leg protection and saddlebags, much like a modern “bagger”. Today Black Princes are very collectable, highly sought-after and command stellar auction prices.

2016 Triumph Trophy SE, a modern enclosed bike

WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO ENCLOSED BIKES? Funny thing. Enclosed bikes made a huge comeback, starting in the 1980s with the Honda 750 Interceptor and today enclosed bikes are very common, maybe even the norm. The Brits had a good idea, but their timing was off. Coming into the 1960s, the British motorcycle industry was relying mostly on the US market for sales. And Americans didn’t want bulky enclosed bikes. The fashion back then was the “stripped-down” look. American’s couldn’t pull excess parts off their bikes fast enough. It took 20 years for it to come full circle. So, was their timing off, or were they ahead of their time? For more great history and photos of classic British bikes, please visit our website at

16 NOVEMBER 2016

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Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

JANUARY 6 – 8, 2017


17 Participating manufacturers vary at each show and are subject to change




cean City Maryland is well known as a family vacation spot along the Atlantic seaboard, but during late summer it’s also a biker’s haven for us 2 wheel lifers as we enjoy the sights and sounds of the Ocean City Bikeweek. The trip to Ocean City started early Saturday with a chill in the air and overcast skies with the Horse Power Club (HPC) crew gathering to hit the road. As we waited, we were joined by members from Deuces Wild MC, Platinum Dreams MC, Wise Guys MC, Platinum Rollers MC, DC Sportbike Riders, fellow independents and then rolling in DEEP was none other than Road Wolves MC bringing their thunder.

HPC-Crew and RoadWolves

Although there is always plenty of action throughout Ocean City for the Bike Fest from Shorebirds Stadium with their vintage and custom bike show to the convention center with rows and rows of vendors to the Inlet with the Artisan bike show, vendors and concerts to our friends with Thunder Roads Mid-Atlantic who of course blanketed the set with prizes, G.O.T girls bikini washes and more.

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One of the hottest spots, however, hands down was the custom bike show at Hooters of West Ocean City with Xecution Style, Sick Sledz, Team Money Cycles rep’n Philly, Godfather Baggers, Harley-Wood All Stars, Sik Pipes, Mace Motorsports, and Pairadice Cycles to name a few showing out with not only some of the biggest big wheel baggers, but also some of the most artistically creative paint jobs running the streets showcasing these rolling works of mechanical and artistic beauty and beasts.

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Thunder RoadsÂŽMid-Atlantic

NOVEMBER 2016 21


Gulf of Saint Lawrence on the Cabot Trail


ose and I were pleasantly ROAD surprised upon returning from CAPTAIN’S our cross country trip to find REPORT our passports in the mail. We were hoping to get in a Nova Scotia trip before my Son’s wedding in midOctober, and their timely arrival created the window of opportunity we needed. Now, if only the weather would cooperate with our early fall run. The forecast was calling for mostly sunny skies for the next three days, so we decided to take advantage of the good weather. It turned out to be the best weather of the entire trip to the Great White North, or in this case, the Great Wet North. We didn’t need to rush too much thanks to the State Department and the USPS, so we took mostly back roads. Rose and I settled in State College, PA for the night near a Fridays. In the morning, we ate at a busy diner nearby, where they only take green cash and wear mostly blue and white. And they don’t talk about former defensive coordinators wearing orange.

touron, the experience was well worth it. Rose and I meandered past the stone walls with their rows of cannons. We overheard a guide, dressed in military garb of that era, describing British General Abercromby’s failed attack on the French held Fort Carillon, its former name, in 1758. 17000 British troops were held off by 3700 French soldiers in the battle. The waterways it served and protected were cool to read about as well. It didn’t make matters any worse reading the list of names of those who were there back in the day. I mean, how historically significant can someplace be if both George Washington and Ben Franklin once farted there? Our goal was Augusta, Maine on this leg, so we had to cut our visit to the fort a little shorter than we would have liked. The GPS took us to Fort Ticonderoga

One of our destinations on this trip was Fort Ticonderoga, so we stayed in Glens Falls, NY for the next evening. Along the way, we just happened to stumble upon the world’s longest concrete railroad bridge in Nicholson, PA; The Tunkhannock Creek Viaduct, otherwise known as The Nicholson Bridge. Towering over the city at 240 feet, it is over a half mile long and was completed in 1915. I later discovered there was a better view of the bridge off Rt. 11 should anyone want to venture here. It’s truly impressive. The fort, the next day, did not disappoint. Even at $20 per 22 NOVEMBER 2016

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a small ferry, like the one going over the Potomac River near Leesburg, VA. This one, however, crossed over Lake Champlain into Vermont. Opting for the highway to cover some miles, I soon discovered why Vermont is the Green Mountain State. We soon passed into The Granite State. I liked this one better because the speed limit increased by 5 MPH. Either way, both states had a lot of rock. Nearing Maine, we rode through Gorham, where the town had been taken over by off road vehicles. ATV’s, side-by-sides, and 4WD’s had blanketed the roads and parking lots of the gas stations, restaurants and hotels. About the only thing we had in common, was the decibel level. One of the subtitles on this trip so far had been road construction. We lost count, the number of construction zones with lane closures. Nearing our destination, one of my favorite David Gilmour songs, “The Blue”, was playing on a stretch of Inside the Ferry road that had recently been repaved. It seemed to fit beautifully; inviting us, as the sun set on this perfect patch of black and yellow ribbon. We had it all to ourselves. At times, the legendary guitarist’s octave pedal, seemed to coincide with the hills and curves Shenny was magnificently carving through. The next day’s departure would begin what would be the normal pre-departure routine for most of the remaining trip. Until now, we had gotten by with our mesh jackets and jeans. Full battle regalia was now required; complete with rain gear, heat, riding pants, wool socks, neck socks and waterproof booties. All would be tested as temps were expected to drop to the low 50s, with wind and rain for most of the day.

Great View Along the Trail

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

The border crossing was a breeze. We pulled right up to the booth and after a few questions, we were on our way. The rain had breached the collars on our jackets so we stopped at a Pita Pit in Saint Stephen, NB, to dry off. The owner rode a Harley too. We only ordered a couple of drinks since we recently ate, but he invited

Great View Along the Trail us to stay as long as we wished, dry off and make use of the free wifi. The hospitality he displayed to two foreign travelers that day will be remembered for a long, long time.

