Toilettage magazine July 2015

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Betty Huang - asian style and creative L’art au Poil – behavioral grooming Pammie Carmichael Hogg – Asian Fusion

Laura Chappaz – Poodle and Bichon Bérénice Duquenne – Bedlington Terrier Françoise Janssens – All breeds, salon grooms with

A great trade fair for groomers - Main suppliers stands, new products, organic products UNIQUE COMPETITIONS IN France



With the participation of

EDITO The 4th English version issue is here and with it we celebrate our more than 15 ,000 readers worldwide ... 3200 readers in Fran ce but the world is not far behind. 1400 readers in the United States, 1200 in Canada, 1000 in Belgium, 700 in the UK to name a few. A big "Thank you" to all of you dear readers for this enthusiasm and loyalty. Thank you for trusting us for each and every issue. Thank you to all those who participate by their articles, their photos, their ideas or just moral support. Especially continue to participate and send us your photos! With your help the magazine will live for a long time.

CONTENTS Groomers Worldwide


Welcome to Hotel Batlo

page 6

Groomers Worldwide

page 11

The poodle files – first part

page 13

The Maine Coon, a cat of unknown origin

page 26

Grooming teams worldwide - GroomTeamJapan

page 29

Groomers Worldwide

page 35

Famous dog – Barry

page 39

Toilettage Magazine est une publication de l’association de p romotion des métiers du toilettage. Association à but non lucratif Loi 1901. . Pour contacter Toilettage Magazine ou vous abonner, écrivez-nous à

Groomers Worldwide By Laurence Valette

For Cécile FIEVET, the adventure began on 1st June 2011, when she bought the grooming salon named “Alt'O Poil”. Fascinated by animals since childhood, it was only natural that she considered her retraining in grooming, at the age of 33. All cats and dogs are welcome regardless of their breed or size and even small mammals. Cécile pays particular attention to their welfare during grooming. She also assists pet owners to choose the most suitabl e grooming for their companion depending on the breed, the type of hair but also the time that the owners can spend brushing and maintenance between two grooms.

In her salon you will also find accessories (collars, leashes ...) and natural cosmetics (shampoos, conditioners ...).

Working with a colleague groomer, she created the brand Coll'chic in 2014. Always in search of original collars for their animals, they decided to create themselves resistant collars for walking or ceremonial ones for aesthet ic side.

The brand then enlarged with jewelry (necklaces, bracelets ...) for women but also for men. Soon, earrings will add to their shop. You can visit their Facebook page at

Alt’O Poil 44 rue Emile Glineur 59148 Flines les Râches France Tél 0033 Open only by appointment from Tuesday to Friday 9h 12h / 14h-18h and Saturday 9h-13h. Facebook :


WELCOME TO HOTEL BALTO The creation of Hotel Balto came from an entrepreneur in real estate’s idea, a woman who has great respect for nature and animals. She herself is the owner of several dogs whom for her are her babies and beings that we must take care of and who are the most faithful beings that we could ask for in life. These dogs are like her children and grandchildren, a part of the family.

Like our family the important thing is to offer them comfort, security and their well-being as well as making them a part of your will. Like we would do for our family. Just like with our family, we have family vacations, and business meetings, sometimes unfortunately home disasters occur; which calls for you to need to entrust your babies in an establishment with someone that can provide services with the same expectations and values. That’s where Hotel Balto came from, with a family type of boarding, with love and passion, friendly reception, devoted and caring personnel, infinite love for the animals. The hotel offers, to all it`s 4 legged customers, wonderful individual rooms with all of the conventional comforts they have at home; such as living rooms, indoor play areas, a grooming salon “spa” for their upkeep. We have grooming services 7 days a week and like our boarding services, everything is done with love and passion, in a relaxed ambiance, no production lines and no cages. Our services include; baths, therapeutic products, standard or stylised cuts, nail cuts, hair coloration, if you’d like to add an individual touch to your pups look, stylised cuts for cats; the promotion of the hotel is done all by word of mouth. The people coming to groom their animals are travelling from Montreal to Vaudreuil to assure themselves that their cats or dogs have their grooming done in a relaxed atmosphere without stress. Animals are very sensitive and the care that they receive during grooming is of the upmost importance

