Toilettage magazine - English Version April 2015

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n°2 – April 2015

Toilettage Magazine English Version FULL GUIDE ABOUT THE AIREDALE TERRIER



French International Grooming Convention 2015 On 12th and 13th September 2015 Parc des expositions of St Lô (50 - France)

For the first time in France

Betty Huang The Asian Grooming star is invited to the FIGC2015 for two fantastic unique workshops.

On Saturday 12th September: Workshop about « Grooming a Beautiful Asian Head » On Sunday 13th September: Creative Grooming Workshop Limited places. Register now!

To register contact Nathalie at or by phone on +33 (0)675515014 All the information about the French International Grooming Convention can be found at

Dear readers, You are more and more to subscribe to our magazine either in digital or paper and we are proud to have exceeded 10.000 readers over the last 10 months. That's why I want to thank you warmly for this mark of confidence and hope Toilettage Magazine will continue to meet your expectations over the next issues. Nathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Contents Page 3 … Meet Groomers Worldwide Page 5 … Full Guide about the Airedale Terrier Page 16 … Breed Profile: Grooming the Persian by Katrina Henrie Page 22 … For a safe creative grooming – part 2 by Linda Jomphe Page 23 … Animal Intuitive Communication by Françoise Janssens

Toilettage Magazine is a publication of the Association for the Promotion of Grooming Art. To contact the person in charge of the magazine, write to Nathalie on, or visit

Page 24 … Famous Dogs - Hachikō Page 25 … Golden Groomer 2015 Page 27 … Before/After

Photo credit © EM Foto

We are always looking for exciting topics in all areas of grooming. If you want to contribute and help us to enrich Toilettage Magazine, please send your stories, articles, ideas and photos on or by post at Toilettage Magazine, 84 rue des Forges, Pont d’Hyenville, 50660 Orval, France

Photo credit for cover picture belongs to EM Foto, Thank you very much for this wonderful pic! 3

Meet Groomers Worldwide!!! By Nathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Raul R. Ontiveros - USA Raul R. Ontiveros lives in southern California. Born in Hollywood, he is now 37 and live in Moreno valley California. Raul has just opened his new shop in riverside and named it “Love Pups Grooming�. He has been a groomer for about 5 years off and on but finally decided to go for it!

Now, he plans to open a second shop in Moreno Valley as soon as possible as he starts to be a well renowned groomer in this area.


He would name it “We Love Pups Too”.

I love grooming, it’s my passions, my first love. It does not feel like work to me though some busy days are crazy. I love to learn new skills of grooming all the time.

Learning never stops for me I got to work with great groomers and learn a lot from them. I love going to grooming seminars and picking up new skills. I also love teaching and paying it forward to new grooming students. I love what I do.

Raul is also teaching grooming to his sister so she can get into the business too. He planned his whole shop, and even dreamt about it, and now the dream has come true and he loves his customers.

If you wish to be featured in our “Meet Groomers Worldwide” section, please contact Nathalie at



Photo credit Š EM Foto

Full Guide About

The Airedale Terrier

History The Airedale breed was born in a





the West Riding of Yorkshire, where





through. It was created during the 19th century from a crossing between the old English roughcoated Black and Tan Terrier (now known as the Welsh Terrier) and the Otterhound. It is in 1886 that the English Kennel Club recognize it as a real breed. It is only in 1864 that the Airedale is exhibit for the first time at the occasion of a championship



sponsored by the AAS (the Airedale Agricultural Society). At that time they were receiving many different names such as Rough Coated, Bingley and


Waterside Terrier. In 1879 breed fanciers decided to call the breed the Airedale Terrier, and that name was agreed by the Kennel Club (England) in 1886. In the 1880s, Bruce was the first Airedale imported in North America where he won the terrier class in a New York dog show. The patriarch of the breed is considered to be CH Master Briar (1897–1906). Two of his sons, Crompton Marvel and Airedale Terrier circa 1915

