Tidbits of Greater Ft. Lauderdale & Aventura - Vol 5, Issue 24

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DECEMBER 19, 2014 Volume 5, Issue 24


The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read



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PAPER by Janet Spencer On December 26, 1854, John Beardsley showed paper samples made from wood pulp to the editor of the Buffalo, NY "Democrat" who wrote an article exclaiming over how wonderful the newfangled paper was. Come along with Tidbits as we look at the history of paper!

PAPER BASICS • Paper has been described as "70% wood and 30% chemistry." Modern paper is made by having a log chipped, digested, refined, washed, screened, pressed, heated, and rolled. • For centuries the most popular writing surface was parchment, made from animal hides. The Egyptians used fibers from papyrus stems that were soaked, pounded, and laid in mats to dry. • In the year 105 A.D., a clerk in China pulverized rags, cooked them, then dipped a screen into the liquid and let the fibers dry. This was the method used to form paper for the next 1,500 years. Previous to this, silk had been used as a writing surface, but because of this new invention, China was able to export more silk, leading to an economic boom.

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• Rags were the main source of papermaking fiber for centuries. The result was a thick, gray paper that was

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PAPER (continued):

often streaked with colors from the old clothing that was used to make it. • In 1666 in England, cotton and linen were prohibited from being used for burial shrouds in order to make them available for papermaking. Wool was the only fabric that was allowed to be used for a shroud, because you cannot make paper out of wool. In the 1700s there was a shortage of rags to make paper. Nations passed laws forbidding rags to be taken out of the country. Rag smuggling became a lucrative profession. • In 1719 a Frenchman named Reaumur noticed that wasps scraped rotting logs with their legs, chewed the scrapings, and made pulp that was turned into their papery nests. The wasps preferred evergreens, which today provide most of our paper. He presented this to the Royal Academy as evidence that paper could be made from material other than rags. It took years for the knowledge to be put to use. • Paper was first manufactured in the U.S. at the Rittenhouse Mill, Germantown, PA, in 1690. Rittenhouse made paper out of flax linen rags. A large printer in Philadelphia bought the entire supply of Rittenhouse paper. This irked Benjamin Franklin, who had to use imported paper for all of his printing projects. Because of this, Franklin was instrumental in setting up 18 other paper mills in order to break the Rittenhouse paper monopoly. He subsequently became not only America's first major paper merchant, but also Philadelphia's largest printer. Franklin once quipped, "Never argue with a man who buys his ink by the gallon."

• In 1800, Matthias Koop wrote and published a book called Historical account of the substances which have been used to describe events, and to convey ideas, from the earliest date, to the invention of paper. It was printed on paper made from straw and glued wood shavings. The book was very sturdy but very costly, and Koop soon went bankrupt. • In the 1830s and 1840s, two men on two different continents began to experiment with making paper out of pulped wood instead of pulped rags. Charles Fenerty in Canada and Friedrich Keller of Germany individually invented a machine that extracted fibers from wood and made paper from it. This started a new era for paper making. By the end of the 19th century almost all paper in the western world came from wood instead of rags. • Ruled paper was first produced by machine by John Tetlow in England in the 1770s. It was used for music paper and accounting ledgers. Before this, the rules had to be drawn by hand. • During the Civil War, there were 555 paper mills in the U.S., but only 24 were located in the South. Naval blockades caused southern newspaper offices to run out of paper so some editions were printed on wallpaper. • Next came the invention of the first practical fountain pen, the mass-produced pencil, and the steam-driven rotary printing press. With paper now cheap and widely available, books, schoolbooks, and newspapers became available by 1900.

Widespread availability of wood-based paper also meant that keeping diaries and writing letters became common.

point, and about 50% of all paper used in the U.S. is used for packaging.


• In 1872, the first paper bag manufacturing machine was patented by L. C. Crowell. Paper bags had been around a long time, but they were pasted together by hand and had V-shaped bottoms. What made these paper bags so popular was that they would stand alone. When supermarkets became popular in the 1930's, business boomed.

• The first cardboard was made in 1824. When people started shipping things in cardboard, manufacturers of wooden boxes and barrels pressured railroads and insurance companies to refuse to handle or insure them, due to increased likelihood of damage. It wasn't until 1914 that a law was passed prohibiting railroads from charging extra for handling goods packaged in cardboard. Today, 99% of all products are packaged in paper at some


VENTURES IN PUBLISHING • Gutenberg spent 20 years in the 1400's perfecting the

first method of printing using moveable type and a press. He was a skilled metalworker and was familiar with tools. To typeset the Bible required 2,500 individual pieces of type for each page. He used parchment because paper had not yet been invented, and each Gutenberg Bible required the skins of 300 sheep. Ink was made from pine shavings and soot. It took three years to produce the Bibles, which had 1,284 pages each. He printed 200 of them, and 47 still survive. However, Gutenberg went heavily into debt to develop this technique. The same year the Bibles were completed, his financier confiscated all his equipment and used it to make himself

rich. Gutenberg died in poverty, yet his name lives on today.

WORLD'S FINEST • Cartier on Fifth Avenue in New York at one time offered for sale handmade stationery from Finland with rough edges and a personalized portrait watermark. For only $10,000 you could get 100 sheets (including envelopes.) To write on such paper, one should really have a nice pen, such as the two 18-carat diamond capped pens that sold for just under $23,000. To go along with that, you might be interested in a blue glass paperweight made in Paris around 1850. It sold for $143,000 in 1982.

