2020 Top Choice Issue

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MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER Hello everyone, With so much happening world wide, I trust everyone is doing well. I hope we as a human species living on this planet, get more conscious towards humanity and make healthy choices so future generations enjoy a better place to live. One year has passed and so much has changed. As it will continue to change, we must learn how to adapt and allow ourselves to evolve to keep helping each other. The Top Choice Magazine, also known as Top Choices Guide is adapting to what is expected in the new decade of marketing. With more and more consumers searching for online deals and making educated purchases, we had to provide a platform to guide their choices while being aware of our responsibilities towards a safer planet. So, from choosing to print only one issue per year instead of two, to working with lighter paper, using less inc on each page, and encouraging readers to use the online version, our new and improved business guide is doing its part to maintain a trusted bridge between passionate business owners and educated consumers, while contributing to the improvement of the planet. This guide was re-designed with the intention of connecting and inspiring educated consumers to find top notch local businesses. With so many options of services and products available, both locally and online, it’s becoming increasingly overwhelming to make a purchase decision. It’s taking a lot of our quality time, when in reality, shopping or choosing a local trusted service or product should be as calm as enjoying a cup of coffee. If I’ve learned anything from the 23 years of my entrepreneurship career, it’s that financial education will always outlast university degrees, intellect and even sometimes work experience. Being financially educated doesn’t mean having a lot of money, it means making the best investments possible with what you have, considering the time of return on that investment. I mention financial education being a very important factor in the new decade ahead, due to the fact that, many trusted sources of business experts are previewing growth in the economy of North America across many markets which will force leaders in their industries like Top Choi-

ce Award winners to adapt and accept the changes in order to remain in the game. With shifts in economic growth in different markets comes a wave of “overnight” registrations of new companies that are opened by millennials- passionate, well educated and creative people that learn from past jobs and use their experience on the internet to make huge profits while cutting down production costs, making their new company a serious competitor to consider. The upper hand for older businesses lies in business endurance- being many years in the business as a leader in your industry. It is financial education, however, that will help those businesses maintain their status and showcase to current and new clients that their business has been here, and is here to stay, even if that requires cuts on certain expenses or extra investment towards online marketing management. Redefining our financial education is what we at Top Choice Awards are working towards in the new decade. We’ve realized that other award programs are using our survey results as their benchmark to approach reputable local businesses, we intake what they are doing as a HUGE compliment to our organisation, and as an opportunity to improve our public surveying and business marketing skills. We are currently working to ensure efficiency and effectiveness when promoting Top Choice Award winners to the public, and we are forecasting that by the end of 2021 most educated business owners will realize their marketing budgets and invest in programs that add substantial and unique value to their companies. If 2020 has taught us anything in the business world, it’s that those that do not ride the wave of change by using online methods to connect, promote, and sell their products or services, are the most vulnerable. And that simply shows that businesses ahead of the curve excel, even in times of global economic struggle. As leaders in the industry, we are proud to be surfing the wave of change by developing and introducing new methods of promoting the excellent businesses across North America. I take this opportunity to let you know that we at Top Choice Awards are using this time period of change to shift the way we invest in our winners so that we can be even 6

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