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Collaborations for emoji.............................................................................20
标志性品牌 emoji® 和羚邦集 团在中国开展新合作
为了迎接虎年,广为人知的标志 性品牌 emoji® 将设置 6 个巨型 雕塑,为 Megabox 商场的顾客 送上特别的新年祝福!该大型 虎年装饰高 23 尺,包含 5 处不 容错过的打卡点,例如位于展区 中心高 12 尺的巨型 emoji® 品 牌雕塑,以及全香港首个醒狮老 虎 emoji® 品牌雕塑,将创新与 传统相结合,借此祝福大家虎虎 生威!在展区内还设有多个不同 的 emoji® 品牌雕塑,其表情生 动有趣,借此祝福大家虎年行大 运!
标志性品牌 emoji® Emoji 公司是全球 100 多个国 家多达 35 个商品和服务类别的 emoji® 注册商标的所有者。 Emoji 公司享有的多项权利组合 包括 1000 多个商标和 25000 多个 emoji® 品牌图标和设计, 其均受版权法保护,并且可用于 合法授权和销售、促销和既定活 动,以及娱乐服务和营销活动。
网站 www.emoji.com Emoji® 是 Emoji 有限责任公司 的注册商标。© 2015-2021 Emoji 有限责任公司。版权所有。 羚邦集团有限公司 羚邦集团有限公司(股份代 号:2230.HK)为媒体内容发行 和动态市场品牌授权业务的主 要推动者,其总部设于香港, 业务遍及中国、日本和东南亚, 并在其业务范围内推出了 AniOne® 动漫平台,其 YouTube 频 道拥有超过 215 万 的订阅者 和超过 2.56 亿次播放量;更有 寓教于乐型视频点播平台 AniKids™ 频道和电子商务平台 AniMall™。 羚邦集团从事媒体内 容发行业务已超过 26 年,同时经营品牌 授权业务。
The full-blown metaverse might not yet be here, but the dream of a 3D, socially connected virtual world is certainly being shaped in front of our eyes now. As consumers slowly increase their adoption of virtual reality technology and the VR content market is expected to grow by 160% over the next five years, organizations are being presented with new opportunities to benefit from IP licensing and royalties in the metaverse.
Expanding customer base with new partnerships
In the limitless metaverse, anything is possible. We can already buy virtual Gucci goods for Roblox avatars and watch live concerts on Fortnite, proving new, unexpected partnerships are not only possible, but can also be a great way for businesses to reach new audiences and earn their loyalty. And its not just the luxury brands that are looking to make the move to the metaverse, with Walmart also appearing to be taking steps to enter this new space. The concept of a virtual shopping mall where consumers can browse through stores and try things on in the comfort of their own homes is, therefore, not that far-fetched. Online retail is ever-present and expanding, so why shouldn’t it be at the centre of the metaverse conversations? Leveraging licensing partnerships within the virtual retail space can enable brands of all shapes and sizes to achieve great scalability and the ability to convert hard-to-reach consumers faster than ever before. With the metaverse breaking down the geographical barriers, organizations can push their branded products easier to new markets, licensing out their IP and making it work harder for them. It could be a real game-changer to open up new revenue streams and enable fast growth. Brands should, therefore, start establishing clear IP licensing agreements with various metaverse platform providers, ensuring the scope of any license will help protect their reputation in a crowded metaverse space.
Future-proofing licensing strategies
The metaverse’s interoperability and the ocean of user-generated content that comes with it will lead to a certain degree of IP mixing and brands being used in unpredicted ways. As such, the risk of in-fringements arises if a business loses track of its new partnerships or its licensing programs operate in silo. To reduce the risk, organizations can set restrictions to their licensing agreements, maintaining full control and ownership of their IP and preventing specific licensees from selling in some virtual shop-ping malls or gaming spaces. They also can – and should – ensure one point of access to all partner-ships through a license management system. With multiple metaverse platforms and endless partner-ship possibilities, a single source of truth will not only help protect brand’s reputation but also ensure safe shopping experiences for consumers.
By Tiffanie Lane, Product Manager, OpSec Security