Free topic unit01

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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 一 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


Light。Shadow。Space ] [光。影。空間│

│宋立文│ │王瑋傑│陳彥蓉│林雨寰│韓馥安│油錫翰│戴 瑄│林建安│王薏慈│

│前言│ 本設計主題的目的在協助創作者經由觀察,建立空 間創作的思考邏輯。創作者先觀察生活周遭的自然 光以及人工光,以及所形成的陰影,進而思考光線 與空間的對應關係。此外,創作者也可以觀察光線 與影像生成的關係,並且了解實像、虛像的形成及 對應。最後創作者必須針對某一個觀察主題,發展 出自己的詮釋及論述,並且依此結果繪製創作圖及 概念模型。 這個專題主要在協助創作者養成觀察的習慣,細膩 的體會空間與光影的關係,並且藉由自我辯證的方 式建立創作的思考邏輯,並體會空間創造的概念生 成。此外,創作者從設計操作中體會如何藉由說明 圖來解釋理性觀察及思考,創作畫來探索感性的個 人情感,並且在一次次的模型製作中學會如何與模 型對話,進而發展出空間創造的各種可能性。

Introduction This project will help designers to establish his thinking logic to conceptualize space through observation. The designers have been required to observe natural and artificial light around his/her living environment, and then think of the corresponding relationship between light and space. Besides, the designers should observe the relationship between light and image, and understand how the solid and void images have been produced. At the end, the designers should choose a subject to develop his/her explanation and representation, and then to make drawings and a concept model. This project will help designers to learn how to observe environment, and to understand the relationship among space, light, and shadow. The designers would establish thinking logic of creation through self-debate, and experienced how to conceptualize space. In addition, the designers learn how to demonstrate rational observation and thinking with diagrams, and sensibility of personal emotion with painting. Eventually, the designers learn how to have conservation with models through model making process time after time, and then develop various possibilities of making space.

( 水之光 )

(Water of Light )

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wei-chieh,Wang │王 瑋 傑

在環境中尋找有趣的光影效果。我選擇的基地是在 淡水河岸的小漁港,研究的主題是水面。我覺得水 面是界定兩種物質 ( 水和空氣 ) 的介面,並且是我 和環境的中介物質,透過水面,我可以看到平常看 不到的影像。當我盯著水面時,我除了能看到水中 的景象外,還能看到來自天空的倒影、我的影子。 可以說,透過水面,不同距離的空間被疊加了起來。 除此之外,視線和水面的角度也會影響實虛像的分 布,離我比較近的水面,也就是視線和水面的夾角 比較大的時候看到的影像是實像,是水面下的影像; 當越往遠方水面看時,視線與水面夾角越小,看到 的影像慢慢變成虛像,變成天空或雲的倒影。而水 面上的水波卻將這些疊加後的影像重新分割,然而 我們卻能依稀辨識出那些被分割的畫面原本是甚麼 東西,是因為那些被分割的影像包含著對原始物體 的片段資訊,透過視覺上的重組這些零碎資訊,仍 然可以大概地辨識出原始物體。

Find the interesting light and shadow in the environment, and I choose a little harbor at Tamsui River riverside as my base, and my research topic is water surface. I think water surface is a substance which is an interface that defined two substance (water and air). To me,water surface is also a intermediary substance betweem me and environment. Through water surface, I can see the images the I can’t see in everyday life. When I see water sur face, I see not only the images under water surface but the unverted image of sky or cloud and my shadow. It can be said that many different distance of spaces are superimposed through water surface. In addition, the angle between water surface and my sight also affect the distribution of real images and virtual images. When water surface near to me, which means the angle between my sight and water surface is high, I see real image, the image under ware surface; when water surface far to me, which means the angle between my sight and water surface is low, I see virtual image, the image reflect the sky or cloud. However, wave recut the superimposed images, but we still have the ability to recognize what is the original images before images cut by wave approximately. The reason is that every piecemeal images contain little part imformation of original object. We can approximately recognize original image by visual restructure these piecemeal imformation.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


