March 2019 Tone Magazine Ottawa

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COMING SOON... Healthy Brain & Body Show March 2019 Y Vol. 34, #7 ☮ Priceless

Magazine Divine Direction Is It Energy Medicine? Diane Oliver

Paying Attention in Troubled Times Rachelle Lamb

Poetry at Pressed Ian Prattis

What Is The Breakthrough Experience? Lukenosis

A Journey Towards Healing Lynne Cardinal

What is Life Trying To Show You? Kerry Palframan

Life Shifting

them to be resolved. More freedom! Although I won’t necessarily be journaling every day, I realise it is another practice to add to my tool kit: a reflective guide back to self. And I feel like this is expansion which will permeate my life moving forward once back to Ottawa. If life is not an adventure, then what is its worth? I am so grateful for this journey, both outwards and inwards. It is tough, at times, but the payoff is tremendous.


etting on the plane in Ottawa, I knew I was starting not just the first leg of my journey to visit my son in Melbourne, but also the first leg of my new life. I was feeling anything but excitement: nervous, fearful, under confident...the way one feels when shifting anything of major consequence, stepping way out of my comfort zone. My thoughts were of all possible things that could go wrong: missed connections, lost luggage, forgetting things on plane (note to self: none of it happened). All these thoughts and worries despite the fact that I have been practising letting go of them for many years. Interesting. I have a month to my self. A month to sit quietly, or explore new surroundings, maybe connect with nature. A month to go inside or find an adventure. A month of freedom. I started journaling a day or two into my arrival in Melbourne, and what I discovered was that this stuff really works. It doesn’t matter what you start with: one thought leads to another, stirring up what the unconscious is trying to make sense of: exposing ideas and feelings you didn’t even realise you had. And in committing them to the written page, you release

©2019 Heather Garrod is a Certified Aromatherapist and owner of Planet Botanix at 301 Bank St (Near Somerset). As well as providing the ingredients for DIY bodycare, and an artisan bodycare line, the shop provides other wellness products and a holistic clinic. www. 613.567.4444


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Mastafa Mashkour Ph.D, M.Sc (owner) Applied Geophysics/Geotechnique


March 2019

The fine print …

Tone Magazine, 680 Eagleson Road, PO Box 45024 Kanata South PO, Kanata, Ontario, K2M 2Y1. Published 11 months/year. Circulation 8,000. Layout & Design by Mike “Lemmy” Monner. Printing by Performance Printing -

Purpose …

To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas pertaining to the overall growth of consciousness.

Contact …

• E-mail:; Web: • (613) 435-TONE (8663) call or text • • • 680 Eagleson Rd, PO Box 45024, Kanata, ON K2M 2Y1 snail mail only

The Deadline …

The deadline for submissions is about the middle of month prior to the next issue.

Articles submitted to Tone Magazine may be adjusted for readability but major changes will be referred to the author or group responsible. Articles printed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor’s Group. Tone Magazine does not endorse or recommend any particular treatment protocol for readers. Tone Magazine supports informed decision making, and articles are included to enlighten and motivate readers. Readers are encouraged to discuss health-related issues with their health care providers. Tone Magazine believes readers should determine the best treatment protocol based on health care providers’ recommendations and their own needs, assessments and desires. The Publisher and Editor’s Group disclaim any responsibility or liability for either content of articles or advertising, and do not guarantee, warrant or endorse products or services included in articles or advertising in this publication, nor do the Publisher and Editor’s Group warrant or endorse any claims made by the writers or advertisers for such products or services.

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March 2019


Cosmic Zoom: The Supra-Conscious

whenever he gets near kryptonite. The same is true for all artificial stimulants. For example, cocaine users, or “wizards”, ALWAYS crash. SUPRA-CONSCIOUSNESS – This is the state of being n 1915, Sigmund Freud explicitly nearly continuously aware of being condemned the word, “subfully conscious. It is Theta State or s conscious”. He clearly indicated s s Enlightenment. It is what Plato, e lln that there is no “subterranean we Aristotle and Hippocrates called smokin consciousness”. He posited that Psyche. Psyche is the whole cosmos frui we are either conscious OR NOT. holographically connected. When we are not aware that we are In his book, “Portrait of an Artist xie fully conscious he called that the ty as a Young Man”, James Joyce, s elf-esteem “unconscious” or “pre-conscious” depicted the character, Stephen state. Many New Age practitioners, t Dedalus, as being capable of supraweigh and particularly hypnotherapists, consciousness and Joyce called this erroneously believe and espouse that COUNSELLING, COACHING trait “cosmic zoom”. Freud was it is important to get in touch with & HYPNOTHERAPY CENTRE heavily influenced by Plato, Aristotle this fictitious projection dubbed the and Hippocrates. He was intrigued Richard M. Haney “sub-conscious”. Many practitioners Ph.D.(Counselling), Hypnotherapist by the concept of Psyche in which take a few brief courses in psychology an individual is totally immersed or hypnotherapy and then put up (613) 234-5678 (613) 726-3636 in their environment. It is virtually Bank St. (in Centretown) Pinecrest Rd. a shingle proclaiming that they can impossible to be depressed, anxious, help you understand and assimilate alienated or feel detached when one your “sub-conscious”. Like Freud, I is totally connected with everything. purged this word from my speech There is then literally no “inside” and all my articles many, many years ago. When and “outside”. The ancient Greeks used the I first heard of it in high school, I felt that it was purple ergot fungus from barley crops to make mechanistic and false. Only in recent years did a low dose hallucinogenic. This was the earliest I learn that Freud himself totally rejected this use of LSD. At many of the 400 asklepions, or concept. healing centres, across Greece this ergot was I share with my Partners in Healing (clients) used in ritual initiations to give the participants that there are four levels of consciousness: a “taste” of the supra-conscious experience. This SIMPLE-CONSCIOUSNESS – The lowest was done only in the initial phases of Spiritual growth level of consciousness of all animals, except human and then the drug was discontinued. beings. There is no “cellar” below it! For Freud and his contemporaries, the drug of choice SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS – We humans have had this was cocaine rather than ergot or LSD. Unlike cocaine, UNIQUE mutation take place in our early evolution. LSD is non-addictive. In his day, Freud, and countless No other animal has attained this ability to reflect upon others, became constant users of cocaine. In 1884, Freud itself and to utilize choice. wrote a paper called “On Coca” in which he raved SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS – This is the TEMPORARY about the virtues of cocaine. His colleague, Dr. Koller, state of consciousness that is induced by drugs, alcohol also extolled the wonderful effects of cocaine. Perhaps and chemicals. Note that superman inevitably “crashes” cocaine was the “top secret” original ingredient in the first “coca coller” elixirs? The “real thing”, eh? We now know how to attain supra-consciousness and generally stay in Psyche without ergot, cocaine, etc. If we stay radically present and master the art of , General Dentist total acceptance of all situations and events, we are then DDS, FAACP. FAGD, FICOI Laser Holistic Dentistry & Integrative Medicine fairly close to nirvana. Staying in this state is probably the greatest challenge. I truly wish and hope that you Laser Holistic Dentistry & Integrative Medicine experience this wonderful state of supra-consciousness without addictive drugs! Namaste………… 613 234-5758 This article was written in by: Richard M. Haney, M.Ed., Ph.D. (Counselling and Mediation). Richard has been Call to book a lecture on Laser holistic dentistry and integrative medicine practising Wholistic Counselling, Coaching, Hypnotherapy DowntownDowntown and Alta Vista locations and Mediation for the past 25 years in Ottawa. Richard: location (613) 234-5678. E-mail:

str e



g tion


Dr. Paul Greenacre

Dr Paul Greenacre



March 2019

Overcome Self-Sabotage and Succeed with Change




ost people have a good idea of how to turn their life around. The solutions are usually fairly obvious and straightforward. Everyone knows how to lose weight, make more money, or keep their house tidier. The challenge is following through. Why don’t you follow through on your decisions? Choose the reasons that resonate with you and see how you can resolve them: 1. You are not making a true decision. Making a true decision means cutting yourself off from any other option. Most of us fail to commit sufficiently to our decisions. We are too half-hearted and give up way too quickly.

3. Your emotions get the best of you. Successful people are either less swayed by their emotions, or they have more control over their emotions. Take your pick. It’s hard to be successful without one or the other. ● Meditation is one way of getting control over your emotions and yourself.

● Understand that a real decision is a commitment you have made to yourself. Show yourself the respect you deserve.

● Focus on making positive decisions regardless of how you are feeling in the moment. The tendency is to make decisions that reduce your anxiety in the short-term. Unfortunately, this leads to long-term failure. Keep your focus on the objective.

2. Are you unclear on your values? Understand your values and you will follow through more often. ● Knowing your values increases the quality of your decisions. It will also keep you going when you hit an obstacle. You’ll be less likely to give up if you’re living according to your values.


Do you follow through on your intentions, or do you find a reason to quit? You probably already know enough to make dramatic changes to your life, so the real challenge is managing yourself and following an effective process. The power to change your life is within you. You only need to adjust your approach. Perseverance is a significant part of positive change. What could you change in your life if you followed through on your decisions? A better question is, “What couldn’t you change?” Moira Hutchison Mindfulness Coach, Tarot Card Reader & Energy Healer 613.432.1239 Have you ever noticed that when we feel stuck - we become the expert of everything that does NOT work... The truth is that in order for a problem to exist - the solution must also exist! To get started feeling *unstuck* hop on over to and sign up for Step One of “The Letting Go Process” - it’s free!!

March 2019


Energy Work Written by Rev. Alexis Nicol


After a lot of practice and my own inner work I totally trust that any healing energy being used is from One Source, and for me, this Source is the One of Divine Love/God. This Loving power uses the Energy Worker via a myriad of ways, such as; vibration, intuition, heat, tingling, messages, clairvoyance, etc. As an EW it is up to me to trust, recognize and follow whichever method I’m am being guided to use. It is of upmost importance that the EW gets out of the ego mind and allows an awakened mind to guide the session.

Free Admission! May 4-5


March 2019


nergy Worker is a mysterious way to describe someone who is working with an incomprehensible and immeasurable source of energy. It flows from the Power of Pure/Divine Love that exists within All life. The Energy is channelled through the practitioner and depending upon how clear a channel they are it will affect the flow and results of the session. The Energy Worker (EW), the client and the Universal Consciousness of Divine Love are connecting together allowing an opportunity for healing during a session. The EW is a channel only and should be present and clear in order to receive direction without ego or judgment. Be concerned if they claim that they are the ones doing the “healing”. If they do, hopefully they are referring to the body they enliven as being the healer. Truth is we are the ones that ultimately make the choice to be healed or not. When I first learned Reiki I used a lot of my own personal energy. I wanted everyone I worked on to be healed. This left me quite tired and sometimes disappointed after a session. It is important to note that we don’t necessarily receive the results we want. God knows where the person needs the healing that is in their highest good at the time.

Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing for Relaxation


Wishingtree Yoga

Join Ivy & Stewart

by Ivy & Stewart


oga Nidrā is a guided relaxation which helps us to deep sleep. It is used for relaxation, which helps to reduce stress and decrease levels of anxiety. Also, allows the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) to work, which helps to improve digestive function. Śavāsana (Corpse Pose) is the best āsana to experience Yoga Nidrā. With the body like a corpse on the floor without any movement, the mind not working, we experience peace and calm. Our body has its own intelligence to heal. What we need to do is to give the body time to relax, to recover and heal.

It has been 15 years since being initiated as a Sound Healer, by Jonathan Goldman and Company at the Healing Sounds Intensive. The effectiveness of this experience has not gone away, but has slowly, gradually cultivated as the years have passed. When sound healing energy is awakened in oneself, this awareness of sound, this awareness of healing, this awareness of energy can be shared with others. When one has experienced this transformative sound healing energy, this awareness can be expressed to others. With intent and love one illuminates healing energy with sacred sound. The radiant Inner Self aglow.

As long as one carries out the work required to become a clear channel then anyone can have the wonderful, life enhancing and loving experience of working with this most Divine and powerful Energy of Love. Miracles do happen - after all Love is the most powerful, unlimited energy in existence. Alexis believes in a Wholistic Metaphysical approach to healing mind, body and soul. She combines natural healing modalities in her practice. 613-263-7925

Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing On March. 23

Sound Healing Treatments could include: music, mantra, vocal toning, gong, bells, singing bowls, toning forks, shaking medicine, massage, and as a result, relaxation.

Join Ivy and Stewart for a 90 minute Yoga Nidrā and Sound Healing on March 23, 2:30-4pm. Wishingtree Yoga offers a 200H Traditional Hatha Yoga Teacher Training and 50 Yin Yoga Teacher Training. Ivy’s geography background and travel have given her a unique perspective. Her book A Complete Yoga Manual is a bridge between east and west, modern and ancient, theory and practice. The book is available at Singing Pebble Books. For more information please visit www. or contact Wishingtree Yoga at

Chinese Massage Therapy for Chronic Pain

March 2019


Kaivalya Centre®


• Les sessions sont aussi offertes en français

613.836.2355 • Offices in Hull & Stittsville

Empower Your Life-Path!


» Lynne Cardinal


A Journey Towards Healing


y two favorite healing modalities are techniques that I have used and explored for decades and know from direct experience that they are deeply transformative. Meditation comes to mind first as I have been meditating for over 40 years. I definitely feel the effect of meditation both on the level of my body and mind. The daily practice of meditation is healing, suiting and transformative. We can feel the subtle and steady regeneration of the body during meditation. It is so subtle that it feels like it is on a cellular level. On another level, the mind state shifts, which can perhaps be compared to opening a window and letting fresh air in. It feels calming, healthy and transforming. The other modality is hypnosis, which focuses on specific objectives (such as letting go of the past, fears, motivation). It empowers us from within our deeper mind and enables us to achieve concrete objectives. I can say that results stemming from hypnosis are easier and quicker than meditation. You just need to find a guide certified in hypnosis that you feel comfortable with. This guide will gently nudge you in the direction of your objectives, but essentially all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It is based on a personal and honest intention, so we need to be ready and to want to fulfill our objectives. Meditation is perhaps a subtler process, and it requires a daily commitment. Many of my clients start with hypnosis, and once their objectives have been reached then they develop a regular meditation practice. I also offer monthly mini-retreats that helps with regularity and the exploration of the principles and philosophy of meditation and various techniques. Today I will mainly explore the practice of meditation.