Construction on the Trail Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

We made it as far as Saint John. Moncton, our destination, was another 150 kilometers, or as I later figured, 90 miles or so. Our Android GPS was now speaking in metric Canadianese,

continued... NOVEMBER 2016


Nicholson Bridge

Confederation Bridge so everything had to be multiplied by 6. Shenny’s speedo and odometer, and my brain, were strictly limited to Imperial units. The wind had become obnoxious as we got closer to shore. It was 4PM and paired with the rain, we were done. One of the bright spots, however, was finding a hotel with a washing machine, since we had run out of clean clothes. The other, was finally hearing a Rush song in Canada. Rolling down the highway when Geddy sang, “Ohhhhhhh!”, as everything came to a crescendo in Witch Hunt, brought shivers, as if hearing it live in concert.

most of them. Arriving at Prince Edward Island, or as the locals call it, P-E-I, the eight miles seemed to go by faster than usual, even at 80 KPH.

How do you tell someone who’s ridden in the rain the last six hours with you, that for the next several days, they can’t have their brand of smokes, when they’re out of smokes??? Not the time to bring up quitting, that’s for sure. While Rose was taking care of the clothes, I was out on a fuel and “provisions” run; where I discovered there are no menthol cigarettes available for sale anywhere in Canada. And the regular one’s that were available, were 13 Canadian bucks per pack! Fortunately, one of the clerks advised me to buy a mint paper roll, that she said many stick inside the pack to give them flavor. I worriedly arrived back at the room where I broke the news. She didn’t even blink an eye taking “Cowboy Up” to a new level. Phew!

Rose and I were crossing the Northumberland Strait, twice in one day. This time, by boat, I mean ship; as our guide on the USS Wisconsin put it, “A boat is something you put ON a ship.” A rainbow appeared just as we were boarding and remained until we were able to get a pick top side. Arm in arm and wind in our hair, it was another slice of heaven.

We geared up again in our Nasa-like routine for early launch. I was thinking in my Al Gore voice, “Under MY plan, this time we will wear the rain gear hoodies and put the neck socks on OUTSIDE of our jackets.” We reluctantly put on our waterproof boot covers. They were no longer called booties. We renamed them, “The F***ing Booties.” We arrived at Cape Jourimain and the Confederation Bridge, and stopped at the visitor’s center. The bridge was massive and looked like a set out of a science fiction movie. Fortunately it wasn’t raining and we got some good pics with the tripod. We went inside to use the ATM and restrooms. Rose and I both scratched our heads on our way back to the parking lot noting the tiled-in outhouses posing as bathrooms inside the center with signs reading, “Please close lid when done.” We were crossing over the Northumberland Strait on the longest bridge in the world built for ice covered waters. We knew there’d be crosswinds, especially at nearly 200 feet above the water, and fortunately the bridge was built with high enough barriers to block

We stopped at Sam’s Family Restuarant in Cornwall where I had some tasty fried scallops. There was a large group of bikers there, even with the weather as it was. It was a Sunday with temps in the low 50s with occasional rain showers. I realized there are no fair weather riders up here, especially this late in the season.

We sat in the dining room with the only other biker on board, Norrie. As we ate, he asked us about our riding destinations and offered to guide us to our motel once in port. He said we’d need an early start if we were planning on doing the Cabot Trail in a day from New Glasgow. I watched the far window as the ship listed from starboard to port, viewing endless cycles of ocean, then sky. The barbeque was really good. I’m glad it stayed down. The next day’s forecast was only slightly different than the day before. There was a higher chance of rain. This was confirmed as the skies emptied near Port Hastings and onto Cape Breton Island. We stopped at Sandeannie’s Tea Room and Bakery for a delicious breakfast and a chance for the weather to pass. There was WIFI and the NOAA weather app radar wasn’t showing anything along our route for the next couple of hours, so we left the f***ing booties in the saddle bag on our way to The Cabot Trail. It wasn’t long before we were introduced to beautiful views of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. I immediately fell in love with her rocky shorelines and her earthy and raw character. We pulled down a wet, gravel road for a closer look. Shenny was already a mess. A small, distant shower, not appearing on radar, could be seen in the distance, adding to the flavor of this postcard scenery. Rolling through Chéticamp was really cool. If it was later in the day, we would have stayed at this sea side town. There appeared to be plenty of lodging, restaurants and old school charm. We

24 NOVEMBER 2016

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Rose met our neighbors for the evening. They were going moose hunting in the am. As we watched Monday Night Football, I turned to Rose and asked, “Is there a phone in the room?” She said there wasn’t. I could hear noise from the moose hunters, even two doors down. With no signal, no phone, and no gun, all I could think of, was Ned Beatty bent over a log and some dude yelling, “Louder!”

Crossing the Northumberland Strait

We had reached the apex of our trip. In typical fashion, we started out fully geared; all of which would be fully tested at 41F and steady rain. The evening’s rest was light and we were awakened at 5 am to a constant banging and pounding of prehunt rituals. We were starting to talk funny and Rose was Jonesing for a menthol. But we were heading south again and on our way home for the first time in six days.

continued on and arrived at the gate to Cape Breton Highlands National Park. A mere $15 (Canadian) entrance fee was well worth the cost, even if there was more road construction. We stopped at an overlook just after one of the construction zones. Shenny was now a HOT mess, but the VIEWS THO! Once again, it began to rain. The roads exiting the park, looked like a motocross track, only paved. Like Saint John, a couple of days before, we were done. There was a motel, restaurant and “provisions” store, all within a mile of each other in Cape North.

