Issue 158 - Dr. Urban Kiernan

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EDITOR IN CHIEF Brianna Connors JUNIOR EDITOR Riley George CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Hannah Townes MARKETING DIRECTOR Derek Archer SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST Lauren Rider GRAPHIC DESIGNER Sarah Cook Adreana M., Drew B., Gaye N., Louisa E., Luke A., Mălina O. R., Peter C.

Leading a healthy, well-balanced life is a challenging undertaking for many of us. New advancements in lifestyle or nutrition come to life daily, and the busy rhythm of our lives often prevents us from keeping up with what’s fun and fresh.

Here at Top Doctor Magazine, we are on a mission to bring these advancements to your attention and become a source of inspiration for those who want to live their lives to the fullest. Our contributors will constantly keep you up to speed with fresh, entertaining, and reliable content, from nutrition and travel to lifestyle choices!

We hope that our handpicked ideas will guide you towards self-realization, selfimprovement, and willingness to help those around you better themselves.




The Best Citrus Fruits to Consume

The Health Benefits of Cranberries


Better Citrus Fruits for a Better Life

Why the Demand for Mental Health Treatment Has Skyrocketed

and Healthy Fall Recipes!


How to Avoid Muscle Cramps

That Sleeping with the Light on Could Increase Your Risk of Diabetes?

Can You Overwork Out?

Biotech and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Balancing Two Halves of the Whole

Have You Considered Taking a Social Media Break?

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14 40 24

Better Citrus Fruits for a Better Life

Ready to add some micronutrients like vitamins and antioxidants to your diet? Look no further than citrus fruits! Their health benefits are astounding, and many of them are the perfect snacking size! Citrus fruits have been used to add flavor and zest to baking and cooking recipes, help you get your daily need of fiber and even contribute medicinal value worldwide.


Are Citrus Fruits Good for You?

They’re not just good; they’re the healthiest shortcut towards packing your diet with the right amount of micronutrients and fiber. Citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that contributes to cancer prevention, among other awesome benefits!

Citrus fruits are an easy way to get some tasty fruits into your diet. Eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and adding sufficient micronutrients to your diet can go a long way in contributing to preventative healthcare and longevity. Also, citrus fruits offer a wide range of flavors and sizes to choose from and can easily be added to various recipes!

Even for something as simple as a common cold, citrus fruits can make a big difference in your health. Next time you feel a cold looming over you, consider eating a couple of oranges or

making some lemon tea with pure lemon juice. Instead of always having to have EmergenC or some cold meds on hand, a high dose of natural vitamin C can help you prevent colds and reduce the length of the common cold.

Most Popular Citrus Fruits

Along with all their health benefits, you may ask yourself: how many citrus fruits are there, and what are the best ones? It’s all about your personal preference. Of course, lemons, limes and oranges readily come to mind when we think of the best citrus fruits, but did you know there are actually dozens of different kinds of them?

They all originate from the three original citrus fruits: citron, pomelo and mandarin orange. These three fruits have been combined to produce the citrus fruits we’re more familiar with nowadays, like grapefruit, limes, lemons and clementines.

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Adding citrus fruits to your daily routine can be a great way to improve or maintain your health. There are a ton of varieties of citrus fruits to choose from, so it will be easy to find a citrus fruit that fits your preference.

Deciding on the most popular citrus fruits usually comes down to taste and personal preference, as well as the health benefits of the citrus fruits. Oranges are one of the most popular citrus fruits because they are sweet and tangy and also pack an impressive amount of vitamin C into every lowcalorie serving. You can get your daily intake of vitamin C in one serving of an orange!

Oranges, tangerines, lemons and limes are among the world’s most popular citrus fruits. Whether for breakfast or to spruce up some baked goods or a drink, these are some of the best citrus fruits and staples in many people’s diets.

Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Adding citrus fruits to your daily or weekly meal plan can be a great way to take charge of your health. Some of their health benefits include:

Reducing the risk of certain cancers; Preventing cardiovascular disease;

Improving overall heart health; Preventing kidney stones; Protecting you from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


Citrus fruits are rich in micronutrients, including phosphorus, vitamin B, potassium, copper and magnesium, each performing essential functions throughout your body. They are also a great source of fiber, which can greatly improve your overall health!

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Eating citrus fruits raw is the best way to get the nutrient and fiber content from them because cooking or juicing them will lose some of the natural health benefits of citrus fruits, as with any other kind of fruit or vegetable. So, if you compare the benefits of a grapefruit to the health benefits of lime juice, there will be more nutritional value in the whole fruit rather than just the juice.

improving the skin’s natural elasticity. Taking care of your skin using citrus fruits’ benefits is a great way to look youthful while also ensuring your skin health is a main priority. The skin is your body’s largest organ and deserves a little extra care, which you can do through topical applications of products with citrus fruits or by eating more citrus fruits and seeing results from the inside out!

A Low-calorie Snack

Another health benefit of citrus fruits is that they are relatively low in calories and may help satiate your desire for a snack without going overboard with food. This is why some people may consider the benefits of citrus fruits for weight loss.

A Parting Reminder

Are Citrus Fruits Good for Pregnancy?

Citrus fruits are good to eat during pregnancy because they are packed with vitamin C and folic acid, which are crucial for the baby’s healthy development. Another health benefit of citrus fruits is that they can help strengthen your immune system. This is especially important for pregnant women with a weakened immune system, who could use the extra boost of protection.

Adding citrus fruits to your daily routine can be a great way to improve or maintain your health. There are a ton of varieties of citrus fruits to choose from, so it will be easy to find a citrus fruit that fits your preference. For effective preventative healthcare, it is important to have a balanced diet with lots of citrus fruits, as some of their health benefits even include preventing cancer and improving heart health!

Citrus Fruits’ Benefits for Skin

Skincare is an important part of many people’s daily routines. But did you know you can improve your skin from the inside out? There are so many benefits of citrus fruits for the skin, as adding some extra vitamin C to your regimen can have some incredible results!

The oils from limes are said to help rejuvenate your skin and can also be used to naturally eliminate body odor. Citrus fruits like lemons have been shown to be useful in combating skin diseases because of their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This shows how good citrus fruits are for various health benefits and why they are often used for medicinal purposes worldwide.

Citrus fruits benefit the skin through the high content of vitamin C, which helps produce collagen in your skin, thus

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Mental health is one of the most prevalent health issues facing our society, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problems it poses. As a result, the demand for mental services has skyrocketed as more and more people experience mental health struggles and seek help. Yet, the supply of mental health services has not expanded to accommodate this rising demand, resulting in fewer people accessing mental health treatment.