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Famous Canadians

CHARLES FENERTY • Charles Fenerty was born around 1820 in Sackville, NS, just north of Halifax. Fenerty's family owned 2,000 acres of farmland and timberland. Because there were many lakes in the area, it was the perfect spot for lumber mills. Charles grew up working on the family farm and helping out in the family saw mills. • By the time he became an adult, the demand for paper was far outstripping the supply. Back then, paper was still being made out of rags. Every time a new paper mill opened, they would put out a desperate plea for people to sell or donate old rags so they could be milled into paper. • Charles passed by a paper mill on his way to and from Halilfax. The paper mill was owned by a friend of his who also owned the local newspaper. Fenerty stopped in often to observe the operations of the paper mill, and he couldn't help but notice the similarities between the paper mill and the saw mill he worked in every day. • In the paper mill, rags were boiled in water and then pounded or ground until they became a mass of fibers, which were then pressed, dried, and turned into paper. At Fenerty's water-powered saw mills, wood chips and sawdust landed on the wet floor where they were ground underneath people's feet until they also became a mass of fibers. • In 1841, Fenerty began to experiment with wood pulp, figuring out how to soak the wood, how to separate the fibers, how to squeeze out the extra water, how to dry it out, and how to bleach it white. He was perfectly suited for the task: he had grown up in a saw mill, he was surrounded by forests, and he had the time to spend on research.

• Fenerty discovered that spruce made the best paper. The first paper Fenerty produced was probably very similar to modern day paper grocery bags. It wouldn't have been pretty, but it would have been suitable for use as newsprint. He later perfected the art of bleaching paper so it was white. • In 1844 he wrote a letter to his friend at the newspaper announcing that he had found a way to make perfectly good paper from pulped wood. He enclosed a sample. Fenerty wrote that the sample he had enclosed, “which is as firm in its texture, as white, and to all appearances as durable as the common wrapping paper, made from hemp, cotton, or the ordinary materials of manufacture, is actually composed of spruce wood reduced to pulp, and subjected to the same treatment as paper.” The letter was printed in the newspaper. • Still, little attention was paid to Fenerty's process. He never patented his ideas and never pursued the endeavor. In Germany, another inventor was coming to the same conclusions, and Friedrich Gotlob Keller is usually credited with being the inventor of the modern-day paper making process because he took the time to patent his discoveries. • Pulped wood paper slowly began to be adopted by paper mills throughout Canada, the U.S., and Europe. Fenerty lived long enough to see the very first wood pulp paper mill erected near his home town, and some say he even worked there for a time. He died at home in Sackville of the flu at the age of 71. A monument in his honor stands in Sackville, but he never received much recognition aside from that. • Today Canada exports more pulped wood products than any other country in the world.

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QUIZ • A French man whose first name was Marcel was employed as the production manager at an ink factory. Later he started his own fountain pen company. However, fountain pens were difficult to fill and they often leaked. So in 1950 Marcel obtained the patent rights for the ballpoint pen from Laszlo Biro. He then improved its design, by making it more reliable, inventing a disposable model, and lowering the price to 29 cents. People didn’t believe that a pen that cost only 29 cents could really work well, so they didn’t buy the pens. Marcel started an ad campaign with the slogan that his pens write “first time, every time.” He showed the pens being fired from cannons, strapped to ice skates, and mounted on jackhammers and still writing. He began making sure that small shops near schools carried the pens so students would buy them. His plan worked, and Marcel made so much money that he also set up factories to make disposable razors and cigarette lighters. In 1956 he invented the world’s first retractable ballpoint pen. He named the pens, the razors, and the lighters after himself and his company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of these items. Chances are good that the pen on your desk has his last name on it. Can you guess what Marcel’s last name was? (Answer at top of next page) • During World War II, German spies trying to infiltrate Soviet ranks were routinely caught as soon as they

crossed enemy lines. Why? Because of their passports. Although the passports had been expertly forged, they were stapled with stainless steel staples, which never rusted. Soviets used staples made of cheaper iron, which rusted quickly, leaving brown blotches on the paper. • In 1970 a researcher at the 3M factory was trying to invent a super-strong adhesive. He invented an adhesive, but it turned out to be very weak instead of very strong. It would stick to things but pull right off again. He put the formula away for later and went back to working on finding a stronger glue. Four years later, another scientist who sang in the church choir got annoyed because the pieces of paper he used to keep his place in the hymnal kept falling out. He remembered the weak glue his co-worker had invented, and he used it to coat his bookmarks. The managers at the 3M company thought this was a good idea. Ten years after the scientist had accidentally invented the world's weakest glue, Post-It Notes were on the market. • Paperclips were first invented by a Norwegian named Johan Vaaler in 1899. The metal clips alone account for an annual U.S. steel consumption of 10,000 tons. • In 1776 the first invisible ink was used. Silas Deane, member of the Committee of Secret Correspondence, sent word from France that the British Ministry was

For Advertising Information Call 954-667-3237 determined to reduce the colonies to unconditional surrender. The invisible ink was penned between lines of a list of supplies. Written in tannic acid, the message was revealed when the paper was sponged with ferrous sulfate. The iron combined with the tannic acid on the paper to make a dark compound that was easily visible. • The mother of Michael Nesbit of 'The Monkeys' invented liquid paper correction fluid. • The Latin word "filum" means thread. Important papers were strung together on threads. Today we keep them in files.

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By Chris Richcreek

Answers 1. Six players have hit 200 or more home runs for the St. Louis Cardinals. Name four of them. 2. Entering 2015, who had the better record of franchises that started play in 1993: the Colorado Rockies or the Miami Marlins?

1. Stan Musial (475 home runs), Albert Pujols (445), Ken Boyer (255), Jim Edmonds (241), Ray Lankford (228) and Mark McGwire (220). 2. The Marlins are 1,643-1,853 (.470 winning percentage), while the Rockies are 1,641-1,861 (.469).