for them to feel relaxed and reassured and not like they’re in a production line. Each animal has special attention and they benefit from the freedom of being in the reception or living room area with a television, before and after their grooming, just as if they were home but with special treatments just for them. To understand canine and animal psychology, you must have a life full of animals; which is what Mme. Levesque lives through every day in her business and in her home. She also does dog rescue and she’s saved almost 200 dogs and placed them in families; she herself has her own family of 19 dogs of small breed dogs; they have a great family life full of love, comfort and everything that comes with it. She also has farm animals that are treated like pets; goats, a cow, sheep, lamas, horses and she receives lots of love and kisses from her farm animals.

We give to animals and we get back from them and it`s paradise for them as much as it is for us. So the summary is obvious; the clients give us testimonies about how happy they are that we exist, Hotel Balto is a big family (big ball of love) for the animals.

The boarders can also enjoy walks or outings at the park and on the farm nearby the hotel; “the country in the city.” Hotel Balto exists because of the clients that are like us; their pets are a part of their family and their family becomes our large Hotel Balto family. Whether it’s for boarding to take care for your ball of fur or for a periodic grooming for a general feel of wellbeing or a beauty make over; all services will be done under a welcoming and warm atmosphere with a dedicated, caring and affectionate personnel.

Hôtel Balto 18 rue St-Henri Vaudreuil-Dorion J7V 2J6 Canada

TCAP © Behavior based grooming certification THE CERTIFICATION FOR DOGS Module 1 : 3 days of courses about behaviour based grooming. During this seminar you learn all about the theory Module 2 : 5 days of PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE

8 days training £1400 / €2000 FOR CATS Module 1 : 2 days of courses Module 2 : 4 days of PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE

6 days training £1400 / €2000 Please note that this is a true

What is TCAP©? The TCAP© grooming model was carefully developed based on the scientific laws of learning, a thorough understanding of the subtleties of canine body language, a complete reorganization of the work environment, as well as applied behavior analysis (ABA). We manage to lower animals' stress level considerably by respecting each of their individual physical and psychological limitations and by avoiding surpassing their tolerance threshold. We aim to build a trusting relationship with each animal with the purpose of creating a collaborative experience, like a sense of communion between animal and human. Desired behaviors are reinforced, and we teach alternative behaviors to replace the unwanted ones. TCAP© was created out of more than 20 years' experience in the fields of grooming and animal behavior, many specialized courses and hands-on workshops (see our expertise here:, the spiritual journey of everyday life, contemplation leading to expanded consciousness, universal laws that govern the entire universe, cleaner living, a great friendship with our friends, students, clients, dogs, cats, pigs, alpacas, chickens, ducks, monkey, ravens, fish, parrots, plants, trees, and most of all, with other humans. TCAP© was birthed as a result of a relationship based on love, friendship, and a life partnership. Everything has stemmed from an association between two beings who share a passion and who are moving in the same direction, wishing for the welfare of all living things.

and complete training and not a simple introduction to behavioral grooming.



Groomers Worldwide United States Meeting with creative groomer Ana誰s Hayden My Name is Ana誰s Hayden. I am a Dog Groomer and Creative Groomer/Stylist. I was born in Chicago Illinois on April 8th 1988 and raised there till I moved with my family to Columbus Georgia in 1996. When I was 15 years old I started working at a dog and cat grooming facility and have been grooming dogs ever since.

Today I am an Independent Contractor and own my own dog grooming business called Dog Grooming by Ana誰s in Atlanta Georgia. I have grooming certifications from Penn Foster and Nash Academy. I have been featured in Groomer to Groomer magazine and have been on tv shows such as ABC's 20/20 and Anderson Cooper. I have been on CBS News and did Creative Grooming for the movie The Hunger Games. I won my first

Creative Grooming competition in 2011 with my Chinese Crested Powderpuff name Swinger. Aside from my grooming business, Swinger and I attend many festivities throughout the city. We attend dog parties/events and parades such as Gay PRIDE, Lupus Awarness, and St. Patrick's Day where I have him colored and designed to match the themes.

