Unit 05

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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 五 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


[小王子之家│ Little Prince Space]

│張從仁│ │黃唯哲│黃昱誠│黃懷瑩│潘東俠│藍士棠│王婕安│高毅磐│

張從仁 Tsungjen Chang

│前言│ 這一次的設計案,學生由閱讀小說”小王子” ,並 提出屬於自己的版本,作為創作空間的新方法,我 們所知道的“小王子“一般概念是一本童書,在故 事中他描寫對於人生及人性之深層及心靈的觀察, 故事有 12 個角色各代表現實社會的 12 種真實人 物。因此,第一步先建立角色社會關係及其所屬環 境分析,再則以材料中的特殊的隱喻性作為空間形 成的原則。 身為一個建築師,我們職責是創造空間還是創造環 境?現實而言,我們的職責是創造空間,但很少關 心環境問題。 │企圖│ 在過去指導作業的經驗中,大多數同學缺乏點子及 生活經驗作為設計的開始,利用閱讀開啟生活經驗 是有快而有效率的方法開始作設計及創造不一樣的 空間。 此時,同儕的互相腦力激盪也是本次設計訓練的重 點,訓練後明顯看出每位學生都能自信的說明自己 的設計,本次訓練的目標在於將故事轉化由文字描 述到空間描述;亦稱它為 3D 故事書

│方法│ 在第一週我們辦了一個為期兩天的工作營,壓縮在 這短時間中利用團體工作的方式,將故事重新整 裡,每位同學在閱讀的過程中用繪畫方式記錄心 得,繪於 A4 紙張中並重組故事內容,每位同學要 以符合邏輯的方式建構清楚的故事內容並測試改編 故事的邏輯性即可行性;同時學生要選擇一個材料 作為模型的主材料,並將故事藉由材料隱喻轉化為 空間類型,藉由對材料作功產生空間的關係及變化 進而找到空間的構成方式。 │問題│ 如何藉由書中作者的自我意識呈現,在其背後可能 的創新想法? 我們是否可以定義星球所居住的人及其空間 ( 環境 ) ? 作為建築師,我們如何能用自我的意識創造空間? 請重新思考人造空間及自然環境的關係

Introduction In the studio students proposed a new version of his/her own story of “Little Prince� as a new drive for creating space. As we know, the book is ostensibly a children's novel and it makes several profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature. In this story, there are twelve persona characters, each person represent a role in the real world. Therefore, first step to create a new social relation linked to the environment issue, then catch the unique metaphor from material as principal of space formation. As an architect, our role are creating the space or creating the environment? The fact is, we do create the space but think less for the environment? Intentions Form the experience of previous projects, most of students are lacking of idea and experience to start a project. Borden experience by reading books is a quick way to come out initial idea, to make space different. At the same time, brain storming with college is also important process for the project. Apparently, after training each student feels confident in describing his/her project. This project aimed to transform the novel from words to space; we call it 3D story book. Methodology In the first week, we have a 2 days’ workshop to intensely brain storming all the idea from the book by team work. In the process of reading, each student should draw his/her imagination to the A4 sheets, and then rearrange the storyline. Each student has to learn to create the logical and clear story line as a goal to create different type of space. Meanwhile, the student has to choose one subject material making model to introduce the metaphor to become the initial concept. By working on the material, each one can find the possible space construction organization from the chosen material. Questions How to deliver a new idea to reorganize the editors' subjective consciousness from the book? Can we define a planet space that fit the person to live in? As a architect, how can we construct the ideology to create space? Please rethink about the relationship between artificial space and nature environment!



