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Birth Announcements
Congratulations if you are expecting or just had a baby! Our pregnancy and birth section is just for you.
Birth Announcements
Sponsored by:
The Baby Bubble at Nurturing Hands Pregnancy, Birthing, Postnatal Support Contact Lynne on: 07784 329245 or email: lynnenurturinghands@gmail.com www.babymassageatnurturinghands.co.uk
Welcome to the World...
We offer: • Pregnancy Massage • Hypnobirthing Antenatal preparation courses • Birth Doula • Classes for Baby Massage, Baby yoga and Baby Reflexology
For further information: Text/phone Lynne on: 07784 329245 lynneatnurturinghands@gmail.com www.babymassageatnurturinghands.co.uk To book classes: www.bookwhen.com/nurturinghands
Announce the birth of your baby here. It’s completely free and a special keepsake for your child. Email us at: info@timefortots.co.uk
Elodie Mei West Born on the 26 th May 2019 at 12.36am, weighing 7lb 13oz. Our beauti ful baby girl arrived and our lives changed forever.

Hollie Jane Britt en Born on the 22 nd January 2020 at 9.45am weighing 6lb 2oz.

Leo Arthur James Born on the 18 th December 2019 at 9.18pm weighing 9lb 4oz. A lovely litt le brother for Holly.