Swinger and I go to art shows and Human Hair shows like The International Bronner Brothers Hair Show. I have also done pro bono work with the Atlanta Humane Soci ety to help get sheltered dogs adopted.

THE POODLE FILES - FIRST PART A BIT OF POODLE HISTORY The poodle would find its origins in Germany under the name of “Pudlehund”. Pudel close of the English verb “puddle” and Hund meaning “dog” in German. Even though the poodle comes from Germany, it had so much success in France that it became the national breed.

Poodle on coastal landscape, 1806

There is traces of the poodle in Europe back in the 15th and 16th century, thanks to the drawings of the artist Albrecht Dürer. It was the most famous pet in Spain and France in the 18th century and we find many poodles in the paintings of the Spanish artist Francisco Goya.

A BIT OF POODLE ART The poodle is a very inspiring model for artists. Paintings, sculptures, cinema, the poodle is everywhere and since a long time. Below are a few examples.

"The Poodle, 1600s painting of the traditional poodle" by Poodle History - Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Poodles and Italian greyhound, work of Samuel Carter, 1870.

One of the most famous ancient artwork representing a poodle is a baroque oil painting by Rembrandt dated 1631. The painting is a Rembrandt self -portrait along with a brown and white Poodle.

Mannerhead Poodles by Frederick Thomas Daws - 1950 Poodles represented in this artwork belonged to Mrs. M. Campbell Inglis of Wimbledon. Mrs. M. Campbell Inglis commanded portraits of his four-legged friends to the most renowned wildlife artists, and especially to Frederick Thomas Daws.

"Sancho" This painting was made for the Princess Charlotte of Wales, she was in awe of Sancho, the poodle that belonged to his friend the Marquis of Worcester. 1778.

Standard resume (FCI-Standard N째 172) Companion dog. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Dog of medium proportions, with a characteristic frizzy coat which is either curly or corded. The appearance is that of an intelligent dog, constantly alert and active, harmoniously built, giving an impression of elegance and pride.

Picture and grooming by Anne Sophie Courcier

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the muzzle is approximately 9/10 of that of the skull. The length of the body (scapulo-ischial) is slightly more than the height at the withers. FCI-St. N째 172 / 23.01.2015 3 The height at the withers is practically equal to the height at the croup. The height at the elbow is 5/9 of the height at the withers.

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: A dog renowned for its loyalty, capable of learning and being trained thus making it a particularly pleasant companion dog. HEAD: Distinguished, rectilinear and in proportion to the body. The head must be well chiseled and neither heavy nor excessively fine. CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Its width is less than half the length of the head. The entire skull, seen from above, appears oval and seen from the side, slightly convex. The axes of the skull and muzzle are slightly divergent. The superciliary arches are moderately pronounced and covered with long hair. The frontal furrow is wide between the eyes, narrowing towards the occiput, which is Grooming by Christine Bannier very pronounced. (In Miniatures it can be slightly less pronounced). Stop: Only slightly pronounced, but can never be absent. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Developed, vertical profile; open nostrils. Black nose in black, white and grey subjects; brown nose in brown subjects. In fawn (apricot/red) subjects, the nose should be black or brown according to the intensity of the fawn colour. In light fawn subjects the nose should be as dark as possible. Muzzle: Upper profile is perfectly straight; its length is approximately 9/10 of that of the skull. The branches of the lower jaw are almost parallel. The muzzle is strong. The lower profile of the muzzle is determined by the lower jaw and not by the edge of the upper lip. Lips: Moderately developed, rather tight, of medium thickness with the upper lip resting on the lower lip without hanging over it. Black in black, white and grey subjects; brown in brown subjects. In orange

fawn [apricot] and in red fawn subjects, the lips are more or less dark brown or black. The corner of the lips must not be pronounced. NECK: Strong, slightly arched after the nape, of medium length and well proportioned. The head is carried high and proudly. The neck, without dewlap, is of oval cross section. Its length is slightly less than that of the head.