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Aside from all the road construction, The Cabot Trail was nothing short of amazing. Looking back, it was worth every drop of rain, and every delay. I had posted after our return, that this trip was no pleasure cruise. It was a true adventure. As Charley Boorman said in Long Way Round, “It wouldn’t be an adventure if there wasn’t a chance for failure.” The excessive wind and rain, tested not only our physical limitations, but our nerves and spirit as well. Having emerged, the experience will be much more memorable, and I’m glad we got to see Nova Scotia, exactly how it was. Cheers and thank you so much for reading! Marc Ritchie Photos By Rose Grant





Model: Holly Hoxter Photography: Bobby T Rocks. Check him out on You Tube @ “Bobby T Rocks” 28 NOVEMBER 2016

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic



Is it a Board-Tracker? Well it’s both said Tim Zeliesko, owner of Unit Six Motoring in Pittsburgh, PA. He calls it the BagTracker. While he is primarily known for building some of the most prestigious Big Wheel Baggers - this time him and his team did not build your average bagger... He wanted to build a prime example of extreme fabrication. Something that isn’t the normal bagger comprised of parts that come in the mail to be bolted on. This is his vision of two eras that are 100 years apart in motorcycle history. Big wheel bagger and early 1900’s Board Tracker - Seamlessly put together to make something that is almost insane to even think about. This bike was just a crazy drawing on a piece of paper only 2 months before Daytona Bike Week 2015. That is when he decided to start the madness. Completed in only 55 days and making it to Daytona to roll the streets for the first time was quite the feat. Tim said he only slept an average of 7 hours a week, consumed too much caffeine and didn’t think it was going to make it. “Against the clock and thanks to my close friends who build with me every day at my shop we prevailed to make this monster” Said Tim Zeliesko. continued...

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The bike features a Buell XB12r engine that still running the full DDFI Buell fuel management and gauge cluster. The throttle body is actually connected to the back bone of the bike to give the right side of the engine a clean look while the air intake is hidden under the headlight. The Buell inspired head pipes takes a literal turn too wild when the exhaust comes out the left side facing forward - and yes those are spark plugs in the pipes... there is a wild fuel injected flame thrower system installed in this custom stainless exhaust. Wrapped around the engine is a full custom frame with an air suspension system designed to lay out the frame flat on the ground. No kickstand necessary! The gas tank is a sheet metal mini replica of the Paul Yaffe stretched tank seen on almost every big wheel bagger. Being it this has the blood from two animals it has low handle bars and it has mid foot controls like you would see flying the old board tracks. The Foot controls were actually made from rear floorboards from a Harley touring bike for another hybrid bagger touch. The license plate is hidden in front of the rear tire only being visible once the bike is aired up. Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room - There are no forks and furthermore nothing connected to the absurd highlighter yellow custom cut 26 inch wheels. Unit Six’s vision also incorporated a radical double single sided swing arm system. This is the only double 26 double

single sided swing arm bike in the world. You cannot miss this bike down the road or sitting in a parking lot... it’s just under 11 feet long, breaths fire and the paint changes color at every different angle. It is quite the spectacle to say the least. The bike obviously wasn’t designed to ride across the country but contrary to the way it looks the bike is very ridable. Tim rode the bike around Daytona during its debut - drawing crowds everywhere the bike went. Few words from the builder: “I wanted to build something that people couldn’t help but stare at because they would not be able to make sense of it. It also needed to look dangerous because board track racing was one of the most dangerous forms of racing in motorsports history. I wanted you either would love or hate this motorcycle. It isn’t for everyone’s taste and I wanted it that way. The bike was built to display off the wall fabrication to show our capabilities at Unit Six and that is something everyone can appreciate. The bike was built as a ridable work of art - a modern marvel - something to confuse you - something that hasn’t been done yet - simply something to talk about and that’s what us builders and riders like to do right? Talk about our bikes. It definitely makes one hell of a conversation piece.”

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Bike Specs:

Owner: Tim Zeliesko Build Shop: Unit Six Motoring LLC Build Year: 2015 Brand/Model: Custom One Off Build Time: 55 Days Fabrication: Tim Zeliesko & Steve Schiavon Assembly: Tim Zeliesko & Steve Schiavon Bodywork/Fiberglass - Zack Zeliesko Electrical: Justin DiPietro Exhaust Justin DiPietro Paint Shop: Pairadice Color Graphic Description: Denim Cleared - 2 different stages of House of Kolor Kameleon blended. Motor Specs: Year: 2005 Manufacturer: Buell Model: XB12R Displacement: 1203cc EFI/Fuel Management: Erik Buell Racing 49mm Downdraft Intake: Unit Six Motoring - Through backbone of frame Exhaust: Unit Six Motoring Special Features: Unit Six Flame thrower system, fully powder coated cases, and diamond cut heads and jugs Frame: Full one off by Unit Six Motoring. All steel DOM tubing bent in house and fully tig welded to perfection so the frame is sealed to be used as an air tank. Front Suspension: Fork: N/A - Custom built single sided swing arm utilizing a steering knuckle from a RZR side by side Steering: Custom made steering arm Shocks - 2 Gabriel Air Shocks Rear Suspension: Swing Arm: Unit Six Motoring - Single sided swing arm utilizing a bearing carrier hub from a 1991 Honda VFR750 with custom machined lug adaptor/spacer. Shocks - 2 Gabriel Air Shocks Wheels & Brakes: Front & Rear Wheels: Custom cut 26 Inch 4 blade wrapped in a veerubber tire Brand: Unit Six Motoring Lugs: VV Concepts Brake Rotors: Custom cut 13 inch floating rotors - Thomason Performance Front and Rear Calipers: Brembo 4 pistons from a BMW sport bike Accessories: Handle bars: Integral to steering neck - Unit Six Motoring Grips - Avon Hand Controls - Harley Touring Headlight - Projector Full LED Taillights - Racesport Mirrors - Arlen Ness Saddlebags - Handlaid Fiberglass - Unit Six Motoring Seat - Leather and Chainmail by Shusta Interiors Gas Tank - Unit Six Motoring Floorboards - JH Choppers Foot Controls - Custom made Mid controls - Unit Six Motoring Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic



32 NOVEMBER 2016

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NOVEMBER 2016 33


Trump vs. Hillary on Gun Rights BY DEAN RIECK Just in case there is any confusion over possible outcomes for the bearing arms is a right, not a privilege. 2016 presidential election, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Allowing those in the military to defend themselves by carrying firearms on bases and at recruiting centers. will be our next President and Commander in Chief. HISTORY: Yes, others will be on the ballot, including Libertarian and Green • Party nominees, but they have no chance of winning. So let’s not kid ourselves. If you’re a gun owner and you’re evaluating how to • Mass shootings are due to a huge mental health problem. (Jan 2016) vote, these are the candidates you need to look at closely. • No limits on guns; they save lives. (Jan 2016) If you’re not happy with these choices, you can refuse to vote. But that just lets others, who may be less-informed, make the choice for • Keep enemies of the state away from guns. (Nov 2015) you. You cannot wash your hands of eleciton results. If you choose • Make concealed-carry permits valid across all states. (Nov 2015) not to decide, you still have made a choice. • Gun-free zones are target practice for sickos. (Oct 2015) So let’s take a look at Trump and Clinton and where they stand on your gun rights. The following information is presented without • Gun ownership makes US safer, not more dangerous. (Oct 2015) comment. Just the facts. I’ve summarized the proposals of each as • Mental health more important than gun control. (Oct 2015) objectively as possible, and you can check the candidates’ websites • Laws are ineffective in preventing gun violence. (Oct 2015) for the full text.