3. In 2013, Nick O'Leary set a Florida State record for career TD receptions by a tight end. Who had shared the mark?

3. Melvin Pearsall (1994-97) and Lonnie Johnson (1990-93), with 10 each.

4. Four Portland Trail Blazers have grabbed 300-plus offensive rebounds in a season. Name two of them.

4. Kermit Washington, Buck Williams, Chris Dudley and Robin Lopez.

5. Only three players have tallied 50 or more goals in a season for the New York Rangers. Name two of them.

5. Adam Graves, Jaromir Jagr and Vic Hadfield.


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6. Germany's Miroslav Klose, with 17 (2002-14). 6. Which men's soccer player holds the record for most World Cup matches won? 7. Name four of the six heavyweight boxing champions between Jack Dempsey (1919-26) and Joe Louis (1937-49).

7. Gene Tunney, Max Schmeling, Jack Sharkey, Primo Carnera, Max Baer and James J. Braddock. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• You might be surprised to learn that painter and sculptor Michelangelo was also a well-known poet in his day.

by Samantha Weaver

• Medieval times, it seems, were suspicious times. When nobles gathered for social events, each person would pour a little bit of wine from his or her own cup into the cups of others -- this was a way to ensure that no one was poisoning the drinks. The tradition continues today (with less suspicion, one would hope) when people clink glasses after toast.

• It was American industrialist Jean Paul Getty who made the following sage observation: "If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars."

• It wasn't until 1933 that an act of Congress made the dime legal tender for all transactions. Before that, it could be used only if the item or items being purchased totaled less than $10.

• You've doubtless heard the term "bigwig" to refer to a person of importance, but you've probably never learned where the word originated. In the 18th century, King Louis XIV of France began wearing large wigs, and the fashion became a trend among the upper classes. At the time, wigs were made from human hair, which was very expensive to obtain; therefore, the larger the wig, the more hair was required and the more money the wearer had to spend to purchase it.

• Besides being former U.S. presidents, what do George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams have in common? As adults, they all collected and played marbles avidly.

• In 1950, a patent was issued for a fork that automatically spins to wind spaghetti onto it.

*** Thought for the Day: "I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

• On Dec. 28, 1793, Thomas Paine is arrested in France for treason. Though the charges against him were never detailed, he had been tried in absentia on Dec. 26 and convicted. Before moving to France, Paine was an instrumental figure in the American Revolution as the author of Common Sense. • On Dec. 24, 1801, British inventor Richard Trevithick takes his friends for a test ride on his "Puffing Devil," or "Puffer," the first steam-powered passenger vehicle. The Puffer could be put to work in mines, on farms, in factories, on ships and in locomotives of all kinds.

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. • On Dec. 27, 1831, British naturalist Charles Darwin sets out from Plymouth, England, aboard the HMS Beagle on a five-year surveying expedition of the southern Atlantic and Pacific oceans to gather knowledge of the flora, fauna and geology. This information proved invaluable in the development of his theory of evolution. • On Dec. 22, 1849, writer Fyodor Dostoevsky is led before a firing squad but receives a last-minute reprieve and is sent to a Siberian labor camp, where he worked for four years. In 1866, he published "Crime and Punishment." • On Dec. 25, 1941, "White Christmas," written by Irving Berlin, receives its world premiere on the NBC radio program, "The Kraft Music Hall." The song went on to become one of the most commercially successful singles of all time. • On Dec. 26, 1966, Jimi Hendrix writes the lyrics to "Purple Haze" -- the song that would give him his breakthrough hit in the United States. "Purple Haze" actually had relatively little commercial success as a single. It was Hendrix's legendary, guitar-burning live performance at the Monterey Pop Festival that established him as a star. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Recommended Reading

"WHO STOLE THE AMERICAN DREAM?" by Hedrick Smith (Random House, $18) By Chris Richcreek If you believe that things haven't been quite right with the American economy for some time, but you're not exactly sure why, then "Who Stole the American Dream?" will serve as an informative and eye-opening source. Hedrick Smith defines the American Dream as having a decent-paying, steady job and health benefits, owning a home and saving enough for retirement. He then explains why the dream, and a large chunk of the middle class, has been eviscerated over time. Some of the reasons are well-known, like the subprime-mortgage mess or the failure of politicians to protect the middle class. Others are more obscure. Take, for example, future Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell's call to arms in 1971 that challenged corporate America to embrace more political power, a call that was heeded. Or the passing of two key

legislative pieces in 1978 that brought changes in bankruptcy laws and creation of the 401(k), a good idea that had the unexpected consequence of leading many companies to eliminate their regular retirement plans. Some of the statements and decisions of former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, especially related to the subprime mortgage crisis, come under fire, dimming the image of the man once deemed a financial wizard. The chapter on Wal-Mart, which details the mammoth retailer getting 80 percent of its items from China-based production while squeezing U.S. suppliers for painfully low prices, is informative, if not infuriating. In contrast to America, Smith points out the success of countries like Germany, which weathered financial challenges in part because of a trade surplus (unlike the U.S.) and a solid manufacturing base. In closing, Smith offers a number of solutions for Americans' economic woes. At a time when the economy may be improving but the positive effects have yet to be felt by most people, his recommendations certainly are worth considering. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers 1. Arkansas. The real mountain is spelled Woolverton. The song topped the country charts for nine weeks. The "Clifton Clowers" in the song was a real person, with the original song written by his nephew. Clowers lived to the age of 102.

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1. Where is the real Wolverton Mountain as immortalized in the 1962 song?