How COVID-19 Increased the Demand for Mental Health Services

The COVID-19 pandemic had wide-sweeping effects on society, politics and physical and mental health. It forced many of us to face incredibly stressful circumstances and prevented us from being close to the people who help support us. Because of these new stressors, the mandatory isolation and the fear born from uncertainty, many people developed stress and anxiety.


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, 84% of psychologists reported an increase in patients with anxiety, and 72% reported the same for depression—a 10% increase from the year before the pandemic.

More and more people seek mental health care. The American Psychological Association has noticed a substantial increase in demand for such services, and the U.S. Surgeon General has identified the urgent need to address the youth mental health crisis. All this points to an ever-increasing demand for mental health services to address the mental health crisis spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Higher Demand but Lower Capacity for Mental Health Services

The mental service market is not efficiently responding to the increased demand. Instead of developing additional programs and increasing capacity, it has been plagued by a shortage of human resources and reduced care provision.

The mental health provision industry is struggling to meet demand in terms of the workforce. Psychiatrists are often too rare, overworked and looking to retire, with 70% of practicing psychiatrists being 50 years or older and 77% of counties reporting a severe shortage of psychiatric care. As a result, experts anticipate that the U.S. will continue to face this shortage for at least the next three years.

Adding to this shortage of psychiatrists is a shortage of mental health programs. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing report, 54% of organizations closed programs while 65% canceled on or turned away patients in 2020. Because of these closures and cancellations, mental health services have sharply reduced capacity when increased capacity is desperately needed. So while the demand for mental health care has skyrocketed, the capacity to supply mental health care to meet demand simply isn't there.

Low Accessibility of Mental Health Services

Reduced capacity is not alone in preventing the mental health industry from responding to increased demand—the cost of healthcare is also making mental health services even less accessible amid a crisis of capacity. Sadly, mental health struggles can be costly. Individuals with major depression spend an average of $10,836 on mental healthcare. Considering that the average household income was only around $67,000, asking someone to spend nearly $11,000, roughly a sixth of their income, on

healthcare prevents many from accessing it.

Less Care for Those Who Need It Most

Reduced capacity, rising costs and increased demand have resulted in less care for many who desperately need it. As the Washington Post reported, one patient in Los Angeles attempted to contact 25 psychiatrists for mental healthcare, but none of them could accept a new patient.

Sadly, this is not an isolated example. Many healthcare providers and programs have waitlists that can be hundreds of people long, and 65% of psychologists say they have no room for new patients. All the while, mental health services are in very high demand and are extremely expensive, meaning that many people with mental illnesses will likely fall through the cracks of a system that cannot provide care for them.

Because of this, mental health care in America is facing a crisis. The program closures during the COVID-19 pandemic did not prepare for the mental illness fallout that would quickly follow the months of isolation, fear and uncertainty of 2020. Currently, the only real solution is to expand capacity, train new psychologists as quickly as possible and explore affordable innovations to make mental healthcare accessible. Without improved capacity, the people who need mental services the most will go untreated and be left behind.

A Parting Reminder

The rise in demand for mental health care is primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the pandemic's inherent uncertainty and the forced social isolation, many people developed new cases of anxiety or depression, and others had their preexisting mental illnesses exacerbated. Unfortunately, mental health care providers did not anticipate this rise in mental health illness and, instead, reduced their capacity to provide care.

As a result, the rise in demand for mental health care has consumed the available capacity, preventing people now suffering from illnesses from getting treatment. This lack of capacity, high costs for care and dwindling numbers of psychologists mean that the U.S. faces a mental health crisis. Without an effort to increase the number of programs, psychologists and capacity and make mental healthcare affordable, many with mental illness will go uncared for.

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Sleeping with the Light on Could Increase Your Risk of

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The implications of the word 'diabetes' can send shivers down everyone's spine. But did you know that one of the underlying causes of diabetes may be something as simple as sleeping with the light on?

According to research from Northwestern University in Chicago, light exposure during one night of sleep can decrease glucose and cardiovascular regulation while boosting heart disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome risk factors.

There is also a correlation between obesity and exposure to artificial light at night, leading to illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

Studies performed on rats showed that sleeping with the lights on may cause impairment of glucose tolerance and lead to diabetes. Another similar study showed that exposure to blue light at night might cause an increase in the consumption of sweets.

While its underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, current research may help scientists formulate some hypotheses on why light exposure causes so many problems in our bodies.

Underlying Mechanisms

So, why does keeping the light on cause so many problems in the body?

Studies have shown that exposure to light at night can disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythm, prompting metabolic disturbances, such as increased insulin and blood sugar levels.

Aside from the natural circadian rhythm, melatonin production suffers as well from sleeping with the lights on. Melatonin, the hormone responsible for suppressing cortisol, the wakefulness hormone, is closely linked with light and darkness. In response to darkness, the pineal gland in the brain starts creating melatonin. Therefore, disturbing melatonin production can significantly affect our bodies' ability to get a good night's sleep.

Keeping your light in the bedroom at night can also disrupt your sleep cycles. Humans go through 4-6 sleep cycles during a good night's sleep, and these cycles go through stages such as REM and non-REM sleep. These cycles and stages of sleep can be disturbed if we keep lights on during the night.


Sleep in Total Darkness

If you're trying to lower your risk of diabetes, make sure you're getting plenty of darkness at night. Avoid bright lights in the evening and ensure your bedroom is dark when you sleep. You can reduce light exposure during sleep time with the help of:

Blackout curtains: Installing blackout curtains is an excellent way to keep out the sun's rays, especially if you sleep during the day.

Sleep mask: A sleep mask can block out light if your room does not permit blackout curtains. Although not as effective as blackout curtains, sleep masks are still a great way to block out light to the light receptors in our eyes, which can still detect light even if they are closed.

No electronics: Keeping your electronics outside your bedroom at night will reduce your exposure to blue light.

Use orange or red lights: If you need to use a light at night, consider using red or orange lights with the lowest luminance possible.

Keeping your bedroom dark during the night can help you sleep better and manage your blood sugar levels. It has been shown that sleep deprivation can cause a pre-diabetic state because our bodies react similarly to insulin resistance when in a sleep-deprived state.

If you want to give yourself the best chance of getting a good night's sleep, keep your bedroom as dark as possible. It would be best if you weren't exposed to light during sleeping time. Aside from the health benefits, such as maintaining good metabolic function, melatonin production and insulin levels, you may find that you sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed.

