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Childcare Directory
Nursery Schools, Pre-schools & Childminders
Childcare Directory
Corby & District Busy Bears Pre-school Stoke Albany, Tel: 07517 145282 E-mail: busybearspreschool@hotmail.co.uk www.busybearspreschool.co.uk Fb: Busy Bears Preschool Stoke Albany
Desborough, Rothwell & District Daff odils Outdoor Nursery The Estate Offi ce, Arthingworth, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 8JT Tel: 01858 525777 or 07858 460419 Email: info@daff odilsoutdoornursery.co.uk www.daff odilsoutdoornursery.co.uk Oak Tree Day Nursery 30 Cecil Street, Rothwell, NN14 6EZ Tel: 01536 601670 E-mail: oaktreedaynursery@hotmail.co.uk
Rushden & District Rushden Kids Club 128-130 St Margarets Ave, Rushden, Northants, NN10 9PW admin@rushdenkidsclub.co.uk Tel: 01933 387945 www.rushdenkidsclub.co.uk Kettering & District Acorn Day Nursery Burton Lati mer, NN15 5PS burton@acornearlyyears.org.uk Tel: 01536 726700 www.acornearlyyears.org.uk Broughton Under 5s Pre-school Broughton Village Hall Tel: 07939 985071 www.broughtonunderfi ves.wordpress.com Stepping Stones Pre-school Melton Street Community Centre, Kett ering Tel: 07523 974286 Email: steppingstoneskett ering@yahoo.co.uk Sunnylands Nursery 52 Headlands, Kett ering, NN15 6DJ Tel: 01536 512066 Email: sunnylandsnursery@btconnect.com www.st-peters.org.uk Toddlerz Day Nursery Crown Street, Kett ering, Northants Tel: 01536 218569 Email: enquiries@toddlerznursery.com
Northampton & District Fledglings Day Nursery & Pre-school Overstone Park, Northampton, NN6 0DT Tel: 01604 643787 E-mail: fl edglings@fl edglings.com www.fl edglingsdaynurseryandpreschool.com Northampton High School Nursery Newport Pagnell Road, Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6UU Tel: 01604 765765 E-mail: nhsadmin@nhs.gdst.net www.northamptonhigh.co.uk Pitsford School Pitsford Hall, Pitsford, Northants, NN6 9AX Tel: 01604 880306 E-mail: registrar@pitsfordschool.com www.pitsfordschool.com
To list your nursery school, preschool or childminding business in our directory, contact us on: info@ti mefortots.co.uk

Sunnylands Nursery Telephone: 01536 512066 sunnylandsnursery@btconnect.com

A N ' E X C E L L E N T ' D A Y N U R S E R Y ( I S I I N S P E C T I O N J A N 1 6 )
F O R R I S I N G 3 ' S

St Peter’s School Telephone: 01536 512066 st-petersschool@btconnect.com

Nursery care for children aged from 12 months Full day-care including hot meals Experienced dedicated staff Places for 2 & 3 year FREE funding available including 30 hours Call today 01536 218569 enquiries@toddlerznursery.com Toddlerz Day Nursery, Crown Street, Kettering, Northants

A small and friendly preschool located in idyllic surroundings www.busybearspreschool.co.uk e: busybearspreschool@hotmail.co.uk t: 07517 145282 fb: Busy Bears Preschool Stoke Albany

Rushden Kids Club Nursery and out of school provision for children aged 3 months to 13 years
We are a unique setting located on spacious and homely premises with a large outdoor garden with dedicated areas for each age group. We have free roaming pet chickens, a pond with frogs, fish and newts, and Pepper & George our new pet guinea pigs. We are a holistic setting and we promote: Healthy body - we encourage lots of fresh air and outdoor play. Nutritionally balanced meals and snacks are freshly prepared on site daily. Healthy mind - our purpose is to support children’s emotional wellbeing and sense of belonging and we offer yoga and music & movement classes for our children Healthy world - we care about our community and make weekly visits to the elderly residents at Rushden Park care home. We also care about the environment and use natural and recyclable materials wherever we can across the setting, and have reduced our use of single use plastics to support marine life, we also sponsor a dolphin called ‘Berry’. www.rushdenkidsclub.co.uk • 01933 387945 • admin@rushdenkidsclub.co.uk • Like us on Facebook 50% OFF THE FIRST MONTH’S FEES! Offer applies to any children joining our Buttercups (babies) room. Limited time offer, subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply.


Nestled in the beautiful countryside, within the premises of Overstone Park School, Fledglings Day Nursery and Pre-school provides a wide range of facilities and resources. Children are given the opportunity to develop a spirit of adventure and to discover their unique talents and abilities. On our beautiful site we have our own registered farm with ponies, chickens and goats. Children are encouraged to help with feeding and caring for the animals. They are also encouraged to grow vegetables in the allotment adjoining the farm. Children are safe, healthy and happy in their achievements. They participate in all aspects of nursery life. Their opinions and contributions are valued and appreciated and they are encouraged to become good and effective members of the wider community.

Please contact us to book a visit:
Overstone Park, Northampton, NN6 0DT t | 01604 643787 e | fledglings@fledglings.com www.fledglingsdaynurseryandpreschool.com

It’s your call No judgement, no pressure
We won’t judge you or tell you what to do, we’ll listen.
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