Free topic unit 09

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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 九 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


[ 突異型式│ Mutated Form ]

│李京翰│ │夏慧渝│王禹方│羅幕昕│陳體玟│吳岱容│林敬華│

突異型式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15

作者 / 李京翰 老師 最後的設計題目重點在於如何觀察與實驗一個具有時間狀態變異的紋理成形,從中萃取一個 三度空間生成的規則,並將此規則發展成一種空間成形的方法。目的除了訓練學生思考一套空 間形式生成的方法論外,也試圖透過系統類比的空間生成過程,實驗數位設計思考與教學法於 大一基礎設計的應用。 另外一方面也特別關注以時間為基礎的空間,因此一種設計方案下的類型學並非重點,而是 形態學下空間的演化觀點與其他變種的可能性,同時試圖回應空間自生態的論點。所以即便題 目為突異形式,但所選擇或應用的形式與幾何並非重點,而是在於生成的規則,向大自然學習 的規則也並非是最終的產物,而是透過其規則與過程產生更多空間的可能性。 夏慧渝|液化、形變|流體形式 王禹方|結晶、鑲嵌|結晶的篷蓋 羅幕昕|擴散、交織|脈絡走道 陳體玟|爆破、形變|氣球爆裂 吳岱容|密度、聚積|密度航行 林敬華|遞歸、裂解|裂解皮層

/雙層與透明性、湧現的流體 /連續的生成、單元與關節 /吸收與吸附、表面即為結構 /驅使的力場、回應的向量 /晶格、堆疊 /由下而上、自我相似

writing by Lee Ching-Hang The point of final project lays on how to extract the spatial formation rules came from the series of observation and experiments on pattern formation in time and develop them into the ways of forming space. Except the thinking trainings on the methodology about spatial formation, this project also experiments the application of digital design thinking and didactics on first year architectural education by the systematic analog process of spatial formation. The other point is about the time-based space, therefore we care more about the morphology and evolution about spatial variation even the mutation of them, rather than the possibilities of typology under one design scheme, the most important, the autopoiesis of space. The project is about Mutated Form, but the points are not merely about forms and geometries which are chosen or applied. It’s all about the rules, and even the rules that we learn from Mother Nature are not the final products, it’s about the rules and process. We expect to invent more through those rules and process. Hsia Hui-Yu Liquefaction, Morphing | Fluid Form Double Layer Transparency, Emergent Fluid Wang Yu-Fang Crystallization, Tessellation | Crystal Shelter Formation of Variation, Units and Joints Luo Mu-Sin Diffusion, Weaving | Context Aisle Adsorption and Absorption, Surface as Structure Chen Ti-wen Blasting, Morphing | Explosion Of Ballon Driven Field, Responded Vector Wu Dai-Rung Density, Aggregation Voxel, Stacking

| The Sail Of Density

Lin Chin-Hua Recursion, Cracking | Cracking Skin Bottom-Up, Self-Similarity

流體形式 Fluid form

突異形式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Hsia-Hui Yu │夏 慧 渝

In order to find out the rules of special experiments by obser ving that water flow down on 3 kinds of material ,and blend with spray at the same time.Because of the need of experiments and data,so I classified the flow rate or the direction between water and material,and also 2D to 3D to see the differences. To zoom in the result of the experiment,and combine the concept of resolution ,so I saw each pattern as a series of squares,and handled them separatly. Next,I observed the natural forces in the site,I saw it as a force to create the shape of the model.And also continued the concept of squares ,according to the rules to deal with each little square.For example,those holes were accorded to the sunlight and the light in the interior zone. Different experiments,interesting rules, zoom in infinitly.Design is to let people see what they haven't seen and to get the result that they haven't never think about. Last project in 1st grade,is to keep being passionate and have fun.

藉由觀察水量接觸不同種類紙張的瞬間,和噴 漆相互混合所產生的 pattern 實驗,去探討這些 pattern 生成的規律和原則。因為需要大量資料庫 去觀察其中的規則,所以實驗的變因包括水量大中 小、紙張和水流方向,以及平面和立體的差別。 把觀察到的結果無限放大,並融入解析度方格 的概念,去將 pattern 方格化,並視每一格為一個 個別單元去分開處理。 接著去觀察基地的自然力,將此視為形塑模 型的力量,並延續方格化的手法,依照規則做不同 程度的凹凸又或是破洞。像是破洞,是根據陽光軌 跡和觀察室內採光的明亮與否去做特定位置的孔 洞。 不一樣的實驗、有趣的觀察原則、無限微觀或 放大,設計就是要讓人看到我們以往沒看到的事 物,得出一個我們沒有想過的結論。 最後一個大一設計,就是保有熱情,玩出最 後的成果。



道林紙 小水量




實驗照片│ Experiments Image





實驗照片│ Experiments Image

分析│ Analysis

分析│ Analysis

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image


Crystal Shelter

突異形式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wang Yu-Fang │王 禹 方

結晶是個有趣的過程,從溶液變成固體的過程會 受溫度影響。因此我選擇觀察鹽的結晶生成,溫度 越高的地方結晶越易生成。結晶就是小分子與小分 子的聚積,溫度越高分子之間越容易結合,因此結 合的自由度最高,反之溫度低越不容易結合,可享 成結合的自由度越小。因此每個單元都有一面切口 當作是結合點,規則是,隨著溫度越高,切口可以 連結的範圍越多,不僅是不同分子切口相連,甚至 可以結合另一個分子其他向度的面。

