20 minute read
Weekly Acti viti es Timetable
Corby and District
We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up.
MONDAYS Noah’s Ark Baby & Toddler Group 9am to 10.30am at Congregati onal Hall, Chapel Road, Weldon. £2 per parent/carer & 1st child, 50p per other child. Contact: emma@ stmarysweldon.uk Songs & Rhymes 9.15 to 11.15am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. 01536 265173. Adult & Child Swimming Lessons 9.30 to 11.30am at Corby Internati onal Pool. For children aged 1 to 5 years old. Creche @ Lodge Park 9.30 to 11.25am at Lodge Park Sports Centre in term ti me and holiday periods. £3.10 for 1 hour, £5.20 for 2 hours. No need to book. Sparkle Tots 9.30am-11am at St John’s Church Hall. £2 session. Call 07739 362924. Social Babies (pre-walkers) 10 to 11.30am at Kingswood Children’s Centre. 01536 747508 Parent & Toddler Swimming 9.30am to 11.30am at Corby Internati onal Pool. Pay as you go. TUESDAYS Parent & Toddler Swimming 9.30am to 11.30am at Corby Internati onal Pool. Pay as you go. Litt le Angels Stay & Play 9am to 11am at Woodnewton School. Term Time only. Tel: 01536 265173 Messy Play 9.30 to 11am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. Baby Massage 1pm to 2.30pm at Kingswood Children’s Centre. 01536 747508 WEDNESDAYS Creche @ Lodge Park 9.30 to 11.25am at Lodge Park Sports Centre in term ti me and holiday periods. £3.10 for 1 hour, £5.20 for 2 hours. No need to book. Music & Singing 9.45 to 10.15am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. Infant Massage 10.30-11.30am at Exeter Children’s Centre. 01536 204765 Music Makers 11.15am at Priors Hall Park Community Centre. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@ gmail.com. FB: Music Makers Northants Growing Together (up to age 3) 1pm to 2.30pm at Kingswood Children’s Centre. 01536 747508 THURSDAYS Toddle Tots 9am to 11.30am at Beanfi eld Community Centre. £1 per family. 01536 265173. Busy Bees Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am to 11.30am at Priors Hall Community Centre. £2 per parent/carer & 1st child, 50p per other child. Contact: louise@ stmarysweldon.uk. Infant Massage 10am to 11.30am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. 01536 400068. Rhymeti me 10 to 10.30am and 11 to 11.30am at Corby Library. Free. Tots & Toddlers (Pre-school Gym & Movement) At Lodge Park Sports Centre. 10am to 10.45am for under 2s 11am to 11.45am for 2 to 3 years 12pm to 12.45pm for 3 to 4 years 1pm to 1.45pm for 3 to 4 years 1.45pm to 2.30pm for 3 to 4 years Parent & Toddler Swimming 1pm to 2.30pm at Corby Internati onal Pool. Pay as you go. Baby Messy Play at Pen Green 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Pen Green Centre. For babies up to 18 months. Stories & Songs 2pm to 3pm at Exeter School. FRIDAYS Parent & Toddler Swimming 9.30am to 11.30 am at Corby Internati onal Pool. Pay as you go. Litt le Angels Stay & Play 9am-11am at Woodnewton School. Term ti me only. Creati ve Play 9.15-11am at Exeter Children’s Centre. 01536 204765 Creche @ Lodge Park 9.30 to 11.25am at Lodge Park Sports Centre in term ti me and holiday periods. £3.10 for 1 hour, £5.20 for 2 hours. No need to book. Explore a Story 10 to 11am at Corby Library. Free. Booking essenti al. Growing Together For children up to age 3. 10am to 11.30am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. 01536 400068. Adult & Child Swimming Lessons 11.30am to 12pm at Corby Internati onal Pool. For children aged 1 to 5 years old. Punchin Pandas 5 to 5.45pm at The Scout Hut, Occupati on Road. For ages 3 to 7. Punchin Pandas 6.15 to 7pm at Kingswood Community Centre. For ages 3 to 7 years. 7pm to 8pm Family beginners class.