Arboraceous Little Prince

Little Prince Space

在大一下的自由題中,我們這一組老師所設計的題 目是小王子的家,這是由故事文本去作發想的題 目,我們得從出現在故事中的人物想像它的人格習 慣,進而創造出一個空間。 在第一個周末,老師為我們準備了一個工作營,在 這之中我們畫了許多的插圖來揣摩小王子中的諸多 事物,好比人物、星球或是隱喻等,這些都相當有 趣且創新,同時我們也去研究材料的特性來比擬我 們觀察小王子中所發現的事物。 我後來選用的材料是熱融膠及塑膠片,我用這兩種 材料製作出新的瓦楞紙,並將其做出許多的變化來 詮釋小王子裡的各種角色,我是小王子本身為一個 人格分裂者,因此其餘的角色都是它所分裂出的, 我再將人格一一劃分,最後我將植物的意象置入空 間中,作為發想,發展出我最後的模型。

During the last subject in the semester, we have a subject designed our group teacher is entitled Little Prince Space, which is issued by the story of the text to make the subject of thought, we have to appear in the story from the characters imagine it's personality habits, thus creating a space. In the first weekend, the teacher prepared for us a work shop, in which many among us to draw illustrations to try to figure out the many things that the little prince, like people, planet, or metaphors, etc. These are quite interesting and innovative, we also went to study properties of the materials to match the little prince we observe that found things. I chosed the material of choice is hot melt glue and plastic film, I used these two materials t o p ro d u c e n e w c o r r u g a t e d pa p e r, a n d make many changes to the interpretation of the various roles Wang yard, I was the little prince itself as a personality separatists, so the rest of the characters are split it out, I then divided personality eleven, and finally I will plant imagery into space as hair like, the development of my final model.

2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Huang,Wei-Che │黃 唯 哲

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

示意圖│ Diagram


A Changing of sorrow

剖析小王子與他人互動的情形, 了解小王子有強烈的負面想法, 人與人的關係建立在痛苦之上。 再次剖析小王子的人物, 發現六者是互相襯托的, 分別是某種個性的正反, " 控制 "," 保護 "," 目標 "。 對於彼此間的互動關係則有程度區分, " 絕對關係 "," 混合關系 "," 牽制關係 ", 因此彼此間有不同程度的摩擦與抗衡, 完整呈現小王子的抗衡世界中心概念。 由個別的個性所對應之空間特色, 使人物個性與空間特色完整角色。 最終我想以六個角色的特色空間, 再現一個心境悲傷化的轉變過程。 由心境與態度的目標明確與積極, 經過人與人之間摩擦抗衡與悲傷, 慢慢轉變消極與冷感的轉變過程, 體現小王子眼中悲傷的抗衡世界。

小王子之家 Little Prince Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Huang,Yu-Cheng │黃 昱 誠

I start our design from a story, Little Prince. From my analysis, I find that the main chatacter, little prince, is possessed of great sadness. He thinks that there are only conflicts and sorrow between the man. According to the personalities, I sort the six characters in three groups, "Control" "Protect" and "Goal". Then, I find the six characters are conflicting in thier groups. Between thier interaction, I also find that they have some relationships in diffirent degrees. The relationships are "Absolute Relationship", "Combinative Relationship", and "Tackling Relationship". And the conflicting concept is completed by these relationships. The six characters correspond to thier specail spaces according to thier personalities. Eventually, I want to represent the changing process of sorrow by thier special spaces. In the conflicting world, people change thier attitude from positive to negative. Then, these are what I want to represent, a changing of sorrow.

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image


World of The King

小王子之家 Little Prince Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Huang,Huai-Ying │黃 懷 瑩

這個題目是以 " 小王子 " 這本書為故事文本,在我 閱讀後的想法中,國王這個角色是最有趣的,我認 為他患有精神分裂症,因為在他的世界裡,他是那 麼的孤單而想要吸引人注意。 久而久之,他幻想出所有的角色,他幻想自己是小 王子、自負者、地理學家、點燈人、商人、酒鬼, 不同時間或不同地點扮演著不同的角色,他的長袍 布滿整個星球,象徵其權力遍布全球,並且掌控著 日月星辰。 模型概念 - 想像國王站在最頂端,在他喝了酒之後, 萬物彷彿都圍繞著他,向他致敬,他開始覺得自得 意滿並且巡視起他的王國,將一切所看到的記錄下 來,日落後,點起了燈,照亮周遭的星球,數起漫 天的星星。