Statement and Proposals: positions/second-amendment-rights “The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period. “The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple. “It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom. That’s because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment. Protecting that freedom is imperative.” Enforce the laws on the books by prosecuting violent criminals and empowering law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Fix our broken mental health system by expanding treatment programs and getting violent people off the street. Defend the rights of gun owners by: Allowing law-abiding people to own the firearm of their choice instead of demonizing popular rifles and standard magazines owned by millions of Americans. Fixing the background check system so that it includes criminal and mental health records and is instant, accurate, and fair. Making concealed carry permits valid in all 50 states because

Gun violence is inevitable; regulations won’t help. (Oct 2015)

Protect the Second Amendment, but address mental health. (Sep 2015)

Take guns from good people & bad people have target practice. (Jul 2015)

A very strong person on the Second Amendment. (Jun 2015)

I am against gun control. (Feb 2011)

Dems and Reps are both wrong on guns. (Jul 2000)

For assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background check. (Jul 2000)

ENDORSEMENTS: National Rifle Association, International Defensive Pistol Association


Statement and Proposals: issues/gun-violence-prevention/ “I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. We may have our disagreements on gun safety regulations, but we should all be able to agree on a few things. If the FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked. You shouldn’t be able to exploit loopholes and evade criminal background checks by buying online or at a gun show. And yes, if you’re too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun in America.” Expand background checks by forcing personal gun transfers to go through a licensed dealer, requiring dealers to deny gun sales

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for an indefinite period when there is a delay in any background check, use administrative action to lower the threshold for classifying individuals as “dealers.” Punish businesses for crimes committed with their products by allowing lawsuits against gun dealers and manufacturers and increasing the budget for BATFE to conduct more dealer inspections and encourage more license revocations. Prohibit more gun purchases by expanding “domestic abuse” laws to include those dating or those convicted of stalking, making straw purchases a federal crime (note: it already is), prohibiting those receiving mental treatment from buying guns, and banning so-called “assault” weapons. HISTORY: • •

I support Brady Bill and closing the Charleston loophole. (Dec 2015)

Arming more people is not appropriate response to terrorism. (Dec 2015)

Reverse gun manufacturer immunity; let them get sued. (Nov 2015)

Don’t shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits: I vote that way. (Oct 2015)

Sensible restraints on manufacturer liability & online sales. (Oct 2015)

Gun control advocates see Clinton as an ally. (Jun 2015)

Rein in idea that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime. (May 2014)

2000: advocate for national gun registry; 2008: backed off. (May 2014)

Balance lawful gun ownership & keeping guns from criminals. (Apr 2008)

Give local police access to federal gun tracking info. (Apr 2008)

Let states & cities determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)

Against illegal guns, crack down on illegal gun dealers. (Jan 2008)

Backed off a national licensing registration plan on guns. (Jan 2008)

Get assault weapons & guns off the street. (Jul 2007)

Background check system could prevent Virginia Tech massacre. (Apr 2007)

Congress’ failure at Littleton response inspired Senate run. (Nov 2003)

Keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them. (Sep 2000)

Limit access to weapons; look for early warning signs. (Sep 2000)

License and register all handgun sales. (Jun 2000)

Tough gun control keeps guns out of wrong hands. (Jul 1999)

Gun control protects our children. (Jul 1999)

Don’t water down sensible gun control legislation. (Jul 1999)

Lock up guns; store ammo separately. (Jun 1999)

Ban kids’ unsupervised access to guns. (Jun 1999)

Get weapons off the streets; zero tolerance for weapons. (Sep 1996)

Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)

Prevent unauthorized firearm use with “smart gun” technology. (Aug 2000)

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ENDORSEMENTS: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the Newtown Action Alliance, and Everytown for Gun Safety – including Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. So there you go. The choice is yours. Whatever you decide, please vote your gun rights. Dean Rieck is Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association, a former competitive shooter, NRA Patron Member, #1 NRA Recruiter for 2013, business owner and partner with Second Call Defense. These articles are reprinted with permission and represent the thoughts and positions of the writers and The Buckeye Firearms Association. They are presented for your consideration and we welcome your thoughts and contrasting arguments, should you wish to submit them. To reach the editors – please feel free to email – We welcome open debate on such topics and encourage you to respond, should you disagree.



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ith autumn and autumn motorcycle riding officially here, the realization that the riding season is drawing to a close shifts the focus of riders from lavishing the dog days of summer to catching the final riding days before storing our bikes.


The predictable and cyclical changes in nature occurring at this time of year, create unique hazards for motorcyclists. Even though we can be temporarily teased by unseasonably warm weather and sunny skies, the unstoppable reality is that leaves are falling, temperatures are dropping and daylight is diminishing.


Autumn is a beautiful time to ride. There is less traffic on back roads, the fall colors are spectacular and the air is clear and crisp. Once the leaves have fallen, the underlying rocks and terrain become visible. You can see much further and you note things that were always there but covered. It’s a great time to check out the scenery – fall provides an amazing palette with the turning leaves. Some of the best roads to ride are often in areas where there are a lot of hills and trees that are the perfect canvas for autumn colors. Nature’s artwork is often best viewed from a motorcycle The hazards aren’t necessarily greater than during other seasons – only different. The challenge is being prepared — not complacent. The rewards are immeasurable. You can take advantage of the cooler temperatures – Cool, crisp air is very refreshing this time of year. Riding temperatures can be so much more comfortable than in the summer heat. There is something about the smell of the falling leaves that makes it so inviting to be outdoors.

with this, as trees become barren of leaves, the patterns of light and shade can be like riding in a strobe light and very distracting. Deer migration and mating season. More collisions with deer occur now than at any other time of the year as a result of the dramatic increase in their movement. Be especially vigilant at dusk and dawn.