2. The Fortunes, in 1965. The group later had success with "Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again."

2. Name the group that released "You've Got Your Troubles."

3. Dennison. The band's biggest hit was 1975's "Fallin' in Love."

3. The soft-rock trio Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds eventually changed their name to Hamilton, Joe Frank and whom?

4. 10cc, in 1978.

4. Who released "Dreadlock Holiday"? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: "Do you remember when we met, That's the day I knew you were my pet, I want to tell you how much I love you."

5. "Sea of Love," written and released by Phil Phillips in 1959. The song hit No. 1 on the charts in the U.S. and No. 2 in the U.K. Despite the song's initial popularity, coverage by numerous other artists and use in a film, Phillips claims he's only been paid $6,800 for recording the song and has never received any royalties. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.



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2 cloves roasted garlic, crushed 4 portobello mushrooms 4 cups romaine lettuce, leaves torn 2 cups radicchio, leaves torn 2 cups endive, leaves torn salt and pepper to taste

Clean mushrooms, removing stems, and set aside. Whisk together balsamic vinegar and next 4 ingredients. Add half of vinegar mixture to a large skillet and heat until mixture starts to simmer. Add mushrooms, tops down. Cover, reduce heat to medium and cook 3 minutes. Turn mushrooms and cook an additional 4 to 5 minutes, until tender. Combine romaine lettuce and next 3 ingredients in a large bowl. Add remaining vinegar mixture, toss well. Divide lettuce equally between eight salad plates. Slice mushrooms and divide equally between eight plates. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

Rosemary New Potatoes Serves 8 • 2 pounds red new potatoes, quartered • 1 teaspoon olive oil • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed • cooking spray Preheat oven to 375 F Place new potatoes in a large bowl. Drizzle with oil. Add sea salt and rosemary, mix thoroughly. Spoon onto heated nonstick baking sheet. Bake at 375 F for 50 minutes.

Roasted Garlic and Fava Bean Paté

Steamed Broccoli

Serves 8

Serves 8

• • • • • •

• 8 cups broccoli florets • 3/4 cup vegetable broth • 1/4 cup water • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1 cloves garlic, crushed • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped In a large pot, add about one inch of water. Place steam basket inside pot. Add broccoli, cover and steam 2 - 3 minutes. Remove from steamer to large bowl.

1 16-ounce can fava beans 1 medium tomato, diced 2 - 3 cloves roasted garlic 1/4 cup onion, diced 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped salt and pepper to taste

Press fava beans through a strainer to remove outer skins. Place in food processor and add tomato, roasted garlic, onion, and parsley. Purée ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with warm, crusty bread. Nutrition information per serving: 62 calories, 3.3 g protein, 11.6 g carbohydrate, 0.3 g fat, 5% of calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 127 mg sodium

Whisk together vegetable broth and next four ingredients. Pour over broccoli and mix thoroughly. Serve hot.

Spice Roast Serves 6

Mixed Greens with Pan Grilled Portobello Mushrooms Serves 8 • • • •

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup vegetable broth 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons water

• • • • • • • •

2 cups vital wheat gluten 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon thyme 1 teaspoon marjoram 2 cups vegetable broth 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 small onion, sliced 2 cups hot water

• •

2 tablespoon soy sauce 1 Golden Gravy (recipe follows)

Combine first 4 ingredients in large bowl; make a well in the center of the mixture. Combine vegetable broth and soy sauce, add to dry ingredients and knead. Transfer mixture to a 9” x 5” x 3” nonstick loafpan. Add sliced onion to top of loaf. Combine hot water and soy sauce; pour over loafpan. Cover with foil and bake at 350° for 1-1/2 hours. Let cool before slicing. Serve with golden gravy.

Golden Gravy • • • • •

2 tablespoons safflower oil 1/4 cup flour 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 2 cups vegetable broth black pepper to taste

Add safflower oil to saucepan. Place over medium heat until hot. Add flour and nutritional yeast, stirring constantly until mixture starts to bubble. Whisk in vegetable broth. Stir until mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 1 - 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add black pepper to taste.

Apricot Baked Apples Serves 8 • • • • • • •

8 Rome apples, cored (or other baking apple) 3/4 cup apricot preserves 1/2 cup raisins 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Preheat oven to 375 F.

Mix apricot preserves with next 4 ingredients. Spoon apricot mixture into apples. Place apples in baking dish. Add 1/2 inch of water. Bake at 375 F for 45 - 60 minutes, basting frequently. Serve hot. Recipes by Patricia Bertron, R.D. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 5100 Wisconsin Ave. Ste. 400 Washington, DC 20016 Phone: (202) 686-2210 Join the Physicians Committee and receive the quarterly magazine, Good Medicine.

8 • December 19, 2014• www.TidbitsFlorida.com

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HOLLYWOOD -- Jake Gyllenhaal, whose "Night Crawler" cost $8.5 million to make and earned $35 million, recently completed "Everest," which is based on the Mount Everest disasters of 1996 in which several climbers died. It also stars Sam Worthington, Josh Brolin, Keira Knightley and Robin Wright. He's currently working on "Southpaw," with Rachel McAdams and Forest Whitaker. Jake filmed David O'Russell's "Nailed" in 2008 with Jessica Biel and James Marsden. However, due to financial struggles, the film shut down 12 times and O'Russell quit as director. The film, which is 99 percent completed, was acquired recently by Arrow films, which finished the movie and plans to release it in the U.K. next year. O'Russell is a great director, but can this film, now titled "Politics of Love," survive the test of time? *** Helen Mirren has completed the thriller "Eye in the Sky" with Aaron Paul and Alan Rickman; "Woman in Gold" with Ryan Reynolds, Katie Holmes, Max Irons, Jonathan Price and Elizabeth McGovern; and "Trumbo," as legendary columnist Hedda Hopper, with Bryan Cranston. She's now headed for Broadway, where she'll again play Queen Elizabeth in "The Audience," to Judith Ivey's Margaret Thatcher and Dylan Baker's John Major. Peter Morgan, who wrote "The Queen," for which Mirren won an Oscar, also wrote this play, which opens March 8.

