21 minute read
The expanding world of Alibaba..............................................................36
阿里巴巴集团 是一个大型企 业……
……也是一个不 为人知的企业! 非凡卓越且发展迅速的阿里巴 巴世界
阿里巴巴集团主要经营三项服 务:英文门户网站阿里巴巴国际 站负责处理 240 多个国家和地 区的进出口商之间的贸易,[75] 中文门户网站 1688 负责管理中 国国内的 B2B 贸易,而在基于 交易的零售网站全球速卖通,世 界各地的个体买家能够以批发 价购买少量商品,卖家主要为中 国企业。有趣的是,全球速卖通 是俄罗斯访问量最大的电子商 务平台。 阿里巴巴集团旗下还有中国最 大的消费购物网站淘宝网,以及 为中国新兴中产阶级提供多种 品牌商品的 B2C 市场天猫。除 此之外,阿里巴巴集团还经营在 线支付系统支付宝(运营方式类 似于 Paypal),并且在新浪微博 (中国版 Twitter)和在线视频 服务提供商优酷土豆集团(运营 方式类似于 YouTube)持有主要 股权。在其旗下所有平台中,阿 里巴巴集团处理的业务数量远 居其他任何电子商务公司之上。 不仅如此,阿里巴巴集团还开 创了智能手机技术的先河,其在 手机零售业掌控了至少 80% 的 业务。 那么,阿里巴巴集团是如何发展 到今天的规模的? 1999 年 6 月 28 日,曾任英语教 师的马云与 17 位朋友和学生在 杭州的公寓里创办了中国 B2B 市场阿里巴巴网站。据彭博社 报道,马云目前的身家约为 510 亿美元,是全球富豪榜中排名第
25 位。 在阿里巴巴系统中,英国企业可 以找到中国制造商,并生产和运 输一系列商品。 “阿里巴巴”的名字有何由来? 该集团的名称来源于中东民间 故事集《一千零一夜》中的角色 阿里巴巴,这个故事广为人知。 阿里巴巴集团创始人之一马云在 TalkAsia 中谈到:“有天我坐在 旧金山的一家咖啡店里,突然觉 得‘阿里巴巴’是个好名字。然 后一个服务员走过来,我问她, ‘你知道阿里巴巴吗?’她说她 知道。我又问,‘你对阿里巴巴了 解多少?’她说,‘芝麻开门。’ 我说,‘没错,这就是我想要的 名字!’然后我走到大街上找了 30 个人,然后问他们,‘你知道 阿里巴巴吗?’无论是印度人、 德国人、东京人还是中国人…… 他们都知道阿里巴巴。阿里巴 巴——芝麻开门。” 1999 年 10 月,阿里巴巴集团从 高盛集团和软银集团融资 2500 万美元。人们期望阿里巴巴集团 能够促进国内电子商务市场的 发展,为中国企业(尤其是中小 型企业)完善电子商务平台,以 助力中国产品走向全球市场。 2002 年,阿里巴巴集团首次实 现了盈利,距其创立仅过了三 年。次年,马云提出希望完善全 球电子商务体系,于是阿里巴巴 集团推出了淘宝网商城、支付 宝、阿里妈妈和天猫。 2003 年,当 eBay 宣布进军中 国时,马云认为这家美国公司 为其国外竞争对手,因此拒绝了 eBay 收购阿里巴巴集团旗下淘 宝网的请求。阿里巴巴集团旗下 各大平台应用现有技术,在中国 电子商务市场取得信任,通过以 亏本状态主导市场进行扩张,再 从附加服务中获取收益,最终在 中国电子商务市场中的表现超 越 eBay,并且吸引到越来越多 eBay 的消费者。阿里巴巴集团 旗下平台淘宝网使 eBay 在中国 无利可图,并随后将 eBay 赶出 了中国市场,被迫关闭其中国门 户网站。 2005 年,雅虎对阿里巴巴集团 进行投资,以 10 亿美元收购了 该集团 40% 的股权。因此,在阿 里巴巴集团的首次公开募股中, 仅雅虎一家公司就获得了 100 亿美元的净收益! 2013 年,阿里巴巴集团与中国 房地产公司万达集团建立合作 伙伴关系,共同开设了传统实 体零售店。此外,2014 年初,阿 里巴巴集团收购了中国百货连 锁企业银泰商业集团 25% 的 股权,该集团已在中国香港上 市。2017 年初,阿里巴巴集团和 银泰商业集团创始人沈国军达 成协议,斥资 26 亿美元将这家 连锁企业私有化。交易完成后, 阿里巴巴集团持股比例从 28% 增至大约 74%。 2014 年 4 月,阿里巴巴集团与 Coatue Management 公司和 Andreessen Horowitz 公司共 同对 Lyft 进行投资。2014 年 9 月 5 日,阿里巴巴集团将其即将 进行的首次公开募股 (IPO) 发 行价区间设定为每股 60 美元 至 66 美元,而最终价格将在国 际路演后确定,以衡量投资者的 兴趣。2014 年 9 月 18 日,阿里 巴巴集团将其 IPO 发行价定为 每股 68 美元,为其公司和投资 者融资 218 亿美元。阿里巴巴 集团创造了美国史上最大 IPO 记录,超过谷歌、Facebook 和 Twitter 的融资总和。2014 年 9 月 19 日,阿里巴巴集团于美国 东部时间上午 11:55 在纽约证券 交易所正式上市交易,股票代码 为“BABA”,开盘价高达 92.70 美元。2014 年 9 月 22 日,阿里 巴巴集团宣布,其承销商已经行 使了超额配售权,出售了超过原 计划 15% 的股权,使 IPO 融资 总金额达到 250 亿美元。 