Meditation takes us on a journey towards our true self, a part of us that is deeper than the conditioned mind. Far from running away from our daily life and its challenges, when our eyes are closed, our introspective mind reaches a ground of clarity, and in doing so, we gradually develop inner strength. It is a process and during this journey, we come to grasp within the distinction between our lower individual mind, and our higher mind. What we call our lower mind, or more concrete mind, is the part of us that is complex, carrying conditioning, fears and hurts so deep that we may not even know that we have. Within this individual mind we can sometimes feel the effects within us of the transgenerational traumas of our ancestors. It has been proven that we carry this trauma in our cells (DNA), and that once recognized it can be healed. Meditation helps us to go beyond this lower mind to connect with our higher mind, essentially with our truth, with the wisdom within. It is a foundation of love and freedom that generates inner stability. During the practice of meditation our mind becomes quieter; this allows our body to reach a deeper level of relaxation and to gradually gain perspective, to go beyond the overactive mind. In doing so we can eliminate a great deal of stress and fatigue. Of course, all meditations will vary, in some we can feel our mind being more active and during other meditation we seem to dive deeper, feel more serene. In all great traditions we are encouraged to simply persevere. A committed beginner is encouraged to meditate for about 20 minutes. With time the meditator will easily meditate over 60 minutes a day, or more. There is no doubt that a longer period of meditation helps us to connect with our

March 2019


Looking for a non-invasive way to deal with fear, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress, negative feelings and sadness? Not feeling motivated enough? Tired of medications with side effects, to help reduce those symptoms? NO LEARNING. SIMPLY LISTEN while going about your daily routine. Contact: (613) 829-0224

The Energy-Work Process

higher self. Behind the flow of our thoughts, behind the conditioning that we carry, we can feel a pristine sense of clarity. This experience of inner clarity will affect us in our daily life and usually result in better health, more satisfying relationships, and greater joy and creativity. Meditation techniques vary, and in my experience, it is good to explore various techniques with an open mind. Regular meditation periods will reduce the stress in our life, and will enable us to be less vulnerable to diseases originating from stress. Meditation also allows the mind and body to function with a greater efficiency. There may be times of impatience, of facing our inner turmoil in a way that is not always easy. Yet, we gradually become able to focus, go through it, and finally be able to connect more fully with the present moment. In reality, our greatest abundance is held in the present moment. To get to know our higher mind, and therefore connect with the depth of the present moment, is to connect with our highest potential and truth.

Kaivalya Centre ®

Awakening Your Potential Lynne Cardinal sees clients individually and she offers group classes and workshops. She has offered Stress Management, Resilience and Burnout Prevention workshops in the government and private sectors for over 30 years. She is also a Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She is certified by Dr. Weiss in Past-Life Regression and she has a PhD (alternative) in Eastern Philosophy from India. She has studied extensively with Thomas Hübl on Transparent Communication and Principles of Transformation and Healing and Trauma work, and she also trained with Diane Hamilton in Conflict Resolution. For more information call 613.721.7888 or;


nergy-work nourishes your body, mind and spirit and can inspire one’s world. Put each energycraft to work and you will notice how positive energy enters your space. You can experience the uplifting changes this work can bring into your life! Everything is some form of energy; all energy flows by intention and is liquid. It can be collected, released and transferred. It can also stick – which is how we create either positive or negative cycles in our lives. Positive energy feels good, natural, balanced. It’s in harmony. It feels light. Negative energy feels, well, not so good; toxic, harsh, heavy, anxious or stuck. Protection energy happens for your benefit and is not the negative moment, as most people seem to think. (If you find yourself forced to stop on your path then - you are being protected.) Destruction energy: The Universe leads you to your highest good and encourages you to leave behind what no longer serves you. If you select to ignore the Universe’s small suggestions, then it will, eventually, scream at you (by destroying where you are now) allowing you to move forward. The Universal-cycle requires patience and trust: When you experiment with the process you’ll learn to trust it. Decades of study and applications of the various tools of wellness have been used by people all over the world in a quest to find purpose, significance, balance, prosperity and peace. In our experience Feng Shui, Reiki and Easternprinciples (among many other sources) all share the common thread based on the Universal Wellness Principles. Visit us at to learn more. We look forward to hearing from and working with you.

March 2019


Sri Chinmoy Answers SELF-DISCOVERY through

MEDITATION Free Ongoing Classes Relaxation, concentration & meditation Developing calmness, confidence & poise S Creating a life of inspiration & happiness S S

Sri Chinmoy

Call for dates & locations: 613-232-2387 Offered as a free community service by students of Sri Chinmoy.

Question: How can we trust or have faith in ourselves and our abilities?

SRI CHINMOY: All human beings suffer from trust and lack of trust. One moment your mind is telling you one thing and the next moment your mind says the opposite. The same thing happens with trust. This moment you trust your capacity. Next moment you do not trust it at all. How do we solve this problem? If we pray to God and depend on God for everything, then God gives us confidence. If we rely on God, then whatever we receive from Him will be sufficient for us. At that time, we do not have to worry. The confidence that we get from our reliance on God can never be taken away. If you are a nice person, you will not deceive your mother or father or anyone. God is infinitely nicer than we are so how can He deceive you? If you trust Him, then He will never fail you. Your trust in God, your faith in Him, will give you confidence in yourself. You are bound to trust yourself precisely because there is Someone who loves you infinitely more than you can ever imagine, and that Person is God. If you love Him, He will give you the capacity to trust in your activities. If you write poems, try to feel that these poems are being written by God in and through you. Feel that you are only holding the pen and writing down the words that God wants you to write. When writing poems or when you do something good, inspiring and illumining, you have to feel that it is He who has done it in and through you, according to your capacity of receptivity. If you cannot trust God, then you will never be able to trust yourself. So trust God’s Presence from now on, if possible all the time. If you cannot do it all the time, then try to trust Him for a few minutes a day. The more your faith in God increases, the stronger will be your faith and trust in yourself. Visit for further writings by Sri Chinmoy.


March 2019


Friendly Curiosity towards Present Reality by Mary Anne Bourque


ave you noticed that when change happens in your life, a period of confusion, sometimes distress and often deep questioning surfaces? You may begin to question who you really are. The changes in your life —children leaving home, change of boss or change in things that were previously interesting and satisfying for you - leave you with an empty feeling. This can lead to insecurity and sometimes significant anxiety. A heaviness sets in, leaving you with a sense that your life is out of control. I know this feeling all too well. When life, my life, seemed to be going in a direction that spiraled with a sense of despair, loss of control and overwhelm, I wanted to just give up. The life I was so used to, with its predictability and a sense of meaning, was no longer there. I felt completely out of balance. I blamed others for this upset in my life. I even tried very hard to get back to the old way. Now when I look back, I see that I would repeatedly land back in the same place— with more hopelessness each time. Oddly, when I stopped and asked “What is REALLY going on? Can I be with what IS?” I began to feel a difference in myself.

Saint Germain Foundation Ottawa From the Highest Octaves of Life Our Beloved Saint Germain has brought the Original Ascended Master Teachings on the “Laws of Life”, as a free gift of Love for all mankind. We welcome all interested individuals who wish to know more of this Original Ascended Master Teaching.

PATHWORK Open Lecture Discussions 2019

Saint Paul University

233 Main St, follow signs to room

There are 3 more for this season. Open Lectures will resume in the fall.

Mar 20, Apr 17, May 15 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Suggested donation, $15 ~ $5 for members

Contact Jean:, 613-829-1254 All welcome Lectures are available for free download at

This may sound strange, but engaging with these empty, confusing feelings is the first step to opening into a new way of BEING in life. The moment you inwardly and fully allow your circumstance to be what it is, you are actually in a movement towards being — being your true self. You begin a path of self-finding, self-honesty, self-discovery. It all begins with an attitude of curiosity about what’s really going on right NOW. Join me, at the next Pathwork Open Lecture, in an exploration of “Being with what IS “, with the intention of living your real life. We will reflect on the guidance provided in Pathwork Lecture 105: Humanity’s Relationship to God in Various Stages of Development. “If you are unwilling to live through and be in your present confusions, errors and pains, facing and understanding them, you cannot ever be in God. Or to put it in other words, you cannot be in a state of happiness, peace, creativity without strife if you do not face the temporary, often unpleasant reality.” L105 This is the topic for the next Pathwork Open Lecture, Wednesday, March 20, 7 to 9 pm at Saint Paul University, 233 Main Street. All are welcome. Follow the signs to the room. There is a suggested donation of $15 for nonmembers; $5 for members. The Pathwork lectures are available for free download from For further information contact Jean at jeanmillar21@ or 613-829-1254.

For further information please call us at 613-834-8896

March 2019


Grieving our Losses and Humanity’s Fall by Amâeil (Melinda Urban RIHR)


hen we experience a profound loss, we naturally move through a grieving process. If we consciously allow this, it serves as a sacred container for honouring our painful emotions, and eventually reaching acceptance. There’s great freedom in respecting this journey of healing. Even when it upends our lives to create disorientation, stir inner conflict, or question who we thought we were, we find ourselves re-emerging through its higher purpose - a new sense of self that is more aligned with our true Spirit. However, our pain of loss can trigger unhealed wounds from other losses in this lifetime or other dimensional traumas. Our personal grief is threaded together in our microcosmic to macrocosmic relationship with the collective and planetary grief. Our emotions can arise from specific traumatic historical events such as the Atlantian flood, or the genocide of Christ family members. Our most profound loss, recorded in everyone’s cellular memory, is the fall of humanity’s consciousness from the Lyran wars. Grief from our multi-dimensional traumas can intensify our current pain of loss, creating vague and confusing feelings. Therefore, as we awaken, it’s important to discern from where our pain is sourcing. What is the feeling attached to? It’s our responsibility to heal all our wounds, recent and ancient. When old emotions and their memories surface it’s so that we may integrate these aspects of our consciousness into the wholeness of our Divine Self and expand our Light. Grieving can be a gift for it’s an invitation to courageously open our hearts in trust to the God Within. It’s always a choice for freedom.

This article is a very brief excerpt from a detailed article discussing humanity’s fallen consciousness and offering many helpful suggestions and tools for managing your grief. Read it on my blog at www.AwakeningtheTruthWithin. com. If you need help to release any trauma or emotional pain, I can meet you in your personal need with compassionate support. 18 yrs. experience: intuitive energy education, counselling, healing & multi-dimensional ascension clearing. Appointments in person or by skype/phone 613-2532888. Melinda Urban 2019

Dolphin Dentistry Oral Health is Now Essential for Total Health Call for a free consultation 613 234-5758


March 2019

Divine Direction Is It Energy Medicine?


eing an Elder is an interesting experience. One can look at one’s Life and see the effects of the actions taken. We can see the results we brought about through our decision-making over time in all aspects of our journey so far. We can review our Life decisions and decide anew looking at what needs correcting, what needs forgiving and what needs to happen next. A true Elder is one who has lived his or her life on purpose, learning lessons and making a point to teach the wisdom gleaned from having been polished by the waves of Life and Light. If I look back on my service to Life, I can honestly say that Great Spirit has truly blessed me with the gifts of discernment and of Spirit Guardian. As such, those who have crossed my Path were predominantly those who were, most often unknowingly, looking for Divine Direction of some kind. They needed to understand some point of Cosmic Law that would release them to chart their own course more wisely. I am most grateful to those who trusted their Hearts and were courageous enough to follow it, in order to receive a teaching they needed to hear, that in turn helped them to move forward spiritually. True Spiritual growth cannot happen until the individual recognizes that, without Great Spirit breathing its wondrous breath through the Soul, the body is inanimate. Thus, for the individual who wants to grow spiritually, a course of study in the language of the Soul and its Wisdom becomes important. I am profoundly grateful to Great Spirit for having led me down a path that has included books, teachers, and synchronicity that would teach me of wisdom, energy healing and spiritual teachings.

My services help you discover your own Divine Direction because not only do you learn the ways of the Soul and of the Shadow but also learn how to manage both within yourself. This is what is called Spirit/Soul Energy Medicine, which brings a form of healing to your subtle energy field. It can also redirect your attitude towards an energetic block. If you feel stuck, you may be in need of learning how to apply a teaching or two. Mine is a service of ministering unto your Soul, leading it back to the forefront and allowing the Love and Light that you are to resurface with ease. If you are seeking spiritual growth outside of religion and spiritual healing through shamanic means (Indigenous healing), please reach out. As an Elder, I most likely will be able to shed some Light and Love on your Path. I gladly share the teachings you need to hear and the healing you need to receive. Diane Oliver Spirit Guardian Soul Energy Healer Ministry of Light & Love 613-261-1602

198 Main Street, Ottawa, ON • 613-234-9597 • March 2019


Happy 5th Birthday, Holy Fire Reiki Welcome, Holy Fire III


oly Fire Reiki has been growing fast since its birth five years ago. From Holy Fire in 2014 to Holy Fire II in 2015, we now have its latest manifestation – Holy Fire III – in 2018. Reiki is an ancient healing modality, but we are aware of its evolution only since Mikao Usui brought Usui Reiki to Japan and Hawayo Takata brought it to North America. In the past 100 years we have seen many changes in Reiki: among them we’ve had symbols added, hand placements delineated, the balancing of chakras now an integral part of a healing treatment, and the introduction of Karuna Reiki. These changes show us that Reiki is a growing, evolving healing modality. Holy Fire Reiki comes to us at a time of great transformation. Our vibration is increasing and becoming more refined. Time seems to move faster as we become more in tune with the energetic world of quantum physics, where healing can happen in an instant. Understanding who we are has moved from the psychological realm to the energetic where we can heal on many levels (physically, emotionally, meantally and spiritually), sometimes all at once. We live in this glorious age of energy healing and as our consciousness rises, we are able to heal ever more deeply and quickly. Enter Holy Fire Reiki five years ago. It is through William Lee Rand of The International Center for Reiki Training that Holy Fire presented itself. You can read about him and about Holy Fire at I was fortunate in 2015 to do my Holy Fire Master training with Rand in Glastonbury and my Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master training with him in Michigan. I have done my upgrade to Holy Fire III, and will be doing the full Master’s course in Jerusalem at the end of April. I haven’t really had a choice about these courses: they appear, somehow the money shows up, and I go. As a teacher, I am happy to bring my students the latest developments in this exciting and beautiful evolution of Reiki that is happening for us now. In my opinion the most profound shift from preHoly Fire to Holy Fire Reiki is that it has moved from the level of Soul to the level of Spirit. Many people use these terms, Soul and Spirit, interchangeably. Holy Fire sees the Soul as the sum total of all our experiences and our interpretations of those experiences, of our emotions and thoughts, from past lives and this life. It is a place of Divine Grace and ego/shadow parts: it changes as we change. Spirit, unlike Soul, is our direct, undiluted communication with what Holy Fire terms the Third Heaven, the place of Spirit, of Love, of Divine Beings who are beyond ego and who exist only to help us to grow and heal. As our Spirit is more and more in contact with the