A Parting Reminder

Sleeping in darkness will improve your sleep, help with regulating your blood sugar levels and keep your metabolism in check. So, if you can, make sure to keep your bedroom dark at night. You'll be doing your health a huge favor!

“Sleeping in darkness will improve your sleep, help with regulating your blood sugar levels and keep your metabolism in check.”
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From the Thanksgiving dinner to your morning oatmeal, cranberries can be a common sight in meals. But have you ever thought about their health benefits? There are so many reasons why cranberries are good for you that it might be time to learn more about their positive impact on our health and get some ideas on how to incorporate them into your health journey!


Cranberries are a fruit in the heather family, related to blueberries, bilberries and lingonberries. They can be eaten raw, although their natural flavor is quite tart and sour.

Because fresh cranberries are somewhat of an acquired taste, people often consume sweeter options like cranberry juice and dried cranberries to add the health benefits of cranberries to their diets.

You may be wondering why cranberries appear to be grown in water. Contrary to popular belief, cranberries actually don’t grow in water. Cranberry bogs occur when farmers flood their cranberry fields to make for easier harvesting. Cranberries contain pockets of air that allow them to float in water. So, when farmers are ready to harvest them, they flood the fields, and the cranberries float at the top of the water.

Since cranberries float in water, it improves their health benefits! They get more sun exposure as they float at the surface, giving them even more nutritional value.

The health benefits of cranberries range from helping prevent UTIs and some forms of cancer to including a good amount of vitamins and micronutrients in your diet, improving cardiovascular health.



Cranberries are chock full of essential micronutrients, such as vitamins and fiber, that make them incredibly good for you. Cranberries are primarily composed of carbs, as are most fruits and vegetables. Also, they are a great source of fiber. Since only about 5% of Americans get the recommended daily value of fiber, adding a good fiber source like cranberries to your diet can come with many benefits!

Some may be wondering what the recommended way to eat cranberries is, and the answer is raw. Eating raw cranberries ensures the preservation of their nutritional value and associated health benefits. Although their sour flavor may be off-putting to some people, the health benefits of cranberries are best achieved by raw consumption.

Another reason why cranberries are good for you is they can help you protect against liver disease and improve eyesight and heart health. The list of the health benefits of cranberry juice continues because eating them can also keep your mouth healthy. Cranberry juice contains a chemical that prevents cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to your teeth and gums and causing issues like cavities and gum disease. Cranberries have also been shown to help prevent oral cancer.


You may be wondering about the health benefits of dried cranberries as opposed to fresh cranberries. Although they lose

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a lot of their nutrients when dehydrated, dried cranberries are still a great source of potassium and calcium. They also maintain moderate levels of vitamins E and K. Dried cranberries can also improve your microbiome health as proanthocyanidin, one of the antioxidants contained in cranberries, has antimicrobial properties that help balance the helpful and harmful bacteria in your gut.

Craisins are dried cranberries with added sugar to counteract their naturally sour taste. Dried cranberries have more sugar than their fresh counterparts, so if you’re looking to maintain a healthy amount of sugar in your diet, opt for dried cranberries without or with low added sugars.


Although fresh cranberries are often considered the best way to enjoy their complete set of nutrients, you can also opt for cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice contains about 39% of your daily need of vitamin C in a single 8-ounce serving. Cranberry juice’s health benefits include a healthy vitamin and antioxidant intake, along with other micronutrients like copper, magnesium and potassium.

When picking up cranberry juice at the store, try to find a brand with 100% cranberry juice and a minimal amount of added sugar. Cranberry juice is sometimes mixed with sweeter juices to make it more flavorful but if you want to get the full health benefits of cranberry juice, stick to the full concentration.


One of the best health benefits of cranberries is the prevention of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), one of the most common bacterial

infections, most often affecting women. Cranberries contain phytonutrients called A-type proanthocyanidins, which prevent the bacteria E. coli from attaching to the outer lining of the bladder and urinary tract.

Preventative healthcare is one of the best ways to save time and money in your health journey, so if you’re predisposed to UTIs, have gotten one in the past or simply want to reduce your chances of getting one in the future, consider adding some cranberries to your diet.

Eating cranberries while pregnant is a great way for soon-to-be mothers to ensure they’re getting enough healthy micronutrients while also protecting against UTIs. These infections can be common during pregnancy, so eating cranberries while pregnant is a great preventative and proactive healthcare choice.


Cranberries are good for you and have a bunch of great health benefits. Adding them to your diet in salads or combining them with sweet fruit is a great way to tap into the health benefits of cranberries while neutralizing their extra tart flavor. Cranberries and pineapples are a great combo that packs a bunch of nutrients into your diet. They can be eaten raw, dried or in juice form, although the health benefits of cranberries will vary between these different forms.

Cranberries are good for your kidneys, help prevent UTIs and promote heart health by getting enough fiber and eating fruits. The high content of vitamins in them is one of the reasons why cranberries are so healthy for you. However, it is possible to overconsume them. Remember: cranberries are used in preventing UTIs, not treating them. If you think you may have a UTI or have any other health concerns, be sure to consult your primary care doctor for appropriate care and treatment.

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We all are more familiar with muscle cramps than we would like. Whether it’s after a hard workout, in the middle of an exercise or game or, everyone’s personal favorite, in the middle of the night, muscle cramps are an unfortunate reality we all have to live with.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t do things to make muscle cramps less painful or experience them less frequently. There are many strategies and exercises we can employ to relieve and avoid muscle cramps!

What are Muscle Cramps?

A muscle cramp is a simple sudden involuntary contraction of one muscle at a time or more. You’ve likely experienced it before when one of your muscles suddenly felt tight and painful. This sensation usually passes away as the muscle eventually releases, but while the muscle is cramping, it can be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to use it properly.

Once the cramp releases, however, the muscle returns to normal, although it may be a little sore. Since cramps are usually temporary and don’t inflict permanent damage, most cramps can simply be treated with home remedies.

Where Do Muscle Cramps Come From?

Muscle cramps occur because of the wiring of the muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are filled with very sensitive motor nerves, which fire to move the muscle fibers and cause muscles to contract.

During a cramp, however, these motor nerves suddenly fire without your brain telling them to, causing the muscles to contract much more strongly than expected.

Despite the knowledge that muscle cramps result from sudden motor nerve firing, exact muscle cramp causes are unknown, although research has unearthed certain muscle risk factors.

Mineral Deficiencies

Lacking a sufficient amount of some minerals vital to the muscles can contribute to making muscle cramps more frequent. Specifically, a lack of potassium, calcium and magnesium or the usage of diuretics (i.e., a type of medication used for high blood pressure) can make your muscle cramps happen more often.