2017 年 1 月,阿里巴巴集团和 国际奥委会联合宣布,双方达成 了一项价值 8 亿美元的协议,阿 里巴巴集团将加入奥林匹克全 球合作伙伴赞助计划,该协议将 持续到 2028 年。2018 年 9 月, 阿里巴巴集团的主要创始人马云 宣布,他在一年后将卸任董事长 职位,专注于慈善事业。 2019 年 5 月,据彭博社援引知 情人士消息,阿里巴巴集团正在 考虑在中国香港二次上市,以融 资 200 亿美元。2019 年 9 月 10 日(星期二),马云正式卸任阿 里巴巴集团董事长职位,由张勇 接任。同月,杭州市政府宣布将 加强对私营部门的监管,抽调部 分政府官员进驻阿里巴巴集团 等公司。 2020 年 12 月 24 日,中国监管机 构对阿里巴巴集团发起反垄断 调查,以打击中国网络空间不断 增加的反竞争行为,阿里巴巴集 团股价遭遇历史性暴跌,创近 6 个月新低。2020 年 12 月,中国 国家市场监管总局表示,其已对 阿里巴巴集团的垄断行为展开调 查。中国央行以及其他三个监管 机构在一份附加声明中确认将 约谈蚂蚁集团(隶属于阿里巴巴 集团),以落实公平竞争和保护 消费者合法权益的要求,监管机 构表示该集团应回归数字支付 本源。在本次声明宣布后不久,
中国共产党中央委员会机关报 《人民日报》表示支持调查,并 称调查是“在互联网领域加强反 垄断监管的一项重要举措”。 最终,由于本次反垄断调查, 截至 12 月底,阿里巴巴集团在 2020 年几乎损失了所有股市收 益,其市值从 8590 亿美元降至 5860 亿美元。11 月初,当蚂蚁 集团的 IPO 被叫停后,马云从公 众视野中消失,但在 2021 年 1 月,他在一段时长 50 秒的网络 视频中重新露面,通过视频连线 发表讲话,促进乡村教师数字化 转型。截至 2021 年 2 月,他再未 公开露面。马云在视频中的露面 使阿里巴巴集团股价上涨了 7% 以上。 2021 年 2 月,阿里巴巴集团发行 了 50 亿美元的债券,这是该集 团第三次大规模发行美元债券。 同年 4 月,由于中国政府对大 型科技公司的打击力度不断增 大,中国国家市场监管总局以反 竞争行为为由对阿里巴巴集团 处以 28 亿美元罚款,并责令阿 里巴巴集团连续三年向其提交 自查合规报告。罚款金额相当于 阿里巴巴集团 2020 年净利润的 12%。批评人士称,此举加强了 中国政府对科技公司的控制。 2021 年 6 月,阿里巴巴集团旗 下的天猫新品创新中心在一次合 作中推出了一个重磅美妆新品, 使其形势逐渐好转,整个项目历 时 59 天。这是天猫新品创新中 心有史以来最快推出的一个产 品。 据报道,2021 年 11 月 11 日,在 为期 11 天的双十一购物狂欢节 中,阿里巴巴集团的商品交易总 额达到 5403 亿元人民币(1144 亿新元),比上一年增长了 14% ,创造历史新高。 当然,阿里巴巴集团经营的业务 并不仅限于线上销售。2020 年, 该集团将其在中国零售商高鑫 零售有限公司的持股比例增加了 一倍,成为这家中国最大的杂货 及其他日用商品连锁大卖场的 控股股东。 截至 2021 年第一季度,阿里巴 巴集团旗下的零售品牌盒马鲜 生共开设了 251 家实体店,较上 一季度(246 家)有所增加,该 品牌采用线上线下一体化模式 经营。 大多数盒马鲜生门店位于中国 的一、二线城市。
Yonghui Superstores continued its upward trend in 2020, overtaking Sun Art Retail Group and China Resources Vanguard to claim the fourth place. However, the number of Yonghui’s retail stores decreased by 18.6%, registering the biggest drop among the top 10 companies. The ranking of Walmart China remained unchanged from the previous year, with the company occupying the seventh place among the 100 chains.
Wumart Group, the Beijing-based omnichannel retailer, purchased an 80% stake of the China operations of German wholesaler Metro in April 2020. This acquisition successfully carried Wumart into the top 10 this year, even though the performance of its own stores was barely satisfactory.