Divine, it teaches and heals the Soul. Holy Fire works at the level of Spirit, bringing us to higher and higher levels of consciousness. In the Holy Fire Reiki class, one of the results of this direct access to the Divine is that “the teacher gets out of the way.” In earlier Reiki, the Reiki was activated in students by means of Attunements: teachers would place their hands on the students and would move around them; that is, teachers with their energy, thoughts, and ego would be in the students’ energetic space. In Holy Fire, rather than Attunements we have Placements: teachers are seated away from students and the Holy Fire energy comes directly to the students. In like manner, guided meditations have been replaced with Experiences, again where the energy acts on students individually, giving them whatever they specifically need. As early as 2015, Rand sensed that the Third Heaven was much larger than he or anyone was able to comprehend. Enter Holy Fire III in 2018, and we have been given access to the Fourth through Twelfth Heavens, a path that offers higher and higher levels of vibration that lead us to knowing and living Unity Consciousness. There is much to be said about Holy Fire III. What stands out for me and what I find so thrilling is that it takes us on the journey of healing our ego as it guides us to recover our Authentic Self. In Holy Fire, the ego is not something that we need to overcome or set aside in order to evolve spiritually; it is an integral part of ourselves. We learn that it has a Divine Nature and that is has a part to play in healing ourselves and the planet. It roots us in the here and now so that we can embody and manifest Divine consciousness. Our Authentic Self existed at the time of our birth when we were in direct connection with the Divine. Having to adapt to the expectations and beliefs surrounding us as we grow up means having to repress many of our authentic emotions and qualities. They lie dormant until Holy Fire III energy uncovers them and they are newly revealed to us. We come to know ourselves again as the Divine beings that we are and always were. Truly, we attain Heaven on Earth, and thus bring Heaven to Earth. As Rand says, often people struggle to know their path, to achieve their purpose, but that’s not the way of Holy Fire III. Its energy opens the way, clearing away obstacles and difficulties. Our life becomes easy and enjoyable. If you are interested in exploring Holy Fire III Reiki in a treatment, in a class, or in an upgrade, please contact me. Martha St. Pierre is a former secondary-school teacher who retired early in order to practise and teach Reiki. You can reach her at 613-422-7286, or through her website

March 2019

Poetry at Pressed

Ian Prattis ressed is a small, all ages venue and restaurant. It formally functions as a gourmet sandwich bar, but also serves as a vital community space in downtown Ottawa. It promotes bands and books - all genres of art performance. That includes poetry and book launches at Pressed, 750 Gladstone Ave, Ottawa, ON K1R 6X5. On Sunday, March 31 from 4pm – 6pm I will be there with my book Painting with Words, Poetry of a New Era. Hope to see you. Here are some brilliant snippets from Jana Begovic’s Foreword of the book. “Part Two of this anthology puts on full display Prattis’ passion for nature voiced through his gift of painting pictures with words. He infuses our senses with the colourful images of nature’s cycles and its “undeterred rhythm” of change alternating from decay to renewal, from the melancholy of loss to the joy of a new beginning. His poem “Weaving in the Forest” paints a splendorous image of a lake, awakening the senses to the striking beauty of the depicted scene. Prattis’ verses devoted to nature portray her as a living and breathing organism worthy of our utmost reverence and respect.” “The volume ends with the thematic focus on the Ancient Wisdom humans can access through their communing with nature. Travelling through the wilderness, Prattis becomes like Thoreau in Walden, pulsating with the rhythm of the river, the spirit of nature and that of its ancient inhabitants.” “The ancient wisdom is like the tabernacle of our collective memory, and Prattis, attuned to nature, harvests these ancient energies and weaves them into his own history, which he carries forth into the future.”


“Reading Ian Prattis’ literary tour de force reminded me of E.B. White’s quote in which he compared writing to both a mask and unveiling. The profound truth of that quote brought greater clarity to a seemingly complex and intriguing man who dances between the roles author, shaman, environmentalist, a wolf whisperer and a human vessel through which ancient wisdom pours forth.” To avoid shipping costs, Ottawa friends can get a signed copy directly from me –your purchase enables you to take home a prior book or Meditation CD home for FREE, as a special thank you. Books at my home. Also available on Amazon and Indigo, Order through:

The Canadian School of Naturotherapies and Spiritual Development is all online! Become a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist. Cheryl Jiala Driskell is happy to help you find Health, Happiness and Spiritual Awakening. Over 30 years of training and author of 4 books. Wakefield, Ottawa and Skype sessions available. 819-328-9128 WAKEFIELD Retreats too!

March 2019


What Is The Breakthrough Experience?


“I Can Make YouStop Stop Smoking in One Hour”Hour” “I Can Make You Smoking in One If you’re having trouble kicking the Evil Habit Dr. Luke Michael Howard can transform even the most ardent smoker into a healthy non-smoker IN JUST ONE HOUR.

Dr. Luke Michael Howard, PhD

Dr. Luke, owner of the LUKEnosis Complete Mind Therapy organization, is a Smoking Cessation Specialist, has a Masters degree in Hypnotherapy as well as a Doctorate in Psychology. Dr. Luke has been studying Hypnosis for over 16 years now and has trained all over the world. After over a decade, Dr. Luke is still the youngest person


certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Dr. Luke has been featured in all forms of media such as Tone Magazine, CTV Morning Live, and CBC Radio. He has developed an advanced hypnotherapy technique that turns weak willed smokers into empowered Non-Smokers in just one hour. He says “This technique is so powerful we are achieving a 95% success rate. This is incredible when you think that patches are only about 16% successful. We are so confident in the success of this treatment that we offer a free backup session for the remaining 5%. In fact, if after the session any one should need an extra session, it’s theirs, FREE OF CHARGE.” Dr. Luke explains, “This powerful breakthrough technique combines the latest discoveries in hypnosis and the new science of personal achievement known as Neuro Linguistic

Programming. This takes the power of hypnosis to a new level in helping people take back control of their lives.” Many local doctors are so impressed by the power of hypnosis that they are now referring many of their patients to Dr. Luke for his Accelerated Change Stop Smoking Programme. Dr. Luke says, “I am currently building a Doctors Referral Network to keep local GP’s informed of my developments and to keep them informed of their patients’ progress. Many celebrities, professional business people, nurses and housewives have benefited from stopping smoking with hypnosis, SO CAN YOU! The good news is that this incredible method of stopping smoking is available locally. The bad news there usually is a two or three week waiting list for an appointment – but even the medical profession believes it’s worth waiting for.

March 2019

“I walked out a nonsmoker!” Caroline had been a smoker for the majority of her lifenearly 30 YEARS! She had tried every type of stop-smoking aid possible, tried using ‘will power’ to quit cold turkey but to no avail-that is until she met Dr. Luke. She recently sent him this follow up email: “I promise I will totally do a video testimonial for you in the future though, as the hypnosis TOTALLY worked...not only have I not smoked...I have not even WANTED to!!! It really is amazing” Check out more testimonial videos on: and you can contact Dr. Luke at LUKEnosis to arrange an appointment at 613-8785874.


ello. Luke Michael Howard, clinical hypnotist and owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis here with a very special video, launching The Breakthrough Session. What is a breakthrough session Luke, and how does that differ from working with you one on one? Well, for many, many years now, I’ve been following a system of doing essentially different packages, different programs with clients, and they could range from anywhere from one to about three sessions. Now when you think modern-day psychotherapy or counseling, there is no result that is guaranteed in it and it’s an indefinite thing that you’ll be seeing your therapist or counselor three times a week for four years. Sigmund Freud even said that and it can’t guarantee your result. The interesting thing about psychotherapy is, no one ever goes to their psychotherapist, their counselor, their cognitive behavioral therapist and say, “How many sessions did it take?” Try it, because there is no answer to that. It’s an indefinite thing that’s ongoing. Whereas hypnosis, the system I’ve been using for a long time, typically it’s one to three sessions to fix almost any problem, which is really, really good and

worked for many, many people. However, I noticed that sometimes it could be slightly flawed, and for someone who has ADD and gets very distracted and likes to do things very, very fast, that sometimes took a little bit more time. Now I still offer that system for some people who’d prefer it, but now I offer something called a breakthrough session. And really if we go back to the old model of therapy or hypnosis, and I don’t like to think of what I do as being therapy, because it’s not. Therapy means that you’re broken, you’re messed up. I like to think I’m an educator that’s helping to educate you to run your own mind and brain better. So if you figure in the old days someone would come in with one problem. That might be they’re a smoker, they want to quit. They’re overweight, they have obesity, they want to drop 50 pounds. They have chronic back pain, they want to let go of it. Or they have tremendous anxiety that they want to be anxiety free. So there’s an A position they come in, a problem, and there’s a B solution that they want to leave at. So it’s kind of like this. This is kind of like your mind when it’s okay, it’s doing its normal thing, the amygdala, front cortex of your brain is doing its natural thing. And people come in to me and it’s been activated. There is a problem situation going in and what we do essentially

in hypnosis and the change work that I do is remove the problem from inside and it goes back to being its old way. That’s okay if you’ve got a single problem. However, what happens if you’ve got five problems? You’re overweight, you smoke, you’ve got anxiety, you got pain in the back, you don’t know what to do Everyone deserves a calm, peaceful, side-effect free life. with your career. You haven’t got the ideal relationship, you don’t know what to do in life or what’s holding you back. You’ve got more than one problem. It’s probably Grace Joubarne, Clinical Hypnotherapist gonna take more than one hour. So will help you heal yourself naturally of: it kind of becomes a bit like this. Someone comes in and this is their problem. There is so much to do. • Anxiety • Depression • Fears • PTSD • Addictions There’s so much going on now. • Obsessive Behaviour • Chronic Self-Doubt Now, in a breakthrough session, • Low Self-Esteen • Irritable Bowl Syndrome it’s essentially about collapsing this • Fatigue & Muscle Tension • Chronic Pain problem. This big sphere, if you will, • Sexual Dysfunction • Migraines • Unwanted Habits that around somebody’s head. Yeah, I know. Look a bit silly right now. In VERIFIABLE CREDENTIALS at a breakthrough session, this sphere Research shows Clinical Hypnotherapy to be safer and more effective than drugs and represents everything. It represents talk therapy, with fewer sessions and more root-cause resolution of problems. you not having the ideal job that you want. You perhaps being Do you answer YES to any of these questions? overweight, you perhaps doing  Medications not working OR medication addiction, withdrawal & side-effects worsening? some kind of drug that you don’t  Long talk therapy and/or addictions counseling leading to nowhere? want to do anymore. Attracting the  Pain and psychiatric medications creating addiction, withdrawal and health issues? wrong kind of mate. Having anxiety,  Aren’t getting the help and resources you need to wean off health-damaging medications? having depression or just not having  Tired of fighting addictions with no end in sight and one struggle replaced by yet another? a kind of success you want in life. There’s multiple things going on. CALL Grace Joubarne, CCHt, MAPHP TODAY ! So essentially one hour as good Clinical Hypnotherapist with decades of experience in natural healing modalities. as I am, it’s not gonna collapse Privacy and confidentiality guaranteed, anonymity if requested. all those problems. However, in a breakthrough session, what we’d do Ottawa & Belleville Ontario • 1-888-390-3553 • is we’d take up to three to four hours to collapse all of those problems. So it helped to basically remove it from your head so you can see that problem for what it is, which most of the time it’s just an illusion, then ThetaHealing® training in Ottawa systematically collapse that bad boy up and in of itself, so that it goes back to you being in that normal balanced Change your life with this new modality state. Now, breakthrough session is one session. It’s about three to four hours with me. Essentially how it Basic March 9-11, Advanced March 12-14 works is it’s almost like you’re going to see Santa. Yeah, Dig Deeper March 15-16, 2019. I know I’ve got the beard but it’s not quite white as Register now and save $400! Santa’s beard. Part 2 next issue For more information & to register Always Believe, or Luke Michel Howard PhD 613-746-9113 or Ottawa Clinical Hypnotist

Hypnotherapy That Works GracePlace Wellness

March 2019 Change your life with ThetaHealing®


Do you have some distress in you? Are you looking for better health or opportunities? With a one-to-one session the possibilities are limitless..

DIRECTORY • Groups ISUL GROUP INTERNATIONAL. RON CHAPMAN. Meditation classes and seminars. 232-1160. PATHWORK® Practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness. A challenging yet compassionate voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear, guided by our own inner authority. Follow us on Facebook or contact OTTAWA GURDJIEFF STUDY GROUP For those wishing to connect with the teaching and practice of G.I. Gurdjieff and the possibilities for man’s inner development, we invite you to join us on Friday evenings. Phone 613-746-6547 or SRI AUROBINDO STUDY GROUP. A new group is forming in order to study Sri Aurobindo and The Mother’s writings. IS IMPROVED COMMUNICATION SKILLS YOUR RESOLVE FOR 2019?We are here to mentor and celebrate your progress. Percolators Toastmasters Breakfast Club meeting every second and fourth Friday morning 9:15-11:30 at The Best Western 1274 Carling Ave. Restaurant. Contact Muriel (819) 827-1274 or (613) 298-3557

• People NADINE LA BELLE, M.A. Body, mind, spirit Integrative Healing®. 613-258-7492.

TRACY MONTGOMERY is a somatic sexuality educator who offers erotic learning to those who want to expand their capacity for pleasure, love and joy, heal the wounds of sexual abuse and explore the intersection of sex and spirit. | 613-413-1216

• Schools THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF NATUROTHERAPIES and Spiritual Development is all online! Become a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist or Animal Reiki Practitioner/Trainer.

• A Course in Miracles COURSE OASIS. Courses, support and study groups, spiritual gatherings, books. Mary Anne Buchowski and James Gregory, 613-726-0195. Email: Website:


• Accounting IF YOU HATE NUMBERS … You’ll love Captain Number Cruncher. Providing solutions in accounting, taxation, and services. 613 266-7013. 2435 Holly Lane, Ottawa, K1S 7P2

• Acupuncture CHINESE TRADITIONAL ACUPUNCTURE & NATURAL MEDICINE CENTRE. TCM. DAC. Jia Jun Huang & Annie Huang. Graduate of Shanghai Medical University (1960). Over 45 years experience. Member of Chinese Acupuncture Association of China & Canada. Acute & chronic pain, Accident. Sports injuries, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Insomnia, Stop smoking, Menopause, etc. Disposable needles are used. Insurance coverage. Free parking. One of the largest herb stores in Otawa. 613-235-5504. 867 Somerset St. W. Ottawa.

• Akashic Records PATRICIA V. LACROIX, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH. Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Certified Angel Card Reader™. Reiki Master & Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Activation. Voted one of A-Channel Viewer’s Choice for Ottawa’s Best Psychic. 613-591-6901 SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

• Aromatherapy PLANET BOTANIX fills all your pure essential oil needs! We carry over 100 oils and other supplies. Purchase products from our line of all natural bodycare. 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444,

• Ascension Healing NEWLY-ACCESSIBLE LIVING TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE for clearing stubborn, limiting energies from your 12-D Divine blueprint.