Poor Hydration

Poor hydration and a lack of electrolytes can also contribute to muscle cramps, particularly from exercise. This is particularly true when athletes exercise in hot weather, as the body rapidly loses hydration due to the strain of exercise in high heat.

Age and Pregnancy

Lastly, both age and pregnancy can contribute to the frequency of muscle cramps. As people get older, so do their muscles, which lose their size and strength and become more prone to cramping. As we age, night cramps become more common, as well.

Pregnancy can also increase the frequency of cramps as the body takes on additional strain, and muscles are required to carry more weight.

How to Stop Muscle Cramps

Here’s how to relieve a muscle cramp after the gym: stretch and hydrate. It may sound simple, but the best way to stop cramps is to stretch the affected muscle and hydrate, either with water or a sports drink, to replenish any lost electrolytes. At the moment, there isn’t anything else that you can do to alleviate a muscle cramp. Instead, the best way to avoid muscle cramps is prevention.

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How to Avoid Muscle Cramps after Exercise or Running

Avoiding muscle cramps after exercise is done by stretching before and after every workout. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water and replace the sodium your body sweats out during exercise.

How to Avoid Muscle Cramps during Pregnancy

Much of the above advice for cramps stays the same during pregnancy: drink plenty of water and stretch your muscles regularly, especially the leg muscles. Stay active and maintain magnesium and calcium levels through supplements if necessary.

Foods That Help Prevent Muscle Cramps

Diet can also contribute to keeping cramps down. We’ve already seen how important it is to drink plenty of water. In addition to that, make sure to focus on foods that boost the minerals that help with cramps. Focus on including more bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, beans, watermelon and milk for their potassium, calcium and magnesium.

When Should I Be Worried about Muscle Cramps?

You’ve implemented all of these remedies and still ask yourself: Why do my muscles keep cramping? It might be time to talk to your doctor about your cramps. Muscle cramps don’t often require medical attention, but if you find that muscle cramps are happening very frequently or are joined by reduced muscle size, pain or weakness, then you should talk to your doctor. These problems could be a simple hormone or electrolyte imbalance but could point to a neurological issue.

A Parting Reminder

Muscle cramps aren’t fun for anyone, but with certain preventative strategies and plenty of hydration and stretching, they shouldn’t be a big deal. However, if you do see some of the warning signs, it never hurts to seek advice from your doctor.

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Some people turn hardships into fuel for moving forward and achieving extraordinary goals. Dr. Urban A. Kiernan, Ph.D., is one of those people who pushes through the confines of life’s obstacles by creating balance in his world. His drive toward excellence allowed him to focus on academic success and ultimately build a business that is creating innovative treatments for some of the most destructive diseases.


Dr. Kiernan is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of iMetabolic Biopharma Corporation (iMBP) in Tempe, Arizona. As an accomplished scientist and businessman, he has developed his career through a “go get things done” approach and attitude. Although he has only worked in industry, Dr. Kiernan has authored over 45 peer-reviewed publications, four book chapters, been awarded $4,000,000 in NIH funding and has had a dozen patents issued since earning his Ph.D. in 2002.

Dr. Kiernan’s approach to success was not a naturally given skill. It emerged from a childhood marked by the adversity of the social environment of that time.

“Growing up as a minority in the 70s and 80s in rural Canada wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. Reality is tough, and people can be mean, but I don’t hold any grudges. The world was different then, and those were some vital life lessons for me to learn. In the end, everything happens for a reason; you just need to go find it,” he shared. His response was to empower and reinvent himself.

“I wasn’t going to let them get the best of me. I used this adversity as motivation to let go, move on and better myself,” he said.

His life transformation began with his transition from elementary school to junior high. To redefine himself, he took that summer to change his image and began to forge himself into the person he wanted to become. He seized an opportunity to attend a different school across town and immersed himself in a new group of peers.

Dr. Kiernan could have let the scars of his childhood define him, or he could use them as motivation to define himself. He chose the latter, resulting in a life consisting of several “evolutions,” in his words, in which he has emerged every time as a better version of himself.


Team work is a key element to success. Dr. Kiernan works handson with his scientific team to drive scientific success. Leadership occurs from the front.

“I wasn’t going to let them get the best of me. I used this adversity as motivation to let go, move on and better myself,”
Dr. Urban A. Kiernan, Ph.D.
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One Leader - Two Halves of a Whole


Dr. Urban A. Kiernan has successfully utilized Brazilian Jiu Jujitsu in his life to create balance to maximize success. This balance in body, mind and spirit provides him with both focus and clarity as a biotech visionary. (Left)

Dr. Kiernan is naturally competitive. Here he is competing in the finals at the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation Masters North American Championship in 2022. He finished the 2022 competition season ranked 8th in the world in his division. (Above)

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“My dad had a master’s degree in chemistry, so I’ve been exposed to the concepts of chemistry my entire life,” Dr. Kiernan shared. “Other kids would toss the ball around — my dad showed me how to run experiments in the lab.”

Earning his Ph.D. took him on a new journey in bioanalytical chemistry — focusing on the study of human proteins as biomarkers for disease diagnostic applications.

“I was fortunate in that I ended up making a discovery that positioned me to lead one of the most successful Small Business programs funded by the National Institute of Digestive Diabetes and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). That success solidified my name in stone in the scientific world and allowed me to formulate a unique understanding of how the structure and function of certain proteins can change in the development of disease,” he explained.

The path to this success began as he evolved and effectively moved beyond his childhood hardships.


Dr. Kiernan began learning Judo when he was eight years old. Recognizing the struggles their son was experiencing, his parents put him in a program that would lead to self-empowerment.

“It gave me a good foundation. You’ve got the physical and competitive aspects of it, but the core attribute of all martial arts is the internal journey. You develop a better understanding of yourself and harness the ability to find peace and combat both innate and external stresses. We are often our own worst enemy,” he shared.

Dr. Kiernan has always believed you need a strong body, mind and spirit to be a complete person, so now in his 40s, he has turned his martial arts focus to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a grappling martial art with common roots with Judo.

“Today, jiu-jitsu gives me an outlet for everyday life.

It allows me to be physically active, along with the satisfaction of learning new skills. However, I also embrace the ability to go on that inner journey for myself, which adds a spiritual, even religious aspect.

It forces you to be in the present in the moment,” he explained.

He went on to elaborate that many people cannot get past the fighting aspect of BJJ. However, he stressed that in his experience, this is only a fraction of what comprises jiu-jitsu.