Monarch, also made important contributions to the breed. The first Canadian registrations are recorded in the Stud book of 1888–1889. In 1910, the ATCA (Airedale Terrier Club of America) offered the Airedale Bowl as a perpetual trophy, which continues to this day. It is now mounted on a hardwood pedestal base, holding engraved plates with the names of the hundreds of dogs that have been awarded Best of Breed at the National Specialties. Before the adoption of the German shepherd as the dog of choice for law enforcement and search and rescue work, the Airedale terrier often filled the roles of messenger and guard dogs as well as locating and rescuing the wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Two Airedales were among the dogs lost with the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The Airedale "Kitty" belonged to Colonel John Jacob Astor IV, the real-estate mogul. The second Airedale belonged to William E. Carter of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Mr. Carter was the owner of the Renault automobile in which Jack and Rose trysted in the movie "Titanic". Carter, his wife and two children survived the sinking. After the First World War, the Airedales' popularity rapidly increased thanks to stories of their bravery on the battlefield and also because Presidents Theodore Roosevelt,Calvin Coolidge, and Warren Harding owned Airedales. President Harding's Airedale, Laddie Boy, was the "first celebrity White House pet".President Harding had a special chair hand carved for him to sit on at very important Cabinet meetings. In the 1920s, the Airedale became the most popular breed in the USA.

8 Photo credit Š EM Foto

1949 marked the peak of the Airedales' popularity in the USA, ranked 20th out of 110 breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club. The Airedale Terrier Club of America (ATCA), founded in 1900 is the parent club of the breed in the United States and the official-spokes organization for the breed with the American Kennel Club (AKC).


ŠM.Davidson, illustr. NKU Picture Library

This illustration does not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed.

FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 3 Terriers. Section 1 Large and medium sized Terriers. Working trial optional. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Largest of the Terriers, a muscular, active, fairly cobby dog, without suspicion of legginess or undue length of body. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Keen of expression, quick of movement, on the tiptoe of expectation at any movement. Character denoted and shown by expression of eyes, and by carriage of ears and erect tail. Outgoing and confident, friendly, courageous and intelligent. Alert at all times, not aggressive but fearless. HEAD: Well balanced, with no apparent difference in length between skull and foreface. Free from wrinkles.



Photo credit © EM Foto

CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Long and flat, not too broad between ears and narrowing slightly to eyes. Stop: Hardly visible. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Black. Muzzle: Foreface well filled up before eyes, not dish-faced or falling away quickly below eyes, but a delicate chiselling prevents appearance of wedginess or plainness. Lips: Tight. Jaws / Teeth: Upper and lower jaws deep, powerful, strong and muscular, as strength of foreface is greatly desired. No excess development in the jaws to give a rounded or bulging appearance to the cheeks. Teeth strong. Scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws preferable, but vice-like bite acceptable. An overshot or undershot mouth undesirable. Cheeks: Level and free from fullness. “Cheekiness” is undesired. Eyes: Dark in colour, relatively small, not prominent, full of terrier expression, keenness and intelligence. Light or bold eye highly undesirable. Ears: « V »-shaped with a side carriage, small but not out of proportion to size of dog. Top line of folded ear slightly above level of skull. Pendulous ears or ears set too high undesirable. NECK: Clean, muscular, of moderate length and thickness, gradually widening towards shoulders, and free from throatiness.

Grooming by CĂŠcilia Fabre - France

Indy and Chana, picture by Amandine Campione

BODY: Back: Short, strong, straight and level, showing no slackness. Loin: Muscular. In short-coupled and well ribbed-up dogs there is little space between ribs and hips. When dog is long in couplings some slackness will be shown here. Chest: Deep (i.e. approximately level with the elbows) but not broad. Ribs well sprung. TAIL: Previously customarily docked. Docked: Set on high and carried gaily, not curled over back. Good strength and substance. Tip approximately at same height as top of skull. Undocked: Set on high and carried gaily. Good strength and substance. LIMBS FOREQUARTERS: Shoulder: Long, well laid back, sloping obliquely. Shoulder-blades flat. Elbow: Perpendicular to body, working free of sides. Forearm: Forelegs perfectly straight, with good bone. Forefeet: Small, round and compact, with a good depth of pad, well cushioned, and toes moderately arched, turning neither in nor out. HINDQUARTERS: Thigh: Long and powerful. Stifle (Knee): Well bent, turned neither in nor out. Lower thigh: Muscular. Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Hocks well let down, parallel with each other when viewed from behind. Hind feet: Small, round and compact, with a good depth of pad, well cushioned, and toes moderately arched, turning neither in nor out. GAIT / MOVEMENT: Legs carried straight forward. Forelegs move freely, parallel to the sides. When approaching, forelegs should form a continuation of the straight line of the front, feet being


same distance apart as elbows. Propulsive power is furnished by hindlegs. COAT: Hair: Hard, dense and wiry, not so long as to appear ragged. Lying straight and close, covering body and legs; outer coat hard, wiry and stiff, undercoat shorter and softer. Hardest coats are crinkling or just slightly waved; curly or soft coat highly undesirable. Color: Body saddle black or grizzle as is top of the neck and top surface of tail. All other parts tan. Ears often a darker tan, and shading may occur round neck and side of skull. A few white hairs between forelegs acceptable. SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at the withers: About 58 - 61 cms for males. About 56 - 59 cms for females. FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: Aggressive or overly shy dogs. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding.