• Astrology JUDY JIBB, Astrology Ottawa, MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (2016), Cert.F. Astol.S (1986),, 613 304 4255 EVERY THURSDAY EVENING from 6 to 9 pm @ Planet Botanix, Helene Arts MA is available for astrological consultations. Please book in advance at CAROL KERWIN, Astrologer providing Natal Chart Readings. Understand the cycles of your life so you can work consciously with them. 613-220-3314, email

• Aura Healing RELEASING PAIN AT THE SOURCE. Home visit. Beau, 613-422-5606

• Ayurveda

SV AYURVEDA. Support for gut and digestive recovery. Consultations, therapeutic cooking classes, SVA Vibrational Therapy sessions. www.vibrationofbalance. Marie Amram 613-415-1139

• Ayurveda (Holistic) CHRISTOPHER BARHAM, Certified Akashic Consultant. 819-708-5876,

• Alexander Technique THE OTTAWA-HULL SCHOOL FOR THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE, Richard Albert, Director. Health insurance covered. I now offer Alexander lessons in my office or at your home 819-456-3484; or visit

• Animal Communication JULIE OLIVEIRA, certified AC. Identify emotional and behavioural issues, and messages. Visit: Email:

March 2019

VAIDYA HEMANT GUPTA MD Ayurveda, DNM Only Ayurvedic Physician in Ottawa Area. 35 years of Experience Consultation, Therapies, Courses, Phone: 613 422 0936

• B. O. S. LAURIE FRASER, certified B.O.S. practitioner. Excellent results: emotional issues (depression, anxiety, grief), pain, disease, allergies, mould, menopause, infection, insomnia, etc. Spiritual development, chakra work. 613-721-3781

DIRECTORY • Beauty and Health NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Birth Doula BIRTH DOULA offering 3 educational prenatal sessions, continuous birth support & 1 postnatal home-visit. Offering a wide range of holistic resources, including Hypnotherapy, Massage & Aromatherapy for pregnancy, birth & beyond. Visit: 613.282.6001

• BodyTalk KRISTIN PETERSON: Registered Massage Therapist, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner & Certified Acupuncturist or TRANQUIL SWAN Holistic Health Services. Kim Swan Reiki Master, Certified BodyTalk practitioner - offers a variety of alternative therapies and classes. Visit, or 613-240-9716 JAYA HOLLOHAN MA, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified Coach, Yoga Teacher & Author. Contact: (613) 866-7091; jaya@ and

• BodyWork BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health, www., 613-857-7031

• Books

• Books IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - The Grail Message, by Abd-ru-shin, is a three-volume spiritual work that teaches us about the cosmic laws that not only govern nature but all of Creation. It also gives clear explanations about our place and responsibility as we journey through life. This work addresses the individual human being regardless of race, creed or nationality; it reveals the true meaning of life and opens the door to true happiness and lasting inner peace. Orders : 1-877-7623077- SEVEN SISTERS is about a remarkable seed chase that is combined with the reclamation of lost heritage and culture of the Wabanaki people. This book and others on farming and gardening practices are available at www.

• Bowen Therapy BOWEN THERAPY OTTAWA, Westboro. Certified, Advanced practitioner. Pain relief, and more. Gentle touch powerful healing, 613-762-4979. Insurance receipts available. THE BOWEN APPROACH - Gently restoring your health. PAIN, digestive & respiratory issues and more. Certified Bowen Practitioner (Advanced) 613-799-3315. BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN, Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor. Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083 NEXT GENERATION PRECISION PROCEDURES for chronic pain, concussion & TBI, sports & accident injuries, TMJ, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, plantar fasciitis, skeletal alignment, bedwetting and more. Carling and Woodroffe. Madeline McBride, advanced practitioner. 613.798.7628

• Buddhism

INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Pre-registration required: or 613-562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa

• Chakra/Aura Balancing THE BOUTIQUE offers a 30 minute Chakra/ Aura Assessment and modification session. Also the Boutique offers many more services, please refer to or call the Boutique at 613 424 9094.

• Church CHURCH OF PERFECT LIBERTY, Ottawa,ON. (613-225-1850)

• Clinics KILLENS REID PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC now offering TCM with acupuncture practitioner. Other services, Osteopathy, Vodder Lymphatic Drainage, Vestibular Rehab, Urinary Incontinence Rehab, Massage Therapy, Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. (613) 594-8512. PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: visit our website for a list of practitioners

• Coaching LAW OF ATTRACTION COACHING with Aileen McKenna, Certified LoA Coach www. creates the space where clients become personally empowered. I coach people who feel stuck in their lives, in general, or particularly in their careers, relationships, home and home life. This may be about old issues, dealing with difficult decisions, and/or about changing habits that seem to create dissatisfaction. Call for more information and/or for an appointment. Clients express their satisfaction with the work, and their greater comfort and success in their relationships, their careers, and homes. Call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or 613-7953751, check in at or at .

• Chakra In Motion Rhythm for your Soul CHAKRADANCE™ is a powerful and authentic healing dance. Using spontaneous dance, guided imagery that resonates deeply with each chakra. Bernie Young

• Children ICU-INSPIRING CHILDREN UNIVERSALLY – Reading blindfolded helps children become happier, more confident and academically successful | Crystal Medicine Centre | 613-4358678 | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON |

• Chiropractic ACTIVATOR CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC. Restore proper spinal balance safely and comfortably with the precise low-force activator analysis and instrument. Dr. Stephani S.Dunk 613-226-9800. Baseline @ Prince of Wales

March 2019

NOT ACHIEVING WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE? Moira concentrates on awakening your true potential, inviting and supporting the changes for YOUR highest good. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 LIFE SKILL WORKSHOPS INCLUDESAnger, Communication, Denial, Roles, ACOA, Co-dependency, Relationships and Spirituality. Every second Saturday at The House of Hope and Healing. Lynda @ 613-858-7181 CANADAS-COACH.COM Marguerite Tennier, M.A., Fearless Living and wellness coach, Specializes working with over 40 prof. Women Who want to have more energy, live deeper and Transform their life. 613-744-1538 ARE YOU A MIDLIFE WOMAN STRUGGLING WITH GRIEF? Let Anne DeButte, Author & Grief Coach guide you on your journey. Avoid common pitfalls that can keep you stuck. Learn new tools with



WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED. Whether you are looking for career guidance, self-improvement, or self-empowerment, we have someone to help. Call today and see how we can help you. Mention this ad for your 1/2 hour free consult. 613-859-5389

• Cold Laser Therapy CERTIFIED COLD LASER THERAPIST offering mobile services. $30.00 for 45 min session. Effective and safe for pain relief. treatment.

• Colonic Therapy DETOX AND STRENGTHEN THE COLON. Gentle, safe, effective. Experienced Colonic Therapist and Holistic Nutritionist, SatDaya WIlliams at 815 Merivale Rd, Ottawa, 613-761-5982,, By appointment only

• Counselling CAROLINE ELSON a Wholistic Lifestyle Counsellor. B.Sc M.Ed,CCC 613 282 7905, Starting where you are, moving to create the life you want. Explore the physical, mental and emotional through traditional and alternative forms of counselling. Individual and Couple. ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Individual therapy to address your unique concerns. ACADEMY OF COUNSELLING. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy) Specializing in individual and couple counselling and in comprehensive family mediation. Also specializing in bereavement, career and stress counselling. Richard is an empowerment counsellor who is heavily influenced by Roberto Assagioli (Psychosythesis), C.G. Jung, Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Alfred Adler, Milton Erickson, Ken Wilber and Stanislov Grof (Holotropic Breathwork). 234-5678 or 726-3636. Web: REV. SHERRY HARRIS, MSW, RSW is a heart-focused psychotherapist, certified spiritual coach, counsellor, teacher, minister and energy therapist. She works 7 days a week and offers receipts reimbursable by most insurance providers. She may reached by phone at 613236-8852 or by email at Her website is www,sherryharriscounselling. com. If you cannot come to her, appointments may be done by phone or Sykpe or in your home (travel costs added to the session fee) Hourly fee: $120.


LUC DUMOUCHEL, MA, CCC. INDIVIDUALS/ COUPLES. Anxiety, ACoA, communication, depression, emotional dependency, infidelity, loss, separation, sexual problems, GLBT issues, self-care, spirituality. Ottawa/Hull. Insurance/sliding scale. Bilingual. 613-2359813 ANNA GREEN COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY MA CCC, RP) Holistically integrated psychotherapy for individuals and couples by a registered psychotherapist – clinically supervised, receipts available. Downtown. Insurance/sliding scale. 613-2959987 GET RESULTS @ FREE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE for people dealing with death and dying. Also, guidance to achieve your goals in life. 613-828-2836 HEAL, CHANGE, GROW with a supportive listener.Safe and confidential talk therapy, combined with amethyst crystal BioMat, hands-on healing, and crystal singing bowl toning. For women, female youth,and children only. www.healCgrow.comCindy@healCgrow. com SIGNY FRIDRIKSSON COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY M.A. (Counselling and Spirituality). Feeling stuck? Improve relationships,clarify goals, manage stress, and increase well-being. I offer calm & nonjudgmental listening, empathy and respect in a safe, supportive environment. Couples, families and individuals. 613-864-5222

PAMELA HOLM, Registered Psychotherapist, Cert. Music Therapist. Expressive and receptive methods of healing. Spiritually oriented. Children through seniors. Range of issues and conditions. and Deep Soul Energetics. 613-829-1556.

FEEL LIGHTER! Intuitively & compassionately clarifying & clearing the root cause of your concerns. Specializing in stubborn patterns. Energy psychotherapy, ascension education & 12-dimensional clearing. Individuals, couples, children. In person/ by phone.

• Cranio-Sacral Therapy JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for

March 2019

self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

WELLNESS WITH MOIRA: CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Sessions. Specializing in self empowerment for healing and health. Insurance Receipts. 613.432.1239 DENISE GAULIN. Advance-Level Certified Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also has a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. As a certified teaching assistant and study group leader offers monthly gatherings for students of CST and SER. By appt.: 613-738-9080 BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, Energy Healing , Intuitive Readings. Michelle Perkovic CST. 613-806-1166

• Crystal Healing LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Beautiful hand-picked crystals & jewellery. Workshops. Home parties. Crystal Healing sessions. 613-868-8468. Join my mailing list, send an email to:

CRYSTAL MODALITIES for relaxation, energy clearing and balance. CCH, CRM 613-355-1832

• Crystal Shamanism CRYSTAL SHAMANIC PRACTITIONER, Crystal Healer, Psychic Intuitive, IET master instructor certified Yoga Teacher. Intuitive/psychic guidance given during Shamanic Healing sessions to better help you along your journey. Crystal layouts, chakra clearings, journeying and more. Sessions for children, teens, adults and animals. I also offer Crystal workshops, home crystal jewellery parties, psychic circles, meditation sessions, retreats. Contact: Sylvie_, Facebook: VieYoga and Crystal Shamanic Healing, 613-852-4963.

• Crystals CRYSTAL MEDICINE CENTRE – Crystal Store, Workshops, Training, Healing Sessions | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON | 613-435-8678 ||


• Dental Hygiene PROFESSIONAL TEETH CLEANING - Holistic Hygiene Dental Services - Vanessa Gomez RDH, Downtown Ottawa 613-851-3486

• Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa OTTAWA WELLNESS & DETOX CLINIC. 613.256.4886 ION CLEANSE FOOT BATH - Removes accumulated toxins from your body through the pores in your feet. Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739

• Dowsing OTTAWA DOWSERS, 2nd Wednesday of the Month Routhier Community Centre 172 Guiges St.(Cumberland/St. Patrick) 7-9:30pm. Pendulum, L-rod, Y-rod, bobbers and more. 613-596-0260

• Dreams ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Therapy practised with sensitivity to material from the unconscious such as dreams.

• Eco-Friendly ADORIT BOUTIQUE. Fair Trade Eco-fabric Boutique. Tarot Readings every Saturday 12:00 - 6:00pm. 153 York St. Ottawa. (613) 241-8354

• EFT & Energy Medicine COMBINING THE POWER OF DONNA EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE, ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY, EFT and PSYCHOTHERAPY to release blocks and empower you to Live your Best Life. Individual and couple sessions. Catherine McLenaghan, Registered Psychotherapist. Anxiety, depression trauma, life transitions etc. Insurance receipts. Call 613-730-0411

• EMF Balancing P.W. EMF BALANCERS, Home, Work, Auto. Steve Priebe (613) 842-4758,,

• Emotional Freedom Technique VIOLETTA BOROWSKI, BEd, CHt, EFT Cert-1, SPHE-RE Through this gentle tapping technique, release emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and imbalances on all levels that were preventing you from experiencing peace, happiness and success in your life. A healthy emotional state, will immediately activate physical healing and well being. 613-808-4822

• Energy Healing LAURIE FRASER, B.O.S., holographic healing, Reconnective, facade healing, past life. Excellent results: anxiety, depression, insomnia, hormones, disease, allergies, pain, addiction, spiritual blocks. 613-721-3781. LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective energy medicine. Stress, childhood issues, depression, pain, grief. In person or distance, people & pets 613-868-8468 VIOLETTA 613-808-4822 The goal is for you to reduce or eliminate your pain rapidly & effectively. Let’s work on you using EFT along with other tools for your mental, emotional, and physical well being. EFT Certified ANNA GREEN, MA CCC, RP — SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS Reiki, Cranial Sacral, Emotional Freedom Technique, SET, Bach Remedies, Meridians/Qigong. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime – Downtown. – 613-295-9987 ENERGY HEALING, CranioSacral Therapy, Intuitive Readings. Michelle Perkovic CST. 613-806-1166

• Face Massage FACE MASSAGE (REJUVENATING) The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298.

• Facial Rejuvenation BURNHAM SYSTEMS FACIAL REJUVENATION is a powerful AntiAging Holistic Therapy. Realignment and toning of facial muscles; Release of physical and emotional blockages; Deep renewal of body and spirit. Gayle Mickelson 613 422 5701

• Flower Essences FLOWER ESSENCES can offer support in every area of life. Gentle release of persistent patterns, blocks & trauma, assistance in acute or chronic issues, physical or emotional. Californian, Pacific and Bach Essences. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, FES-certified practitioner; 613-8204303,

• Foot Care NURSING FOOT CARE - IN HOME OR IN CLINIC. Sterilized individually packaged tools, best practices in clinical assessment, infection control, privacy and technologies. Pampered Mani/Pedi, advanced & diabetic Most insurance up to 80% & Veterans 100% 613-621-0012


March 2019

Planning, planting, problem-solving, messages and negotiations.

• Gifts PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: eco friendly, recycled, unique and inspirational ideas!