Cold tires. While touring tires with their harder rubber compound are generally more suitable for cold weather, sportier tires are not. The sportier the tires, the softer the rubber. This is fantastic in hot weather and gives them their sticky characteristics which aid traction. In the cold, they’re hard and that traction is gone.

Cold riders. Cold is fatiguing and in turn can cause greater impairment than moderate alcohol intake. Even when you’re wearing good gear and staying warm, the ambient temperature takes its toll. You don’t notice when you’re riding, especially over long distances and it can be startling when you stop to realize how tired you really are. Staying hydrated and taking regular rest stops help with this. Improper gear. Bundling up with lots of layers can be a great strategy for dealing with fluctuating temperatures during the day. However, too much bulk is not only fatiguing, it can impede your ability to react. Heated gear is a fabulous invention. You need fewer layers and it effectively – and comfortably – extends the riding season. Icy road surfaces. Frosty mornings mean that pavement can have a thin layer of ice and you can lose traction. As the temperature drops in the evening, be particularly cognizant crossing bridges and shaded areas as they’ll ice up first. Be prepared for changing conditions even during the day if you’re travelling through mountains and changing elevations.

You can truly justify wearing leather – Leather looks cool. And milder temperatures make it much more comfortable to wear. Fewer riders out. This means that car drivers, who don’t see us So strap on the chaps, pull on the leather gloves, and don your at the best of times, are now expecting to see motorcycle riders toughest-looking leather jacket. You’ll be comfortable and look even less often. Be more cautious and alert. Make yourself as sharp. And of course, not to mention the added safety benefits conspicuous as possible and assume they don’t see you. of wearing leather. Isolation. Scenic back roads which weave through quaint Here are ten conditions to prepare for. small towns, particularly in tourist areas have a whole different Leaves on roads. Dry leaves can camouflage potholes and feel to them. Seasonal businesses close and rest stops and other road irregularities. Wet leaves are slippery and can favorite watering holes may not be available. Plan accordingly appear unexpectedly in shaded areas. Use caution particularly for gas, food, lodging and emergency contacts. during those scenic autumn rides as conditions can change. Enjoy your ride, invite friends and make the best of the time Shorter days. If you do much riding at all, you’re likely going to be riding in the dark. Take extra care to make sure bulbs in headlights, brake lights and turn signals are working and lens are clean. Wear high-visibility and reflective gear to make yourself as obvious as possible. Sunlight glare. The sun is lower in the sky and glare can be an issue for much of the day, unless you’re facing north. Along 38

you have in the saddle. It will make for great stories when the it gets too cold to ride and all you can do is remember all the good times you had during the season, places you road to and the folks you road with. Stay safe, prepare for the ride and make the best of every day!


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One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it’s his daughter’s birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, ‘How much for one of those Barbie’s in the display window?’ The salesperson answers, ‘Which one do you mean, sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and the most popular; Divorced Barbie for $299.95’. The amazed father yells: ‘It’s how much?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $299.95 and the others only $19.95?’ The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ‘Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken’s Audi A-8, Ken’s Malibu Beach house, Ken’s Danzi Z33 Race Boat, Ken’s Designer Furniture, Ken’s Screamin’-Meanie Platinum Computer, one of Ken’s Best-Looking Friends, and a custom key chain made with Ken’s Balls. --------------------------------------------------------------------So I finally landed a job as a Smart-Mart greeter, which is a good find for many retirees, unfortunately I lasted less than a day. About two hours into my first day on the job a very loud, unattractive, mean-acting woman walked into the store with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. Per my greeter training manual I said pleasantly, “Good morning and welcome to Smart-Mart.” “Nice children you have there. Are they twins?” The hateful woman stopped yelling long enough to say, “Hell no, they aint twins. The oldest one is 9, and the other one is 7. Why the hell would you think they’re twins? Do you need glasses, or are you just plain stupid?” So I replied, “I’m neither in need of glasses nor stupid, madam. I just literally could not believe someone actually slept with you twice. Have a good day and thank you for shopping at SmartMart.” My Supervisor said I probably wasn’t cut out for this line of work. --------------------------------------------------------------Letter to a Men’s Helpline... Hi Bob: I really need your advice on a serious problem: I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs: if the phone rings and I answer, the caller hangs up; she goes out with the girls a lot. I try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home but I usually fall asleep. Anyways, last night about midnight I hid in the shed next to my Harley. When she came home she got out of someone’s car buttoning her blouse, then she took her panties out of her purse and slipped them on. It was at that moment crouched behind the Harley that I noticed a hairline crack in the swing arm. Is that something I can weld or do I need to replace the whole swing arm? Thunder Roads®Mid-Atlantic

Two bikers; Buster and Bodie rode into a gas station in Kentucky for a fill-up because they heard about a contest being offered by the station to patrons who purchased a full tank of gas. When they went inside to pay, the guys asked the attendant about the contest. “If you win, you’re entitled to free sex” said the attendant. “How do we enter?” asked Buster. “Well, I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10, if you guess right, you win free sex.” “OK. I guess 7,” said Bodie. “Sorry, I was thinking of 8,” replied the attendant. The next week, the two buddies go back to the same station to get gas. When they went inside to pay, Buster asked the attendant if the contest was still going on. “Sure,” replied the attendant. “I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10, if you guess right you win free sex.” “2” said Buster. “Sorry, I was thinking of 3,” replied the attendant. “Y’all come back soon and try again.” As they walked back to their bikes, Bodie said to Buster, “You know, I’m beginning to think this contest is rigged.” “No way,” replied Buster. “My wife won three times last week.” --------------------------------------------------------------A biker’s greatest achievement was his brood of six kids. He was so proud that he continually called his wife: “Mother of Six”, which pissed her off to no end. But he kept referring to her as “Mother of Six” no matter where they went. At end of a poker run, he shouted across the bar, “Hey, “Mother of Six”, you ready to go home?” His irritated wife screamed back: “Anytime you’re ready, “Father of Four”!” --------------------------------------------------------------I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling. Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent’s house to visit with her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had passed away, her grandmother replied in her sweet, soft voice, “He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning, dear”. Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. “Oh, no, my dear”, replied granny. Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to make love was when the church bells would start to ring. It was the perfect rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous.... simply in on the ding and out on the dong. She paused to wipe away a tear and looked up at Katie, “He’d still be alive if that f***ing ice cream truck hadn’t come along!”.