Photo by Christine Naudin

BODY: Well proportioned. It is slightly longer than the height at the withers. TAIL: Set on quite high at the level of the loin (ideally carried at a “ten past nine� compared to the topline). GAIT/MOVEMENT: The Poodle has a light and bouncy gait.

Photo by Marie Agnes Levray

COAT: Hair: Curly Coat: Profuse of fine, woolly texture, very frizzy, elastic and resistant to pressure of the hand. It should be thick, well furnished, of equal length and form even curls. Corded Coat: Profuse of fine, woolly texture and dense, forming characteristic cords which should measure at least 20 cm.

Colour: Solid colour: black, white, brown, grey, fawn. Brown should be deep, rather dark, uniform and warm. Beige and its paler derivatives are not admitted. Grey must be uniform, deep, neither blackish nor whitish. Fawn must be uniform. Can go from pale fawn to red fawn or even be orange fawn (apricot). Eyelids, nose, lips, gums, palate, natural orifices, scrotum and pads are well pigmented. For light fawn subjects, all pigmentation should be as dark as possible. SIZE AND WEIGHT: The sexual dimorphism must be clearly visible in all varieties. Standard Poodles: Over 45 cm up to 60 cm with a tolerance of +2 cm. The Standard Poodle must be the enlarged and developed replica of the Medium Poodle of which it retains the same characteristics. Picture by Sylvie Burg

Medium Poodles: Over 35 cm up to 45 cm.

Miniature Poodles: Over 28 cm up to 35 cm. The Miniature Poodle must display the appearance of a reduced Medium Poodle, retaining as much as possible the same proportions and without presenting any sign of dwarfism. Toy Poodles: Over 24 cm (with a tolerance of -1cm) up to 28 cm (sought after ideal: 25 cm). The Toy Poodle maintains, in its ensemble, the aspect of a Miniature Poodle and the same general proportions complying with all the points of the standard. FCI-St. N° 172 / 23.01.2015 7. Any sign of dwarfism is excluded; only the external occipital protuberance may be less pronounced.

Comparison of the poodle sizes by major canine federations English Size



Australian National Kennel

Kennel Club Canadian


Kennel Club

Kennel Club

of New






Internationale 45–60 cm




More than

38 cm and more

38 cm and

38 cm and

38 cm and

38 cm and





38 cm


Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

35–45 cm


28–38 cm

28–38 cm

28–38 cm

25–38 cm

25–38 cm

25–38 cm

28–35 cm


Less than

Less than 28 cm

Less than

Less than

Less than

Less than

24–28 cm

28 cm

25 cm

25 cm

25 cm

28 cm

AUTHORIZED SHOW CLIPS Poodle is certainly the breed that knows the most different types of clips, but only a few of them are allowed during competitions.

“Lion Clip”: The Poodle, whether curly or corded, shall be clipped on the hindquarters up to the ribs. Also clipped: the muzzle, above and underneath from the lower eyelids; the cheeks; the forelegs and hindlegs, except for the cuffs or bracelets and optional motifs on the hindquarters; the tail, except for round or oblong terminal pompom. A moustache is required for all subjects. Leaving hair, called “trousers”, on the forelegs is admitted.