According to the survey, the total sales revenue of the top 100 chain stores in 2020 fell by 7.2% to 2.4 trillion yuan ($372 billion). This figure also accounted for 6.1% of the consumer goods retail sector, corresponding to a slight drop from the 6.3% reported for 2019. This marks the first time that the sales revenue of the top 100 companies has seen negative growth since 1997. The survey also revealed that 52 of the top 100 chains witnessed declines in sales in 2020, down by 15.4% as a whole.
Only 15 of the top 100 chains recorded double-digit sales growth, most of which were regional leading companies and community supermarkets, namely, Yonghui, Easy Joy, Wumart, Meiyijia, Xinyulou, Dashenlin, Hongqi Chain, Qiandama, Jiahui Group, Dazhang Group, Xinxing Group, Tianfu Group, Jianzhijia Health Drug Store, BUT Mart and GOME.
The most impressive annual growth was achieved by fresh food retailer Qiandama, whose sales increased by a striking 90% to 13.3 billion yuan ($2.06 billion) in 2020. Founded in April 2012, Qiandama now operates approximately 3,000 stores throughout China, with the majority of them in Guangdong province. The company offers varying degrees of discounts each day after 7 p.m. in an effort to clear stock. This business model has already proven immensely popular with price-conscious consumers, attracting large numbers of people to visit the company’s brick-and-mortar stores as part of their evening routine. To date, Qiandama has completed five rounds of financing and is very likely to become a listed company in 2021.
It is also worth noting that community group-buying companies entered the top 100 league for the first time in 2020. Xingshengyouxuan ranked 97th with a revenue of almost 3 billion yuan ($465 million).
With the increased popularity of online shopping due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many retailers have made substantial investments in home delivery, group buying and livestreaming services.
Consequently, online sales have become a predominant driver of business growth for the top 100 companies, with their total online sales in 2020 reaching 560 billion yuan ($86.7 billion), corresponding to a year-onyear increase of 12% and accounting for 23.3% of total sales.
According to the China Chain Store & Franchise Association’s top 100 list, the top 10 retail chains in China in 2020 were as shown in the following table.
