Wellcome Collection Project
University for the Creative Arts
MA Illustration
Ting Chun Liu Portfolio 創作藝術大學
插畫 碩士
劉庭均 作品集
Wellcome Collection Project
Visit Wellcome Collection Museum _Medicine Man https://wellcomecollection.org/exhibitions/Weoe4SQAAKJwjcDC
B11 Executioner’s Mask Steel
B9 Mask
Portuguese, 1501 - 1800
Painted wood Bhutan, 1850 - 1920
Draw at 2018.9.26
B7 Mask Painted wood, hair and copper Alaska, acquired before 1936
B26 B25
Old Chinese woman with elaborate hairstyle
B26 Amputation scalpel B26 Amputation scalpel B25 Amputation scalpel Ferguson
John Weiss & son
English, 1822 - 1869 English, 1822 - 1869 English, 1822 - 1869
John Thomson China, 1869
Draw at 2018.9.26
Algerian, Italian and Tunisian amulets from the Hildburgh Collection Acquired before 1920
Wellcome Collection Narrative Project Six images and story
This project is to choose one object from the exhibition we visit and create a short story with six images. I chose masks to be my main object. The reason I like those masks was each of them has a different shape, colour, and name. Some of them are for the traditional performer; some of them are a history item for that generation. Masks have many kinds of meanings, shapes, colours, patterns in different countries. The reason that each mask has their unique meaning and story let me connect that the people were the same they will wear their mask to face the outside world or people. We will not truly know each other by unreal personality. Additionally, we will not know what the actual faces behind the masks are. Thus, couldn’t we throw away the masks and sincere to see the pure and bright world?
The short story : In 2150, people's lives are filled with high technology. After the inventor invented the universal technology masks and became a trend. The masks are colourful so everyone has at least dozens of masks. People began to face the outside world with their masks and even face themselves. Olivia is a young girl living in this generation. Every day she will stand in front of her mask cabinet every morning. At least pick three masks with her. For the work, social with colleges, meet friends, dating, even when sleeping. As time went by, the world gradually becomes very chaotic due to people keep using masks. Moreover, people are becoming more and more lifeless. Olivia comprehends that the world would be destroyed in the end, so she keeps her perseverance to get out of the mask. When she broke away realized that the real world is so pure and bright. She wants to use her power to help other people.
Final Outcome
Educational Background : 09/2018 - 09/2019 University for the Creative Arts Illustration MA 09/2010 - 06/2014 Yuan Ze University Department of Art and Design (full-time) 09/2008 - 07/2010 Chu-Lin Senior High School Employment History : 04/2015 - 08/2016 YandFplus Co., Ltd Job Title: Art editor and administrative assistant 09/2011 - 06/2012 Art Center of Yuan Ze University Job Title: Part-time administrative assistant 09/2011 - 06/2012 Office of Art and Design Department Job Title: Part-time administrative assistant Extracurricular Activities : 07/2017 - 04/2018 Art Class - 暐特 Vita https://www.facebook.com/vitaartist/ 05/2014 - 05/2014 Liu Ting Chun Selina 30 October 1991 (+886) 0963-326-335 selinakitty801030@gmail.com liutingchunselina selina liu Liu Ting Chun _ Selina
09/2011 - 06/2013
Graduation Exhibition of Art and Design Department, Yuan Ze University at Chung Shan Creative Hub Book club in University
Skills : Language: -Chinese (Native), English (Fluent) Computers : -Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator; -Microsoft office:Word, Excel, PowerPoint Typing : -Chinese typing : 60/wpm;Engligh typing : 60/wpm Interests(Hobby) : Photography, Painting, Drawing, Handmaking, Reading, Visiting exhibitions, Collecting, Traveling