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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 二 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


[Mechanical:Sixth Nature]

│葉佳奇│ │李馨綸│楊顓徽│張晏慈│顧子堯│甘宣浩│歐柏陞│褚宗曄│

│前言│ 1. 同時藉由對各種非生命體 , 機構 , 與機器裝置的 觀察了解其中建構邏輯 , 美學 , 及空間結構 , 並 了 解其背後所代表的抽象價值與社會意象。 2. 觀察學習機器 , 結構力學以及建構概念與流程。 3. 轉化 : 把對非生物的各種元素的元件轉化重組並 建構成空間 , 同時把它們當成一或多種元素暗喻 社會意象與價值觀。 4. 學習如何建構空間結構的可用性與其背後的價 值 , 進而凸顯自然與機器的依存關係。最後的成 果將會是裝置 , 迷你城市 , 微觀結構 , 機械器官轉 化 , 與擬生命重現動態結構能量。 評語 : 尚待努力

Introduction a. through a vairety of non-life body - machine, to understand the mechanism, physics, aesthetics, and the logic of construction inside/ profile, also the connection between funtion and form. b. to observe the construction process and the concept of inside space formed from function, then to understand the underlying abstraction which is representing a valuse and social imagery. c. mapping & transformation: to reorganise the funtional objects. By understaning the micro science behind it and the each part of the function defined by student, then deform/merge/rebuild/meld them into a new architectural laguage which is given by student individually. d. to learn/obeserve how to construct the spatial structure of the availability of its underlying value, thus highlighting the dependencies between the natural and machine. The final design will be presented as an installation, a mini city machine, mico-cell structures , a machine organ, and a bio-structure animated by mechanical Process/comment Not bad!


Microscopic world in sponge

我們的題目是希望能在了解選定的機械與生物 的依存關係後,利用原件的組合創造一個空間可以 暗喻一些社會意象與價值,這其中包含了巨觀與微 觀的空間。我選定了四種機械來作發想,分別是耳 機 直升機 攝影機 和吹風機。 選擇直升機螺旋槳以反作用力向上的概念來對 應水母,水母也是向外噴水後以反作用力前進。 攝影機的光圈鏡頭對應瞳孔,他們都有選擇東西聚 焦的特性,其中 " 選擇 " 這件事我覺得很特別。 吹風機的線圈會發熱對應屁步甲,他們都是發熱後 達到目的。 耳機最特別的地方是它能 " 隔絕 " 內與外的聲 音,必須要緊密貼合他所接觸到的東西,所以它要 柔軟 能隨外界變形。我選定耳機的軟墊來成為我 模型的環境,所以我放大它的細部 發現它的洞洞裡 面還有更多更微小的洞洞,如果每個洞代表一條路 ,生活在那個空間就像一種無限的選擇,每個選擇 也會造就你到不同的地方.有不一樣的結果。 想像在海綿的微觀世界中,洞洞內壁可能會有 很多細絲交錯而成,這些絲就好比造就一件事的種 種因素,這些因素不斷重疊成這一整個絲,絲跟絲 之間交錯位移會形成一個一個的洞,洞與洞的位置 與排列方式會造就更大的洞,而這些洞留下的錯綜 複雜的空間就是我要探討的環境。 然後我在想 我要創造什麼樣的生物生活在這 樣的環境中,於是創造了這隻機械水母,它靠著觸 手上吹風機的線圈與海綿摩擦產生熱,帶動螺旋槳 轉動前進,而在螺旋槳和線圈之間的光圈代表一種 有意識的 " 選擇 " 能力。

機械:第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Shin,Lun-Lee │李 馨 綸

We h o p e t o b e a b l e t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e topic selected mechanical and biological dependencies. We combined the original metaphor to create a space for some of the social imager y and value. It contains the macro and micro space. I selected four kinds of machinery to begin, namely headphones helicopter camera and a hairdryer. Headphones most special place is that it "isolated" inside and outside sound, It must contact with something, so it should be soft deformation energy with the outside world. I chose it to become my environment, so I enlarged detail of it. I found it there were many tiny hole inside the tunnel, if each hole represents a road, living in that space as an infinite choice, each choice will bring you to a different place. Has different results. Then I think I want to create what creatures would live in such an environment, thus creating the mechanical jellyfish. Which rely on a hairdryer tentacles coil heat generated by friction with the sponge, rotating propeller driven forward, and in the propeller and coils represents an aperture between conscious of the "select" capability.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