Growing crystals is an interesting process from liquid to solid, which can be affected by temperature. I choose to observe the salt crystal, while high temperature is easily growing crystals than others. Crystal means molecules gather, it can be imagined to have more capability to combine together while under heat. On the contrary, it will be much more difficult to build up under a cold condition, the molecules have less chance to get together. The rule is: every units has its juncture, the juncture has a larger range to connect if it is under the temperature. Not only can the molecules collect from juncture to juncture, but also collect from juncture to other side.

實驗過程│ Experiment

規則分析│ Diagram

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image


Context Aisle

突異形式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Luo,Mu-Sin │羅 慕 昕

在這個設計案的開始,我們去觀察一種自然現 象,企圖從中學習到一些原則,或說是規則,用以 運用在空間的生成以及架構,在過程中去探討有關 自然生成,以及空間的可能性。

In this design case,fist,I try to look for something about naturt,what the nature like,and how it work? Then I try to use the rull to creat some space,and look how it like.

在設計之初,我去觀察材料的吸水性,我實驗 很多不同種類的材料,之後選出道林紙以及巴莎 木,然後使用墨水,觀察水沿著材料紋理,然後水 再載著墨水的現象,我用了許多的方式去觀察其中 的變化,包括阻斷以及切割材料。

At the beging,L look for the water,and how the material catch the water. Then,I found twise of them.and then I use ink to look how water wolk in the material,and I try many other ways to found out how it work.

實驗結束之後,我將這樣子的規則,也就是實 驗所得的結果加以做整理,並且加入基地上的因素 去進行實驗,想要嘗試運用實驗的結果去套用在基 地上,在自然的生成下產生的空間與人以及與環境 的關係性,在空間自主生成的過程中也加以修正。

After the test,I use this rull,what I found from the test do finishing,and use the condition on the base to test hoe the rull woule be on the base.And also look how the space whitch came from my rull would be.

在生成原則上,我將基地的影響力視為材料本 身的紋理,在進行分析後,去影響架構的生成,骨 架方面則是套用部分阻斷人的動線,以及創造多動 線,促使人群停留的方法去形成。

About the rull,I use the factor of the base as the pattern of the material,and use the road what the people walk by to decided how the frame would be.

最後,表面元件扮演墨水的角色,在提供使用 者遮蔭的原則之下,順著骨架生長,自己本身也因 為不同需求而有不同的形式形成。

And then I use the element one the surface as the ink,it grow by the frame but would also has it's own way to grow , when it has some thing to do .

這個設計案我覺得十分的有趣,空間的生成方 式我沒有想過可以如此自然,在生成的空間裡,對 我來說是有趣的,也十分的新奇 !

In this case,i think it is very interesting,and I also love it very much!

模型照片│ Model

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model


Explosion of Balloon

突異形式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Chen Ti-wen │陳 體 玟

我觀察在高速攝影下氣球爆裂的過程。其中主 要分成沒裝水的氣球與有裝水的氣球兩個部分,而 水球爆裂的部份又分成了五種不同的爆裂方式。 用 photoshop 將照片的對比調高、用負片的 方式使水花、氣球皮層呈黑色以便觀察,再畫出不 同外力造成的破裂情形,發現水花的噴濺方式主要 因外力、重力、皮層移動方向而有所不同,而水花 表面呈現的樣貌是一條一條水平向外擴散的。 使用膠片製作小單元,利用折、燒、割等四種 方式呈現單元的原貌,再用火燒讓單元外型改變。 因為氣球爆炸後的樣貌受時間所影響,所以我用燒 的時間長短去區分單元所表現的時間性,再用這些 單元組成我的模型。 水花噴濺的方向主要受到外力影響,所以在模 型置入基地時,我讓單元的排列隨人流方向而改 變,在外圍放置單元的原貌,越往內則放置燒得較 久、較有變化的單元,來展現水球爆炸的情形。

At the beginning , I observed the explosion of balloons in high speed photograph. My observation devided into two parts , balloons with water and without water , and at the part of water balloons have five ways of explosions. In order to obser ve the spray of water, I increased the contrasty of photo , and use negative film in photoshop , to let spray and the surface of balloon appear in black . Then I draw the process of explosion , discovered the spray of water appear in different ways because of force,gravity,and the direction of balloon's surface moving. I use 4 different methods to create units , and heated up units to change the appearance of them. Because the appearance of balloons' explosion determine of time, I use duration of burning to distinguish the time that units appear. Then I use these units to form my final model. The direction of spray is determined by external force , so I let the arrange of units in accordance of the way of people walk by to show the condition of balloons explode.