A Condensed World

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Chen,Ien-Jung │陳 彥 蓉

我一開始先觀察自然界的光影效果,發覺小單元間 的光影反射很有趣,其中又以泡泡所呈現的光線和 影像最為特別。接著我開始觀察泡泡的型態,發現 泡泡的排列方式有其一定的規則。穩定的泡膜間的 角度必符合 120 度,此外,泡泡表面的色彩會隨泡 膜的厚度起變化,地心引力使泡膜由泡頂往底部增 厚,因而造成泡泡的色彩呈現規律性的變化。接著 我將泡泡置入基地——宮燈教室的蓮花池,我發現 泡泡將周遭景色以環狀的方式反射在表面,彷彿每 一個泡泡都是一個濃縮的世界,我們透過泡泡可以 看到更廣大的視野,而泡泡生長的規則也會影響泡 泡反射出的畫面,此外,泡膜的七彩受到基地的風 吹和聲音的震動而呈現擾動的色澤,色澤會在泡膜 上不斷變動,而遮蔽反射出的景象,形成一幅不斷 變動的畫面,我認為泡泡同時也記錄了某段時間的 世界,此外,泡泡的張力決定它了形體,進而影響 泡泡上的光影變化,因此我採用鋁片作為模型的主 體,一來因為鋁片是軟性材質,我利用彩色絲線的 張力將鋁片塑型,二來鋁片因為型態的變化可以在 表面反射出有趣的光影效果,我把絲線從一個定點 向外拉,表示泡泡將視線縮進泡中,呈現在泡膜上。

First of all, I obser ved the light of nature, fascinated by the reflection between small units. What interested me the most is the glow of bubbles. Next, I observed the formation of bubbles, finding that at a point where three or more bubbles meet, they sort themselves out so that only three bubble walls meet along a line. Since the surface tension is the same in each of the three surfaces, the three angles between them must be equal to120 ° . Furthermore, the colors of bubble film will change along with the thickness of bubble film. Due to gravity, the bubble film becomes thicker and thicker from the top to the bottom of bubble, thus, the glow on bubbles will change regularly. I place bubbles into the site-the lotus pond of The Chinese Palace-style Classrooms in TKU. Bubbles reflected the scenery as if each bubble is a condensed world. Through the bubbles, we can experience a wider horizon. Moreover, the wind and vibration of sound in the site disturbed the colors on bubble , making the glow keep changing on the bubble films, which cover some of the reflection, becoming a constantly changing mage. I think the bubbles may record some precious moment in the world at the same time. In addition, the shape and reflection of bubbles depends on surface extension. Therefore, I use aluminum to build the structure of model and then use the extension of colored threads to shape the aluminum.

微視野世界 Microsight Antiworld

這個題目是各組不同的自由題。我們這組的題目內 容是光。影。空間。而我的研究主題是“針孔成 像 ''。這是一個關於透過小孔看東西的現象,光線 通過小孔在屏幕上投影。該物體成像會被顛倒。紀 錄少量的光線需要經過較長時間的累積,動態事物 的時間軌跡就會被記錄起來。像是將一段時間疊合 在一個平面上的感覺。我試著去設計一條描述光的 路徑,通過限制光的走向,連續進行針孔成像,呈 現在各個區間裡人的體驗。所以人在針孔和投影空 間的轉換隧道裡會有一些像是顛倒,和投影空間拉 伸,影像放大,甚至是進入影像的投影情形。

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Lin,Rain │林 雨 寰

This is a free topic for each groups.Our topic is Light。Shdow。Space.My study theme is ''Pinhole imaging''.It is a phenomanon about watching things through a tiny hole.The light through the small hole will project on a screen. And the image of the object will be inverted. Record a small amount of light required a longtime accumulation.The time track of dynamic things will be recorded.It feels like the period of time superimposed on a flat surface.I tried to design a path of light,continuous pinhole imaging by limiting light way.Presented the experience in each section.So people in the pinhole and projection space conversion tunnel there will be some experience like upside down and projection space stretching image enlarge ,Even into the image projection.


Wave ‧ Shadow

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Han,Fu-An │韓 馥 安

這次的題目是希望以光 , 影 , 空間來刺激我們思 考分析更深一層的意義和意見 . 在一開始我們先由生活周遭的光影變化做觀察 , 而我最後選定的題目是想觀察水波反射至岩石面的 變化及岩石倒影在水波中的扭曲現象 . 因此我做了 一連串實驗並且發現另一個特殊現象 , 在水面上下 會因為波峰波谷折射反射的發散匯聚不同而呈現相 反的光影效果 . 模型部份我用壓克力和水泥來呈現岩石和水波 所對應的效果 , 以不同視角看到的扭曲材料不同來 説明相對應的部份 , 並添加 與壓克力同向度的鋁板 來説明水中影像 !

This topic is hope of light, shadow, space to stimulate our thinking and analysis deeper meaning and opinions. In the beginning we start with ambient lighting changes do live observation, and I think the last selected topic is reflected to the waves observed changes in surface rocks and rock reflection in the waves of the distortions, so I did a series of experiments and found another particular phenomenon, and down in the water because of the divergence of peaks and valleys converge reflection refraction render different lighting effects opposite. Model I used acrylic and cement part to render the corresponding rock and wave effects to different perspectives that different materials will be described distortions corresponding part, and add a dimension of aluminum and acrylic explained with underwater video!

