Patrice Edwards Jondi Gumz
publisher editor
contributing writers Jondi Gumz, Kieran Kelly, Risa D’Angeles, Tony Tomeo, Christopher Elliott, Ron Kustek, Zach Friend layout Michael Oppenheimer, Ward J. Austin graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Ward J. Austin photography Michael Oppenheimer, Ward J. Austin, Brad King website Michael Oppenheimer, Camisa Composti production coordinator Camisa Composti media consultants Teri Huckobey, Brooke Valentine, Tara Carcamo office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, James Hudson
Capitola Mayor Proclaims March 15 Equal Pay Day T he United Nations first observed Equal Pay Day Sept. 18, 2020, estimating that women earn 23 percent less than men globally. According to Capitola Mayor Sam Storey, March 15 symbolizes the time in 2022 when the wages paid to American Sam Storey women catch up to the wages paid to men from the previous year. Here is his proclamation: WHEREAS, 59 years after the passage of the Equal Pay Act, women, especially minority women, continue to suffer the consequences of unequal pay; and WHEREAS, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, women working full time, year-round in 2022 in the U.S. typically earned 83 percent of what men earned,
indicating insufficient progress in pay equity; and WHEREAS, according to “Graduating to a Pay Gap,” a research report by the American Association of University Women, the gender pay gap is evident one year after college graduation, even after controlling for factors known to affect earnings, such as occupation, hours worked, and college major; and WHEREAS, nearly four in 10 mothers are primary breadwinners in their households, and nearly two-thirds are primary or significant earners, making pay equity critical to families’ economic security; and WHEREAS, a lifetime of lower pay means women have less income to save for retirement and less income counted in a Social Security or pension benefit formula; and WHEREAS, in 2009, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Act was signed into law, which gives back to employees their day in court to
challenge a pay gap, although the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have amended the Equal Pay Act closing loopholes and improving the law’s effectiveness, continues to languish in Congress; and WHEREAS, fair pay strengthens the security of families today and eases future retirement costs while enhancing the American economy; and WHEREAS, March 15, symbolizes the time in 2022 when the wages paid to American women catch up to the wages paid to men from the previous year, Now therefore, Sam Storey, Mayor of the City of Capitola, do hereby proclaim March 15, 2022, to be “Equal Pay Day” in Capitola and urge the citizens of Capitola to recognize the full value of women’s skills and significant contributions to the labor force and further encourage businesses to conduct internal pay evaluations to ensure women are being paid fairly. n
Elderday: New Location Coming in 2023
Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-monthly publication, the Capitola Soquel Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Summer Festivals Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission
By Jondi Gumz
lderday, the Community Bridges program for older adults with complex medical conditions, dementia, and people with disabilities, will host a ceremonial groundbreaking at 11 a.m. Friday, March 25, for its new location in downtown Watsonville. The facility will be the first of its kind
serving older adults regardless of income level or immigration status in south Santa Cruz County.
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Community Bridges purchased the 15,255-square-foot building at 501 Main St. for $1.95 million. Central California Alliance for Health, based in Scotts Valley, provided a $2.5 million grant toward the purchase and modernization of the space. Elderday will occupy 13,000 square feet in what was before the pandemic a home furnishings store. Swenson of Santa Cruz is the contractor. Estimated opening at the new location is early 2023. Centro Market, also at this address, will remain in its location, and a couple of small tenants will continue to rent their space. When the new site is ready, Community Bridges will give up the 10,000 square feet leased for Elderday at 100 Pioneer St. in Santa Cruz since 2012. Elderday’s medical model outpatient day program serves about 150 residents a year. The larger facility in a more highly accessible location is expected to serve more and help meet the needs of a growing aging population in Santa Cruz County. “Elderday” page 7