Energy Cycle

機械:第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Zhuan Hui Yang| 楊 顓 徽

選擇電視、洗衣機、果汁機、起重機四項機械物件 , 從四項物件中 , 分別找出了映像管、過濾桶、鋸片 杯子與馬達、捲線器及吊具 , 我認為在物件中最重 要運作元件 , 依照元件運作的原理與生物做結合。 我將電視映像管 , 電子打出刺激金屬板粒子打出影 像的原理 , 結合變色龍皮膚 , 會因管子射出的電子 刺激而產生顏色的改變。洗衣機的過濾桶 , 結合蛤 蠣的鰓 , 經由水的流動 , 而留下需要的藻類、浮游 生物供蛤蠣食用。果汁機的馬達結合於胃的肌肉層 , 為啟動內層黏膜層運作的來源 , 杯子鋸片置入到黏 膜層內 , 當食物 ( 大分子 ) 進入到胃裡 , 便會因黏膜 層的酵素 , 而分解成小分子。起重機結合大象的象 鼻 , 想像象鼻裡有很多的捲線器使象鼻可以往不同 方向旋轉 , 在象鼻最前端 , 結合了吊具 , 吊具可以使 大象取得食物 , 在傳送到嘴巴中。 最後重組四項物件與生物的結合 , 以大象為主 , 把 映像管電子想像成是觸動大象運作的能量 , 象鼻傳 送食物到胃 , 胃把大分子分解成小分子後過濾再傳 送到不同的消化系統 , 消化再產生能量。

I selected TV,washing machine,blender and cranes four mechanical objects.These objects were selected CRT,filtering barrel,saw and cup and motors,reel and spreader which are the most important operating-component. In accordance with the principle of operation combine with biological. Used the principle that electronic stimulate particle on sheet metal to produce image to combine with Chameleon skin.When eletrons emitted,the color of Chemeleon skin changed. Filter drum of washing machine combined with the gill of clam.When water flowed through,leaving algae and plankton what it desired.Blender motor binds to the muscle layer of the stomach, is to start operation of the source of the inner mucous layer.Cup and blade are placed into the mucous layer, when the food (macromolecules) into the stomach, it will cause mucous layer enzymes to break down into smaller molecules.Crane combined elephant truck.Imaging there are a lot of reels in the truck to make it rotated in different directions.In the trunk forefront,combining spreader to transfer food to mouth. Finally restructuring four objects with a combination of biological.Imagine electron of CRT is the energy to make elephant trunk transfer the food to stomach.Stomach broke down macromolecules into micromolecules and transmitted to different digestive system to filter and to digest to re-generate energy.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

Rhythm of Mechanes

機械:第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.05.20-06.15 Instructor │指導老師 Chia Chi Yeh │葉 佳 奇 Student │學 生 JANG,YAN-TSZ │張 晏 慈

[4 object] 平面式砂輪機 金屬漸漸磨蝕,我想到了生物漸漸將進入口中的物 件消化,雞是一種沒有牙齒的生物,會將砂石吞入 儲存在砂囊,在食物進入胃之間將其消化,於是我 將相同的機能 ( 砂輪機的馬達和踞片 ) 置換其砂囊 的功能。 腳踏車 腳踏車我感興趣的物件是傳動能量的鏈條和抑制能 量的煞車器,又其中煞車器代表了一種抑制,讓我 聯想到心臟收縮時,瓣膜會防止血液的回流。 跑步機 跑步機的輸送帶是循環的,因此他同時進行著兩種 向量的運輸,就如同樹木的韌皮部不斷的交換上下 的養分,所以我將它和木本植物的韌皮部做結合。 冰箱 冰箱的原理是藉由蒸發器將冷媒汽化,壓縮機產生 低壓使冷媒移動,經過凝結氣時放冷 / 熱,再經由 壓縮機液化冷媒回到蒸發器。生物的呼吸也是一種 循環,凝結器放出了冷媒的熱,就如血液經過腮氧 氣的交換、腮絲二氧化碳的代謝。 [1 space] 微觀至生物的心室,每個心臟收放的週期,煞車器 也隨之抑制運轉中的核心,機械系統不只串聯空 間,也為其帶來了一種韻律。

1.Metals' wear and tear little by little,which makes me associate with beings that digest food gradually.Cock is a kind of creature without tooth.They swallow grit and pebbles, and store them into an organ named gizzard, it's function is to digest food before it enters the stomach.As a result,I replaced its gizzard with the motor and blade according to the same function. 2.I am interested in object bicycle transmission of energy is the energy chain and suppress brake, brake and which represents a rejection, let me think of heart contraction, the valve will prevent blood reflux 3.Treadmill belt is cyclic, so he also engaged in two kinds of vector transport, just as the trees and down the phloem continuous exchange of nutrients, so I put it, and woody plants phloem do combine.. 4.The refrigerator operates by evaporating the refrigerant through the evaporator.The compresser generates low pressure to force the refrigerant to move.The refrigerant releases cold air as it passes the condenser,and is liquified as it heads back to the compresser and remain its liquid state until returned to the evaporator. 5.Micro-organisms to the ventricles, the heart retractable each cycle, the brake also will inhibit the operation of the core, the mechanical system not only tandem space, but also for bringing a rhythm.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan

Depth Machine Filter City

機械:第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Xxxxx,Xxx-Xxx │顧 子 堯

這一次設計題目也是要想像一個空間, 當有機遇上了機械,自然遇上了文明, 把機械拆解成小零件,運用想像力與自然生物做結 合, 並從中找出有趣的空間。 這次就運用到了吸塵器作為主體, 它與海葵消化器官都有相同的原理,都在做過濾這 一件事情 `, 當海葵的觸手與內部消化腔結合了吸塵器的壓縮馬 達, 一個有稜有角的機械元件與自然般的曲線構造結合 出的空間, 是我萬萬都沒想過的組合,真的有趣極了, 但是最後的結果不是很理想,也不知道為什麼, 在轉化的部分一直原地踏步,一直遇到死胡同, 感覺好像知道該怎麼做了,又覺得好像哪裡有問題 打了退堂鼓, 總覺得哪裡缺了什麼。 真的有點遺憾, 沒有像上學期期末最後一個題目一樣儘管爆模, 卻做得很痛快, 如果暑假有時間, 真的很想把它完成!

TThis time, the design project is to imagine a space, When the organic met machinery. The natural met civilization. First, let the mechanical disassembled into small parts. Second, use our imaginations to let the mechanical mix with the organism. Third, find out some interesting space from there. In this program, the vacuum cleaner is my main part. It has the same philosophy with actinias' digestive cavity. Are doing the same thing of filtration. When actinias' tentacles and its digestive cavity combine with motors. A founder of the mechanical component mixs with a curved organism. This interesting combination is the most special idea that I never imaged. The final of this project's model is very terrible I think. I didn't do well in this time. I always get lost. I'm really feel badly for this project. If I have another time in summer vacation, I hope I can finish it !

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


City in Lung

機械:第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Kan,Shuan-Hao │甘 宣 浩

[ 概念 ] 以機械的構件重建肺內的微觀世界。 [4 個物件 ] _音樂盒。音樂盒的演奏的方式以金屬滾動讓 音梳波動其金屬顆粒;星鼻鼴的眼睛看不見,它以 鬚狀的鼻子碰觸周遭以感知環境。結合兩者,用金 屬滾筒置換星鼻鼴的鼻子來重新詮釋他理解環境的 方式。 _潛水艇。我利用潛水艇浮沉所應用的排水系 統與樹木根部吸水的功能作結合。我想像一個微型 城市在潛水艇內運作,而樹木將以放射狀根部向外 的關係種植在船艙與排水艙之間。 _懸臂檯燈。燈在檯燈中的角色是提供閱讀照 明;而警報水母的發光能力是為了吸引天敵的敵人, 也就是食物鏈更上層的生物。我讓水母的發光用燈 去置換,進一步使其運動方式結合檯燈的桿件與彈 簧。 _引擎。肺部擴張收縮有橫膈膜上下運動的參 與;引擎利用爆炸能輸出動能則是利用活塞運動帶 動曲軸。我用引擎置換肺部,在生物體內同樣擔任 輸出動能的角色。 [1 個環境 ] _肺。設定一個在肺內的微型城市,同時利用 鼴鼠與水母的能力維持其運作協調。

[Concept] Mechanical components to reconstruct the microscopic world in lungs. [4 Objects] _ Music box. Music box plays in a way which the metal scroll fluctuates in with the metal particles on the tone comb. Star-nosed moles are blind ,as a result,they rely on nose touch to perceive the environment . The metal drum replaced the star-nosed mole's nose to reinterpret its way of understanding the environment. _ Submarine. I apply the drainage system of submarines into the roots of trees as a combination with its function. I imagine a miniature city in the submarine, while the roots of the trees spread radially outwards. _ Cantilever stands. Lights in the lamp's role is to provide light for reading; while alert jellyfishs' luminous capability is to attract natural enemies of the enemy. I replaced the luminous ability of the jellyfish with lamps, _ Engine.The expanxion and shrinkage of the lungs is participated by the diaphragm contraction as engines output kinetic energy is driven by the crankshaft using the piston movement. I used the engine to displace lungs,which acts as the same role of ouputing kinetic energym. [An environment] _ Lungs. Set a miniature city in the lungs, while taking advantage of the Mole and the ability to maintain its operation jellyfish coordination.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

消化系統 Digest system

機械:第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.05.20-06.15 Instructor │指導老師 Chia Chi Yeh │葉 佳 奇 Student │學 生 OU,PO-SHEN │歐 柏 陞

