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Ithas been areally tough year for Girlguiding; as for so many other organisations during the lockdown and withall the Covid restrictions.
However, hereinStone, Rainbows, Brownies,Guides and Rangers have all still kept meeting using thewonderful facility of Zoom.
Activitieshave ranged from cooking up cakes in mugs, treasure hunts, making dens, crafts andcelebrating various festivalsand events.
The big successduring this lockdown year has been the successful setting up of aRanger unit in Stone (foryoung girls aged 14 plus)and this hasbeenablyled by Anna West and Beth Watson-the latter gaining her leadership qualification during lockdown.
All of these activitiesand avaried programme would nothave beenpossible without thesupport of some brilliant parents who have very ably assisted their girls on Zoom.
From SeptemberStone Rangers, whoare a lovely small group of girls which meets oncea fortnight,are on the lookout for avolunteer to come and help out at their meetingsasAnna starts anew teaching job in Gloucester.
Girlguiding is the UKs biggestyouth organisation for girls and particularly during the awfulmonths of this pandemic it has proved to help with their mental well being, confidence and resilience as well as having lots of fun.
If you would like to volunteerwith Stone Girlguiding pleaselog on to www.girlguidng.org.uk/registeryourinterest or messageGirlguiding Stone District via their facebook page.
Report by Jane West,Leader in charge of 1st Walton Rainbows