Liu Ting Chun_Daily Portfolio

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偶 Liu Ting Chun Daily Portfolio 劉庭均 日常作品集

偶 Liu Ting Chun Daily Portfolio 劉庭均 日常作品集

Educational Background : 09/2010 - 06/2014 Yuan Ze University Art and Design Department 09/2008 - 07/2010 Chu-Lin Senior High School Employment History : 04/2015 - 08/2016 日華好物有限公司 Art editor and administrative assistant 09/2011 - 06/2012 Art Center of Yuan Ze University Part-time administrative assistant 09/2011 - 06/2012 Office of Art and Design Department Part-time administrative assistant

Liu Ting Chun Selina 30 October 1991 (+886)0963-326-335 selinakittyliu selina liu(

Extracurricular Activities : 05/2014 - 05/2014 Graduation Exhibition of Art and Design Department, Yuan Ze University at Chung Shan Creative Hub 09/2011 - 06/2013 Book club in college 07/2017 - Now Art Class - 暐特 Vita Skills : Language: Chinese (Native), English (Fluent) Computers : Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator;Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint Typing : Chinese typing : 60/wpm;Engligh typing : 60/wpm Interests(Hobby) : Photography, Painting, Reading, Visiting exhibitions, Collecting, Traveling

目錄 CONTENT 日常 Daily

> 繪畫課 Drawing Class •希望 Hope •花 Flower

•牡丹 Peony •樂 Joy

•夢 Dream

>日常隨畫 Daily Paint

>平面設計 Graphic Design >商標 Logo

繪畫課 Drawing Class Art Class - 暐特 Vita

希望 Hope 希望女神 她那長髮飄飄的髮絲,繽紛又華麗, 猶如彩虹般的瀑布傾瀉而下, 雙手呵謢人們無限的希望, 女神輕輕吹捧溫暖且明亮的 希望之光飄向遠方、飄向各地。 Hope goddess Her fluttering hair is so colorful and gorgeous. Like a rainbow waterfall pouring down. Her hands like pampering people's infinite hope. The goddess gently touted warm and bright light of hope drifting away, drifting around. 2017.7.15

花 Flower 美麗的花朵, 在那綠意盎然的綠叢間, 迎風飄盪著, 綻放著她那婀娜多姿的身體。 Beautiful flowers. She is growing around in the lush greenery. By the wind fluttered, she is bloom her graceful body. 2017.7.28

牡丹 Peony 花王,象徵著富貴、美滿、盎然 綻放她那高貴的姿態, 爭先恐後地釋放那粉色香氣。 A King of flowers They symbolize of wealth, content, and full of life. Bloom her noble gesture. Scramble to release that pink fragrance. 2017.8.11

樂 Joy 那夢幻虛無的空間中, 傾聽那天真無邪的快樂, 慢慢地茁壯成長, 彷彿魚兒在那優遊自在的享受。 Enjoy that dreamy space. Listen to that innocent happiness. As a fish swimming comfortably enjoy the visionary world. 2017.9.9

夢 Dream 在我的夢中, 我如同小王子守謢著那多花,但海豚的愛與包容呵謢著我。 In my dream, I am like the little prince guarding the flower, but dolphin love and inclusive care of me. 「對我而言,伱只不過是個小男駭,就像其他千萬個小男孩一樣。我不需要伱,伱也同樣用不著我。對伱來說。 我也只不過是只狐貍,就跟其他千萬只狐貍一樣。然而,如果伱馴養我。我們將會彼此需要,對我而言, 伱將是宇宙唯一的了,我對伱來說,也是世界上唯一的了。」 _ 《小王子》 “To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you take me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” _《The Little Prince》 2017.10.21

日常隨畫 Daily Paint 平常不管是在家還是外出身上都會帶著 畫本、顏料和水筆, 畫下當下的心情或事物, 不只是用相機拍攝, 且一筆一畫的畫出自己的感受。 Whether at home or being out I usually bring with a drawing book, paint and pen. Draw the moment of the mood or things. Not only photo the moment with the camera, and also draw a picture of my own feelings.