The China Chain Store & Franchise Association recently announced its annual ranking of China’s top 100 chain stores for 2020 based on combined offline and online sales figures. At the top of the list was Suning.com, the major electronics retailer and owner of Italian football club Inter Milan. Suning has been the largest retail chain operator in China since 2015, with its annual sales in 2020 reaching 416.32 billion Chinese yuan. GOME Retail Holdings secured the second place as it did in 2019, with a sales revenue in 2020 of 140.75 billion yuan ($21.8 billion).
Name Sales billion Yuan Sales Growth Total Stores Store Growth
1 Suning.com Co Ltd 2 GOME Retail Holdings Ltd 3 Red Star Macalline Group 4 Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd 5 Sun Art Retail Group 416.32 9.9%
140.75 10.3%
108.02 -14%
104.54 12.2%
95.49 0.1% 6 China Resources Vanguard Co 87.83 -7.6% 7 Wal-Mart China) Investment Co 87.4 6.2% 8 Sinopec Easy Joy Sales Co 80.6 15.1%
9 Easyhome New Retail Group 65.74 -18.9%
10 Wumart Stores Inc 62.92 26.2% 9,786 3,421 476
1,172 514
3,261 429
27,672 502
1,589 19.1%
Alibaba is one of the biggest companies in the world…
Alibaba.com has three main services: the English language portal Alibaba. com, which handles sales between importers and exporters from more than 240 countries and regions, the Chinese portal 1688.com, which manages domestic B2B trade in China, and transaction-based retail website AliExpress.com which allows smaller buyers around the world to buy small quantities of goods at wholesale prices mainly from Chinese businesses. Interestingly, AliExpress is the most visited e-commerce platform in Russia Alibaba also owns Taobao.com, China’s largest consumer shopping website and tmall.com, a B2C marketplace which offers a wide selection of branded goods to China’s emerging middle class. Over and above these, Alibaba also runs the online payment system Alipay.com, which operates like Paypal, as well as having a major stake in Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter and the online video provider Youku Tudou which operates in a similar way to YouTube. Taken as a group, Alibaba handles more business than any other e-commerce company. And if that wasn’t enough, Alibaba has pioneered smartphone technology to the point where it controls at least 80% of all mobile retail. So how did Alibaba grow to be the size that it is today? On 28 June 1999, Jack Ma, a former English teacher, with 17 friends and students founded Alibaba.com, a China-based B2B marketplace site, in his Hangzhou apartment. Today, Jack Ma is said to be worth around $51 billion and is the 25th richest person in the world according to Bloomberg. The Alibaba system allows a business in the UK to find a manufacturer in China and have a range of goods produced and shipped. How did the name come about? The company’s name came from the character Ali Baba from the Middle Eastern folk-tale collection One Thousand and One Nights because of its universal appeal. As Jack Ma, one of the founders, told TalkAsia “One day I was in San Fran-
cisco in a coffee shop, and I was thinking Alibaba is a good name. And then a waitress came, and I said do you know about Alibaba? And she said yes. I said what do you know about Alibaba, and she said ‘Open Sesame.’ And I said yes, this is the name! Then I went onto the street and found 30 people and asked them, ‘Do you know Alilbaba’? People from India, people from Germany, people from Tokyo and China... They all knew about Alibaba. Alibaba -- open sesame.” In October 1999, Alibaba received a US$25 million investment from Goldman Sachs and SoftBank. Alibaba.com was expected to improve the domestic e-commerce market and perfect an e-commerce platform for Chinese enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises,with the aim of helping to export Chinese products to the global market. In 2002, after only three years, Alibaba. com became profitable. Three years later, Ma wanted to improve the global e-commerce system, and as a result Alibaba launched Taobao Marketplace, Alipay, Alimama.com, and Lynx. When eBay announced its expansion into China in 2003, Ma viewed the American company as a foreign competitor and rejected eBay’s buyout of Alibaba’s subsidiary Taobao. Through applying existing technologies and gaining trust amongst the Chinese ecommerce market, as well as expanding through dominating the market at a loss before making a return on additional services, Alibaba’s subsidiaries outperformed eBay in the Chinese ecommerce market, claiming a growing percentage of consumers from eBay. Alibaba subsidiary Taobao would later force eBay out of the Chinese market, with eBay closing its unprofitable China Web unit. In 2005, Yahoo! invested in Alibaba buying a 40% stake in the company for US$1 billion. This would as a result net in US$10 billion in Alibaba’s IPO alone to Yahoo! In 2013 opened traditional brick and mortar