NOVEMBER 2016 43




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ROAD TO ZERO MOTORCYCLES For decades, motorcycle rights advocates have warned the riding community that advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and the advent of autonomous (self-driving) vehicles could signal the end of motorcycles on public roadways. Indeed, “Vision Zero” has been under development primarily in Europe to remove human interaction from the operation of vehicles in public transit, therefore eliminating human error that results in traffic accidents…and since motorcycles require human operation they do not fit into the Vision Zero scenario. Now, the U.S. Department of Transportation has unveiled plans for a new initiative called “Road to Zero” in concert with other federal agencies and the National Safety Council with the lofty goal of eliminating all traffic-related fatalities by the year 2030, and although bicyclists and pedestrians are taken into account, their plan makes no specific mention of motorcycles. Citing increases in traffic deaths nationwide, accounting for more than 35,000 lives lost mostly due to human error and behaviors such as distracted and drowsy driving and driving under the influence, Road to Zero will focus on proactive vehicle safety, advances in automotive technology and cultivating human behavior. But the new federal safety initiative, announced October 5, 2016 completely ignores a significant portion of America’s road users, as Road to Zero apparently makes no accommodation for millions of motorcyclists vying to survive in an increasingly automated traffic mix. FUTURE MOTORCYCLES WON’T REQUIRE HELMETS BMW claims that motorcycles in the future will be so smart, it could eliminate the need for protective gear. To mark its 100th birthday, BMW recently unveiled a Motorrad Vision Next 100 concept motorcycle so advanced that the German auto and cycle-maker says riders won’t require a helmet because its self-balancing system keeps the bike upright both in motion and even at a standstill. BMW touted the motorbike’s futuristic features, saying it would allow for riders of all skill levels to “enjoy the sensation of absolute freedom.” Since the Vision Next 100 will liberate riders from the need to wear a helmet and protective clothing, BMW says the rider can be in touch with his/her surroundings, which will mean ‘perfect synthesis between human and machine’. 44

Another traditional feature is also missing: a control panel. 11/1/11 Instead, 5:06 PM helmetless riders will wear a visor that acts as a smart display, although such information would not be needed all the time because the vehicle is equipped with self-driving technology and can sense the road ahead and react so that it theoretically can’t get into accidents. The futuristic motorcycle is also “zero emissions,” because BMW said it believes the future of transportation is electric. The Vision Vehicle celebrated its world premiere in Los Angeles on October 11 at the “Iconic Impulses: The BMW Group Future Experience” exhibition, and the bike was developed to address mobility issues some three decades down the road: “A time when mobility is yet more diverse and interconnected; a time when digitalization takes on a shape which we today perceive to be surreal; a time when motorcycling becomes an analogue and at the same time extraordinarily emotional experience.” A HELMET THAT CALLS FOR HELP We’ve previously reported that BMW is planning to introduce an automatic system to call emergency services installed on some of its motorcycles next year (an “SOS” button), but now a Thai innovation is looking to achieve similar results from a newly-designed helmet. While still under development, the HELPMET concept is to automatically call medics only if it’s subjected to impacts hard enough to result in unconsciousness. It incorporates the basics of a smartphone, including a SIM card, GPS, and a connection to the phone network, as well as impact sensors and a rechargeable battery. The system is only set off after impacts of 95g or higher, so accidental knocks or even a light crash shouldn’t have ambulances appearing, but they will come looking if you’re lying unconscious in a ditch and they’ll have the precise coordinates to find you. Another element is that users of the system will be registered to a website where they can input various personal details, so not only will the HELPMET call emergency services, it will also be able to provide information about the rider’s name and address. It can also warn of allergies or pre-existing medical issues, the sort of information that could be the difference between life and death for an unconscious rider. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.” ~ Justice George Sutherland (1862-1942), U.S. Supreme Court


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301-274-5000 46


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I prepared this recipe a couple years ago, using a large turkey breast only, instead of the entire bird, but it was simple & scrumptious. The secret is to baste baby baste......4 times per hour! 1 Turkey; thawed - (14 to 16 lbs.) 1 Stick Real Butter; softened 1 tsp. Celery Salt Salt & Pepper to Taste 2 Large Whole Oranges; zested & Cut In Fourths 2 Large Whole Lemons; zested & Cut In Half 1 Spice Jar of Orange Peel Seasoning 2 Cups of Ballatore’ Sparking Wine (very inexpensive) 2 Medium Onions; chopped 1 Bunch of Fresh Parsley; Minced 1 Cup of Beef Stock 1/2 tsp. Dried Thyme 1/2 tsp. Produce Seasoning 1/2 tsp. Dried Marjoram Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Get a large, high-sided roasting pan. Spray w/ non-stick butter spray heavily and all up sides and coat bottom well. Next, clean out cavity of bird and pat dry w/ paper towels really good. Take real, softened butter, celery salt, salt & pepper and orange and lemon zest (save some zest for basting sauce) from fruits and form a paste and rub all over entire bird generously and inside cavity also. Place bird in roasting pan. Place cut oranges & lemons inside the cavity, squeezing a bit of juice out of them into cavity as you do. Next, rub bird down all over the outside with Orange Peel spice; cover that bird up with orange spice! Place breast side up in pan and bake for 3 to 3-1/2 hours tented with foil. In large bowl combine the Ballatore’, onions, parsley, beef stock, zests, thyme and marjoram; pour half into roasting pan and keep half for basting. Bake for 3 hours longer; remember to baste 4 times per hour while tented and the last hour of cooking, when you remove the tent. Be sure and tuck wings down under turkey as these burn easily. Remember.....Baste! Baste! Baste! Remove bird from pan and let sit for 20 mins. after removing from oven so that all juices go back into meat. For authentic turkey gravy, mix a good brand bottle of turkey gravy with pan drippings, in the same roasting pan and then pour into gravy boat. Now, you‘ve got a phenomenal bird & gravy you’ll be proud to serve your Family and it’s totally unique fruity flavor compliments the turkey flavor superbly.

