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World Book Day 2020
World Book Day, a registered charity, was launched in 1995 to celebrate books and reading and to encourage children and young people to “discover the pleasure of reading”. The first World Book Day in the UK was in 1997 and it is now celebrated in over 100 countries all around the world! World Book Day 2020 is on Thursday 5th March.
Book Tokens Thanks to their partnership with National Book Token Ltd, and numerous publishers and book sellers, World Book Day are able to give almost every child and young person in the UK (under 18 years of age) a £1 book token, which they can exchange at participating books shops for a special ‘World Book Day’ book. Alternatively they can use the token to get £1 discount on a different book of their choice. Your child should receive their book token at their nursery school or school and they are usually valid until the end of March. The World Book Day book token will also be available on McDonalds Happy Meal boxes until the 17th March this year. If your child doesn’t receive a token you can still purchase one of the exclusive World Book Day books for the bargain price of £1 from any participating shop.
Share A Story World Book Day are running a campaign this year to get people sharing a story every day. Spending just 10 minutes a day sharing a story with a child can make a huge difference to their development. World Book Day are aiming to share a million stories during World Book Day month this year. Find out how you can get involved, and find many other useful resources, at: www.worldbookday.com
There are 12 £1 World Book Day books available this year. Titles suitable for under 5s include:
Bing’s Splashy Story
“Celebrate World Book Day 2020 with a brilliant new picture book story about Bing! It’s Bing’s bath time and he wants Flop to read him his favourite story. But books don’t like splashy baths, as Bing soon learns. Find out what happens when Bing’s bedtime book gets all drippy-wet and Bing and Flop are forced to use their imagination to finish the story. A charming new picture book about telling stories, overcoming adversity and the power of imagination. This World Book Day Bing picture book is sure to delight all toddlers!” Age guideline: 1 to 4 year olds
Supertato: Books Are Rubbish! “The Evil Pea thinks books are rubbish! Find out whether the veggies can prove him wrong in this brand new mini picture book created especially for World Book Day 2020. It’s night-time in the supermarket, and all the veggies are happily reading their brilliant books. Well, not quite all... The Evil Pea thinks books are rubbish! Is there anyone who can prove him wrong?” Age guideline: 3 to 6 year olds