retail outlets in partnership with Chinese real estate company, Wanda Group. Additionally, Alibaba purchased a 25% stake in Hong Konglisted Chinese department store chain Intime Retail in early 2014. In early 2017, Alibaba and Intime’s founder Shen Guojun agreed to pay as much as US$2.6 billion to take the store chain private. Alibaba’s stake - 28% - rose to about 74% after the deal. In April 2014, Alibaba invested in Lyft, along with Coatue Management, and Andreessen Horowitz. On 5 September 2014, the group set a US$60 to $66 per-share price range for its scheduled initial public offering (IPO), the final price of which would be determined after an international roadshow to gauge investor interest. On 18 September 2014, Alibaba’s IPO priced at US$68, raising US$21.8 billion for the company and investors. Alibaba was the biggest US IPO in history, bigger than Google, Facebook, and Twitter combined. On 19 September 2014, Alibaba’s shares (BABA) began trading on the NYSE at an opening price of $92.70 at 11:55 am EST. On 22 September 2014, Alibaba’s underwriters announced their confirmation that they had exercised an option to sell 15% more shares than originally planned, boosting the total amount of the IPO to $25 billion. In January 2017, Alibaba and the International Olympic Committee jointly announced an $800 million deal that would last until 2028 in where the company would sponsor the Olympic Games. In September 2018, Jack Ma, the main founder of Alibaba, announced that he would step down as chairman in a year’s time so he could focus on philanthropy. In May 2019, Bloomberg cited sources familiar with the matter as saying that Alibaba was considering raising $20 billion through a second listing in Hong
Kong. On Tuesday, 10 September 2019, Jack Ma officially stepped down as the chairman of Alibaba, Daniel Zhang succeeded him at the head of the company. In the same month, the municipal government of Hangzhou announced that it was boosting its monitoring of the private sector by embedding government officials in Alibaba and other companies. On 24 December 2020, China launched an antitrust investigation into Alibaba Group regulators, in a crackdown on China’s booming Internet space’s anti-competitive behaviour and the shares of Alibaba Group suffered a historic stock price crash to the lowest close in around 6 months. In December 2020, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation stated that it opened an investigation into Alibaba over monopolistic practices. The country’s central bank, as well as three other regulators, confirmed in a separate statement that the affiliated Ant Group would also be summoned for discussions over “competition and consumer rights”, where regulators instructed the company to return its focus to digital-payments. People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, endorsed the investigation shortly after the announcement, claiming the investigation to be “an important step in strengthening antimonopoly oversight in the internet sphere”. As a result, from the antitrust probe, Alibaba lost nearly all of its stock-market gains in 2020, from $859 billion to $586 billion, by the end of December. Jack Ma vanished from public view when Ant’s IPO was suspended in early November, but resurfaced in January 2021 in a 50-second video, appearing briefly via video link at the digitally facilitated Rural Teacher Initiative. As of February 2021, he has yet to be seen in public. The video appearance caused Alibaba stock to jump more than 7%. In February 2021, Alibaba sold $5 billion in bonds, the company’s third large sale of dollar bonds, and in April, as part of a Chinese crackdown on big tech the state Administration for Market Regulation issued a $2.8 billion fine against Alibaba for anti-competitive practices and ordered Alibaba to file self-examination and compliance reports to the SAMR for three years. This amounted to 12% of its 2020 net profit. Critics say the move tightens the Chinese’s governments control of tech companies. In June 2021, Alibaba’s Tmall Innovation Partnership turned around a major new cosmetic product in 59 Days. It is one of the fastest that they have ever managed to launch a new product. In 11 November 2021, it was reported that over the course of its 11-day Singles’ Day sales extravaganza, Alibaba Group Holding received a record 540.3 billion yuan (S$114.4 billion) in orders, a 14 percent increase over the previous year. Of course, Alibaba is not just confined to online sales. In 2020, the company doubled its stake in Chinese retailer Sun Art, taking control of one of China’s largest big-box chains that sells groceries and other household goods. As of the first quarter of 2021, Alibaba’s online-to-offline retail brand Freshippo owned 251 physical stores, increasing from 246 stores in the previous quarter. The majority of Freshippo stores are located in first- and second-tier cities in China.