Multi CH Jouet Geisha de Concubine, Grooming by Laura Chappaz

Grooming by Corinna Verschuren

“Modern Clip”: Leaving hair on all four legs is only admitted on condition that the following norms are respected: 1.Shall be clipped: a) The lower part of the forelegs, from the nails to the tip of the dewclaw, the lower part of the hindlegs Modern clip by Laura Chappaz to the same height. Machine clipping, limited to the toes only, is admitted. b) The head and the tail in compliance with rules described above. Shall be exceptionally admitted in this clip: • The presence, under the lower jaw, of short hair no longer than 1cm the lower line of which should be cut parallel to the lower jaw. A beard, called “goat’s beard”, is not permitted. • The suppression of the pompom on the tail. 2. Shortened coat: Over the body, in order to give “shot silk” effect on the line of the back, more or less long but at least 1cm. The length shall be gradually increased over the ribs and above the limbs. 3. Neatened coat: a) On the head which keeps a topknot of reasonable height as well as down behind the neck to the withers and the front, without discontinuity, to the shaven part of the foot following a slightly slanting line from the top of the forechest downwards. On the top of the ears and for a maximum of one third of their length, the coat may be cut with scissors or clipped in the direction of the hair. The lower part shall be left covered in hair whose length shall increase gradually, from top to bottom, to end in fringes which may be levelled. b) On the limbs, “trousers” making a distinct transition from the shaven part of the feet. The length of the hair increases gradully towards the top

to display, on the shoulder and likewise the thigh, a length of 4 to 7 cms measured by pulling the hair to straighten it, in proportion to the size of the exhibit while avoiding any “fluffy” effect. The hind “trousers” must allow for the typical angulation of the Poodle to be seen. FCI-St. N° 172 / 23.01.2015 10 All other fancy clips which do not comply with these norms are eliminatory. Whatever the standard outline obtained by grooming, it should have no influence whatsoever on the placements in shows, all exhibits in the same class should be judged and placed together.

“English Clip”: To the “Lion Clip” add motifs on the hindquarters, i.e. bracelets and cuffs. On the head: a topknot. For this clip the moustache is optional. The absence of demarcation on the hair of the hindquarters is tolerated. The topknot is optional (it is forbidden to use lacquer or any other substance to keep the topknot in place).

“Puppy Clip”: Takes over the several shaven parts which characterize the Modern clip. On the head: a topknot of a reasonable height. The coat on the forequarters should form a ball, comparable to English clip by Corinna Verschuren an ‘egg’ seen from the forechest up to the topknot. The so-called ‘trousers’ on the forequarters is preserved, accentuating the typical poodle angulation. The tail – save for a pompon – should have an oval or oblong shape. It should be clipped longer than wide with rounded angles.

“Scandinavian clip or Terrier clip”: The clip is similar to that of the Modern clip, the difference being that the ears and tail may be shaven.

The poodle butterfly of Venezuela discovered in 2009! And nature also created its creative version, the Dryocampa rubicunda

For the first part of our poodle files, let’s meet « Boye » Boye was a famous white poodle belonging to Prince Rupert of the Rhine during the 17th century. Puritan propagandists alleged that he was endowed with magica l powers. Boye was offered to Prince Rupert when he was imprisoned in the fortress of Linz during the Thirty Years War. The Earl of Arundel, an Englishman who was concerned about the fate of Rupert, gave him the pet to keep him company during his confinement. The dog was a rare breed of hunting white poodle. Boye was so impressive and famous throughout Europe and the Ottoman sultan of the time, Murad IV, asked his ambassador to find a similar animal.

Boye accompanying his master on the battlefield

Boye accompanied his master from 1642 to 1644 during the war of 30 years. Rupert was the iconic Royalist rider of the conflict and was frequently the subject of parliamentary propaganda. Boye, who accompanied his master on the battlefield, was also used in this propaganda, and was widely suspected of being a familiar (pet witches). There are many claims about the capabilities of Boye, Picture of a poodle – 17th century one of them suggested that it was the devil in disguise. John Cleveland and other royalists’ satirists and parodists laughed at the attitude of parliamentarians and produced pamphlets that satirized the superstition and credulity of their opponents; Cleveland proclaimed Boye was the familiar, shapeshifter of Prince Rupert and was of demonic origin. Other satirists suggested that Boye was a "lady of Lapland" turned into a white dog. Boye was also "capable" to find hidden treasures, he was invulnerable to attack, he could catch the balls drawn against Rupert with his mouth and even prophesy. The royalist soldiers who made it their mascot, promoted Boye to the rank of Sergeant Major-General.