SATURDAYS Pirate Play at Corby Internati onal Pool Sessions take place in the fun pool for children aged 5 and under with a parent/guardian. Every Saturday & Sunday 9am to 10.30am. Booking advised. Litt le Kickers At Lodge Park Sports Centre. 9.15am - “Mighty Kickers” for 3½ to 5 year olds 10.15am - “Junior Kickers” for 2½ to 3½ year olds 11.15am - “Mighty Kickers” for 3½ to 5 year olds
Mondays Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 2.30pm. Call for details. Stay & Play Mums & Tots 9.15am to 10.45am, in term time, at Hawthorn Community Primary School. Donations welcome. Contact: office.hawthorn@gmail.com Music Makers 10am at Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com FB: Music Makers Northants Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For children aged 3 mths to 4.5 yrs. Play & Learn for under 1s 2 to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Burton Lat imer Footsteps Baby & Toddler Group 9.30 to 11am at the Baptist Church in the Assembly Room. Faith based group. Term time only. Free but donations appreciated. Contact Robyn 07535 443432 Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 2 to 2.30pm at The Britannia Club Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 3.45 to 4.45pm at The Britannia Club Desborou gh & Rothwell Building Blocks A group for babies & toddlers with their carers, on Mondays at Desborough Baptist Church 9am to 10.30am term time only. Free Little Kickers At Desborough Leisure Centre. 1.20pm - Little Kicks for children aged 18 mths to 2½ yrs 2.15pm - Junior Kickers for 2½ to 3½ year olds 3.45pm - Mighty Kickers for 3½ to 5 year olds 4.40pm - Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons at 9am, 9.30am and 10am. Punchin Pandas At Desborough Leisure Centre. 5.15pm to 6pm for 3 to 7 year olds. Tuesdays Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 2.30pm. Call for details. Rhymetime 9.30 to 10am or 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Sing and Sign At The Woodcroft Scout Centre, London Road. 10am - Stage 2, 11am - Stage 1 and 12 noon - Babes. St Botolphs Make & Play 9.30am to 11am at Church House, St Botolphs Road, Barton Seagrave. Term time only. 01536 414052. Tots Play Classes At Barton Seagrave Village Hall, 9.40 to 10.20am Social Tots 10.40 to 11.20am Discovery Tots 11.40 to 12.30pm Baby Development Course. Isham Mums & Tots 10am to 11.30am, Isham Village Hall. £2 first child, £1 siblings. All welcome. Pytchley Mums & Tots 1.30 to 3pm at Pytchley School. Term time only. £1 per child with 50p for siblings. 01536 790506. Burton Lat imer SMUFs - St Mary’s Under Fives 10.30 - 11.30 am in the guiding hall on Duke Street. Term time only. Free but donations welcome. Contact Tony 01536 726833 Punchin Pandas At the Britannia Club. 5.30pm to 6.15pm for 3 to 7 year olds. Desborou gh & Rothwell Stepping Stones 9 to 11am at Rothwell Community Centre in term time. £3 per family (inc refreshments). Contact: sandiebar41@gmail.com Music Makers 9.45am at Rothwell Library. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@ gmail.com. FB: Music Makers Northants Wednesdays Little Gems Playgroup 9.15am to 11am at Kettering Salvation Army, 66 Rockingham Rd. £1.50 per carer/child. Term time only. Contact: Major Rena 07941 048937 Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 1.30pm. Call for details. Tots Play Classes At Barton Seagrave Village Hall, 9.40 to 10.20am Discovery Tots 10.35 to 11.15am Discovery Tots 12.45 to 1.25pm Discovery Tots 11.35 to 12.25pm Baby Development Course. 12.40 to 1.30pm Baby Development Course. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For 3mths to 4.5 yrs. The Little Ones 1 to 2.50pm at Church of Christ The King, Deeble Road, NN15 7AA. Term time only. 01536 517553 Pre-school Play for under 5s 2 to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Punchin Pandas 5.30pm to 6.15pm at Ise Lodge Pavilion. For 3 to 7 year olds. Desborou gh & Rothwell Babytime and Pre-walkers 10.15 to 11.15am at Desborough Library. Free. Drop-in. If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 24.
Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons at 12.15pm and 12.45pm. Mawsle y Music Makers 10am at The Centre. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com FB: Music Makers Northants THURSDAYS The Little Ones 9-11.15am & 1-2.50pm, Church of Christ The King, Deeble Road, NN15 7AA. Term time only. 01536 517553 Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 12pm. Call for details. Edentots 9.15-11am, Eden Centre, Montagu St. £1 per family. Term Time only. 01536 484800 Rhymetime 9.30 to 10am or 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Punchin Pandas 5pm to 5.45pm at Ise Lodge Pavilion. For 3 to 7 year olds. Burton Lat imer Mums & Tots 9.15 am to 2.15 pm at the Baptist Church in John Yeomans Hall. £1 per family and 50p for annual registration. Free play with lunch provided at a small cost. Term time only. Contact Steve 01536 720238 Rhymetime 10.30 to 11am at Burton Latimer Library. Free. Drop-in. Bounce & Rhyme 11.30 to 12pm at Burton Latimer Library. Free. Drop-in. Desborou gh & Rothwell Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons between 9.10am and 13.10pm. Playtime at the library for under 5s 2 to 2.45pm at Desborough Library. Free. Drop-in. Tiny Tots 2pm to 3pm at St Giles Community Centre, Desborough. Bible story, singing, craft, refreshments and time for a play. Free. Contact via Facebook: St Giles Church Desborough. Mawsle y Mawsley Toddlers 9.15 to 11am at The Centre. £2 first child, £1 per child thereafter. Contact Nikki on : 07432 546409, Email: nikkitahatfield@yahoo.co.uk FB: Mawsley Toddlers.
FRIDAYS Music Makers 9.45am at Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com FB: Music Makers Northants Tots Play Classes At Ise Lodge Community Centre 9.40 to 10.25am Action Tots 10.40 to 11.20am Social Tots 11.40 to 12.20pm Discovery Tots Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For 3mths to 4.5 yrs. Explore a Story for under 5s 2pm to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Term time only. Burton Lat imer Library Pre-school Play Session 10.30 to 11.30am at Burton Latimer Library. Free. Drop-in. Desborou gh & Rothwell Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons at 9.10am, 12.10pm and 12.40pm Rhymetime for under 5s 9.30 to 11am at Desborough Library. Free. Drop-in.
SATURDAYS Little Kickers At Kettering Science Academy 8.15am OR 10.15am - Mighty Kickers for 3½ to 5 year olds 9.15am - Junior Kickers for 2½ to 3½ year olds 11.10am - Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds Bubble Babies Swimming 8.45am to 1.15pm at Kingsley School Hydrotherapy Pool. 30 min classes for 0 to 5 year olds Stagecoach Theatre Arts School At Brambleside Primary School. Early Stage Class, (4 to 6 year olds) 9.30 to 11am or 11.15am to 12.45pm Main school (6 to 18 years) 10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm. Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons between 12.30pm and 2.30pm. Sundays Little Kickers At Kettering Science Academy 9.15am, 10.15am or 11.15am - Mighty Kickers for 3½ to 5 year olds, 9.15am or 10.15am - Junior Kickers for 2½ to 3½ year olds 11.10am or 12.10pm - Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds Desborou gh & Rothwell Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons between 12.30pm and 2.30pm. We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up.
Mondays Higha m Ferrers Toddle at the Bede House 10am to 12pm at The Bede House, St Mary’s Church. Suggested £1 donation. Contact: 07708 275510.
Irthl ingborou gh Bounce & Rhyme 10am to 10.30am at Irthlingborough Library. Free.
Rushden Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am and 11am to 12pm at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Rhymetime 9.30am to 10am or 10.30am to 11am at Rushden Library. Free. Bumps & Babes @ Church 10am to 11.30am at St Mary’s Church (end of high st). £1.50. Contact: Sue on 01933 358218
villa ges Titchmarsh Monday Morning Cafe 9am to 11am in St Mary’s Church, Titchmarsh. Community coffee morning for all ages. Toys, crafts and singing for pre-schoolers and activities for older children in school holidays. 50p donation. Contact Judith on 07801 446957. Chapel Cheeky Monkeys 10 to 11.30am in Elton Methodist Church, Middle Street, Elton, PE8 6RA. Stay & play session for under 5s. £2 per family. Includes refreshments. Contact via Facebook: Chapel Cheeky Monkeys.
Tuesdays Irthl ingborou gh Explore a Story 10.30am to 11am at Irthlingborough Library. Free.
Oundle Rhymetime for Under 5s 10 to 10.30am at Oundle Library. Free. Drop-in.