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*** Matt Damon has bounced from the space drama "Interstellar" to Ridley Scott's "The Martian." Damon plays American astronaut Mark Watney, who becomes stranded alone on Mars and must improvise to survive. It also stars Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels and Kristen Wiig. Author Andy Weir couldn't find a publisher, so he self-published in 2012 and in three months sold 35,000 copies on Amazon.com. In 2014, Crown Publishing bought the rights for six figures, and now it will be a major movie

Q: I remember reading here that there was supposed to be another "Jurassic Park" movie, but I haven't heard anything about it recently. Is that still happening? -- Paula F., via email A: It is indeed happening. "Jurassic World" -- the fourth movie in the sci-fi dinosaur anthology -- will make its world premiere on June 12, 2015. The new film takes place 22 years after the first movie, on the island of Isla Nublar, where the dinosaur park Jurassic World has reopened for business with a fully functioning dinosaur theme park. The movie stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard as staff members at the park. Attendance has been in decline for years, and an idea to put the place back on the themepark map -- genetically modifying and creating an entirely new dinosaur -- massively backfires. *** Q: I thought "Downton Abbey" was returning at Christmastime, but I haven't seen it yet. When will it be back? -- Donna B., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma A: The hit BBC period drama returns to PBS for its fifth season starting Jan. 4 at 9 p.m. ET, and will air new episodes until March 1. Until then, the network is playing the previous season to catch you up on the action. Season five opens in the year 1924 (mild spoilers ahead), with the Labour Party in power; Downton gets its first radio (or "wireless," as they call it); Anna and Bates tiptoe around the death of Green; Lady Mary gets her groove back; Lord Grantham learns not to take Cora for granted; we find that Barrow has some redeeming qualities; and the Dowager Countess is as ornery and awesome as ever.

hitting theaters Nov. 25, 2015. Now that's a success story! *** The lion suit worn by Bert Lahr, The Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz," was left in an abandoned building at MGM and recovered by a junk dealer who cleaned out the building. Eventually, he sold it to a collector, who now has sold it at auction for a mere $3,077,000. The piano on which Dooley Wilson ("play it again, Sam") played "As Time Goes By" in "Casablanca" also was sold, for $3,413,000. This, on the heels of the statue from the Humphrey Bogart film "The Maltese Falcon" selling for $4,085,000. But the top-selling items of all time are James Bond's (Sean Connery) Aston Martin from "Goldfinger" and the Batmobile driven by Adam West in the "Batman" TV series, both of which brought in $4.6 million. Gotta go check my memorabilia to see what I've got to auction off! (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

*** Q: I was really into the ABC show called "Selfie," but I think it was canceled. Is there any chance to see the remaining episodes? -- Gina R., via email A: ABC and Hulu have partnered to air the remaining six episodes of the low-rated comedy starring Karen Gillan and John Cho. By the time you read this, they all should be available for viewing at hulu.com and abc.go.com. *** Q: I know that "Parenthood" ends after this season, but I didn't know it was so soon. I haven't seen a new episode since November. It can't be over already, can it? -- Jeremy T., via email A: It's almost over, but not quite. The show went on winter hiatus -- that's the new fad these days, don't you know? -- but it will return on Jan. 8 at 10 p.m. ET on NBC for its final four episodes. *** Q: I am in serious "House of Cards" withdrawal! When will it be back? -- Tillie F., Atlanta A: The critically acclaimed original Netflix political drama -- starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright -will return for it's third season on Feb. 27. At that time, all 13 episodes will be available for streaming. Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail her at letters@cindyelavsky.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• Many people have heard of using applesauce in place of oil or fats, but here's one from T.L. in Georgia about a sugar replacement: "You can use pureed grapes in place of white sugar in some quick bread or muffin recipes. It's pretty easy to make in the blender, and all you need to do is adjust the dry ingredients a little bit so that your muffins are not too moist."

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• Wine: Nobody I know is wasting it. But if you're done before the bottle is, pour the leftover wine into ice-cube trays to save it. You can use it later in recipes, or (my favorite) to chill a glass of wine! -- E. in Florida

before you head out. You'll make better decisions when you aren't starving -- and save yourself a ton of calories. Here are more ways to keep holiday parties from blowing your calorie budget. -- JoAnn

• "How much wine is in your pour? Extra-large cups and free-flowing bottles can mean super-sized servings. A serving of wine is 5 ounces. Here's a tip: Set your wine glass on the table. It will be easier to see how much is in it." -- Y.O. in New York

• Many people have heard of using applesauce in place of oil or fats, but here's one from T.L. in Georgia about a sugar replacement: "You can use pureed grapes in place of white sugar in some quick bread or muffin recipes. It's pretty easy to make in the blender, and all you need to do is adjust the dry ingredients a little bit so that your muffins are not too moist."

• If you have a lot of overnight guests, here's a good trick so that everybody can hang up his or her towel: Grab some "S" hooks from the shop and hang them off the towel bar. Now everyone can have a towel hook. • One of the best ways to eat less at a holiday party is to eat something small that is healthy and slightly filling

Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Pay for a year of cable TV, the daily newspaper, magazine subscription or Netflix. • Two tickets to a play or other event where you'll accompany your senior, or a pair of movie passes so your senior can take a friend. • Pay for a senior's lifelong learning class, either at the senior center or nearby university, and arrange for transportation.