Thunder Roads®Mid-Atlantic


1 Box or Bag of Frozen Broccoli Florets 1 Box or Bag of Frozen Pearl Onions 1/2 Stick of Real Butter; Melted 2 Tbls. of Real Lime Juice & Zest Salt & Pepper to Taste Microwave frozen veggies in a large, serving bowl together until crisp tender but not wilting. Combine lime juice & melted butter & salt/pepper in a small saucepan. Toss butter sauce thoroughly all over veggies when butter melted and nice and hot. *If you’ve got more to feed, just double or triple the recipe. This is so dang easy, but so incredible tasting!


1/2 Stick of Real Butter; Melted 3/4 Cup Quality Maple Syrup Dash of Ground Nutmeg & Cinnamon 4 Medium-Firm Bananas; Halved & Sliced 1/4 Cup Golden Raisins 1/4 Cup of Dark, Spiced Rum 2 Tbls. Slivered Almonds (or any nut of your choice);* Be sure and grease a cookie sheet and toast up whichever one you choose though. 1 Quart of Premium Country Vanilla All-Natural Ice Cream In large, non-stick skillet, melt butter over med-low heat. Stir in maple syrup, cinnamon & nutmeg until blended. Remove from heat and add the bananas, raisins, dark rum and almonds. Cook over med. heat until bananas are totally glazed, stirring gently. Divide up into individual serving bowls & add

ice-cream over top. Slurp!

From Our Thunder Roads Family To Yours, God Bless & Be Grateful.

NOVEMBER 2016 47

upcoming events

Thunder Roads® MID-ATLANTIC is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:


Saturday, November 5th, 2016 36th Annual Bobby Hall / Larry Fisher Memorial Toy Run Registration 10-Noon $15.00 per person, Or Toy of Greater value (No Stuffed Animals) – All Bikes Welcome Visit – for more info Sunday, November 5th, 2016 33rd Annual Toy Run - Delaware 1 Blue Knights 3900 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA $15 Rider + $10 for Passenger AND 1 New Toy Per Person Includes Coffee, Tea, and Breakfast Munchies Ride Pin given to the first 50 Riders Toys should be for ages 1-13 years. Canned Goods are Welcome Mire info - la6743@concast.cet

MARYLAND Sunday, November 6, 2016 9:00 AM ABATE Legislative Meeting Baldwin Hall, Baltimore, MD 21251, USA Join ABATE’s Executive Board as they Travel to Baltimore for the Annual Legislative Seminar Participate in discussions; help formulate ABATE’s Legislative agenda for the 2017 legislative session in Annapolis. Help mold our strategies to ensure success. For more info - 443-822-2558 Friday, November 11, 2016 7:30 AM Veteran’s Day Ride to Arlington Cemetery Battley Harley-Davidson’s annual ride to Arlington Cemetery on Veteran’s Day. Join us for coffee and doughnuts starting at 7:30am then it is kickstands up at 8:00am as we head to Arlington. Rain or shine, the group will park and attend the ceremony at the

amphitheater. Folks are welcome to spend the day at the cemetery or head back to Battley. Here is some important information: You cannot walk to the ceremony at the amphitheater, you must ride one of their free shuttles. Parking and admission are free. 10:30 am concert. 11:00 am Wreath laying ceremony. 11:05 am Observance program. Visitors must pass through a metal detector. Prohibited items include: Weapons, lighters, backpacks, umbrellas, and firearms. Seating is on a first-come first-served basis. The regular ceremony ends at 12pm. This is a free, rain or shine event. We leave early to make sure we get seating.

at NW Hospital Breast Care Center $5 at the door includes 1 drink. Please check for most up to date information.

Saturday, November 12, 2016 9:00 AM Biker Breakfast - Salvation Army Toy Box Set-up @ Old Glory HD Bayside Believers will have a table set-up from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Please come and join us for bagels and donuts. This is a great outreach event and a great witnessing opportunity. Remember, the purpose of CMA is sharing the love of Jesus Christ with motorcyclist one heart at a time and the vision for CMA is changing the world, one heart at a time. Neither of these can be accomplished unless we get out and make CMA and ourselves visible. We’ll also be setting up a box to collect toys in for the Salvation Army. The Toy Run will be held on 10 Dec.

Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Christmas Open House Free Pics with Santa and much more! All American Harley-Davidson

Saturday, November 19, 2016 10:00 AM 37th Annual Toy Run - Kingsman MC Pour House Pub 205a Tackle Circle, Chester, MD. 21619 Santa and the Kingsman will ride to Big Bats Cafe, West End Grill, Corner Grille and the final stop Duffy’s III - 1371 Marlboro Road. Lothian MD. 20711. Donations of $20 per rider - $25 per couple or a new unwrapped toy will be requiredto ride with Santa Proceeds will be donated to the Grasonville Seventh Day Adventist Church For more info - 443-220-1194 Saturday, November 19, 2016 7:00 PM Thanks for Giving Party – MCV Gamber Fire Hall - 3838 Niner Road, Finksburg, MD 21048 WHEELBARROW of CHEER - CHINESE AUCTION - 50/50 RAFFLE - MUSIC – DRINK SPECIALS Proceeds to benefit patients in need

48 NOVEMBER 2016

Saturday, December 3, 2016 Holiday Open House featuring Santa Claus! Battley Harley-Davidson’s annual Holiday Open House featuring Santa Claus! Bring the whole family to meet Santa, 10am to 3pm. Bring your camera to take plenty of pictures! We’ll also have our Holiday Shopping Spectacular the same day, so you can pick up Christmas gifts or something for yourself.

