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Inspiration from the V&A..............................................................................6
伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物 馆 (V&A) 的获奖授权项目为多 种产品类别提供了近乎无限的 设计灵感来源。2021 年,V&A 在多个市场进行了精彩的首次 亮相,其在多种类别产品上的供 应数量和全球覆盖率也在持续 增长。 由于东亚仍然是 V&A 的关键市 场,该博物馆与其在中国 (Alfilo Brands) 和韩国 (Infiniss) 的授
权代理商开展了密切合作,以扩 大其产品种类。2022 年,V&A 计划推出一些全新产品,精彩 值得期待。 2021 年,V&A 推出了 70 种新产 品,扩大了 V&A 天猫旗舰店的 产品种类,其中包括为庆祝农历 新年而推出的新珠宝系列,其上 饰有可爱的老虎图案。该系列产 品的灵感来源于博物馆存档中 一件 20 世纪 20 年代彩色装饰 织物藏品的细节。天然红玛瑙 颜色喜庆,自古以来就被视为一 种幸运符。“发”系列戒指象征 着财富和繁荣,旨在为顾客带来 好运。 即使过了几十年,装饰艺术风格 仍然散发着独特的魅力。V&A 拥有大量装饰艺术藏品,包 括法国著名艺术家 George Barbier 所绘的时装插图,以 及 20 世纪二三十年代的流行杂 志,如《Art, Goût, Beauté》。 受博物馆装饰艺术派插画的启 发,V&A 官方天猫店推出了奢华 丝巾和精致瓷杯,为顾客打造出 优雅闲适的生活情调。 通过与《小羊肖恩》的制作商阿 德曼动画公司合作,V&A 为意 大利运动品牌斐乐设计了一系 列富有创意的童装。借助其装 饰艺术图案藏品,V&A 在为斐 乐设计明星动画《小羊肖恩》联 名服装时,主要采用了 1926 年 Adam 和 Maurice Verneuil 为 他们的书《Kaléidoscope: Ornements Abstraits》 所创作的风格化设计和主 题。 新授权公司乐町推出了其 首个时装与配饰系列。该 系列的设计灵感来源包括 William Morris 的壁纸印 花图案、Léon Bakst 的芭 蕾舞服装设计,以及 20 世 纪 30 年代由英国纺织品商 人 Tootal Broadhurst Lee 设计的连衣裙面料。该系 列产品超过 24 件,包括连 衣裙、单品、围巾和发饰。 此外,该品牌已确定将于 2022 年春季推出新系列。 去年夏天,女装品牌 Cocoon 推出了 6 个品质卓越的 系列产品,包括多功能 T 恤、连 衣裙和针织衫。首个系列名为“ 航海”,改编自该博物馆的各个 藏品,包括 V&A 藏品中一本植物 学的精装书、Iznik 陶器和海洋 主题的设计和织物。丰富有趣的 产品系列以精美插图描绘,体现 出博物馆的珍贵藏品及其内涵, 并将多种设计灵感融入日常服 装,包括经典儿童故事《爱丽丝 梦游仙境》和《穿靴子的猫》。 为了庆祝博物馆举办的“爱丽 丝:越奇越怪”展览,全球许多 特许商从博物馆藏品中吸取灵 感,推出新产品,其中 Wekkii 以维多利亚时代艺术家 John Tenniel 为文学经典《爱丽丝 梦游仙境》创作的一系列插 图为灵感,推出了儿童玩具系 列。Tenniel 异想天开的绘画作 品被重构成玩具积木,让儿童 能够跟随爱丽丝的旅程,穿过蜿 蜒的风景,并体验爱 丽丝跌入兔子洞后经 历的奇妙故事。 今年年末,该公司将 推出 6 个新授权的产 品系列,包括时装、床 上用品和科技配件。 最后,非常激动人心 的是,2022 年,V&A x 周生生联名珠宝店 已在中国香港 K11 人 文购物艺术馆隆重开 业,将为顾客带来前 所未有的珠宝购物体 验。顾客将会被一个 全新的现代珠宝世界 所震撼,同时展出的 还有一些欧洲艺术和设计实例, 帮助顾客理解其灵感来源中的 浪漫、情感和工艺。这次活动真 正巩固了 V&A 和零售商之间长 达 15 年的长期合作。V&A 的门 店促销活动即将开始,并将于今 年年末在澳门伦敦人度假村开 设第二家 V&A x 周生生联名门 店。
The award-winning licensing programme of the V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum, London) offers an almost infinite source of design inspiration for a multitude of product categories. 2021 saw some fantastic debut launches for the V&A and the continued growth of its product offering and global reach across a multitude of categories. East Asia is still a key focus and the museum works closely with their licensing agents in China (Alfilo Brands) and South Korea (Infiniss) on expanding product categories. With some exciting launches scheduled for 2022, there’s plenty more to look forward to. The V&A launched 70 new products in 2021, enhancing the wide range of products on the V&A’s Tmall flagship store, including a new jewellery line featuring a lovely tiger motif in honour of the Lunar New Year. Inspired by a detail from a colourful 1920s furnishing fabric held in the museum’s archives. Natural red onyx in a festive colour has been seen as a lucky charm since ancient times. The “Fa(fortune)” ring wishes you very good fortune, signifying wealth and prosperity. Even decades later, the Art Deco style still exudes its unique charm, and the V&A houses a large collection of Deco pieces, including stylish fashion illustrations by renowned French artist George Barbier and popular 1920s and 1930s magazines such as ‘Art, Goût, Beauté’. Inspired by the museum’s archive of Deco illustrations, the V&A’s official Tmall store launched a luxurious silk scarf and a delicate porcelain mug, helping customers to create an elegant and casual look. In collaboration with Aardman, the artists behind Shaun the Sheep, the V&A created an inspired range of children’s clothing for Italian sportswear label, FILA. Celebrating Art Deco patterns held in the V&A’s archive, the designs for FILA’s Heroes: Shaun the Sheep were based on stylised designs and motifs created by Adam and Maurice Verneuil in 1926 for their book Kaléidoscope: Ornements Abstraits. New licensee, LEDiN, launched its debut range of fashion and accessories. Designs in the range include wallpaper patterns by William Morris, ballet designs by Léon Bakst and 1930s dress fabric by British textile merchant Tootal Broadhurst Lee. The collection has over 24 pieces, including dresses, separates, scarves and hair accessories. A second collection is confirmed for Spring 2022. Womenswear brand Cocoon launched an impressive six collections last summer, comprising of versatile tees, dresses and knitwear. The first collection, ‘Voyage’ was the result of various adapted museum objects, including an elaborate book on botany, Iznik ceramics and marine-themed designs and fabrics from the V&A’s collection. The playful range is beautifully illustrated, reflecting the museums incredible