GIFTS FOR SENIORS WHO HAVE EVERYTHING Seniors have acquired so much "stuff" over the years that we have nearly everything we need ... and more. If you've held off buying a gift for a senior in your life because you don't know what to get someone who already has everything, here are a few gift ideas that would be most welcome. • Coupons for cab rides, or gift certificates for restaurant meals, laundry services, auto detailing, spa day or hair salon services. • Gift basket created especially for your seniors, such as gourmet food, cheese, jams or chocolate. Or consider a subscription to a quarterly or monthly gift club. Options range from fruit baskets or flowers to bacon, coffee and cigars.

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• Put together a box of useful things, like stamps, note cards, address labels, batteries, razor blades and calendar with large print. Include a list of important phone numbers printed out in a large font that can be taped to the inside of a cupboard door. (Keep the file and make changes whenever your senior needs to update it.) • Make single serving meals for the freezer. • Don't leave out your own participation and that of your children. A small coupon book full of services you can do year round, such as cleaning, painting a room, weeding the garden, raking leaves and checking expiration dates on food in the cupboard all will be appreciated. What do seniors really want most? The gift of your time. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

10 • December 19, 2014• www.TidbitsFlorida.com


ANSWER: Indeed, psoriatic arthritis can show up years after psoriasis starts and when there are no skin lesions. Often, pits in the nails or other nail changes are seen in those with psoriatic arthritis. However, having psoriasis doesn't protect you from other types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Since psoriatic arthritis is so destructive, you should see an expert, perhaps a rheumatologist.

Pitted Nails Reveal Psoriatic Arthritis DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 77-year-old male. I had to stop playing golf about two years ago due to joint pain. I had psoriasis from age 15 until I was 40. I am retired from the Navy and had to be hospitalized twice during my time in service due to my skin. Why it disappeared at age 40, I don't know. Is it possible that I could have psoriatic arthritis? One doctor I saw said that I had to have psoriasis in order to get it. I saw that you said that sometimes the arthritis shows up before the skin lesions. Can it show up after you have quit having the lesions? -- Anon.

The arthritis booklet discusses rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and lupus. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Roach -- No. 301W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: About 10 months ago, my husband noticed a small "bleb" on the skin near his right hip area. He used "tag away" and alcohol

swabs daily; however, the area is a giant 2-inch-diameter "blotch" with an open sore in the middle. He insists that it is almost gone. I am afraid that it is skin cancer, very serious and that it needs to be checked out by a dermatologist. How do I get him to go? -- P.K.F.

As it turns out, many of the books claiming to help fix your diet actually do just the opposite. Some hype everything from bacon to butter, claiming that these notorious gut-busters are suddenly the key to overnight weight loss. Other books assert that healthful foods like whole grains— which research shows help fight chronic diseases and improve health—should be left off the plate. These recommendations are causing massive confusion—not to mention health risks—and are going against what science says. The advice in the following books could significantly increase readers’ risk of chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The Western diet is already risky enough without books encouraging Americans to further clog up their arteries by adding even more saturated fat and cholesterol to their meals.

1. The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz One of most worrisome books out today is The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz, who is eager to assert that butter, meat, and cheese should stay in her diet and yours. Teicholz’s argument starts with Eskimo and Inuit populations of the far north. The idea is that their diets have traditionally been heavy in fish and blubber but they have almost no heart disease. However, the notion turns out to be a myth. A recent study in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology revealed that natives of these northern areas have heart disease and stroke rates that are as bad or worse than those of nonnatives and a life expectancy that is 10 years shorter. Teicholz then invokes the Maasai, an African population that eats large amounts of meat and milk, while supposedly remaining free of heart disease. Researchers have found extensive evidence of heart disease in Maasai men. Plus, Maasai have tragically short life expectancies. If your life is cut short in your forties by an accident, infection, or something else, you haven’t lived long enough to have a heart attack. When it comes to the links between meat and cancer, meat and high blood pressure, and fatty diets and Alzheimer’s disease, Teicholz simply ignores them. Some may believe that

Both of these terms often are used imprecisely, as a guess at what might be causing nonspecific stomach pains. With such a prolonged course, it would be wise to make sure of your diagnosis, as your symptoms actually might be caused a different condition, such as an ulcer or infection by the bacteria H. pylori, which would require different treatment. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

*** DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a veteran and have had digestive problems (GERD and gastritis) since I came back from Vietnam in 1968. How closely related are these disorders? -- J.R.O. ANSWER: GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is very, very common, and refers to the passage of food and acid backward -- from the stomach into the esophagus. The general cause of GERD is

2. Grain Brain by David Perlmutter, M.D.

If your holiday list is full of health and diet books in preparation for New Year’s, you might want to check some of those titles twice. The back covers may make big claims that sound promising, but is the advice inside actually good for you?

a relative weakness in the lower esophageal sphincter, the muscular, valvelike structure at the bottom of the esophagus. Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

ANSWER: Please tell him that I think it sounds like it might be skin cancer, such as a squamous cell carcinoma, and that he should see a dermatologist immediately. Some people have an immense capacity for convincing themselves that nothing is wrong. The sooner he gets an evaluation, the better.

chicken wings and cheeseburgers have no health risks—just like the fantasy that a cigar might not actually cause cancer. But the fact is, fatty foods—like cigars—are as bad as we ever thought. And that should be no surprise.