CrÊdit photo Š EM Foto


Grooming The Airedale is a terrier and correct grooming should be handstripping in order to remove dead hairs that do not fall. In a magical and enchanted grooming world, all Airedales would be beautifully maintained and all groomers around the world could enjoy handstripping on this wonderful breed. Thus would avoid clipping that softens his rough coat and blend the color of his coat. Unfortunately, it happens that sometimes the dog's condition makes clipping mandatory, sometimes, for convenience, the client or the groomer prefer the clipper, which makes maintenance easier, faster and less expensive for the customer. However, note that this type of terrier coat unravels more easily than most coats. Do not automatically assume that a coat is too tangled and requires clipping. First try to brush before. If you need to clip, make sure you card after clipping to help keep some of the texture unfortunately damaged. T HE ESSENTIAL: The grooming of the breed is all about tightness. A sound and muscled body accentuated by the groom. The head is rectangular and all body lines are invisible. What to do ?  Handstripping starts with the head, going from the rear to the front of the dog.  When you handstrip, follow the direction of hair.  A “complete” grooming should be done 2 to 3 times per year.  For a show dog, the maintenance of the show groom shall be done every six weeks and finition should be done 8 days before the show.  First grooming should be done at 3 months old.  Smooth the back line.  Expose the shoulders and the curve of the neck  Leave hair on each side  Remove the hair from the tail  Smooth shanks  Remove the hair from the ears  Remove the hair on top of the head, on chheks and throat

Photo credit © EM Foto


Airedale Grooming chart To groom a Airedale, proceed per area

Correct grooming : handstripping. If you are clipping, then you can use #10, #8,5, #7F, #5F, #4F or #2 guard comb or a combination of these blades. The head takes the form of a brick with small eyebrows, a well-integrated beard, which blends into the lines.

Comb from rear to front

Card the hair after you clipped to help maintain a correct coat texture and color.

Handstrip the ears

Do not “dig”

Handstrip very shot to rub the cheek away The rump is narrow and unobstructed displaying a well-angulated back hand with strong thighs.

Back must be straight

Clip the intimate parts

Throat is groomed short and tight and the chest is flat.

Mark the point of the buttock

The front is tight Mark the stifle

Lines blend Legs are scissored, the hair is short and the legs are straight and parallel

Underline is short, very tight and well designed. Chest down to the elbow.

Hocks go down low Comb downward Feet are round and short

Cut nails as short as possible Light fringe combed to the front

Clipping this type of coat will destroy its hard texture and brilliant color. The fur will become soft and the colors will blend.

Crédit photo © EM Foto


Pictures presented by EM Foto were taken at Airedale Terriers Van 't Asbroek kennel owned by Mr. François Graulus,, Toilettage Magazine – English Version would like to thank him for his kind participation.

Breed profile: Grooming the Persian By Katrina Henrie

The Persian was bred to have a full flowing coat which is really beautiful. However they need our help and a lot of it to keep it that way. Persians will be one of the most common breeds you'll see in your grooming salon, and unfortunately you will see them in rough shape. Our goal as feline groomers is to convince the owners to get them on a regular grooming schedule and keep them maintained. Ideally the Persian is in full coat and regularly maintained, and the groom will be pretty straightforward in that case and would proceed as such: Have all equipment and supplies set up and ready. It's important to have everything out and within arm’s reach when working with cats, time is of the essence.

I always start with a nail trim and I'd also apply the nail caps if they were requested now before the bath.

The face trim which is specific to Persians and Persian types: Hold the whiskers up out of the way and use a small pair of scissors to round the forehead and open up the eyes. The whiskers above the eyes I hold back and down, the whiskers on the muzzle I hold down under my fingers.


The right side of the face I trim with the cat facing away from me, the left side I do with the cat facing me.

Round the tips of the ears.

Then with just fingers, pluck the cheeks following the lip line and pluck the horns that develop on the top of the head between the ears. You are aiming for a nice rounded head and face which is the hallmark for Persians.

Persians left untrimmed will develop a "wolf" appearance which is undesirable.


Once finished with the nail trim and face trim, we head to the bath. I bathe each cat, tailoring the products and number of washings to their specific needs.