The topic is based on the novel of The Little Prince - the most famous work of the French a r i s t o c r a t , w r i t e r, p o e t a n d p i o n e e r i n g aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery. With my interpretation of the King in the novel, I think he has schizophrenia. The king is so lonely and in order to cause attention, gradually he imagines he is a little prince, a conceited man, a geographer, a lamplighter, a businessman, and a tippler. He plays a different role in different planets. The king's magnificent ermine robe crams and obstructs the entire planet. It symbolizes his power is extended through the whole planet and he rules all planets and stars. The concept of the model is the king standing on the top. After drinking, he feels everything surrounds him and renders a salute to him. He inspects his kingdom proudly and makes records everything he saw. After sunset, he lights up lamps, so the surrounding planets become bright then he starts to count the stars.

模型照片│ Model Image

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

狐狸的幻想曲 Fantasie


小王子之家 Little Prince Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Pen,Dong-Shia │潘 東 俠

以小王子文本出發,我找到有趣的觀點是狐狸 在故事中的腳色,他扮演主導故事並且使小王子改 觀的人生導師,但我有不一樣的觀點,狐狸遇到小 王子這個文本中的事實,視為他在幻想,然後他遇 到了國王,酒鬼,自負者,地理學家,實業家,我 都將他們相遇與小王子相遇的過程視為狐狸在接觸 社會 ( 社會化 ) 時的一些狀態與反應。 國王 : 自我封閉去期盼與人交流 酒鬼 : 幻想到無法自拔 地理學家、自負者 : 防禦自己卻想要表現 實業家 : 不切實際 由單一的枝狀材料表達聯結與延續的概念,表 示狐狸在幻想地個個階段的過程,國王表示幻想的 發散,實業家表示初期不切實際的狀態,自負者與 地理學家表示遇到他人與人交流的狀態,酒鬼則表 示狐狸恍惚的狀態,而模型卻繪聲繪影地描繪酒醉 的狀態。

With the little prince, I found interesting point is the fox in the story, he played a story leading and makes little prince changed mentor, but I have a different point of v iew, the fox met the little prince in the text fact, as he was fantasy, and then he met the king, alcoholic, conceited person, geographers, industrialist, and I will meet them during the encounter with the little Prince as a fox in contact with the community (social) to some of the status and response. King: self-enclosed and looking forward to communicating with people Drunkard: fantasy into inextricable Geographer, conceited person: they want to show their own defense Industrialist: unrealistic Expressed by a single dendritic material connection with the continuation of the concept, which means fox in a fantasy land all stage process, the King said that the divergence of fantasy, industrialists expressed unrealistic initial state, conceited and geographer who encounter others expressed communicate with people of the state, said the fox alcoholic trance state, and the model has vivid portray drunken state.

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image



The Psychopathic Prince

Little Prince Space

當我讀完小王子,我以病態的觀點重新詮釋小王 子,並且創造了一個病態的文本。藉由這個文本, 我重新定義了角色之間的關係,作為空間發展的依 據。 材料部分,我希望呈現內與外、正常與病態的關係, 利用不一樣的形式表達不同的需求。 最後的模型我是用鐵鎚敲打鐵板,創造出彎曲的形 式,以暴力的方式呼應病態文本,並且同時創造充 滿力量空間。

When I read The Little Prince , I used the view of psychopath to reinterpret the book , and rewrote a psychopathic story . Through the new text, I redefine the relationship of between roles to be the foundation of space developing . A b o u t m a t e r i a l , I h o p e t o p re s e n t t h e connection of inner & outer、normal & psychopathic . Using different pattern expresses different demand. The final model , made of iron plate, was shaped by hammer, I used violent way to connect with the text and create powerful and psychopathic space at the same time.