“Since this is a live martial art, you go against other practitioners in real time, playing a chess game in both strategy and physical ability. You need to be present in the moment and check your problems at the door, or else you are going to take a beating,” he shared.

Achieving this “being in the moment” is what makes BJJ have such an appealing draw to many successful people with high-stress lifestyles.

It is not unusual for BJJ students to experience this greater perception of body, mind and spirit, which is therapeutic on so many different levels.

“I go to BJJ practice, where I am forced to be mentally present. It frees my brain to collate data and go into an auto problem-solving mode. Countless times, after I have cooled down from practice, an answer I have been searching for all day presents itself. It’s a grounding and driving force in my life and helps give me balance,” he explained.


“We live in an age when people are fundamentally offbalance,” Dr. Kiernan observed. “That makes even the simplest of tasks challenging.”

Achieving balance in body, mind and spirit influences all facets of life. But that wasn’t always the case for Dr. Kiernan.

“I had a successful career in a small biotech company. After an acquisition, I got sucked into that big business corporate mentality of working over 100 hours a week. I slept two hours a night to be the job. I was a single dad to two young daughters; my first wife passed


Dr. Kiernan with his family. Included (from left to right) are Jade (daughter; age 20), Jodi (wife), Urban (son; age 5), Dr Urban Kiernan and Palmaryne (daughter; age 24).

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Dr. Kiernan stresses the meticulous nature of both Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when in practice. Precision and efficiency in every movement is the fundamental goal in both martial arts…the principle of “seiryoku zen’you” (Japanese) which translates into “Maximum Efficiency with Minimum Effort”. A great mantra for a successful life.

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away from cancer in 2006. A fundamental lack of life balance absolutely took its toll on me,” he shared.

Realizing that he needed to save himself and revamp his life, Dr. Kiernan left the corporate world. He improved his health habits, invested in relationships and reprioritized what was important to him. This resulted in him meeting and marrying his best friend, beginning his BJJ journey and having a son. The restoration of balance in his life has made his business possible.


iMBP was created out of a series of steps that originally began with over a decade of scientific research studying human blood proteins and disease.

“When I began my career, we used cutting-edge technology called mass spectrometry to detect and

study subtle changes in specific human proteins with the onset of different diseases. This research prompted me to view disease pathology in an innovative way. This work was largely supported by multiple biomarker and diagnostic research programs in the National Institutes of Health. I had a lot of success in identifying disease-relevant targets of clinical value,” he shared.

“We had a lot of passion for what we were doing in support of disease diagnostics. I have since evolved beyond these beginnings and moved into the therapeutic space. iMBP is focused on bringing forward solutions in the battle against some of the world’s most pressing diseases,” he went on to state.

Reestablishing balance not only stabilized his personal life but also cleared the way for him to bring iMBP to life.

“After restoring balance in my life, I took the same outof-the-box thinking and am now applying it to develop innovative disease treatments. The iMBP therapeutics

“You have to confront the negative voice in your mind that tries to talk you out of fulfilling your dream and derail you from becoming the best person you can possibly be. By having balance, you can stabilize yourself and create a support system that encourages you,”
Dr. Urban A. Kiernan, Ph.D.

in development are biologics, not small molecules you take as a pill; they’re functional proteins engineered through biotechnology and administered via injection. This in itself is not new, but how and what we are specifically doing is pretty cool. So far, we have four therapeutic candidate programs ongoing and a half dozen different molecules in various degrees of early design,” he explained.

By integrating key computational components, iMBP is poised to become disruptive to the industry.

“Many of the techniques still widely used today in biotechnology are 30 to 40 years old. With our technological innovations, we are flipping biotech on its head … becoming more TechBio,” Dr. Kiernan shared.

iMBP’s goal is simple — to develop therapeutics to treat diseases that push society off-balance.


Dr. Kiernan credits his capable team and his family for the company’s many successes. Every day his team applies their expertise to move the company forward, while his family accepts the sacrifices of a startup entrepreneur.

His advice to others?

“You have to confront the negative voice in your mind that tries to talk you out of fulfilling your dream and derail you from becoming the best person you can possibly be. By having balance, you can stabilize yourself and create a support system that encourages you,” he shared.

Dr. Kiernan has created balance in his life and has great confidence in his life’s path despite his childhood struggles.

“I was meant to get my Ph.D. in order to develop these drugs that will help people who are suffering,” he said. “This is my gift and my legacy to the world.”

iMBP’s goal is simple — to develop therapeutics to treat diseases that push society off-balance.
Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 158 / 37


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Whether running on the treadmill, doing jumping jacks at home or hitting the gym, exercise is essential for staying in top-notch shape. But is it possible to exercise too much?

Several tell-tale signs can tell that a person is exercising more than recommended. There isn’t exactly a metric or number for over-exercising, but the body will make it known if someone is overdoing it. Understanding when you’re pushing your body’s limits can help decrease the risk of any injuries or even addictions.

Benefits of Working Out

Exercise is imperative to stay healthy and fit. It burns calories, releases serotonin and regulates stress levels. Furthermore, exercise reduces the risk of any cardiovascular diseases or disorders and even keeps the brain healthier, lowering the risk of brain disorders. Working out, coupled with healthy eating and enough sleep, leads to a healthy lifestyle. There is no doubt about the wonders of exercise, but what are the dangers of exercising too much?

How to Tell if You’re Working Out Too Much

As the saying goes, all things in moderation, as too much exercise can contribute to extreme fatigue or injuries and may even become an addiction.

The body is programmed to alert you about the fatigue and burnout accompanying over-exercising. Changes in appetite, a reduction in energy and a propensity for injury are the most common ways the body signals you to slow down.

One tell-tale sign of overworking out is prolonged muscle soreness. Sore muscles after working out are normal but become worrisome if they last for more than three days after a workout.

Another sign of over-exercise is insomnia. Proper exercise promotes sleep, but too much exercise results in sleeplessness.

Fatigue and decreased performance are additional indicators of overworking the body. This is because the body hasn’t had time to rest due to the constant exertion of working out.

In addition to changes in performance and energy levels, exercising too much can cause changes in diet. Some common

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Listen to your body, take breaks and talk to mental health experts in order to figure out whether or not exercise is pushing the limits of your body and affecting physical health, in addition to becoming an addiction.

“ 42

changes include an altered appetite or fat gain. Conversely, overworking can result in either a lack of hunger or extreme hunger.

