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Stone Food &Drink Festival
taffordshires original gastronomic gathering is back.
Over the weekend of Friday,October 1toSunday, October3,Stones Westbridge Park is set to be transformedintoa foodie haven as the Stone Food &Drink Festival takes residence.
Food lovers will be in foratreat; with artisan producers selling wares in the Gourmet Marqueeand StreetFood outlets offering ahost of delicious global flavours forfoodon the go.
Those keen to brush up on their culinary skills will be able to catchtop local chefs in action in the Demonstration Kitchen on the hour, every hour -and will also have the chance to hear Steve Nuttall,MDof lead sponsor Joule'sBrewery, talk about the labour of love that has seen the town's derelictCrown Wharf site transformedintoJoules newest taphouse.
Live music will keep crowds entertained over all three days, with greatlive bands joinedonthe bill by talented youngsters from Stone's Rooftop Studios performing arts academy. The popular Talks &Tastings Tent onceagain features apacked programme; withpassionateproducers sharingthe stories behindtheir wares (with ample tasters on offer, naturally). Families, meanwhile, will find plenty to do in the Little Foodies' Zone with circus skills workshops and showsin the Panic Family Circus big top, funfair rides, the chance to hands-on and try milking a'cow', before designing and whipping up their ownmilkshake or icing abiscuit.
Festival Chairman, Richard Stevens, said: It goeswithout saying that the past 18 months have beenahuge challenge -not onlyfor us but forthe hospitality industry and our wonderful traders. This means that the2021 festival is more important than ever in celebrating the foodie scene,and we're determined to make this the best year yetwithmore street food stallsand exciting new additions to the Little Foodies zone. Naturally thesafetyofour volunteers,visitors and traders remains our highest priority and, as such,weare working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure the eventisCovid safe.
And thefestival is about more than one big weekend on Westbridge Park, as ahostofevents also take place in and around town throughoutthe week running up to the main event,with Stones pubs, bars, restaurants and shops getting into the festival spirit and running their ownevents and special offers.
Highlights include theFEAST Stone: Festival Edition street food gathering, which takes place in the HighStreeton Thursday, September 23 from 3pm until 9pm and the ever-popular Farmers Market -again on the High StreetonSaturday, October 2.
Entry to the 2021 Stone Food & Drink Festival is £10 on the gate (£16 for atwo-day pass) with accompanied under 16s going free.Discounts are available on advance online tickets available at www.stonefooddrink.org.uk.