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The information for the catering professionals number 15


THE BEST WAY TO COOK PIZZA Revolving ovens for pizzeria The ovens and the small ovens of KUMA FORNI have the plate always hot thanks to the electric resistance; this last one is a supporting heat-plate which is opposed to the fire and under the plate. This resistance has a low consumption and it permits to the oven to maintain the plate hot during the time of working, right to the end. Moreover the oven is equipped with a computer that lets the worker manage all the operations in a simple and rapid way. On the computer there is a electric sign that reports the temperature of the oven. Our ovens are made with high quality materials.

Wood and gas ovens


Wood and gas ovens

CONTACT US! Electric resistance under the cooking plate

Gas Burner under the cooking plate

MODELS 85 left WOOD/GAS: 4 Pizzas of 33 cm 105 WOOD/GAS/MIX: 8 Pizzas of 33 cm 125 WOOD/GAS/MIX: 10 Pizzas of 33 cm 140 WOOD/GAS/MIX: 14 Pizzas of 33 cm


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Today we talk about the Rice Some rice varieties The Rice varieties suggested by Tipico It


Very special fish varieties


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Risotto with saffron and smoked Alpine char The products suggested by Tipico It for the production of this recipe

Rivista non periodica | Editore: Tipico it srl

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Today we talk about the Rice

The rice (Oryza sativa) is a cereal of the grass family and it is at the base of the diet many populations. Only in Italy more than fifty types of rice are cultivated; these types of rice are different for their shape (short or long grains), for the dimension (small or big) and for their contents (glutinous, whole, Parboiled). The cradle of the rice civilization is in Asia. As regards its origins, thanks to some fossil finds dated 5000 B.C., we can understand that they are in the Yang Tze valley.

The rice properties The rice is a refreshing and detoxicating food product and it has also an astringent effect or a lightly laxative effect (if whole rice that is to say full of fibers). The characteristics of its green proteins (poor in toxins and without gluten) give the possibility to people that suffer from celiac disease or from some kidney disease to eat the rice with no contraindication. Thanks to its lightly hypotensive and diuretic action it is recommended in case of Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, edema and of cirrhosis of the liver. For its high digestibility, the rice doesn’t fatigue the stomach and so it is ideal for people that are afraid of sleepiness after lunch.


Some rice varieties

Baldo: it has big, translucent and solid grains. It is starchy and it has a remarkable absorption capability. It is perfect for the preparation of risottos and for the baking. Balilla: the grains are small and round, this rice has a big power of absorption and growth during cooking. It is used for the soup but also for the preparation of desserts and croquettes. Basmati: it is an Indian variety, coming from the Punjab region. It has long and tapering grains and during the cooking it gives off an aroma of hazelnut and sandal. Gange: coming from Indian cultivations; it is recommended for the preparation of meat and fish dishes but it can be used also as a side dish and in the salad. Cooking time: 18 minutes approximately.

Glutinoso: you can choose the black or the white variety. It is starchy: during the coking it loses its vigor and it becomes glutinous. For this reason it is employed only for the dessert and pudding preparation. lntegrale (Whole rice): this is the rice that better preserves the nutritive features of the cereal because it doesn’t undergo the refinement and whitening procedure. It goes well with the soups.


Originario: It has round and small grains that cook in 12-­‐14 minutes. It is used especially for the soups; thanks to its cooking resistance it is employed also for the preparation of desserts and of the famous arancini. Pedano: It is characterized by a soft texture and by a high starch content. It is indicated especially for the preparation of the soups but it is appreciated also with the sauce. Parboiled: method in which you submit the rough rice to a particular precooking process. The grains preserve the nutritional characteristics that are typical of the whole rice. It sustains very long cooking and it never overcooks. Patna: Thai origins; it has long and tapered grains and it is white. Thanks to its oriental origin, it is suitable for exotic dishes but also for rice salads. It has a excellent firmness during cooking. Red: refined oriental variety; it grows up in the Borneo plantations. Its grains are reddish (characteristic color). It is ideal as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. Ribe: it has a very compact texture and the grains are long and tapered. It has a good cooking resistance and it is indicated for risottos. It is the most used variety in the parboiled procedure.