• Gum Disease DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Hair Analysis HAIR ANALYSIS AND NUTRITIONAL BALANCING. Boost the potential of your mind, body and spiritual development through Hair Analysis and Nutritional Balancing. A total healing system that is a formula for anyone who is looking for improved health and wellness. email:

• Head & Neck Pain DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Healer INTUITIVE HEALING SPECIALIST NOW IN OTTAWA Physical, Mental, Psychological, Emotional, Past lives, Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul cleanse, Fears, Pain management. 613 821 4809

• Healthy Bra HEALTHY BRA - Orthopaedic and Post-Surgical Bra (Medical Device License). No wires. No elastic. Custom-fit. Where health, comfort and shape matter most – Sizes 28A to 44KK. Comfy Posture Solutions 613-521-9100

• Herbalism THE BEST OF NATURE’S CERTIFIED HERBALIST, Miranda V Martel. Herbal Services: Herbal Spa treatments, Consultations for Balancing Health, Workshops, Walks and Remedies www. Call: 705-561-5365 E-mail:

• Holistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Homeopathy J.B. HOMEOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Jo-Anne Bazinet, homeopath. Member of S.P.H.Q., C.S.H., H.M.C.C. 2062 St. Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON, K1C 1E6. (613) 830-0487. Consultations & products available.


DIRECTORY MAHA MANSOUR, HOM, DSHM Registered homeopath in Ontario and also over 25 years as an internationally medically trained pediatrician. Homeopathic medicine is safe and effective in both acute and chronic diseases for adults and children. Maha runs a general family practice, with a special interest in ADHD and Pediatrics. Sunrise Wellness Centre, 2211 Riverside Drive Suite 104. Office: (613) 736-5200; Cell 613-402-7379

• Hotstone Healing BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Hypnosis HYPNOSIS. Vivienne Filiatreault B.A. ( H.D.Ed.) Psych / counselling. Certified Consulting Hypnotist with N.G.H. and other International Boards. Over 33 years of experience in counselling. Try something different. For a free consult, call or text (613)301 – 1971 or contact MARIETTE is a certified, clinical master hypnotist with NGH trained by Sheila Granger.

• Hypnotherapy WENDY ARMSTRONG, CHt, MHt, Master Consulting Hypnotist, CCIr. You can create the life you desire NOW! 613-823-3316 wendy@

AVOID THE MEDICATION ROULETTE! Advanced Clinical Medical/ Dental Hypnotherapist successfully treating anxiety, stress, depression, addictions, unwanted habits, fears, pain, smoking cessation, weight mgmt, obsessivecompulsive behaviours, low self-esteem, self-sabotage and more. Specialist in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches. Visit www. for info, verifiable credentials & free Tranquility recording- Grace Joubarne, CCHt, LAPHP 613-422-7027 Toll-free 1-888-390-3553 info@ JAIME PALLEN CERTIFIED Hypnotist N.G.H member. Past lives interfering with your present explore how and what you can do to change it. Make an appointment @613-454-1429) or


• Indian Head Massage THE CANADIAN CENTRE OF INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298.

BAD HABITS HOLDING YOU BACK? Hypnosis allows the focus to be placed upon what YOU WANT. Together we make the changes happen in the right way for YOU! Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 ACADEMY OF HYPNOTHERAPY When talking therapy is just not enough to dissolve old emotional blocks... Create new pathways by trusting and following fresh images, empowering suggestions and inspiring visions. Become whole again by re-membering and re-connecting forgotten parts of yourself. What inside! What outside! Consider the Whole... Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D.(Counselling Therapy) Hypnotherapist, 234-5678 or 726-3636. HYPNOSIS WORKS! Reach your objectives with Lynne Cardinal, a fully Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy from India. Lynne has been offering Stress Management, Burnout Prevention and Meditation workshops at the government and private sector for over 30 years. Insurance receipts. 613.721.7888 - info@ - SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

AYURVEDIC HEAD MASSAGE certification with Jackie Cave, Fusion School of Natural Health. 613-389-4344 or KYMBERLI KER, IHM Practitioner, Relaxing Treatments.

• Infrared Sauna SAGE WELLNESS 340 Gladstone Book online or call 613-235-7243, Detoxify, Treat injuries, Pain relief, Weight loss, Reduce Stress, Improve Skin

• Intuitive Numerology A NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. Psychic Consultation. Laura Young 725-7232

• Intuitive Readings INTUITIVE CHANNELER/MEDIUM ~ TRACY ROY channels her Spirit Guide, Whitehawk for psychic readings. Visit her YouTube channel:

CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF & INNER WISDOM: For insight, guidance, validation, inspiration and support. Readings on-line, by phone and in person. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 MICHELLE VEZEAU spiritual guidance to your life’s questions – insightful, profound clarity. (819) 827-2579

KELLY McGUIRE Certified Consulting Hypnotist. Hypnosis is a Natural, Gentle and Safe way to make Lasting Changes in your Personal and Professional life. Kelly McGuire is an experienced and trusted Hypnotist and Counsellor who will guide you to become who you wish to be... Free consultation available. 613-402-4766 PATRICIA V. LACROIX, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH. Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Certified Angel Card Reader™, Reiki Master/Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Reconnections. Voted A-Channel Viewer’s Choice Ottawa’s Best Psychics. 613-591-6901 Connect with me on Facebook:

March 2019

LINDA MEDIUM, Palm reader: for appt: Tele: 613-816-1808 INTUITIVE TAROT, angel oracle, fairy tarot and fairy oracle readings by email. Visit or tarotpugs for available reading offers. Email:

CHERYL JIALA DRISKELL is happy to help you find Health, Happiness and Spiritual Awakening. Over 30 years of training and author of 4 books. Wakefield, Ottawa and Skype sessions available. www.intuitivelight. com 819-328-9128 WAKEFIELD Retreats too!

DIRECTORY • Journey JEAN CALLAWAY, Ottawa’s first Accredited Journey Practitioner. Give yourself the gift of freedom, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reclaim the truth of who you are. Works with children, teens and adults. Energy Medicine (Reiki Master, Shamanism, Universalis) NLP, WEL-Systems TM Institute Master Facilitator. Phone: 613-295-2756.

• Jungian Analysis ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Depth psychology to address your unique concerns.

• Labyrinth ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Parish of March, 325 Sandhill Road, Kanata offers an outdoor, 11 circuit, paver Chartres design labyrinth open to the public at all times. We also offer an indoor, 7 circuit Petite Chartres permanent,painted labyrinth in the church hall. Contact the Parish Office for availability of our indoor facility. ( 613) 592-4747 or HEALING CIRCLE LABYRINTH Set amid 1,000 evergreen trees surrounded by a garden sanctuary overlooking the St. Lawrence River. Paths are lined with chakra coloured plants and stones. Now scheduling workshops and candlelit evening walks. Call Liz at 613-925-1278 or

• Life Between Lives THIS IS THE SPACE between your current life and the one before. The times between death and re-entering the womb for another life. But what goes on in that time-space? What happens to the soul? This is journey to the other side to better understand the reason for which we came on earth. The process is profound, the session itself last up to three hours. Martine Brisson, hypnosis and alternative therapies Gatineau, 819-205-6670

• Light Body Acceleration LIPHE DESIGN.COM. pH Nutritional Microscopy. Donna Porteous 613 253 7467

• Low Impact Yoga LOW IMPACT HATHA YOGA www.zenforyou. ca The Zen for You Hatha Yoga classes are easy to do for people who have never tried yoga before. Manali Haridas, Certified Yoga instructor progressively teaches the yoga postures and different relaxation breathing techniques in a period of 10 weeks.

• Lymphatic

NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. LymphDrainage-Massage-Shiatsu-Reflexology. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385.

Free parking.

• Massage Therapy BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! KAREN MUNRO-CAPLE, RMT. Providing Healing, Relief, Joy! 1105-85 Albert St. between Elgin & Metcalfe. (613) 230-3527. RACHELLE BEHRENS RMT now accepting new patients at cozy home based clinic in Kanata. DIANA M SHELDRICK, Registered Massage Therapist since 2005. Also available, Maya Abdominal Therapy treatments. Please contact Diana at 613 265 7681 or FILOSOFI LASER AND MASSAGE CLINIC. Offering Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Massage, Phsyio, Reiki, BodyTalk, ArmaTouch, Cupping and Orthotics. Let us get you back to doing what you love to do! 613-225-1127. MAGI MASSAGE 530 Kirkwood Ave. welcomes you to my warm home clinic. Call Dora (613) 298-3557

• Medical Intuitive MANUELA WERTHWEIN 613-231-4575. Medical Intuitive, Medium, Energy Medicine Practitioner. Soul rescue. Reiki Master & Teacher. Teaches intuition skills (private or classes). Releasing blockages and stagnated energy grids within the Human Energy Fields takes place regardless of hereditary or environmental factors. Manuela will access the information in your biology and soul using clairvoyance as well as energy scanning with healing and Past Life Information. ANGELA KEHLER, Certified Medical Intuitive

• Meditation CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY – There are about 40 groups in the Ottawa area that meet weekly to practice a way of silent, contemplative prayer using a prayer word or mantra, as taught by the late Benedictine Fr. John Main. For more information contact the Ottawa Area Coordinator at 613-233-6047 or or consult COSMIC MINDFULNESS, Meditation in the Yogic Tradition. Ongoing classes and guided meditations, Wednesdays at 7:30pm given by Chris Simmonds, including chakra awareness, Pratyahara and Yogic Meditation techniques. Attend an ongoing class or practice group. Advanced personal instruction is

March 2019

also available. Call Chris at 613-298-2447 or email Visit for more info. SPARK OF LIGHT MEDITATION. Learn the life-changing practices of mantra meditation and mindfulness for peace of mind, wellbeing and spiritual awakening. Private and group introductory and advanced classes. Call Jennifer Bernius at 613-721-3787; jenbernius@; MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS. A beautiful healing technique for illumination that works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (emotional heart) and the crown chakra (spiritual heart), making us a channel of divine energies, which we use to bless the earth & every being. Lotus Born Wellness Centre: 1226A Wellington W. WEDNESDAYS, 7pm. Cost: on donation. RSVP: MEDITATION AND PRAYER Thursday evenings 5-7pm. 3015 Richmond Rd. 613-828-2836.

• Migraines DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Music & Healing FOR 29 YEARS I have helped clients 2-82yr. with health concerns including ADHD, dyslexia, depression, cancer etc. Hands on approach using musical instruments. Call Shirley Schober @ 613-729-7758

• Myofascial Release Therapy BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health,, 613-857-7031

• Naturopathic Medicine DR. KANDIS LOCK, ND. Licensed  Naturopathic Doctor. Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Headaches, Womens Health, Chronic Disease, Cancer. Come in for free 15 minute consult to find out how naturopathic medicine can benefit you (no treatment provided). 210-190 Somerset St. 613-656-9629,

DR. KATHERINE WILLOW ND, fourth-generation naturopathic doctor, has been practicing for 35 years and specializes in German New Medicine (GNM). Call to book an appointment 613-839-1198 or visit for more info.


DIRECTORY • Nutrition LANARK HIGHLANDS GRASS FED beef, organic chicken, garden, 613-268-2772

• Oral Health DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Orthodontics DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Osteopathy

and Superbrain Yoga courses in Ontario and Quebec, and holds a weekly Twin Hearts Meditation Wednesdays at 7pm. (, faye@pranichealingontario. ca,, 613-282-0801)

• Psychic Medium PATRICIA V. LACROIX, Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Certified Angel Card Reader™. Reiki Master & Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Activation. Voted one of A-Channel Viewer’s Choice for Ottawa’s Best Psychic. 613-591-6901

• Qigong

JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

CHOW QIGONG. Classes held at McNabb Recreation Centre. Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30am. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30pm. Complementary 1st class. Info:

AYLMER OSTÉO ND. Osteopathy and naturopathy for back pain, sports injuries, and well-being. 32 rue Principale, Aylmer. 819-800-1962.

QI-MATIC RESEARCH CENTRE; Workshops by Sifu James: Information Healing. Contact Angela at or 613 762 8893

• Pain BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health, www., 613-857-7031

• Past Life Regression WHAT WE BRING INTO AWARENESS, we bring into healing. To book a session, contact Cheryl Clark at 613-890-2178 or SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

• Pranic Healing FAYE HEALEY IS A FULL-TIME ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING INSTRUCTOR & PRACTITIONER offering in-person and distant-healing sessions. She has successfully treated clients all over Ontario and Quebec, and as far as Saudi Arabia, Paris, Thailand, Japan, England, and Morocco & more. Whether in-person or remotely, Faye treats clients for a broad range of physical, emotional, and psychological ailments, which may include anything from broken bones to PTSD, multiple sclerosis to Pranic facelifts and weight-loss programs, and helping people enrich their homes or businesses through Pranic Feng Shui. Inspired by the benefits of Pranic Healing in her life and the lives of others, Faye teaches Pranic Healing


• Quantum Sound Therapy

YOUR VOICE IS MORE UNIQUE THAN YOUR DNA. Quantum Sound Therapy, will create YOUR unique set of Frequencies designed to remove negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anger, PTS, sadness that sabotage you. By SIMPLY LISTENING, you can let go of subconscious blockages, harmonize your being, SCIENTIFICALLY TRACK YOUR PROGRESS & Realize YOUR Potential. Contact: Lise Desjardins 613-795-1469 Pesi Shroff Golden Light Therapies:

• Quantum TouchTherapy THE POWER TO HEAL Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch, Instructor/ Practitioner since 2004. First instructor in Canada, improve physical strength, release physical and emotional stress, improve sleep, increase creativity, remove pain. Information on personal appointments, distant healing sessions, as well as Quantum-Touch Therapy Certification training. Call Aileen’s Oasis 613-228-2272, 613-795-3751 or by e-mail at, or aileen., or check out www. or .. If you are interested in taking the QuantumTouch Level I class, you are in the right place

• Quantum Success Coaching Academy CERTIFIED LAW OF ATTRACTION COACH trained by Christy Whitman in the most amazing, successful and powerful coaching model. My ideal client is between 25 and 65,

March 2019

and dealing with issues creating feelings of stuckness. interfering with the emotional and lifestyle satisfaction they desire. We work our way through the processes, teaching clients strategies to become personally empowered thus releasing those blockages that have been standing in their way. Clients begin to find increased physical and emotional energy, buried creativity, demonstrated personal strength physically and emotionally as well as increased feelings of abundance on all levels. Please check out, .. or send me an email at , or at aileen. .. by giving me a call at 613-795-3751, or at 613-228-2272 for more information, or to make an appointment

• Reconnective Healing ALEXIS NICOL – Reconnective Healing® Practioner and the Reconnection since 2005. 613-263-7925

