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Featured Class: Sing Squad
What is Sing Squad? Sing Squad is a fun group singing class for children aged from 4 through to 18 years old. It is split into three groups, infants, juniors and seniors, to enable teaching to be specific to age.
What is the aim of the classes? The aim of these classes is to help children explore and develop their singing voices, whilst having fun and building confidence.
Talk us through a typical class A class will start with a circle sit down, where we each tell our ‘News of the Week’. This is followed by a physical warm up, then a vocal warm up where we use kazoos and singing games. Each week we have a focus, whether it is a particular type of sound or learning about a musical term. We then work on a song, breaking it down to help learning. Once the song is learnt we look at how we can add
different things to it, using the focus of that week to explore. How do Sing Squad classes benefit children? These classes build up children’s confidence, which is the main feedback we get from parents. They also learn how to use their voices with someone who understands how children’s voices work and develop. This means that the teaching is tailored for the age groups. What ages are the classes for? There are three classes: Sing Squad Infants is for children aged 4-7 (Reception to Year 2) Sing Squad Juniors is for children aged 7-11 (Year 3 to Year 6) Sing Squad Seniors is for children aged 12-18 (Secondary School) When and where do you run classes? Classes take place during term-time at BHVA Studio, The Yards, Market Street, Kettering, NN16 0AH. We’re located on the top courtyard, opposite the blue shipping containers. Sing Squad Infants takes place on Mondays 4.15pm to 5pm Sing Squad Juniors takes place on Mondays 5.15pm to 6pm Sing Squad Seniors takes place on Tuesdays 6pm to 6.45pm How long does each class last? Each class lasts for 45 minutes How much does a class cost? Classes cost £6, and you pay per session
To book a class or for more information: Contact: Beccy Hurrell Tel: 07786 544087 Website: www.beccyhurrell.co.uk Email: singsquad@beccyhurrell.co.uk

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