Pictures From the Past
Soquel High: Brand New in 1962 H
Photo Essay by Carolyn Swift
ere’s a picture from a time when kids could actually go to school in a classroom. The year is 1962, and Soquel High School is brand new. I think the students are a little nervous. For many years, the student body of Soquel High School also included Scotts Valley. n
Photograph Courtesy of Covello and Covello Photography, Santa Cruz
COMMUNITY CALENDAR DATED EVENTS CONT. Thursday February 4 SCCRTC RAIL VOTE 9 a.m., Community TV Zoom The 11-member Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission will meet at 9 a.m. on Community TV Zoom and vote on the Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis and Rail Network Integration Study. The recommendation is to preserve the rail line for transportation, including continuing existing freight and recreational rail service, and a potential bicycle and pedestrian path adjacent to the rail line where feasible. View the report at https://sccrtc.org/meetings/commission/agendas/ To participate: Dial-in number (US): +1-669-900-6833 Webinar ID: 825 2785 0112 To give input to your RTC representatives, in Scotts Valley call City Council member Randy Johnson (831) 438-0633 or email rlj12@comcast.net and in the 5th District (Scotts Valley and San Lorenzo Valley) email Supervisor Bruce McPherson at bruce.mcphersonb@ santacruzcounty.us Community TV Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom. us/w/82527850112#success
Tuesday February 9 Wednesday February 10 CALTRANS CONTRACTORS BOOT CAMP 8:30 a.m. to noon, virtual event on WebEx. Day 1: Bonding and surety. Day 2: Estimating and labor compliance.
displayed on the credit card terminal machine. All proceeds go community members pick up a valentine goodie bag at any one of the city’s five shopping centers along with a map of to the Max’s Helping Paws Foundation. participating Scotts Valley businesses. At each business, community members will get candy or Thursday February 11 trinkets dropped into their bags. Many businesses will also Wednesday February 10 DEFENDING DARKNESS: HISTORY OF LIGHT have sales, promotions, special offers and some may hold POLLUTION CASA VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER in-store raffle drawings. Pictures will be taken for posting on 7 p.m., Dark Sky Association Zoom Presentation 4 p.m., CASA of Santa Cruz Online social media and made available to all those who participate. Gain a new appreciation for darkness on a planet dominated by “For the Love Of Children” virtual fundraiser. Registration https://www.scottsvalley.org • https://scottsvalleychamber.com a species enamored with light in this Zoom presentation at 7 is free, and any donations go to the Children’s Fund to p.m. by Andy Kreyche, astronomy educator and member of the help support children who have an immediate need. Santa Cruz Chapter of the International Dark Sky Association. Monday February 15 • Hear inspirational stories from our advocates, The dark sky movement, started by astronomers, has ART GRANT APPLICATIONS OPEN former foster youth, and families we’ve served become a worldwide effort to protect all species from • Receive a dependency court update from Judge Artists and organizations will be able to apply for the ill effects of excessive artificial light at night, also Timothy Schmal the Arts Council Santa Cruz County’s next round of known as light pollution. • Watch the special virtual walk-thru of the CASA Cultivate Grants supporting creative projects and After Andy’s presentation (and weather permitting), house led by Executive Director, Lynne Petrovic professional development beginning Feb. 15. All those who register by Feb. 2 will receive a “tea time” amateur astronomer Mike Jerry will be your guide at 8 Virtual grant workshops will take place. Deadline to apply is 5 p.m. gift, courtesy of our event sponsors, delivered to your home p.m. for a telescopic tour of astronomical sights from March 15. More info at https://www.artscouncilsc.org/for-grantseekers his home in Death Valley National Park, which has been the day of the event, to celebrate together, while being apart. designated as the largest “Dark Sky National Park” in the To register, visit https://casaofsantacruz.org/fortheloveofWednesday February 17 country by the International Dark Sky Association. children/fortheloveofchildren.html BLACK HISTORY MONTH STORIES Email adultREregistration@uufscc.org to register and get Zoom link. Visit uufscc.org for information about the Unitarian 7-7:30 p.m., Santa Cruz Public Libraries Facebook FUNDRAISER FOR MAX’S HELPING PAWS Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County, 6401 Freedom Librarian Jackie of Santa Cruz Public Libraries will All Day, Goodwill Locations Throughout Santa Cruz County Blvd., Aptos. For information, contact Ann McCrow at (831) celebrate Black History Month with books, songs, Goodwill Central Coast shoppers can shop as usual 359-8096 or adultre@uufscc.org activities, and a special craft on the library’s Facebook and participate in Goodwill’s Round-Up Program to page and then on Youtube. help Max’s Helping Paw’s Foundation, an area nonprofit Saturday February 13 Pick up your craft kit during your local Library Grab & whose work helps reduces economic euthanasia, Go hours so you can craft along. surrender and suffering of severely ill or injured pets by #SCOTTSVALLEYLOVE On alternating weeks, Jackie reads bedtime stories, providing pet owners assistance with the costs of urgent 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Participating Scotts Valley Businesses The Scotts Valley Economic Recovery Task Force, a collabo- sing songs, and chant rhymes for families. New medical care. ration between the City of Scotts Valley and the Scotts Valley programs are available every other Wednesday at 7 p.m. This special Round-Up day will take place at all Goodwill and on the library’s YouTube Channel after that. Chamber of Commerce, is hosting this family-oriented, locations including Scotts Valley. Shoppers can choose https://www.santacruzpl.org n COVID-safe event from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 13 in which to round-up to the nearest dollar. All of these options are Register at www.tiny.cc/bootcamp2021. For info: Bob Adams, Caltrans District 10, call 209-948-7855 or email bob.adams@dot.ca.gov
www.tpgonlinedaily.com Scotts Valley Times / February 2021 / 21