• Reflexology VALCRON REFLEXOLOGY- The healing touch. Registered nurse, RAC certified reflexologist and Therapeutic Touch Practitioner providing services to clients of all ages since 1998. Home-based Reflexology practice in Orleans. Home, hospital, retirement as well nursing home visits provided on request. Valerie also provides Animal Reflexology maintaining animal wellness and healing. For more information contact Valerie Cronin, RN, SCM, BA (Hons), MA, CCRP at 613 852 6129 email: BALANCE RELAXATION THERAPY. Reflexology, Ayurvedic Yoga & YOGA MASSAGE FOR BETTER HEALTH. Lori Chamberland, 613-2557934 NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Reflexology-Massage-Shiatsu-LymphDrainage. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking. REFLEXOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF OTTAWA offers Individual sessions (foot, hand or ear reflexology), private or corporate events, as well as fund raising events are available. We offer training towards certification as well as membership for professional Reflexology practitioners and students of Reflexology. Contact: ALEXIS NICOL - RCRT - Foot reflexology, receipts provided 613-263-7925. KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, 613.897.9642 LAURIE BERG, RCRT - Hand & Foot Reflexology with Reiki - 613-722-4004

DIRECTORY REFLEXOLOGY BY RISHMA is a home based practice in Westboro. Sessions offered for 1 hour or 45 minutes. Receipts provided. By appointment only. House calls available. (613) 890-1062 JUST BE REFLEXOLOGY. De-stress and detox the whole body gently with Foot Reflexology at Green Spirit in Manotick or Home Studio in Riverside South. Caroline Chapman 613 915 6778

• Reiki WENDY ARMSTRONG, CRA-RT, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master. Sessions & training for all levels. 613-823-3316 wendy@wellness-centre. com

CATHERINE BASTEDO, MA, RT-CRA, ICRT, USUI-HOLOGRAPHIC & HOLY FIRE II KARUNA REIKI® MASTER, JIKIDEN Practitioner. Bilingual. Personalized classes; Reiki Master/Teacher Program; individual sessions; online Healing Your Chakras classes; Muskoka retreats. 819-918-3436. MANUELA WERTHWEIN, Reiki Master & Teacher. USUI System of Natural Healing. Private treatment & classes, Level I, II & III. Energy Medicine Practitioner, Medium. Medical Intuitive. Soul Rescue. Body/Mind/ Soul Intuitive. Past-life/Akashic Information. 613-231-4575 KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, HEALING CONNECTION: Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki, QuantumTouch, Intergrative Energy Therapy, EFT and Magnified Healing. These holistic therapies will help you to relax, relieve stress and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Roger, 613 322 7585, email; ALEXIS NICOL – RMTT, Reiki Master Teacher Trainer. Private sessions and training, receipts provided. 613-263-7925 REIKI IN THE WEST END Stressed out? Aches and pains? Reiki can help you relax and feel better. Flexible sessions from 10 to 60 minutes. Contact Barb at 613-228-9176 or DEBRA DESJARDINS at Angel Wing Reiki. Kanata; Morgan’s Grant. Reiki sessions for all ages. Reiki for animals. Classes for levels 1 and 2 and children. 613-435-2100

FINDING YOUR SELF - Reiki is a gentle technique for restoring and balancing your body’s natural energy to encourage better health. Reiki treatments are available on the Amethyst Bio-Mat. A true mind, body and spirit experience. Reiki Master, Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739 JIKIDEN REIKI – FRANCINE MINEAULT, Reiki Master and Shihan, teaches Jikiden Reiki in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, in French or English. / info@ / 613 446-7307. HEAL. GROW. THRIVE. I am an IET and Usui/ Karuna Reiki Master teacher offering healing sessions, Reiki and IET classes. Frederic Papillon 613 805-3733 ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC, RP, SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS – Bodycentered process work: Reiki & Classes, Craniosacral, SET, EFT, and more. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime. Downtown area. 613-295-9987 JARDIN REIKI GARDEN. A universal energy of compassion. Jacinthe Potvin, Usui Master/ Teacher. For Reiki treatments given with all the love my heart contains please call: 819 319-1216 or DONNA DILLMAN, Usui Master - Circa 1894 Day Spa, Lanark. Use of tubs/saunas included. 613-259-9988;

DIANE GODIN 819-665-3187 (Ottawabased). Reiki is a spiritual therapy that provides healing energy to recharge and re-balance the human energy field, working with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki works well with stress, anxiety, chronic pain and much more. I am a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner (Energy Healer), Psychic Medium, Empath, and Witch. I also provide Card Readings.

• RELATIONSHIP READINGS Ask how to Host a Relationship Readings Party with

• Retreats TARA SHANTI RETREAT CENTRE Near Montebello, Qc. Large property, quiet location. Open year round. Max 5 persons. Yoga, polarity and Esalen massage. Also silent retreats. CHARMING RURAL RETREAT COTTAGE NEAR WAKEFIELD. Couples/individuals. Clean, equipped. Year round. Minimum one month. For details text 819-328-3705.

DARLENE PLOUFFE, Reiki & Numerology. 613-769-7313 HOLY FIRE REIKI treatments and courses with Martha St. Pierre. 613-422-7286; ladymjs50@; REIKI IS LIFE FORCE OF ENERGY. It helps for relaxation and stress. The best way to experience is having a full treatment. Call Laura at 613-608-9750.

SURROUNDED BY 190 acres of forest, connect with nature in a guided or self-guided retreat. We offer healing retreats throughout the year or you can create your own. Call for more info 613-839-1198 or visit

• Rolfing® Structural Integration MIRANDA GREENACRE (Dayvis) Advanced Rolfing Practitioner 400 Pleasant Park Rd. Ottawa, On. K1H 5N1 (613) 866 2427

GERMAINE DE PERALTA (CRA, ICRT). USUI HOLY FIRE II REIKI MASTER/ TEACHER and HOLY FIRE II KARUNA MASTER/TEACHER. Reiki Certification Classes in all levels of Usui Holy Fire II Reiki (Level 1, 2, and ART/Master) and Certification Classes in Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Practitioner/ Master/Teacher. Mentoring Program. Scheduled classes or by request. Crystal Healing workshops. Healing sessions (Reiki with Crystals). Specialize in relationship stress and mental/emotional/spiritual issues. Contact: Reiki Wanderlust at the RW Healing Centre, Westboro, Ottawa, K1Z 1E7. Tel: 613-697-3105 or email:

March 2019

• Room for Rent Workshop space and therapy rooms available at Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444 ROOMS FOR RENT. Shared bathroom. Utilities included. 3015 Richmond Rd., 613-828-2836 OFFICE FOR RENT by the hour ($25), half day ($55) or full day ($95) in Gatineau (Hull sector, Quebec) for March. Perfect for health professionals. Massage bed on site.


DIRECTORY • Shamanism HEALING SESSIONS+2-Yr CrystalShamanic Program - evolved training in the ancient Arts | Crystal Medicine Centre | 613-435-8678 | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON || LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective Shamanic sessions for anxiety, childhood issues, depression, abuse, pain, grief. In person or distance, clients worldwide. People & pets. 613-868-8468 TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Chakra Balancing, Cord Cutting, Past Life Journeys, Animal Totem Journeys, and many more. Please contact SatDaya Williams 613-761-5982

• Somatic Sex Education

SOMATIC SEXUALITY EDUCATION offers a new way of understanding our bodies, inviting integration of body and spirit, expanding consciousness and allowing access to our most powerful source of creativity, healing and joy. 613-413-1216

• Sound Healing COMBINING CRYSTAL BOWLS, tuning forks, chimes and other sound healing instruments to create a relaxing experience. Individual sessions and group meditations. Julie 613-254-8469.

• Thai Massage BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Therapeutic Touch THERAPEUTIC TOUCHª - profound relaxation & pain relief; supports healing all levels. Can be applied in acute, chronic or emotional conditions. House calls, hospital visits available. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, TTNO-Recognized Practitioner. 613-820-4303,

• Therapeutic Yoga

• Spiritpainting

SELF-RENEWAL & SOUL-CARE through belief-triage subtle energy healing system by Diane Oliver, Urban-Elder 613261-1602 SPARKY TRINE SHAMANIC SUPPORT: questions, soul retrievals, power animals, extractions, project support, ceremony. APPRENTICESHIP, classes, ceremonies, and healing services in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Shamanism.

• Shiatsu NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Shiatsu-Massage-Reflexology-LymphDrainage. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking. TONYA GARTSHORE, Dipl.S.T., RMT. Massage, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Thai massage, Acupressure Facial. Two locations:

• Skin Care NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

Learn to “UNFOLD THE MYSTERY” with Jennifer “Lightwolf” Jones. To receive training in her inspiring Spiritpainting method, register at

• Spiritual Medium ANGELA AZARIA, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH,, 613 913 8511,

• Tarot JUDY JIBB, Tarot and Astrology Ottawa, MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (2016), Cert.F. Astol.S (1986),, 613 304 4255 PAST LIVES & NEW PERSPECTIVES to Present Problems. Life Path & Purpose, Guidance & Confirmation. 25 years Professional Experience, Spiritual & Practical:

• Tapping Modalities LISA KOPIL, Meridian Tapping, Stress Management, Life Coach. Tap into your Life by changing your mind. Private sessions, workshops, drop in sessions. (613) 899-4994

• Tea Leaf Reader TEA LEAF & COFFEE GRIND reader. Crystal & obsidian balls. Object reading, Dowsing, Tarot, Zen & other cards. Helene Gibeault 613-7487419.


March 2019

I‘LL DEVELOP YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED YOGA PROGRAM that includes poses, breathing exercises, meditations and healthy lifestyle tips to help you cope with anxiety, depression, weight loss, sleep problems, etc. Contact Linda for your free consultation at mountainsoulyoga@gmail. com or 613-862-4614.

• Visceral Manipulation DENISE GAULIN Advance-Level Certified Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also had a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. By appt.: 613-738-9080

• Weddings

REV. PATRICIA ROSE. Call/Text: 613-2978960. Or visit:

• Wholistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Workshops GROUNDING AND THE ART OF CREATING SACRED SPACE Levels I, II, and III is a workshop taking place over 3 days, all about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, learning how to clear a space, how to be present and secure in your own energy field. Ideal

DIRECTORY workshop for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone anywhere who works with or lives closely with others. For information and registration call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or by sending an e-mail to

ANCIENT RITUAL POSTURES: Doorways to Expanded Consciousness

An evening presentation and workshop with Belinda Gore Friday April 5 -- 7:30 p.m. Location to be announced

QUANTUM-TOUCH: The Power to Heal Certificate workshop in Quantum-Touch therapy, a powerfully simple modality that will transform your ideas about your health and your life. This wonderful modality can be used with other modalities and is very helpful for self-healing, distance healing, working with clients, friends, family, pets, water and gardens. For information, call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, and at

2-day Ecstatic Body Postures Workshop Saturday and Sunday, April 6 – 7 Location: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank Street, Ottawa

VISIONBOARD WORKSHOP: Would you like to know how to attract and create the life you love? Would you like to participate with others in using some amazing tools to help you to discover what you really want in your future life, and how you can create that future and feel as if you are already in the future life. Using imagination, fun and play, you will learn about how to create the job you want, the lifestyle, and the level of wellness you want to achieve, fitness, and relationships. It is all about being able to imagine what you want, and to take the actions needed to bring it into reality. For more information, or registration, please all Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, and at

Aura Examination

• Yoga SATTVA YOGA - A Kanata Yoga Experience Classes taught integrating a variety of yoga styles (Kripalu, Viniyoga, Structural Yoga, Vinyasa) as well as Somatic Movement & Pilates. A practice of balance, integration and compassion is offered: centering, breath work, warm-ups, flowing & static poses, relaxation, meditation and reflection. All levels welcome. Jo-Anne Stasiuk, MA. Professional Level Yoga Certification. 592-5936 or PATHWAY YOGA. A beautiful, welcoming studio in the heart of Westboro. Learn how Iyengar yoga can lead body and breath, heart and mind along a brighter, healthier pathway. 613 8069642 346 Richmond Road, 2nd floor

WISHINGTREE YOGA — Simply Yoga. For beginner to experienced practitioner. 200h Traditional Hatha Yoga & 50h Yin Yoga Teacher

• Personals SEEKING “NEW AGE” FRIENDSHIP Mature woman with physical limitations seek others for get-togethers, chats, walks, shopping, crafts, and so on. Mya 613-721-1551

For registration details check the Facebook event page: or send an email to:

Healthcare Of The Future!

Did you know that we can see illness in Aura before it manifests on physical level? Disturbances in our electromagnetic field eventually affect our health and wellness. Golden Sunflower Healing ~ Life Force Energy Coach ~ ~ Relaxation Therapist ~ ~ Reiki Master ~ ~ Chakra Readings ~ ~ Aura Photography ~


• Accounting • Bookkeeping • Taxation • Strategies • Coaching • Payroll • HST • WSIB March 2019


New integrative approaches to natural healing...what works for us by MT Martee ThOMus TegTmeyer, Holistic Integrative Arts Consultant

On Friday, Feb 8th, 2019, the following panelists were guests of the Energy Balancing Exchange Event (EnergyBEE) at Planet Botanix: ● Pamela Holm, Registered Psychotherapist and Certified Music Therapist (and healing intuitive). ● Craig Trojan, Pleiadian Tensegrity Activator, Registered Lightarian Facilitator. ● Suzette Schmiedel, Highly Polarized Light Therapy Consultant ● Stephen Carr (?Question Mark: an unknown element) Spiritual navigator beyond words… Commenting on highlights of the evening • I liked that people have the chaeto get a healing and know why they deserve it • healing power of nanolight • prayer in light language • attunement is important because we get out of tune • power of the breath and mindfulness • enjoyed being part of the panel, sharing my journey as a healer; then paartaking in healing conversations in sound and verbal vibrational light language • group vocal toning was lovely; while receiving a treatment with a bioptron • wonderful life stories sharing fascinating journeys towards amazing healing modalities • loved the peace and sharing of harmony and joy! • I feel completely light and comfortable after my healing with Steve Carr and Craig Trojan • enjoyable ….good positive energy • lots of space to learn • beautiful souls sharing their light, wisdom - healing in wonderful ways. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Thanks to the panelists and to the co-sponsors: Tone Magazine, Shanghai Restaurant, EMF FreeZone, HIA, Ultimate Wellbeing EDUCATiON

Jenni Tipper, MSW Integral Master Coach (613) 858-2799


On Fri Mar 8, Martee TegTmeyer is the guest presenter on Epigenetic Healing Cycles to “turn on the genes off health and longevity & turn off the genes of cell decay and death.” He will be instructing one day workshops for self-care end March at Queen’s university, Kingston. The second day is for instructor certification in Epigenetic Healing Cycles. 613.769.5575;

March 2019

Free: Power of Presence Seminar by Dr. Doug Henderson Ph.D.