[4 object] 機械手臂 : 機械手臂的圓形軌道給予我一種強烈的 運輸功能印象。這令我聯想到了人類喉頭會厭的構 造;在運輸的同時也是在防止食物落入食道。 機車 : 作為穩定機車最重要的構件莫屬避震器了。 這令我想到啄木鳥是如何避震的問題。因此,我想 像啄木鳥是藉由一連串的避震器來構成自身的避震 系統。 針筆 : 對我來說,針筆的核心要件是墨水夾。而墨 水夾替換的性質又帶給我蚊子吸血時人類的血在蚊 子的口器中流竄的想像。 馬桶過濾水缸 : 馬桶過濾水缸的運作方式是藉由一 個雙向渦輪的裝置一邊絞碎穢物一邊利用水流將其 排出。烏賊的口器除了大分子的咬碎外並無法將食 物細化,因此我想像食物在烏賊體內細化的過程是 利用過濾水缸的方式。 [1 space] 我將四個轉化圖轉換成了啄木鳥的消化系統前端, 成為一套機械構成的假想消化系統。

[4 object] Robotic arm:The mechanical arm circular orbit gave me a strong impression of transportation. This makes me think of the structure of the human larynx epiglottis;which transports and prevents food from falling into the esophagus. M o r t o r c y c l e : T h e r e's n o c o m p o n e n t a s important as the shock absorbers when it comes to stabalizing the vehicle. This makes me think of how woodpeckers deal with shock problems. So, I imagine woodpeckers being composed of a series of shock absorbers to form its own suspension system. Stylus:For me, the ink pen clip is the core object of the stylus. The nature of replacement ink clip gives me the imagination of human blood flowing in the mouthparts of mosquitoes . Toilet tank filter:The operation of the toilet tank is motivated through a bi-turbo unit while excrements are minced and fur ther discharged due to water currents. Besides macromolecules,squid mouthparts are unable to break food into smaller parts, so I imagine that the food in the squid body refinement process in the way of a filter tank . [1 space] I conver ted the four conversion into the woodpecker's digestive front, forming a mechanical form of imaginar y digestive system.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image


第六自然 Mechanical:Sixth Nature 2013.04.18-05.19

Instructor │指導老師 Chiachi Yeh │葉 佳 奇 Student │學 生 Bezaleel Chu │褚 宗 曄

Topic: first find five things mechanical and biological disassembled and then combined into the final out in a logical combination of all the aggregates.First elected five samples: Pull back car, guitar pickups, electric defended machines, aircraft wing, watches, in individual transformation. And I finally decided to use back inside the car springs and impatiens fruit is also cumulative energy to release process, as the spindle. In plant growth will swing with the sun principles put my watch machine core to join, as long as the plant after shaking machine core winding back car driven rotary spring, which is the fruit of the epidermis impatiens, impatiens fruit so slowly accumulating pressure after explosion opened. Rejoined the wing drag to change the wind like the concept of rotation of the entire process, so that the spring is with the following gear is pulled slowly into the skin tightening as, increasingly, with the wind swinging pendulum. The purpose is to allow the seed to store energy: the seeds are the characteristics of stored energy, in which a small seed can join into energy vibration pickups; while the impact of the internal space of the epidermis contraction, the drag effect shaking impact Impatiens seeds inside will be able to grow with growing frequency, until the seed store enough energy, the final blast and ground vibration, so that the seeds can not be mechanically coupled photosynthesis fruit Impatiens new ways to successfully reproduce.

題目:先找到五樣機械拆解後轉化進而和生物結合 最終在全部結合出有邏輯性的集合體。 先選出五樣:迴力車、吉他拾音器、電悍 機、飛機機翼、手錶,在個別轉化。而我最終選定 以迴力車裡面的彈簧和鳳仙花果子同樣是累積能量 到釋放的過程,為主軸。在植物生長中會隨著陽光 擺動的原理把我的手錶機蕊加入,只要植物晃動機 蕊上發條後旋轉帶動迴力車彈簧,也就是鳳仙花果 子的表皮,讓鳳仙花果子慢慢累積壓力後爆開。再 結合了機翼風阻改變風像的概念,在整個旋轉的過 程中,讓彈簧是可以隨著下面的齒輪慢慢被拉開, 變成隨著表皮的緊縮,也越來越可以隨風擺動的鐘 擺。而目的是讓種子儲存能量:以種子是儲存能量 的特點,在裡面的小種子上加入能將震動轉化為能 量的拾音器;而表皮影響了內部空間收縮、風阻影 響晃動而鳳仙花種子在裡面的撞擊頻率就能隨生長 不斷增強,直到種子儲存足夠能量後,最終的爆炸 和地裡的震動,使無法光合作用的種子能用機械結 合鳳仙花果子全新方式,成功繁殖。

淡 江 大 學 建 築 系 │ 一 年 級 工 作 室 │ 第 二 組。 設 計 作 品 集 E A 1 _ S t u d i o 。 D e p t . o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 。 Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y

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