Reportedly, Boye had other endearing attributes, such as lifting the leg at the name of John Pym, leader of the parliamentary forces. He also performed some acrobatics to Charles 1st, would have slept in the bed of Prince Rupert, and played with princes Charles, James and Harry and Princess Henriette, and have often been fed roast beef and capon by Charles 1st himself. Boye died at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644. He had been safely tighted up in the royalist camp but managed to escape to find his master. The battle turning bad for the royalists, Rupert was forced to leave the battlefield and Boye was killed during the fight that followed in.

ReprĂŠsentation de la mort de Boye

Grooming by Anne Sophie Courcier

Grooming by Christine Bannier

Grooming by Christine Naudin

Grooming by Marie Agnès Levray

Grooming by Sylvie Burg

Poodle transformations The poodle is the perfect breed for the artist groomer, and allows him to free his imagination. This is the case for Shawnna Thurgood, groomer in the United States, who loves turning Poodles in... Bedlingtons.

The "Poodle in Bedlington" by Shawnna Thurgood, grooming salon Shear Perfection Pet Salon in Clearfield, Utah

He is also the perfect companion of the creative groomer, his coat is ideal and allows many transformations That’s the case for Dobbie, Su Eld Weaver’s poodle, transformed according to the movie « clash of the titans » during the French extreme makeover competition of 2014 in Evian les Bains organized by the Association for the promotion of grooming art .

Grooming by Liu Jia, of the Walker Xu Pet Grooming School in Ji Nan, China.

The Maine Coon, a cat of unknown origin

Origin of its name One of the legends about the origin of the Maine Coon says he would come from a cross between cats and raccoons. This is from the raccoon that would come his most common color (brown tabby) and its very bushy tail. If the crossing is genetically impossible, the Maine Coon is still named after this legend.

The Maine Coon is one of the largest domestic cats. In a very distinctive appearance, it is also an excellent hunter. This is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, from Maine which he is the official cat. Although there is no record on the exact origins of the Maine Coon and date for its introduction in America, various theories exist. The breed was popular in exhibitions in the US at the end of the 19th century but its existence was threatened with the imports of longhaired breeds in the early 20th century. Since then, the Maine Coon is back Marie Antoinette and is among the most popular breeds in the Another legend about the world. origins of the Maine Coon claims that the breed would The Maine Coon is a large come of a cross between farm but sociable cat, hence its cats and six Angoras cats sent nickname of "gentle Casey the first Main Coon winner in 1885 to the United States by Marie giant". It is characterized by in New York Antoinette while preparing a sturdy bone structure, a her flight to escape the rectangular body, a silky French Revolution. and light fur and a long brush tail. Colors of this breed vary greatly, only the colors lilac and chocolate are disqualifying. The Main Coon is intelligent, playful, and gentle and his qualities are often compared to the dogs’. Professionals have seen health problems in the breed including feline

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia, but reputable breeders use modern screening methods to reduce the frequency of these problems.

Photo credit (c) Harald Wehner

Vikings Another theory suggests that the breed was developed from crosses between local farm cats and other cats with long or medium hair imported first by the Vikings around the year 1000. The Maine Coon then descend from the Norwegian Forest cat, which would explain their similarity. This is supported by the similarity between Turkish van, Siberian, Norwegian and finally maine coons whose geographical origins correspond to the movements of the Vikings. This similarity with the Norwegian can also be explained by the fact that the winter climate of New England and from Norway are the same and have therefore led to select the same physical characteristics.

Wealthy families of Maine In the 19th century, one of the first owners of Maine Coon, Ms. Pierce speculates that this breed arrived on the coasts of Maine, not thanks to the Vikings but thanks to rich families of Maine who traveled much by boat broughting back many exotic animals from their expeditions. Ms. Pierce’s second hypothesis was that the Angora cats were embarked on board of merchant ships to hunt rats. In both cases, they would have landed on the East Coast and would have mixed with local shorthaired cats. Another possibility is that they were imported by European immigrants and have adapted to the living conditions and the harsh climate of the region.