Date: Saturday May 4 2019

Location: The ‘Amphitheatre’ St. Paul’s University 223 Main St. Ottawa Registration: 8:45-9:30 am Duration: 9:30-4:30 am Parking: paid parking lot or street parking $10. Parking Vouchers for first 20 to register Seminar Cost: FREE Gift (donations accepted but no expectations). Extensive handouts

My real interest is in energy and raising levels of consciousness and helping those who have willingness and desire to do the same. When you do, life becomes smoother and dis-ease tends to drop away. Following my own health issues 15 years ago (2004) with 4 systemic cancers, I refused medical treatment and used a Quantum Technology to return to physical, emotional and mental well being; but more is required: Spiritual well being. Although I earned Ph.D.’s in Humanities and Theology neither of these are indicators of what is required to heal. Healing is about learning how to go within to make correction. It’s actually a by-product of this process and of raising your level of awareness & consciousness. But how do we do that? This is what I want to gift you. No one can fix us, the individual must do it: This is why we have Free Will Choice.

In addition, many fear losing their individuality or fear the unknown. At no point does anyone lose their individuality/personality; these are the fears that must be transcended. We also need to learn to disentangle our-self from our conditioning. Currently, the world is becoming more and more insane, so if we wish to cope in the future personal change must occur. I have learned many things along my path that may prove useful to help you to shorten the learning curve. I would like to share this with you, so your path can become smoother. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Hope to see you there. Love and Light. Doug .

Please send out to all those that you feel may benefit RSVP email to

PS. This will go way beyond, “The Law of Attraction.” PPS: The original cost of this seminar was to be $200,00/person and despite the interest, I had a change of heart/mind as a result of reading some material that I will share with you

March 2019


Energy Balancing Exchange Event (EnergyBEE) Planet Botanix, 301 Bank St Friday, March 8th

Guest Presenter: MT Martee Tegtmeyer, Holistic Integrative Arts Consultant; Certified K-Power Epigenetic Healing Cycles Instructor (New Zealand) Changing your DNA thru Epigenetics “`turn on the genes of longevity, wellness and vitality, and turn off the genes of aging”. Describing the benefits An introduction to a one day workshop, where Martee will instruct on: 5 Energy Cycles Expanded Five Elements Emotions 12 Epigenetic modulators 12 Universal and 10 common gender fears 8 common Work stresses 25 common Relationship issues Sharing take-a-ways New ideas to explore our self-healing journeys from impressions after a group balance. EnergyBEE Schedule 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm 5:30PM Gathering at back of store in teaching space WELCOMING WORDS. Honour Fee: $10 or more; CONTRIBUTE WHAT YOU CAN. Net proceeds go to for First Nations & Allies initiatives to restore the Ottawa River Watershed 5:45PM Guest Presenter

9:00 PM Venue Doors are locked Notes Parking options: street parking opposite 318 Bank Royal Oak after 5:30pm is free or 296 Bank St, Ottawa or Massine’s has 5$ parking Fri 5 to 9pm For serious conditions consult a licensed medical professional. For 2019 please opt in to distribution list by putting “subscribe” in the subject line to & recommend guest presenters you would like to see present. For more information call 613.769.5575 & email Sponsors & supporters Tone Magazine sponsors the advertising of this community-building and consciousness-raising gathering in the Ottawa River watershed. Other gathering sponsors are: EMF FreeZone; Shanghai Restaurant; Holistic Integrative Arts (HIA)TM, Ultimate Wellbeing EDUCATiON (U_WE)TM & longstanding supporters:, Ruby Hair Studio

EMF FreeZone

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Steve Priebe Have a Balanced 2018 and beyond!


6:45 PM Circle introductions: 1) name, 2) your intention for this evening

Christina Xina Lamothe

7:00 PM SHANGHAI RESTAURANT Veggie SNACKS! networking 30 minutes 7:30 PM Start of Energy Balancing Exchanges/Integration Conversations. 10-15 minutes each giving, or receiving, multi-lateral, bi-lateral 8:15 PM Closing Circle 8:30 PM EnergyBEE to store closing


MT … Martee ThOMus TegTmeyer, is the founder of the monthly gathering, originally called the “Self-Care Energy Balance Exchange” (1998), which morphed into “Energy Balance Exchange” and now has become: Energy Balancing Exchange Event (EnergyBEE) for holistic health modalities

e March 2019

Your host Martee ( has Ottawa office hours: 2-5pm Fri Mar 8 @ Shanghai Restaurant CHANGING YOUR DNA thru epigenetic balancing…. open clinic Special 20$ for 10 min. 10AM to 6PM Mar 9 @ Planet Botanix for assistance with changing your DNA, & chronic pain/stress/ trauma management including muscular re-alignment to correct frame, emotional release & brain re-patterning 147$ for 1 hour. March First Time Special: 3 new clients share a 1 hour appt. 4 free. We invite a small donation to Text/Voice 613.769.5575;

Women, Food & Spirit:

A Full Day Masterclass on Intuitive Eating, Forgiveness & Unleashing The Divine Feminine Presented by Ann Jarvis – Intuitive Energy Healer, Holistic Nutritionist & Metaphysical Teacher This full day workshop takes us deeply into women’s complex relationship with food, themselves and their Divine Feminine. For any woman who has ever struggled with food, shame or body issues, this is an opportunity to understand and uncover what might be at the heart of this complex relationship. The workshop will cover some of the following topics: • Why the diet industry is like a hamster wheel that never lets you off • How looking to exterior sources for ‘dieting advice’ deepens our sense of powerlessness • How to take back your power • Intuitive eating • What shame has to do with disordered or uncontrolled eating • The feminine deficiency syndrome • Forgiveness • The ultimate relationship The day will consist of some great, interactive discussions and teachings. And despite the heaviness of this topic, Ann likes to make things as fun as possible. You will be taken through a guided meditation that will help you to release old, outdated trauma. Together, we’ll weave a new feminine-based web that is supportive, nourishing, empowering and joyful.


Jennae O’Connor will be creating a clean, gentle and healing menu for our day together. This will include a plant-based lunch, snacks and fresh pressed juices. Date: Saturday, March 23rd Time: 10 am – 5 pm Location: Living Science Wellness Centre – 59 Iber Road, #25, Stittsville ON (20 minutes west of downtown Ottawa) Cost: $249 (includes lunch) Registration: To register for this workshop, please go to: to the courses page to register This course has limited space and is expected to fill up quickly. Register early to reserve your space!


March 2019


Quantum-Touch® Therapy: Energy Work In Healing

taking part in his own wellbeing, able to wear his own pyjamas, and planning to be moved into a regular room. Within two days the chest tubes were removed, Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch® Therapy as was the epidural that he had had installed for pain. Practitioner/Instructor, Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Following a week in hospital, he would need a followup Certified Facilitator: Open Space Technology, and Small visit in 4 – 6 weeks. Aileen M. McKenna is a Certified QT Instructor and Group Processes Practitioner, certified as the first Canadian orking as I have with handsinstructor in June 2004. She has taught on healing techniques for more classes to 1,000s of students across than 20 years, I’ve learned how very Canada, in the Caribbean and Scotland powerful this work is done either and sees 100s of clients annually in her in person, by Distant Healing, or private clinic in Ottawa. Aileen is certified by Distant Healing in a group. In as an Open Space Technology facilitator, Quantum-Touch Therapy, we are and a facilitator of small groups. She offers working with the energy field of our workshops in other energy work, including Offering updated model for the clients, so it works across the planet, first time in Ottawa Area serving Grounding and the Art of Creating Sacred in a more subtle fashion, but with Space. Aileen has been offering energy Ontario & Western Quebec equally powerful effect. I’ve actually healing in the Ottawa area for more than had some surprises recently, as I 25 years, initially with Polarity therapy hadn’t fully understood the issues AILEEN MCKENNA and Cranio-Sacral prior to learning ® being dealt with by my client, until Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner Quantum-Touch® therapy. Aileen is now she was telling me about a further Certified Quantum-Touch® Instructor a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, since Associate Polarity Practitioner condition, until I realized this further October 2018. You can reach her at 613Certified Aromatherapist condition was actually the resolution 228-2272, at 613-795-3751, and by e-mail of the original one. at, at AILEEN’S OASIS Over the past week, a young, or you can check 613-228-2272 • 613-795-3751 man in another part of Canada was out her website at, in a serious snowmobile accident. her blogsite at He was airlifted to Halifax, for an and the Quantum-Touch website at www. emergency surgery as he had landed on a log after being thrown from the back of the snowmobile, and had broken ribs on his right side, and a piece of bone had Quantum-Touch® Therapy Level I Certificate broken off, not located with the imagining equipment in Training weekend based on the new updated model the other hospitals. He spent 6 days in the ICU and had Saturday and Sunday, March 30th and 31st a further 4 to 5 hour surgery when he had 8 titanium 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. plates inserted to support his ribs, so that he could Aileen’s Oasis breathe and heal. Throughout the period that he was in Information and Registration Aileen McKenna the ICU, a team of Quantum-Touch friends on Facebook or were offering Distant Healing consistently. ~ I worked with him from the beginning, and at first 613-228-2272, by cell at 613-795-3751 there was tremendous heat whenever I tuned in. My In a few short hours you will learn how to run energy using interpretation of the heat was that there was work meditation and special breathing techniques that will allow you being done to clear infection and/or inflammation. to heal yourself, your friends, family, plants and animals. In fact, On the day when I learned that he was to have this by the time you have your lunch break on the first day, you will major surgery to install the titanium plates, the energy have created amazing results. You will be learning from the first changed to feel like a big pressure pushing out and as I Canadian Quantum-Touch Instructor, with an amazing record. would conceptualize to clear the space, to take up more space. Afterwards, I was aware that the right lung was VisionBoard Workshop - Create your Future not inflating, and that the left lung was filling up with Deliberately create your amazing future using all the tools from the mucus, and had to be drained. Then I understood that Law of Attraction and the coaching program with that of Creating a the energy was attempting to clear the lungs by pushing Beautiful VisionBoard using your imagination, and the playfulness to clear and inflate. Quite amazing when I can ponder of children in the company of many others using the same tools. this impact in retrospect. Saturday, March 16th, from 10:00 to 3:00 pm As soon as that long surgery was finished, the tubes Call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or e-mail at were removed, and our young man was able to begin for information or registration


Breakthrough in Energy Healing


March 2019

Our Basic Nature By Yola Dunne, practitioner in the shamanic and healing arts.

Unlearn what you think you know and let the earth teach you. In Loving Service, Yola e are children of the Earth. Often we have heard these simple words. But what do they mean? In its simplest explanation it means that we are formed by About Yola: the same elements that form all life on this planet. The Yola Dunne is an author, martial artist, and sanctioned basic structures that keep us together as human beings teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. She is well also sustain and support the plants, animals, minerals, versed in offering earth-honoring ceremonies as taught and all natural phenomena. Seen for what it is our body by don Oscar Miro-Quesada, a respected altomesayoq is a container made of life-giving and life-sustaining (medicine man) from Peru. She lives in Chelsea, Québec elements. where she serves her community by teaching shamanic We are part of a system of biological connections apprenticeships, hosting workshops and ceremonies, that communicates with accuracy and impeccable and upholding a private healing practice. consistency what we need to survive and thrive on this For more information about Yola and her work please beautiful planet. visit her website: By honoring the earth we remind ourselves that we are alive because of her bounty and selfless nature. The air we breathe reminds us that we share the same space with all living creatures. Knowing we are a body, a biological temple of perfect proportions, keeps things simple for us. Take a moment to tune into your body and the simplicity of the elements that form it. In their basic 361 Churchill Avenue N, Ottawa ON, K1Z 5C4 nature all elements are the same. H2O is the same Telephone: 1 (613) 686-6650 whether it is found in the air, the ocean, a stream, Email: your lungs, the body of a tree, or atop the highest mountain. There is no discrimination. No separation. No contradiction. We can connect with and discover the basic elements of nature within our bodies in a few ways; ECO-URBAN ORGANIC HAIR STUDIO By walking barefoot on the earth, bathing in water, breathing deeply, taking in the light of the sun at noon, and spending time in silence. These practices provide gateways into our true and elemental nature. By focusing on what is common between all living things we touch upon what connects us as one living organism and restores our sense of belonging within the great web of life. This is one of the teaching that Mother Earth teaches us. She does not discriminate. Why should we?



Edgar Cayce (Ottawa) Search for God groups Success for the soul Meditation, study and application in a small group format

(613) 731-4901


March 2019



What is Life Trying To Show You?


f you feel your life has an accelerated motion right now, then you are quite right. Life it gearing us all up for expansion and its happening faster than ever. There has never been a more critical time on the planet to make personal choices that will empower you to create the future you’d like for yourself and the planet. Surely you are aware of the fact that life is full of guidance in the guise of coincidences, synchronicity, repetitive numbers, animal encounters, nightly dreams, daydreams and attention-getting waking-time events? Your life is simply wrought with a mountain of messages, but do you know how to sort through this constant pile of life’s communiqués? Did you know your body attempts to speak with you throughout the day and night in a myriad of ways? That every ache and pain you have, the home you live in, how you choose to dress, style your hair, decorate your home, the relationships you have and every single experience you partake in on a daily basis is an opportunity to Know Yourself and that knowledge equals personal empowerment?

The guidance and answers are in your face all day. I’ve spent most of my life observing the nature of reality and its messages; developing proven methodologies for interpreting what life is trying to show you. I guarantee you won’t have to go searching high and low for your answers. They will be shown to you throughout the day and throughout the night. Your life is rich with data about your journey and how to maneuver through it with more grace and ease. If you’d like to learn how your life’s symbolic communication works, you may consider taking the workshop Understanding Life’s Communiqués - What is Life Trying to Show You, which can act as the catalyst for how to easily interpret the symbolic guidance found in abundance within your inner reality as well as in the world around you. What is your life trying to show you? Kerry Palframan, a registered nurse by profession, has been teaching metaphysical, esoteric and personal development workshops for 26 years. Author of Spirit Talk –Understanding Spirits Messages and Meeting Your Angles and Spirit Guides (CD). Email for more information.

Understanding Life’s Communiqués What is Your Life Trying to Show You? Back in Ottawa, Kerry Palframan offers you a fun and interactive course in self-discovery through the eyes of the dreamtime. The power is truly within you as life attempts to show you the way forward and offers you endless guidance. Join us in this workshop to learn simple methodologies for understanding your daily and nightly messages.

What is your life trying to show you? Begins Sunday March 31st, 1:30 to 4:30 pm for 6 consecutive Sundays (no class Easter weekend). Location – 417 and Lees area

Registration, pricing and inquiries at Kerry Palframan, a registered nurse by profession, has been teaching metaphysical, esoteric and self-development workshops for 26 years. Author of Spirit Talk – Understanding Spirits Messages and Meeting Your Angels and Spirit Guides (CD).