Saturday, December 10, 2016 9:00 AM Old Glory HD Biker Breakfast and Salvation Army Toy Run Bayside Believers will have a table set-up from 9:00AM – 12:30PM at Old Glory. This is a great opportunity to share CMA, how you came to know it and how it has impacted your life. Share what Jesus is doing in your life. This is also a great time to build our relationship with the dealership. At 1:00 PM, we will depart Old Glory to deliver the toys to the Salvation Army. The sole purpose of the ride is to ensure every child has a Merry Christmas. “For the kids-Big kids helping little kids”. The Salvation Army distributes the donated toys to children and their families that otherwise would not be having a very Merry Christmas. It’s a heart filled event we wish to invite you and your friends to join us in. Saturday, December 17, 2016 Battley Harley-Davidson Annual Toy Drive Battley Harley-Davidson teams up with the Black Jacket Cruizers for the annual toy drive. We’ll have a box in the Battley showroom accepting toy donations from November to December 17, then we ride down to Aspen Hill and the Holy Cross Hospital children’s clinic there and distribute the toys to about 100 kids. Everyone is welcome on the ride and to help pass out presents. Please be here at 10am and bring an unwrapped, new toy or book for a child 5 – 12 years old. Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

upcoming events


Toys for Tots Escorted Ride Sunday November 6, 2016 At Walmart on Route 17 - Registration 8:30am - 10:30am Cost is One New Unwrapped Toy to be received by the Marines and deposited in their cargo trucks. 2601 George Washington Memorial Hwy, Yorktown. Rain or Shine Ride Departs Walmart at 11:AM & Ends at Hampton Roads HarleyDavidson, 6450 George Washington Memorial Hwy., Yorktown, VA First 300 Registered Receive a Commemorative Pin There will be raffle prizes, 50/50, food vendors and a band at the Dealership.

WEST VIRGINIA Saturday, December 3, 2016 9:00 AM Capitol City H.O.G. Toy Run Helping those less fortunate have a Merry Christmas Harley-Davidson of West Virginia Sunday, December 11, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Santa Visits Triple S H-D Come and have your picture taken with Santa on a Harley. Kids, pets, couples, families, everyone is welcome! Triple S Harley-DavidsonÂŽ

Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic



biker friendly directory

DEALERS & SHOPS A to Z Cycles 1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 302-632-2272 All American HarleyDavidson 8126 Old Leonardtown Rd, Hughesville, MD 20637 301-274-5000 Baltimore Harley-Davidson 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-238-2003 Battley Harley Davidson / Battley Cycles 7830 Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-4581 Broken Wing Cycles 155 Prospect Dr #103 Huntingtown, MD 20639 866-518-9101 CPC Powder Coating 6800 Mid Cities Ave. Beltsville, MD 20705 443-336-2105 Defender Cycle Works Fowler Industrial Park Unit 4 Mechanicsville, MD 20659 301-247-9901 301-247-5733 East Coast Sound 101 Skip Jack Rd, Suite 5 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 443-968-9635 Jim’s Battery Warehouse Laurel Commerce Center 14721-K Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 301-604-7333

Old Glory HarleyDavidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575 Pete’s Cycles 344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-3586 For other locations go to RG Motorsports 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 S.M. City Motorsports 20260 Poplar Ridge Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-863-6499 Sunset Cycles 9748 Stephen Decatur Hwy Decatur Business Center Units 208-209 Ocean City, MD 21044 443-520-6005 TG Automotive 8176 Telegraph Road, Suite E Severn, MD 21144 443-795-4733 Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 Whirled of Colors Custom Paint & Air Brush Studios 116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953

Zipper’s Performance Products Elkridge, Maryland 410-579-2828

Bars & Restaurants Apehanger’s Bar & Grill 9100 Crain Hwy. Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650 Bryans & Brent’s Place 229 N. River Street Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8722 Country Griddle Intersection of Rte 20 & Rte 4 Rock Cave, WV Gilligan’s Pier 11535 Popes Creek Rd. Newburg, MD 20644 301-259-4514 Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373 Heavy Hitters 30125 Three Notch Rd Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 (301) 884-3820 Kickstands Bar & Grill 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301 Off South 28th Street Millstream Inn 5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 410-265-8224 Phil’s Place 5826 Gallent Green Road Hughesville,Md 301-274-3515

50 NOVEMBER 2016

Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Restaurant: 301-805-5901 Deli: 301-805-5903 Wine & Spirit Shoppe: 301-805-5902 Second Chance Saloon 5888 Robert Oliver Place Columbia, MD 21045 443-545-5844 The Ridge Tavern & Grill Route 19 / Marion Co. Line Rivesville, WV 26588 304-278-8041 The Scuttlebutt 12320 Neale Sound Dr Cobb Island, MD 20625 (240) 233-3113 The Tavern 4975 St. Leonard Rd. St Leonard, MD 20685 410-586-2225 The Woodstock Inn 1514 Woodstock RD Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673 Timeless Tavern 1745 Snow Hill Road Stockton, MD 21864 410-632-1555 Toot’s Bar 23971 Mervell Dean Road Hollywood, MD 20636 301-373-2955

Legal Services Law offices of Jay Irwin Block 90 Painters Mill Rd. Suite 131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-356-6555 800-875-6554

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

In-Step Leather 7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center Elkridge, MD 410-799-1568 Maryland Small Arms Range 9801 Fallard Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301-599-0800 Mary’s Bargain Cycle New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323 Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211 Southern Maryland Pawn 2224 Crain Hwy Waldorf, MD 20601 240-222-3547

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 • 304-723-8955


Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink (Fairmont) 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279 Thinkin Ink (Clarksburg) 196 Buckhannon Pike #A Clarksburg, WV 26301 301-622-7272

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. Women on Two and Three

Big City Body Art 154 C Lafayette Ave Laurel, MD 20707 240-482-6162

If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If you’re Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.


Francis Scott Key Family Resort 12806 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 800-213-0088 Mineral Springs Motel 1 Springs Street Webster Springs, WV 26288 304-847-5305



biker friendly directory



Blaze Leather 2239 Randolph Avenue Elkins, WV 26241 800-417-1140

Rider Insurance



Apparel / Retail

Insurance Agents


Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888

Unique Lingerie & More 3065 Leonardtown Rd. Waldorf, MD 20601 301-645-2228


Law Offices of Richard M Lester Aid to Injured Motorcyclist’s(A.I.M.) 7334 Topanga Canyon Blvd Ste. 200 Canoga Park, Ca 91303 800 531 2424 Offices Nationwide to Help you



Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic

Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic



OTORCYCLE ACCIDENT ATTORNEY • 23 years experience litigating injury cases • No fee or cost unless we win

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