While it may seem counterintuitive, overexercising can actually harm the immune system, causing people to develop a propensity to colds and flu. On the other hand, moderate exercise is a great way to boost the immune system.

In addition to physical harm, working out too much can lead to depression. While exercise is a great way to boost hormone levels that release chemicals associated with happiness, too much exercise keeps hormones from regulating properly and leaves people feeling sad or lethargic.

Something interesting about exercise is that, like anything, it can become an addiction.

Research suggests that approximately 10% of high-performance runners are exercise addicts. This can take a toll on mental health, resulting in physical, mental and emotional issues.

How to Balance Working Out

First, don’t let the listed dangers deter you from exercising. It’s still important to do so! Just remember to exercise in moderation.

Seek medical attention and get some extra rest when suffering a physical injury from training, such as pulling a muscle or wrist pain. Medical professionals will give the injury the proper attention and prescribe specific healing methods. Do not attempt to continue working out, even if it’s just a slight pain. It’s easier said than done, especially if exercising is a fixed routine.

Take time off from exercising. Again, this is easier said than done. Perhaps it sounds a little drastic, but fitness experts recommend taking an entire week off training every few months to let the body rest and recuperate.

If this isn’t appealing, how about resting from intense training for a few days but doing active activities on rest days instead? This approach helps eliminate the risk of over-exercising or burnout.

Prioritize recovery after workouts. Don’t just finish the workout and move on to another activity; use a foam roll and stretch regularly. Sleeping well is also key to recovery, so make sure to get enough sleep each night!

Drink plenty of fluids. This is a given, but often when working out and even when not working out, fluids are forgotten. Fluids with electrolytes and potassium are especially recommended. So, be sure to have a bottle of water, coconut water, cherry juice or sports drinks with electrolytes at hand when working out.

In addition to prioritizing physical rest options, sometimes it is incredibly beneficial to meet with mental health professionals who can help with exercise addictions. These professionals will help identify ways in which certain exercise routines are more harmful than helpful and point to ways to overcome overtraining syndrome.

A Parting Reminder

Remember, exercise is great but only when practiced in moderation. By working out too much, you’re running the risk of injury, burnout and mental stress. In order to decrease the risk of exercising too much, make goals and see what is considered too strenuous. Listen to your body, take breaks and talk to mental health experts in order to figure out whether or not exercise is pushing the limits of your body and affecting physical health, in addition to becoming an addiction. Exercise is great, but practice self-control when setting your goals.

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There’s nothing better to wake you up in the morning than a hot cup of coffee or tea. Or that is what you thought. A less popular contender, lemon water, can benefit your overall health in ways you might not have even heard of! And it doesn’t have to be in the morning. At any time of the day, you can squeeze a glass of refreshing lemon water, which will not only cool you down but bring numerous health benefits over time!

The Benefits of Lemon Water


Although consistent water intake is crucial for our everyday health, many of us fall short of drinking enough water. Although it is found in food, drinking water is the best way to maintain yourself hydrated. Women must drink at least 91 ounces of water daily, while men must drink at least 125 ounces.

But not everyone enjoys the simple taste of plain water. So why not add a couple of ingredients for a better flavor? Lemon juice or lemon slices add such a delicious and fresh flavor to the water that you won’t ever stop drinking it! Aside from keeping

you hydrated, lemon water will help prevent: Overheating; Kidney stones; Mood disorders; Constipation; Brain fog; Infections.


Just say ‘lemon,’ and the first nutrient that comes to mind is vitamin C, and lots of it! This vitamin is necessary for the healthy growth, development and restoration of all body tissues. Also, vitamin C is part of collagen production and iron absorption and partakes in the proper function of the immune system and wound healing process. On the other hand, not getting enough of this essential nutrient can lead to:

Susceptibility to infections; Dry skin, mouth and eyes; Fatigue; Tooth loosening; Insomnia.

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The high sugar levels in our favorite beverages are the leading cause of obesity and diseases, especially in America. Sugarsweetened drinks, such as soda, energy drinks, sweetened water and juice, pose sweet but significant risks to our health. These beverages make our bodies more susceptible to various health conditions, such as: Obesity; Alarming weight gain; Cavities; Gout; Liver, kidney and heart disease; Diabetes (especially type 2); Tooth decay.

So, knowing all about the dangers of sugary drinks, why not replace them with simple lemon water? Not only will you help cut back on sugar, but you also get to enjoy a fantastic beverage with a fantastic flavor!


Urine is a very acidic liquid that, over time, can become dangerous for your body, especially for the urinary tract, where it causes the appearance of kidney stones. The acidity of the urine can promote uric acid or cystine stones, both responsible for the formation of kidney stones. Once again, lemon water comes to the rescue, as it contains citric acid, which can make the urine less acidic. Also, drinking lemon water will make you less prone to dehydration, another cause of kidney stones.


Increasing your water intake is recommended if you wish to partake in a weight-loss journey. One study showed that drinking water before a meal will make you feel satiated even if the quantity of food is smaller. This concludes that pre-meal water drinking can be an effective weight-loss strategy.


Drinking lemon water will always be beneficial for your health, but its benefits are so many that it may turn hard to keep track of all of them! Other benefits drinking water brings include:

Balancing pH through its acidity; Reducing fever;

Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds; Boosting the immune system;

Decreasing wrinkles and pimples through Vitamin C; Great cure for throat infections; Relieving tooth pain;

Combating respiratory problems as lemon juice lowers blood pressure.

Making the Perfect Lemon Water

Making lemon water is so easy that it won’t even take a minute! All you need is a few common ingredients so your lemon water will taste as delicious as possible:

A few mint leaves;

One slice of ginger;

A small dash of cinnamon; 1 teaspoon of honey. You can also add other fruit such as oranges or strawberries. Then, mix everything into your favorite glass and enjoy a glass of healthy, fresh lemon water!

Answering Common Questions about Lemon Water


Lemon water is a great beverage to consume while pregnant as it promotes the function of your gastrointestinal system.

Drinking lemon water while pregnant will help you combat problems like gas, cramps, bloating and irregular bowels. Also, it is safe to consume while breastfeeding, assuring your baby won’t experience digestive problems.


The acidity of lemons can cause erosion of the enamel, your teeth’s first and strongest layer of defense. However, you can avoid enamel erosion by drinking lemon juice in moderation.


A Parting Reminder

The benefits of drinking lemon water are so impressive that everyone should try it. Not only will you refresh yourself this warm summer, but you will also keep your body healthy. The beauty of lemon water is that you can create so many mixtures you can never get bored by its taste!