Roma: it has long, big and round grains. It is very appreciated because of its exceptional versatility. It is suitable for any type of cooking. Sant'Andrea: its grains are long, big and substantial. Thanks to its high starch content it is particularly indicated for the preparation of soups, pies and desserts. It has a good absorption of the condiments. SeIvaggio: its grains are long, tapered and black; but it is not a real rice: it is a graminaceous plant that it is not cultivated but it naturally grows up in the swamplands. It takes 45 minutes to cook. Thai: Its grains are long and crystal clear. When it cooks it exhales the characteristic and exotic spices aroma. It is perfect if it is combined with fish, meat and vegetables. Venere: Chinese origin; today it is cultivated also in the North of Italy. Very good when it is combined with the oven-­‐ baked fish. It is rich in nutritive features.


The Rice varieties suggested by Tipico It

Arborio: this rice has big and pearl-­‐ colored grains that increase during the cooking. Thanks to its high starch content, this rice can resist cooking and so it is ideal for the risottos. Indeed, during the preparation, the grains cook perfectly and equally but they maintain the central nucleus full of starch and al dente. Carnaroli: it was born thanks to cross between the Vialone and the Leoncino; it has big, compact and tapered grains that absorb the odors and thicken with the ingredients. It is rich in amylose, a substance that makes the grain very solid. This is an excellent rice, well-­‐ appreciated by the chefs and in fact it is specified for the risottos and for the fine dishes. Vialone nano: it has medium size grains that are semi-­‐long and round. Its characteristics are similar to the Carnaroli’s ones but it is popular in the North of Italy. It cooks in 13 minutes approximately and it is ideal for the risottos.


Very special fish varieties

The trout belongs to the family Salmonidae and the main three species are: The iridea trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). It is an allochthonous species that comes from North America. It has a dark-­‐greenish body that is covered with small black and round spots; along the hips there is a pink or red band which becomes more visible in the males during the reproductive period. If the iridea trout is fed with specific animal feed, the meat of the fish will become pink-­‐red colored and so we will have the salmon trout: in fact the salmon trout it is not a crossbreed with the salmon but it is called in that way because of the color of the meat. However, if the trout is not fed with the specific animal feed the meat of the trout will remain white. The fario trout (Salmo trutta fario): it is the most famous species because it is the most common species in the rivers. According to some researchers it is an allochthonous species that comes from North America. It has a slender and scaly body. Along the back and the hips there are a lot of round spots that are black but also red. In the natural environment, at the moment of the reproduction, the adult trout ups the river searching the gravelly beds. Every female trout lays 2.000 eggs every body weight kilo. The fario trout has a white meat.



Marmorata trout (salmo trutta marmoratus): it is the Italian autochthonous trout, which is almost disappeared from our rivers because it is in competition with the fario trout that is very aggressive. Along the back and the hips it has long, sinuous and irregular lines that are grey, dark or greenish and for that reason they remind the marble. It can be more than one meter long and it can have a body weight of 15 kg. The marmorata trout has a excellent quality white-­‐pink meat. There are also other fish varieties that belong to the family Salmonidae, among the we can find: The Alpine char (Salvelinus alpinus): it is the unique char exemplar that is autochthonous in Europe and it is typical of the mountain small lakes. Indeed, the Alpine char can’t live in the waters that go beyond 12-­‐13°C and so the growth is very slow; the result is a low-­‐ fat product with a high quality compact meat. The Alpine char has a slender body with a big head and a wide mouth that is typical of the predatory fishes. The coloration can vary: white belly, grey-­‐green back which is covered with small white and yellow spots; during the reproductive period these spots become more intense. The lake whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus): it has a small head and a small mouth, the body is covered with silver scales that are easily removable. The natural habitat of this fish are well-­‐oxygenated and cold lake waters. Generally it moves with big schools that mainly eat zooplankton and mollusks. It is a valued fish because of the quality of the meat which is precious and has an exquisite taste. We promote a enterprise that produce this kind of products; this producer has its seat in the Trentino Alto Adige region, which is the perfect zone to breed this animals.