objects and their stories, crafted into wearable daytime designs, including several designs inspired by classic children’s tales Alice in Wonderland and Puss in Boots. In celebration of the museum’s exhibition Alice: Curiouser & Curiouser, many licensees globally used archival inspiration to launch products, including Wekki who introduced children’s playsets that were inspired by the V&A’s collection of illustrations by the Victorian artist John Tenniel for the literacy classic, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Tenniel’s whimsical drawings were reimagined into building blocks that follow Alice on her journey through the winding landscapes and obscure events that take place following her tumble down a rabbit hole. There are six new licensed ranges launching later this year including fashion, bedding and tech accessories. Finally, and very excitingly, 2022 has already seen the ground-breaking launch of the first V&A x Chow Sang Sang Jewellery store in K11 Musea, Hong Kong, with a never-beforeseen jewellery shopping experience. Customers will be guaranteed to marvel at a whole new world of modern jewellery presented alongside some examples of European art and design that conjures up the romance, sentiment and craftmanship that inspires it. This is a real cementation of the long-term collaboration over 15 years between the V&A and the retailer. The V&A eagerly awaits the promotional events in store and a further V&A x Chow Sang Sang store in The Londoner Macau later this year.
Warhammer is just a year away from its 40th anniversary and, across Europe and North America in particular, its millions of fans and a retail distribution of over 6,000 stores, including over 500 Warhammer branded stores, means it enjoys high awareness with scifi and fantasy fans.
The past few years have seen amazing growth for Games Workshop, owners of Warhammer, with record profits and one of the fastest growing shares on the London Stock Exchange.
Sales of Warhammer licensed products from partners such as Marvel Comics, McFarlane Toys and Funko have also skyrocketed. As have sales of the vast library of Warhammer novels and the Warhammer magazine - White Dwarf. And last summer saw the launch of Warhammer+, a subscription service offering multiple Warhammer animation series’, weekly in-house Warhammer hobby shows and a digital vault of classic Warhammer publications, to help feed fans’ need for more content and products.
Off the back of all of this growth the Warhammer IP is looking to replicate this success in China where it is seeing good initial interest. China is already a top market for Warhammer’s portfolio of licensed video games, demonstrating the appetite for the different Warhammer settings. From the fantasy of The Old World and Age of Sigmar to the grimdark of the 41st millennium as shown in Warhammer: 40,000, Chinese fans are keen to learn and engage more. Mobile gaming app Freeblade saw millions of downloads in China and other licensed games such as Vermintide and the Total War: Warhammer trilogy have also done well in the territory. Total War: Warhammer 3 which launched in mid-February was highly anticipated in China, not only due to the fan base already established but also due to the expansion of the game to include ‘Cathay’, a playable army inspired by mediaeval China. The trailer announcing Cathay’s inclusion saw a fantastic reaction from video game fans in China and millions of views. The announcement trailer for Space Marine 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the multi-million selling cult-classic, debuted to 85 million live viewers as part of the Game Awards at the end of last year also had a great reaction in China raising expectations that the game will do well in the territory. games has already begun to translate into consumer product sales. Chinese licensees already signed include Milky Way for jewellery and accessories and JOYTOY for action figures. JOYTOY have seen fantastic success with a range of figures based on Warhammer 40,000 which have not only seen huge sales in China but they have also been sold exclusively through Games Workshop’s network of over 500 stores around the world.
With awareness on the rise and demand in China growing for all things Warhammer the team are keen to capitalise on this and James Zhang, based in Shanghai, joined the licensing team in 2019 to expand the number of licensed categories and gain shelf space and visibility at retail.
With new video games slated to launch throughout 2022 and well into 2023 the growth of Warhammer in China looks set to continue.