Liu Ting Chun_Work Portfolio

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偶 Liu Ting Chun Work Portfolio 劉庭均 工作作品集

偶 Liu Ting Chun Work Portfolio 劉庭均 工作作品集

Educational Background : 09/2010 - 06/2014 Yuan Ze University Art and Design Department 09/2008 - 07/2010 Chu-Lin Senior High School Employment History : 04/2015 - 08/2016 日華好物有限公司 Art editor and administrative assistant 09/2011 - 06/2012 Art Center of Yuan Ze University Part-time administrative assistant 09/2011 - 06/2012 Office of Art and Design Department Part-time administrative assistant

Liu Ting Chun Selina 30 October 1991 (+886)0963-326-335 selinakittyliu selina liu(

Extracurricular Activities : 05/2014 - 05/2014 Graduation Exhibition of Art and Design Department, Yuan Ze University at Chung Shan Creative Hub 09/2011 - 06-2013 Book club in college 07/2017 - Now Art Class - 暐特 Vita Skills : Language: Chinese (Native), English (Fluent) Computers : Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator;Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint Typing : Chinese typing : 60/wpm;Engligh typing : 60/wpm Interests(Hobby) : Photography, Painting, Reading, Visiting exhibitions, Collecting, Traveling



美編兼行政企劃助理 Art editor and administrative assistant > 網頁設計 Website Pages&Banner > 海報&傳單 Posters&DM > 包裝 Package

> 插圖 Illustration

公司賣的商品為堅果與果乾,主要於網路上販售,但也有在實體店面與電視購物中販售, 會依各個不同的節日或活動製作Banner,不同的產品也會設計不同的網頁介紹, 對於實體店面和電視購物定時會更換海報和商標設計,對於自創新品設計包裝, 因公司原本主打的是高階群,但希望吸引到年輕族群,在設計上以較可愛與活潑的方式。 The company sells commodities for nuts and dried fruits. Mainly we sell on the internet, but there are also sold in physical stores and TV shopping. There are several things I have to do. I. Banner will be made according to different festivals or events. II. Different products will design different web pages introduced. III. For physical stores and TV shopping regularly change posters and logo design. IV. For the new design of their own packaging. V. The commodities on web pages are drawing personification. The company originally hit the high-level group. However my boss hopes to attract young people so the designs become more lovely and lively way.

網頁設計 Banner

聖誕節活動 Christmas Activity

過年活動 Chinese New Year Activity

光棍節11.11活動 Singles' Day Activity

秋日活動 Autumn Activity

新品活動 New Commodity Activity

中秋節活動 Moon Festival Activity

新品活動 New Commodity Activity

母親節活動 Mother’s Day Activity

網頁設計 Website Pages

藍莓乾網頁 Dried BlueBerry Web Pages

夏威夷果網頁 Macadamia Web Pages

海報&傳單 Posters&DM

包裝 Package

插圖 Illustration

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