Genius Brands International 公司最近宣布,2022 年 3 月,其 将在中国推出旗舰级儿童动画 系列《斯坦·李的超级英雄幼儿 园》第一季,该动画作品由阿诺 德·施瓦辛格担任执行制片人及 主演,并将在中国大陆三大流媒 体平台之一优酷(阿里巴巴集团 旗下视频流平台)开播。此外, 这部好评如潮的动画系列还将 在土豆网和酷喵应用程序上发 布。 阿诺德·施瓦辛格表示:“我一直 都很喜欢把我的新作带给中国 粉丝,因为他们是世界上最热情 的粉丝,我等不及让他们看《斯 坦·李的超级英雄幼儿园》了。” 2021 年 4 月 23 日,《斯坦·李 的超级英雄幼儿园》在美国和 加拿大的 Genius Brands 卡通 频道首播,至今播放量已超过 7500 万。2022 年,该公司将继 续在全球主要地区推出该系列 动画。 Genius Brands 公司董事长兼 首席执行官安迪·海沃德表示: “阿里巴巴集团旗下的优酷是 全球对儿童影响最深远的媒体 平台之一,我们很高兴让中国数 百万儿童都能观看《斯坦·李的 超级英雄幼儿园》。这部独特的 动画系列内容丰富有趣,其传递 了能让现代儿童产生共鸣的所 有元素,以及积极的信息和阿诺 德的明星魅力。” 优酷少儿频道总经理廖怀南表 示:“为了制作出一个独一无二 的系列作品,供儿童及其家人一 起观看,Genius Brands 公司付 出了非凡的努力。在《斯坦·李的 超级英雄幼儿园》中,凭借阿诺 德·施瓦辛格的主演魅力以及富 有创意的故事情节和引人入胜 的人物角色,我们将在美国和加 拿大的成功基础上,在中国创造 一个强大的粉丝群体,这一点毋 庸置疑。” 《斯坦·李的超级英雄幼儿园》 适合儿童及其家人一起观看,主 要讲述了六个独特孩子的冒险, 他们在老师阿诺德·阿姆斯特朗 (又名“神奇队长”,是有史以 来最伟大的超级英雄!)的帮助 下,学习掌握他们的超级技能和 基础知识。 故事开始于五年前,阿诺德·阿 姆斯特朗与他的宿敌邪恶的苏 必利尔博士进行了最后一场战 斗,从此失去了力量。几乎没有 人知道,在打斗过程中,超能量 粒子像雨点一般落在了一群毫 无戒备的孩子身上。如今,这些 孩子成为了格林维尔小学的幼 儿园学生,在阿诺德·阿姆斯特 朗的帮助下,他们必须学会在进
行冒险时控制自己的力量。阿诺 德·阿姆斯特朗的使命就是训练 这些孩子,让他们安全地使用超 能力,而不暴露身份。他们学习 团队合作、健康、多样性和反欺 凌的价值观,同时也保护他们的 小镇不受敌人和邪恶的苏必利 尔博士的伤害,而苏必利尔博士 已经回到了全城的优等生学院, 并担任校长丹佛斯。 该系列为一个全新的群体打开 了超级英雄题材的大门,并以丰 富的动作和幽默的语言吸引儿 童,而家长们也可以欣赏到与斯 坦·李同等水平的高质量内容。 该系列第一季共 26 集,每集时 长半小时。 《斯坦·李的超级英雄幼儿园》 由史上最成功的电影导演之一 约翰·兰迪斯担任配音,《海绵宝 宝》前首席编剧史蒂文·班克斯 担任首席编剧。 该系列动画由 Genius Brands 公司和斯坦·李成立的 POW! Entertainment 公司以及施瓦 辛格成立的 Oak Productions 公司联合制作。POW! Entertainment 公司首席执行
官吉尔·尚皮永、Genius Brands 公司董事长兼首席执行官安 迪·海沃德、施瓦辛格和 Main Street Advisors 公司的保罗·沃 特担任执行制片人。 优酷是中国领先的多屏幕在线 视频分享和流媒体平台,也是阿 里巴巴集团“双 H”(Health 与 Happiness)战略下数字媒体和 娱乐业务的重要组成部分。优酷 少儿频道为儿童提供高品质的 节目,其内容丰富全面,包括动 画系列、儿歌、益智游戏、电子 书、学前教育等类别。
Introducing Global Trademark Licensing
First established in 2008 in Hong Kong, Global Trademark Licensing Ltd (GTL) has grown to become a leading global licensing agency with seven offices located in the US, UK, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and the Philippines.