Three Diet Books That Are Worse Than Coal in Your Stocking

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Another recent trend holds that it isn’t cheeseburgers and butter that are fattening us up and causing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s—it’s that darn slice of bread. In Grain Brain, Dr. Perlmutter associates gluten and carbohydrate intake with everything from high blood sugar to Parkinson’s disease and ADHD. Blaming nearly all degenerative conditions on carbs, he recommends that people completely avoid all grains, including everything from flour to quinoa. Alzheimer’s disease now affects 5 million Americans and rates are expected to triple within three decades. Research finds that saturated fat is the real culprit behind many Alzheimer’s cases. In a 2014 study, researchers examined the diets and brain health of 19,792 study participants. Researchers found that higher saturated fat consumption increased the risk for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline. Dr. Perlmutter completely ignores the fact that cultures following traditional grain-based diets are the thinnest and healthiest in the world. Japan is a case in point. That nation topped the world’s statistics for good health until the fast-food invasion began in the 1980s. As meat and cheese began to displace rice, waistlines quickly expanded, diabetes rates soared, and overall health declined. Ditto in the United States. Over the last century, meat and cheese intake has increased dramatically, with a parallel rise in obesity, diabetes, and neurological diseases.

3. The Fast Diet by Michael Mosley, M.D., and Mimi Spencer In The Fast Diet, Michael Mosley, M.D., and Mimi Spencer claim that you can become healthier by eating anything you want five days a week—and eat a severely restricted calorie diet the other two days. Even if this extreme diet may initially cause weight loss in some people, that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Losing weight through extreme calorie restriction starves the body of nutrients and can increase cravings of junk food. Aside from the health risks of the “fasting” days, the approach to the other five days is also harmful for your health. Telling people that they can eat anything—no matter how dangerous it is for their health—five days a week is irresponsible. “Fasting” two days a week and chowing down on chicken wings and cheeseburgers the other five days will not improve anyone’s health.

Conclusion As diet books and cookbooks become more extreme and latch onto dangerous trends, it’s important to remem-

(c) 2014 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

ber that the healthiest diet is not a fad at all. It’s nothing new or complicated, and it’s based on what we’ve always known about nutrition and health. Not surprisingly, the best approach is to eat a variety of healthful, disease-fighting fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes every day of the week. It’s as simple as that! Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 5100 Wisconsin Ave. Ste. 400 Washington, DC 20016 Phone: (202) 686-2210 Join the Physicians Committee and receive the quarterly magazine, Good Medicine.

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pieces in turquoise are rare, $4,700 to $5,000 for the creamer, $400 to $425 for the sugar and $500 to $600 for the tray. *** Q: I have some Star Wars action figures from "The Empire Strikes Back" movie. I purchased them during the early 1980s. Can you recommend a good price guide for me? -- Herb, Great Falls, Mont.

FIESTA WARE Q: Although I don't collect Fiesta Ware, I spotted a coffee creamer, sugar and tray set at a local thrift shop and bought it. I paid $25 for the set, which is turquoise in color. A neighbor of mine, who does collect, has offered me $150 for the four pieces, but I thought I would check with you first. -- Barbara, Rio Rancho, N.M. A: This set was a special promotion, made from 1940 until 1943, and is a unique design, different from the earlier stick-, scroll-, and ring-handled pieces. The standard color combination was Cobalt Blue for the tray (stamped "Genuine Fiesta") and Yellow for the creamer and sugar (marked "Made in USA") but other colors including both turquoise and red also were issued. According to "Warman's Fiesta Ware: Identification & Price Guide" by Mark F. Moran and published by Krause Books, you made quite a good buy. Moran believes the

A: There are several excellent price guides for Star Wars memorabilia. One of the better ones is "The Official Price Guide to Star Wars Memorabilia" by Jeremy Beckett and published by House of Collectibles. This guide features thousands of items with current values, including books, action figures, posters, comics and trading cards. There is even advice on where and how to sell, along with a condition and grading guide. As I often state in this column, condition is always extremely important when it comes to antiques and collectibles, whether it be a Civil War-era newspaper or an Admiral Ackbar action figure. *** Q: I have a typewriter from 1912, and I am having trouble finding a ribbon for it. Can you help me? -- Steve, Albuquerque, N.M. A: The Mesa Typewriter Exchange sells, repairs and has supplies for vintage typewriters. Bill Wahl can



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help you and assured me he probably has a ribbon for your machine in stock. Contact is 30 South Macdonald, Mesa, AZ 85210, and MesaTypewriterExchange@yahoo.com. Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@ aol.com. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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the leak? -- Drafty in Durham, N.H. A: The window frame may not be damaged, but some slight warping may have occurred over time as the window braced the air-conditioning unit. If there is no visible damage, you should be able to quickly block the leak using weather stripping. By Samantha Mazzotta

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As far as the condensation: If the condensation is on the outside or inside of the window -- and not forming between double panes -- it probably is a normal occurrence during winter. (If it forms between double panes, it may be time to replace that pane or bottom sash.) However, its location can help you pinpoint where a gap exists between the sash and the sill. In this case, the condensation is forming along the bottom of the window. On really cold days it may even drip down and puddle along the sill. It signals that warm and cold

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air are meeting much more frequently along that sash than other parts of the window. As I mentioned, weather stripping should resolve this problem quickly. Your main concern is what type of weather stripping to use. This Old House has a nice, quick guide to the different types of weather stripping here: www.thisoldhouse.com/ toh/photos/0,,20441335,00.html. Because you need a fix in a hurry, consider either felt stripping or foam tape. You probably will need to replace the felt stripping each year, but it's fairly inexpensive, and easy to install with finishing nails or a staple gun. Foam tape comes in several widths and can be rapidly installed by peeling off the backing and sticking into place along the bottom of the sash. A pricier, but longer-lasting option is a vinyl-tube type of weather stripping. It's durable and can be purchased in different

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widths, and typically has the option of either a peel-and-stick backing or screwin fasteners. Before installing weather stripping, clean the contact surfaces of the window thoroughly with soap and water and make sure they are completely dry. Measure the width of the bottom sash and cut the stripping with an extra inch on each side. When you install the stripping, use a utility knife to trim away excess at each edge. HOME TIP: If the windows in your home or a room fog up regularly in winter, try increasing air circulation to reduce humidity: open curtains and crack windows for a few minutes daily, or run a dehumidifier. Send your questions or home tips to ask@thisisahammer.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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who don't agree on all points. Credit-card interest rates likely won't go up, credit will be more available because of low rates, and consumers are likely to spend more in the next years (to the tune of $60 billion in credit-card debt) because we haven't learned anything from the past few years.