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image






shadow space

這次的題目是由每組老師所出自由題,我們的題目 世光影空間。空間,伴隨著光影。有光產生出了有 子並製造出了空間,這三者的關係是密不可分的。 而我這次是以影子為出發點,影子總子帶給我們一 種孤獨,反向的意境。它將形體扭曲變形產生出了 新的詮釋,而或許影子才是真正反映出 [ 本我 ] 中 心的原形。我藉由觀察分析影子的形成與它的變化 形態,去思考影子帶給我們的印象以及它背後的意 義。 什麼才是真實的?我們總是相信著自己看到的事物 並把它們定意為真實,我想藉由影子去讓人思考真 實的定義,並構築出以影子為主體構築出的基地並 從中感受出基地賦予人的新的意義。

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Yu,shin-han │油 錫 翰

T h i s i s t h e s u b j e c t of f re e te a c h e r e a c h topic, topic of our world light space. Space, accompanied by light. Have produced a bright child and manufacture of space, the relationship between these three are inseparable. And this is my shadow as a starting point, the shadow always gives us a lonely child, reverse the mood. It will produce a distorted form a new interpretation, but perhaps the real shadow reflects [the I] center prototype. By observing and analyzing the shadow of my formation and it changes shape, shadow brings us to think about the impression and the meaning behind it. What is real? We always believe in what they saw things and put them purposed to be true, I want to make people think about the real shadow by definition, and in order to build a shadow as the main base from which to build a base to give people a feel new meaning.

創作畫 1

創作畫 2



Raster and images

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Shiuan Dai │戴 瑄

觀察生活中的光影空間,並加以整理記錄。並且選 出三處光線會在此空間形成奇妙效果的地方,並且 觀察,所有材質、顏色、尺度 ...... 等各種因素如何 影響陰影的形成。並依據自己對影像投射的觀點來 發展概念。並且製作一個概念模型,此模型必須要 反映出光線、陰影、質感、空間等相關元素。最後 繪製成一張創作畫,表達這次主題觀察到的體會。 在與老師討論的過程中,時常覺得觀念不夠深入, 常常需要思考更多層面的事。當我們的體會不夠深 入時,會陷入不知如何是好的困境。當我們體會到 更不一樣的觀點時,所看到的事物又會更不一樣。 製作正模時,我利用了水泥和小碎石的不同密度分 布,表示光點對環境所形成不同深度疊加狀態,再 利用分層的壓克力疊加對空間組成之透明度產生變 化,想營造出觀察空間環境的氣氛,利用光柵所看 到的影像呈現由中心向外發散的光束情形。並經由 人為的角度調整,所看到的影像也會因人為改變形 成一變形的影像,並且因光柵角度改變的規則而重 複。並且利用所選基地的特質,彩虹橋的 S 行步道 作為一出發點,作為模型上的形式發展。創造出空 間可以因為光點的密度不同,形成之空間深度也不 一樣。

Observe the light,shadows and space in our life . Collect the datas ,record the environmental atmosphere. Observe the materials,color,size and so on. Accroding to my viewpoint develops the concept. And draw a painting and make a conceptual model which have to react the light,shadows,material and space. Use the cement and the gravel to make the model. The model consists of acrylic,cement and different size gravel. I use the gravel to create different density to cause different depth and using the acrylic can create transparency. At first,I use the raster to observe the environment and I see the very special images. The light radiate from the center of light source. When I rotate the raster,the image would be changed and be distored and I use the characteristic of the base which I choose to be my concept. My base is the Rainbow Bridge which has S trail and I combine it with my model.