慶祝新生姪女的誕生 Celebrate the birth of a newborn niece. 2017.7.21 drawing at home


來杯冰涼的自製珍珠奶茶 The best thing in hot summer is take a cup of cold homemade pearl milk tea. 2017.7.21 drawing at home


看到一句感觸很深的話語。 Enjoy the quiet afternoon; see some words make me have a deep feeling. “Doing what you love is freedom; loving what you do is happiness” 2017.8.7 drawing at home

與朋友相約在一間寧靜柔美氛圍的咖啡廳,回憶著以前與敍說著未來。 Meet with friends in a quiet and gentle cafe Recalling the past memories and narrative of the future. 2017.8.12 drawing at cafe

童趣讓人回憶起兒時回憶。 The fun and joy of childlike innocence let me reminiscent childhood memories. 2017.8.15 drawing at home

欣賞完一部恐怖電影,那緊張氣氛與華麗畫面。 Watch a horror movie. Enjoy that tension and gorgeous screen. 2017.8.16 drawing at home

炎夏的午後,於四號公園的圖書館沉浸在文字中。 In the afternoon of the summer, I was immersed in words at the library. 2017.8.31 drawing at National Taiwan Library in Memorial Park

周五提前到了敎室準備上寫作課。 Friday arrived in advance to the classroom preparation for writing class. 2017.9.1 drawing at Kong-kuan

老爸手術成功,健康恢復得越來越好,心情跟著越來越愉快。 Dad surgery is very success. By the health recovery getting better and better, our mood become more and more happy. 2017.9.5 drawing at Hospital

感謝姑媽的起司蛋糕。 Thanks aunt's cheesecake. 2017.9.6 drawing at Hospital

測試雅思的學習成果。 Test IELTS learning outcomes. 2017.9.10 drawing at Taipei Station

中國傳統節日「中秋節」, 一個讓家人團聚的日子, 月圓人團圓,


我們家特色是還會祭拜月亮祈求平安幸福。 Chinese traditional festival "Mid-Autumn Festival", which is a day for family members get together. Watch and admire the moon and eating grapefruit and moon cake. Our family will worship the moon praying for peace and happiness. 2017.10.4 drawing at my uncle’s home


平時最喜愛的食物就是魚和番茄。 Mimi is a brown furry cat. Her favorite food is fish and tomato. 2017.10.18 drawing at home

讓我們創造明天,而不是一直想著昨天發生了什麼。 Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of wondering about what happen yesterday. 2017.10.21 drawing at home

一個人享受著寧靜美好的下午, 等待時間的流逝。

Enjoy a quiet and beautiful afternoon, waiting for the passage of time. 2017.10.26 drawing at cafe


這節日對我來說蠻特別的,是我生日的隔一天。 Happy Halloween ~ This festival is very special for me; it is my birthday every other day. 2017.10.31 drawing at home

平時喜歡隨手畫畫。 In my free time I love to arbitrary drawing

平面設計 Graphic Design 表姐面試設計 幫表姐設計了一張簡潔有力的自我介紹,讓要面試的公司直接了解這個人的生長、個性、同儕之間的關係。 Cousin’s interview design Help cousin designed a simple and powerful self-introduction. Let the company directly know about this person’s growth, personality, relationship between peers. 2017.5.2 - 2017.5.7

平面設計 Graphic Design 母親節 感謝偉大的媽媽們的辛苦與愛謢。 Mother's Day Thanks to the hard work and love of great mothers. 2017.5.14

商標 Logo 我的家人在我心中佔了非常重要的位子, 在facebook成立屬於我們家族社團時, 我為了我們家人的社團設計了屬於劉家的logo。 My family has a very important seat in my heart. When we created a group on Facebook, I designed a logo for our family.

材料 Material Cuni Encaustic西班牙水溶性蠟彩是今年從老師那裏得知的新顏料, 第一次接觸時非常有趣, 兼具油彩,水彩與壓克力顏料的優點, 完全乾燥後即呈現完全防水。 The first time I use this material is very fun. Combining the advantages of paint, watercolors and acrylics paint. After fully dry it will completely waterproof.

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