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Easter Eggti viti es
EASTER Egg HUNT at Rockingham Castle Sunday 12 th & monday 13 th April
The Castle’s much-loved Children’s Easter Egg Hunt will make its annual return this Easter Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday. Youngsters get to seek out brightly coloured eggs with lett ers on from the magnifi cent gardens to solve an exciti ng word puzzle and claim a delicious chocolate prize. There is also a family quiz and a range of meals, throughout the aft ernoon from 12noon, in Walkers House Restaurant. Tickets: £12 per adult, £8.50 per child and £32.50 for a family (2 adults, 2 children). Book Tickets online at:

Win a family ticket to Rockingham Castle’s Easter Event! See page 60 for details
EASTER EggSTRAvAgANZA at mini meadows Farm Friday 10 th to monday 13 th April V isit Mini Meadows Farm for some hopping fun throughout the Easter Bank Holiday weekend at their Easter Eggstravaganza! They’ve got lots of egg-citi ng fun and games planned for the whole family. Go on a bunny hunt, hold the cute chicks and ducklings, let their face painter transform you into your favourite animal and bott le feed the litt le lambs. Plus, new for this year, a giant indoor rabbit warren play area! And of course meet all of the animals large and small, explore the indoor Treetops play area, giant indoor sandpit and outdoor play area. Normal farm entry plus tokens (£1 each) to take part in the acti viti es. Lamb bott le feeding is £1 per bott le and must be prebooked by phoning ahead on the morning of your visit (07824 393517).
EASTER Egg TRAiL on Nene Wetlands Saturday 4 th to Sunday 19 th April Pick up a trail sheet from the visitor centre at Rushden Lakes and head off around the lake in search of eggs. Identi fy them all, bring your sheet back and collect a prize. £2 per trail sheet, 10am to 5pm daily.

EASTER WEEKEND on Nene valley Railway Friday 10 th to monday 13 th April Take a steam hauled trip along the NVR over the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend. Acti viti es include: • Easter Trail • Easter Bonnet Competi ti on - Judging at 2pm on Sunday 12th April • Face painti ng, available Saturday 11th & Monday 13th April 11:30 to 14:30 • Take pictures with Thomas (Thomas will not be in steam) • Easter Craft and colouring stati on • Story telling and meet the Easter Bunny • Stop off at Yarwell for a Picnic in the Stati on Garden • Shop at Wansford for those essenti al Thomas and other railway gift s • Children’s play area at Wansford No booking required, all att racti ons subject to availability
www.nvr.org.uk 17
EASTER EggSTRAvAgANZA at West Lodge Rural Centre Friday 10 th to monday 13 th April
Join in all the fun this Easter: follow the Easter trail around the farm; meet the Easter Bunny in his Easter garden and receive a special sweet treat! Opportuniti es for photos with the Easter Bunny; Decorate an egg to take home; egg and spoon races; lamb feeding plus all the usual farm acti viti es.

EggCHANTED EASTER FUN at Newlands Shopping Centre Tuesday 7 th April H op along to Newlands Shopping Centre on Tuesday 7th April, 11am to 4pm, for an Eggchanti ng Easter experience! Meet the Easter Bunny aft er you make your own basket at the magical workshop. With glitt er tatt oos, creati ve balloons and tasty giveaways, you won’t want to miss it!

EASTER Egg TRAiL at Stanwick Lakes Friday 10 th to monday 13 th April T ake part in the Easter Egg Trail at Stanwick Lakes over Easter weekend. Follow the clues around the solsti ce lake to win a prize! Approximately a 2km walk, suitable for buggies and wheelchairs. Purchase a clue sheet from the Visitor Centre and return there to collect your prize. No booking required. £2 per trail. Car parking charges apply.
EASTER SUNDAy FUNDAy at East Carlton Park Sunday 12 th April V isit East Carlton Park on Sunday 12th April, 11am to 3pm, for some Easter fun, including: Easter egg hunt, Easter bonnet parade (bring your own), orienteering trail and free family fun and games. £4 per acti vity or £10 for all.
Fb: EastCarltonCountryPark

EASTER iN CORBy D uring the Easter break Corby Borough Council has a variety of acti viti es taking place at Corby Internati onal Pool, Lodge Park Sports Centre and West Glebe Park, please view the website for further details:
RiDES & Egg HUNT at Wicksteed Park Saturday 4 th to Sunday 19 th April W icksteed park is the perfect place to enjoy the Easter holidays, with an array of a rides and acti viti es to give you a fun-packed Easter to remember. All the park’s att racti ons will be open every day from Saturday 4 th April and there is lots of fun planned especially for Easter. Come and take part in the egg hunt throughout the park and learn all about the meerkats and the birds in the interacti ve animal experiences. You can also enjoy Wicky’s Play Factory or take on the challenges of the Clip ‘n Climb indoor climbing att racti on, as well as all the park’s rides. Don’t forget to book your wristbands online to get a 15% discount.
DELAPRÉ’S CHOCOLATE FACTORy at Delapré Abbey Saturday 4 th to Sunday 19 th April S aturday 4th to Thursday 9th & Tuesday 14th to Sunday 19th April, explore the Delapré Chocolate Factory solving puzzles and enjoying sweet treats along the way. Look out for Mr Delapré and his helpers, and if you spot a golden ti cket a chocolate experience awaits! Chaperone costs includes end of trail refreshments. This event is recommended for ages 5+ however younger children are welcome to join in the fun. Every half hour between 11am and 4pm Tickets £5, £2.50 for adult chaperones. www.delapreabbey.org