A cat in good shape, I would normally bathe twice with a good degreasing shampoo and then once with a hypoallergenic shampoo. It's really important that the coat is thoroughly clean and rinsed.

After kitty is bathed, rinsed well, and lightly wrung out, I wrap them in a towel and using cotton and ear cleaner, clean the ears.


Followed by cleaning the eyes and nose using cotton and saline solution.

Finally it's time to do a thorough drying and comb out.

Using a high velocity dryer, first drying really well, and then using the air pressure to part the hair allowing me to see down to the skin.

This points out matts and areas that need attention.


Finishing touches: The drying and comb out generally take up the most time. Once finished, it's just a matter of finishing up.

Just a quick run through with the comb to make sure every hair is in place, wipe the face again to collect stray hairs from around the eyes, a light spritz with whatever finishing spray you prefer (labeled for use on cats of course), and adding a small accessory if you like.

If the Persian comes in and is badly matted or if the owner requests a shorter haircut, there are the lion cut and the comb cut. Which I'd like to cover in more depth in the future.


The Persian coat is actually groomer friendly in potential for groomers to be creative and also to accommodate client requests. For cat groomers it's the blank canvas similar to the Poodle coat for dog groomers. Katrina Henrie MCPCG, CFMG, CFCG Owner of The Urban Pet, Layton UT Owner of L'mew feline exclusive day spa & suites, Ogden UT


For a safe creative grooming Knowing the skin of the dog Inspired by Linda Jomphe The skin is the largest organ of a mammal, containing layers of cells, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, nerve endings, and follicles. They are arranged in three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Epidermis:


Epidermal cells are alive throughout the thickness of the epidermis, which comprises only from 5 to 9 layers of cells. The epidermis contains numerous mucus-producing cells. This skin is permeable, allows many exchanges between the internal environment and the external environment.

It is located between the epidermis and hypodermis. The dermis contains collagen, elastin and fibronectin, which keep it the flexible and resilient, proteins which are able to absorb water and maintain a hydrated skin, and immune or texture cells . The dermis receives blood and redistributes to the epidermis. This layer also contains the follicles, blood vessels, nerve endings, and sebaceous glands.

The most superficial epidermal cells produce and fill up with a large amount of proteins, called the keratins. At the same time, cell components undergo enzymatic hydrolysis, leading to the death of these cells. These dead cells are a corneal layer (stratum corneum) which limits water evaporation losses. Adult Amphibians, the corneal layer is limited to a single layer of cells, which makes water retention little effective, but efficient against cutaneous respiration. The corneal layer is thicker in Amniotes with a larger number of layers of dead cells, which increases the efficiency of water retention.

Hypodermis: The deepest layer of skin, the dermis continuing to depth. It is a richly vascularized loose connective tissue containing from place to place more or less fat. It serves as an interface between the dermis and mobile structures located below it like muscles and tendons. It also protects the body from physical shock, temperature variations and provides a fat reserve. It contains the larger blood vessels and nerves.

In the next issue, we will study in detail the hair, its structure, its anatomy and types.


Animal Intuitive Communication By Françoise Janssens

Animal communication is direct contact with the animals, thought to thought, from soul to soul. Everyone, if he so desires, can do it, just by opening his heart, his soul, dropping our materialistic barriers and release our mind. It is certain that if some people manage to communicate quite naturally since childhood, mostly, we need to train. Animals on their side have no barriers, they are unconditional love, and they have total confidence in the human, even when the latter made him suffer martyrdom. "At a time today, if man does not need the dog as a companion for the species to survive, the canine species would not survive without the presence of man" (Dr JoĂŤl Dehasse ). When in contact with us and communicate, this happens as images, feelings, emotions, sometimes keywords. They will offer us their joys, their sufferings, their demands but also their anxieties for their masters, etc. To communicate with our companions, it is necessary to let go of our mind, to stay with no expectations and deliver the raw information as they arrive even if it makes no sense to us. As soon as we try to interpret, analyze or rationalize what we get before saying verbally we distort what they offer us and we are wrong. That's when our imagination or our ego takes over. Often, what they give as information has nothing to do with what the "master" expected or imagined. To communicate with our companions is a priceless gift that teaches us humility in the sense of putting our human ego aside and learn to listen and truly respect the other in what is deep. To help us learn to communicate intuitively with our companions, there are a lot of formations around. In general, this is two day modules (this can vary from one module to three or four) that will give us techniques to learn to let go our mind, we refocus and get what the animal wants to convey. The rates of its courses can vary widely and as always the most expensive is not necessarily the best.