March 2019

Dragons all Around

By Daniel Roy CD, BA, MA, CFP, EPC, CIM, FCSI, CIWM, CRC e can all remember fairy tales in which the plot line has the Prince Charming slaying multiple dragons in order to win the hand of the beautiful Princess in marriage. We have had this remarkable fascination with these creatures, which has led us to attaching a lot of symbolism to them. Dragons are all around us. They are in our families, our circle of friends, our co-workers. They show up in our lives and their mission is to push our buttons. We get upset by their behaviour and we feel compelled to actively engage with them because we must defend our position. After all, we are right, and we must fight for our honour as would any self-respecting chivalrous knight. One of the hardest lessons to learn is that we do not need to engage with these people in the way that they want us to. We can stand our ground and politely refuse to “fight”. Did the Prince have to fight the dragon? Yes, because if he did not it would have made the storyline boring. Your life is not a fairy tale therefore you have the choice to engage or not. Saying no and standing your ground is a sign that you are stepping into your power. This is not an easy


Tel: 613.440.2734 Fax: 613.440.2560

Daniel Roy


Principle Instructor / Certified Financial Planner

thing especially if there is a long history of you not doing so. However, by doing such a thing, you will set yourself free which will then allow you to go after your true calling. Dare to dream! Daniel Roy is the principal instructor of the Ottawabased Praxis Wealth Institute. He is a Certified Retirement Coach, Certified Financial Planner as well as public speaker. He is the author of “The Essential Guide to Retirement Readiness”. He conducts workshops and courses on the subject of winning the game of wealth creation.

March 2019


Meditation and a Long View of Time

By Jessie Carson helpful way to approach a meditation practice is to begin with a long-term view of time. This isn’t easy though. If we have a meditation practice or if we’re considering starting, we are probably looking for an end to some kind of discomfort or suffering in our life right now. But, to do anything skillfully takes practice, dedication and motivation. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which is basically meditation instruction, recognizes this need for a longer view of time. Sutra I:14 states Sa tu dīrghakāla nairantarya satkāra āsevitaḥ dṛḍhabhūmiḥ ~ Perfection in practice comes when one continues to practice with sincerity and respect for a long period of time without any interruption. What is a long period of time? A lifetime? Or, as Buddha said, we might have to practice meditation for an incalculable number of eons before we reach enlightenment. If our spiritual goal is to attain any kind of freedom or inner peace, let’s give our self some time. For me, this idea of practicing for lifetimes lightened the load of practice. My early mornings of quiet sitting became a little less result-orientated and more touched with wonder and a sense of humility. It might be easy to fall into the trap of thinking, well, if this is such a tiny part of time, why does this matter anyway? We’re welcome to think that way, but even if it’s true, why would we want to? The above sutra also asks us to contemplate how we can have a long-term practice and remain sincere and respectful. How might we maintain this in our practice? Sincerity and respect are inner qualities that go beyond



the physical act of showing up with the body (although this is a monumental start!). Only we can answer this for ourselves. If we meditate with this long view in mind, we will likely find that a regular practice does benefit our life right now. Most of these ways are immeasurable, if we use the methods we often use to measure success, like money, clocks and other material human-made instruments. And, it will likely be the immeasurable ways in which we will eventually gauge a well-lived and meaningful life.

For information on a 6-week Online course on Buddhist meditation, please email The course begins March 31, 2019 and includes weekly videos, audio meditations and support calls. Cost: $180 (if you are interested but are not able to pay, please email)

March 2019

Paying Attention in Troubled Times


et’s face it .. these are stressful times. And the more stress people experience, the less resourced they become, especially when faced with difficult challenges. I recently wrote a piece that received a lot of online engagement: The anxieties that plague us are, for the most part, a sane response to insane situations and circumstances. But we rarely treat them as such. Instead we look for fixes to overcome the sense of powerlessness, despair, or anxiety informing our emotional and mental states. We rush out to buy self-help books, we align our chakras, sign up for programs to still the mind or ‘transform’ ourselves, take meds, convince ourselves that we’re distraught because we must be ‘coming from fear’. The assumption is that people who ‘come from love’ aren’t ever agitated .. or angry .. or that they never judge. The assumption is that ‘coming from love’ is commensurate with wisdom. Well friends, to learn discernment is vital to life itself .. it is to have your wits about you. It’s the ability to look head on at what is in front of us and recognize what serves life and what doesn’t. The challenge of our time is to pay attention, to learn how to employ one’s mind, to deprogram it from the regime colluding indoctrination it has been subjected to, and to become discerning in a manner that will in fact be of service to life, the earth and those yet to be born. So if you’re feeling sad, agitated, angry, confused .. consider that you’re not actually messed up and in need of a personal tune-up but rather you’re in need of a sane culture. Many people commented on how powerfully these words spoke to them. You might call it good news to find out that your angst doesn’t actually come from you but rather from the world around you, specifically the constructed environments that are more hostile than kind towards our deeper humanity. The bad news is we’re quite limited when it comes to having significant impact on those external influences. You may not agree with the level of technology in our lives for instance but it’s difficult to completely cut oneself off from it let alone stop it. And so as the troubles brew in our midst, there’s really no place to go to get away from it all. The meditation pillow or 10 day trip to somewhere warm is short lived. We still have to live with each other and contend with the ever-growing challenges of living in a fast paced world that shows no signs of slowing down. The one very valuable gift we can give to ourselves and each other is our way of speaking and listening. It’s more important than ever to consider what comes out

of our mouths and how it contributes or interferes with our ability to serve life and care for each other. Here then is where the personal tune-up is crucial especially when we recognize that our suffering and challenges are more collective and cultural than they are personal even as they register so personally. Cultural repair must

be emphasized in our personal work. And it must show up in how we speak about what plagues us. The point of convergence between our inner and outer worlds is our speech and action. What we say and do is no small thing. This is a time to bring increased awareness to our speech and actions and to grant them the proper respectful and disciplined approach they deserve. Rachelle Lamb’s lifelong interest in human development, relationship dynamics and the roles that culture and ecology play in people’s lives, along with her ability to skillfully pave the way for transformational dialogue between people consistently produces powerful learning experiences for individuals and audiences. Learn more at

Soundara Rajan

Daughter of Professor Krishnamurthy

March 2019

Practicing and Teaching Stellar and Vedic Astrology Guiding people since 1959 in Finances, Career, Investment, Relationship and Family. Teaching meditation Individual service as well as follow-up queries 1 Woodthrush Green, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0A9

737-5206 • Fax: 739-2973


Eat well, move more, stress less and love more!


f you wish to experience ongoing Ageless-ness throughout your life you need to start now...RIGHT NOW! To achieve your optimal level of life experience as you get older requires lifestyle transformation that will touch every aspect of your life so you are not merely existing but rather thriving beyond belief. Lifestyle transformation, which can begin for everyone no matter what ‘age’ you are, can achieve: • Weight-loss that endures; • a healthy micro-biome--a gut that functions as it is intended to; • elimination of chronic inflammation caused by the Standard American Diet (SAD); • reduction of (and possibly the healing of) chronic diseases caused by chronic inflammation; • noticeable increase of energy (healthy functioning of mitochondria); • improved brain function; • ability to leverage the amazing neuro-plasticity of the brain; • a resilient body and a resourceful mind; • relief from cravings especially for sugar and grain carbs; • and other more subtle improvements in whole body functioning. This lifestyle transformation requires a four-fold adaptation of how you are currently living your life and is based on: Food Fitness Flow Fun If you think of these four elements as a stack, Food is the foundation. Fitness, Flow and Fun are equally enabled and supported by a healthy body that is fueled by the life- enhancing nutrition and nourishment you provide it. And each is crucial to the level of age-lessness you can achieve. It’s not that one of these elements is more important than the others. Rather that, if you commit to Fitness, Flow and Fun without first undertaking nutritional transformation (eliminating the Standard American Diet or SAD) you will not achieve much of the outcomes mentioned above. This is because whole, natural food is the foundation fuel that feeds all aspects of the incomparably complex system of systems that is your human body. This is what dictates whether you are fully healthy and full of energy or not. So, what is SAD actually? SAD which evolved in the 1960’s refers to the current diet preferred by most North Americans and involves purchasing the bulk of foodstuffs from the middle aisles of your supermarket.


Most of these so-called foods are highly processed nonreal foods that have few if any ingredients that nurture your body and many ingredients that your body does not recognize as nutrients. Nutrients are the ‘stuff’ in healthy food that your body can break down into the essential vitamins and minerals your complex system demands for high performance functioning. To shift from SAD to a much more healthful lifestyle does require some serious research and some initially challenging behaviour change in habits. The first of these which for most of us is the hardest is giving up sugar; the second is figuring out your relationship with gluten. It took me a long time to give up sugar...that was a factor of my obsession with sweets and the demands of my school aged children who took lunches to school. However when I finally got off sugar, I felt much better especially emotionally and I found helpful alternatives which made my kids happy too. Gluten freedom came much later for me. I was older, children free, and experiencing weight gain and gut/ stomach problems. Over several months I accumulated a great deal of information and as a result of this information I gave up all gluten fairly quickly. Yes, that was very hard but worth it because I experienced some significant relief from symptoms. However I wanted MORE! That led to a number of years of intense research and an incredible lifestyle change so that I can now, at the age of 74, live the life I want full of energy, passion, contentment (much of the time!) and profound fulfillment. I also believe this ‘third stage of life’ is my time to flourish, grow, share and contribute...and I have the will, desire and stamina to do so. I can say with total honesty: I have never felt as good in this body as I do now and it is breathtaking to live this way! You too can have this experience of life if you wish it... your journey will involve similar explorations as mine but follow a different path and process because you and your body/mind/spirit are totally different from me and mine. I have designed a Lifestyle Transformation Fun-Shop where I share all my research, my experiences, the food lifestyle options I believe to be most helpful. The fun-shop will also provide each of you with a framework for creating a lifestyle transformation that is unique to you and achieves the health, vigour and energy that you desire. In the fun-shop you will have an opportunity to share your hopes, dreams and desires as well as concerns, worries, and fears. As well, you will delve into Food, Fitness, Flow and Fun from your own perspective and get new ideas from others. This will help you initiate and guide your process of transformation as well as support you through the ups and downs that come naturally with change.

March 2019


Enriching Me and My Reiki Community Conference We’re Back! Delighted to bring you year 5!


very year this conference has truly met its goals to Enrich our participants and our Reiki Community. We are very proud that you return year after year to join us, and you bring your friends! Last year was such a huge success in the beautiful Code’s Mill we just knew we had to do it again! We are still talking about the wonderful speakers and the lasting learning and enrichment we received on that day. Gratitude.Gratitude. Gratitude • Enriching our community for 5 years now brings us a real sense of pride. Community: a sense of connection with others, a feeling of fellowship, sharing common attitudes, interests and goals. Yes, that is the community we want to build and enrich! Connection, love, hope, mindfulness, meditation, exercise, positivity, yoga, we will touch on all of this! We need a community where we can share our wonderful gifts with each other and support each other on our Reiki journey. Every single participant that filled out an evaluation form in each of the last four years said YES we Would recommend the conference to our friends and colleagues!

Please join me if you are interested. See below for details. Age-less Fun Shop: April 6-7, 2019 10:00 am-4:00 pm $99 includes 1 free private coaching session (1 hour) Register early as there is limited space available. For more information and registration details, please contact me: Sylvia Laale 613 599-3846 Two References: If you want to know more about how SAD evolved, check out the book, The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of our Bodies and Brains, by Robert Lustig. For information on gluten, I recommend the first book I read and was galvanized by: Grain Brain by Dr David Perlmutter.

• We can offer you no better reference than that! • So just how do you Enrich Me and My Reiki Community? Well we bring together a wonderful group of people that are curious about and honor energy. We get you out of town for the day and find a beautiful location. We share/schedule some wonderful relaxing meditations, feed you some yummy food and enlist the help of some wonderful people to help us expand our horizons. We have engaged our very favorite speakers from previous

years. The facility is beautifully located in historic downtown Perth. Perth Code’s Mill on the Park is a wonderful building with an embracing atmosphere, just across from beautiful Stewart Park. We EMPOWER you to keep you learning. Keep you growing. We have a full day of exploration and experiential learning planned for everyone with or without Reiki training. Whether you’ve been practicing Reiki for years or are new to Reiki, we would love to see you. Mark your calendars…..Please join us at the fifth annual Reiki Conference – Enriching Me and My Reiki Community on Sunday April 28th, 2019. So, just for today, choose to enrich your heart and soul and sign up now! Take this day to EMPOWER yourself. For complete details, how to register, view the agenda, and speaker profiles visit or on our Facebook page It is go be an AMAZING DAY!

March 2019




I N T H E N A M E O F L OV E A D i a mond A pproa c h S em i n a r How To D is en g a g e From T he I n ner Cr it ic One of the most personally devastating mental activities is that of attacking one’s self. Personal growth can be greatly hindered by the negative judgments of the attacking inner voice. This Inner Critic or Super Ego is largely unconscious and is the inner coercive agency that stands against the expansion of awareness and inner development. This sophisticated and tenacious layer of the personality is what we first encounter and continue to encounter on our inner journey. Its main job is to keep the status quo, to prevent us from moving beyond our ordinary sense of ourselves toward who and what we truly are. The Super Ego or Inner Critic creates great pain and suffering as it limits our experience, squashes our dreams, and keeps us in check. In this seminar we will begin and continue the process of identifying, understanding, and disengaging from the Super Ego. Using the teachings and methodology of the Diamond Approach, we will disengage from this layer of our personality which keeps us trapped in our usual sense of self. DATES:

April 5, 6, & 7, 2019

• Friday, April 5 6:30pm – 9:30pm (registration begins 5:45pm)

• Saturday, April 6 10:00am – 6:00pm • Sunday, April 7 10:00am – 6:00pm


Saint Paul University 223 Main Street, Rm L-228 Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4


Lisa Barrett and Carolyn Cerame


$425 + HST $300 + HST Full-time students


For registration and information, please contact Lisa Barrett at


• June 28, 29, 30

• September 5, 6, 7, 8

being is a wonderful mystery, the more we know about this mystery the more we realize how little we know. “ThisTheonlyhuman impels us to look further, to explore deeper, and to investigate in newer ways. It is a joy to know ourselves and others, to actualize more of our infinite possibilities, and to extend our humanity to its farthest horizons. ” - A.H. Almaas

The Diamond Approach — A path that engages and leads to the discovery, development & preservation of the Human Essence. 40 March 2019 DIAMOND APPROACH, RIDHWAN DIAMOND APPROACH and RIDHWAN are registered trademarks of the Ridhwan Foundation. The Ridhwan “HU” symbol is a trademark of the Ridhwan Foundation.

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