Free topic unit07 0628

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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 七 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


縮小空間重組│ Micro space reorganization

│蔡佩樺│ │吳聲懋│洪意晴│羅廣駿│林晉瑩│朱映丞│吳鈺嫻│邱冠中│

指導老師 - instructor

蔡 佩 樺

- Pei Hua Tsai

縮小空間重組 A.


B. 選取數個可以被連結的剖面,試圖把剖面藉由放大/縮小/扭轉……等手法疊圖。 發覺這些剖面當中的某種系統或構造。 C. 藉由自己設定一個故事,創造一個空間或是物體,這個空間的面向是經由這些剖 面系統而來。

Micro space reorganization A. Select five objects. Draw three sections for each, and use those sections to analyze the system of those objects. B. Select numbers of sections can be linked together. Trying to mapping those of them by zoom in / zoom out / reverse‌.etc. Find out some kind of system or structure. C. By setting a story, creating a space or objects, the space’s procedure is from these systems of sections.


The bridge of water

縮小空間重組 Micro space reorganization 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Mou Mou-Wu | 吳 聲 懋

首先這次設計從七個機械物件手繪的剖面圖開始, 並開始分析其運作原理,最後我選擇了四個主要的 機械構件。 進而將兩兩物件組成新的構件系統,形成這次設 計中的五大系統。藉由我所重新組構的構件系統來 設計出一個空橋,聯接基地的兩岸,再加入人的元 素,使人在行經空橋時,可以在此產生人與空間的 互動。

First,I choose 7 mechanical object and draw its section . At the same time,I beginned to analyze my object and how them to work . I choose 4 mechanical object to be my main mechanical object. I mapped the object systems between one and others to make the five of main systems. Design a bridge to connect shore by my new rebuild system .To add the element of human being .They can interact with the space and bridge when they walked along the bridge.

Personal Equipment same as real foot but more fast more active

縮小空間重組 Micro space reorganization 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Sunny Hong │洪 意 晴

我挑選的物件都是內部有空氣水壓力另一個物件去 填滿的 , 再仔細分析 , 發現有幾種物件是藉由水空 氣壓力去改變物件的狀態的 , 因此我想利用那些元 素去讓一個裝置開始活動 , 先由人的踩去觸動裝置 , 在利用齒輪去連動內部的構件 , 將水及空氣帶入 , 利用他們的壓力去讓裝置開始動 , 而內部的構件都 是由一開始挑選的物件而來,然後配合上我的基地 , 做出更適應我的基地的裝置。 但我想,除了腳踩以外,人應該和他有更多的關係, 因此我讓人可以藉由身體部位的觸碰擠壓,像是手 臂和胸部的推擠,去讓裝置的活動可以更多。

I selected objects are internal water pressure of air to fill another object, and then carefully analyzed and found that there are several objects is accomplished by air pressure to change the water state of the object, so I want to use those elements to make a unit started its activities, first step on people to touch devices in the use of gears linked to internal components, water and air into the use of the pressure on them to allow the device to begin to move, and the internal components are selected by a start objects from, and then tie on my base and make better adapted my base of the device. But I think, in addition to foot outside, people should have more relationship with him, so I can make people squeezed by touching body parts, such as arms and chest push, to allow the device to the activities can be more and more.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


The King Of Desert

縮小空間重組 Micro space reorganization


Student │學 生 CHIN-YING LIN │林 晉 瑩

基地位於沙漠,我分析了生活在沙漠的動物還有適 應方式,接著用機械去模擬動作。 我想做的,是一隻沙漠大王,有良好的適應力,成 為沙漠中的優勢種,但也可以有利於其他物種,是 個可移動的水源。

The base is located in a desert.I analyzed the animals lived in desert and their ways of adaptation,then I imitated the movement by the original pictures,in different connected ways. W h a t I w a n t to m a d e , w a s a k i n g i n t h e desert,with excellent adaptation,became to dominant species in the desert,but also could subserve to other species. It is a moveable wellhead.