Maine Coon totalement blanc Photograph by Colleen Ryan

Now available worldwide

The Complete Guide to Asian Style Grooming By the amazing artist Riza Wisnom


USD81.99 shipping included worldwide.

To order, contact Nathalie at SALONDUTOILETTAGE@GMAIL.COM

For this first edition of our new column, we met Japan's grooming team.

GroomTeamJapan – New comer in WTGC

Mami Hasegawa

By Mami Hasegawa – GroomTeamJapan Office Owner

I set up GroomTeamJapan Office in 2013, to organize our country’s grooming team for WTGC. It may happen in other countries, there were some groups self- nominated as Groom team Japan organizers several years ago. As an EGA rule, only one group can send Team to WTGC and EGA president Umberto asked me to unite one group in Japan. I contacted other groups and as a result a person who is a member of Japan Kennel Club’s Tokyo block agreed to unite. He is Naohisa Tsujihara, and we made a “ GroomTeamJapan committee “ and hold grooming contest at JKC(Japan Kennel Club) event in December 2014, to choose team members. I invited Umberto Lehmann and Biagio Cellamare as contest judges. Toshinori Omura is co-owner of GroomTeamJapan Office and he is also poodle judge of EGA. So this is the very first time for us to participate WTGC in Milangroom in October this year. Hope to meet many finest groomers all over the world and our team members will be the part of the event, enjoying getting together and having many groomer friends.

After running an export and import company of US goods, reflected one’s memories and likeness toward to pets, started to learn pet grooming in Japan and US. In 2004 established World Navigate, Inc. which offers service to help individual groomers to join grooming contest and study about pets overseas for the first time in Japan and brought many Japanese groomers to Super Zoo and Groom and Kennel Expo. Planned prize tours for Japan Kennel Club’s grooming contest 1st winners.

I add introduction of our team members. They are all salon owners at the same time. Now Asian fusion grooming is “IN” all over the world. Real Asian fusion started and spread around from Japan. Hope readers enjoy their thoughts and opinions as salon owner groomers.

Introduction of the team members DAITERU TAKAHI Hand stripping Born in Kumamoto, Japan. After graduating university, experienced office worker for some years. Decided to be a pet groomer and studied at famous grooming school related Japan kennel club. Learned about show and grooming and worked at Gabriel & Ivonne Rangel’s kennel in US for some years. As an independent groomer, started his career as mobile grooming wagon and having salon too now. Has another face as a pet photographer. As a groomer: Trying to give customers emotional

impact not just only joy or pleasure. All dogs, show dogs or pet dogs whatever, have long history of each breeds in them. One of the most important factors in grooming is making the most of its own coat beauty and making it in the best condition always.

About ideal pet grooming at salon: Customers moved when they get to know the background and reason of grooming design, explained with groomer’s professional skill, knowledge and experiences. Understanding breed standard and then deforming in modern style is the best.

SHUJI YAMANAKA Spaniels and Setters After finishing grooming study at grooming school related JKC, start his own pet salon in Okayama at age of 21. Learned about poodles, terriers, cocker spaniels at each breed professional masters and at their kennels. Attend grooming contests at SuperZoo in Las Vegas, US every year and got consecutive prize. Attended international grooming contest in Barcelona in 2013. Has dog show all breed judge father.

As a groomer: Pet groomers should be successors. Having and getting the knowledge and skill from masters and hand them to students. Learning every day and contributing to grooming industry is my hope and goal.

About ideal pet grooming at salon: Understanding customer’s requests and fit it to each living circumstances. Trying to make its breed’s features important and put balance according each dog’s composition. Pet owners put the point on dog’s face so trying to make expression in grooming.

DAI MIYAZAKI Poodles Became a professional groomer in his teens and got huge impact and impression when seeing a poodle at the dog show. After this experience, learned about poodles at poodle masters and started to attend dog shows and grooming contests in JKC. Now running his own pet salon, started in 2010, breeding poodles and attend overseas shows and grooming contests. Got 2nd at Groomexpo west and BIS at contest in Japan.