The cold waters of the mountain creeks are the reason of the slow growth of the fish: in fact it eats less because it adapts its own corporal temperature to the environment. The consequence is that the breeding time is longer but the meat of the fish is low-­‐fat but it has a extraordinary compactness. The quality of the Trentino Alto Adige area is present in the processing also thanks to use of specific typical products: the mountain beechwood, from which we can obtain the sawdust for the smoking; the aromatic vinegar of the Trentino Alto Adige region and the Nosiola wine for the marinade. Any processing made on the raw material is made starting from the traditional ancient methods and the processing allows especially the use of selected ingredients that come from this mountain area. The principle is to follow slow and natural work processes and the result is the exaltation of the organoleptic characteristics of the raw material. During the working phases the classic artisan method is strictly maintained and followed and the use of coloring agents and additives is banned; the starting product is always a high quality product. The processing employed on the products are the following ones: The filleting, after the cleaning, is the first working phase of the just caught fish: the traditional artisan methods and the hygiene regulations are seriously followed.


The salting of the fish is made with the only use of Sale di Cervia and organic cane sugar. It is employed the most natural method tank to the use o fan hand-­‐ made salting with dry method that is able to considerably reduce the water contents of the product. Then the product is smoked and the result is a dry and compact meat. As regards the marinade, the firm employs the typical products coming from its own area: the aromatic vinegar of the Trentino Alto Adige region and the Nosiola that comes from the Valle dei Laghi. The salt that is used is the Sale di Cervia together with the cane sugar. The smoking of the products takes place thanks to the use of the mountain sawdust (beech) coming from the Trentino Alto Adige region. This procedure is extremely natural and it lasts from 4 to 6 hours. The firm that we represent offers also other products, among them there are: The trout eggs: a natural product which is preserved only with Cervia salt and cane sugar; the nit is packaged in vacuum-­‐sealed small vases. There isn’t any addition of preservative and/or other products.


The trout bottarga. Its production takes place as follows: the ovarian sac of the trout is removed and, after an accurate cleansing, it is salted for some days; in this way there is a remarkable loss of water and weight. When the salting cycle is finished, the ovarian sacs are washed by the salt and they are slowly dried in order to completely remove the liquid content. After this drying, the product is pulverized and it is packaged in small vacuum-­‐sealed glass vases. For the salting it is used the sweet Sale di Cervia without any preservative addition. The trout tartare with honey refinement: its peculiarity consists in the refining with the honey; it is used mountain Italian honey and extra virgin olive oil. For this procedure the firm employs high quality iridea salmon trout: they are cleaned, filleted and put on grills; then they undergo a dry hand-­‐salting with Sale di Cervia and cane sugar: this is very important because it considerably reduces the water content in the product. In the end it takes place the cold-­‐smoking, burning the mountain wood’s sawdust.

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Risotto with saffron and smoked Alpine char

Ingredients for 4 people -­‐ 1 lemon -­‐ 20 g of ground pistachios -­‐ 1 onion -­‐ 2 spoons of butter -­‐ 200 g of Carnaroli rice -­‐ 30 g of almond flakes -­‐ 5 d of vegetable bouillon -­‐ 1 bag of saffron -­‐ 4 fillets of smoked Alpine char (140 g approximately) Preparation: 1 hour -­‐ salt -­‐ pepper Difficulty: -­‐ 300 g of romaine lettuce Preparation You have to grate the lemon peel and to squeeze the juice. Mix the lemon peel with the pistachios and put them aside. Grind the onion. Then you have to heat the butter in a large pan. Sauté the rice, the onion and the almonds in the pan for 2 minutes, as long as the rice becomes translucid. Add the bouillon, the saffron and the lemon juice. Put the lid on and cook on a low flame for 30 minutes. You have to season the fish with salt and pepper and to cut the fillets in pieces with a width of 5 cm approximately. Divide the romaine lettuce in half, remove the core and cut the leaves in pieces of 5 cm. After 20 minutes of cooking, put the lettuce and the fish fillets on the rice and end the cooking. Serve the fish with the rice and the lettuce and sprinkle the mixture (pre-­‐prepared) of lemon peel and pistachios on.


The products suggested by Tipico It for the production of this recipe Smoked alpine char slice: fillets of char which are smoked with the classical method: using the sawdust coming from the high mountain wood (local beech of the Trentino Alto Adige region). Carnaroli rice: it is rich in amylose, a substance that makes the grain very solid. This is an excellent rice, well-­‐ appreciated by the chefs and in fact it is specified for the risottos and for the fine dishes.

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Tipico It S.r.l.

Strada Cipata, 34 - 46100 - Mantova - Italy Tel. 0039 0376 372580 - Fax 0039 0376 270474 info@tipicoit.com - www.tipicoit.com

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