Rushde N Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Rhymetime 10.30 to 11am at Rushden Library. Free. Drop in. Wednesdays ALDWINCLE Sing and Sign At Aldwincle Village Hall. 10.30 am - Stage 1, 11.30 am - Babes. Higha m Ferrers Tiny Tots 1.45pm to 2.45pm at St Mary’s Church. Contact: 07708 275510. Irthl ingborou gh Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: 9.30am age 2 to 3 years 10.15am age 3 to 4 years Little Crows Stay and Play session for pre-school children and their grown-ups at Crow Hill Community Centre, Fettledine Road, 9.30 to 11am. £1.50 per family. Refreshments included. Contact via Facebook: Little Crows Baby and Toddler Group Rhymetime 10am to 10.30am at Irthlingborough Library. Free. Sunbeams 1pm to 2.30pm at Park Road Baptist Church. £1. Term time only. Contact: 07494 444101 Stanw ick Parent & Tot Rainbow Cafe A fun packed hour of arts and crafts, music and movement for preschoolers. £3 for first child, siblings and additional children charged at £2.75 each. Booking essential on 01933 625522. People who come to the Rainbow Café can benefit from FREE entry into the Hideaway soft play area before and after the Rainbow Cafe. Normal carpark charges apply. 10.30 to 11.30am and 11.30 to 12.30pm. Call to book: 01933 625522.
THURSDAYS Irthl ingborou gh Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: 10.30am age 3 to 4 years 11.15am age 2 to 3 years 1pm age 3 to 4 Years oundle Music Makers 11.15am at the Joan Strong Centre. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com FB: Music Makers Northants
Oundle Baby Play (Under 1s) 10-11am at Oundle Library. Drop-in
Rushden Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am and 10.30 to 11.30am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Jelly Babes 9.15-11.15am at Queen Street Church Hall. £1 per family (up to 2 children). Term time only. Contact: 07398 844378.
RAUNDS Rhymetime 11am to 11.30am at Raunds Library. Free. Drop-in.
rushden Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Tots and Tiddlers 9.30am-11.30am at St Peter’s Church, Midland Road. £1.50 per family. Contact 01933 314251.
Explore a Story 2pm to 2.30pm at Rushden Library. Free. Drop-in.
Stanw ick Little Treasures 9.30-11am in St Laurence Church. Term time. Donations welcome.
Wild Tots Let your little ones explore and learn about nature through free play, crafts and wildlife activities in the designated education area at Nene Wetlands Centre, Rushden Lakes. Sessions are outside so please wear suitable outdoor clothing. 10 to 11:30am, £5 per child, booking essential, meet at the Visitor Centre.
Thrapston & villa ges Tiddlers 9.30 to 11am, term time only. Thrapston Baptist Church, Entrance in St Paul’s Gardens. £1 per family. Contact Mary on: Thrapston.baptist@gmail.com Music Makers 9.15am at Titchmarsh Pavilion. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Jenni: musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com FB: Music Makers Northants
Thrapston Rhymetime 11.15 to 11.45am at Thrapston Library. Free. Drop-in.
SUndays Rushde N Parent & Tot Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505
FRIDAYS Higha m Ferrers Packed Lunch & Play Club 12pm to 12.45pm in the Bede House. Contact: 07708 275510.
Irthl ingborou gh Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: 10.30am for 2 to 3 years 11.15am for 3 to 4 years 12pm for 3 to 4 years
Rushden Parent & Tot Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Sparklers Toddler Group 9am to 11am in The Bridge in the grounds of Whitefriars Primary School. £1. Contact Emma on 07957 080074. Sing and Sign At Rush2TheDen, Fitzwilliam Street. 9.30 am - Stage 2, 10.30 am - Stage 1, 11.30 am - Babes.
If you run a toddler group and would like it to appear in our listings, please email the details to us on:
Listings are free for not-for-profit groups.
