El Sol Abril/April 2013

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Students creative with PET

Alumnos creativos con PET

By LILIANA VALENZUELA Various initiatives that foster and promote environmental awareness in the Puerto Escondido community are striving to develop. Educational, private, and government organizations as well as individuals have focused on the recollection and recycling of reusable materials such as PET (polyethylene terephtalat). Eleventh-grade students of Juana de Asbaje school, located on Alejandro Cardenas n° 1 (entering La Punta), playfully finished building an “ecological office” in September of 2012 as part of a science and office computerization class taught by Rocío Conde Cuevas. The idea was to develop an innovative project that would motivate young people to use PET creatively to reduce pollution, involving the students from the ninth and 10th grades, as well as parents and neighbors. In February of 2011 they began their collection or “bottle drive” reaching a total of approximately 8,000 2.5 and 3-litre cola bottles. After being washed with water and bleach and cut to brick size, these were built into a 4 x 5 concrete building thanks to the support of an engineer and a bricklayer. They covered the roof with milk boxes and added egg cartons onto the inside as insulation to reduce the heat.

Por LILIANA VALENZUELA Diversas iniciativas que fomentan y promueven la sensibilidad ecológica entre la comunidad de Puerto Escondido intentan desarrollarse en forma positiva, así organizaciones educativas, privadas, de gobierno o de manera personal se han enfocado en la recolección y reciclaje de materiales reutilizables como lo es el PET (tereftalato de polietileno). LILIANA VALENZUELA En forma lúdica los alumLa ‘oficina ecológica’ de la escuela nos de tercer año de secundaria de la escuela Juana de Asbaje. Juana de Asbaje, ubicada en Alejandro Cárdenas nº1 The ‘ecological office’ of Juana de (entrando a la Punta) conAsbaje school. cluyeron la elaboración de una “oficina ecológica” en septiembre de 2012, producto de la asignatura de ciencia y ofimática que imparte Rocío Conde Cuevas. Su idea fue realizar un proyecto innovador que motivase a los jóvenes a usar creativamente el PET y disminuir la contaminación, involucrando además a los estudiantes de primer y segundo año, apoderados y vecinos.



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