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Unpaid postage
during the extended hours, and obtain his signature in the HO Summary or Treasurer’s Cash Book or Sub Office account in sub offices which do not maintain Treasurer’s Cash Book.
Note 2 - When an Accountant is employed in Head Office who is authorized by the Head of the circle to apply the checks prescribed in clauses (16) to (22) of Rule 65 for the examination of the Head office Summary, he also should sign the Head office summary in token of his having applied the prescribed check.
(e) At those places where the working hours have been extended beyond normal working hours, the account of that post office will be prepared as usual i.e. accounts relating to issue and payment of Money orders, Telegraphic Money orders, value-payable Money orders, IMO, Western Union Money Transfer payments, sale and payment of Indian Postal orders and payment of British
Postal Orders up to 4 PM will be incorporated in the accounts for that day. The accounts relating to issue of Telegraphic Money orders, sale of Indian Postal orders and payment of telegraphic money orders, British Postal orders, Indian
Postal orders etc. after that hour will be kept in a subsidiary account and accounted for in the accounts for the following day. The subsidiary account will be prepared in the following proforma and will be signed by the two senior officials in charge of Post Office during the extended hours. The
Postmaster/Deputy Postmaster of the Post office will check these accounts with the relative vouchers on the following day and after making arrangements for the transfer of the documents etc., to the respective department, see that these are brought to account correctly on that day.
Proforma of accounts kept in the night post office for the postal transactions during the extended hours.
Receipts Rs. Payment Rs. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Cash received from Treasurer stamps imprest received from Treasurer .
TMOs issued vide subsidiary MO issued list.
IPOs sold vide sub journal of IPOs sold
Unclassified receipt
Closing Balance Rupees Particulars of cash kept: Cash Stamps IPOs., etc. in various denominations. TMOs paid, Western Union Money Transfers Paid, IMO paid
BPOs paid IPOs paid
Unclassified Payments