As early pioneers in the Chinese market and with deep roots across Asian territories, GTL now ranks as one of Asia’s top five agencies, as well as being a top 15 licensing agency globally. GTL’s team of experts brings over 100 years of combined licensing experience across all major categories and a vast array of leading brands.
This Asia focus makes GTL a unique proposition and with its highly experienced team at the helm, ensures the agency is ideally placed to capitalise on the many growth opportunities in this dynamic region. The GTL team prides itself on extensive market knowledge combined with a pro-active, innovative and creative business development approach that delivers outstanding results for its clients. GTL also offers a number of associated services, including revenue collection, industry-leading audit and inspections, and trademark protection that provide peace of mind for its partners, who trust in the agency to represent their brands and interests like an extension of their own team.
At China Licensing Expo, GTL will be showcasing its impressive roster featuring many of the world’s most famous automotive brands, including the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC), Lotus Cars, McLaren Racing, McLaren Automotive, Scania, Mercedes-Benz, Pagani, Jaguar Cars and Land Rover.
GTL is proud to represent the Racing divisions of McLaren. McLaren Racing has one single mission: to win Grands Prix and World Championships.
To design, build and operate a Formula 1 car at race-winning levels requires focus, ambition, imagination, dedication, and microscopic attention to detail. McLaren’s successful racing heritage has been driven by a relentless desire to innovate and this is reflected in their licensing programme.
GTL has worked with McLaren and its licensees to ensure the programme is supported with extensive marketing and PR. Activations included stunts with Formula 1 drivers and a debut of ride on vehicles at McLaren’s stand at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. Additionally, to support McLaren’s fifth anniversary of the iconic McLaren P1TM, GTL successfully supported the brand with the launch of the very first kids’ mobility range of ride on vehicles. GTL is focused on expanding the toys and collectibles programme further.
GTL represents LEVC, which produces the iconic London taxi, on a worldwide basis and is developing a crosscategory global consumer products programme with an initial focus on toys, apparel, homewares, and gifting. LEVC’s history began in 1908 when they launched their first dedicated black cab specially designed and commissioned for use in London. With its unmistakable silhouette and classic design cues, this iconic British vehicle has defined the company for over a century. In 2018, LEVC introduced its latest taxi model, the electric TX, which is the world’s cleanest, most advanced taxi ever, powered by LEVC’s revolutionary eCity technology.
By remaining true to the ethos of founder Colin Chapman, Lotus stands
alone as a brand dedicated to pure drivers’ cars. Innovative engineering, cutting-edge technologies and advanced materials ensure that every Lotus proves the value of achieving performance through light weight. As Lotus moves forward with an exciting new strategy, GTL is supporting the company with an extensive licensing programme, working with top-class partners across the toys, collectibles and interactive categories. This activity will support Lotus’ ambitious product launch strategy, which includes ranges from Tamiya, Mattel, Scalextrix and Codemasters, with many more to be revealed soon.