At any time of the day, you can squeeze a glass of refreshing lemon water, which will not only cool you down but bring numerous health benefits over time!
“ Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 158 / 47


Social Media Break?

Sometimes it’s nice to come home after a long day of work and scroll through social media to see what friends are doing, send siblings funny, relatable memes or just mindlessly scroll to avoid the stress and cares of life.

Unfortunately, whatever the reason for using Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and other platforms, social media use can become an addiction when not regulated. Whether it’s getting in the car, sitting in the waiting room or even taking a five-minute scroll through Facebook at work, its use has become prevalent not only among adults and teens but also among children.

Researchers continue to conduct studies to determine any effects this increased use has on humans’ social, mental, physical and emotional health, and the results are startling.

Social Media Use is Increasing

There is no doubt about how wonderful technology is. Tasks that used to take hours now take minutes, friends are a text away and relatable videos provide unlimited entertainment. But these apparent benefits of technological progress can quickly turn into downsides if left unchecked.

Research suggests that the average adult spends about two hours per day scrolling through social media!

Other studies indicate that children are increasingly using social media more than ever. One survey of over 3,000 parents found a 500% increase in screen time use during the pandemic. Much of the screen time use is attributed to social media, especially with the rise of platforms like TikTok. Many experts credit the pandemic with creating a more internet-centric environment as parents struggled to telework and keep their children entertained. Unfortunately, this increased use has had negative consequences on mental health.

The Reported Effects of Social Media Use

There isn’t anything wrong with checking Facebook once in a while, but checking it all the time can be detrimental to overall health. Studies show that increased use of social media can impact self-esteem and negatively affect mental health.

One study conducted in 2015 found that children in the U.K. were twice as likely to report high scores of mental health issues following their use of social media for three or more hours a day. Another study conducted in 2018 showed the link between improved feelings of loneliness and depression and a decreased use of social media.

Even 86% of users themselves reported in 2021 that social media directly negatively impacts their happiness

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and self-image, and an additional 79 to 83% reported feelings of anxiety, loneliness and depression.

Researchers found that users tend to compare themselves to other people on social media, which negatively impacts self-esteem and mental health.

Social media also affects sleep. One Harvard study indicated exposure to light affects the circadian rhythm, and people who are generally more exposed to light at night are predisposed to health issues such as diabetes or cardiovascular issues. Another study showed that even slight exposure to blue light can slow down the melatonin the body releases to prepare for sleep. This is why experts recommend turning off electronics at least three hours before sleeping.

How to Take a Social Media Break

How does one go about unplugging from social media? Here are some practical steps to take in order to decrease screen time:


Set times and places as “social media-free zones.” For example, put the phone as far away from the bed as possible or out of reach during meals. If the phone is away from the bed, it can’t negatively impact sleep. Additionally, taking days off or even weeks off of social media allows for more in-person socialization or engagement in different tasks and hobbies.


This sounds a bit drastic, but deleting your social media apps is a great way to eliminate a distraction from an easily accessible object—a phone. So, either unplug from social media entirely or just check updates on your home computer.

A Parting Reminder


Social media platforms have built-in features that allow users to control the amount of time they spend online. For example, Instagram allows users to limit the time spent on the platform. Additionally, many phones can track screen time use across different platforms to help users responsibly spend their time on social media.


Sometimes it’s challenging to keep from checking out the latest meme sent through Instagram or the latest Facebook notification. After checking just once, it’s easy to get lost mindlessly scrolling and looking at updated statuses. Turning off social media notifications will help eliminate distractions.

Even though it’s fun to scroll through Twitter or Facebook, it’s important to take social media breaks to refocus and prioritize health and real life. Social media isn’t intrinsically bad, but it can produce unhealthy selfesteem and image issues, as well as take a toll on physical health. Limiting the time spent on these apps or cutting them entirely will help reduce or eliminate the risk of these issues and allow time to sit back and enjoy the life in front of you.

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Easy and Healthy Fall Recipes!

Leaves are falling, a breeze is sweeping in, tickling loose strands of hair, and the coziest time of the year is here! Imagine sitting on a soft chair, next to a window, sipping on a warm, delicious soup. Doesn't it just sound lovely? Maybe you already have the chair and the window, but not the soup or a tasty treat to enjoy. Maybe the time commitment or confusing ingredient list is a good reason to skip making that yummy meal.

What if there was a way to make this cozy fantasy a reality? Does this sound compelling? If so, here are some super simple and hearty healthy fall recipes to enjoy with that blanket and a book!


Healthy Fall Recipes

Healthy Fall Meals for Weight Loss

What fall meals could lead to weight loss or supplement your weight loss journey? Is that even a possibility, you might ask.

Well, here are two healthy fall meals to prove this possibility!

Braised Cauliflower & Squash Penne Pasta


1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil; 3 large minced garlic cloves; 1 teaspoon of dried thyme; ¼ teaspoon of crushed red pepper; 4 cups of “no-chicken” broth; 4 cups of whole-wheat penne;

2 cups of 1-inch cauliflower florets;

2 cups of 1-inch pieces of peeled butternut squash; Freshly ground pepper; ¼ cup of finely shredded Pecorino Romano cheese.

How to prepare:

Turn the stove to medium-high and pour in the oil.

Add the herbs and seasonings, and stir for one minute.

Add broth, penne, cauliflower and squash.

Once the mixture boils, reduce heat to a lively simmer after 14 to 16 minutes and cook until the pasta is tender and the liquid is thickened.

Turn off the stove and toss in some pepper to taste. Serve topped with cheese.

The Best Carrot Cupcake Recipe Ever!


½ cup of all-purpose flour; ¾ a cup of whole-wheat flour; 1 teaspoon of baking powder; 1 teaspoon of baking soda; 1 teaspoon of cinnamon; ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg; ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger; ¼ teaspoon of salt;

½ cup of vegetable oil; ¼ cup of sugar; ¼ cup of maple syrup; 2 eggs;

½ cup of crushed pineapple, including the juice; ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract; 1 and ½ cups of shredded carrot;

½ cup of chopped walnuts.

For the cream cheese frosting: 8 ounces of packaged cream cheese at room temperature; ¼ a cup of plain, 2% Greek yogurt; ¼ a cup of maple syrup; 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Sift the dry ingredients together.

Mix the oil, sugar, maple syrup, eggs, crushed pineapple and vanilla extract in a separate bowl.

Sprinkle in the dry ingredients, and beat together until the dry ingredients are fully combined.

Fold in the shredded carrot and the walnuts.

Pour the mixture into a muffin tin.

Bake for about 25 minutes.