原始基本圖│ Original Image

怪獸四面圖│ The different side of the monster 模型照片│ Model Image 現況照片│ Site Image

仿生過程│ Process平面配置│ of biomimetic Plan


Human-driven boat

縮小空間重組 Micro space reorganization


Student │學 生 Casperd Chu │朱 映 丞

一開始在選擇物件的時候 , 選擇了有轉軸的物 件 , 其中有釣魚捲線器 喇叭鎖 手錶的機芯 節拍器 馬達 , 將每個物件因轉動所帶動的連動關係組合成 一個巨大的連動循環 , 而在這一個循環當中的起始 就是人的活動 . 從同一個轉軸當中 , 相同速率與不同速率的轉 動 , 去思考相對靜止或相對移動的關係 , 聯想到船 上與岸邊的關係 , 置入船的主題 , 加入循環的概念 , 並運用各種不同的轉動向度之間的連動關係 , 去符 合人的活動與船的驅動 , 一開始先分成船的四個部 分 : 甲板 船艙 動力系統 鳴笛系統 去思考物件與這 四個部分的關係最後再將他們組合加入自己的想像 形成一艘完整的船 .

In the beginning, when selecting objects,i select the object which can shaft, including fishing reel ,locks, watch movement motor . i make each object driven due to the roating relationship with the others and combined into one huge interlocking loops, while in the beginning of the loop is human's activity. from the same shaft ,which at the same rate and different rates of rotation, to think relatively static or relative movement links to the ship and the shore,and i put ship as my theme, adding the concept of loop, and use different rotational interlocking relationships to meet human activities and boat driver, it begins by saperating boat into four parts: decks , hold of boat , power system , whistle system. Thinking about the relations with these four parts and the objects and then combining them to a complete ship with the help of my own imagination.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


Flying Machine

縮小空間重組 Micro space reorganization Student │學 生 Xian Wu │吳 鈺 嫻

一開始我從日常生活中常用的器具發想,選了五種 物品,並分別繪製兩剖面和一立面。接著,分析它 們的運作方式找出關聯性後將這五物件組成一台飛 行器。接著,把這台飛行器置入一個有洞穴的懸崖, 之然後再進行修改,讓飛行器跟地景結合。

At first , I chose five objects , drawing thier section, and analyze the connection about them. Then I combine these object and transform the section into the flying machine which was put on the edge of the mountain.

物件之間連結方式 我將燈泡和吹風機結合,運用風力發電和熱空氣福 利原理作為動力裝置。另外,將鏡頭重組作為光驅 動裝置,用來控制飛行器的左右方向。 內部空間是使用相機鏡頭組成,保留可伸縮性質, 空間會隨著人類使用方式上下變化。 開瓶器則是用來做為物件和基地連結的介質。

The connection of five objects I combine the lightball and the hairdryer as the drive, and LENS as the optical drive to control the direction. Besides, LENS is transformed to interior room. It is adjustable room. When people com in, this room can up and down to adapt human action.By the way, opener is the connection between flying machine and the land.

模型照片│ Model Image


Mechanical Squid

縮小空間重組 ???????????? 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Chiu, Kuanchung │邱 冠 中

這次設計繪製多個物件剖面,我選用電風扇、馬達、 打火機、槍、鍵盤,分析空氣在物件中流動的關係, 重新思考她們之間有什麼空間上的連結,然後利用 疊圖尋找構件互相聯動的關係。 我的題目是機械烏賊,觀察烏賊的運動方式模擬肌 肉和外套膜、漏斗的功能,繪製烏賊游泳器官的變 化,然後利用之前所繪製的物件的疊合想像烏賊體 內動力來源和肌肉的改變。 模型的操作是利用軟的材質,水管做為主要材料, 想像水流入烏賊的體內,經過了肌肉的收縮釋放, 再噴出水,表現烏賊在水中的運動方式。

The cross-sectional design draw multiple objects, I select electric fans, motors, lighters, guns, keyboard, analysis of air flow in the object relationships between them rethink what space link, and then look for the relationship of overlay each other linkage member . My subject is mechanical squid, cuttlefish observed simulate the movement of muscles and mantle, funnel of plots squid swimming organ changes, and then use the previously drawn objects superimposed imagine squid body and muscle power source changes. Operation of the model is the use of soft materials, plumbing as the main material, I image water flows into the squid's body, after the release of muscle contraction, and then spray water, the model is used to descript the way of squid swimming

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


七 組。 設 計 作 品 集

E A 1 _ S t u d i o 。 D e p t . o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 。 Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y

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