As a groomer: Grooming should be comfortable for pets and hope my grooming is like that for them. Trying to catch up new style and hope to make pets and owners happy.. About ideal pet grooming at salon: At my salon, I don’t suggest only “cuteness” but the style that can be live comfortable and making easy for owners to care, and of course customer’s request would be mostly accepted.


Other pure breeds scissoring During studying grooming at school, happened to meet US top Bedlington terrier and its owner and this made him start to learn show grooming. Own breeding Bedlington terrier finished champion by own handling in US. In 2003 started own pet salon and groom over 300 Bedlington terriers per year. Became winner in Bedlington terrier and toy poodle classes at JKC grooming contests.

As a groomer: Wants to be a groomer who can be an advisor to owners, who can regularly see their pets with pedigrees or not, to help all pets live healthy and loveable ones as lifelong friends for owners.

About ideal pet grooming at salon: Making owner’s ideal style matched to their life style, telling them how to care coat suitable to each dog is most important.

YURIKO JINGU Reserve After graduating grooming school, seeking more skill and technique, join personal workshops and studied about miniature schnauzer. After 2 years worked at animal hospital as a groomer. Attend grooming contest actively. Now working as a manager at salon, set up with her husband together. Got many prizes at JKC grooming contest.

As a groomer: Grooming technique changes and developing all the time and there’s no end to learn. Enjoying to find joy in my road and life time work as a groomer.

About ideal pet grooming at salon: Should suggest its breed-like grooming to customers, using professional knowledge and technique and accepting their request, pet should be cute. Helping to have happy and comfortable daily life for owners and pets.

Groomers Worldwide United States Meeting with Emma Bekker at GroomingTails Pet Salon Emma has been a groomer for more than 20 years now. She worked with animals all her life and she loves her job.

For many years, she bred poodles and participated in dog shows. This allowed her to improve her grooming skills. She moves to the United States and opens a salon located in Cardiff By The Sea, which becomes one of the best grooming salons of San Diego County, California. Her love for animals leads her to open a second salon in Murrieta. To meet customer demand, it also offers self-service. Either for dogs or cats, she uses only natural and biodegradable shampoos with her customers.

Mrs Emma Bekker 2013 San Elijo AveCardiff By The Sea, CA 92007 (760)230-6354

Your grooming

Groomed by mrs Cécile Degrave, Grooming salon « Bulle de Savon » (France)

Your grooming

Groomed by mrs Stéphanie Alaj, Grooming salon « C’Ouaf Toutou » (France)

Your grooming

Groomed by mrs Emilie t. Gaudreault of « Ô Poil de la Bête ». Salon and boutique for dogs and cats in Quebec

Famous dog: Barry

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To submit your photos, articles and sections Barry the Saint Bernard (1800-1814) was born at the Hospice du Grand Saint-Bernard which is at the top of the collar of the same name, the monks created the breed of Saint Bernard from various crosses. Originally, the monks bred them to guard and defense. Then, they educated them to rescue travelers in trouble. In the early nineteenth century was born Barry (which means "bear"). For a dozen years he saved more than forty people. His incredible scents allowed him to easily identify people in difficulty and to go to their help without having to receive any order. In 1812, old and tired, he was sent to Berne to take a well-deserved retirement where he died in 1815. He was naturalized and exhibited at the Museum of Natural History of the city in 1815. To honor him, the religious of the Hospice named all the most beautiful males Barry. Thus Barry Barry II and III are also famous Saints Bernard, who had, too, heroic lives but, unfortunately with a tragic fate. The first being drowned while running on a frozen lake, the ice being broken under his weight. The second has, meanwhile, slid into a ravine and died. In 300 years the St. Bernard saved the lives of over 2000 people. The museum of Bern is celebrating the bicentenary of the first Barry’s death during a permanent exhibition dedicated to him. To learn more, visit the museum of Bern

Contact Nathalie at

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