The reader machines for "chipped" credit cards will show up in more places, especially since new rules (starting next October) will force merchants to pay for any fraud if they haven't installed new machines. If you have an opportunity to swap an existing card for one with a chip, take it. Data breaches will continue.

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U.S. News (money.usnews. com) consulted experts who see more access to credit in 2015, especially for those who haven't qualified in recent years, for two main reasons: Banks are a bit more relaxed with approvals now, and bad credit is scrolling off the credit reports of consumers who got in financial trouble before. We'll see more offers of balance transfers at zero percent interest for a year or year and a half. Again, credit-card companies are more relaxed about extending credit now. More credit-card companies will provide FICO scores on your monthly statements.








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Important Terms and Conditions: Promotional Offers: Require activation of new qualifying DISH service. All prices, fees, charges, packages, programming, features, functionality and offers subject to change without notice. After 12-month promotional period, then-current everyday monthly price applies and is subject to change. ETF: If you cancel service during first 24 months, early termination fee of $20 for each month remaining applies. Additional Requirements: Hopper: Monthly fees: Hopper, $12; Joey, $7; Super Joey, $10. With PrimeTime Anytime record ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC plus two additional channels. Commercial skip feature is available at varying times, starting the day after airing, for select primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC recorded with PrimeTime Anytime. Recording hours vary; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an Internet-connected, Slingenabled DVR and compatible mobile device. Premium Channels: 3-month premium offer value is $135; after 3 months, then-current everyday monthly prices apply and are subject to change. Blockbuster @Home requires Internet to stream content. HD-only channels not available with select packages. Installation/Equipment Requirements: Free Standard Professional Installation only. Leased equipment must be returned to DISH upon cancellation or unreturned equipment fees apply. Upfront and additional monthly fees may apply. Miscellaneous: Offers available for new and qualified former customers, and subject to terms of applicable Promotional and Residential Customer agreements. State reimbursement charges may apply. Additional restrictions and taxes may apply. Offers end 1/16/15. © 2014 DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. DR_15394


Without consensus from experts on how 2015 will go financially, your best bet is, as always, to keep your head down. Don't charge what you can't pay for within three months. Look at statements when they first come in for any signs of fraud or compromise. Save, save, save. Try to get one more year out of your vehicle before buying another one. Keep good security on your home computers, and stay on top of news about viruses and how they might present themselves in email or on websites. If you can qualify for a zero-percent interest balance transfer credit card, use it to pay off any other credit card that charges interest. (Don't close that other account -- just don't use it.) But mostly, don't give in to the feeling that it's safe to start spending extravagantly. It's not. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply3@gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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READY-TO-GO NAPKIN RINGS • Gather napkin rings you already own. Pick out one of each style for each person. If you have just one set of identical rings, string a decoration or tag with the person's name to each one.

Crafty Cloth Napkins Trim Holiday Trash We avoided crowds at the malls and inadvertently reversed "Black Friday" this year. Instead of bringing more stuff in, we attacked our packed attic and threw years of kidstuff and ourstuff out. It wasn't easy, but the process was a reminder of how much we consume. Now we're focusing on this holiday season, when household waste quickly increases -from product packaging to wrapping paper. Think about making changes in your home, too, and consume less this holiday, right down to the smallest of items -- paper napkins. Try this family idea: When guests arrive for an extended stay, resist buying stacks of paper napkins for meals, and use cloth napkins instead. Cloth napkins typically can be used more than once between washes when identified by the

user with creative, individualized napkin rings. Store napkins in a basket, and when breakfast, lunch or dinner rolls around, reset them at the table.

PERSONALIZED NAPKIN RINGS • String a holiday ornament, charm or jingle bell onto a 16-inch length of thin ribbon or twine. Make a loop and tie in a knot or bow. • Tie a colorful silk flower such as a poinsettia to a new elastic hair binder or pipe cleaner. A fresh juniper or mistletoe sprig works, too. • Twist pliable twigs or vines round and round and bind the loop together with raffia or wire. Glue on a mini pinecone or an acorn. Or, wire treasured beach finds such as shells and small stones with holes in them to the mini wreath. • Tie a small toy or vacation souvenir to a knotted loop of rope.

• Select a favorite holiday-themed cookie cutter, such as a star, snowflake or Christmas tree, and simply slide a rolled napkin through the middle. • Instead of a ring, pin a favorite sports team button, a badge or an antique brooch to the napkin. Remove and re-attach after the meal. Alternate Idea: Skip using rings and keep it simple with one-of-kind napkins to identify the user:

• Purchase a set of holiday napkins in multiple designs and let each person choose his own. • Western bandana scarves in different colors are inexpensive and look cute tied in a knot at each place setting. Or, make a variety of napkins with leftover pieces of cotton fabric from DIY projects. *** Donna Erickson's award-winning series "Donna's Day" is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna's Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is "Donna Erickson's Fabulous Funstuff for Families." (c) 2014 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.

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