Famous Dogs Hachikō Hachikō was a purebred Akita Inu born in 1923 and died in 1935. He became famous in Japan for going every day at Shibuya Station at the same time to await his master Hidesaburō Ueno unfortunately died, and this for almost 10 years. Particularly, its history allowed to revive interest in the breed who was nearly extinct. During these 10 years, many people came to bring him food and drink while waiting for his master. His loyalty earned him the nickname of Chuken (faithful dog) and after his death he was stuffed and kept at the National Science Museum. Part of his remains are buried near his master and a statue was erected in his memory in Shibuya station. A place of honor is also dedicated to him in the virtual cemetery for pets in Japan. Hachikō stuffed, exhibited at the National Museum of Science.

Hidesaburō Ueno’s grave and Hachikō’s monument.

Legendary dogs Inugami In Japanese mythology, a inugami (犬 神, "dog god") is a type of shikigami from and usually like a dog. Generally, it executes revenge or acts as custodian if inugami-mochi, or "the owner of the inugami" orders it. The inugami are extremely powerful, able to exist independently of their owner and even turn against him. They may also possess a human.


"Dear groomer, Dear Exhibitor, We are pleased to invite you to Liège on 18 and 19 July 2015 to participate in the Golden Groomer, the twelfth grooming competition organized with the support of renowned professional groomers in combination with an International Dog Show, at the prestigious Golden Dog Trophy, the 61th Dog Show with CAC / CACIB organized by the Syndicat d'Elevage Canin of Liège. » Jury : President : Jean VION (FR) Saturday 18/07 9:00 Purebred Hand-Stripping: Sasha RIESS (RS) Biagio CELLAMARE (IT) Caroline LEZIER (FR) 12:30 Spaniels & Setters: Romana KANIA (CZ) Luis Martin Del RIO (ES) Carol HANSON (BE) Best of Day: Sasha RIESS (RS) Sunday 19/07 9:00 Purebred Scissoring: Sasha RIESS (RS) Romana KANIA (CZ) Carol HANSON (BE) 12:30 Poodles: Luis Martin Del RIO (ES) Caroline LEZIER (FR) Biagio CELLAMARE (IT) Best of Day Romana KANIA (CZ) Golden Groomer Biagio CELLAMARE (IT)

Jean Vion, Président du Jury

Sasha RIESS (RS)


Categories: Spaniels & Setters (handstripping) Handstripping (hard coat terriers) Purebreeds scissoring Poodles (any standard or commercial grooming). NB : Poodles groomed as Bichons or Bedlingtons should participate in the "Scissoring" category.

Caroline LEZIER (FR) Romana KANIA (CZ)

Prices: 25 â‚Ź for beginner class and 50 â‚Ź in other classes, unless the participant registered a dog in his name (the one he grooms or another) at the international dog show held the same weekend same place Classes: Beginner: for those participating for the first time to a grooming competition, or for the first time in the category concerned, or who are groomer students or apprentices, or finishing grooming school Luis Martin Del RIO (ES) in June 2015 Open: for those who have already competed in a grooming Carol HANSON (BE) competition Elite: for people who have already made at least 3 times first in their class in the given category. NB: Students who have participated in the Beginner category can therefore regiter either as Beginner or as Open. Biagio CELLAMARE (IT)

Competition open to all, even if you're just passionate about your breed and grooming (eg breeders who are not necessarily students or

professional groomers). more info on

Guest of honor at the Golden Groomer 2015, Umberto Lehmann


Before/ After




Your before/after in our next issues? If you wish to participate in this section do not hesitate to send us your photos of sufficient quality to We will be happy to share your work on these pages. If you sent your before / after, but it does not appear in this issue, do not worry, it will surely be in the next one 27

Before/ After





Before/ After




Megi groomed by Judyta Rzemieniec - Poland

Mika groomed by Judyta Rzemieniec - Poland

FRENCH INTERNATIONAL GROOMING CONVENTION 2015 September 12th & 13th Parc des expositions of Saint Lô (France)


Asian Fusion World Challenge September 13th Judged by the creator of the Asian Fusion Style, Pammie Carmichael Hogg (UK) and Su Eld Weaver (UK)

Also register for our Asian


Style Workshop on 12th September 2015 with Pammie Carmichael Hogg Only 190€ for the two days pass (that gives you access to all the workshops and competition of the French International Grooming Convention 2015)

For more information or to register, please contact us on

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