REMODELLING: WA H R O O N G A P R I VAT E R E S I D E N C E , AU S T R A L I A A 2,764.5 sq.m residential complex in Wahroonga, in the Australian state of New South Wales, recently
underwent a complete renovation programme involving all the residential parts of the site.
Brindabella Renovations, a multi-award-winning Sydney-based company with over 25 years’ experience of home renovations, proved to be the ideal partner for the substantial project required by the home-owners. John Spiteri, the Company’s Director, and the whole Brindabella team, worked in close partnership with Robyn Cote, an interior designer from Inspired Interiors, and LATICRETE, to meet all the home-owners’ requirements, including in relation to the indoor and outdoor tiling of the new unit and the restyling of the finishings in the existing spaces.
ed to join the two buildings by means of the covered deck, to make it look as though they had been joined from the outset. Outdoors, an entire section of the old back garden was demolished to make way for the new building, which involved many hours of careful planning and constant work with on-site engineers to ensure the foundations would be rock-solid. The builders then had to prepare the sub-terrain around the swimming pool and carry out maintenance work on the natural marble, so as to be able to embellish the area with a wide variety of external stonework. Indoors, lastly, the layout and design of the bathrooms was completely overhauled, to bring them into line with the highest contemporary standards of styling and functionality.
Design challenges
The work also involved the addition of a totally new section, housing a five-room guest house, and the
The biggest challenge was to keep the style of the new building as faithful as possible to the main structure, so that it would look seamlessly integrated into the original context, as though it had always been there. To achieve this, the roof-line was extend-
LATICRETE’s solutions and input Joe Tabone, LATICRETE’s Technical Sales Repre-
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