For the frosting, mix the cream cheese, Greek yogurt, maple syrup and vanilla extract together for two minutes. After the muffins bake, spread the frosting on top!

Salads for Fall Recipes

Perhaps a salad doesn’t seem like a super ‘fall-ish’ treat, but some salads can conjure up that image of an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch on a cool autumn day!

Here are two salad recipes to enjoy:

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Chopped Chicken and Sweet Potato Salad

To create this delectable treat, use:

3 cups of chopped lettuce;

½ cup of cooked diced sweet potato; 3 ounces of shredded cooked chicken; ¼ cup of apple slices;

2 tablespoons of apple-cider vinaigrette; ¼ cup of chopped avocado;

2 tablespoons of unsalted sunflower seeds; ½ ounce of low-fat cheddar cheese.

How to prepare:

Toss the lettuce, sweet potato, chicken and apple with the vinaigrette, and put the mix on a plate.

Top these ingredients with avocado, sunflower seeds and cheese.

Roasted Autumn Harvest Salad

There are two components to this delicious treat — the salad and the dressing!


Six quartered figs;

1 cup of red, seedless grapes;

1 apple cut into wedges; ½ cup of hazelnuts; 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar; 2 teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil; 1 head of bite-sized pieces of torn radicchio; 6 cups of baby romaine lettuce; 2 cups of baby arugula.


¼ cup of extra-virgin olive oil; 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;

1 tablespoon of minced shallot;

2 teaspoons of mustard;

1 teaspoon of fresh thyme;

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 400 F.

Toss the figs, grapes, apples, hazelnuts, vinegar and olive oil together and spread them out evenly on a baking sheet.

Roast for 15 minutes, gently toss the fruit halfway through, remove from the oven and cool.

Combine olive oil, vinegar, shallot, mustard,

thyme, salt and pepper for the dressing.

Toss the radicchio, romaine and arugula with the dressing, then top the greens with the roasted fruits.

Fall Vegetable Recipe

Here’s where all the soft colors come in. Squashes of yellow, red and green make for both a beautiful arrangement and a savory, healthy meal. Enjoy this veggie-full food!

A Simple Sheet-Pan Vegan Sausage and Vegetable Recipe


2 cups of cubed butternut squash; 2 and ½ cups of broccoli florets; ½ of a large red bell pepper; 1 large sliced red onion; 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil; 1 teaspoon of coarse kosher salt; ¼ of a teaspoon of black pepper; Four Italian Sausages; 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes (optional).

How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Place the butternut squash, broccoli, bell pepper and onion in a bowl, and toss with olive oil.

Season the veggies with salt and pepper, and spread the veggies out in one layer on a baking sheet.

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Slice the sausages, and stir as you add them to the vegetables.

Roast for about 10 minutes and then top with the red pepper flakes.

Healthy Fall Recipes for Dinner

Perhaps the above meals seemed more satisfactory for a quick treat or lunch. But hearty dinner-like food might seem more appealing to you. Luckily, there are plenty of delicious and healthy fall recipes to eat for dinner that will leave the family craving seconds!


White Bean-Sage Cauliflower Gnocchi

White Bean-Sage Cauliflower Gnocchi


2 tablespoons of butter; 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 12 ounces of frozen cauliflower gnocchi; 1 15-ounce can of lowsodium white beans; 1 tablespoon of dried sage; 1 tablespoon of water; ½ teaspoon of salt; ¼ teaspoon of ground pepper; 4 cups of baby arugula.

How to prepare:

Turn the stove to mediumhigh heat and heat a pan with oil and butter.

Add gnocchi to the skillet and cook for about five minutes.

Add beans, sage and water, then cover the skillet and let simmer for about five minutes.

Toss the mixture onto the arugula and season with salt and pepper.

Easy Fall Recipes

Perhaps you’re in a pinch, or the kids are crying for a quick snack. These recipes are perfect for times in which a delicious and filling meal is necessary during a time crunch!

Fall Recipes for Crock Pot

The crock pot is a busy person’s best friend, and these tasty recipes are not only super simple to make but require only one dish to be cooked in!

Slow-Cooker Turkey Chili with Butternut Squash


1 pound of lean ground turkey;

1 28-ounce can of no-salt-added crushed tomatoes;

1 14-ounce can of kidney beans;

1 large diced onion;

4 cups of cubed butternut squash;

1 cup of water;

¼ cup of tomato paste; 3 tablespoons of chili powder;

1 tablespoon of ground cumin;

1 tablespoon of finely chopped fresh garlic; ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon;

¾ teaspoon of salt; ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper; 1 cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese; ½ cup of sliced scallions for serving.

How to prepare:

Add turkey and cook in a skillet on medium-high heat, breaking it up into chunks for about five to six minutes.

Transfer to a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker.

Add tomatoes, kidney beans, onion, squash, water, tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, garlic, cinnamon, salt and cayenne to the slow cooker. Stir to combine, and cook for about four hours on high.

Remove the lid and stir to combine. Serve hot, topped with cheddar, scallions and hot sauce, if desired.

Slow Cooker Chili


1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;

1 chopped yellow onion;

1 chopped green bell pepper; 2 pounds of ground beef; 4 chopped garlic cloves;

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2 tablespoons of chili powder; 1 teaspoon of ground cumin; 2 teaspoons of dried oregano; 28 ounces of diced tomatoes; 8 ounces of tomato sauce; 3 15-ounce cans of kidney beans; 1 14-ounce can of beef broth; 1 chipotle chile in adobo sauce; 2 teaspoons of adobo sauce; 1 and ½ teaspoons of salt; 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper; Sour cream grated cheddar cheese sliced jalapeños tortilla chips.

How to prepare:

Cook onion and bell pepper and cook until softened, about 5 to 7 minutes, on medium-high heat.

Add the ground beef and break it apart into small pieces with a wooden spoon. Cook until the beef is no longer pink, about 6 to 8 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for one more minute.

After draining the beef, pour the meat into a slow cooker and season with the chili powder, cumin and oregano. Stir in the rest of the ingredients except for the sour cream, peppers, cheese, and chips and cook on high for four hours.

Serve with sour cream, cheese, jalapeños and chips.

A Parting Reminder

These healthy meals are so colorful, hearty and warm. Stews, salads and veggie-packed meals are excellent, filling and also super healthy. Perhaps the question isn’t whether they’re healthy, but how to make them. Luckily, these recipes are simple, straightforward and delicious. They’re perfect for people on the run, and clean-up is a pinch due to the nature of the dishes. Bon appétit!




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