Mondays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Little Fishes (Little Harrowden) 9.30am-10.45am in the church. Contact Margaret: mgbobby@ hotmail.co.uk. St Andrew’s Toddler Group 1.30pm to 3pm at St Andrews Church, Berrymore Road. Term time only. Free. All welcome. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 4pm and 6pm at Rowangate School. Tuesdays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 10 to 10.30am at The Mission Room, Finedon. Library Under 1s Fun 2pm to 3pm at Wellingborough Library. Free. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School Dance) 4 to 5pm at Vicarage Farm Community Centre Wednesdays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. W’boro URC Bumps, Babes & Tots 9.15-11.30am at Salem Hall, Salem Lane. Cost £1.50. Contact Kay: haddonINC@live.co.uk Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 9.30 to 10am and 10 to 10.30am at The Studio, Earls Barton. Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions between 9.30am and 11am. Library Rhymetime 9.45-10.15am at Wellingborough Library. Free. Drop-in. Library Bounce & Rhyme 11-11.30am at Wellingborough Library. Free. Drop-in. Play and Learn Under 5s (Earls Barton) 10.30am to 12pm at Earls Barton Library. Drop-in. Play and Learn Under 5s (Finedon) 10.30am to 11.30am at Finedon Library. Drop-in. St Mark’s Buggy Club 1.30-3pm, St Mark’s Church Hall, Queensway. Voluntary 50p donation. Contact Joy: 01933 676368. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 3.40pm at The Studio, Earls Barton. THURSDAYS Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Rhymetime (Irchester) 9.30am to 10am at Irchester Library. Drop-in. Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 10am at The Studio, Earls Barton. Rhymetime (Wollaston) 10am to 10.30am at Wollaston Library. Drop-in. Library Preschool Play 10 to 11.30am at Wellingborough Library. Drop-in. Rhymetime (Finedon) 10.30am to 11am at Finedon Library. Drop-in. Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park, Irthlingborough. 45 minute sessions between 10.30am and 1.45pm. St Mary’s Thursday Club Finedon 1.30pm to 3pm at The Mission room, Well street, Finedon. £2 for the 1st child, 50p thereafter. TT Sing and Sign Highfield Nursery School. Stage 1 - 10am, Babes - 11am. Call for details. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School Dance) 4pm at The Studio, Earls Barton. For ages 4+
FRIDAYS Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park, Irthlingborough. 45 minute sessions between 10.30am and 12.45pm. Rhymetime (Earls Barton) 2.30pm to 3pm at Earls Barton Library. Drop-in.
SATURDAYS Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 9am at The Mission Room, Finedon. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9am and 12pm at Rowangate School. Mini Dribblers Football 9.30 to 10.15am for 18 months to 3½ years and 10.15 to 11am for 3 to 5½ years at Redwell Leisure Centre. Family Fun Club A messy play and crafts session. 10.30 to 11.30am, every other Saturday, at Wellingborough Library. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 3pm and 5pm at Scott Bader Pool, Wollaston.
Sundays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 2pm and 5pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes from 12.15pm at Scott Bader Pool, Wollaston.
59 Could you be a Foster Carer?
Frequently Asked Questions about Fostering
What is it like to be a Foster Carer? One of our valued Carers shares her views;
“The reward of fostering is seeing the children you care for blossom. I have had the privilege of seeing children in my care obtain trophies, awards for competi ti ons and for them to have the opportunity to use their talent and skills to contribute to community events. They have passed school and college exams as well as a driving test. The change in their self-image and confi dence has been wonderful to behold. I feel honoured to be a Foster Carer and I feel bett er that a child refugee’s birth mother knows that her son is alive and well and that he is being cared for. I have seen that words of encouragement, consistency and working with the child makes a diff erence with ti me.” When you Foster, you invest in that child’s life. You have the opportunity to make a diff erence that will be lifelong. a policy in place for Foster Carers, many places off er leave similar to maternity/paternity or parental leave.
i’ve never worked with children before, does that matter? That’s not a problem, you don’t need any qualifi cati ons or experience. We off er a great training package which will help you gain confi dence in your own abiliti es and develop new skills.
i’ve got criminal convictions, does that automatically rule me out? Not necessarily. Criminal convicti ons in the past may not aff ect your applicati on – though you should be honest about them from the start. Convicti ons against children do automati cally disqualify anyone from fostering.
Do i need to own my own property to Foster? No, you can own your home or rent a home anywhere in Northamptonshire.

i’m a single parent, can i Foster? Of course you can. Part of the assessment will explore your support network, in the same way you already have one for your own child. It’s important to remember your relati onship status is not a barrier, you may be single, married or divorced, living together or in a same sex couple.
i already have children, do i need to wait until they are older? It doesn’t matt er whether or not you have your own children or if they are sti ll living at home.
i’m working, can i continue if i want to Foster? You can be working, unemployed or reti red. Your Social Worker can talk to you about training and other ti mes you may need to be available. Also, it is worth checking with your employer if they have