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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 六 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


[真心話。大冒險│ Truth。Adventure]

│陳明揮│ │林芝柔│王劭瑋│王毅勳│賴彥君│朱倉禾│謝京成│

" I think that I am an animal ; I think life is an adventure and I think life is a ride. " -Antoine Predock


Teaching Principles

Instrctor 陳明揮 Ming Chen

本練習的主要企圖在於用有限的觀察素材、有 限的模型材料 - 僅限彈性剛來詮釋想表達的空間情 境,目的在於期待學生能依個自過去九個月的設計 課學習經驗、過程為主要文本與如何利用自選建築 基地的環境條件,來達到一個”展演建築”的概念。

主要發展以學生過去九個月的設計課學習經驗、 過程為基調,發展成一個敘述設計學習當下所發生 的事件、心境感覺、想法等為主的故事文本,再藉 由文本敘述的內容以一系列線圖的方式再現文本裡 所敘述的事件與內容,希望藉此以初步整合文本敘 述裡的事件關係,並藉此發現、詮釋事件本身所俱 有主、客體關係的同質性與差異性,進而以彈性剛 的彎折、排列等方式等,以”時間切片”的概念來 再現文本的敘述與圖像敘述裡的事件中所表達的行 為關係,進而將之稱為時間切片下的建築剖面元 素,而這剖面元素不僅表達文本所敘述的事件,亦 整合了初步對空間感的想像。

這一系列藉由文字、圖像與模型的再現過程用意 在於鼓勵學生在這爾後建築設計過程裡的溝通工具 中,能在”展演”的想像概念下發現更多解讀上的 多樣性與可能性,另一方面,藉由這個練習給學生 一個對數位設計中在各種不同尺度下形變的基本概 念與可能性的想像,如剖面元素尺度、建築尺度與 環境尺度下在形變過程中所能對應的條件因素與整 合組織的想像,這些形變的行為關係如何於各種尺 度下在時間切片的積累過程中回應文本所敘述的事 件與想要詮釋的空間情境,比如 : 彈性剛如何在剖 面尺度上組織自身與整體面域上的關係,如何在建 築尺度上組織剖面元素與整體空間效果上的關係, 以達到展演多樣性的空間想像,與如何因應環境條 件來組織時間切片自身與整體的排列方式,以達到 用空間效果與其環境資訊整合來展示學生過去九個 月的學習過程的”展演建築”試驗目標。

The intention of this design practice is focus on the interpretation of spacial s c e n e ba s e d o n t h e ve r y si m p l e x source materials, and the very limited modeling material- stiff steel wires. The goal is encouraging students to think space base on the idea of “performing architecture”, which furnished by their individual stories over the past 9 months in design class and taking advantage of the conditions of the site they chose. The initial step is writing the events, feelings, and thoughts at the ver y moment regarding to them during every design practice over the past 9 months as their narratives; followup by a serious of representations through line drawings which direct them to organize the differentials and similarities behaviors and discover the possibilities of behavior relationships described in the narrative.Those behaviors will be categorized and start to take place in physical section model as a segment of time to represent as a sensational interpretation of architectural section.Those specific sections not only represent the events described but also associate with the initial imagination of perception of space they would like to present.

The idea of those representations through wording, drawing, and modeling is encouraging them to discover the diversity of possibilities of decoding those communication tools, stories, perception of space, graphics, and concept section models a n d s o o n t h ro u g h a p e r f o r m i n g imagination. On the other hand is trying to give them a basic notion of deformation and transformation in different scales, section scale, building scale and environment scale, during the accumulation through time; such as each individual section and its formation of the steel wires deformed, transformed and organized with one another in the notion of forming surface through the narrative in section scale, how those behaviors categorized and organized in building scale in terms of differentials and similarities to accumulate the diversity of performing spaces, and how the section formation deformed and transformed according to their site in environment scale to achieve the goal of “per forming architecture” which represent an exhibition of them over the past 9 months.