Scania is a world leading provider of transport solutions and, together with its partners and customers, is driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system. In 2019 alone, 91,700 trucks, 7,800 buses as well as 10,200 industrial and marine engines were delivered to customers. GTL began representing Scania earlier this year and, although the partnership is still in its infancy, there is already an incredible story to tell with many new licensees on board, including some of the largest players in the industry, alongside several new projects in the pipeline
that will be revealed in the coming six18 months. For Scania, GTL is focused on seeking licensees across all major toys, collectibles, and lifestyle categories with a particular focus on kids’ mobility
GTL is proud to have represented Mercedes-Benz for over 10 years in the toys and collectibles categories with a major focus on trademark protection in China, as well as growing the licensing programme in the US and Asian markets.
Founded in 1998 by Horacio Pagani, who Top Gear described as the “de Vinci of car builders”, Pagani Automobili SpA is an Italian manufacturer of hypercars. T
he first of its cars, the Zonda C12, was presented at the 1999 Geneva motor show. GTL is delighted to have represented Pagani for over five years in the toys and collectibles categories and the agency is actively looking for new licensees to add to the growing portfolio.
Jaguar and Land Rover
Since the first Jaguar car was produced in 1935, they have pushed the boundaries of what is possible. The current line-up of seven Jaguar cars and SUVs includes the luxurious XJ, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2018, alongside the Jaguar I-Pace the ultimate all-electric SUV. In 1970, Land Rover released the first production three-door Range Rover. Met with widespread critical acclaim, it was the first vehicle to deliver permanent Four-Wheel Drive. Today, the family of Land Rover extends to seven vehicles, from the ultimate luxury of the Range Rover to the adventurous Land Rover Defender. GTL has been representing Jaguar and Land Rover in the toys, collectibles, and interactive categories since 2015 and has helped grow their brand licensing programme to be amongst the leading in the automotive sector. There have been many highlights over the years, including the launch and joint press conference of the Lego Land Rover Defender at the Frankfurt Motor show, alongside the launch of the vehicle itself. GTL is actively seeking new partners in the toys , collectibles and interactive categories to add to the existing business.
Additionally, GTL will be heading to China Licensing Expo with a new addition to its growing and diversifying portfolio, CrossFire – a first-person shooter game that is now one of the world’s most renowned computer gaming titles. CrossFire has become one of the highest grossing online titles in China and currently boasts 670M active users across 80 countries.
On behalf of the game’s developer and IP owner, Smilegate Entertainment, GTL is now seeking partnerships for the hugely successful property across all categories, including apparel & accessories, toys, collectibles, food & beverage, health, beauty & personal care, computer gaming electronics, publishing, promotions & partnerships, experiential and more. There are currently over 90 CrossFire consumer products sold in China through online channels that will also be available to new licensees, including Tencent QQ Mall and Tmall.
Since launching in 2007 as a PC game, CrossFire has successfully established itself over the past decade and a half as a cross-platform franchise with multiple touchpoints for its growing legion of fans. In the e-Sports space, there continue to be regularly scheduled league events since 2013, and CrossFire is now the second most played eSports game in China. The Crossfire World Championship has broken viewership records worldwide with 37.5 million unique viewers.
Crossfire also extended into a 36-episode web drama, which is jointly produced by Smilegate, Tencent Pictures, Yaoke Media, Spark Media and Lingke Shining. It has generated an estimated cumulative view count of over 2.2 billion since its launching in July 2020.
The series tells a coming-of-age story about two young Crossfire gamers – played by famous Chinese actors Lu Han and Leo Wu Lei– trying to carve out a career in eSports. Building on the success of Crossfire content, Sony Columbia is currently developing an original global theatrical film of the hit game. Tencent Pictures will co-finance and participate in the production of the movie, which will be produced through Neal H. Moritz’s Original Film label.
CrossFire has also entered into live events and attractions for fans in China, with Smilegate opening its first branded indoor theme park in 2020 in partnership with location-based entertainment company Grand Laser Strike Association. Located in Suzhou Center, China’s largest shopping mall and landmark, the CrossFire theme park utilises the in-game elements of the game to give Chinese fans a new experience of the game. Smilegate is planning to open five further indoor theme parks in China.
For any general inquiries please contact inquiries@gtl-int.com. Additional company details can be found at: www.globaltrademarklicensing.com