2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Lan,Shih-Tang │藍 士 棠

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

小王子的時空之 旅 Little Prince's Time Travel

我認為宇宙間是由許多時光的皺褶所構成的 , 因此小王子所拜訪的星球 , 其實就是幾個人物在不 同時期下的狀態 , 同時以不同皺褶的空間背景 , 共 存於宇宙之中 , 因此 , 小王子以光的形式 , 在宇宙中 的不同介質裡穿梭 , 來了一場時空之旅。 我利用光在不同材質上反應的特性 , 去類比小 王子故事中所出現的角色個性。我將有些材料做疊 合的處理 , 將材質的特性綜合起來反映角色複雜的 特質呈現及改變。另外 , 光有向內及向外的交流狀 態 , 都顯示了這個角色自身及對外的互動情形。同 時 , 每個人物有自己的時光軸序列 , 其中的皺褶空 間則是不同時期下的角色狀態。而我分析了不同種 的紙彈簧變化 , 並將其與人物特性的變化作呼應的 連結。

小王子之家 Little Prince Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wang,Chien-An │王 婕 安

I believe that the universe is composed of many folds of time constituted, so the little prince visited the planet, in fact, several people at different times under the state, while the space background with different folds, coexist in the universe, Therefore, the little prince in the form of light in the universe of different media in the shuttle, came a time travel. I used the light reaction on the characteristics of different materials, to the story of the little prince analogy that appears personalities of the characters. I'm going to do some materials superimposed processing characteristics of the material together reflect the role of the complex and changing nature presents. In addition, the light has inward and outward communication status, have shown the role of the interaction itself and external. Also, each character has its own time axis sequence, where the folds of space is the role of the state in different periods. And I analyzed the different kinds of paper spring change, and with the character echo characteristic changes as a link.

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image



Planet of Tippler

Little Prince Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Gao,Yi-Pan │高 毅 磐

看完小王子這本書,我發現,所有的角色都有通 病,就是只追求一件事,而我最喜歡的角色就是酒 鬼,雖然他只會喝酒,但他喝酒似乎是有別的原因, 因此我去分析人物和人物之間的關西,發現每個角 色所追求的東西,有些是重疊的,也就是會有意見 不合和爭吵,所以基本上,大家是無法和樂融融的 相處在一起,才會各居不同星球,但這些星球,其 實只是他們的私人領域,互不跟對方往來,或許酒 鬼是因為不忍心看著同伴這樣,原本是好朋友,卻 互不往來,他才喝酒的吧。

After reading the book of the Little Prince, I found that all the characters have a common problem is they only pursuit of one thing, and my favorite character in the story is drunken man, although he only knows how to drink, but he seems to drinks for other reasons, that's why I analyzed the relationship between the characters and personalities .So I found that each character are pursuing things, some of them are overlap, so there will be some arguments in different opinion , so basically, they cannot live together peacefully ,that's why they lived in different planets, but those planets are just their private sphere, and

而我最喜歡的場景,則是廢墟的那口井,在故事 裡,作者和小王子在快渴死的狀態下找到那口井, 如今小王子已不在了,但作者卻可以透過『水』來 聯想到小王子,因為那是他們共同的記憶。因此我 選擇用紙漿為材料,把有形狀的紙溶掉再造,就像 酒鬼希望溶化大家的堅持,共同相處一樣。

not to contact with each other, perhaps drunken man don't want to see his good friend to be like that , that is why he drinks a lot of alcohol. And my favorite scene is the ruins of that wells in the story. From the beginning, the author and the little prince in the find that well when they are thirst, and now the little prince had gone, but the author use "water" to recall the

對於這個題目,我想表達的其實很簡單。希望大 家看到這個作品時,雖然它是乾的,但能夠想像, 它溶在水裡時飄浮的樣子,這才是酒鬼眼中大家和 樂相處的星球,因為唯有紙溶在水裡時,大家才是 在一起的,乾掉了,夢也就醒了。

little prince, because that is their same memories. So I chose pulp as materials to melted recycled paper to created shapes, like the drunken man want to melt everyone's different opinions to stay together. In this project, I want to express is actually very simple. I hope people see this works, although my works is dry, but it can imagine, when it melted and floating in the water, this is the drunken man want to see everyone and happily on the planet, because when only paper dissolved in the water, everyone is together, but when it dry , the dream will stop for ever.





五 組。 設 計 作 品 集

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