心境 × 朋友



Truth。Adventure 2013.05.20-06.15 林 芝 柔 │學 生 401360028 │學 號

從大一做過的八個設計題目學習到的經驗為出 發點,編出一段感性的故事,用線條的方式繪出創 作畫,最後的模型用限定的材料─彈性鋼 從故事文 本和創作畫發展。 在八個設計題目中,由自己的心境轉折和與朋 友之間的親疏關係作為主軸,加上基地觀察人群的 聚集和動線,統整做出一條路徑,當走入其中就能 體驗我在這長達一個半學期的心境轉折和與朋友間 的關係變化,經由這一長串的時間軸我學到了很 多,不僅僅是思想方面或是找到做事的方法,而這 一切我的朋友們作為我的後盾,並支持我走完大 一。我實在很感激他們。

From the freshman did eight design topics lessons learned as a starting point, compile a sentimental story, with lines drawn creative way to draw, the final model with limited materials ─ elastic steel paintings from the story text and creative development . In the eight design topics in turn by their own state of mind and with affinities between friends as a spindle, with the base of aggregation and observe the crowd moving line, make a path of integration, which will be able to experience when people walk into this state of mind for up to one half of the semester transition and changing relationship with friends through this long list of timeline .I learned a lot, not just ideological or find ways of doing things, and all my friends as my backing and support of my freshman finish. Consequently, I really appreciate them.

不能說的秘密 Secret of She

真心話。大冒險 Truth。Adventure 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wayne,Wang │王 劭 瑋

回顧自己在這一年之中 經歷 , 獲得 , 成長了什麼 ? 什麼和你的設計相關 ?

To look back what we do in this year We eperience, We acquire, We grow ? And what is your design related to?

對我而言 她是一位特別的女孩 也是我最好的朋友以及最愛的人 或許我們已經不像是朋友的這層關係 比朋友親密但又說不上是情人

For me She is a special girl Also my best friend and beloved one Perhaps we have not just like common friend But we are not like lovers ,the relationship is above friends below lovers

她在這一年裡 充滿在我的生活設計之中 我很感激 有它的存在 心裡的起伏 怦然心動 失落 高興 痛苦 黯然失色 作品中將一年之中分層六個階段 曲盡人情 甘心情願 情不自禁 情投意合 藕斷絲連 聚少離多 因為我們不常見面,所以我們因該珍惜在一起的時 光 我希望她能陪我一輩子

She was fully in this year Filled in my life and designs I am very grateful SHE accompany me in these days The heart of the ups and downs SHE make my heard beat fast Eyebrows Lose Happy Pain Be eclipsed Design will be stratified into six stages in this year The best friend Can not help Lingering

Willingly Fall in love Together from many

Because we don't get together a lot, so we should appreciate the time we have together. I wished her to accompany me in my life




How could I told you that I had gone through this ?

真心話。大冒險 Truth。Adventure 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Ye-Shium Wang │王 毅 勳

回想過去一年經歷的八個設計,自己在心境上的 變化,先以文字的敘述寫下這八個不同的故事。 之後運用直線,線條與線條彼此的平行與垂直及 線條本身的虛實、曲折關係構成一張創作畫加以描 繪一整年的心路歷程自己與外界或是自己與自己的 內心關係。 在轉換成模型時,首先訂定構成時間切面的原 則,利用單位長度的轉折代表我在設計想法上的挫 折,利用彈性鋼的數量與厚度代表對我的影響程 度,利用斷線代表在思緒上的連續,利用轉折的角 度代表心情上的順暢,然後我去整合文本與創作畫 開始組織整個模型。 最後我再思考過去我所經歷過的空間經驗結合每 個設計我當時的心情,賦予每個利用彈性鋼構成的 空間意義。 在詮釋每個空間時我希望不只是線條與牆面的關 係,於是我選擇了一個基地並且加入了其中的風與 光等自然因素。 不同的設計題目也會有許多相似的心情轉折,路 徑上我開始把相似的空間整合,而成了最後模型。 如果要為這一整年下一個結論,我想我找到的是 迷惘,因為每一次回想我都有不同的結果,所以我 模型與創作畫每一次都和前一次相差很多,我沒有 辦法告訴你我到底是否真的如此難受或如此開心, 因為沒有人可以證實,除了我自己,然而連我也自 己也無法相信自己,或許經歷了越多,就越容易忘 記過去自己的感受,而越懷疑自己,就越迷惘。

Retrospect what changes in my mind during the eight design projects over the past year. First, I use the words to write down this eight different stories.