刺破水球表面 水全滿

外力貫穿水球 飛鏢 ×1

分析 | Diagram


飛鏢 ×2

分析 | Diagram

單元照片 | Unit Image

草模照片 | Model Image

草模照片 | Model Image

草模照片 | Model Image

草模照片 | Model Image

模型照片 | Model Image

模型照片 | Model Image

模型照片 | Model Image

模型照片 | Model Image

模型照片 | Model Image


The Sail of Density

突異型式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wu,Dai-Rung │吳 岱 容

從實驗到紋理,再從紋理到單元。依循著規則, 一步一步將空間生成。

From experiment to pattern; from pattern to unit. Follow the rule to grow up the space.

藉由觀察名溶液(酒精、牛奶、清潔劑)在油、 水層中的變化實驗,我分別在各溶液中找到數種紋 理。接著,又將此三套紋理整理出三套有規則可循 的單元。最後,將此三套單元代入實驗,理出另一 套空間形成之規則。藉由依循著這套空間規則,我 將我的作品完成。

By observing the change of the solution(alcohol, milk, cleaning solution), I found some of patterns in these solution. Then, I followed these patterns to find three suits of units that grown up by rules. Finally, I put the units to the experiment to find the rules which help me to grow up the space. By following the rules, I completed my work.

在觀察溶液在油、水層中變化的實驗中,我發 現了一些有趣的現象,像是酒精會有一些膨脹的現 象、牛奶會生成小球狀、清潔劑會有拉出絲狀體的 現象等。利用攝影的手法,我將各實驗錄下,再從 中截圖。從截下的圖面中,收集紋理。從觀察這些 紋理中,我定義正三角形為我設計作品的基本單 元。利用此基本單元,再進一步設計三套有連續關 係的單元。最後,將單元代入實驗,做出一套空間 形成之規則。從此套規則中,可以看到各狀態持續 的時間性。藉由這套空間形成的規則,我完成了此 「密度航形」。

From observing the change of the solution, I found some interesting phenomena. For example, alcohol has the phenomenon of expansion, milk becomes several small milk ball, and cleaning solution can pull some filament. By photography, I recorded those experiment, and screenshot from those film. From the pictures, I collected some patterns. By observing these patterns, I defined that the equilateral triangle is the basic unit of my design. Then, I used the basic unit to design three suits of units that have rules. Finally, I put these units to the experiment to make a rule which help me grow the space. From this rule, it is easy to see the timeline of the experiment. By the rule, I finished " The Sail of Density. "






Cracking Skin

突異型式 Mutated Form 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Lin Ching-Hua │林 敬 華

我觀察了土地的裂解,試著尋找出裂縫圖騰的 秩序性與相關性,然後用這一些被觀察出來的原 則,設計出一項此規則專屬的作品。 第一次裂解後,會形成多邊形的大分區,且每 一分區中都具有不同的形狀。而接下來的裂解,皆 會這些分區中,繼續發生,且區與區之間具有獨立 性。在自然的紋理觀察中,我發現那一些區域中, 具有某一種點,為區域裂解的起始點,因為這一個 點,讓區域與區域之間具有同一種特性。 所以我就用這些一開始的點為構想,用兩點決 定直線畫分區域,再用畫分出來的幾何形狀中,用 重心將每一點連結起來,成為許多的三角型,而這 些三角型就成為了區與區之間的連結。接下來我利 用基地裡人的活動區域劃分了五個點,再加入了基 地的熱力與風力,造成這些三角型開始有型態的變 化,如熱力控制了裂解的次數,風力則控制了開洞 的方式。 這一個設計,為了尋找一種規則,而有一種具 有秩序圖騰出現,再用基地的力量來形塑,讓這些 圖騰更直接反應出自然的現象。

I obser ved crack of the land, tr ying to find out the order of the pattern cracks and correlation. Here are some principles to be observed out to design an exclusive works of this rule. After the first crack, to form a large region, and each region has a different shape. The next crack, all these region will continue to crack, and there are independent between zones. In nature, I found that some of the area, with a particular point, the starting point for the regional crack, because this one point, so from region to region with the same characteristics. So I started using the point of conception, two-point decision to draw a straight line. In the geometry , using gravity link up every point, as many of the triangle . Triangle on these become a link between zones. Next, I use the site of the region divided five area, and then add the site of the heat and wind, causing these triangular patterns began to change . Heat controls carck , and wind make hole . In this design, in order to find a rule, there is a kind of pattern appeared orderly, and then the power of site shape the pattern, so that these pattern more directly reflect the nature of the phenomenon.

由真實的實驗去直接觀察,探討其關係性,然侯加以延伸與研究 觀察後的研究重點 裂解具有區域性



區域劃分完之後,將會具有某一個點,由它開始進行下一階段裂解 之後所做的規則,將這一個點設定為多邊形的重心





其目標是利用觀察出來的規則,加上自己對於規則的再創,成為自己對於裂解的詮釋。紙模的尋找的過程 中,一開始只是切開,尋求裂縫的意象,然後有了雙面,再來是雙面開洞。最後定案是只用單面,歸因於 土地的裂解是同一面,而不是往下的雙面,加上三角形的變化,成為了裂解的表現。







內縮 2/3 重心切割

內縮 1/3 重心切割

重心線 2/3 切割

重心線 1/3 切割















九 組。 設 計 作 品 集

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