正模局部│ Model

製模過程│ Process

創作畫 -1 │ Painting-1

創作畫 -2 │ Painting-2

鏡與水的反射 真實環境下光所呈現的水面差異 鏡面成像條件下所能表達的空間延伸

光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Lin,Chien-an │林 建 安

非常感謝淡江建築大一最後一個題目提供了每 組不一樣的設計練習,聽外評老師說這在其他大一 建築系是不見得有的難得機會,可以一次聽到另外 八組不同的設計案,聽聽其他同學是如何切入這次 設計練習,並轉換抽象的思考進入到具象的模型。 我們這一組的題目是──光,影,空間。是宋老 師帶了六年的題目,一張圖片能帶給你的提示,我 們必須想得比其他人更多,看到的點要更多,接著 再從比較科學的理論開始,最後是屬於 " 我 " ── " 林建安 " 的想像。 而我這次的設計練習的發想是從捷運站天花板 上的鏡子開始,那是一個倒反的世界,我又再想如 果兩旁都是鏡子的話讓我聊想到電梯裡面的小空間 藉由兩面鏡子不斷的重複反射影像來拉伸空間,而 由兩面鏡子重複反射的影像照理說是無限多個像, 但是我們只能看到一定數量的影像,這個原理和水 面有些相關,再一定的的角度之後,我們往往看不 到水面 ( 河水、湖水 ) 底下的東西,之後看到的是 水面上的倒影,這是光線的全反射現象,一定的角 度之後光線無法再反射進入到眼睛裡面,所以之後 的影像就看不到了。 評圖當天,外評老師給的意見讓我印象分常深 刻,我們比較著重在水波的光影上面,老師希望我 們也能談談影子這件事情,王澤老師則建議我們放 下科學理論,那是拿來說服別人但不是拿來說服自 己,我們可以更忠實地的面對自己的創作畫,所謂 " 抽象 " 的定義是甚麼,黑暗裡的一盞燭光能帶給 你甚麼樣的情感?

It's a very wondweful opportunity for us to have different design projects . We can learn many ideas from other teams , and this project train us how to transform our abstract concept into concrete models . Our design practice is Light , Shadow , Space. Our teacher have been teaching this practice for six years . How can a picture bring ideas to you and we have to look at some ideas that other people can't see . First , we must started finding up the science theor y behind the "Phenomenon", than begin our "design" . My idea is from the mirror on the ceiling in the MRT station , and I try to think not only on the ceiling but the two side . That make me think about the space in the elevator . The science theory behind the mirror is similar to the water like river and lake . Teachers gave us many opinions impress me a lot . How about the shadow in the river and lake ? When the space has light ,there must also exist the shadow . And what is the definition of "abstract" ? Last one is how a candlelight in the darkness bring you feeling ?



光。影。空間 Light。Shadow。Space 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wang,I-Tzu │王 薏 慈

我一開始對於生活周遭的光影沒什麼概念,看到美 的光影就拍下來,不會注意成像原理及本身的特殊 性。對於這個題目很沮喪,似乎找到甚麼都會被稱 之為「不太驚喜」的效果。 我自己也不大清楚是老天眷戀我還是甚麼,竟然隨 手拿起防潮箱出去看世界,就發現了如此驚豔的效 果。我就像著了魔般,瘋狂的拿去拍草、拍樹、拍 天空,實在是太迷人了! 我的分析從它的成像原理開始,又再度遇到很大的 困難,我們又不是物理系,要怎麼分析出準確的分 析圖呢 ? 後來才了解我們要的不是準確的預測光線 的路徑,只要有邏輯的推演出一套說法,在進而從 中轉化即可。 再來到模型上,又再度遇到問題,要從基地裡找到 它的氣質,在和先前分析圖得來的四、五種結論結 合,然後在模型上呈現。 這個題目是我情緒起伏最大的一次,摸不著頭緒, 不懂老師要甚麼。讓我常常處於想做設計,卻因分 析還沒想清楚,而做不出模型。一個月來,心情時 好時壞,一個問題解決了,下一個馬上出現,從發 想到結束是一段掙扎的過程。 Branching,是樹木長到一定高度時,就會形成分 歧、分岔,就像我們漸漸進入大一結束,一起進展 到了一個高度後,老師漸漸地不給太多指示,希望 我們想成自己獨立思考的能力,自己走屬於自己的 一條分枝。在這個題目裡,我了解到老師希望我們 「自己」把事情想清楚,再用一套說法,說出一個 能說服人的故事。

At first, I have no idea about the concept of light and shadow around our living area, I took any pictures that I think it will be a beautiful photo, and do not pay attention to imaging principle and its own particularity. For this very frustrating work, it seems anything I find will be called "not a surprise" effect. I am not sure what I was sentimentally attached to God, I just pick up Cabinets out to see the world, and I find such a stunning effect. I like possessed like, crazy take shot grass, trees shoot, shoot the sky, it is fascinating! This topic is one of the biggest I have emotional ups and downs, perplexed, but not the teacher wants. I always wanted to do in the design, analysis did not think clearly because, while not make the model. This month, I feel good times and bad, a problem solved, the next one immediately appear, from the hair is a struggle to think of the end of the process. Branching, the trees grow to a certain height, it will form a disagreement, bifurcation, as we gradually into the end of freshman year, together with the progress to a height, the teacher does not give much indication Gradually, I hope we want into their own independent thinking the ability to take their own a branch. In this topic, I learned that teachers want us to "own" things to think clearly, and then a statement, tell a persuasive story.

淡 江 大 學 建 築 系 │ 一 年 級 工 作 室 │ 第 一 組。 設 計 作 品 集 E A 1 _ S t u d i o 。 D e p t . o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 。 Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y

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