Then I use straight lines, lines parallel or perpendicular, the line itself dotted, solid or tortuous to constitute a concept art to characterize a year's journey. To convert into models, my first-set is forming the principles of time slices, per unit length of the transition on behalf of my frustration in the design ideas, the use of how thick and how many elinvars represents the degree of influence, on me the use of disconnected lines behalf of our continuous break in mind, using the angle of turning on behalf of my mood, and then I went to integrate text and concept arts to organize the model. Finally, I think about what spatial experience I have lived through and combined it with my mood during each design, and give each space formed by elinvars significance. I hope not interpreting each space only with lines the walls, so I chose a base and joined some of the natural factors such as wind and light. Different design topics will also have many similar moods, I started to integrate the path, and became the final model. If I have a conclusion for my whole year, I think is BEMUSED, because every time I recall has different results, so my models and concept arts are so distinctive. I could not tell you what I really feel, because no people can confirmed it, except myself, however I cannot even believe my own. The more I experienced, the easier I forgot my past feelings, and the more suspect, the more confused.

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

創作畫│ Concept Art 模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan

Question & Answer 實

真心話。大冒險 Truth。Adventure 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Tsang Ho,Chu │朱 倉 禾

觀察自己在過去一年所做過的八個設計題目所 經歷的成長、變化、心境轉變的同質性與差異性, 並藉由自己在這學年下來設計過成的心境變化,發 展成由彈性鋼所組成的空間情境來表達本學年的學 習經驗。藉由這一年的設計練習為事件敘述的對 象,創造不同的空間夠成方式,由內而外,由外而 內的空間形式。 而本設計是由耐力度所組成的,再 由經驗度、朋友、外評老師、好奇度來支持整個故 事的架構。

For over a year we've been done eight design topics with experiencing growth, the differences with my mood change. And myself in this term of mind changes on design process. Model developed into an elastic steel composed of spatial situation to express this year's learning experience.Analyze this year's design practice to describe what happen,to create a different space from internal to external.This design are formed with endurance.On the other hand,exp eriments,friends,teacher and Curiosity are the mean fact to support my whole story of this design.


六 組。 設 計 作 品 集

E A 1 _ S t u d i o 。 D e p t . o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 。 Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y


真心話。大冒險 Truth。Adventure 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Keisei Xie │謝 京 成

這個題目是從我這一學年的經歷的觀察記錄分析得 來。主要的主題是師曰吾想的過程,主要研討我跟 老師之間的關係。可能有時在我看來,我和老師的 距離很近,但在我想像老師認為我和他之間的關係 卻有些遙遠。 我想記錄了一張我這一年所有發生的事情,並且有 些標有紅字的部分是很特別的事情。那從我的記錄 轉化到我的創作畫中, 黑色的部分代表我自己的主體,而紅色的部分代表 的除我之外的客體,可能是老師或則母親,總之是 影響我設計主體的客體。我主要是想要用兩條線之 間的距離去反映我與老師之間的關係。而”兩條“線 條自己本身之間的組成方式代表一些很特別的事 情。 到了模型的部分,我希望用彈性剛的厚度與排列方 式去說明一些事情,而不是純粹用形式去說明問 題,所以我拗出來的彈性剛的形式大致上相同,都 是一邊高一邊低的形式。而有些事情我希望是在模 型中的行進方式中展現,藉由地形的變化與天花板 的變化,可能地形的變高,可能在這個題目中,我 行進的非常痛苦,而天花板對我的壓抑感或者是空 曠感。後再在模型中植入了基地,在我看來,基地 中的風或者陽光是影響人在內部空間的空間感。所 以我希望用彈性剛的排列方式去回應外界的陽光與 風,讓外界的條件能不能進入空間內部。最後,我 在一個彈性剛內區分出主客體,粗的部分是我的主 題,而主客體之間的連線我覺得可以代表老師帶著 我前進或者我的想法老師認同的過程。那中間的連 線是順應人的消點方式,如果人反過來走的時候就 會有眩暈感,因為我覺得我是在看待同一件事情的 時候會有不同看法,所以我想呈現的是空間錯視的 感覺。

This topic is from my experience this year recording and analyzing observations come. The main theme is the division Yuewu thought process, mainly discuss the relationship between the teacher told me. May sometimes seems to me very close to me and the teacher, but I imagine the teacher think the relationship between me and him is somewhat distant. I think this year I recorded an all happening, and some parts are marked with red is a very special thing. That from my record was transformed into my creative painting, Black part on behalf of my own body, while the red part represents the object except me, probably the teacher or the mother, in short, is the impact I designed the main object. I mainly want to use the distance between the two lines to reflect the relationship between me and the teacher. The "two" lines between themselves representative of the composition of some very special things. To the model part, I just want to use the elastic thickness and arrangement to clarify some things, rather than purely to illustrate the problem with the form, so I just bend out of elastic

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


六 組。 設 計 作 品 集

E A 1 _ S t u d i o 。 D e p t . o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 。 Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y

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